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Friday, May 4, 2012

Highly Paid, Several MS and PhD Opportunities in University of Science & Technology (UST), Korea

First of all, do not let this opportunity go away and apply here as it is highly paid scholarship.

The UST comprises of several research institutes, which work in different fields and they offer one of the best paid scholarships for Maters and PhD in several fields.

The fields offered belong to every major such as nuclear energy, chemistry, physics, engineering and Pharmacy etc.
The Field Comprises of Electronics and Telecommunications, Nuclear Energy, Electro technology (Electrical , Materials, Chemistry),  Construction Technology ,Energy Research , Geo science and Mineral Resources, Industrial Technology, Materials Science, Oriental Medicine (Pharmacy), Science and Technology Information, Toxicology (Pharmacy), Machinery & Materials, Ocean Research & Development (Chemistry) ,Polar Research Institute (Chemistry),Railroad Research( Electric Power), Bio science and Biotechnology, Chemical Technology, Standards and Science(Physics) .

Scholarship amount:
For Masters: 900 $ approximately per month.
For PhD: 1200 $ approximately per month.
Other benefits: Overseas Trainings and Exchange studies in different countries and universities on UST expenses.

Important Notes
1)      Before sending research proposal or other things, Do read the research profile and research papers of the professors whom major are you applying and do show your intentions in your research proposals regarding their research work. So, that they may get a good idea that you are useful to them. Do not write anything which you do not know.
2)      For Electronics and Computer majors students, if you are good in programming, then do mention it by some practical experiences, it will benefit you surely.
3)      English scores will be required, but in some rare cases I have seen some students inducted as their research profile is so good that their interviewing professor bypasses the English scores for them. But it is just luck, so English score is must.
4)      Online application is on Korean Language website but do not worry, the website link, I gave below at the end contains the attached file for filling online application form.
Admission Requirements:
Common Qualification:
A Certificated of English Proficiency Score
1. Master's Program, Integrative Program
- Those who have a bachelor's degree or are expected to obtain one by August, 2012.
- Those who are recognized as having qualifications equivalent to a bachelor's degree or approved by the law.
. What is an integrative program?
- An integrative program is defined as a graduate program where students can obtain doctoral degree
without submitting master's thesis and their applying for doctoral program.
- Those who are admitted through this program should pass qualification examinations of a doctoral program.
- Only master's degree is conferred on those who have passed the qualification examination of a doctoral
program and have met the requirement of the master's degree, if they quit during the program.

Ph.D. Program
- Those who have a master's degree or are expected to get one by August, 2012.
- Those who are recognized as having qualifications equivalent to a master's degree or approved by the law.
Foreign applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Must not have held a Korean Citizenship, and whose parents are not citizens of Korea.
Rest of requirements you can see on the attachments on the web page available on the web link given below

Application Schedule
Online Application May. 7(Monday) ~ May. 25(Friday) by 6 pm, 2012.

Important Note : In PDF files, which shows the vacancies for each major for MS and PhD, The circle “O” means that “VACANCY IS PRESENT “ and cross  “X” means “NO VACANCY”. So be careful while applying that whether vacancy is present or not.

All the information about explanation of requirements, how to apply, each major details are given on the link below and download all the files given as attachment on this link, which will explain you every thing


Thursday, May 3, 2012

New data improve understanding of breast cancer’s multiple varieties

Presentations at the 4th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference

New findings presented at Europe’s leading breast cancer translational research conference this year shed new light on the many biological differences between individual breast cancers.

Focused on the biological features that make tumors more or less sensitive to important therapies, the new studies will help doctors make crucial choices about the most appropriate treatment for millions of patients.
Early breast cancer symptoms
Early breast cancer symptoms are characterised by lump in the breast or underarm, swelling in the armpit, tenderness in the breast, etc.
“Despite major advances in the treatment of breast cancer many patients continue to relapse and die from the disease,” noted Prof Mitch Dowsett from the Royal Marsden Hospital, UK, former IMPAKT Chair. “Studies presented at this year’s IMPAKT further emphasize the potential of biomarkers to identify new targets for developing therapy to disease that is resistant to our current treatments as well as the groups of patients most likely to respond to the new treatments. In this way we are progressively reducing the threat posed by a diagnosis of breast cancer and doing this in a personalized fashion.”
A possible mechanism for endocrine resistance
An experimental model of breast cancer has yielded exciting new insights into why some breast cancers become resistant to endocrine therapies such as tamoxifen, say researchers from the US and Italy. Their findings could lead to new treatments and prognostic tests for the disease.
“Endocrine resistance in breast cancer is a major clinical issue. Despite years of studies, we still have an incomplete view of the molecular mechanisms that determine endocrine resistance and this limits the potential for developing new therapeutics,” explained Dr Luca Malorni, from the Hospital of Prato, Italy and the Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston-TX.
Previous observations from his group and others suggested that the transcription factor AP-1 might play a relevant role in endocrine resistance. AP-1 is known to regulate gene expression in response to a variety of stimuli.
To clarify this issue, they used a genetic mechanism to block the AP-1 pathway in mice and cell culture. The researchers report that inhibiting AP-1 enhanced the effects of tamoxifen and delayed the development of tamoxifen resistance. Their data suggest that specific drugs with ‘AP-1 inhibitory’ effects might be useful in combination with available endocrine agents to develop new, more efficacious treatments.
“Fully understanding the biology behind endocrine resistance is the first step to design new drugs. I think that our data represent such a step forward,” Dr Malorni said. “At the same time, our data might be helpful in deriving new biomarkers that could identify patients at higher risk of developing endocrine resistance. This might be an important contribution as today we are able to only partially predict response to endocrine treatment with the available biomarkers.”
The researchers propose that endocrine resistance develops when the estrogen receptor ‘switches’ from its classical direct binding to specific estrogen responsive elements in the tumor genome, to an indirect DNA binding program via AP-1.
“In this light, AP-1 cooperation with estrogen receptor might be considered as a fundamental feature of the endocrine-resistant breast cancer cell. We cannot exclude, however, that AP-1 activity independently of ER is also important. More studies are needed to dissect these different mechanisms,” Dr Malorni said.
“I hope that our data could stimulate researchers in this field to consider in their studies the ‘switch’ in estrogen receptor activity that we are proposing,” the researcher added. “For instance, common techniques to evaluate estrogen receptor activity in vitro rely only on measurements of ERE-related functions. Our data suggest that this might be an incomplete view that needs to be implemented with measurements of other estrogen receptor functions as well, such as those that are related to AP-1.”
A marker for response to neoadjuvant anthracycline/taxane chemotherapy
Breast cancers that express low levels of the protein mucin-1 tend to respond better to pre-surgical chemotherapy with anthracyclines and taxanes, say German researchers.
Dr Bruno Sinn from Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and colleagues from the German Breast Group set out to evaluate how many breast cancers express the gene MUC1, and whether expression of this gene could help predict response and survival after neoadjuvant anthracycline/taxane-based chemotherapy.
“Mucins are present on the internal surface of different organs throughout the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs and the breast glands,” Dr Sinn explained. “In healthy tissues, their role is mainly to protect and to lubricate these surfaces. Mucins, among them mucin-1, have also been shown to be very frequently and abundantly present in tumor cells like breast cancer cells. In cancer, mucin-1 is often present in an altered form and in abnormal locations of the cell. In laboratory experiments, it has been shown that mucin-1 interacts with several cellular signaling networks that may contribute to the malignant behavior of the cells.” Interestingly, it is also known that mucin-1 plays a role in the interaction of tumor cells with the immune system of the patient. Abnormal mucin-1 on cancer cells may serve as an antigen that helps to induce the patient’s immune system to attack and remove these cells.
The researchers studied tumor biopsy samples from a previous clinical trial of the German Breast Group. In 691 samples, they tested for the presence of the MUC1 protein, and in 268 they explored expression of messenger RNA for the gene. They could detect MUC1 in 656 (95%) cases, and the level of mRNA for the gene varied 1000-fold between tumors.
“High MUC1 protein and mRNA expression were seen more frequently in hormone-receptor positive tumors,” Dr Sinn said. “On the other hand, tumors that were hormone receptor negative and HER2 negative had lower MUC1 protein and mRNA expression compared to other subtypes.”
The different molecular subtypes of breast cancer, mainly defined by the presence or absence of estrogen receptor and the cell-surface protein HER2, have important implications for the treatment and prognosis of breast cancer. One goal of the current study was to evaluate the frequency of mucin-1 expression among the different subtypes, to provide hints as to which subtypes are most likely to benefit from a therapy that targets mucin-1.
“We could demonstrate that high mucin-1 is more frequently observed in hormone-receptor positive and HER2 negative breast cancer,” Dr Sinn said. “The lowest levels were detected in triple negative cases, i.e. tumors without evidence of estrogen-receptor and HER2. However, even in triple negative breast cancers, mucin-1 was high in 44% of cases.”
This data indicates an important role for mucin-1 in breast cancer biology that differs among the various breast cancer subtypes, Dr Sinn said. “The results are of particular interest because currently there are tumor vaccines being tested in clinical trials that induce the patient’s immune system to attack cells that carry mucin-1. These agents have already shown efficacy in lung cancer and could be also promising agents in the treatment of breast cancer.”
When the researchers correlated the expression of the protein and mRNA with the patient’s response to chemotherapy, they found that low levels of expression were predictive for pathological complete response –-or eradication of the invasive tumor. This correlation held true for the overall population and in the subgroups of hormone receptor positive, HER2-negative and HR+/HER2- tumors.
“MUC1 is frequently expressed in a large cohort of breast cancers, especially in hormone-receptor positive tumors,” the researchers observed. “Its evaluation is feasible by immunohistochemistry and quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and provides information on therapy response and survival following neoadjuvant chemotherapy.”
“Mucin-1 could be a promising target in future cancer therapy,” Dr Sinn added. “Agents that stimulate the patient’s immune system to attack cells carrying mucin-1 are currently being tested in clinical trials. Determination of mucin-1 by the methods we described in our study may help to select patients that are likely to benefit from such a therapy.”
Gene index predicts response to endocrine therapy
Researchers from Germany and the US have confirmed that a 165-gene index can predict survival among breast cancer patients who are treated with endocrine therapies in combination with surgery.
The Sensitivity to Endocrine Therapy (SET) index[1] has been reported in the past to predict survival benefit from adjuvant endocrine therapy, independently of prognosis. In the new study, Dr Thomas Karn from Goethe University in Frankfurt and colleagues set up a blinded study to prospectively validate the index’s ability to predict survival in an unpublished retrospective cohort of 307 estrogen-receptor positive primary breast cancers treated solely with endocrine therapy.
Dr Karn and colleagues provided gene expression profiles from 261 patients to the developers of SET without any clinical information. The latters then categorized them into classes based on published pre-specified cutoffs.
Once the analysis had been completed, Dr Karn’s group analyzed the relationships between the SET classifications and clinical outcomes for the patients.
They found that patients in the low, intermediate and high SET classes did not differ in age, tumor size, lymph node or HER2 status. However, lower SET significantly correlated with higher grade tumors and negative progesterone-receptor status.
“In the lymph node negative cohort we observed a significant difference in five-year disease-free survival and distant metastasis-free survival for patients with low SET,” Dr Karn said. “Furthermore we found no prognostic value of SET in lymph node positive patients.”
An exploratory analysis suggested that SET is unrelated to other prognostic signatures, the researchers note.

First-Of-Its-Kind Study Reveals Surprising Ecological Effects of Earthquake and Tsunami

 Science Daily  — The reappearance of long-forgotten habitats and the resurgence of species unseen for years may not be among the expected effects of a natural disaster. Yet that's exactly what researchers have found on the sandy beaches of south central Chile, after an 8.8-magnitude earthquake and devastating tsunami in 2010. Their study also revealed a preview of the problems wrought by sea level rise -- a major symptom of climate change.

"So often you think of earthquakes as causing total devastation, and adding a tsunami on top of that is a major catastrophe for coastal ecosystems. As expected, we saw high mortality of intertidal life on beaches and rocky shores, but the ecological recovery at some of our sandy beach sites was remarkable," said Jenifer Dugan, an associate research biologist at MSI. " Dune plants are coming back in places there haven't been plants, as far as we know, for a very long time. The earthquake created sandy beach habitat where it had been lost. This is not the initial ecological response you might expect from a major earthquake and tsunami."In a scientific first, researchers from Universidad Austral de Chile and UC Santa Barbara's Marine Science Institute (MSI) were able to document the before-and-after ecological impacts of such cataclysmic occurrences. A new paper appearing in the journal PLoS ONE elucidates the surprising results of their collaborative study, pointing to the potential effects of natural disasters on sandy beaches worldwide.
Their findings owe a debt to serendipity. With joint support from Chile's Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico and the U.S. National Science Foundation's Long Term Ecological Research program, the scientists were already knee-deep in a collaborative study of how sandy beaches in Santa Barbara and south central Chile respond, ecologically, to human-made armoring such as seawalls and rocky revetments. As part of that project, the Chilean team surveyed nine sandy beaches along the coasts of Maule and Bíobío in late January, 2010. The earthquake hit in February.
Realizing their unique opportunity, the scientists quickly changed gears and within days were back on the beaches to reassess their study sites in the catastrophe's aftermath. They have returned many times since, diligently documenting the ecological recovery and long-term effects of the earthquake and tsunami on these coastlines, in both natural and human-altered settings.
The magnitude and direction of land-level change brought the greatest impact, drowning beaches especially where the tsunami exacerbated earthquake-induced subsidence -- and widening and flattening beaches where the earthquake brought uplift. The drowned beach areas suffered mortality of intertidal life; the widened beaches quickly saw the return of plants and animals that had vanished due to the effects of coastal armoring.
"With the study in California and our study here, we knew that building coastal defense structures, such as seawalls, decreases beach area, and that a seawall results in the decline of intertidal diversity," said lead author Eduardo Jaramillo, of Universidad Austral de Chile. "But after the earthquake, where significant continental uplift occurred, the beach area that had been lost due to coastal armoring has now been restored. And the re-colonization of the mobile beach fauna was under way just weeks after."
With responses varying so widely depending on land-level changes, mobility of flora and fauna, and shore type, the findings show not only that the interactions of extreme events with armored beaches can produce surprising ecological outcomes -- but also suggest that landscape alteration, including armoring, can leave lasting footprints in coastal ecosystems.
"When someone builds a seawall, not only is beach habitat covered up with the wall itself, but, over time, sand is lost in front of the wall until the beach eventually drowns," Dugan said. "The semi-dry and damp sand zones of the upper and mid intertidal are lost first, leaving only the wet lower beach zones. This causes the beach to lose diversity, including birds, and to lose ecological function. This is an underappreciated human impact on coastlines around the world, and with climate change squeezing beaches further, it's a very serious issue to consider."
Jaramillo elaborated, "This is very important because sandy beaches represent about 80 percent of the open coastlines globally. Also, sandy beaches are very good barriers against the sea level rise we are seeing around the world. It is essential to take care of sandy beaches. They are not only important for recreation, but also for conservation."
The study is said to be the first-ever quantification of earthquake and tsunami effects on sandy beach ecosystems along a tectonically active coastal zone.

Huge scope to store water underground

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"Managed aquifer recharge could help secure the nation's water supplies for an uncertain future."
Image: Trout55/iStockphoto
There is potential to store large volumes of Australia’s precious fresh water underground, to offset climate change, avoid evaporation losses and meet national water needs into the future, leading water scientists say.

Following a major national scientific workshop in Canberra, researchers in the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) say that managed aquifer recharge – the injection or infiltration of excess surface water into underground aquifers – could help secure the nation’s water supplies for an uncertain future.

With bigger droughts and floods forecast under climate change, along with rapidly rising demand from growing cities and industries, managing water wisely will be central to the nation’s future prosperity and sustainability, says Professor Tony Jakeman of NCGRT and the Australian National University.

A workshop of leading groundwater experts convened by NCGRT last week identified twelve different sources of water in regional Australia that could be successfully ‘parked’ underground for use in time of need, he said.

These include supplementary irrigation water, surplus runoff into dams, and water brought to the surface by coal seam gas extraction and other mining activities.
“There are many benefits from storing water underground,” Prof Jakeman says. “These include recharging depleted aquifers, enlarging storages without building more dams, reducing evaporative losses, reconnecting surface and groundwaters, watering the Australian landscape from underground, and creating strategic reserves in critical foodgrowing or urban areas.”

“Australia already stores the equivalent of 1800 Olympic-size swimming pools of water underground in the Burdekin region of Queensland every year – and bringing it up again for use in agriculture and horticulture,” explains doctoral researcher Andrew Ross. “But in Orange County California they store around 300 gigalitres (GL) a year – enough for the household use of 2.3 million people.”

The combined proven storage capacity of aquifers below Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne is 200GL – capable of meeting the needs of 2.5 million residents - and potentially as much as 430GL, he adds.

At present Australia loses around 4200 gigalitres a year in evaporation from surface storages across the Murray-Darling Basin, he adds – sufficient water to supply Sydney and Melbourne for four and a half years.

“On the face of it managed aquifer recharge looks tremendously promising, but we need a more detailed understanding of our aquifers, likely environmental impacts and, of course, we need effective rules and rights for injecting and recovering water on a large scale,” Prof. Jakeman says.

The workshop has identified four potential projects in regional Australia where the concept of underground storage can be tested more thoroughly – on the Condamine in Queensland, the Namoi in NSW and two rivers in northern Victoria.

In sandy areas, water injection can be simple and low cost – as easy as an artificial sump or soak that allows surplus floodwater to linger and percolate into the underlying aquifer. On clay soils or rock it may require the use of a solar pump or windmill to inject the water down a well. It may also be important to filter or cleanse water before injection.

“At any event, water injection looks to be a whole lot more affordable than desalinating sea water, which is often proposed as a solution to our urban water shortages,” Mr Ross adds.

The researchers add “The scale of large floods suggests that some of this water can be used to recharge aquifers without affecting the important ecological role of floods in our river systems.

Such events may be more frequent under climate change and it makes national sense to turn a problem into an opportunity."

“The recent ten year drought is equally a reminder how critically scarce Australia’s water can become in dry times and of the importance of investigating every opportunity to better manage the resources we have by ‘parking’ surplus water in wet years where it can be easily retrieved,” says Prof Jakeman.

Another important reason for storing more water below ground is to protect the Australian native landscape: thist can help keep Australian rivers and wetlands filled and ensure water is always accessible to the deep-rooted eucalypts and acacias that are key to our native landscapes.

One of the largest untapped sources of water in Australia is the northern wet, covering the top one third of the continent. The wish to preserve wild rivers combined with high evaporation rates make major dam building in the north unlikely – but scope may exist to store some of the runoff underground.

“Underground storage is likely to be socially more acceptable than building new dams in Australia – but it must nevertheless be carried out with care, and with a detailed understanding of the impact on other water bodies, both surface and subsurface, on natural ecosystems and communities,” says Prof. Jakeman.

Social research by Professor Allan Curtis’ NCGRT team at Charles Sturt University and others indicates that, “so far, Australians are generally positive about the idea of aquifer recharge,” adds Andrew Ross.

The scientists add that if Australia manages to solve its own water scarcity problems by understanding aquifer recharge, it will position itself as a world leader and major exporter of solutions in a world facing a growing water crisis.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

இரத்த பரிசோதனை மூலம் மார்பக புற்றுநோயை கண்டறியலாம்: ஆய்வுத் தகவல்

எளிய இரத்த பரிசோதனை மூலம் மார்பக புற்றுநோயை முன்கூட்டியே கண்டறிய முடியும் என்று சமீபத்தில் நடத்தப்பட்ட ஆய்வொன்றின் மூலம் தெரியவந்துள்ளது.
லண்டனில் உள்ள இம்பீரியல் கல்லூரியைச் சேர்ந்த டாக்டர் ஜேம்ஸ் பிளானகன் தலைமையிலான ஆய்வுக் குழுவினர் 1380 பெண்களின் இரத்த மாதிரியை பரிசோதனைக்கு எடுத்துக் கொண்டனர். இவர்களை தொடர்ந்து கண்காணித்து வந்ததில், காலப்போக்கில் இவர்களில் 640 பேருக்கு மார்பக புற்றுநோய் உருவானது.
இந்த 640 பேரின் இரத்தத்தில் இருக்கும் வெள்ளை அணுக்களில் இருக்கும் ஏடிஎம் எனப்படும் குறிப்பிட்ட மரபணுவில் ஏற்படும் மாறுதல் இந்த பெண்களின் மார்பக புற்றுநோயை தூண்டியதாக இந்த ஆய்வாளர்கள் கண்டறிந்தனர்.
இதன் அடுத்த கட்டமாக, இந்த குறிப்பிட்ட மரபணு ஏன் மாற்றமடைகிறது என்பதை இவர்கள் ஆராய்ந்தபோது, இந்த மரபணுவின் மேற்புறத்தில் இருக்கும் மிதைலேடன் எனப்படும் குறிப்பிட்ட ரசாயனப்பொருளில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றமே, மரபணுவின் மாற்றத்தை தூண்டுவதை இவர்கள் கண்டுபிடித்தனர்.
எனவே ஒரு பெண்ணின் ரத்தத்தில் இருக்கும் வெள்ளை அணுக்களில் இந்த குறிப்பிட்ட மிதைலேடன் என்கிற ரசாயனம் அதிகரித்து காணப்பட்டால் அந்த பெண்களுக்கு மார்பகப் புற்றுநோய் உருவாவதற்கான சாத்தியம் 2 மடங்கு அதிகம் இருப்பதாக இவர்கள் கணித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
இவர்களின் இந்த கணிப்பை, மார்பக புற்றுநோய் உருவான 640 பெண்களின் ரத்த மாதிரிகளில் காணப்பட்ட அதிகரித்த மிதைலேடன் உறுதி செய்ததாக இந்த ஆய்வுக்கு தலைமை தாங்கிய டாக்டர் ஜேம்ஸ் பிளானகன் தெரிவித்திருக்கிறார்.
இந்த ஆய்வின் முடிவுகளின் அடிப்படையில், இனிமேல் பெண்கள் எளிய ரத்த பரிசோதனை மூலம் தங்களுக்கு மார்பக புற்றுநோய் வரக்கூடுமா என்பதை பல ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பே கண்டறிய முடியும்.
அப்படி கண்டுபிடிப்பதன் மூலம் அந்த பெண்கள் மார்பக புற்றுநோய் தடுப்பு நடவடிக்கைகளை முன் கூட்டியே எடுத்து அந்த நோயை ஒன்று தடுக்கலாம் அல்லது மார்பக புற்றுநோய் உருவாவதை மேலும் தள்ளிப்போடலாம் என்று இவர்கள் நம்பிக்கை தெரிவித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
இந்த ஆய்வின் முடிவுகள், மார்பக புற்றுநோய் தடுப்பில் மட்டுமல்ல மரபணு மூலக்கூறுகள் எப்படி செயற்படுகின்றன என்கிற துறையிலும் ஒரு புதிய பரிமாணத்தை உருவாக்கியிருப்பதாக இந்த ஆய்வாளர்கள் தெரிவித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
இந்த முடிவுகள் அனைத்தும் கேன்சர் ரிசர்ச் என்கிற மருத்துவ பத்திரிகையிலேயே வெளியாகி உள்ளது.

Tiny crystal advances computing

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"The system we have developed has the potential to perform calculations that would require a supercomputer larger than the size of the known universe - and it does it all in a diameter of less than a millimetre."
Image: alengo/iStockphoto
A tiny crystal that enables a computer to perform calculations that currently stump the world's most powerful supercomputers has been developed by an international team including the University of Sydney's Dr Michael Biercuk.
The ion-crystal used is poised to create one of the most powerful computers ever developed, with the results published in the journal Nature on 26 April 2012.
"Computing technology has taken a huge leap forward using a crystal with just 300 atoms suspended in space," said Dr Biercuk, from the University's School of Physics and ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems.
"The system we have developed has the potential to perform calculations that would require a supercomputer larger than the size of the known universe - and it does it all in a diameter of less than a millimetre," said Dr Biercuk.
"The projected performance of this new experimental quantum simulator eclipses the current maximum capacity of any known computer by an astonishing 10 to the power of 80. That is 1 followed by 80 zeros, in other words 80 orders of magnitude, a truly mind-boggling scale."
The work smashes previous records in terms of the number of elements working together in a quantum simulator, and therefore the complexity of the problems that can be addressed.
The team Dr Biercuk worked with, including scientists from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, Georgetown University in Washington, North Carolina State University and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa, has produced a specialised kind of quantum computer known as a 'quantum simulator'.
Ever since Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman highlighted the potential of quantum computing in the 1980s, scientists have been attempting to build quantum computers capable of solving some of the largest and most complex problems. Special-purpose quantum simulators have tremendous potential to solve a variety of challenging problems in materials science, chemistry, and biology, with much greater efficiency than conventional computers.
The research team's revolutionary crystal exceeds all previous experimental attempts in providing 'programmability' and the critical threshold of qubits (a unit measuring quantum information) needed for the simulator to exceed the capability of most supercomputers.
"Many properties of natural materials governed by the laws of quantum mechanics are very difficult to model using conventional computers. The key concept in quantum simulation is building a quantum system to provide insights into the behaviour of other naturally occurring physical systems."
Much like studying a scale model of an airplane wing in a wind tunnel to simulate the behaviour of a full-scale aircraft, tremendous insights about difficult and complex quantum systems can be gleaned using a quantum 'scale model'.
"By engineering precisely controlled interactions and then studying the output of the system, we are effectively running a 'program' for the simulation," said Dr Biercuk.
"In our case, we are studying the interactions of spins in the field of quantum magnetism - a key problem that underlies new discoveries in materials science for energy, biology, and medicine," said Dr Biercuk.
"For instance, we hope to study the spin interactions predicted by models for high-temperature superconductivity - a physical phenomenon that has yet to be explained, but has the potential to revolutionise power distribution and high-speed transport."
The experimental device provides exceptional new capabilities which allow the researchers to engineer interactions which mimic those found in natural materials.
Remarkably they can even realise interactions that are not known to be found in nature, engineering totally new forms of quantum matter.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Physicists Crack Fusion Mystery

A new theory might help researchers double the power of fusion reactors.


Plasma chamber: This experimental fusion reactor at MIT could test the new theory.
Martin Greenwald, MIT

One reason it's taking decades to develop fusion reactors that can generate electricity is that physicists don't completely understand what's going on in the high-temperature plasma inside a reactor. Under certain conditions, the plasma—which is where fusion reactions take place—disappears in under a millisecond.
A new theory developed by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) explains what happens just before the plasma disappears. The explanation could help engineers design better reactors. And that might help them increase the power output of a reactor, perhaps doubling the electricity they could produce, and making fusion reactors more economical.
Researchers have made a lot of progress on fusion technology—since 1970, the energy produced in experimental fusion reactors has increased by about 12 orders of magnitude, greater than the improvement in processing power in microchips over the same period, says Martin Greenwald, a fusion researcher at MIT. But for all the improvements in fusion research reactors, they still aren't useful—they don't produce more energy than they consume, and they can't be run continuously, both of which would be necessary for a power plant.
The new work, like so much in the realm of fusion research, is a step toward practical fusion power, but by no means does it solve all the problems. Based on experiments, there is a practical limit to how dense the plasma in a reactor can be. Beyond a certain density, the plasma becomes unstable, dissipates its energy, and disappears. Because researchers don't understand exactly what causes this, it's difficult to predict exactly when the collapse will happen, so researchers avoid getting close to that limit in experimental reactors.

The Princeton work allows engineers to better predict what will happen in the reactor, potentially allowing them to design reactors that get closer to a theoretically optimum density for the plasma. That, in turn, could increase the amount of power a fusion power plant could generate.
According to the researchers' theory, islands develop within the plasma that cool off and cause the plasma to disappear. These islands—which are easily identified—could be selectively heated with microwaves, the researchers think, which could keep the plasma stable.
David Gates, a principal research scientist at PPPL and one of the key researchers on the project, says he expects they will be able to test the theory in research reactors this year.
While the theory is plausible, Greenwald says, it doesn't solve all the problems for reactors. It only explains part of the mechanisms involved in limiting the density of the plasma. And researchers still need to solve many practical problems before optimizing energy density is even an issue, he says.
Solving these problems will require a combination of better theories, more computing power, better algorithms, and big experiments. That's why researchers still say practical fusion power plants remain decades away.

Fine-tuning Nanotech to Target Cancer

Programmable nanoparticles have shown promise in early cancer trials, and may finally fulfill the promise of nanomedicine.

The results of the human trials are startling. Even at a lower-than-usual dose, multiple lung metastases shrank or even disappeared after one patient received only two-hour-long intravenous infusions of an experimental cancer drug. Another patient saw her cervical tumor reduce by nearly 60 percent after six months of treatment. Though the drug trial—by Bind Biosciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts—of an experimental nanotechnology-based technique was designed simply to show whether the technology is safe, the encouraging results revive hopes that nanomedicine could realize its elusive promise.
For more than a decade, researchers have been trying to develop nanoparticles that would deliver drugs more effectively and safely. The idea is that a nanoparticle containing a drug compound could selectively target tumor cells or otherwise diseased cells, and avoid healthy ones. Antibodies or other molecules can be attached to the nanoparticle and used to precisely identify target cells. "One of the largest advantages of nanotechnology is you can engineer things in particle form so that chemotherapeutics can be targeted to tumor cells, protecting the healthy cells of the body and protecting patients from side effects," says Sara Hook, nanotechnology development projects manager with the National Cancer Institute.
But executing this vision has been difficult. One challenge: a drug's behavior in the body can change dramatically when it's combined with nanoparticles. A nanoparticle can change a drug's solubility, toxicity, speed of action, and more—sometimes beneficially, sometimes not. If a drug's main problem is that it's toxic to off-target organs, then nanotechnology can ensure that it's delivered to diseased cells instead of healthy cells. But if a drug depends on being absorbed quickly by diseased cells to be effective, a nanoparticle may slow the process and turn an optimal therapeutic into second best.
Bind, which was launched in 2007, has attempted to overcome this problem by building its drug-targeting nanoparticles in a way that allows the company to systematically vary their structures and composition. Typically, targeted drug nanoparticles are produced in two steps: first, a drug is encapsulated in a nanoparticle, and second, the external surface of the particle is bound with targeting molecules that will steer the therapeutic ferry to diseased cells. Generating such nanoparticles can be difficult to control and replicate, which limits a researcher's ability to fine-tune the nanoparticle's surface properties. To avoid this pitfall, Bind synthesizes its drug-carrying nanoparticles using self-assembly.
Under the right conditions, the subunits of its nanoparticles—some of which already contain targeting molecules—assemble on their own. No complex and variable chemical reactions are needed to produce the nanoparticles, and the properties of each subunit can be tweaked. This also allows the company's researchers to test a variety of nanoparticle-drug combinations and identify the best candidates for a particular task. "We make hundreds of combinations to evaluate in order optimize the performance of each drug," says Jeff Hrkach, senior vice president of technology research and development.
Bind cofounder Omid Farokhzad, associate professor at Brigham Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, came up with the novel method for building nanoparticles while he was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Robert Langer, an MIT chemical engineering professor. Langer's group had already developed nanoparticles capable of releasing drugs in a controlled manner, but the particles did not yet seek out cancer cells specifically. Farokhzad's first challenge was to create nanoparticles whose molecular instructions would bring them to cancer cells, but which remained anonymous within the bloodstream so that the immune system wouldn't destroy them. The second was coming up with a robust and reproducible manufacturing process.
Instead, Farokhzad and Langer devised a method by which the building blocks of the nanoparticle and the drug self-assemble into a final product. Two types of polymer combine to form the tangled mesh of Bind's drug-laden spherical nanoparticle. One of these polymers has two chemically and structurally distinct regions, or "blocks": a water-insoluble block that forms part of the mesh that encapsulates the drug, and a water-soluble block that gives the final product a stealthy corona to evade the immune system. The other type of polymer has three blocks: the same two as the first, as well as a third region that contains a targeting molecule—the signal that will ensure the final particles attach to the desired cell types. The drug-carrying nanoparticles are formed by simply mixing these polymers together with the drug in the appropriate conditions.
The self-assembling polymers can be produced in a repeatable and scalable fashion. But the method has an additional benefit, one that may be the real key to Bind's success. The method by which the nanoparticles are built—from individual preparations of the two-block and three-block polymers—would also let researchers use high-throughput screening approaches, akin to how medicinal chemists design and test new drug compounds. Each block could be tweaked—extend one block, change the charge on another—and the relative amounts of each polymer could be varied. With so many parameters for tinkering, Bind's scientists can screen many combinations.
Its first drug in clinical trials, Bind-014, carries a widely used chemotherapeutic called docetaxel through the bloodstream to cancer cells. The drug is packaged inside a ball-like nanostructure made of biodegradable polymers that protect the drug and shield it from the body's immune system. The external surface of each nanoparticle is dotted with molecules that target cancerous cells. Once the nanoparticle has reached its target, it sticks to the outside of the cell, which triggers the cell to engulf the particle. The drug diffuses out of the particle at a controlled rate and is released into the deranged cell.
Mark Davis, a professor of chemical engineering at Caltech, is hopeful that the few ongoing trials of targeted nanoparticle therapeutics, which include one developed in his lab as well as Bind-014, will demonstrate the technology's potential. "The medical community isn't going to get excited until there is [an advanced human trial] where we can show what these targeted nanoparticles actually do for patients in a statistically significant way." For now, the results from the 17 patients enrolled in the phase I trial of Bind-014 look promising, but a real test of efficacy will have to wait until phase II trials, which are likely to start later this year.
The "programmable" design used by Bind may be key to bringing more nanoparticle-targeted drugs to trial. The company's methods could be applied to any existing drugs or compounds, including those that may have been shelved by pharmaceutical companies because they proved too toxic to the whole body. "We believe we can have a very broad platform of drugs that we can develop," says Hrkach.