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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nine Types Of Intelligence

Intelligence is broken down into nine different types, also called the nine domains of intelligence. This categorization of intelligence was first theorized by developmental psychologist Howard Gardner in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Since then, the Multiple Intelligences theory been used as one of the primary models for research that has gone on concerning human cognition.  Gardner argues that there is no one true way to measure intelligence and that the human brain is wired with a wide range of cognitive abilities.  Framing intelligence in the way Gardner does disrupts the old mold of thinking in which intelligence was ultimately a measure of (what Gardner would call) logical-mathematical intelligence.   The premise of Gardner’s theory is that someone can be extremely bad at math yet be the best of the best in another field, such as music.  Thus limiting the definition of intelligence is detrimental to our understanding of how the human brain works.  So without further ado, I present to you the nine different types of intelligence:

1. Naturalistic Intelligence

Ever wonder why certain people are able to connect with animals just like that? Have you ever encountered someone that posses what is commonly referred to as a “green thumb”? Well, those people are great examples of “nature smart” individuals. Naturalistic intelligence refers to a human being’s sensitivity to the natural world. This is the ability to distinguish among nature’s different features such as animals, plants, rock configurations, cloud formations, and other such things. In the past, the naturalist intelligence was undoubtedly of great value in a person’s survival. Farming and hunting were clearly among the activities that relied on this type of intelligence. Today, naturalistic intelligence remains a vital component of roles like being a chef or botanist. This type of intelligence is also seen in the way consumers discriminate among products.

2. Musical Intelligence

While other people gravitate towards nature, there are also those who tend to be drawn to the musical arts. These “musical smart” people are usually more sensitive to sounds that most individuals aren’t aware of. The intelligence involved in this ability to recognize tone, rhythm, timbre, and pitch is musical intelligence. With this type of intelligence, people are able to detect, generate, reproduce, and contemplate music as clearly exhibited by attuned listeners, musicians, composers, vocalists, and conductors. You’ll find that young adults with musical intelligence are frequently drumming, singing, or any other activity that demonstrates a melodic inclination. It is also interesting to note that a connection has been shown to exist between emotions and music as well as mathematics and music.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Who can forget that classmate of yours in high school who seemed to know the answer to every mathematical equation your teacher asked?  Who can also fail to remember that peer of yours who could reason his way to winning every argument? They are the perfect embodiment of logical-mathematical intelligence. This type of intelligence equips a person with the ability to calculate and carry out mathematical operations as well as mull over hypotheses and propositions. Those who are “number or reasoning smart” tend to easily recognize relationships and patterns, demonstrate sequential reasoning skills, and generate and use abstract thoughts. When logical intelligence is dominant in young adults, you’ll see them especially attracted to logic puzzles, experiments, strategy games, and arithmetic problems. Later on, you might see these youth going on to become detectives, scientists, and mathematicians.  Logical-mathematical intelligence has been closely linked to fluid intelligence and general intelligence.

4. Existential Intelligence

Even as other people go about their daily lives without devoting much thought to their existence, people with existential intelligence tend to mull over “deep” thoughts. These thoughts may include the why’s and how’s of life and death. While most people just shake these kinds of thoughts away, individuals who are particularly keen to their own existence are drawn to exploring such questions like why are people born, how do they get here, and why do they die. They also have the capacity and sensitivity to tackle thoughts about what lies beyond life and death. Though not much discussion has been done about existential intelligence, it has also been called spiritual or moral intelligence.  Those with high existential intelligence are deeply philosophical.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence

You might have observed that there are certain persons who have the seemingly unique ability to get along superbly with others. These “people smart” individuals, with the use of their interpersonal intelligence, interact with others in such a way that they are able to understand and communicate well. Interpersonal intelligence makes it possible for a person to effectively communicate through verbal and nonverbal means, to distinguish among others, to sense the temperament and moods of people, and to consider various points of view. You’ll usually find this type of intelligence manifested by politicians, social workers, actors, and teachers. This type of intelligence can also be found in young adults who hold leadership roles.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Know how you tend to embarrass yourself with your two left feet and see your best friend practically floating on the dance floor? Well, there’s an explanation for that “injustice.” While clumsy people have the tendency to be awkward in all things physical, “body smart” people possess the capacity to stay graceful and coordinated when using a range of physical skills and manipulating objects. People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have an almost perfect sense of timing, and their mind-body coordination is nearly faultless. Even as a number of persons struggle to become well-coordinated, people who possess this type of intelligence usually grow up to become craftspeople, dancers, surgeons, athletes, and other careers involving exceptional mind-body union.

7. Linguistic Intelligence 

Being the intelligence most commonly shared by humans, linguistic intelligence involves the human capacity to think in words and use these to make oneself understood. It is this type of intelligence that allows a person to appoint complex meanings and express these through the use of language. Though this human competence is widely used, it is most evident in the way effective public speakers, novelists, journalists, and poets make use of their meta-linguistic skills. In the early stages of life, linguistic intelligence is exhibited in a person’s enjoyment of crossword puzzles, storytelling, reading, and writing. So the next time you think of these as “geeky” activities, you’ll do a better job of describing them as activities “word smart” people take pleasure in.

8. Intra-Personal Intelligence

People who have the remarkable ability to understand themselves, their thoughts, and their emotions and are capable of using this knowledge to plan their lives possess intra-personal intelligence. While intra-personal intelligence does involve self-appreciation, it also comprises a wider understanding of the human condition. As young adults, “self smart” people possess a deeper awareness of their own emotions, are self-motivated, and tend to be shy. Examples of people with evident intra-personal intelligence include philosophers, spiritual leaders, writers, and psychologists.

9. Spatial Intelligence

The last domain is spatial intelligence, which is defined as the human capacity to consider things in three dimensions. This type of intelligence involves the following core capacities: a dynamic imagination, image manipulation, mental imagery, artistic and graphic skills, and spatial reasoning.  People with spatial intelligence are highly creative.  At a young age, people with high spatial intelligence are deeply entrenched in solving jigsaw puzzles or mazes, or they may be using up their extra time by daydreaming or drawing. Spatial intelligence is demonstrated mainly by “picture smart” people such as architects, sculptors, painters, pilots, and sailors.

There you go, the nine domains of intelligence according to Howard Gardner.  Keep in mind that this is just a model for intelligence and there are many who score high in more than one category.  The most famous one that would come to mind is Leonardo De Vinci.  Go over the list and analyze which type of intelligence you would categorize yourself.
If you want to learn how to increase all these types of intelligence,
Traditionally, intelligence was measured by short aptitude tests that measures competence in core subjects such as reading and mathematics.  And to a large extent, intelligence is still defined by how well you do on aptitude tests.  However Howard Gardner, an academician from Harvard University, thinks that being intelligent doesn’t mean that you can easily comprehend what you read or can easily solve an equation.  That is why he presented the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which states that there are actually multiple types of intelligences, 9 to be exact.
In this theory, Gardner explains that there should be no single ability that defines intelligence. The hypothesis, as printed in his 1983 book ‘Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences,’ proposed that several criteria should be looked upon in order to predict the intelligence of a person. Whatever you excel in makes you intelligent in your own right. But if you are looking for more ways to improve your multiple smarts, then read on below to find out how you can do so:
theory of multiple intelligences 9 types of intelligence

Naturalist Intelligence

This type of intelligence is defined as the ability to distinguish and classify animals, plants and other naturally-occurring objects in the environment. As such, individuals who are touted as ‘nature smart’ excel in applying scientific theories to real-life scenarios. Landscape architects, naturalists and scientists are said to be ‘nature smart.’ Do you want to become just like them? Then here are ways on how you can improve your Naturalist Intelligence:

1) Experience the great outdoors.

In order to be one with nature, you must expose yourself to nature. Break away from the comfortable confines of your home. Trek, hike and bike your way through forests and mountains. These exhilarating activities will help you improve your skills in categorizing and recognizing plants, animals, even rock formations!

2) Do gardening.

Bring out the green thumb in you by transforming your home’s vacant spaces into a plant sanctuary. It is one of the best ways to connect you with your primal state, according to James Jiller of Urban GreenWorks. By tending to your garden on a regular basis, you can boost your knowledge of the environment.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Accurate and abstract visualization is just one of the many skills possessed by ‘picture smart’ persons. With their exceptional ability in thinking in pictures, visually-spatially intelligent people can paint, construct and design objects with relative ease.
If you want to hone this kind of smartness – then make sure to do the following mental workouts:

1) Play Puzzles.

Yes, you can have fun while you hone your visual-spatial intelligence. In fact, the most entertaining way to hike your IQ by a few notches is to play puzzles. Games such as Rubik’s Cube, Jigsaw puzzles and spatial puzzles that require you to maneuver items inside your head will do wonders for your visual-spatial skills.

2) Play Chess.

Another enjoyable way to improve your ‘picture smarts’ is to play chess. It cannot be denied that this game has multitudes of brain benefits. Apart from boosting memory and enhancing problem-solving skills, chess improves one’s creativity – one of the most important aspects for visual-spatial intelligence. With enhanced creativity, you will be able to create and design items just like picture-smart architects and painters.

3) Utilize Google Earth and Google Maps often.

Apart from helping you find your way in an unfamiliar place, Google Earth and Google Maps applications can help you boost your visual-spatial intelligence. These programs, after all, help develop your sense of direction. One of the best things about these tools is that they can transform you into a navigational pro, even without the need for a map.
However, it is important that you do not use GPS navigation to navigate though as that will turn you into a mindless drone.  Instead, use maps and learn how to navigate from place to place on your own, with the assistance of a navigation system.  Research has been done on this topic and it shows that navigating the city without the use of GPS is how you would improve your visual-spatial skills.

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Word smart people – or those who possess verbal-linguistic intelligence – feature exceptional verbal skills. They are highly-sensitive to meanings, sounds and rhythms of words. In essence, they possess great capacities in writing, reading, teaching and listening. If you want to be smart in the verbal-linguistic aspect, take heed of the following tips:

1) Keep a journal of things that fascinate or interest you.

Go through the things you find noteworthy – a unique news article or a famous celebrity, perhaps. Write all the thoughts that draw you to this appealing event/entity.

2) Write about a country or city you want to visit.

Are you dreaming of visiting Paris or living in the United Kingdom? What if you were given the chance to live out your fantasy? Talk about what you plan on doing, if ever you are given the opportunity to live a life different from the one you have right now.

3) Write a literary masterpiece.

It can be a story, poem, novel or even a play. Let your imagination fly and allow the words from your mind to trickle down to your journal. Show your write-up to your English teacher or Literature professor and ask for some feedback. What parts are exceptional? What sections need improvement? While you might not write down an award-winning novel on your first try, your dedication and hard work might help you pen down the next Harry Potter series.

Mathematical-Logical Intelligence

Defined as the skill to think abstractly and conceptually, this intelligence is often seen in number smart people such as engineers, scientists and mathematicians. If you want to develop exceptional skills in logical and mathematical problem solving, then these brain exercises can definitely help you out:

1) Play card games.

Contrary to popular beliefs, you need not engage in a boring activity just to improve your logical smarts. One of the most entertaining ways for you to increase your number IQ is to play card games that stimulate your brain to perform mental math. Fun pastimes such as Crazy Eight, Go Fish and Gin Rummy are perfect for the young ones, while matured players will benefit a lot from the addicting game of Black Jack.

3) Break secret codes.

Take the role of Sherlock Holmes by playing detective with your friends. Let your friends create secret codes – or lift some from the web – and try to break them without the help of anybody. Once you get the hang of cracking codes, you will find it easier to solve logical and mathematical problems along the way.

4) Join a math club.

If you are really determined to improve your mathematical smarts, a knowledgeable and fun way to do so is to join a math club. While this might sound boring – it is not! Such a club allows you to learn in a supportive yet sociable environment. Learning with your colleagues and participating in events and competitions will give you the math IQ boost you are looking for.

Musical Intelligence

Singers, composers and musicians usually possess this kind of intelligence. Such ‘musical smart’ persons can appreciate and produce perfect timbre, rhythm and pitch. Become the musical virtuoso you aspire to be by training your mental faculties with these methods:

1) Sing!

You might think singing doesn’t like you, but it does not mean that you should not sing to your heart’s content! Sing whenever you can: in the shower, in the car, even in the office pantry during break time! While you might not be able to hit the high notes just like your favorite singers, singing constantly is a great way for you to perfect your music smarts.

2) Learn how to play an instrument.

This is perhaps the best thing you can do in order to hone your musical intelligence. Studying an instrument – no matter how simple or complicated it might be – enables you to learn the basic tones, rhythms and pitches. And as you improve your instrument-playing capacities, you will be able to demonstrate the music smarts that your idols possess.

3) Listen to different types of music.

Musical intelligence is not just about singing well and playing a plethora of instruments, it is about appreciating the beauty of music – no matter how peculiar or weird it might be. Hone your music smarts by lending an ear to different kinds of symphonies – from classic to pop, even from native to eclectic. By immersing your ears in multitudes of melodies, you will be able to distinguish the different tones that govern the world of music.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Wonder why professional athletes boast of perfect score cards? And why dancers can jive to fast tunes all so well? That is because they possess bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, outlined as the acumen in skilfully handling objects and controlling physical movements. Here are some tips that can help you become physically smart:

1) Practice and Play Sports.

girl playing volleyball
It goes without saying that practice indeed makes perfect. Of course, if you want to be physically intelligence just like pro athletes – then you need to engage your body in sports that tickle your fancy. It does not matter if you suck at first. As long as you set your mind to it – and as long as you are 100% motivated to improve your bodily intelligence, then you will be able to improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence – sooner or later.  The key to improving your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is to practice well and often—and to practice correctly.  By learning how to improve your skills and getting better, you will improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

2) Play Charades.

Do you want to become an excellent actor? Then you need to be able to portray people and events accurately. One good way to enhance your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is to play charades with friends. Not only is this an entertaining way to spend time with pals, it can also improve your skills in acting. If your friend manages to decipher all of your acts in just a few seconds’ time, then it means that you are getting better and better with your kinesthetic abilities.

3) Join Acting Classes.

Say that you are already a pro in charades – then it is time for you to take your acting skills to another level. Join acting classess in school and audition for simple plays if you can. Not only are these good methods to hone and improve your thespian capabilities, these will give you the confidence to act in front of throngs of audiences.

Interpersonal Intelligence

A people-smart person, or one who possesses interpersonal intelligence, excels in determining and responding to the motivations, moods and desires of other people. Known as the ability to empathize and visualize from numerous perspectives, interpersonal intelligence is often seen in counselors, ministers and politicians. Solidify your counseling and interpersonal skills with the help of such techniques:

1) Be Empathetic.

It is not enough to just listen to your friend’s woes. If you want to improve your interpersonal intelligence, then you must make sure to practice empathy whenever you are engaged in a conversation with a family member or a pal. Put yourself in another’s shoes and try to resolve the conflict as if it were your own.

2) Socialize.

You might have a big brood of friends, but if you want to improve your interpersonal intelligence, then you need to get out of your shell and be a social butterfly. Take time to meet new people and engage in conversations that will help you learn more about your newfound buddies.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Theorists, philosophers, and philosophers are seen to possess this kind of intelligence. Self smart people are said to be aware of their own values, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes. Improve your self-reflection and sentience by conditioning your mind with the following activities:

1) Formulate Your Own Personal Development Plan.

How do you want to be in the next few years? What are your plans when you grow old? Write them all on your journal and reflect on them whenever you can. This will keep you aware of your own emotions and desires in life.

2) Engage in Personal Pep Talk.

Before the start of each day, face the mirror and boost your confidence with positive thoughts and ideas.  Positive self-talk has been touted for many years as an important tool to reaching success and attaining goals.  In fact, Navy SEALS are known to engage in positive self-talk on a daily basis to get through their grueling six-month BUDS training program.

Existential Intelligence

What is the meaning of life? How did we get here? Why do we die? These are just some of the sensitive questions that existentially intelligent persons are not afraid to ask.
People who possess this astuteness – such as theologians, philosophers and scientists – outclass others in terms of deep and reflective thinking and formulating abstract theories. Hone your existential intelligence with the help of these mind-conditioning methods:
1) Apply what you have learned in the classroom.
2) Relate the subjects you have learned with national concerns and global issues.
3) Study topics from multiple points of view.
Intelligence does come in several facets and domains. If you think you suck at math or music, you can still excel in many other ways and be smart in many other aspects. The tips mentioned above are practical ways for you to boost your brain power. Apply them in to your day-to-day routines, and see how smart you can turn out to be!


Monday, April 20, 2015

தாலி அறுத்தான் சந்தை ,,,,,! ஆடை அணிய கூடாது என்றது ஒரு சட்டம்.

ஆடை இல்லா மனிதன் அரைமனிதன்" - ஆடை அணிய கூடாது என்றது ஒரு சட்டம்.
10 மற்றும் 11- ஆம் நுற்றாண்டுகளில் ஆரியப் பிராமணர்களின் (நம்பூதிரிகள்) ஆதிக்கம் சேர நாட்டில் ஓங்கத் தொடங்கியது. அந்த வேளையில் கன்னியாகுமரி, திருநெல்வேலி மற்றும் கேரளாவின் பெரும்பாலான பகுதிகள் சாதிக் கட்டுபாட்டுக்குள் வந்தன.
நமக்கு தெரியுமோ என்னவோ, நம்பூதிரிகள் யார் என்று? மலையாளம் மொழியை தாய்மொழியாக கொண்ட பிராமணர்கள். ( ஆதிசங்கரர் இந்த இனத்தை சேர்ந்தவர் தான்).
ஜென்மி சம்பிரதாயத்தின் ஆதிக்கத்தால் 12 - ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் இந்தக் கட்டுப்பாடுகள் அதிகரித்தது. மேல் சாதி இந்து என்றும், கீழ் சாதி இந்து என்றும் பாகுபாடுகள் உருவாகியது.இந்த பாகுபாட்டால் தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட மக்கள் இடுப்புக்கு மேலும், முழங்காலுக்கு கீழும் ஆடை அணியக்கூடாது என்றக் கட்டுப்பாடு விதிக்கப்பட்டது.
இந்த விதிப்படி அவர்கள் சாதி வரிசையை உருவாக்கினார்கள்.
உயர்ந்த சாதி இந்துக்களின் முன்பு தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட பெண்கள் மார்பகங்களை மறைக்ககூடாது .
பிராமணர்கள் முன்பு தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட அனைத்து பெண்களும் மார்பகங்களை மறைக்காமல் நடமாட வேண்டும்.அப்படி அவர்கள் மறைத்து நடந்தால், தங்களுக்கு மரியாதை தரவில்லை என்று தண்டித்து வந்தனர். மரண தண்டனை கூட விதித்தனர்.
இந்த வரிசையில் நாடார், முக்குவர், புலையர் போன்ற பதினெட்டுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட சாதிகள் இந்த விதிக்கு உட்படுத்தப்பட்டனர். இதில் நாடார் இனத்தவர் சீர்திருத்த கிருத்தவ மதத்தில் இணைந்து சார்ல்சு மீட் என்ற பாதிரியாரின் அறிவுரைப்படி, பெண்கள் தங்களின் மார்பகங்களை மறைத்தது மட்டும் அல்லாது அதற்கு மேல் சேலையும் அணிய ஆரம்பித்தனர்.
இதை விரும்பாத மேல் சாதி இனத்தவர் 1822 - இல் கலவரத்தில் ஈடுபட்டனர். இப்பிரச்சனை பெரிதாக, மீட் ஆங்கில தளபதிக்கு விரிவாக கடிதம் எழுதினார். அதன் பயனாக இந்த பிரச்சனை நீதிமன்றத்துக்கு வந்தது. கிருத்தவ பெண்கள் குப்பாயம் என்ற வகை ஆடையை பயன்படுத்தலாம் என்று நீதிமன்றம் 1823 - இல் தீர்ப்பு விதித்தது.
இந்த தீர்ப்பு நிரந்தரமான தீர்வாக இல்லாததால் 1827 - இல் ஆத்தூர் (கன்னியாகுமரி மாவட்டம்) மற்றும் சுற்றியுள்ள பகுதிகளில் இப்பிரச்சனை மிக பெரிய அளவில் பரவியது. இதற்கு காரணம் இந்த கிருத்தவ இன பெண்கள் தங்களுக்கு சொன்ன தீர்ப்பின் படி குப்பாயம் அணியாமல் ஐரோப்பியர்களின் ஆடைகள் மற்றும் உயர் சாதிக்காரர்களின் ஆடைகளை அணிய ஆரம்பித்தனர். இவர்களை பார்த்து இந்து நாடார் இனத்தவரும் மேலாடைகள் அணியும் பழக்கத்திற்கு வந்தனர்.
இது ஒருபுறம் நடந்து முடிய, 1858 - இல் விக்ட்டோரிய மகாராணியின் வருகையால், இந்த தோள் சீலை போராட்டம் மேலும் தீவிரம் அடைந்தது. இங்கிலாந்து பாராளுமன்றத்தில் இந்தியாவை ஆங்கிலேய கிழக்கு இந்திய கம்பெனியிடமிருந்து அரசாங்க கட்டுப்பாட்டில் கொண்டு வரும் போது நடந்தது. உயர் சாதிக்காரர்கள் ஆங்கிலேய அரசிடம் முறையிட்டு சரிவர அமையாததால் பெரும் கலவரம் வெடித்தது.
மேல் சாதி காரர்கள் நாடார்குல மற்றும் கிருத்தவ பெண்களின் குப்பாயத்தை கிழித்தும் அவர்களை துன்புறுத்தியும் வந்தனர். அவர்களின் அருகாமையில் சென்றால் தீட்டு என்பதால் நீண்ட கழியின் முனையில் அரிவாளை கட்டி அவர்களின் மேலாடையை கிழித்தனர். அப்படி கிழிக்கும் போது ஒருநாள் சந்தைக்கு வந்த ஒரு பெண்ணின் குப்பாயதோடு தாலியும் அறுந்து விழ்ந்தது. அன்றிலிருந்து அந்த சந்தைக்கு தாலி அறுத்தான் சந்தை என்று பெயர் வந்தது. கன்னியாகுமரியில் உள்ள இந்த சந்தை இன்றும் தாலி அறுத்தான் சந்தை என்றே அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.
இப்போராட்டத்தின் முடிவில், அனைத்து நாடார் பெண்களும் மத வேறுபாடு இல்லாமல் குப்பாயம் என்கின்ற மேலாடை அணியலாம் என்று உரிமை அளித்தனர். இதற்கான அரசாணை 26, சூலைத் 1859 ம் ஆண்டு வெளியிடப்பட்டது. ஆனால் உயர் சாதி பெண்கள் அணிவது போன்ற ஆடை அணிய தடை விதிக்கப்பட்டது. இந்த உரிமை மற்ற கீழ் சாதியினருக்கு அரசு வழங்கவில்லை. எனினும் கிறித்தவப் பெண்கள் அனைவரும் மேலாடை அணிந்தனர்.
இந்த கதை குறிப்பிட்டதற்கு காரணம்,
முட்டாள்கள் இன்னும் அடிமையாய் வாழவே விரும்புகிறார்கள் அவர்கள் இதை அறியமாட்டார்கள் ,,,,
அதற்க்கு தான்

Friday, April 17, 2015

How Structure Arose in the Primordial Soup

Life’s first epoch saw incredible advances — cells, metabolism and DNA, to name a few. Researchers are resurrecting ancient proteins to illuminate the biological dark ages.
About 4 billion years ago, molecules began to make copies of themselves, an event that marked the beginning of life on Earth. A few hundred million years later, primitive organisms began to split into the different branches that make up the tree of life. In between those two seminal events, some of the greatest innovations in existence emerged: the cell, the genetic code and an energy system to fuel it all. All three of these are essential to life as we know it, yet scientists know disappointingly little about how any of these remarkable biological innovations came about.
“It’s very hard to infer even the relative ordering of evolutionary events before the last common ancestor,” said Greg Fournier, a geobiologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cells may have appeared before energy metabolism, or perhaps it was the other way around. Without fossils or DNA preserved from organisms living during this period, scientists have had little data to work from.
Fournier is leading an attempt to reconstruct the history of life in those evolutionary dark ages — the hundreds of millions of years between the time when life first emerged and when it split into what would become the endless tangle of existence.
He is using genomic data from living organisms to infer the DNA sequence of ancient genes as part of a growing field known as paleogenomics. In research published online in March in the Journal of Molecular Evolution, Fournier showed that the last chemical letter added to the code was a molecule called tryptophan — an amino acid most famous for its presence in turkey dinners. The work supports the idea that the genetic code evolved gradually.
Using similar methods, he hopes to decipher the temporal order of more of the code — determining when each letter was added to the genetic alphabet — and to date key events in the origins of life, such as the emergence of cells.
Photo Credits : Olena Shmahalo/Quanta Magazine 

Primordial soup" hypothesis

No new notable research or theory on the subject appeared until 1924, when Alexander Oparin reasoned that atmospheric oxygen prevents the synthesis of certain organic compounds that are necessary building blocks for the evolution of life. In his book The Origin of Life, Oparin proposed that the "spontaneous generation of life" that had been attacked by Louis Pasteur did in fact occur once, but was now impossible because the conditions found on the early Earth had changed, and preexisting organisms would immediately consume any spontaneously generated organism. Oparin argued that a "primeval soup" of organic molecules could be created in an oxygenless atmosphere through the action of sunlight. These would combine in ever more complex ways until they formed coacervate droplets. These droplets would "grow" by fusion with other droplets, and "reproduce" through fission into daughter droplets, and so have a primitive metabolism in which factors that promote "cell integrity" survive, and those that do not become extinct. Many modern theories of the origin of life still take Oparin's ideas as
a starting point.

Robert Shapiro has summarized the "primordial soup" theory of Oparin and Haldane in its "mature form" as follows:

1.The early Earth had a chemically reducing atmosphere.

2.This atmosphere, exposed to energy in various forms, produced simple organic compounds ("monomers").

3.These compounds accumulated in a "soup" that may have concentrated at various locations (shorelines, oceanic vents etc.).

4. By further transformation, more complex organic polymers – and ultimately life – developed in the soup.

Around the same time, J. B. S. Haldane suggested that the Earth's prebiotic oceans—different from their modern counterparts—would have formed a "hot dilute soup" in which organic compounds could have formed. J.D. Bernal, a pioneer in x-ray crystallography, called this idea biopoiesis or biopoesis, the process of living matter evolving from self-replicating but nonliving molecules, and proposed that biopoiesis passes through a number of intermediate stages.

One of the most important pieces of experimental support for the "soup" theory came in 1952. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, performed an experiment that demonstrated how organic molecules could have spontaneously formed from inorganic precursors, under conditions like those posited by the Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis. The now-famous "Miller–Urey experiment" used a highly reduced mixture of gases—methane, ammonia and hydrogen—to form basic organic monomers, such as amino acids.[63] This provided direct experimental support for the second point of the "soup" theory, and it is around the remaining two points of the theory that much of the debate now centers. In the Miller–Urey experiment, a mixture of water, hydrogen, methane, and ammonia was cycled through an apparatus that delivered electrical sparks to the mixture. After one week, it was found that about 10% to 15% of the carbon in the system was now in the form of a racemic mixture of organic compounds, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

Bernal shows that based upon this and subsequent work there is no difficulty in principle in forming most of the molecules we recognise as the basic molecules of life from their inorganic precursors. The underlying hypothesis held by Oparin, Haldane, Bernal, Miller and Urey, for instance, was that multiple conditions on the primeval Earth favored chemical reactions that synthesized the same set of complex organic compounds from such simple precursors. A 2011 reanalysis of the saved vials containing the original extracts that resulted from the Miller and Urey experiments, using current and more advanced analytical equipment and technology, has uncovered more biochemicals than originally discovered in the 1950s. One of the more important findings was 23 amino acids, far more than the five originally found.However Bernal said that "it is not enough to explain the formation of such molecules, what is necessary" he says " a physical-chemical explanation of the origins of these molecules that suggests the presence of suitable sources and sinks for free energy.

Greg Fournier, a geobiologist at MIT, is searching for the origins of the genetic code.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Very Useful TIPS For Traveling

Hindu Temple and the Structure of Human Body: Comparison

"Everything is governed by one law. A human being is a microcosmos, i.e. the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being."
Hindu Temples take their cue from the structure of Human body. The vast Hindu canonical literature on Agamic texts, Devalaya Vastu (Temple Vastu astrology) and sacred geography describe the temple as a cosmic man, the 'Purusha' (cosmic man). The legend of the ‘Vastu Purusha’ states that Vastu Purusha blocked the heaven from the Earth and Lord Brahma along with many other Gods trapped him to the ground.
The science of Vastu is believed as part of the Indian architecture. Vastu Shastra developed during the period of 6000 BC and 3000 BC and the ancient Indian text Mayamatam represents Vastu Purusha as the presiding deity for all land structure meant for temples or houses. Vastu Purusha Mandala is the metaphysical plan of a temple incorporating course of the heavenly bodies and supernatural forces. This Mandala square is divided into (8×8 =64) 64 metaphysical grids / modules or pada for temples. (For dwelling places 9x9=81 metaphysical grids / modules or pada). At this square Vastu Purusha is shown lying with his chest, stomach and face touching on the ground - his head is shown at Ishanya (north-east) and his legs shown at Nairutya (south west). The center point is known as Brahmasthana and at this vital energy point Lord Brahma presides over the temple site and protects it.
Directions in Hindu tradition are called as Disa, or Dik. There are four primary directions and a total of 10 directions: East, South-East (Agneya), West, North-West (Vayavya), North, North-East (Isanya), South, South-West (Nauritya), Zenith (Urdhva), Nadir (Adho). There are 'Guardians of the Directions' (Dikpala or Dasa-dikpala) who rule the specific directions of space.
1. North east Direction ruled by Ishanya Shiva (Load of Water) influences balanced thinking
2. East Direction ruled by Indra (Load of Solar) - influences long life
3. South east Direction ruled by Agneya or Agni (Load of Fire) (Energy Generating) influences comfort, peace, prosperity and progeny.
4. South Direction ruled by Yama (Lord of Death or Lord of Death / Damage) yields nothing but mourning, depression and pain. If this direction used properly safeguards from envy of others and cast of all evils.
5.West Direction ruled by Varuna (Load of Water / Lord of Rain) (Neptune) influences reputation, fame, prosperity and success.
6. South west Direction ruled by Nairitya - Deity Lord (Demon) Nairitya influences Protection, strength and stability
7. North west Direction ruled by Vayu or Vayavya (Load of Wind) influences peace
8. North (Kuber) - Deity Lord Kuber or Lord of Wealth (Finance) and keeper of riches influences good strength, better business sufficient in flow of money, education, industrial growth etc.
9. Center ruled by Lord Brahma (Creator of Universe)
The 'Aham Brahmasmi' ("I am Brahman. I am part of the Universe.") is the great sayings (Mahavakya) mentioned in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10. of Yajur Veda. The meaning is that ‘Whatever is in the Universe, is present in me’ (and ‘whatever is in me, is part of the Universe’). Indian temples represents the macrocosm of the universe and the structure of the human body represents the microcosm. Veda also says "Yatha Pinde tatha Brahmande". It means what is going on within human being is the same as what is going on in universe. According to the Tamil Saint Tirumular "our body is a temple". Here I would like to quote Stella Kramrisch:
“The vastu-purusha-mandala represents the manifest form of the Cosmic Being; upon which the temple is built and in whom the temple rests. The temple is situated in Him, comes from Him, and is a manifestation of Him. The vastu-purusha-mandala is both the body of the Cosmic Being and a bodily device by which those who have the requisite knowledge attain the best results in temple building.” (Stella Kramrisch,; The Hindu Temple, Vol. I)
The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism. In Yoga, Kundalini Shakti means the ‘coiled power.’ It is compared to a serpent that lies coiled while resting or sleeping.
Chakras are vital energy points (Kundalini energy) in the human anatomy, i.e. breath channels, or nadis, and the winds (vayus), that are centres of life force (prana), or vital energy. They include: 1. Muladhara, 2. Swadhisthana, 3. Manipura or manipuraka, 4. Anahata, Anahata-puri, or padma-sundara, 5. Vishuddha or Vishuddhi, 6. Ajna and 7. Sahasrara.
1. Muladhara or root chakra located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region (governs senses). According to Vastu Mandala South-West (Nauritya) - Deity Lord (Demon) Nauritya influences protection, strength and stability.
2. Swadhisthana or Adhishthana at the lower stomach region or the sacrum of the human. Vastu direction West (Varuna) - Lord Varuna (Neptune) Lord of Water or Rain. Formation of temple tank or water bodies in South or West will influence reputation, fame, prosperity and success.
3. Manipura or Manipuraka at the digestive glands (governs digestion through pancreas and adrenal glands) of the human. Digestion involves energy of fire. Female bears navel, womb and umbilical chord. According to Vastu Mandala Lord Brahma or Lord of Creation seated on lotus flower base (Adishtana) rules this point. Cosmic Brahma bridges the cosmic human navel or life. If this point in temple should be left open, the vital energy flows and the wholeness resides with blessings and protection.
4. Anahata, Anahata-puri, or Padma-sundara located at chest (governs lungs, immune system - thymus of human being). As per Vastu Mandala Lord Vayu or Lord of Wind rules this point. This grid relates to air and regulation of air. If this grid is allowed to flow air and the peace and comfort resides.
5. Vishuddha or Vishuddhi located at the throat i.e., thyroid glands (governs sound, speech communication and sence of security of human being). Mantras chanted by cosmic humanbeing bridges with cosmic Ishanya. Comic Ishanya is represented in OM, a Pranava Mantra form. According to Vastu Mandala Lord Shiva in Ishanya form rules this grid and represents the space or Akasha. Mantras chanted here will reverberate in space. If left free from obstacles and less occupation or weight, there will be balanced power.
6. Ajna or third eye located at pineal glands or between the eye brows; the two side nadis 'Ida' (yoga) and 'Pingala' are terminating and merge with the central channel 'Sushumna' (governs higher and lower selves and trusting inner guidance of human being). As per Vastu Mandala this direction is also related to open spaces (‘Akasha’) and to the North East corner (Ishanya). The sanctum (Garbagriha or womb chamber) is recommended at this grid, the seat of the divinity.
7. Sahasrara or pure consciousness chakra located at the crown of the head - symbolized by a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals. According to Vastu Mandala Anja is the sanctum. The vimanam and shikara forms the space element and the currents of life ascends through the 'Brahma-randra shila' or stone slab placed at 'griva' (neck)of the vimana. The finial of the shikara of the vimanam is the grid at which unseen sahasrara located.
"Garba Gruha Sirahapoktam antaraalam Galamthatha
Ardha Mandapam Hridayasthanam Kuchisthanam Mandapomahan
Medhrasthaneshu Dwajasthambam Praakaram Janjuangeecha
Gopuram Paadayosketha Paadasya Angula Pokthaha
Gopuram Sthupasthatha Yevam Devaalayam angamuchyathe"
Meaning: Garba-griham (main sanctum) is equated with human head; antarala (vestibule) is equated with human neck; ardha - mandapam (half-hall) is compared with human chest; maha - mandapam (main hall) is equated with the stomach; flag-post is viewed along with human male organ;and gopuram or temple gateway tower is viewed along with human feet.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One teenage girl is using film to fight child sex trafficking

Thirteen Disorders Caused by Lack of Water

1. Fatigue, Energy Loss: Dehydration of the tissues causes enzymatic activity to slow down.
2. Premature Aging: The body of a newborn child is composed of 80 percent liquid, but this percentage declines to no more than 70 percent in an adult and continues to decline with age.
3. Excess Weight and Obesity: We may overeat because we crave foods rich in water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.
4. High and Low Blood Pressure: The body’s blood volume is not enough to completely fill the entire set of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
5. Cholesterol: When dehydration causes too much liquid to be drained from inside the cells, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.
6. Constipation: When chewed food enters the colon, it contains too much liquid to allow stools to form properly, and the wall of the colon reduces it. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too much water to give to other parts of the body.
7. Digestive Disorders: In chronic dehydration, the secretion of digestive juices is less.
8. Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers: To protect its mucous membranes from being destroyed by the acidic digestive fluid it produces, the stomach secretes a layer of mucus.
9. Respiratory Troubles: The mucous membranes of the respiratory region are slightly moist to protect the respiratory tract from substances that might be present in inhaled air.
10. Acid-Alkaline Imbalance: Dehydration activates an enzymatic slowdown producing acidification.
11. Eczema: Your body needs enough moisture to sweat 20 to 24 ounces of water, the amount necessary to dilute toxins so they do not irritate the skin.
12. Cystitis, Urinary Infections: If toxins contained in urine are insufficiently diluted, they attack the urinary mucous membranes.
13. Rheumatism: Dehydration abnormally increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluids, and the pains increase in proportion to the concentration of the toxins.
Recommended Daily Amount:
Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.
So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

வீட்டிலிருந்த படியே சிறுநீரக கல்லை குணமாக்கும் வீட்டு வைத்தியம்!

தலைவலி, பல்வலி போல பலரையும் பரவலாக தாக்கக்கூடிய ஒரு பிரச்சினையாக இன்றைக்கு உருவெடுத்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது சிறுநீரகக்கல். இந்த நோய் வருவதற்கான அறிகுறிகள், பின்னணி, சிகிச்சைகள், தவிர்க்கும் முறைகள் பற்றி பிரபல சிறுநீரகவியல் மருத்துவர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர். அவர்கள் கூறும் ஆலோசனைகளை பின்பற்றுங்களேன்.
சிறுநீரகத்தில், சிறுநீரில் உள்ள கிரிஸ்டல் எனப்படுகிற உப்புகள் (கால்சியம், ஆக்சலேட், யூரிக் அமிலம் ஆகியவை) ஒன்றுதிரண்டு, சிறுநீர்ப் பாதையில் பல்வேறு அளவுள்ள கற்களை உருவாக்கலாம். சிறுநீரானது சிறுநீரகத்தில் உற்பத்தியாகி, சிறுநீர்க் குழாய் வழியே சிறுநீர்ப் பைகளுக்கு வந்து பிறகு வெளியேறுகிறது. சிறுநீரகத்தில்தான் கல்லும் உற்பத்தியாகிறது. அது அங்கேயே தங்கிப் பெரிதாகலாம். குழாய் மூலம் சிறுநீர் பைக்கு வெளியேறலாம். அல்லது அடைப்பு ஏற்படுத்தலாம்.
அறிகுறிகள் என்ன ?
முதுகில் வலி ஆரம்பித்து, அது முன்பக்கம் வயிற்றுப்பகுதிக்குத் தாவினாலோ, அடிவயிற்றில் வலித்தாலோ, அது தொடைகள், அந்தரங்க உறுப்புகளுக்குப் பரவினாலோ, காய்ச்சல், சிறுநீரில் ரத்தம் வெளியேறுதல் போன்றவை இருந்தாலோ சிறுநீரக்கல்லாக இருக்கலாம்.
தைராய்டு பிரச்சினை
பரம்பரையாக சிறுநீரகக்கல் பிரச்சினை ஒருவரைத் தாக்கலாம். சிறுநீர் போகிற பாதையில் அடைப்பிருந்தாலோ, பாரா தைராய்டு எனப்படுகிற சுரப்பியின் அதீத இயக்கம் காரணமாகவோ, இன்ஃபெக்ஷன் காரணமாகவோ கூட சிறுநீரகத்தில் கல் வரலாம். அலட்சியப்படுத்தினால் கல் கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக பெரிதாகி, மான் கொம்பு அளவுக்கு வளர்ந்து நிற்கும்.
5 மில்லிமீட்டரை விட சிறிய கல் எனில் சிறுநீரிலேயே வெளியேறி விடும். 8 மி.மீ. என்றால் 80 சதவிகித வாய்ப்புண்டு. 1 செ.மீ. அளவுக்கு வளர்ந்துவிட்டால் சிரமம். சரியான நேரத்தில் சிகிச்சை எடுக்காவிட்டால் சிறுநீரகம், சிறுநீரைப் பிரிக்க இயலாது, செயலிழக்கும்.
ரத்தப்பரிசோதனை மூலம் கல் இருப்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். பிறகு ஸ்கேன் உதவியுடன், கல் இருக்கும் இடம், அதன் அளவைத் தெரிந்து கொள்ளலாம். அய்.வி.பி. எக்ஸ்ரே மூலம் சிறுநீரகம் எப்படி இயங்குகிறது என்பதையும், அதில் அடைப்புள்ளதா, வேலை செய்யும் திறனை இழக்குமா என்பனவற்றைக் கண்டுபிடிக்கலாம். மருந்துகளால் முடியாத பட்சத்தில், அதிர்வலை சிகிச்சை மூலம் கல்லை மட்டும் உடைத்தெடுக்கலாம்.
பெரிய கல் என்றால் முதுகுவழியே துளையிட்டு, டெலஸ்கோப் வழியே பார்த்து உடைக்கலாம். சிறுநீர் பாதை வழியே டெலஸ்கோப்பை செலுத்தி உடைக்கிற யூரெத்ரோஸ்கோப்பியும் பலனளிக்கும். ஒருமுறை கல்லை அகற்றினால் மறுபடி வருவதற்கான வாய்ப்புகள் உண்டு.
வீட்டு வைத்தியம்
சிறுநீரக் கல்லை வெளியேற்ற வீட்டிலேயே மருந்து உள்ளது என்கின்றனர் மருத்துவர்கள். தினசரி மூன்று முதல் நான்கு லிட்டர் தண்ணீர் குடிக்க வேண்டும். கோடை காலத்தில் தினமும் ஒரு இளநீரும், மற்ற காலங்களில் வாரத்திற்கு 2 முறையாவது குடிப்பது நலம்.
பார்லியை நன்கு வேக வைத்து நிறைய தண்ணீரோடு குடித்து வந்தால் அதிக சிறுநீர் வெளியேறி சிறுநீரகத்தில் உப்பு சேர்வது தடுக்கப்படும். வாரத்தில் ஒருமுறை இதை செய்யலாம். அகத்தி கீரையுடன் உப்பு, சீரகம் சேர்த்து வேகவைத்து, அந்த நீரை அருந்தலாம்.
முள்ளங்கி சாறு 30 மிலி அளவு குடித்து வந்தால் சிறுநீரக கோளாறு நீங்கும். சிறுநீர் நன்றாக பிரியும். வெள்ளரி, வாழைப்பூ, வாழைத்தண்டு, ஆகியவைகளை அதிகம் உட்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
வெள்ளரிப்பிஞ்சு, நீராகாரம் சிறுநீரக பிரச்னைகளுக்கு அருமருந்து. பரங்கிக்காய் சிறுநீர் பெருக்கி. அதை அடிக்கடி உணவில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளலாம். புதினாக் கீரையை தொடர்ச்சியாக சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் சிறுநீரகங்கள் பலப்படும்.
எதை சாப்பிடக்கூடாது?
சிறுநீரக கல் பிரச்சினை உள்ளவர்கள் சில உணவுகளை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும் என்று மருத்துவர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர். உப்பு பிஸ்கட், சிப்ஸ், கடலை, பாப்கான், அப்பளம், வடகம், வற்றல், ஊறுகாய், கருவாடு, உப்புக்கண்டம், முந்திரிபருப்பு, பாதாம், பிஸ்தா, கேசரி பருப்பு, கொள்ளு, துவரம் பருப்பு, ஸ்ட்ராங் காபி, டீ, சமையல் சோடா, சோடியம் பை&கார்பனேட் உப்பு, சீஸ், சாஸ், க்யூப்ஸ் ஆகியவைகளை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும். கோக்கோ, சாக்லேட், குளிர்பானங்கள், மது மற்றும் புகையிலை கண்டிப்பாக தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.

When criminal law meets neuroscience

Transformative technology marks the progress of humanity. It also inevitably raises questions. Just think of all the issues the spread of the Internet has raised, from net neutrality to anonymous harassment to search privacy. Not all of the issues are negative, of course, as exemplified by the question all non-profits are now asking themselves: how can we replicate the fundraising success of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?
One sector of technology innovation that doesn’t get much attention in the media, but seems poised to make game-changing strides, is neuroscience and its applications for criminal and civil law. In 2011, the MacArthur Foundation granted $4.5 million to establish the national Research Network on Law and Neuroscience (which shortens its name to the Network) headquartered at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
Their mission includes examining the multiple effects of modern neuroscience on criminal law, designing and conducting neuroscientific research, and trying to make neuroscience accessible and beneficial to America’s courtrooms.
This field is so new that it is more defined by questions than answers at this pioneering stage. To get a sense of those questions, we turned to the Network’s Director, Owen Jones, who is one the country’s few professors of both law and biology.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Steve Jobs and his 3 stories

Serotonin controls fat metabolism!

Central serotonin (5-HT) is an anorexigenic neurotransmitter in the brain. However, accumulating evidence suggests peripheral 5-HT may affect organismal energy homeostasis. 

Authors in Nature Communications show 5-HT regulates white and brown adipose tissue function. 

Under high-fat diet (HFD) condition, the inhibition of 5-HT synthesis by various means reduced body weight gain, improved glucose tolerance, increased thermogenic activity in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and decreased lipogenesis in white adipose tissue (WAT).

Authors also show that 5-HT inhibited thermogenesis through (serotonin receptor) Htr3 in BAT and increased lipogenesis through Htr2a in WAT.

These data suggest important roles for adipocyte-derived 5-HT in controlling energy homeostasis.

Lesser known rock cut temple at Wasvi, Dhar(Madhya Pradesh) Via: ASI Bhopal circle

Beautiful sculpture of Nagas

Monday, April 13, 2015

Why I Refuse to be Silent

"Wow I thought black people are supposed to be scary." This honest and uncensored statement that a little girl recanted as I recited my biographical speech on Florence Nightingale clothed in the white sheets that represented Ms. Nightingale's pure heart tore down my dignity and self-esteem to shreds like a machete chopping off the foundation of a plant. Nevertheless, these words instilled a spark in me to relentlessly stand up for others that are unjustly judged.
Many years later, I was prompted to act when my friend grumbled about how the Day of Silence for LGBTQ individuals that I and some members of the diversity club initiated was garbage. At first I ignored him, but then as I overheard him tell his likeminded friend that he would "never have a college roommate who was gay," that very spark in me was lit and I felt morally obligated to challenge this prejudiced line of thinking.
I began to ask him if he would really refuse to have a roommate who was gay. As our conversation escalated, his face turned red, my heart beat faster, and our voices grew louder. My friend felt that one couldn't be a devout Catholic like myself and yet support gay marriage. I countered by attacking his Biblical argument that gay marriage is a moral abomination with my belief that Christianity should be about love and acceptance of others. After a drawn-out argument in which I constantly refuted my friends points, I remembered that inner beat-down I had suffered many years ago that had really triggered my confrontational stance. This was about a whole lot more than a logical or ethical argument, this was about an attack on my human rights.
I don't know what it feels like to be gay, bisexual, or transgender, but I do know what it is like to have a facade of inferiority hang over me because I look "scary." I know how worthless it is to pat the victim on the back or assure him in times of privacy that "it doesn't matter what she thinks." This applies even in the most intimate of settings as I find my friend is not the only one I must confront on such issues but also my own personal heroes. "But granny regardless of what the bible says isn't the struggle for gay rights just like the struggle for racial equality?" I know that it may seem wrong to challenge those that have unconditionally loved and taken care of you, but I must do so in order to ensure that others can feel this same love from all people.
I speak up because when one sees an injustice and just shrugs one's shoulder it is just like promoting it. We live in a society of interdependence in which we must be allies for each other in all social spheres for the continual progress of society as a whole. If one analyzes any prolonged societal injustice against any social group in history, one will see that a critical component in its persistence was the silent approval of the unaffected. I will admit that it can be very confusing at times to stand up for others, especially when it involves challenging ideal systems I've always considered absolute or people I look up to. But in order to reap the vast benefits of the great diversity around us we must take to heart the sorrows of our fellow human-being and make them our own.

Read more:

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why You Should Walk, Not Run, Your Way To Fat Loss

1 – When you do a cardio exercise, like running, you burn calories from muscle and fat. The body cannot pick to burn the calories that you would like to see burnt, and thus by running you actually decrease your muscle mass. You don’t want to do that because muscles are more metabolic and burn more calories.
2 – Too much cardio exercises increase the production of a stress hormone called cortisol, which leads to bigger food cravings because your body wants to overcompensate for the burned calories. So, you end up consuming more calories than you have burned.
**Too much cardio exercising makes you leptin-resistant, which is the same hormonal effect as sleep deprivation. That way your body is unable to tell if it is full. You get very hungry and eventually develop insulin resistance due to the high amounts of cortisol and you get back to weight gaining.
**Cardiovascular exercises can have negative impact on the thyroid function. In order to have a properly functioning metabolism, the thyroid produces a hormone called T4, which then is converted to T3 to help the metabolism. But, by creating too much cortisol in your body, the thyroid is unable to produce T4 and you end up with dysfunctional metabolism, decreased ability to burn fat and loss of energy.
3 – It is believed that running has a low impact, plus the further you run the more you bang your feet into the ground. If you are overweight this can be bad for your knees and other joints
Summary: Cardio can cause the reduction of the muscle mass, less efficient metabolism, hormonal imbalance, which can lead to more weight, and it can have a negative impact on your knees if you are overweight.
Walking on the other hand can be a much healthier and more balanced alternative, even though it doesn’t provide the same amount of calorie burning effects as running. By walking you decrease the amounts of cortisol, which is much better on longer term. Walking makes you more sensitive to insulin, which then enables better calorie burning from other exercises and it doesn’t create cravings and unmanageable hunger. It also produces serotonin and dopamine which make you feel motivated and happier and lead to overall wellness.
So, walk as much as possible! Take 30 to 60 minutes walk at least three days a week, and increase this up to six days. Choose walking instead of cardio, and do other activities that relieve stress to the body. But, if you want a firm and good looking body, do some weekly metabolic resistance exercises for 20 or 30 minutes. Couple this with a well-though diet and you won’t have to run ever again.


வழக்கொழிந்துபோன தமிழ் இசைக்கருவிகளில் ஒன்றான குடமுழவம்.. திருவாரூர், திருத்துறைபூண்டி கோவில்களில் மட்டுமே உள்ளது..!