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Monday, July 16, 2012

Human body

One of the most amazing and yet unknown is the make up of the human body, and there is so much fact about your body itself that you may not know or find it strange, weird and unknown. Therefore, in this article mention some of the weird facts about the human body which you may find interesting.
• The Brain has no sense of pain and cannot feel pain though it is connected with so many nerves.
• In a lifetime, a normal average human body can produce about ten thousand gallons of Saliva.
• When you think about the brain, you think is a piece of solid mass inside you head, but you may not know this strange fact that about eighty percent of the human brain is composed of only water.
• Ever wondered why your feets stink so much and is always sweaty ? This is because of the mere fact that the feet contains five hundred thousand sweat glands (500,000 glands) that produces sweat.
• It has been recorded that an average person touches his/ her face about nineteen times  an hour.
• It is said that the hair cannot be destroyed and is almost indestructable. Its only because it burns makes it to destroy.
• There has always been the battle of sexes ? Well, in the human body, this strange facts lies that the biggest human cell happens to be the female egg, while the smallest human cell is the sperm.
• It has been proved in some studies, that women prefer chocolates than sex.
• A new born baby has about 306 bones but an adult has 206 bones.
• You always thought that sulphurs are poisonous but a human body of an average person contains so much sulfur that it could kill all the fleas present in a dog and yet, the human is not poisoned.
• Heard about Pinocchio whose nose grew longer and longer everytime he lied? Well, even in a real factual world, the ears and nose of all humans continue to grow all your life.
• Another great fact about the nose is that the nose has the capacity to sense and remember 50,000 different kinds of smells.
• On a average, humans fart about fourteen times in a day.
• Have you seen men with hairs in the ears and then you shout Ewwww. Well, let me tell you that an average human ear has about 2 million tiny hair particles in the outer part of the ears.
• Hey Men, you may not know this but all men have an erection while sleeping, maybe every hour or every half an hour, though you may not be aware of it.
• You always close your eyes while sneezing. If you can open your eyes while sneezing then you’re a record breaker.
• Another strange facts about sneezes is that human sneezes travel at a very great speed measuring more than hundred miles an hour.
• Male beards grow faster than your scalp. It is said to be the fastest growing hair in the human body and if a man never shaved or trimmed his beard in his lifetime, it is said that it would be as long as 30 feet's.
• Have you seen animals shed tears ? They do, but it is not that they are crying or are emotionally sad. Only humans cry and shed tears due to emotional reasons whereas animals do for their physiological reasons.
• Have you seen a body builder showing his huge biceps to show how strong and muscular he is ? Well, I tell you this fact that the strongest muscle in a human body in your tongue.


Hakimuddin Akbar Ali Bootwala

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