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Monday, May 21, 2012


An Overview
An orphan at the age 12 named Thamboo Ratnampillai left his village Kankesanturai by sailing boat to India. During his stay in India he learned many arts and acquired expertise in few activities.  Of which Yoga, wresting, Ayurveda medicine, etc are few. On his return to Kankesanturai after several years he married his Machchal named Ponnamah and they were blessed with three sons, of whom Kaliyugavarathan is one who is their second son.
Thamboo Ratnampillai formed a training Institute named Ramamoorthy Physical Culture Institute and taught some of the arts, of which Yoga, wrestling are few. Kaliyugavarathan also learned Yoga and wrestling from Thamboo Ratnampillai, who is his father and Guru.
Thamboo Ratnampillai was the Kankesanturai area coordinator of Thanthai Chelvanayagam's Federal Party. He fasted unto death in 1956 demanding equal rights to Tamil Language. As a consequence he fell ill resulting in death after few years. News paper clippings in 1956 are attached below.


Thamboo Ratnampillai's death was a severe blow to his family members.  In 1960 Kaliyugavarathan went to Trincomalee seeking employment. . Kaliyugavarathan got employment in the Port of Trincomalee. He joined the Ceylon Mercantile Union and soon elected as the General Secretary of that Union in Trincomalee. Workers in the Port experienced many hardship under the Contractors, which made the Ceylon Mercantile Union members to launch a strike demanding nationalization of the Port activities. After a prolonged three months strike the Port activities were nationalized by the Government in 1967.
While in employment Kaliyugavarathan learned and sat for the GCE Advance level examination. He succeeded in the exam and entered the Colombo University as an external Law student. To follow studies in Colombo he got a transfer to Colombo Port. He passed his First in Laws exam and sat for his final exam but was unsuccessful.. Due to the 1983 riots he got a transfer back to   Trincomalee and formed a Union titled North Eastern Workers Union. This Union mustered the support of the highest number of workers in the Port, pushing behind the politically affiliated Unions.
Whilst in service he was involved in humanitarian services to the needy public. Due to the 1990 June communal disturbances his family was displaced and was living in different parts of Jaffna peninsular. Civil war made them to live in eight different parts in Jaffna. There too he was involved in serving the needy affected people.
In 2002 he launched a quarterly magazine titled 'Arivukkathir', and released four issues amidst the Civil war situation. He was the founder and Chief Editor of that magazine.

The above photo is one of the Arivukkathir magazine cover page. This issue contained the story of Jaffna University Vice Chancellor Prof. A. Thurairajah



"Maathaa Pithaa Guru Theivam"
The above is the transliteration of a famous Tamil proverb, which means:-
"Mother, Father, Guru (Teacher) & God"
On 2012.05.07 early morning at 0300 a.m I experienced divinely inspirational intuition will lying on bed. I sensed my breathing and found 'Idakalai' functioning. This is a yoga term, which means breathing through the left nostril. Under the normal rule during such time the person will feel lazy and dull. But at that specific time I felt the feeling of 'Sulumunai'. This is a yoga term, which means breathing through both nostrils. Under the normal rule during such time the person will be in an enthusiastic and pleasant mood, which time is best suited for spiritual activities.
Therefore my situation at the time mentioned above was an exceptional physical, mental and spiritual condition to that of the normal yoga rule and theory. This is the second time in my life time that I experienced such an exceptional condition.
Until the above mentioned moment I was unmindful about the aspects involved in my life, which I am presenting below, which are enlightened to my soul by Lord Shiva who is everything to me.
"Maathaa Pithaa Guru Theivam"
"Maathaa" – Mother.

My mother is Ratnampillai Ponnammah from Kankesanturai. Pon in Tamil is gold. Ammah is mother. I interpret the above sentence as "She is the mother of gold and mother as gold". The Hindu Goddess for wealth is Lakshmi. So I approximate my mother to Goddess Lakshmi. She is gold to me. My mother’s characters are loyal to her husband, righteous, pure, tidy and neat, modest, simple, thrift, with staunch Hindu religious practices and faith.
"Maathaa Pithaa Guru Theivam"

Pitha, he is my Father
My father is Tampoo  Ratnampillai from Kankesanturai. He is an orphan, who did not know any of his parents. Ratnam in Tamil is "Iraththinam", which means a Gem that is a precious stone jewel. So my father is a gem in my life. His characters are bravery, expert in planning & implementation, efficient in lobbing support, perseverance, disciplined life, lover of his race & Hindu religion, faith in God, regular in prayer, he paid utmost attention in the well being of his children, in their education, he taught many art which he learned in India to his children, of which Yoga is one, wearing clean white cotton dress. He will never bow his head to injustice. He involved in non-violent struggle demanding equal right to Tamil language by fasting for several days and consequently died. He is a great lover of freedom.
"Maathaa Pithaa Guru Theivam"

My Father who is my GURU
Guru means a teacher. In Hindu philosophy the Guru teaches and shows the way to attach the devotee to unit him with the God. I am blessed to have my father as my Guru, who had extraordinary characters and talents as stated above. My father passed away when I was young. For my spiritual activities I was in search of a Guru since the year 1995. During my search gradually I started to feel that I am being guided by some power.  I followed His guidance. I experienced that His path was the best solution to my life. Gradually I found that it is Lord Shiva who is my Guru and He is my God.
"Maathaa Pithaa Guru Theivam"

Theivam means God. As stated above under the text Guru my experiences are very great and I really enjoy His Grace and guidance. It is wonderful and now I am at peace. This peace will lead me to bliss during my lifetime. 
It is He who woke me up on 2012.05.07 at 0300 a.m and made me to realize all what is stated above and what is to follow.
My name is Kaliyugavarathan. Lord Shiva’s second son is Lord Murugan, who’s another famous name is Kaliyugavarathan
I am the second son of mother Umathevi who is Lord Shiva’s wife. In the spiritual arena Umathevi is my mother, but in worldly life the name of my wife is Umathevi, who is serving me as a mother too in my worldly life. Our only son's name is Baalamuruga, which means Lord Murugan.
The name of the high school I studied is Nadeswara College, Kankesanturai. Nadeswaran is Lord Shiva. The motto of this college is 'Naermai neri nill', which means 'be righteous'. The famous slogan of Lord Shiva is 'Anpae Sivam', which means LORD SHIVAN IS LOVE.
LIFE I LEAD IS A JUST LIFE, which was infused into my soul and body probably through the slogan of my college, which is indiscriminate love towards all living beings.
The name of the institution which I have founded is SIVAN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION'. Transliteration of the motto of this Association is 'Nanrae Seivom Athai Inrae Seivom', which means 'LET'S DO GOOD TODAY ITSELF'. This slogan is encompassed within the slogan 'LORD SHIVAN IS LOVE'
Life in our home under my father who happened to be my Guru too is a parallel to Gurukulam life of the Ashram of the Yogis, where the disciples follow the foot print of their Guru. Dedicated   disciples adapt themselves to that of their Guru's every bit of thinking, behavior, conduct, habit, etc. Satsangam do take place in Gurukulams. But as for me my father never had any satsangam with me or with all my brothers. However I inherited and adapted all my father's qualities who is my Guru. I adapted all my mother's qualities too.
I am pleased to make a transparent statement at this juncture that I am trying my best to approximate myself to the cardinal principle of 'ANPAE SIVAM', which means divinely indiscriminate love. I am confident that every minute and then I am refining my qualities to fit in toto to the cardinal principle of 'ANPAE SIVAM'.
Since 1995 my activities with slow and steady pace started to relate to Lord Shiva, His name, His temples and activities of Hindu religion of which Lord Shiva is the head of that religion. I submit the series of incidents or activities pertaining to same.
  1. I learned yoga from my father at the age of 05 and gave up regular practice since 1956 when my father fell ill after his fasting struggle. Since 1995 I started at the age 54 to practice yoga regularly. This brought about dramatic changes in my habit and character.
  2. In 2002 I started to teach Yoga to the public and students.
  3. In 2006 I joined a project organized and conducted by the Education Department. This pilot project was to teach students Hindu way of living and offer Theedchchai, which is a religious rite ceremony to them. This project was conducted in a Sivan temple called Uruththireeswarar Sivan temple at Uruththirapuram, Kilinochchi.
  4. Following this project several such projects were conducted in different temples in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Batticaloa and Trincomalee. The projects done in Mannar, Batticaloa and Trincomalee were organized by our Association with the support and collaboration of the Education Department and its officials. In these projects I taught yoga to the trainees including breathing and meditation.
  5. Last such workshop was done in March 2012 at Trincomalee. 119 students, boys and girls representing 6 schools and 2 children homes participated. Siva theedchchai was offered to them at Thirukkoneswaram temple and other training activities were conducted in the Trincomalee Hindu College for 3 consecutive days.
According to Gandhi Aiya a Hindu Tamil veteran remarked about the above mentioned project thus "offering  Siva theedchchai to 119 students in Thirukkoneswaram temple is an unprecedented event in the Trincomalee Hindu religious rites activities".
  1. I was born in a costal town named Kankesanturai. Fish was available right throughout the clock. Fish bought for cooking will be alive and I used to leave such fish in water and play with them, without knowing the impact of killing them and eating, during my young age. Then I was eating all kinds of fish and meat. One day when I was in Sivayogasamajam, Trincomalee, on 2006 April 9th I made a determination to give up eating all kinds of non vegetable food. Since than I became a total vegetarian.
  2. Thereafter I subjected myself to Hindu Theedchchai rites ceremony. One important rule to be followed after such ceremony is to live on vegetable food. I am happy and healthy being a vegetarian.
  3. I was blessed to visit many Lord Shiva’s temples in Sri Lanka and India in different States. Some such temples in Sri Lanka are Puthukkudiyiruppu, Mullaithivu Shivan temple, Thanthonrieeswarar, Oddusuddan, Uruthrapureeswarar Sivan Temple, Kilinochchi, Thanthonrieeswarar Kokkaddichcholai Sivan Temple, Batticaloa, Muneeswaram Temple, Naguleeswaran, Keerimalai, Kankesanturai, Sivan Temple, Valvettiturai, Thrukketheeswaram, Mannar, Sivan Temple, Vavuniy. Aathisivan Temple and Ahasthiyar Isthapanam Sivan Temples at Kankuveli, AathiKoneswarar Aalayam at Thampalakamam, Sivan Temple in Trincomalee, Nadesar Aalayam, Kanniya, Sivayogasamajam Shivans Srine, Sivanantha Tapovanam Shivan Shrine both in Trincomalee.
Sivan Temples I visited in India are Poroor Sivan Temple, Valasaravakkam Sivan Temple both in Chennai. Sithamparam Sivan Temple, Trichi Sivan Temple,  Kodilingam Sivan Temple at Godawari river bank, New Kodilingam Temple, Gangadareswarar Sivan Temple at Purani Jhadi, Rishikesh, Kumbamaela Shivan Statue at the bank of river Gankai, Shiva Kailash Cave Temple, at Loyal Village, Gullar (P.O), Uttarkhand  2nd Cave Lord Shivas temple at Uttarkhand  , Kapaleeswarar Sivan Temple at Mylapore, Chennai. Apart from these temples I visited Hindu temples in different parts and States of India.
  1. Since 2010 I was blessed to have a series of meetings with Hindu and Saiva religious    Peedathipathgal, Heads of Hindu Institutions both in India and Sri Lanka. These meetings facilitated to strengthen relationship with many others who are keen in serving the affected Saiva Tamils in Sri Lanka.
  2. The name of the first boy to whom we have started to offer financial assistance for his University studies is one of the many names of Lord Shiva.
  3. The name of the first girl to whom we have started to offer financial assistance for her University studies starts with the name of Lord Shiva.
  4. All these when combined together and analyzed reveals that Lord Shiva is behind each and every activity of self. Thanks to Lord Shiva for his blessing and grace for my divinely service.
As a result of my disciplined life I experience enhanced characters and qualities within self which are given below, which will induce readers to adapt a disciplined life, enabling them to lead a wonderful life in future.
  1. Increase of indiscriminate love and love towards all living beings.
  2. Love towards material life is in the verge of extinction.
  3. Approach and handle things without fear or favor.
  5. Hate, enmity and anger are being eliminated.
  6. Inexplicable source of power is growing /springing to execute divinely services uninterruptedly and untiringly.
  7. Enlightenment of knowledge and enhancement of    knowledge gives a pleasant and soothing experience.
  8. Fear in general and fear of death is exterminated.
  9. Courage is growing and rooted permanently.
  10. Conditioned to be a vegetarian since 2006.
  11. Experiences of Lord Shiva’s grace and guidance is providing complete peace, limitless power, knowledge and bliss and the introduction of resourceful and trustworthy persons, which in turn is giving limitless power to face and handle any problem or matter and remove all obstacles thereby accomplishing the goal.
This is what a human should enjoy in his lifetime.
I am blessed with it.
What else should I need?
All these are achieved by regular yoga practice, breathing, pranayama exercises and meditation practice.
Therefore I strongly recommend to all the readers to start learning yoga and make it an integral part of daily life in order to lead a peaceful, happy and healthy life.

I will accomplish spiritual enlightenment in this birth before my demise through my divinely service to the humanity and nature which in turn is to serve Lord Shiva.

The banner below is used for a workshop conducted by Sivan Human Development Association at Thirukketheeswaram, Manner. The dancing peacock in the Banner is that of a real peacock dancing in front of Thirukketheeswaram temple which was videoed be Kaliyugavarathan, when he was involved in arranging the above said workshop. According to him it is the Grace of Lord Shiva and exposure of acceptance for the workshop to be conducted under His feet. Sarvankasanam and Sirasasanam postures in the banner are that of  Kaliyugavarathan.

In 2002 he reactivated his father's Institute named Ramamoorthy Physical Culture Institute and registered under the law of Sri Lanka. After a lapse of 50 years he started to practice Yoga and conducted Yoga classes to the public and school students.
Since 2006 he joined with the Education Department and was teaching Yoga to students who are trainees in spiritual training courses conducted by the Education Department. These students were offered Theedchchai at the temples wherever the training was conducted. These training programs were conducted in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Batticaloa and Trincomalee. These training courses were coordinated by him.

Theedchchai ceremony at Suyambu Linga Pillaiyar,Kaluthavalai

Teaching to prepare Thiruneeru at Suyambu Linga Pillaiyar,Kaluthavalai

Teaching to Arrange Niraikudam

Teaching to practice Santhiaasanam

Teaching to worship Lord Shiva & thank Him before eating at Hindu College, Trinco.

Teaching to Practice Anuttanam after receiving Siva Theedchchai
In 2011 he made a trip to India and was mustering support for his humanitarian and spiritual service. He met different religious heads and other service oriented organizations. He met Swami Dayananda Saraswathi at Rishikesh and the latter agreed to support for religious activities in Sri Lanka. After three months stay in India he returned to Sri Lanka. In 2011 he inaugurated an organization by the name Sivan Human Development Association, having its Board members from different parts of the North and East of the country. This Association is registered under the Law of the Country.
Action is afoot to form branches of the aforesaid Organization in all the districts in the North and East of the country and also in Colombo, Hill country, Negombo, Chilaw and Puttalam
In 2012 he organized a three days residential workshop in Trincomalee on 2012.03.02 to 04 with the support of the Education Department, sponsored by joint participation of the Sri Koneswaram Temple Paripalana Sabai and Aatheenakartha of Sri Kali Kovil. 119 students from six schools and two children homes participated as trainees. All of them were offered Siva Theedchchai at Sri Koneswaram Temple and other training activities were conducted at T/R.K.M. Sri Koneswara Hindu College. Saiva way of living and related religious practices were taught at the workshop. Awarding of certificates and prizes were given at Koneswaram temple on the final day of the workshop.

Gandhi Aiya alias Gandhi Master an elderly Saiva Tamil veteran commented thus :-
"Conferring Siva Theedchchai to 119 students en bloc in Trincomalee is
an unprecedented Saiva spiritual activity".
Action is afoot to conduct similar project in Nilaveli to 60 students selected from three schools. Thampalakamam and Muthur are other two areas earmarked to conduct similar project.
There is a popular demand from parents and schools principals to organize similar projects all around to teach and promote the Saiva way of living. To meet this demand we need to strengthen our resource persons team. We have decided to conduct a three day residential course to train 50 Trainer of Trainees (T.O.T) selected from all nine districts in the North and East.
Once the TOT training is successfully concluded thereafter we will be better geared to launch our projects in all districts simultaneously. 

Lord Shiva's devotees made a pilgrimage to Kankuveli AathiSivan Aalayam, Ahasthiyar Isthapanam and took a dip in Theerththakkarai
Karuvarai Shiva Lingam of Ahasthiyar Isthapanam which was damaged by unknown persons after the end of civil war in 2009.

Devotees at Theerththakkarai listening to the importance of the Ahasthiyar Isthapanam and the famous annual religious ceremony of Aadi Amavasai Theertham.




Mother has lost her hand, daughter her leg

Play therapy to Sivayoga Samajam Children Home children and to our Yoga Students from Hindu College during a get together organized by our Association

Discussion at Jaffna University with a view to finding ways and means to produce genuine herbal medicine thus improving Ayurveda treatment. Chairperson Dr. Sivakadadchcham, formerly Agriculture Faculty, Jaffna University, presently in Canada.


1.      To plan and implement schemes  for the development of morality, morally sound conduct, good character and all round progress in human life- physically, intellectually and spiritually.

2.      To develop, enhance good human behaviour, humanity, individual and social discipline among human being through devotional education.

3.      To take necessary steps to enhance the economic and social status of the people by providing job oriented education and skill development programmes.

4.      To organize exhibitions, conferences, workshops etc. to educate the community on the ways to improve the all round progress in human life-style. 

5.      To engage in activities to safeguard and improve the nature and natural resources which are very essential for the well being of the human life.

Kaliyugavarathan made a trip to India in 2011. He was a special guest at the 4th Maanila Maanadu of Sekkilar KalviPanpattukkalagam in Sithamparam conducted on 2011.02.05 & 6th. He gave a speech about the values of Yoga and demonstrated postures also. At this summit itself he was invited for a similar activity which was to be organized on 2011.03.23 & 24th in connection with Kaaraikkal Ammaiyar Summit at Trichi. At Trichi also he made a speech about the values of Yoga and demonstrated Yoga postures also.

Related photos are seen below.











During his three months stay in India he met different Religious heads and other voluntary organization heads. He sought help from them to alleviate the sufferings of the affected and needy people, of whom Swami Dayananda Saraswathi from Rishkesh is one.



A Singaporean Tamil named Narayanan met Kaliyugavarathan at Kangai River at Swami Dayanada Saraswathi's Ashram and both made self introduction. After a bath in Kangai they met in Kaliyugavarathan's room (photo below). Narayanan voluntarily informed Kaliyugavarathan that he will take him to the Kumbamaela site tomorrow to have a bath in Kangai River where a Huge statue of Lord Shiva is available. Kaliyugavarathan was surprised by this statement because the night when he was travelling from Haridwar railway station and nearing Rishikesh he saw a huge statue of Lord Shiva and on the spur of the moment Kaliyugavarathan thought that he should visit that site. But  Kaliyugavarathan did not disclose this idea to anyone. Few days later the above mentioned offer is made to Kaliyugavarathan by a stranger. Narayanan fulfilled his promise and took to  Kumbamaela site (photo below).


While Kaliyugavarathan was nearing a table to have his dinner at Rishikesh he saw a young person in a Sanniyasi dress with beard seated and having his dinner. He sat in front of him.  The person in a Sanniyasi dress opened the conversation with Kaliyugavarathan. During the conversation Kaliyugavarathan found that he was from Chennai and his name is Satchithanand. At the end of the conversation Sri Satchithanand informed voluntarily to Kaliyugavarathan that he will visit again to Rishikesh Asram and meet the latter with a plan to taking him to a newly found cave where Lord Shiva was worshipped several thousand years before by Rishis and Yogis. As promised Sri Satchithanand came and took Kaliyugavarathan to the cave. Photo of Kaliyugavarathan in mediation practice inside the pitch dark cave is seen below.

Just before the trip to the cave Sri Satchithanad introduced Kaliyugavarathan to a Yogi at the age of 103. Photo below.

Sri Satchithanad on the Mountain Cave on his trip with self

Sri Satchidanad introduced to Kaliyugavarathan aYogi who is teaching Yoga in an Ashram, at the age 103 in RamJulah, Rishikesh


1.      Providing medical service free of charge or with token payment to villagers in remote villages.
2.      Providing aids to maimed persons.
3.      Providing financial assistance to needy University students
4.      Finding accommodation to orphans in Children Homes
5.      Providing vocational training to women headed members and finding employment to them
6.      Conducting residential workshop in temples and teach Saiva way of living and confer Siva Theedchchai to students and elders.
7.      Conduct Yoga Training
8.      Conduct play therapy to children homes with a view to healing their stress, trauma, etc.
9.      Conduct silence observation Training with a view to leading them to attaining spiritual bliss.
10.  Formation of a voluntary team, one to the youth and the other to the elders with a view to providing service to our religious, cultural & social activities and also to serve the public in case of natural disaster.
11.  Form of an umbrella organization of all Saiva temple authorities with a view to better serve the needs of the temples and to infuse the idea to those authorities to take a leading role to promote the socio, economic and spiritual needs of the needy people in and around the temple area.
12.  Unite all local Saiva organizations with a view to infuse the idea to those authorities to take a leading role to promote the socio, economic and spiritual needs of the needy people
13.  Teaching of Saiva rites in temples are to be improved. We have a plan and we will soon implement same and extend same to all such classes.
14.  Draw a program and a teaching module in order to systematically and gradually infuse Saiva knowledge, Saiva rites and Saiva social discipline in the schools and implement same.
15.  Teach vocational skills and  knowledge
16.  Teach aesthetic arts
17.  Produce herbal medicine thus encourage public to use Ayurveda medicine.
18.  We are with an open mind to collaborate with genuine Institutions which have similar objects and activities and serve unitedly.


To found a Gurukulam in a vast land, this will be able to provide the basic needs of the public. One such unit will be a University to teach Saiva Vetham. This University will admit students from abroad. Successful students will be utilized to extend our Siva Thondu to other countries in the globe.


1.      One acre land in Trincomalee
2.      One administrative block to house 5 staff
3.      Furniture to this block
4.      One computer, one laptop, one multimedia and a public address system
5.      A training hall to accommodate 100 numbers with 100 chairs and five  tables
6.      A meditation room to accommodate 20 numbers which can serve as a shrine also
7.      One quarters to the staff with kitchen. This  quarters should have additional two room facility for pilgrims and guests
8.      An open dug well
9.      Wall fence around the Land

Lord Shiva is blessing us to dispense our divinely services as stated above and we are confident that He will bless us with our legitimate and urgent needs at the appropriate time.
Therefore it is our duty to announce to the public that we need help from generous well wishers and donors.

Those who are willing to join in our divinely services are kindly requested to speak to P.No. 0778686150 or email to and seek clarifications.


Anyone willing to introduce local affected people in need to us enabling us to explore the possibility of serving them through our means can do so. Within our resource we will try to help them or we will call for support from other generous well wishers and donors with a view to providing redress to them.

Our motto is


The above logo of Our's is to be improved having our basic ideas, such as Lord Shiva sitting on Lotus, Mountain, rising sun, River on the background. Any expert designer willing to contribute to our logo is kindly requested to send their creation.

We wish to prepare an anthem to our Association. Basing our above mentioned ideas, objects and activities, poetic talented persons are requested to contribute to our idea and forward their creations to us.

  • We wish to receive appreciations and constructive ideas from the public to provide utmost, excellent and genuine service to the affected people.
  • Kindly share your inspired feelings and join hands with us in our divinely service and enjoy the:-