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Monday, March 19, 2012

Top 10 Inventions That Changed the World

Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge, experience or capability. An invention that is not derived from an existing model or idea, or that achieves a completely unique function, discovery, or result, may be a radical breakthrough. Here 10 such breathtaking inventions that changed the way in which we look at the future.

10. The Plow

Compared to some of the gleaming, electronic inventions that fill our lives today, the plow doesn't seem very exciting. It's a simple cutting tool used to carve a furrow into the soil, churning it up to expose nutrients and prepare it for planting. Yet the plow is probably the one invention that made all others possible. No one knows who invented the plow, or exactly when it came to be. It probably developed independently in a number of regions, and there is evidence of its use in prehistoric eras. Prior to the plow, humans were subsistence farmers or hunter/gatherers. Their lives were devoted solely to finding enough food to survive from one season to the next. Growing food added some stability to life, but doing it by hand was labor intensive and took a long time. The plow changed all that.

Plows made the work easier and faster. Improvements in the plow's design made farming so efficient that people could harvest far more food than they neededto survive. They could trade the surplus for goods or services. And if you could get food by trading, then you could devote your day-to-day existence to something other than growing food, such as producing the goods and services that were suddenly in demand. The ability to trade and store materials drove the invention of written language, number systems, fortifications and militaries. As populations gathered to engage in these activities, cities grew. It's not a stretch to say that the plow is responsible for the creation of human civilization.
9. Wheel

The wheel is another invention so ancient that we have no way of knowing who first developed it. The oldest wheel and axle mechanism we've found was near Ljubljana, Slovenia, and dates to roughly 3100 B.C.
The wheel made the transportation of goods much faster and more efficient, especially when affixed to horse-drawn chariots and carts. However, if it had been used only for transportation, the wheel wouldn't have been as much of a world-changer as it was. In fact, a lack of quality roads limited its usefulness in this regard for thousands of years.

A wheel can be used for a lot of things other than sticking them on a cart to carry grain, though. Tens of thousands of other inventions require wheels to function, from water wheels that power mills to gears and cogs that allowed even ancient cultures to create complex machines. Cranks and pulleys need wheels to work. A huge amount of modern technology still depends on the wheel, like centrifuges used in chemistry and medical research, electric motors and combustion engines,jet engines,power plants and countless others.

8. Printing Press

Like many of the inventions on this list, the man we believe invented the printing press (Johann Gutenberg in the 1430s) actually improved on per-existingtechnologies and made them useful and efficient enough to become popular. The world already had paper and block printing -- the Chinese had them as early as the 11th century -- but the complexity of their language limited popularity. Marco Polo brought the idea to Europe in 1295.

Gutenberg combined the idea of block printing with a screw press (used for olive oil and wine production). He also developed metal printing blocks that were far more durable and easier to make than the hand-carved wooden letters in use previously. Finally, his advances in ink and paper production helped revolutionize the whole process of mass printing.

The printing press allowed enormous quantities of information to be recorded and spread throughout the world. Books had previously been items only the extremely rich could afford, but mass production brought the price down tremendously. The printing press is probably responsible for many other inventions, but in a more subtle way than the wheel. The diffusion of knowledge it created gave billions of humans the education they needed to create their own inventions in the centuries since.

7. Refrigeration

Refrigerators cool things down by taking advantage of the way substances absorb and unload heat as their pressure points and phases of matter change (usually from gas to liquid and back). It's difficult to pinpoint a single inventor of the refrigerator, because the concept was widely known and gradually improved over the course of about 200 years. Some credit Oliver Evans' 1805 unproduced design of a vapor-compression unit, while others point to Carl von Linde's 1876 design as the actual precursor of the modern refrigerator in your kitchen. Dozens of inventors, including Albert Einstein, would refine or improve refrigerator designs over the decades.

In the early 20th century, harvested natural ice was still common, but large industries such as breweries were beginning to use ice-making machines. Harvested ice for industrial use was rare by World War I. However, it wasn't until the development of safer refrigerant chemicals in the 1920s that home refrigerators became the norm.

The ability to keep food cold for prolonged periods (and even during shipping, once refrigerated trucks were developed) drastically changed the food production industry and the eating habits of people around the world. Now, we have easy access to fresh meats and dairy products even in the hottest summer months, and we're no longer tied to the expense of harvesting and shipping natural ice -- which never could have kept pace with the world's growing population in any case.

6. Communications

Maybe it's cheating to lump the telegraph,telephone,radio and television in to one "invention," but the development of communication technology has been a continuum of increased utility and flexibility since Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph in 1836 (building on the prior work of others, of course). The telephone simply refined the idea by allowing actual voice communications to be sent over copper wires, instead of just beeps that spelled out the plain text in Morse code. These communication methods were point-to-point, and required an extensive infrastructure of wires to function.

Transmitting signals wirelessly using electromagnetic waves was a concept worked on by many inventors around the world, but Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla popularized it in the early 20th century. Eventually, sound could be transmitted wirelessly, while engineers gradually perfected the transmission of images. Radio and television were new landmarks in communications because they allowed a single broadcaster to send messages to thousands or even millions of recipients as long as they were equipped with receivers.

These developments in communications technology effectively shrank the world. In the span of about 120 years, we went from a world where it might take weeks to hear news from across the country to one where we can watch events occurring on the other side of the globe as they happen. The advent of mass communications put more information within our grasp and altered how we interact with each other.

5. Steam Engine

Prior to the invention of the steam engine, most products were made by hand.Waterwheels and draft animals provided the only "industrial" power available, which clearly had its limits. The Industrial Revolution, which is perhaps the greatest change over the shortest period of time in the history of civilization, was carried forward by the steam engine.

The concept of using steam to power machines had been around for thousands of years, but Thomas Newcomen's creation in 1712 was the first to harness that power for useful work (pumping water out of mines, for the most part). In 1769, James Watt modified a Newcomen engine by adding a separate condenser, which vastly increased the steam engine's power and made it a far more practical way to do work. He also developed a way for the engine to produce rotary motion, which may be just as important as the efficiency gains. Thus, Watt is often considered the inventor of the steam engine.

Newcomen's and Watt's engines actually used the vacuum of condensing steam to drive the pistons, not the pressure of steam expansion. This made the engines bulky. It was the high-pressure steam engine developed by Richard Trevithick and others that allowed for steam engines small enough to power a train. Not only did steam engines power factories that made the rapid production of goods possible, they powered the trains and steamships that carried those goods across the globe.

While the steam engine has been eclipsed by electric and internal combustion engines in the areas of transport and factory power, they're still incredibly important. Most power plants in the world actually generate electricity using steam turbines, whether the steam is heated by burning coal, natural gas or a nuclear reactor.

4. Automobile

If the steam engine mobilized industry, the automobile mobilized people. While ideas for personal vehicles had been around for years, Karl Benz's 1885 Motorwagen, powered by an internal combustion engine of his own design, is widely considered the first automobile. Henry Ford's improvements in the production process -- and effective marketing -- brought the price and the desire for owning an auto into the reach of most Americans. Europe soon followed.

The automobile's effect on commerce, society and culture is hard to overestimate. Most of us can jump in our car and go wherever we want whenever we want, effectively expanding the size of any community to the distance we're willing to drive to shop or visit friends. Our cities are largely designed and built around automobile access, with paved roads and parking lots taking up huge amounts of space and a big chunk of our governments' budgets. The auto industry has fueled enormous economic growth worldwide, but it's also generated a lot of pollution.

3. Light Bulb

If there's a common theme to this list, it's that no major invention came from a single stroke of genius from a single inventor. Every invention is built by incrementally improving earlier designs, and the person usually associated with an invention is the first person to make it commercially viable. Such is the case with the light bulb. We immediately think of Thomas Edison as the electric light bulb's inventor, but dozens of people were working on similar ideas in the 1870s, when Edison developed his incandescent bulb. Joseph Swan did similar work in Britain at the time, and eventually the two merged their ideas into a single company, Ediswan.
The bulb itself works by transmitting electricity through a wire with high resistance known as a filament. The waste energy created by the resistance is expelled as heat and light. The glass bulb encases the filament in a vacuum or in inert gas, preventing combustion.

You might think the light bulb changed the world by allowing people to work at night or in dark places (it did, to some extent), but we already had relatively cheap and efficient gas lamps and other light sources at the time. It was actually the infrastructure that was built to provide electricity to every home and business that changed the world. Today, our world is filled with powered devices than we can plug in pretty much anywhere. We have the light bulb to thank for it.

2. Computer

A computer is a machine that takes information in, is able to manipulate it in some way, and outputs new information. There is no single inventor of the modern computer, although the ideas of British mathematician Alan Turing are considered eminently influential in the field of computing. Mechanical computing devices were in existence in the 1800s (there were even rare devices that could be considered computers in ancient eras), but electronic computers were invented in the 20th century.

Computers are able to make complicated mathematical calculations at an incredible rate of speed. When they operate under the instructions of skilled programmers, computers can accomplish amazing feats. Some high-performance military aircraft wouldn't be able to fly without constant computerized adjustments to flight control surfaces. Computers performed the sequencing of the human genome, let us put spacecraft into orbit, control medical testing equipment, and create the complex visual imagery used in films and video games.
If we only examine these grandiose uses of computers, we overlook how much we rely on them from day to day. Computers let us store vast amounts of information and retrieve a given piece of it almost instantly. Many of the things we take for granted in the world wouldn't function without computers, from cars to power plants to phones.

1. Internet

The Internet, a network of computers covering the entire planet, allows people to access almost any information located anywhere in the world at any time. Its effects on business, communication, economy, entertainment and even politics are profound. The Internet may not have changed the world as much as the plow, but it's probably on par with the steam engine or automobile.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the research and development arm of the U.S. military, created ARPANET in the late 1960s. This network of computer-to-computer connections was intended for military and academic research. Other computer networks began to cross the globe in the next few years, and by the late 1970s computer scientists had created a single protocol, TCP/IP, that would allow computers on any network to communicate with computers on other networks. This was, essentially, the birth of the Internet, but it took 10 or so years for various other networks in the world to adopt the new protocol, making the Internet truly global.

The Internet is such a powerful invention that we've probably only begun to see the effects it will have on the world. The ability to diffuse and recombine information with such efficiency could accelerate the rate at which further world-changing inventions are created. At the same time, some fear that our ability to communicate, work, play and do business via the Internet breaks down our ties to local communities and causes us to become socially isolated. Like any invention, the good or ill it accomplishes will come from how we choose to use it.

Eyes & PC

Step I:- 

After every 20 minutes of looking at the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for tired eyes.

Step II :-

Try and blink your eyes 20 times in succession to moisten them..

Step III:-

Time permitting, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.
Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They say that your eyes mirror your soul, so do take care of them; they are priceless... ...


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There is nothing that makes you frustrated. 
Any frustration you experience is the result of 
your own choice to react with frustration. 

There is nothing that makes you annoyed. 
Any annoyance you experience comes about because 
you have decided to be annoyed. 

You can choose to be annoyed, 
frustrated, angry, and spiteful. 
You can also choose not to be. 

Imagine how effective you could be if there was nothing that annoyed you. 
That level of effectiveness is yours to choose, right here, right now. 

All sorts of things will happen in your world today. 
You can let them get to you, and annoy and frustrate you, 
or you can choose to follow your own path. 

You have the power to be free of frustration, free of annoyance, 
free to accomplish and enjoy life. Choose that freedom today.
~Ralph Marston~

Radiate Light

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Each one of us is a walking radiator. 
Mostly we radiate thoughts and attitudes. 
From deep within we radiate our state of being, 
and the essential, original and eternal state of every being 
is peaceful and loving. 

But we block and distort this energy with our attachments. 
Attachments turn love into fear, peace into anger and then 
distort our attitudes and actions towards others. 

This is neither relaxing for ourselves, or for those around us. 
Which is why detachment is the secret to living lightly and lovingly. 

To be a radiator that people come to for real warmth, 
what do you need to detach from today? 
If you don't detach then you will stay attached, 
and then you will see others and life itself as a threat, 
and your tension will keep them away. 

But they cannot threaten you. 
Only your dependency on a thing, or an idea, 
or an opinion can be threatened.

காற்றில் இயங்கும் ஹைபிரிட் கார்!

பத்து பைசா செலவில்லாமல் காற்றில் இயங்கும் ஹைபிரிட் கார்!

காற்று மற்றும் சூரிய சக்தியில் புதிய ஹைபிரிட் கான்செப்ட் காரை சென்னை எஞ்சினியரிங் கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள் கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்.

நாகை மாவட்டம், தரங்கம்பாடியிலுள்ள ஹைடெக் புராஜெக்ட்ஸ் இன்ஸ்ட்ரீஸ் நிறுவனத்தின் ஒத்துழைப்புடன் பல முன்னணி எஞ்சினியரிங் கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள் எதிர்காலத்துக்கான தேவையான மாற்று எரிசக்தியில் இயங்கும் புதிய கார்களை கண்டுபிடித்து வருகின்றனர்.

இந்த வரிசையில், தற்போது சென்னை, தாம்பரத்திலுள்ள சாய்ராம் எஞ்சினியரிங் கல்லூரியில் இறுதியாண்டு படிக்கும் மாணவர்கள் குழு, தரங்கம்பாடியிலுள்ள ஹை-டெக் புராஜெக்ட்ஸ் இன்டஸ்ட்ரீஸ் ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் முரளி, ஜெயராஜ் மற்றும் கல்லூரி பேராசிரியர்கள் ஆலோசனை மற்றும் ஒத்துழைப்புடன் காற்று சக்தியில் இயங்கும் புதிய காரை கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்.

பூம்புகார் எம்எல்ஏ பவுன்ராஜ் முன்னிலையில் இந்த ஏர் கார் சமீபத்தில் சோதனை ஓட்டம் நடத்தப்பட்டது. இதில், ஏராளமான பொதுமக்களும், பிரமுகர்களும் கலந்து கொண்டனர். இந்த புதிய ஏர் காரை வடிவமைத்த மாணவர்கள் மற்றும் ஆலோசனை வழங்கிய ஆய்வாளர்கள், பேராசிரியர்களை அனைவரும் வெகுவாக பாராட்டினர்.

இந்த காரில் பொருத்தப்பட்டுள்ள சிறிய புரொப்பல்லர் உதவியுடன் இந்த கார் காற்று சக்தியில் கடகடவென ஓடி பார்ப்பவர்களை பரவசப்படுத்துகிறது. தவிர, இந்த காரின் பின்புறத்தில் சோலார் செல் பேனல் பொருத்தப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.

இதன்மூலம், இந்த காரை எலக்ட்ரிக் மோட்டார் உதவியுடனும் இயக்க முடியும். 120 கிலோ எடை கொண்ட இந்த கார் 5.5 அடி நீளமும், 4.5 அடி உயரத்தையும் கொண்டிருக்கிறது. தவிர, இந்த காரில் பொருத்தப்பட்டிருக்கும் சோலார் பேட்டரி மூலம் வீட்டிற்கு மின் சப்ளையை பெறும் வசதியும் இருக்கிறது.

இதுகுறித்து கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள் கூறும்போது," இந்த காரை வடிவமைக்க ரூ.55,000 செலவானது. போதிய நிதி ஆதாரம் கிடைத்தவுடன் இந்த காரை மேம்படுத்தி விற்பனைக்கு கொண்டு வரும் திட்டமும் இருக்கிறது.

சுற்றுச் சூழலுக்கு துளி கூட மாசு விளைவிக்காத இந்த காரை விற்பனைக்கு கொண்டு வருவதே எங்கள் லட்சியமாக உள்ளது," என்றனர்.

Beauty And Complexity of English Language

Every language has it's own beauty. Here is one such example of the beauty and complexity of the English language. Professor Ernest Brennecke of Columbia is credited with inventing a sentence that can be made to have eight different meanings by placing ONE WORD in all possible positions in the sentence.

"I hit him in the eye yesterday." is the sentence and the word is "ONLY". Now, here are the different meanings which is formed by placed this word in different possible positions in this sentence:

1. ONLY I hit him in the eye yesterday. (No one else did)

2. I ONLY hit him in the eye yesterday. (Did not slap him)

3. I hit ONLY him in the eye yesterday. (I did not hit others)

4. I hit him ONLY in the eye yesterday. (I did not hit outside the eye)

5. I hit him in ONLY the eye yesterday. (Not other organs)

6. I hit him in the ONLY eye yesterday. (He doesn't have another eye)

7. I hit him in the eye ONLY yesterday. (Not today)

8. I hit him in the eye yesterday ONLY(Did not wait for today)

" This is the beauty and complexity of the English language... "

How cyber-bullies differ


Of the 927 students surveyed in Victoria, approximately 15 per cent had been engaged in cyber-bulling.
Image: Rivendellstudios/iStockphoto
An international research project led by Professor Sheryl Hemphill of Australian Catholic University (ACU) has found that the factors leading to incidents of cyber-bullying are different to those which result in traditional bullying.

Of the 927 students surveyed in Victoria, approximately 15 per cent had been engaged in cyber-bulling and 21 per cent in traditional bullying. Seven per cent had been involved in both.

Professor Hemphill found that academic failure, family conflict and past bullying behavior were the main factors leading to episodes of traditional bullying.

Of these, only past behavior, in the form of relational aggression, was a factor leading to incidents of cyber-bullying.

Relational aggression refers to covert forms of bullying such as exclusion and spreading rumours.

“Advances in technology can provide young people with positive ways to communicate but can also bring about new risks,” Professor Hemphill said.

Drawing on data from the International Youth Development Study – a longitudinal study of students in Australia and the United States which began in 2002 – the research examined individual, peer, family and school risk factors for both cyber and traditional bullying in adolescents.

“At this stage, the best advice we can give to schools is for them to use evidence-based bullying prevention programs and ensure that they target cyber-bullying within these. Further research on influential factors may suggest other approaches in the future.”

“For traditional bullying, addressing difficulties at home and providing academic support also helps improve the behavior of perpetrators.

Cyber-bullying is still a relatively new concept, with very few longitudinal studies to fall back on. Professor Hemphill said much further research is needed before we can fully understand the influential factors as well as its impacts.

“Cyber-space is a relatively new environment. We need to take a similar approach to anywhere young people go – teach them the skills they need to keep themselves safe in that environment and know how to find assistance if they need it. We need to develop clear strategies young people can use in cyber-space so that they experience the benefits but avoid the risks of the cyber environment.”

“Further research into and knowledge of the factors which lead to cyber-bulling will help inform anti-bullying strategies and educational policies which will, in turn, reduce bullying incidents in schools.”
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Sai Baba Chant singing with pictures

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Workshop on Establishment of quality control Laboratories in Eastern Province (நெல்சிப் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் திறன் வளர்ப்புப் பயிற்சிப் பட்டறை)

Posted by Eng.A.S.Gowripalan IEC Specialist,  
Workshop on Establishment of quality control Laboratories in Eastern Province As a part of the Pura Neguma (Local Service Improvement Project) a workshop on establishment of quality control laboratories in eastern province was conducted at Kulakoddam auditorium on 15th March , 2012. The program was arranged by Project Management Unit Eastern Province. Target Participants – Engineers and Technical officers of all local authorities in Eastern Province Objective – Enhancement of skills and knowledge in quality assurance  The main subject dealt in program is importance and relevance of quality assurance in concrete engineering practice. The technical session was conducted by Mr.R.K.Malkotra (Senior Consultant World Bank) at the end of the program the task team leader of world bank  Eng.S.Manoharan assured to establish quality control laboratory including mobile laboratory and the work shop followed by a field visit.

நெல்சிப் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் திறன் வளர்ப்புப் பயிற்சிப் பட்டறை

Words of Mother Teresa


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Can you put a price on being nice? The chances are you already have. When you go to a restaurant, do you sometimes tip a little bit more if the serving staff were extra nice/professional/helpful? When you shop somewhere and the assistants are nice (not pushy) and give good advice, you go back next time, right?
Of course, sitting here in front of my computer it is easy to say these things, and reading them you may well agree, but out in the real world, when we are running at a million miles an hour, it is not always quite so obvious.
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In actual fact, the value of being nice far outstrips the cost of being nice. If you go out of your way to be helpful the customer will remember it. Whether you reap the benefit of this now or later, either way it will be remembered.
Let me add a small story. This is a true story. In 1998, I (Sherrie Holland) was working at Johns Hopkins as an Administrative Manager. I left my office to go to the ladies room and found one of our medical residents sobbing. I sat and talked with her for a while and tried to give her encouragement.

The next morning, she arrived at my office with a little box of Godiva chocolates and a very heartwarming note, thanking me and telling me how much my pep talk had helped her and that she knew she�d be fine now.

The same can be applied if you are not so helpful, always remember that.
The actual cost of being helpful is zero, or close to it. If you can greet every request, every phonecall and every email in the same positive manner it really does not cost you anything, but the rewards can be immense!
So next time the phone rings or you hear the chime of a new mail arriving, remember the value of being nice, it�s worth it, I promise!
Let me add an Awesome old classic sung by Mukesh from the film Anari (1959) .
Music by Shankar Jaikishan, Beautiful lyrics by one of my Favourite writer Shailendra. 
I like this song becaue of the beautiful lyrics. 

Kisiki muskuraahaton pe ho nisaar  
To offer yourself to someone for smiles, 
Kisika Dard mil sake to le udhaar
To share someone�s grief,Kisike vaaste ho tere dil mein pyaar
To have love in your heart for someone,
Jeena issi ka naam hai 
This is what life is all about.
Maana apni jeb se fakeer hain
Granted, we are poor, by the standard of our pockets.Phir bhi yaaron dil ke ham ameer hain
Even so, we are rich at heart
Mitte jo pyaar ke liye woh zindagi
Crave for spring that is life,
Kisi ko ho na ho hamein to aitbaar
This we believe, though others may not,
Jeena issi kaa naam hai
That this is what life is all about
Rishta dil se dil ke aitbaar ka
Relationship between the heart and the hearts trust,
Zinda hai hameen se naam pyaar ka
The name of love lives on because of us
Ke mar ke bhi Kisi ko yaad aayenge
Even if we die, we will be remembered by someone
Kisi ke aansuon mein muskuraayenge
That we will smile through someone�s tears
Kahega phool har kali se baar baar
A flower will tell a bud, on and on
Jeena issi kaa naam hai
That this is what life is all about
Just listening to it brings a smile to my face, both for the memories it evokes, 
and the beauty of the simple lyrics.