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Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Tarsiers are found only in the islands of Southeast Asia.  Since Southeast Asia encompasses a wide range of islands – Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and more, that might not seem like these little guys are so rare. 


  2. OKAPI


Is it a giraffe?  Is it a zebra?  Is it a ziraffe?  A gebra?  It’s an Okapi!  Ever heard of it?  Apparently, the Okapi’s history reaches back to ancient Egypt, where carvings have since been found.  In Europe and Africa, prior to the 20th century, there existed legends of an “African unicorn.”  Today, that animal is thought to be the Okapi.


The Sao Tome Shrew is on the Critically Endangered list because not only are there few left, their habitat is progressively declining.  The population continues to decrease, making these animals rare.  Found only Sao Tome Island, a small island that is actually a shield volcano that rises out of the Atlantic Ocean.


The Red Wolf is a cousin to the Gray Wolf. There were, luckily, some Red Wolves were still in captivity, twenty to be exact.  Wildlife conservationists increased the number of Red Wolves in captivity to 207, and today there are about 100 living in the wild.  


This cute critter, considered one of the rarest large mammals in the world, is on the Critically Endangered list.  Over 39 inches long, the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is a shade larger than normal wombats, and are able to breed faster, though that has not improved their Critically Endangered status. 


This sac-winged bat lives in the Seychelles Islands that lie north of Madagascar.  Once abundant throughout the island chain, the Seychelle Sheath-Tailed Bat is extinct on most of the islands.  The bats live in harem colonies, and have a high reproductive potential.


This type of rare tiger is only found in captivity.  The coloring is a result of a recessive gene, and sometimes the Golden Tabby is also called the Strawberry Tiger.  These types of tigers have a Bengal parentage, but generally have Amur tiger in their lineage somewhere. 

8. The Baiji 

The Baiji is also known as the river dolphin, and found outside of China. This dolphin is so rare, it is possibly extinct now. The dolphin’s numbers dwindled due to competing for its food with humans. Humans hunt fish, and that was the main source of their survival.
9. The Vancouver Island Marmot

This Marmot is found largely in British Columbia. Back in the year 2000, researchers discovered their numbers had fallen to approximately 75. Some have been taken to rehab facilities to try and mate them. If they can increase their numbers to 400 to 500, this will prevent their extinction.
10. Star Nose Moles

Star nosed moles, bizarre and creepy in appearance are rare and found in lowland areas of eastern Canada and northeast regions of the United States. They are only 15 to 20 centimeters long in length and only around 50 grams in weight. 

 11. Proboscis Monkey

Also famous as the Long-nosed Monkey, the Proboscis Monkey is an Old World monkey. The monkey has a very large nose as well as a reddish brown color. The Proboscis Monkey is found in Borneo’s mangrove forests, swamps, and even the plain riparian forests.
12. The Rare White Lion

The White Lions are rare animals found in South Africa. They are not albinos, but an inherited scarcity, unique to one common region on the glob. Their white color is a result of rare color mutation of the Kruger breed of lion.

13. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus, rare and very cute little octopus is found deep down in oceans. This breed of octopus got its name from its strange flapping ears, which are connected to its round head-like body.
14. The Pinta Island tortoise

Lived in Pinta island, this tortoise are include into Giant Galapagos Tortoise species, which is the most rare in the world, because now only left 1 in the world.
15. Iberian Lynx

Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus), is the world’s most endangered species of cat. Formerly widespread in Spain and Portugal, the Iberian lynx is now confined in Andalusia; inhabiting woodlands and open pasture feeding primarily on rabbits.
16. Tamaraw

The tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) also known as Mindoro Dwarf Buffalo is endemic to Mindoro. When fully grown, this water buffalo grows to about 100 to 105 cm at shoulder length, 220 cm long and weighs between 200 to 300 kilograms.
17. Hispid Hare

The Hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus), was once widespread across the Himalayan mountain chain, stretching from India, Nepal to Pakistan. It is about 38 – 50 cm long and weighs 2 – 2.5 kg. Hispid hare feeds on bark, grass roots, shoots and occasionally crops.

18. Javan Rhino

The Javan Rhinoceros (Sunda Rhinoceros) was once widespread across Southeast Asia, China and India. But due to rampant hunting for its prized-horn, and deforestation; Javan rhino is now a critically endangered species.

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