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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Simple steps to prevent you being victimized for an Information Security based
Today information security has become a part of our lives. Consciously or not everyone uses
Information Technology (IT). Regardless of the extent of sophistication of Mobile phones,
Computers, iPods, iPhones, iPads, Navigation systems, and ATM Machines or Cyber cafes yet you
are at Information security related risk. Simply any device with processing power we call a
computer and if it has any form of connectivity it is called a communication device. The greater
number of features the equipment or the device has it becomes more vulnerable. Either category
of these devices falls within the classification of information technology base devices of equipment.
As a result of globalization any device invented and introduced today will be available in the open
market tomorrow. Most of the high tech devices available in the market have not been subjected to
proper information security testing procedures before they reach the general public. The reason is;
heavy competition among the production companies. Every company wants to release its own
product to the market before other competitors release other compatible products. This
competition compromises quality, security testing and other necessary post production procedures.
This becomes even worse when some critical high tech equipment and devices used by high-tech
intelligence agencies for their investigations can now be found in the Singapore, and Hong Kong
based Chinese open market at very low prices without any restrictions. Some of them can even be
ordered from home and delivered to one’s doorstep without verifying the intention of use.
This is an emerging issue in Asian countries including Sri Lanka. Since a growing number of
people are required to use information technology based equipment, processors and activities
these days, information security risks also have risen rapidly. According to recent reports many of
Sri Lanka’s young generation have been victims of Information Security related attacks. The main
reason is lack of awareness about information security risks related to the devices, technologies
and processors that they are using. This article attempts to describe, with examples, some of the
threats associated with Information Technology related equipment.The objective of this article is to give you a summarized form of information about technology/Devices and Procedures people use currently. This information describes their security risks and provides simple precautions one can take in order to prevent being victim to information security based attacks. Many of the researches and case studies have proven that most of the incidents happen due to lack of awareness about the
technologies and their impacts. I will not be discussing the technology or technical details of t
he devices and how their security can be breached, but will try to give you general understa
nding and awareness about the Information Security related risk of devices that you are using
and what simple precautions you can take in order to minimize the security risk. I have not gon
e into greater details since my objective is to prepare a simple paper of security risks and precau
tions. I have included in the final page some of the definitions of IT related terms that would be 
Download full article in PDF format – Download

Kushantha GunawardanaKushantha Gunawardana MSc-IT,C|EI,MCT,C|EH,C|HFI

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