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Thursday, May 17, 2012


If you are struggling to get by and think that all is lost, do not lose hope. Here are some quick tips on how you can reinvent yourself or your business to overcome your obstacles and survive. Get this valuable information here!
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Consider this: Since 2008, nine movies featuring the 47-year-old actor have grossed more than $1.5 billion in the U.S. alone, and his name on the marquee is perhaps the surest guarantee of a box-office smash. That’s an astonishing run, especially because it wasn’t that long ago — 2001, to be precise — that Downey seemed destined to become fodder for those “Whatever Happened To…?” articles in the supermarket tabloids. His drug addiction and erratic behavior earned him a prison stay and led producer David E. Kelley to fire him from what seemed like his last chance for resurrecting his career, a supporting role in the hit TV series Ally McBeal. Downey sank so low that despite his enormous talent, he was virtually unemployable.
But that was then. Today, if Robert Downey, Jr. was a company, he might be leading the Dow Jones index. It’s not just that he revived his career; he’s actually far bigger than he was at the apex of his youthful climb to stardom 20 years ago, when he earned an Oscar nomination for best actor in the critically acclaimed box office flop Chaplin. That makes Downey’s self-reinvention a great case study for anyone who’s attempting a midlife second act — whether you’re an entrepreneur starting a new business, or someone who is struggling at 40 or beyond to overcome past mistakes.
Here are three Downey-esque lessons that can help you mount your own comeback.
1. Concentrate on getting ahead one step at a time. Whether you need to vanquish some inner demons or escape from a bad stretch in your life, as Downey endured in the late 1990s and early 2000s, or you’re simply trying to find a new passion in life, you’re more likely to get there through patient plodding rather than big, sweeping dramatic gestures. Remember that Downey’s comeback, from rock-bottom to superstar, took a good seven years of struggle, in which he had to work long and hard to prove his commitment to sobriety and regain his credibility as a professional. As he explains in this Esquire interview, “I found my way out of the woods by a subtler and subtler trail of bread crumbs.”
2. Don’t be too proud to accept help. Even after Downey seemed to have his drug addiction in check, producers were reluctant to hire him because insurance companies didn’t like the odds that he would flake out and not finish a movie. That’s when Mel Gibson, an actor who’s had a troubled life lately but was flying high in 2003, stepped in. Gibson, who had co-starred with Downey in the 1990 movie Air America, offered to put up Downey’s insurance bond, enabling him to get the lead role in the 2003 movie The Singing Detective. Downey not only did his work as promised but also turned in an excellent performance — proving to Hollywood that he still had the chops to be a star. If he had been too proud to accept Gibson’s generosity, who knows what would have happened to him?
3. Believe that in the end, your talent will enable people to overlook your past mistakes.The tipping point of Downey’s career comeback was Iron Man, the 2008 blockbuster that firmly established him as a marquee attraction. But in many ways, Downey was an unlikely choice for the role of a costumed superhero, even one whose alter-ego was playboy industrialist Tony Stark. Not only was he a recovering addict with a lurid dark side, but as an actor, he’d spent much of his career playing off-center, irony-drenched supporting roles. But as director Jon Favreau explains in this GQ article, Downey’s acting skills made him overlook those negatives, and the director worked hard to persuade Marvel Comics — which owned the character and was dead-set against Downey — that he was the man for the part. “Here was this force of nature, who I think was living with this frustration that he wasn’t able to really show what he was great at, because nobody was willing to take that leap and say, ‘This guy could carry my movie.’ Nobody was willing to jump in the pool. I was.”
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