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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Herpes Virus Infection

Herpes simplex virus infection can occur at the mouth, face, buttocks, skin, anal and genital area. Most of herpes simplex virus infection symptoms are not specific, and may be asymptomatic. But in some cases, it appears as painful blister located at the port d'entree (area where the virus entered the body). Those blisters usually heal spontaneously complete but can reappear again in the future, in the same location when least expected. Between two attacks, the virus resides deep in the nerves that supply the involved area. People often refer herpes simplex virus infection as "cold sores" or "fever blisters", because the most common infected area is around the mouth and lips.

Once you're affected by the virus, it can hide in the body for years. Many things are considered as trigger for herpes simplex virus reinfection, include:

► Decreased immune system
► Having another viral infection such as influenza, common cold, etc
► Exposure to the sun
► Menstrual period
► Psychical stress

Herpes simplex virus infection can rapidly spread between persons. Infected saliva is a common means of virus transmission. Transmission via towels, washclothes, and surfaces are actually impossible. The most common area of cold sores are lips, under the nose, chin, and another facial area. Healing time needs 7-10 days without scarring.

Herpes simplex virus infection symptoms

► Some patients may have prodrome symptoms such as burning sensation that precedes the appearance of blisters.
► The most characteristic symptoms of herpes simplex virus is a group of blister on a red base. The blisters dry up shortly and leave scabs that last anywhere for days, depending on its severity and the host's immune system. What makes it different from another skin infection is, if something lasts for weeks, it is unlikely to be herpes simplex virus infection. 
► Area affected is itchy, dry and crusty. 


Herpes simplex virus infection: treatment


► There is no specific cure for herpes simplex virus infection.
► Cold sores often clear spontaneously without treatment
► The goal of herpes simplex virus treatment is to relieve symptoms and shorten an outbreak. 
► You can buy OTC drugs to relieve discomfort, such as paracetamol, benzocaine and L-lysine, and apply them to the blisters.
► Avoid sun exposure and stress.
► Put ice on the blister.
► Some drugs prescribed are antiviral groups and they can treat both types of herpes simplex infection. The can lessen the severity infection, frequency of relaps, and prevent viral transmissions:
►► Acyclovir
►► Famciclovir
►► Valacyclovir

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