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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

நவக்கிரகங்களால் ஏற்படும் தோஷ பரிகாரங்கள்

சந்திர தோஷம் நீங்க…….
கடுமையான சந்திர தோஷ பாதிப்பு உள்ளோர், குறிப்பாய் தாய்வகை சாபம் உள்ளவர்கள், கிரக தோஷ பாதிப்பு உள்ளோர், கலைத்துறையில் சிறப்பு பெற விரும்புவோர், வெள்ளி, முத்து, பால், வெண்பட்டு, வெண்குடை, பூநூல், வெள்ளைப்பசு, நெய், கற்பூரம், வெண் அல்லி, பூ இவற்றை தானம் செய்யலாம். இதை அவரவர் ஜென்ம நட்சத்திரத்திலோ, திங்கள் கிழமைகளிலோ, சந்திர ஓரையில் தானம் செய்து சந்திரனால் ஏற்படும் தோஷம் நீங்கும்.
புதன் கிரக தோஷம் நீங்க……….
புதன் கிரக தோஷத்தால் தீராத பிரச்சினைக்கு ஆளானோர், கல்வியில், வியாபாரத்தில், உயர விரும்புவோர், ஜோதிடம், மருத்துவம் போன்ற துறைகளில் மேம்பட விரும்புவோர், தங்க விக்ரகம், மரகதம், சர்க்கரைப் பொங்கல், நெய், பச்சை பயிறு, பட்டு துணி, சந்தனக் கட்டை, யானை தந்தம், வெண் காந்தகம், இவைகளை ஜென்ம நட்சத்திரத்தில், (அ) புதன்கிழமை, புதன் ஓரையில் தானம் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
குரு கிரக தோஷம் நீங்க……..
கடுமையான குரு தோஷப் பாதிப்பு, குரு சாபம் பெற்றோர் குரு துரோகம் செய்தோர், தெய்வ சாபம், பூர்வீக சாபம் பெற்றோர், புத்திர தோஷம் உள்ளவர்கள். தங்க விக்கிரகம், மஞ்சள், சந்தனம், குதிரை, புஷ்பராகக்கல், மஞ்சள் பட்டு, சர்க்கரை, நவரத்ன மாலை, அவரை, முல்லைப்பூ இவைகளை மனப்பூர்வமாக தானம் செய்ய குரு தரும் தோஷங்கள் துன்பங்கள் நீங்கி, சுகம் உண்டாகும். இதை ஜென்ம நட்சத்திரம் வரும் நாளில் (அ) வியாழக்கிழமைகளில் வியாழ ஓரையில் தானம் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
சுக்கிர தோஷம் நீங்க…….
கலைத்துறையில், வியாபாரத்தில், அன்னிய நாட்டில் புகழ் பெற விரும்புவோர், வெள்ளி விக்கிரகம், வைரம், வெண்பட்டு, வெண் தாமரைப் பூ, வெள்ளக் குதிரை, அவரை, அலங்கரிக்கப்பட்ட பசு, தாம்பூலம் இவைகளை தானம் செய்யலாம். ஜென்ம நட்சத்திரத்தில் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை சுக்கிர ஓரையில் தானம் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
சனி தோஷம் நீங்க…….
கடுமையான சனி பாதிப்புள்ளோர் இரும்பு விக்கிரகம், நீலக்கம்பளி, கருப்புப்பட்டு, கருப்பு பசு, சாலிக்கிராமம், எள்ளுடன் கூடிய பாத்திரம், அரசு வேம்பு உற்பத்தி செய்து திருமணம் செய்வித்தல், கருங்குவளைப் பூ, நீலம் இவைகளை தானம் செய்யலாம். ஜென்ம நட்சத்திரத்தில் மற்றும் சனிக்கிழமையில் தானம் செய்ய வேண்டும். கடுமையான முன்பாவ வினைகள் நீங்கி சுபிட்சம் ஏற்படும்.
ராகு தோஷம் நீங்க……...
1. கடுமையான ராகு தோஷம் நீங்க ஈயவிக்கிரகம் கோம்தகம், எருமை, பூமிதானம், குடை, எண்ணையுடன் பாத்திரம், உளுந்து, மந்தாமரை மலர் இவைகளை ஒரு சுப நாளில் தானம் செய்யவும்.
2. ராகு திசை நடப்பவர்களும் ராகுவுக்கு கிரக பரிகாரம் செய்ய நினைப்பவர்களும், ராகு பகவானை வேண்டி கோமேதகக் கல்லை ஆபரணங்களில் சேர்த்து அணிந்து கொண்டு சனிக்கிழமை தோறும் விரதம் இருக்க வேண்டும்.
3. 7-ல் ராகு இருப்பது கடுமையான திருமண தோஷமாகும். எவ்வளவு முயன்றும் திருமணம் கூடுவதில்லை. இப்படிப்பட்ட ஜாதக அமைப்பு உள்ளவர்கள் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை தோறும் (அ) செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை தோறும் ராகு கால நேரத்தில் துர்க்கை அம்மனுக்கு எலுமிச்சை விளக்கு ஏற்றி வரவும். இவ்விதம் ஒன்பது வாரங்கள் செய்து வர திருமணம் தோஷம் விலகும். திருமணம் கூடி வரும்.

The Hindus of Arabia

The Hindus of Arabia lived in a land where their forefathers had lived and prospered for ages past. They were proud inheritors of the ancient Vedic culture and religion. Mecca was a city whose commerce was expanding greatly and whose power and prestige were well established. Meccans were content, prosperous and devoted to the religion of their ancestors. The Kaaba temple drew thousands of devotees from around the world. Trade and barter flourished greatly, due to the immense number of visitors who came to Mecca on pilgrimage. The members of the Qurayshi tribe to which Muhammad belonged, were the priests who performed the rites and rituals for these pilgrims, thereby deriving their very livelihood from the Vedic gods of the Kaaba. It is no wonder that the majority of them later rejected Muhammad's new religion and paid for it with their lives. In any case the Meccans were exceedingly devoted to their gods and very satisfied with the state of their lives. They were not at all on the lookout for a new cult or savior who could rescue them from a miserable state or lead them into a promised land. They had rejected Monotheism wholeheartedly during the short lived Jewish regime in Yemen and their Vedic gods had protected them very well against the Abyssinian Invasion. They were skeptical and amused by prophets foaming at the mouth and dismissed them as magicians or just plain lunatics. They did not want to hear any so called "revelations" or so called heavenly "messengers". In short the Arabs were noble, content people, who felt spiritually enriched and materialistically satisfied. It is only in such successful societies that the qualities of tolerance, equality of the sexes, independence, love of free thinking, and cultural enrichment can exist.

When Muhammad first started preaching his "new" religion the Meccans tolerated it as they had tolerated many such propounders of "new" religions before. However they were startled out of their tolerance when the small band of Islamists started to publicly ridicule the Vedic heritage of the Meccans and threatened to break down the idols, which were the pride of Mecca. At first they proceeded in a calm manner to Muhammad's uncle Abu Talib and told him that his nephew had "cursed our gods, insulted our religion, mocked our way of life and accused our revered forefathers of error. We request you to restrain him."

It should be pointed out that the Meccans NEVER said Muhammad could not preach his religion, all they asked was that in the true spirit of tolerance, he ought to respect their way of life and religion, just as they were willing to let him uphold his.

But Muhammad continued insulting the Vedic heritage of the Meccans. He considered his epileptic fits as periods of divine revelation and his bitter invectives against the Vedic religion grew stronger. The Arabs of Mecca were now convinced that Muhammad was a lunatic who deserved only pity. This charge stung Muhammad to such an extent that he retorted bitterly "By him who holds my life in his hand, I bring you slaughter". and came up with revelations such as:

"And they will see which one of you is demented. Therefore obey not your rejectors who would have you compromise; Neither obey you each feeble oath-monger,detractor, spreader of slander, hinderer of the good, an aggressor, malefactor, greedy therewithal, intrusive. We shall brand him on the nose!" (Quran 68:5-6, 68:8-13).

The Meccans were now stunned and convinced that such virulence and hatred could only come from one who is possessed by an evil spirit. They sent Utba B. Rabia one of their chiefs to Muhammad. Utba kindly explained to him that " If this ghost which comes to you is such that you cannot get rid of him, we will find a physician for you and exhaust our means in getting you cured, for often a spirit takes possession of a man until he can be cured of it." Muhammad reacted violently and warned the Meccans to leave him alone. The patience of the Arabs had come to an end, they decided it was time to fight back.

In the spirit of their Vedic culture , they invited Muhammad to an open debate. It was soon obvious from the debates that Muhammad could not present arguments in a logical manner. He would lose his temper and resort to violent and insulting answers to the questioners. Soon after he claimed a divine revelation that instructed him not to participate in open debate, to evade questions, and if questioned by unbelievers to retire! (Quran 6:68-70)

Now the Meccans were amused that a man like Muhammad who was distinguished neither by birth or education should go around proclaiming himself to be a prophet. When he started producing revelations about Moses and Jesus having performed miracles, they asked Muhammad to do the same. Unlike Moses and Jesus however, Muhammad could not produce a single miracle. Instead he came up with a revelation that the Meccans were not likely to believe in a miracle even if it were shown to them!

Now the Meccans were convinced about the falsity of Muhammad's claims. Their faith in their Vedic deities was absolutely unshaken. Moreover they were enraged by the fact that Muhammad had taken their principal god Allah (Durga) and made her into the jealous deity of his new religion. They met him and said:

"Muhammad either you will stop cursing our gods or we will curse this Allah of yours."

Muhammad then threw a challenge to the Meccans to produce revelations such as his. The challenge was accepted by Al Nadr B. Harith, a Meccan chief who said

"I can tell better stories than him...In what respect is Muhammad a better story teller?"

Al Nadr proceeded to tell several stories in verses, which were even better than the verses of the Quran. Muhammad was enraged and never forgave Al Nadr for this defeat. Later on Muhammad had Al Nadr brutally executed.

Muhammad had started preaching about how Judgement would come and bring destruction to the Non-believers. The Meccans however were not cowed down by mere threats. They challenged Muhammad to hurry up and bring down the Doom upon them. They said:

"You have disputed with us and multiplied disputation with us. Now bring down upon us that wherewith you threaten us, if you are truthful O Allah! If this indeed be the Truth from you, rain down stones on us or bring us some painful Doom...Our Lord! Hasten us for our fate before the Day of Reckoning...When will it come to port? When will the promise be fulfilled if you are truthful? When is the Day of Judgement?.."

The Meccans threw this challenge again and again. Muhammad had to wriggle out of the situation somehow. He came up with another convenient revelation:

"Knowledge thereof is with My Lord, He alone can manifest it at the proper time...It comes not to you save unawares...But Allah will not punish them while you (Muhammad) are with them... For every nation there is an appointed time...It is (only) then when it has befallen that you will believe.. And it is in the Scriptures of the men of Old..Is it not a portent for them that the doctors of the Children of Israel know it? You (Muhammad) are but the warner sent to them...So withdraw and await the event" (Quran 50:4 , 75:3-4, 79:13-14, 56:49-57)

It was obvious that the Prophet had begun contradicting himself, the paradox was in the verse itself, for how could Allah tell Muhammad to await the Event of the Day of Judgement when he had made it clear that it would not happen while Muhammad was alive!

The knowledgable Meccans had by now realized that Muhammad was only stealing things that he had learned from the Jews and the Christians. He was taking Biblical lore and conveniently twisting it to conform with his own "divine" religion. Moreover it was obvious that Muhammad was coming up with "holy verses" whenever the occasion demanded for his convenience. The incident that confirmed their suspicion was the Satanic Verses which say:

"Have Ye thought of Al-Lat and Al-Uzza and Manat the third, the other, these are the Gharaniq whose intercession is approved."(Quran 53:19-27)

The Satanic Verses of the Quran clearly state that Al-Lat and Al-Uzza and Manat (Alla = Durga, Oorja = Shakti (life-force) and Somnath = Shivji) are exalted and their intercession is approved. The Meccans were overjoyed that Muhammad had finally endorsed the Vedic deities, but because of the pressure of his followers, Muhammad had to withdraw the verses.

This was the last straw. The Meccans were now convinced of the lies perpetuated by Muhammad. Their chieftains said:

"We can surely see your foolishness and we deem you as a liar, It is all the same to us whether you preach or not, Our hearts are protected from your words and our ears are deaf to you, Between us and you there is a veil drawn."

and to their people:

"Heed not this Quran and drown the hearing of it!"

Muhammad's mission at Mecca had failed. The Arabs with their fierce love for their Vedic heritage and intelligence had seen through the "Prophet's machinations and rejected him whole-heartedly. Thus it was an embittered, furious and vengeful Muhammad who was forced to flee to Medinah.
It is no secret what the Prophet did after this "migration" to Medinah. The story has been documented in detail by his biographers, - surprise raids on trade caravans and tribal settlements, the use of plunder thus obtained for recruiting an ever growing army of greedy desperados assassinations of opponents, expropriation, expulsion and massacre of the Jews of Medinah, attack and enslavement of the Jews of Khybar, rape of women and children, sale of these victims after rape, trickery, trachery and bribery employed to their fullest extent to grow the numbers of his religion Islam which ironically was supposed to mean "Peace"! He organised no less than 86 expeditions, 26 of which he led himself.

The motives of the converts to Islam was never in any doubt. As D.S. Margoliouth states in his book Muhammad and the rise of Islam

"Of any moralising or demoralising effect that Muhammad's teaching had upon his followers we cannot say with precision. When he was at the head of the Robber community, it is probable that the demoralising influence began to be felt.; it was then that men who had never broken an oath learnt that they might evade their obligations, and that men to whom the blood of their clan had been as their own, began to shed it with impunity in the "cause of god". And that lying and treachery in the cause of Islam received divine approval. It was then too that Moslems became distinguished by the obscenity of their language. It was then too, that the coveting of goods and wives possessed by Non-muslims was avowed without discouragement from the Prophet...."

On another occasion Muhammad was greatly criticised by his followers when he compromised his principles completely. After feeling very confident about the consolidation of his position in Medinah, Muhammad decided the time had come to take Mecca. But he soon realized that he had miscalculated the timing of his attack and at the last moment entered into negotiations with the Meccans. The Treaty of Hudaibiya permitted Muhammad to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca the following year, but in return he had to refrain from calling himself the "Prophet" and to refrain from preaching the formula of Islam. Muhammad agreed to all the conditions, and broke the Treaty much later. No wonder Dr. Magoliouth refers that:

"Muhammad's career as tyrant of Medinah is that of a robber chief, whose political economy consists in securing and dividing plunder, the distribution of the latter was carried out on principles which fail to satisfy his follower's sense of justice. He is himself an unbridled libertine and encourages the same passion in his followers. For whatever he does he is prepared to plead the express authorization of the deity (Allah). It is however impossible to find any doctrine which he is not prepared to abandon in order to secure a political end. At different points in his career he abandons the Unity of God and his claim to the title of Prophet. This is a disagreeable picture for the founder of a religion and it cannot be pleaded that it is a picture drawn by an enemy...", this is the character attributed to Muhammad in the biography by Ibn Ishaq.

In my next article, I will describe the trail of murder, mayhem and destruction that was effected by the Prophet after he had recruited enough people in his fold.
Note: Works of P.N. Oak, D.S. Margoliouth and Sita Ram Goel have been used to compose this article.

Vedic culture was very much alive just before the birth of Muhammad. Again let's refer to the Sair-Ul-Okul. The following poem was written by Jirrham Bintoi who lived 165 years before the prophet Muhammed. It is in praise of India's great King Vikramaditya who had lived 500 years before Bintoi.
"Itrasshaphai Santul
Bikramatul phehalameen Karimun
Bihillahaya Samiminela
Motakabbenaran Bihillaha
Yubee qaid min howa
Yaphakharu phajgal asari
nahans Osirim Bayjayholeen
Yaha sabdunya Kanateph natephi
bijihalin Atadari Bilala masaurateen
phakef Tasabahu. Kaunni eja majakaralhada
walhada Achimiman, burukan, Kad, Toluho
watastaru Bihillaha yakajibainana
baleykulle amarena
Phaheya jaunabil amaray Bikramatoon"

- (Sair-ul-Okul, Page 315)

"Fortunate are those who were born
during King Vikram's reign, he was
a noble generous, dutiful ruler devoted
to the welfare of his subjects. But at
that time, We Arabs oblivious of divinity
were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting
& torture were rampant. The darkness of
ignorance had enveloped our country.
Like the lamb struggling for its life
in the cruel jaws of a wolf, we Arabs
were gripped by ignorance. The whole
country was enveloped in a darkness as
intense as on a New moon night. But the
present dawn & pleasant sunshine of
education is the result of the favor of
that noble king Vikram whose benevolence
did not lose sight of us foreigners as we
were. He spread his sacred culture amongst
us and sent scholars from his own land
whose brilliance shone like that of the sun
in our country. These scholars & preceptors
through whose benevolence
we were once again made aware
of the presence of god,
introduced to his secret knowledge
& put on the road to truth,
had come to our country to initiate us
in that culture & impart education."

Thus we can see that Vedic religion and culture were present in Pre-Islamic Arabia as early as 1850 B.C., and definitely present at the time of Mohammed's birth.

Entanglement: The Quantum Around You. Ep 2

Delaying the aging process by 'remote control'

Working with fruit flies, the life scientists activated a gene called AMPK that is a key energy sensor in cells; it gets activated when cellular energy levels are low.
Increasing the amount of AMPK in fruit flies' intestines increased their lifespans by about 30 percent — to roughly eight weeks from the typical six — and the flies stayed healthier longer as well.

UCLA biologists have identified a gene that can slow the aging process throughout the entire body when activated remotely in key organ systems.
Working with fruit flies, the life scientists activated a gene called AMPK that is a key energy sensor in cells; it gets activated when cellular energy levels are low.
Increasing the amount of AMPK in fruit flies' intestines increased their lifespans by about 30 percent — to roughly eight weeks from the typical six — and the flies stayed healthier longer as well.
The research, published Sept. 4 in the open-source journal Cell Reports, could have important implications for delaying aging and disease in humans, said David Walker, an associate professor of integrative biology and physiology at UCLA and senior author of the research.
"We have shown that when we activate the gene in the intestine or the nervous system, we see the aging process is slowed beyond the organ system in which the gene is activated," Walker said.
Walker said that the findings are important because extending the healthy life of humans would presumably require protecting many of the body's organ systems from the ravages of aging — but delivering anti-aging treatments to the brain or other key organs could prove technically difficult. The study suggests that activating AMPK in a more accessible organ such as the intestine, for example, could ultimately slow the aging process throughout the entire body, including the brain.
Humans have AMPK, but it is usually not activated at a high level, Walker said.
"Instead of studying the diseases of aging — Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes — one by one, we believe it may be possible to intervene in the aging process and delay the onset of many of these diseases," said Walker, a member of UCLA's Molecular Biology Institute. "We are not there yet, and it could, of course, take many years, but that is our goal and we think it is realistic.
"The ultimate aim of our research is to promote healthy aging in people."
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is a good model for studying aging in humans because scientists have identified all of the fruit fly's genes and know how to switch individual genes on and off. The biologists studied approximately 100,000 of them over the course of the study.
Lead author Matthew Ulgherait, who conducted the research in Walker's laboratory as a doctoral student, focused on a cellular process called autophagy, which enables cells to degrade and discard old, damaged cellular components. By getting rid of that "cellular garbage" before it damages cells, autophagy protects against aging, and AMPK has been shown previously to activate this process.
Ulgherait studied whether activating AMPK in the flies led to autophagy occurring at a greater rate than usual.
"A really interesting finding was when Matt activated AMPK in the nervous system, he saw evidence of increased levels of autophagy in not only the brain, but also in the intestine," said Walker, a faculty member in the UCLA College. "And vice versa: Activating AMPK in the intestine produced increased levels of autophagy in the brain — and perhaps elsewhere, too."
Many neurodegenerative diseases, including both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, are associated with the accumulation of protein aggregates, a type of cellular garbage, in the brain, Walker noted.
"Matt moved beyond correlation and established causality," he said. "He showed that the activation of autophagy was both necessary to see the anti-aging effects and sufficient; that he could bypass AMPK and directly target autophagy."
Walker said that AMPK is thought to be a key target of metformin, a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes, and that metformin activates AMPK.
The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Aging (grants R01 AG037514 and R01 AG040288). Ulgherait received funding support from a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (GM07185) and Eureka and Hyde fellowships from the UCLA department of integrative biology and physiology.
Co-authors of the research were Anil Rana, a postdoctoral scholar in Walker's lab; Michael Rera, a former UCLA postdoctoral scholar in Walker's lab; and Jacqueline Graniel, who participated in the research as a UCLA undergraduate.
In research published last year, Walker and his colleagues identified another gene, called parkin, that delayed the onset of aging and extended the healthy life span of fruit flies.

வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கிகள்

பயிர் வளர்ப்பில் அடுத்த நுட்பம் பல்வேறு வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கிகள் ஆகும். நலம் மிக்க மண்ணில் வாழும்.நலம் மிகுந்த பயிர்களுக்கு வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கிகள் தேவையில்லை. (தாய்ப்பால் குடித்து வளரும் குழந்தைகளுக்கு எப்படி புட்டிப்பால் தேவை இல்லையோஅதைப்போல ஆனால் குழந்தைகளுக்கு இணை உணவாக திடவுணவு கொடுப்பது வழக்கம். இதேபோல பயிர் வளர்ப்பில் வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கிகளான அமுதக்கரைசல் ஆவூட்டம் தேங்;காய்ப்பால் மோர் கரைசல், அரப்புமோர் கரைசல் போன்றவை கொடுப்பதன் மூலம் பயிர் விளைச்சலை அதிகரிக்கலாம்.

இக்கரைசல் ஓர் உடனடி வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கியாகச் செயல்படுகிறது. 24 மணி நேரத்தில் நமது கையில் ஒரு வளர்ச்சி ஊக்கி கிடைக்கும். இதற்குச் செய்ய வேண்டிய மிகச்சிறிய அளவு வேலையே
1லிட்டர் - மாட்டுச்சிறுநீர்
1கிலோ - மாட்டுச்சாணம்
250 கிராம் - பனைவெல்லம் (கருப்பட்டி அல்லது நாட்டு வெல்லம்)
10 லிட்டர் - நீர்
24 மணிநேரம் ஊறவைக்க வேண்டும்.


முதலில் நீரை எடுத்துக் கொண்டு அதில் மாட்டுச் சாணத்தைக் கரைக்க வேண்டும். பின்பு மாட்டுச் சிறுநீரை ஊற்றிக் கலக்க வேண்டும். பின்பு பொடி செய்த பனங்கருப்பட்டியைப் போட்டு நன்கு கலக்கிவிட வேண்டும்.
கரைசல் கட்டியில்லாமல் கரைத்து விட்டதா என்று பார்த்து விட்டு மூடிவைத்துவிட வேண்டும். ஒரு நாளில் கரைசல் உருவாகிவிடும். இக்கரைசலை எடுத்து 1 லிட்டருக்கு 10 லிட்டர் என்ற அளவில் (1 : 10) அல்லது 10சதம் ) சேர்த்து செடிகளுக்கு அடிக்க வேண்டும்.
அடக் கரைசலை அப்படியே அடிக்கக் கூடாது நீர்த்த கரைசலைத்தான் அடிக்க வேண்டும். அடர் கரைசல் இலைகளைக் கருக்கிவிடும். கைத்தெளிப்பான் அல்லது விசைத் தெளிப்பான் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.
இந்தக் கரைசல் உடனடியாக தழை ஊட்டச்சத்தை இலை வழியாக செடிகளுக்குக் கிடைக்கச் செய்கிறது. பூச்சிகளையும் விரட்டுகிறது

ஜோதிட மூல நூல்கள் சில

நூலின் பெயர் - ஆசிரியர்
பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோரா - பராசர மகரிஷி
பிருஹத் ஜாதகம் - வராஹமிஹிரர்
உத்தர காலமிர்தம் - மகாகவி காளிதாசர்
சாராவளி - கல்யாண வர்மர்
பலதீபிகை - மந்திரேஸ்வரர்
ஸ்ரீபதி பத்ததி - ஸ்ரீபதி
ஜாதகலங்க்காரம் - கீரணூர் நடராஜர்
குமாரசுவாமியம் - குமாரசுவாமி தேசிகர்
கெளசிக சிந்தாமணி - கெளசிக மகரிஷி
ஜாதக கர்க ஹோரை - கர்க மகரிஷி
ஜாதக பாரிஜாதம் - வேதாந்த தேசிகர் சர்வார்த்த சிந்தாமணி - வெங்கடேச தெய்வக்ஞர்
சுகர் பெருநாடி - டி.எஸ்.நாராயணஸ்வாமி
சுந்தர சேகரம் - அய்யாசாமி பிள்ளை
சூடாமணி உள்ளமுடையன் - திருக்கோட்டி நம்பி
ஜோதிட ஆசான் - மா. தெய்வசிகாமணி
ஜோதிட கடலகராதி - நா. அரங்கசாமி பிள்ளை
ஜோதிட பேரகராதி - எஸ்.கூடலிங்கம் பிள்ளை
வீமேசுவர உள்ளமுடையான் - இராமலிங்க குருக்கள்
பெரிய வருசாதி நூல் - மார்க்கலிங்க ஜோதிடர்
ஹோரா சாரம் - ஸ்ரீ பிருதுயஸ்
மங்களேசுவரியம் - .வைத்தியலிங்க ஆசாரியார்
ஜீனேந்திர மாலை - உபேந்திராச்சரியார்
காலச்சக்கரம் - தில்லை நாயகப் புலவர்

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2000 years old green serpentine stone mask found at the base of Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán, Mexico

Untethered, autonomous soft robot developed

Researchers have developed a shape-changing robot that walks on four legs, can operate without the constraints of a tether, function in a snowstorm, move through puddles of water, and even withstand limited exposure to flames.

The soft robot is capable of functioning for several hours using a battery pack or for longer periods with a light—weight electrical tether, and able to carry payloads of up to 8 kg.

The robot has been designed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, including those from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, and Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, at Harvard University, and the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University.

Robots intended for use outside of laboratory environments should be able to operate without the constraints of a tether; this is especially true for robots intended to perform demanding tasks in challenging environments (for example, for search and rescue applications in unstable rubble), researchers said.

“We have developed composite soft materials, a mechanical design, and a fabrication method that enable the untethered operation of a soft robot without any rigid structural components,” researchers said.

‘இலக்கிய விசாரம்’ முன்னுரை - க.நா.சு

லக்கிய விசாரம் என்பது சற்றுக் கனமான விஷயம்தான். அதைச் சுவைபடச் செய்ய வேண்டிய அவசியம் ஆரம்பத்தில் இன்றுள்ள நிலையில் உண்டு. கதைகள், நாவல்கள், நாடகங்கள் என்று எழுதும் ஆசிரியன் வாசகனை நினைத்துக்கொண்டு எழுதக்கூடாது. என்கிற கட்சியைச் சேர்ந்தவன் நான். எழுதி முடித்த பிறகு வாசகன் வரலாமே தவிர, அதற்கு முன் இலக்கியாசிரியன் முன் அவன் வரக்கூடாது; வந்தால் அவன் எழுத்துத் தரம் குறைகிறது. ஆனால் இலக்கிய விசாரம் செய்யும்போது மட்டும் எந்த இலக்கியாசிரியனும் வாசகனை மனத்தில் வைத்துக் கொண்டுதான் செய்தாக வேண்டும். இப்படிச் செய்கிற இலக்கிய விசாரத்தை ஒரு லக்ஷிய விசாரகனுக்கும் வாசகனுக்கும் நடக்கிற சம்பாஷணை உருவத்திலே செய்தால் நன்றாக வருமே என்று எனக்குப் பல kanasu98நாட்களாகவே ஒரு நினைப்பு.
ஜியார்ஜ் மூர் என்கிற ஆங்கில இலக்கியாசிரியர் Conversations in Ebury Street என்று லேசாக ஆங்கிலச் சம்பாஷணைகள் மூலம் இலக்கிய விசாரம் செய்து பார்த்திருக்கிறார். அதைப் படிக்கும்போது, அதேமாதிரி நானும் செய்து பார்க்கலாமே என்று எனக்குத் தோன்றியதுண்டு. நண்பர் புதுமைப்பித்தன் பதிப்பித்த ‘தினமணி ஆண்டு மலரி’லே இலக்கியச் சோலை என்று ஒரு சம்பாஷணை எழுதினேன். அது திருப்திகரமாகவே அமைந்தது. ஒரே நோக்கை மட்டும் எடுத்துச் சொல்லாமல், எதிர்க் கட்சியையையும் கூடியமட்டும் எடுத்துச் சொல்லிவிட முடிகிறது எனபது இந்த சம்பாஷணை உருவத்தில் ஒரு வசதி. அதேபோலப் பல வருஷங்களுக்குப் பிறகு பாரதியாரைப்பற்றிஎன்று பி.ஸ்ரீ.ஆசாரியா அப்போது நடத்திக் கொண்டிருந்த ‘லோகோபகாரி’ யில் ஒரு சம்பாஷணை எழுதினேன். அதுவும் எனக்குத் திருப்திகரமாகவே வந்தது.
இந்த இலக்கிய விசாரம் என்கிற விஷயத்தைச் சம்பாஷணை உருவத்தில் நான் 1945, 1946ல் திட்டமிட்டேன். உலக இலக்கியம் பூராவும் சுற்றி வரவும், கனமான விஷயங்களை லேசாகச் சொல்லவும், அவசியமானபோது பேச்சு விஷயத்துக்குத் திருப்பம் தரவும் சம்பாஷணை உருவம் மிகவும் லாயக்கானது என்பது இதை எழுதிய பிறகு எனக்கே முன்னைவிட அதிகத் தீர்மானமாயிற்று. இந்த உருவத்திலே தொடர்ந்து இலக்கிய விசாரத்தைச் செய்து வர நான் உத்தேசித்திருக்கிறேன்.
எந்த மொழியிலுமே இலக்கிய விசாரத்தின் ஆரம்ப காலத்திலே சில சிரமங்கள் உண்டு. சில வார்த்தைகளை நாம் எந்த அர்த்தத்தில் உபயோகிக்கிறோம் என்பது வாசகனுக்குத் தெளிவாகாத விஷயமாக இருக்கிறது. பழக்கத்தால் தான் அதை அவன் அறிந்து கொள்ள முடியும். வேதாந்தம், சைவ சித்தாந்தம் போன்ற துறைகளில் உள்ளதுபோல இலக்கிய விசார உலகமும் சங்கேத வார்த்தைகள் நிரம்பியது. நம்மிடையே தமிழ் இலக்கிய விசாரம் செய்ய ஆரம்ப்பிப்பவர்கள் மேலை நாடுகளில், முக்கியமாக ஆங்கிலம் வழங்கும் பிரதேசத்தில், உபயோகமாகும்Stream of Conciousness சங்கேத வார்த்தைகளை அப்படியே மொழிபெயர்த்து உபயோகித்து விடுகிறார்கள். ஆங்கில, பிறமொழி சங்கேத வார்த்தைகள் எதுவும் வராமல் விமர்சனம் செய்ய வேண்டும் – தமிழுக்கு என்று தனியாக இலக்கிய விசார சங்கேதங்கள் ஏற்படும் வரையில் என்பது என் அபிப்பிராயம். இல்லாவிட்டால் தமிழ் இலக்கிய விசாரம் ஆங்கில, ஐரோப்பிய இலக்கிய விசாரத்தின் நிழலாகவே இருக்கும்; தனி உருவம் பெறாது.
இந்த வழக்குக்குப் பண்டிதர்கள்தான் முதல் பலியாகிறார்கள் – ஒரு பண்டிதர் lyric என்கிற ஆங்கில சங்கேத பதத்திற்குத் தமிழ் அர்த்தம் தருவதற்காகப் படாதபாடு படுகிறார். வேறு ஒருவர் நனவோடை இலக்கியம் என்று Stream of Conciousness என்கிற ஒரு இலக்கிய நாவல் உக்தியை ஒரு இலக்கியமாகவே நினைத்துக் கட்டுரை எழுதுகிறார். இதிலேC onciousnessஎன்பதே ஒரு தனிச் சாஸ்திரத்தின் தனிச் சங்கேதம். இலக்கியத்துக்கு வரும்போது அது எப்படி எப்படியோ மாறுகிறது. நமது பேராசிரியர் எழுதுவதற்கும், Stream of Conciousness என்று மேலைநாட்டார் சொல்வதற்கும் ஸ்நானப் பிராப்தி கூடக் கிடையாது என்பது வெளிப்படை விஷயம் தெரிந்தவர்களுக்கு.
இப்படியெல்லாம் இலக்கிய விசாரத்தை வளரவிடக்கூடாது. தமிழில் சிறுகதையும், நாவலும் இன்று தமிழ் உருவம் பெற வேண்டும் என்கிற ஆசை உள்ளவன் நான். இலக்கிய விமர்சனமும் தமிழ் உருவம் பெற வேண்டும் என்கிற ஆசை நிறவேற இலக்கிய விசாரம் என்கிற இச்சிறு நூல் நான் கட்டுகிற முதல் படி.
திருவல்லிக்கேணி    க. நா. சுப்ரமண்யம்.       10-8-58
நன்றி:  நினைவுத்தடங்கள் -  வே.சபாநாயகம்

Dennis Ritchie who developed C one of the most widely used computing languages of all time.

It's the birthday of Dennis Ritchie, who was born in 1941 in Bronxville, New York. After graduating with a degree in physics and applied mathematics from Harvard University, Ritchie joined the staff at Bell Labs Computing Sciences Research Center. From 1969 to 1973 he developed C, one of the most widely used computing languages of all time. While he worked on C, Ritchie and his Bell Labs colleague Ken Thompson (left) developed the Unix operating system, which made its public debut in 1973 and is still being used. In a lecture he gave in 1983, Ritchie sought to characterize his field: "Computer science research is different from these more traditional disciplines. Philosophically it differs from the physical sciences because it seeks not to discover, explain, or exploit the natural world, but instead to study the properties of machines of human creation. In this it as analogous to mathematics, and indeed the 'science' part of computer science is, for the most part mathematical in spirit. But an inevitable aspect of computer science is the creation of computer programs: objects that, though intangible, are subject to commercial exchange." Ritchie died in 2011.

A.R. Rahman talks about his Conversion to Islam and journey through Music

Material generates steam under solar illumination:

A new material structure developed at MIT generates steam by soaking up the sun.

The structure—a layer of graphite flakes and an underlying carbon foam—is a porous, insulating material structure that floats on water. When sunlight hits the structure's surface, it creates a hotspot in the graphite, drawing water up through the material's pores, where it evaporates as steam. The brighter the light, the more steam is generated.

The new material is able to convert 85 percent of incoming solar energy into steam—a significant improvement over recent approaches to solar-powered steam generation. What's more, the setup loses very little heat in the process, and can produce steam at relatively low solar intensity . This would mean that, if scaled up, the setup would likely not require complex, costly systems to highly concentrate sunlight.

Hadi Ghasemi, a postdoc in MIT's Department of Mechanical Engineering, says the spongelike structure can be made from relatively inexpensive materials—a particular advantage for a variety of compact, steam-powered applications.

"Steam is important for desalination, hygiene systems, and sterilization," says Ghasemi, who led the development of the structure. "Especially in remote areas where the sun is the only source of energy, if you can generate steam with solar energy, it would be very useful."

Ghasemi and mechanical engineering department head Gang Chen, along with five others at MIT, report on the details of the new steam-generating structure in the journal Nature Communications .

Source: MIT News Room

The Art of Conscious Daydreaming

We all daydream. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton made some of the most important discoveries when they allowed their minds to wander. Daydreaming is often considered as a sheer waste of time. Parents or schools encourage children to focus on task at hand, although learning to focus is really important but we din’t know is that we are better prepared to focus on the external world when we regularly engage in daydreaming.
Several research states that daydreaming enhances children’s creativity and hones their senses to understand their environment better. Children who daydream turn out to be empathetic and have a better emotional understanding. Instead of refraining children from daydreaming, we should teach them (if they aren’t naturally engaged in daydreaming), and make them aware when their minds are drifting. ideas-stretched
The human brain is actually much more active while daydreaming than when focused on routine tasks. Even for adults, researchers found out that daydreaming can be beneficial in many ways. An experiment showed that while dealing with complex problems, daydreaming could actually be an aid to figuring out solutions. Another research showed that daydreaming improves thinking skills, and also enhances creativity.
Looking at the process of daydreaming from the law of attraction point of view leads to quite a few interesting observations. While daydreaming, you are intensely thinking and your mind is producing rhythm and frequencies, which you can use to attract positive vibrations. The idea is to be mindful of each and every thought.
Also, conscious daydreaming is a great way to untangle the tangled thoughts in your subconscious mind, which acts as a blockage on your journey to constructive thinking. Each blockage, maybe fear, is capable of changing the flow of our thoughts and conscious daydreaming can help us in getting rid of them.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Aligning with Your Higher Self (The Wisdom of Your Body)

Many people in the world today are running blindly, haphazardly seeking their elusive higher Self and purpose with frustration levels that border on insanity. They feel disconnect So ed From Life, people, and That They Change Their callings Without thought or Without pondering possible repercussions directions over and over. They are fearful and anxious about life without knowing why, and this disconnection is a root cause of the present rampant pandemic of stress-related disorders. With this in mind, the intent of this article is to provide a method to help you align with your higher Self through the wisdom of your body, and to recognize this connection when you achieve it. Once you align in this way, you are forever empowered. Clear Your purpose becomes, Are You On Track, and begins to Embrace Your Life A Flow of Grace and EASE. It is important to clarify at FEW people know What it Feels Like The Very Onset That Their higher Self to align with. The idea of such personal clarity has plagued humankind from its patriarchal beginnings, though some obscured cultures have managed to retain some of their spiritual connectedness. The fact That Are You Sharing among billions Should become The same conundrum A Source of Spiritual consolation which AS FEW That You Have bravely pursue But which is obtained possible. Your higher Self wants to be Happy and You Connected to feel all The Time, though it may not always seem like it. You have been conditioned to believe that suffering and hardship are normal and necessary on the Earth plane, but this is not Truth. You have also been conditioned to turn inconsequential events into fierce dramas to fill your days, weeks, months, and years. Believing That makes it necessary Are So hardship and drama, and know there That Are Good for Your Conditioning reasons. enjoys Every Experience That You Have Your higher Self, But it also understands That Your earthly preferences and Behavioral patterns require more attention at The lower frequency levels. Additionally, it is intimately aware of the lessons you incarnated to learn here and gently pushes you toward those goals. It holds all your secrets and strengths steadfastly, waiting for your claim, but it is in no hurry. Your Eternal Always and Multidimensional Nature is aware of it, You May Not be aware of it though. Key to Aligning with Your Higher Self aligning with The Key to Your higher Self is Simple But Very rarely stated, Mainly Because such awareness is widely encouraged Not at present. You align with your higher Self by intimately getting to know how your body feels when you are in alignment. Then, when you know that feeling, you work toward maintaining it by controlling the direction of your thoughts. All positive or negative bodily feelings are rooted in your thoughts, and these are either in alignment with your higher Self or not. When your body feels as good as it can be, your thoughts are in alignment with your higher Self; when your body feels "off" in any way, your thoughts are misaligned. That said, it is The Time to Master Your Life in alignment Key to move forward. levels of Felt You Have Joy, Harmony, Happiness, passion, Peace, and Exuberance in Your Life-NO Matter How These fleeting-and it is at times that you have been fully aligned with your higher Self. The difficulty is that people rarely think in terms of alignment when things are going their way. They are too busy enjoying life, which is, after all, the purpose of living. When They Think in Terms alignment of people usually need it Most, Most When it is elusive. Alignment with different for each individual Feels The higher Self, But The Result The same is. You know you are in alignment when your heart feels open and your body feels as good as it gets. Sometimes you may not feel your body at all, feeling light as air or like a gently floating balloon. There may be a sense of well-being and connectedness in your body plus a spark of creation. Or you may feel sudden passion or happiness with a gentle tingle up your spine. No feeling is wrong. The bottom line is that you are on top of the world when you are in alignment with your higher Self, and your body mirrors this. You feel Feels Everything On and On purpose course. Because along Conditioning ancestral, cultural, familial, and is often difficult to assess systemic and Transcend Lines On A Mental level strictly, Your Best, How Your Body Feels becomes truest Gift at any given Time. Your Body is The Most sensitive instrument for determining Whether You Are at Your Disposal Your higher Self in alignment with, and it will serve You in Amazing Ways to get to know it. Identifying Comforts and Discomforts to Learn To align, First IDENTIFY The Comfort You or discomfort level in the most sensitive part (s) of your body. Many people discern best in the stomach and other parts of the digestive tract; digestive problems are overwhelmingly caused by a mis-alignment with higher Self. Others feel a heaviness, constriction, or pain at their heart when out of alignment. Still others experience tenseness in bodily areas like their shoulders or back. Some get headaches. What it ultimately comes down to is actually Your Greatest Spiritual Teachers That Are Your Greatest bodily challenges. Once You sense discomfort in Your Body, align with You through Your higher Self or some form of Meditation Time out relaxed. You need to take some quiet time to learn what your higher Self is trying to teach you through your body. During times of discomfort, lay back, relax, and surrender deeply so you can learn and grow. Bravely ask your higher Self what your body is trying to teach you and sense the answer. You may see, feel, hear, taste, or smell the answer, depending on your sensing proclivities. Your intuition may come forth boldly and you will suddenly just know. The answer may come right away or it may come later when you least expect it. That imperative is know is it That You Are Answered all questions Ready When You Are, and NO question is put Forth with Honesty and benevolent intent IGNORED. Your higher Self and providet Clarity constantly teaches lessons through The wisdom of Wonderful Your Body, So get to know what your body feels like when you ask Yes or No questions. During Meditation, ask yourself Like The following questions: Am I The future of terrified? Is it interest in My Best Company to work for this? Is My Heart Because I am afraid of feeling closed intimacy with My Husband / work Associates / OTHER? Is to pursue this interest in it My Best Relationship / Action of course? Should I be doing Something OTHER Than What I am doing with My Life? Each Time You ask yourself A question, One of Your Body reacts in two Ways: 1) it reacts kindly in accordance with alignment (YES) or 2) it warns you that something is not right (NO or more questions are necessary for clarification). With Practice, You can discern this Way Your Truth. comfortable Are You When Your Body's Yes and No answers That You can discern, it is Time to Address That Are more Complex issues. In your relaxed meditative state, put forth a troubling situation to your higher Self. Explain the situation at hand in detail; write it down if that feels better. Then ask Yes or No questions about the issue raised. If your body feels aligned after you ask a question, the answer is an emphatic YES. If your body feels misaligned, the answer may be NO or further questioning may be necessary. Those who are persistent and patient enough can do question and answer sessions like this until they facilitate an explosive emotional and energetic release. Once a lesson is learned, bodily discomfort and difficult feelings associated with it go away forever. Patience is required in this exercise. consciously or unconsciously Many Are afraid to know Their Truth-be-recognizing That May The Rug From Under Their Lives if They Learn pulled it out. The feeling is akin to the emotion in place prior to being fed into the jaws of some huge unknown creature with giant, knife-sharp fangs. Ask why you are afraid to know your Truth, and the answer will most likely surprise you. Please know that despite your misgivings, the unknown is a very powerful and necessary place; The unknown comes Forth From all Creation. Some wonder trusting creatures Whether there is in Danger The higher Self in all Things, for What They Do Not Guides recognize them trust themselves and They Do Not. Know that most have been taught that they are not trustworthy in one or more ways. Regardless of conditioning, however, your higher Self knows what needs accomplishing in your earthly realm, and it will not guide to that which is not possible within the confines of your current existence. If it feels right in your body, it is right for you, period, regardless of what anybody else thinks. Get to know your higher Self through your body. Will it be The Best Ever You make investment. Leslee J. Klinsky

Sweden Recycling 99 Percent Of Garbage, Edging Closer To Zero-Waste

There's a "recycling revolution" happening in Sweden - one that has pushed the country closer to zero waste than ever before. In fact, Less Than  One per cent   of Sweden's Household garbage in landfills Ends Up Today.
The Scandinavian Country Has become So Good at Managing waste, They Have to Import garbage From The UK, Italy, Norway and Ireland to Feed The Country's 32 waste-to-Energy (wte) plants, A Practice That Has Been in Place for years
"Waste today is a commodity in a different way than it has been. It's not only waste, it's a business," explained Swedish Waste Management communications director Anna-Carin Gripwell in a statement.
Every year, the average Swede produces 461 kilograms of waste, a figure that's slightly below the half-ton European average. But what makes Sweden different is its use of a somewhat controversial program incinerating over two million tons of trash per year.
It's also a process responsible for converting half the country's garbage into energy.
"When waste sits in landfills, leaking methane gas and other greenhouse gasses, it is obviously not good for the environment," Gripwell said of traditional dump sites. So Sweden focused on developing alternatives to reduce the amount of toxins seeping into the ground.

Good business for Energy is for garbage Importing Sweden From Sweden On Vimeo .    
At the core of Sweden's program is its waste-management hierarchy designed to curb environmental harm: prevention (reduce), reuse, recycling, recycling alternatives (energy recovery via WTE plants), and lastly, disposal (landfill).
Before garbage can be trucked away to incinerator plants, trash is filtered by home and business owners; organic waste is separated, paper picked from recycling bins, and any objects that can be salvaged and reused pulled aside.
By Swedish law, producers are responsible for handling all costs related to collection and recycling or disposal of their products. If a beverage company sells bottles of pop at stores, the financial onus is on them to pay for bottle collection as well as related recycling or disposal costs.
Rules introduced in The 1990s incentivized companies to more Take A Proactive, role eco-Conscious About to Take What They Market products. It was also a clever way to alleviate taxpayers of full waste management costs.
From Collected data according to Swedish Recycling Company Returpack , Swedes collectively return bottles and Cans 1.5 billion annually. What can not be reused or recycled usually heads to WTE incineration plants. Would not it be great if no household waste was wasted? If each and every item of refuse was turned into something else - new products, raw materials, gas or at least heat?

Sweden is almost there. More than 99 per cent of all household waste is recycled in one way or another. This means A Recycling Revolution in The Last of The Country That Has Something decades gone through, considering only 38 per cent of waste was recycled in 1975. Sweden Already Imports Household That roughly 800,000 tonnes of garbage per Year From The UK, Italy, Norway, and Ireland to generate Electricity and Heating for The Country's 32 waste-to-Energy (wte) plants .

Today, Recycling stations Are NO more Than 300 meters Residential Area From any drop-offs can make Swedes So Their own.  
Environmental benefits in addition to, Has Plenty of fiscal Incentives Recycling also, says communications director Anna-Carin Gripwell Swedish Waste Management, in An Interview with The Huffington Post . Already Has A COMMODITY become garbage, and it Someday May be fuel for power generation plants AS Common Practice to purchase waste and Vehicles. Inh Wiqvist, CEO of Waste Management and Recycling Association The Swedish Swedes can still thinks Do more, considering About Half of That all household waste is burnt, that is, turned into energy. That explains he means reusing materials or products using Less Energy to Create A product, and Making Another One From Scratch Than burning. 'We Are Trying to "move Up The refuse ladder", AS WE say, to burning From Material Recycling, by promoting recycling and working with authorities', he says. 

Meanwhile, Swedish households keep separating their newspapers, plastic, metal, glass, electric appliances, light bulbs and batteries. Many municipalities also encourage consumers to separate food waste. And all of this is reused, recycled or composted.
Newspapers are turned into paper mass, bottles are reused or melted into new items, plastic containers become plastic raw material; food is composted and becomes soil or biogas through a complex chemical process. Rubbish trucks are often run on recycled electricity or biogas. Wasted water is purified to the extent of being potable. Special rubbish trucks go around cities and pick up electronics and hazardous waste such as chemicals. Pharmacists accept leftover medicine. Swedes take their larger waste, such as a used TV or broken furniture, to recycling centres on the outskirts of the cities. 
Corporations are also held accountable to encourage and enable recycling for the public. Producers are required by Swedish law to handle all costs relevant to the collection, recycling, or appropriate disposal of their products. So if A is BEVERAGE Sold in bottles, On The Producer of The Financial responsibility is for Pay all costs to product Related to The Bottle Recycling or Disposal. Trash-burning Facilities in The United States only US HANDLE A small Portion of waste , and Most Up The Ends of burned trash in landfills, according to The New York Times .

Just One Example of in US waste, Half of Americans nearly Their Throw away food , Costing roughly $ 165 billion per Year, according to Natural Resources Defense Council by The A Recent Study. Each of Us Can Promote Sustainability Each of us can and Promote Sustainability justice at multiple levels: as an individual, as a teacher or parent, a community member, a national citizen, and as a global citizen. As Annie says in the film, "the good thing about such an all pervasive problem is that there are so many points of intervention." That means that there are lots and lots of places to plug in, to get involved, and to make a difference. There is no single simple thing to do, because the set of problems we're addressing just is not simple. But everyone can make a difference, but the bigger your action the bigger the difference you'll make. Here are some ideas: 

  1. Power down!   A Great deal of The Create and use resources in The Energy consume WE WE WE The waste is. Look for opportunities in your life to significantly reduce energy use: drive less, fly less, turn off lights, buy local seasonal food (food takes energy to grow, package, store and transport), wear a sweater instead of turning up the heat, use a clothesline instead of a dryer, vacation closer to home, buy used or borrow things before buying new, recycle. All these things save energy and save you money. And, if you can switch to alternative energy by supporting a company that sells green energy to the grid or by installing solar panels on your home, bravo!
  2. Less waste.   Per capita Production in The Growing US Just keeps waste. There are hundreds of opportunities each day to nurture a Zero Waste culture in your home, school, workplace, church, community. This takes developing new habits which soon become second nature. Use both sides of the paper, carry your own mugs and shopping bags, get printer cartridges refilled instead of replaced, compost food scraps, avoid bottled water and other over packaged products, upgrade computers rather than buying new ones, repair and mend rather than replace .... the list is endless! The more we visibly engage in re-use over wasting, the more we cultivate a new cultural norm, or actually, reclaim an old one!
  3. These issues About Talk to everyone.   At SCHOOL, Your neighbors, in Line at The Supermarket, bus ... A student once asked Cesar Chavez On The Organized How he. He said, "First, I talk to one person. Then I talk to another person." "No," said the student, "how do you organize?" Chavez answered, "First I talk to one person. Then I talk to another person." You get the point. Talking about these issues raises awareness, builds community and can inspire others to action.
  4. Make Your Voice Heard.   Write to letters to editor and press articles to The Local. In the last two years, and especially with Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the media has been forced to write about Climate Change. As individuals, we can influence the media to better represent other important issues as well. Letters to the editor are a great way to help newspaper readers make connections they might not make without your help. Also local papers are often willing to print book and film reviews, interviews and articles by community members. Let's get the issues we care about in the news.
  5. Detox Your Body, Detox Your Home, The Economy and Detox.   Many of Today's Consumer products - From Lipstick to Children's pajamas - Toxic CHEMICAL contain additives That Are Simply Not necessary. Research online (for example, before you buy to be sure you're not inadvertently introducing toxics into your home and body. Then tell your friends about toxics in consumer products. Together, ask the businesses why they're using toxic chemicals without any warning labels. And ask your elected officials why they are permitting this practice. The European Union has adopted strong policies that require toxics to be removed from many products. So, while our electronic gadgets and cosmetics have toxics in them, people in Europe can buy the same things toxics-free. Let's demand the same thing here. Getting the toxics out of production at the source is the best way to ensure they do not get into any home and body.
  6. Unplug (The TV and Internet) and Plug In (The Community).   The average person over 4 hours A Day in The US Watches TV. Four hours per day filled with messages about stuff we should buy. That is four hours a day that could be spent with family, friends and in our community. On-line activism is a good start, but spending time in face-to-face civic or community activities strengthens the community and many studies show that a stronger community is a source of social and logistical support, greater security and happiness. A strong community is also critical to having a strong, active democracy.
  7. When park ... and Your Car and Walk necessary MARCH!  Car-centric Land use policies and Life styles lead to more greenhouse Gas Emissions, fossil fuel Extraction, conversion of agricultural and wildlands to Roads and parking Lots. Driving less and walking more is good for the climate, the planet, your health, and your wallet. But sometimes we do not have an option to leave the car home because of inadequate bike lanes or public transportation options. Then, we may need to march, to join with others to demand sustainable transportation options. Throughout US history, peaceful non-violent marches have played a powerful role in raising awareness about issues, mobilizing people, and sending messages to decision makers. 
  8. Change Your lightbulbs ... and Then, Change Your Paradigm.   Changing lightbulbs is Quick and Easy. Energy efficient lightbulbs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer than conventional ones. That's a no-brainer. But changing lightbulbs is just tinkering at the margins of a fundamentally flawed system unless we also change our paradigm. A paradigm is a collection of assumptions, concepts, believes and values ​​that together make up a community's way of viewing reality. Our current paradigm dictates that more stuff is better, that infinite economic growth is desirable and possible, and that pollution is the price of progress. To really turn things around, we need to nurture a different paradigm based on the values ​​of sustainability, justice, health, and community.
  9. Recycle Your trash ... and, Recycle Your Elected Officials.   Recycling Energy and reduces both waste and harvest and new Stuff Mine The pressure to score. Unfortunately, many cities still do not have adequate recycling systems in place. In that case you can usually find some recycling options in the phone book to start recycling while you're pressuring your local government to support recycling city-wide. Also, many products - for example, most electronics - are designed not to be recycled or contain toxics so recycling is hazardous. In these cases, we need to lobby government to prohibit toxics in consumer products and to enact Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws, as is happening in Europe. EPR is a policy which holds producers responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products, so that electronics company who use toxics in their products, have to take them back. That is a great incentive for them to get the toxics out!
  10. Buy Green, Buy Fair, Buy Local, Buy Used, and Most importantly, Buy Less. Shopping is Currently Not Just Because The solution to Face The Environmental Problems Are Not The real need WE WE Changes Shop for sale in Even The greenest. But, when we do shop, we should ensure our dollars support businesses that protect the environment and worker rights. Look beyond vague claims on packages like "all natural" to find hard facts. Is it organic? Is it free of super-toxic PVC plastic? When you can, buy local products from local stores, which keeps more of our hard earned money in the community. Buying used items keeps them out of the trash and avoids the upstream waste created during extraction and production. But, buying less may be the best option of all. Less pollution. Less Waste. Less time working to pay for the stuff. Sometimes, less really is more.


April McCarthy   is A JOURNALIST An Active Community role playing and analyzing world events and eco-friendly Initiatives to Advance our Health reporting.