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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why does all the romance and sex disappear pretty soon these days?

It is shocking isn’t it? In an era when we are getting exposed to sexual education and its implications everyday, sex itself is losing its importance and priority in our activities.

Statistically, it has been proven, that among 16-44 years age population,  it found that women were having sex an average of 4.8 times a month and men, 4.9. Ten years ago this was 6.3 and 6.2, and 10 years before that, 6.1 and 6.4.

Sex is something that helps us in many ways;

It makes us feel good about ourselves

It gives us satisfaction

It is a productive medium for reciprocating our amorous feelings for our partner

It also keeps us physically fit (taking into account that regular diseases like cough, cold, influenza, asthma and hereditary infections can be cured with having a regular healthy sex-life)

It is a vital step for procreation, though we are not inclined to discuss that at the moment as we are talking about sex and good mental health.

So why is it, that the current generation, which is so open about relationships and partner choosing and reluctant to have sex?

Is the progeny turning out to be bearers of under-active sexual hormones? No it may not be so.

Today, out television programs, films and documentaries are much open about sex and sexual procedures.

Earlier, films depicted sex in a very creative way (especially in Indian cinema), a picture of two flowers mating, or bees uniting with their parent flower, which is toady considered to be unrealistic and foolish, and it is true.

Today, every culture is progressing where creation of art is considered. Visual arts like cinema is becoming a medium of message, education and propagation of social awareness. Actions are much more realistic, especially love-making scenes are bold practically structured.

Documentaries and articles are discussing daily on the human body, its biological constructions and their implications on sex.

This has been aimed towards an open culture and proper knowledge.

But on the contrary, it is making us over thoughtful about sex and its procedures.

Factors contributing to these facts: 

When surveyed, it has been found that most people open up about their sexual anxieties which is mostly associated with satisfying their partners. People are too much concerned about the right procedure to accomplishing the perfect sex and this is the reason why, they lose the desire before engaging in the action. Things are becoming too technical, and nowadays, a couple chooses to learn a lot before doing something, ‘research’ is becoming more important than actual experience.

A gynaecologist is an expert on human bodies, especially the female body, and many of them, across different countries of the world have reported that they lack the lust towards their wives; there is nothing hidden from them, there is nothing new to discover, it is a part of their profession, hence for others, sex acts as a relaxation while for them, it is more of culturing with the human body, again, hence they feel lesser urge to have sex with their partners. If their wives are gynaecologists as well, they do understand the psychology.

The same theory can be closely associated with the attitude of the present generation towards sex, though not fully.

More knowledge and education, instead of making people comfortable and progressive, are making them more fearful and anxious towards sex and sex-life.

Besides, media, social world etc. are becoming so active that its making our personal lives inactive.

We are behaving like robots these days, checking our Instagram and whatsapp on phone while having dinner with friends and family; is this a good practice? We come back from work and start scrolling through the Facebook posts, photos and videos not knowing what we are actually looking for.

We check through the vacation photos of our friends and comment lazily on them, instead of planning a vacation for ourselves, we keep playing the #Asphalt game mechanically instead of talking to our spouse for a few minutes, or if we have nothing to do, we just switch on the TV and keep surfing the channels, communicating comes as a second thought, if we at all have time after such productive works, and sex being a part of that communication with your partner also comes as an afterthought; you can just miss it if you are sleepy.

Earlier, when there was not so much around to entertain us, in fact, those ages, when electricity would run out in India after evening time, communicating with your partner in the most creative ways was the best form of entertainment and it kept your relationship healthy.

But now, we are becoming progressive, we are advancing, but we are losing on important things in our life, our personal relations, friends, family, life-partner; we do not have the time.

As a result, we are becoming stressed out, we are having headaches staring at digital screens for 22 hours/24 in a day, more physical diseases, ill-health, poor mental health, and funny thing is, we do nothing to change it.

So what is the solution?

Please realize social network is weakening your social skills, it is stealing away your time of personal interactions. May be your partner feels neglected and hence he/she is indulging in these mechanical mediums too.

  1. Everyday, spend five minutes in the morning sitting quietly doing nothing.
  2. After coming back from work, engage in making the evening coffee with your spouse instead of turning on the TV.
  3. Surfing and scrolling on social networking sites should not take more than half an hour of your day, promise yourself.
  4. Stop watching weird videos or photos on sex.
  5. There is no need to flip to every article on sex.
  6. The more time you spend with your partner, the more desired you will feel towards him/her.
  7. Discover yourselves daily with new surprises with each other.
  8. Go for a net-free vacation with him/her.

Sex is natural, it is healthy for your heart and mind, it will come naturally, do not overthink it. It can be a great stress buster.
 Oyindrila Basu

குறிஞ்சி மலர் :

குறிஞ்சி மலர் என்னிடம் தோற்றுவிட்டது
கொஞ்சம் வருத்தம்தான்
எப்படியும் குறிஞ்சிமலர்கள்
பன்னிரெண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை பூக்கும்
ஒரே ஒருமுறை பூப்பவள் நான்

எப்பொழுது மலர்ந்தேன் என்பது
ஒருவருக்கும் தெரியாது
அம்மாவின் கணக்கு வேறு
அப்பாவுக்கோ கணக்கே தெரியாது
பலருக்கும் மலர்தல் என்றால் என்னவென்றே தெரியாது
அந்த இரகசியத்தை அறிந்த ஒரே ஒருவன் உண்டு

நான் மலர்ந்தத் தருணத்தை
அவனிடம் சொல்லும் முன்பு
நான் செத்து விடலாம்

அப்படிச் சாவேன்.

நன்றி குங்குமம்

Sakthi Jothi

Painting of Poverty வறுமை வரையும் ஓவியம் !

உலகில் 26 வகையான அரபி குர்ஆன்கள் உண்டு நிருபிக்கும் ஜெ ஸ்மித்

உலகில் 26 வகையான அரபி குர்ஆன்கள் உண்டு என்பதை பொது மேடையில் நிருபிக்கும் ஜெ ஸ்மித்
இஸ்லாமியர்களுக்கே தெரியாத உண்மையை அவர்களுக்கு சொல்வது நமது கடமை
அதில் முக்கிய...மாக வர்ஷ் மற்றும் ஹப்ஸ் குர்ஆன் இந்த இரண்டு குர்ஆனில் உள்ள வேறுபாடுகளை அறிய இந்த லிங்கில் சென்று பாருங்கள்

மூடுபனியின் நீர்ச்சால்கள்

காற்றின் வரையறைகளை
கண்டுணரும் மலைவாசிக்கு
யானைகளின் லத்திகள் ...
காட்டு வழிகளின் இரகசியங்கள்

யாருமற்ற போது
அடிவயிறிலிருந்து எழும் நாதமிக்க வேதனைகளை எதிரொலிக்கச் செய்ய
பள்ளத்தாக்கு தான் பூமியின் காதுகள்
வல்லூற்றின் கண்களறியா பாதை
வாலிபனின் காமம்
பனிக்காலம் அவன் பசிய கைகளுக்கு பரண்
மூடுபனியின் நீர்ச்சால்கள்
அவன் பிள்ளைகளுக்கான
நற்செய்திகளின் உறைபீடம்
வானம் மழை விளைநிலம்
துளிகள் மூதாதையரின் முத்தங்கள்
காட்டு வெற்றிலை ஆதி மனிதனின்
சுவைமொட்டுகளைத் திறந்த
மந்திரத் தாவரம்
அடர்ந்த கானகத்தில்
வழிதனை தெளிக்கையில்
உரிமைகளைப் பற்றிய
மலைவாசியின் புலம்பல்கள்
ஆகாச கருடனுன் பின்னிப் பறக்கும்
போர் பாடல்களின் ஆதிதாளம்
உழைப்பாளியின் மிச்சம்
வாரத்தின் கடைசியில் சோற்றுப்பானையில் கிடக்கும் கல்
அதன் சத்தம் அவன் குழந்தைகளுக்கு
போதுமான அறிவுரை
மலை மனதின் வாசனை
பொன்னும் ஸ்படிகமும் விலையேரப்பெற்ற கோமேதகமும்
மலைவாசிக்கு வீண் பாறை
மான்கறியும் காட்டுக்கோழிக் குழம்பும்
வாழ்வாதாரத்தின் போதாமை
வேட்டையின் புகழ்
அவனது தேவை காய்ந்த விறகும்
காட்டுப்புறாவின் சிறகும்
-தேன்மொழி தாஸ்

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Adsorption (Activated Carbon)

Compiled by:
Félicien Mazille (Aquasis, cewas international centre for water management services) , Dorothee Spuhler (seecon international gmbh)
Activated carbon filtration is a commonly used technology based on the adsorption of contaminants onto the surface of a filter. This method is effective in removing certain organics (such as unwanted taste and odours, micropollutants), chlorine, fluorine or radon from drinking water or wastewater. However, it is not effective for microbial contaminants, metals, nitrates and other inorganic contaminants. The adsorption efficiency depends on the nature of activated carbon used, the water composition, and operating parameters. There are many types of activated carbon filters that can be designed for household, community and industry requirements. Activated carbon filters are relatively easy to install but require energy and skilled labour and can have high costs due to regular replacement of the filter material.
In Out
Freshwater,Non-biodegradable Wastewater, Treated Water Drinking Water, Treated Water


The use of carbon in the form of charcoal has been used since antiquity for many applications. In Hindu documents dating from 450 BC charcoal filters are mentioned for the treatment of water. Charred wood, bones and coconut charcoals were used during the 18th and 19th century by the sugar industry for decolourising solutions (CECEN 2011). Activated carbon is a material prepared in such a way that it exhibits a high degree of porosity and an extended surface area.

A typical carbon particle has numerous pores that provide a large surface area for water treatment. Source: LEMLEY et al. (1995)
During water filtration through activated carbon, contaminants adhere to the surface of these carbon granules or become trapped in the small pores of the activated carbon (AMIRAULT et al. 2003). This process is called adsorption. Activated carbon filters are efficient to remove certain organics (such as unwanted taste and odours, micropollutants), chlorine, fluorine or radon, from drinking water or wastewater. However, it is not effective for microbial contaminants, metals, nitrates and other inorganic contaminants.Activated carbon filtration is commonly used in centralised treatment plants and at household level, to produce drinking water and in industries to treat effluents. It is also an upcoming treatment applied for the removal of micropollutants both in drinking water production and for the purification of treated wastewater before disposal (see also surface disposal or surface and subsurface groundwater recharge).

Treatment Principles

(Adapted from LEMLEY et al. 1995)

Activated carbon filters for water treatment. Source: FOCUS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD (2011)
There are two basic types of water filters: particulate filters and adsorptive/reactive filters. Particulate filters exclude particles by size, and adsorptive/reactive filters contain a material (medium) that either adsorbs or reacts with a contaminant in water. The principles of adsorptive activated carbon filtration are the same as those of any other adsorption material. The contaminant is attracted to and held (adsorbed) on the surface of the carbon particles. The characteristics of the carbon material (particle and pore size, surface area, surface chemistry, etc.) influence the efficiency of adsorption.
The characteristics of the chemical contaminant are also important. Compounds that are less water-soluble are more likely to be adsorbed to a solid. A second characteristic is the affinity that a given contaminant has with the carbon surface. This affinity depends on the charge and is higher for molecules possessing less charge. If several compounds are present in the water, strong adsorbers will attach to the carbon in greater quantity than those with weak adsorbing ability.

Preparation of Activated Carbon

(Adapted from DROVAC and SKIPTON 2008)

Wood based powder activated carbon for drinking water treatment. Source: GCHFF (2011)
The medium for an activated carbon filter is typically petroleum coke, bituminous coal, lignite, wood products, coconut shell or peanut shell. The carbon medium is “activated” by subjecting it to stream (a gas like water, argon or nitrogen) and high temperature (800-1000°C) usually without oxygen. In some cases, the carbon may also undergo an acidic wash or be coated with a compound to enhance the removal of specific contaminants. The activation produces carbon with many pores and a high specific surface area. It is then crushed to produce a granular or pulverised carbon product.

Use of Activated Carbon Units

(Adapted from DROVAC and SKIPTON 2008)

 Types of activated carbon units. Source: AMIRAULT et al. (2003)
Activated carbon units are commonly used to remove organics (odours, micropollutants) from drinking water at centralised and decentralised level. At centralised level, they are generally part of one of the last steps, before the water is fed into the water distribution network. At decentralised level, activated carbon filtration units can either be point-of-use (POU) or point-of-entry (POE) treatment. A POE device is recommended for the treatment of radon and volatile organic compounds because these contaminants can easily vaporise from water in showers or washing machines and expose users to health hazards. POU devices are useful for the removal of lead and chlorine. The structure of POU devices can either be in-line, line-bypass faucet mounted (see also advanced filters) or pour-through (similar to the design of ceramic candles, colloidal silver or biosand filters).
Activated carbon filters can also be used as a tertiary treatment in wastewater treatment plants to remove micropollutants from municipal effluents or recalcitrant contaminants from industrial effluents.

Combination of Activated Carbon With Other Processes

Activated carbon is often used as pre-treatment to protect other water treatment units such as reverse osmosis membranes and ion exchange resins from possible damage due to oxidation or organic fouling. The combination of ozonation with activated carbon is a very efficient technique for eliminating organic matter including micropollutants. Besides, the lifetime of activated carbon filters is extended drastically when used in combination with ozone, deceasing operation costs substantially (AEPPLI and DYER-SMITH 1996).

Cost Considerations

(Adapted from AMIRAULT et al. 2003)
Installation costs are moderate but additional technical equipment is required. Operating costs are usually limited to filter replacement. Depending on the type and concentration of the contaminant being removed, some carbon filters may require special hazardous waste handling and disposal, which can be costly.

Operation and Maintenance

(Adapted from LEMLEY et al. 1995)
Carbon filters are relatively easy to install and maintain but skilled labour is required at least occasionally for monitoring the removal performance over time of both POU and POE equipment. Activated carbon filters have a limited lifetime. After long-term use, their surfaces are saturated with adsorbed pollutants and no further purification occurs. The filter material therefore has to be replaced at regular intervals, according to manufacturer's instructions. Replacement intervals should be calculated based on the average daily water use through the filter and the amount of contaminant being removed. Cartridge disposal depends on usage. A carbon cartridge can be backwashed and then reused or discarded if non-toxics have been adsorbed.

At a Glance

Working PrincipleThe pollutants are removed from water through adsorption on the surface of the activated carbon. Use at the POE or POU (e.g. advanced filters).
Capacity/AdequacySimple technique using abundant raw material (e.g. petroleum coke, bituminous coal, lignite, wood products, coconut shell or peanut shell). Skilled labour required at least occasionally.
PerformanceEfficient for pollutant having high affinity with activated carbon surface (non-polar compounds).
CostsRelatively low operation costs.
Self-help CompatibilityInitial analysis of water is required to choose proper adsorbent (type of activated carbon).
O&MRegular replacement or regeneration of carbon cartridge.
ReliabilityReliable if the water composition is taken into account when choosing the type of activated carbon used as filter material.
Main strengthActivated carbon can be produced relatively easily everywhere in the world.
Main weaknessFilter has to be replaced on a regular basis.


Activated carbon filters are widely used to produce drinking water at household and community level (to remove certain organics, chlorine or radon from drinking water) and to treat industrial or municipal wastewaters. It is not efficient for disinfection and nitrates removal. Adsorption on activated carbon is a simple technology based on materials such as fossil fuels (petroleum coke, lignite...) and even agricultural waste (e.g. coconut shell, wood, etc.).
To choose the most applicable type of activated carbon for a given application it is important to analyse the composition of the influent water previously. The carbon filter has to be replaced or regenerated regularly to remain efficient. Activated carbon can also be used as a pre-treatment to protect other water treatment units.


  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Can be used at the point-of-entry (semi-centralised drinking water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants) or at the point-of-use (household/community filters)
  • Efficient to remove certain organics, chlorine, radon
  • Based on materials available everywhere


  • Filter has to be replaced regularly
  • Skilled labour required, at least occasionally
  • Water analysis is required to choose the most adapted type of activated carbon
  • Contaminants are separated from water but not destroyed


AEPPLI, J.; DYER-SMITH, P. (1996): Ozonation and Granular Activated Carbon Filtration the Solution to Many Problems. In: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of the International Ozone Association. URL [Accessed: 04.10.2011].
AMIRAULT, R.; CHOBANIAN, G.; MCCANTS, D.; MCCANN, A.; BURDETT, H.; NEPTIN,B. (2003): Activated Carbon Treatment of Drinking Water Supplies. In: Healthy Drinking Waters for Rhode Islanders. URL [Accessed: 04.10.2011]. PDF
CECEN, F. (2011): Water and Wastewater Treatment: Historical Perspective of Activated Carbon Adsorption and its Integration with Biological Processes. In: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. URL [Accessed: 04.10.2011].
DROVAC, B. I.; SKIPTON, S.O. (2008): Drinking Water treatment: Activated Carbon. In: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension . URL [Accessed: 04.10.2011].
FOCUS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD (Editor) (2011): Water Treatment System (Active Carbon Filter). Zhangjiagang Beyond Machinery Co. Ltd.. URL [Accessed: 10.11.2011].
GCHFF (Editor) (2011): Wood based Powder Activated Carbon. Henan: Gongyi City Hongda Filter Factory (GCHFF) . URL [Accessed: 10.11.2011].
LEMLEY, A.; WAGENET, L.; KNEEN, B. (1995): Activated Carbon Treatment of Drinking Water. In: Water Treatment Notes Cornell Cooperative Extension. URL [Accessed: 04.10.2011]. PDF
For further readings, case studies, awareness raising material, training material, important weblinks or the related powerpoint presentation, see

Monday, August 8, 2016

'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically - and nobody knows why

Alien megastructure mystery deepens: 'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically - and nobody knows why
This star is breaking all the rules.
Bizarre readings from star called KIC 8462852 have baffled scientists
One theory is dips in light caused by structure similar to Dyson sphere
Others suggest break up of huge comets would block the starlight
A Kickstarter campaign to investigate has reached its £68,352 target
The star KIC 8463853 has a dark secret. Literally. In 2011 and 2013, the light from this star plummeted by as much as 20 percent, suggesting that something very big must be blocking the light. Like, something 20 times the size of Jupiter. Scientists have speculated that comets, gobs of dust, or even a large alien structure could be causing the dimming, but so far, none of the explanations really works.
Now, a paper that was just published to the arxiv has found that the star dimmed by an unprecedented amount over the whole four years that the Kepler telescope kept an eye on it. It's not known whether this phenomenon is connected to the huge but short-duration dips from 2011 and 2013.
Big Dipper
In new study, which is not yet peer-reviewed, astronomers Ben Montet and Joshua Simon measured the light from the star (known informally as "Tabby's Star") that the Kepler telescope recorded during its four-year mission. And they found some pretty strange activity.
For the first few years, Tabby's Star dimmed at about 0.34 percent per year. Then its light level dropped dramatically by about 2.5 percent in 200 days. After that it returned to the original slow fade rate.
The authors looked at 500 other stars in the vicinity of Tabby's Star, as well as 500 other stars that are similar in size and makeup to Tabby's Star, but none of the others experienced such a dramatic drop in light levels. Their brightness remained essentially unchanged.
A Long-Term Trend?
Previously, old astronomy plates indicated the star has been dimming for the past century, which would require a seemingly impossible number of giant comets to explain the trend. However, scientists disagree over those findings, and the debate over long-term dimming remains inconclusive.
The Kepler telescope's high precision data show that the star was definitely dimming over the 4 years that Kepler monitored this star, suggesting that the long-term dimming hypothesis is possible, but scientists still can't say for sure.
"These results introduce us to another delightfully unexpected piece of the puzzle," says Tabetha Boyajian, one of the star's discoverers and the namesake of the Tabby's Star nickname.
"Tabby's star continues to defy easy explanation!" Keivan Stassun, who has studied the star's long-term light patterns, told Popular Science in an email. "These intriguing new findings suggest that none of the considered phenomena can alone explain the observations. Of course, the star doesn't have to abide by our hope for a single explanation. In the end, figuring out this puzzle may require accounting for a combination of effects."
Defying Explanation
Scientists differ in their favorite explanations for what's happening around Tabby's Star. While Boyajian still thinks the most likely explanation is a group of cold comets, Montet thinks the evidence is growing that a large cloud of dust is blocking the star's light.
"Tabby's star continues to defy easy explanation."
If the light were being blocked by comet or dust (or an alien Dyson swarm, for that matter), scientists would expect to see extra heat energy coming from around the star. So far they don't, but Montet wonders if taking deeper measurements will find the missing energy.
"There's a lot of explanations that explain half or two-thirds of story, but there's nothing that fully explains everything," he says.
Although many uncertainties remain, the possibility that the weird blips in light are being caused by some previously undiscovered star behavior is at least seeming less likely, according to Montet.
"To have one thing that we haven't seen before might be explainable with a stellar mechanism, but this is a few things now. It seems unlikely we would miss a stellar mechanism that fits all of these."
Finding An Answer
To find out what's causing KIC 8462852's mysterious behavior, scientists want to study it while it's in the midst of one of the major dips, like the ones that happened in 2011 and 2013.
Although the Kepler telescope is no longer able to keep an eye on Tabby's Star, Boyajian's team recently won funding to continue monitoring the star using the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGT). If any funny business is detected, networks of astronomers--both professional and amateur--will be contacted immediately in order to collect as much data about the dimming event as possible.
Observations from the ground, like those of the LCOGT, aren't as precise as those of a space telescope like Kepler, but an upcoming telescope from the European Space Agency could also lend a hand.
PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) will be like "Kepler on steroids," says Montet. The space-based telescope is expected to spend a few years studying the same region that Kepler monitored. The telescope is expected to launch in 2024.
In the meantime, the mystery surrounding Tabby's Star only deepens.………

Cecile G. Tamura

Artist illustration of a crumbling Dyson sphere

Danielle Futselaar/SETI International

What is a Dyson Sphere ?

A proposed method for harnessing the power of an entire star is known as a Dyson sphere.

First proposed by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960, this would be a swarm of satellites that surrounds a star.

They could be an enclosed shell, or spacecraft spread out to gather its energy - known as a Dyson swarm.

If such structures do exist, they would emit huge amounts of noticeable infrared radiation back on Earth.

But as of yet, such a structure has not been detected.

Source: All About Space magazine

Interest in the star, which is 1,480 light-years away, began last October when Yale scientists found unusual fluctuations in its light - with some suggesting the dips in light are caused by an alien megastructure. One theory that has got traction says the dips are caused by an alien megastructure, similar to a Dyson sphere (stock image)

Credit : Jay Wong/ All About Space Magazine

KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, was monitored by the Kepler Space Telescope for more than four years, beginning in 2009.

As a planet passes in front of a star's light it causes the light to dim, and Kepler can capture these fluctuations.

Typically this light dims in a symmetrical pattern.

However, during Kepler's study into KIC 8462852 the researchers noticed it went through 'irregularly shaped, aperiodic dips.'

In some cases, the flux dropped down to below the 20% level and lasted between 5 and 80 days at a time.

Some stars don't have uniformly bright discs and spin at such a high rate that they have an spheroidal shape.

This causes them to have a larger radius at the equator than at the poles.

The poles, with their smaller radius, have a higher surface gravity meaning they are hotter and brighter - or 'gravity brightened.'

Meanwhile, the equator is cooler and darker, which is known being 'gravity darkened.'

Mr Galasyn suggests that the dips and increases in flux of KIC 8462852 are caused as planets move across these brighter and darker areas.

Two of the dips, on day 1520 and 1570 of Kepler's mission, are shown having a similar shape but a different magnitude.

Despite their differences, both curves follow the shape of a planet travelling across a brightened pole, as suggested by the paper.

Mr Glasnyn claims that the two dips could be caused by two planets moving in front of the star.

If the first planet is large it could block out around 20% of the star's disc, while a smaller planet could occlude just 8% of it.

The second dip may be shorter because the smaller planet is moving faster and orbiting closer to the star.

Astronomers have been looking for answers about what is causing the bizarre light fluctuations around the star KIC 8462852 (pictured) for weeks. Some have suggested it is an alien megastructure such as a Dyson sphere. The strange structure was spotted by researchers from Yale

Dredit : Arxiv

Ruling out an alien structure

In order to explore the idea that such a structure could have been built by intelligent alien life, the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute, Seti, trained its Allen Telescope Array on the star for more than two weeks.

Experts looked for two types of radio signal: narrow-band signals generated as a 'hailing signal' for alien societies wanting to announce their presence, and broad-band signals.

These signals would be produced by 'beamed propulsion'.

Seti said that if large scale alien engineering projects really are underway, the array would pick up signals made by intense microwave beams that could be used to power spacecraft.

Scientists analysing the data found no clear evidence for either type of signal.

They believe this rules out the presence of omnidirectional transmitters - large antenna - of approximately 100 times today's total terrestrial energy usage in the case of the narrow-band signals, and ten million times that usage for broad band emissions.
So the presence of a Dyson sphere is unlikely.

Anbu manam kanintha pinne

Text messaging may Change How Our Brain Works

Recently, it has been reported that theta brain waves may also be present during text messaging. But it’s not just random theta brain waves – it’s a specific pattern of brain waves that falls within the frequency interval of theta brain waves. And apparently, it only occurs during text messaging, since it hasn’t been found during any other type of activities associated with speech, motor performance, concentration-attention, memory, and cognitive performance. This brain activity pattern has been named “the texting rhythm” and it seems to be a new technology-specific theta wave rhythm that occurs during texting.
Text messaging is a state of alertness that requires a concentrated form of enhanced mental activation associated with speech, visual perception, and specific fine motor skills. Furthermore, the smaller screen size of a smartphone may require a particularly high level of attention while sending a text message. It’s a very specific type of activity, which may account for its distinct brain wave pattern.

Fireman's bicycle from 1905

History of Fire Service Bicycles

The history of fire service bicycles is relatively hazy. I did however, find a handful of useful resources about early fire service vehicles, which appear to have been primarily used prior to the development of motorized transportation. Although I was haven’t yet be able to get my hands on what appears to be a very useful article by Steven Carter (1999) titled Fire Service Bicycles: Did They Ever Exist?, which was published in The Wheelman magazines, I did read through a journal article that cited Carter’s piece. The citing article – The Product Life Cycle and the Use of Bicycles to Deliver Goods and Services by Ross D. Petty – is a definitely worth the read in general. As for its reference to fire service bicycles, Petty indicates that fire service bicycles of some variety were definitely used in Australia, Great Britain, and France, and for the most part, it would appear that the use was limited to the late 1800’s and very early 1900’s.
In 1905, the Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) Company – who are actually well-known for their motorcycles – commissioned a fire service bicycle. It is probably that the use of those fire service bicycles was limited to Great Britain, and I do not know how many were produced. Nonetheless, the frames were designed to accommodate a fire hose, a siren, and an axe.

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கருத்தரித்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.


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