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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How the world is controlled by effective communication in 20th century

The following would show you the importance of writing essays (communication) than knowing maths;
more importantly this would  give an idea how the world is controlled by effective communication in 20th century.
 Arithmetic test, 1960s: A logger cuts and sells a truckload of timber for $100. His cost of production is four-faiths of that amount. What is his profit?

New Maths test, 1970s: A Logger exchange a set of timber (T) for a set of money (M). The cardinality of Set M is 100. The Set C of production costs contains 20 fewer points. What cardinality of Set P is profits?

Dumped-down test, 1980s: A Logger cuts and sells a truckload of timber for $100. His cost is $80; his profit is $20. Find and circle the number 20.

New age test, 1990s: A Logger cut down a beautiful forest of 100 trees in order to make a $20 profit. Write an essay explaining how you feel about this as a way to make money.

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