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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Researchers Capture "Natural Killer" White Blood Cells in Action in Highest Resolution Ever

Natural Killer Cell Imperial College London
Researchers at Imperial College London and the University of Oxford have pioneered a new technique to see exactly how our body's "natural killer" white blood cells do their dirty work. It's the first time we've seen how this element of the body's natural defences actually works.

There are myriad difficulties in trying to observe this kind of event. For one thing, the cells are tiny and execute their, well, executions (that's an apt description, as you'll see) very quickly. Then there's the problem that the cells are three-dimensional (of course), while the high-speed microscopes used for this are only capable of seeing the horizontal plane. (3-D cameras are not, at the moment, quick enough to work for this.) Previously, researchers would have to painstakingly capture many 2-D images and then stack them on top of each other- not very efficiently or particularly effectively.
So, how did these researchers pull it off? Professor Paul French of Imperial College London says, "Using laser tweezers to manipulate the interface between live cells into a horizontal orientation means our microscope can take many images of the cell contact interface in rapid succession. This has provided an unprecedented way to see dynamic molecular processes between live cells directly." But by taking lots of images at once, the researchers can reconstruct a 3-D image with ease.
What's going on in that video above is an execution. Inside the "natural killer" or "NK" cell, enzyme-filled granules organize, ready to stream out as soon as the cell creates a portal. Then, the granules attack the diseased cells. In this case, the NKs, like a bungee cord, use membrane nanotubes to pull them in.
NKs are used by the body to attack all kinds of damaged cells, from tumours to viruses, though they also sometimes attack transplanted organs. By understanding the intricacies of this operation, the scientists hope to create better medical treatments--they might use NK cells in medicine or discover ways to stop them from attacking foreign but welcome tissue.

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