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Monday, April 9, 2012

Facilitating the work of forensic scientists


A method to speed up gunshot residue detection and another capable of identifying antipsychotics in the brain are the latest pieces of work of the Metabolomips group of the University of the Basque Country

Forensic science is the application of natural sciences to matters of the law. In practice, forensic science draws upon physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific principles and methods.
The University of the Basque Country’s (UPV/EHU) METABOLOMIPs group develops analytical methods to help characterize different types of substances, and focuses on the forensic sciences, in particular. For example, they have just developed a methodology for detecting gunshot residues which comes up with the results in record time, and thanks to this they have had a paper published in Analytical Chemistry, one of the journals that has the broadest impact in this discipline.
This group belongs to the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy and comprises chemists, pharmacists, food technologists, etc. Its name, METABOLOMIPs, points to its two main areas of interest: metabolites and MIPs: “We deal mainly with research into biological fluids relating to forensics or drugs, and the compounds we do research on for this purpose tend to be metabolites. Another section of the group works on the development of electrochemical sensors to determine the metabolites, and these sensors are of the type known as MIPs [molecularly imprinted polymers],” explains Ramón J. Barrio, the head of the group.
On these two bases they work on different lines of research linked to food safety (the study of oenological matrices, etc.) or environmental analytical chemistry (emergent contaminants in waste water, etc.) but they make the point that what most characterises them is the field of analytical chemistry relating to bio-health and, in particular, the forensic discipline. In fact, Barrio is also the director of the Master’s in Forensic Analysis course run by the UPV/EHU.

Gunshot residues
Gunshot residue detection is used to identify the person who pulled the trigger (the residues get stuck to the hands, for example) or to distinguish between a suicide and a murder. If it can be applied, the innovative methodology being proposed by METABOLOMIPs has greater advantages in terms of time and cost than the one currently being used in forensic laboratories. “A technique based on electron microscopy has existed up until now to see whether the shot was fired by a certain individual. It is very expensive and each analysis takes between eight and ten hours. We have come up with one in which we can produce reliable analyses within an hour,” claims Barrio.
Instead of using electronic miscroscopy, this method involves a technique combining laser ablation and mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to detect metals and isotopes unique to gunshot residues. It starts by gathering the inorganic residues found on the skin of the person suspected of firing the shot, the laser extracts the material from the surface, and mass spectrometry measures the presence of these metals and isotopes in it. According to the article, this technique would enable smaller residues to be worked on, it would be more straightforward, cheaper and faster (less than 66 minutes), and its effectiveness in four types of firearms has been proven.
Antipsychotic drugs in the brain
But the paper on gunshot residues is not the only one that METABOLOMIPs has had published recently. The journal Forensic Science International has reported on another analytical method developed by this group, in this case to determine the presence of psychotic substances in the human brain and designed to be used in the forensic area, specifically in post mortemdiagnostic tests. “We have developed a methodology to determine a series of drugs that are prescribed to treat schizophrenia and different types of psychosis. The aim is that when a person dies for forensic reasons, it is possible to analyse and decide whether these substances have accumulated in his or her brain,” says Barrio. And the fact is, when a person needs lifelong treatment of this kind, it can lead to consequences that can even be linked to his or her death: “When these substances accumulate in the brain, they can cause other dysfunctions, like neurodegenerative disease. And we have even thought that they could lead to suicide, although many analyses have to be done to prove that.”
One of the things that Barrio highlights in this article is that they have been working on matter that is very difficult to get hold of: the brain. Specifically, they have used the UPV/EHU’s brain bank, and all the samples analysed have come from suicide cases. METABOLOMIPs have developed this method for Cibersam, the Networked Biomedical Research Centre devoted to Mental Health. And another point that should be highlighted is team work, going beyond the group even. In the field of neurosciences, as in this case, they are working together with Javier Meana of the UPV/EHU’s Department of Pharmacology. “Our mission is to produce a data base with sufficient samples of compound compositions in the brain, and not just of anti-psychotic drugs,” he concludes.
Courtesy Basque Research

பரோட்டா பிரியர்களுக்கு ஓர் எச்சரிக்கை !!!!!!!!!!!!!

தினமும் இரவு பரோட்டா சாப்பிட்டால் தான் சாப்பிட்ட திருப்தி கிடைக்கிறதா?
இன்று தமிழகம் முழுவதும் பரவலாக காணபடுகிறது பரோட்டா கடை ,அந்த பரோடாவும் ஊருக்கு ஊர் எத்தனை வகை ,அளவிலும் சுவையிலும் எத்தனை வேறுபாடு
விருதுநகர் பரோட்டா ,தூத்துக்குடி பரோட்டா ,கொத்து பரோட்டா ,சில்லி பரோட்டா ,சொல்லும்போதே நாவில் நீர் ஊறுமே .
பரோட்டாவின் கதை என்ன தெரியுமா
பரோட்டா என்பது மைதாவால் செய்யப்படும் உணவாகும். இது தமிழகம் எங்கும் கிடைக்கிறது. இரண்டாம் உலகப் போரின் போது ஏற்பட்ட கோதுமைப் பற்றாக்குறையால், மைதா மாவினால் செய்யப்பட்ட உணவுகள் தமிழகத்தில் பரவலாகப் பயன்படத் தொடங்கின; பரோட்டாவும் பிரபலமடைந்தது.
பரோட்டா பொதுவாக எப்படி செய்வார்கள்?
மைதா மாவுல உப்பு போட்டு, தண்ணி விட்டு பிசைஞ்சு, அப்புறம் எண்ணெய் விட்டு, உருட்டி, ஒவ்வொரு உருண்டையையும் தட்டி, அடித்து, பெரிய கைக்குட்டை போல் பறக்க விட்டு, அதை அப்படியே சுருட்டி, திரும்ப வட்ட வடிவில் உருட்டி, தோசைக்கல்லில் போடுவார்கள்.

இப்போது பரோட்டாவின் மூலபொருளான மைதாவில் தான் பிரச்சனை துடங்குகிறது.
பரோட்டா மட்டும் இல்லது இன்னும் பல வகை உணவு வகைகள் இந்த கொடிய மைதா வில் இருந்து தயாரிக்கபடுகிறது ,நம் பிறந்த நாளுக்கு கொண்டாட வாங்கும் கேக் உட்பட .

மைதா எப்படி தயாரிகிறார்கள் ?

நன்றாக மாவாக அரைக பற்ற கோதுமை மாவு மஞ்சள் நிறத்தில் இருக்கும் அதை பனசாயல் பெரோசிடே (benzoyl peroxide ) என்னும் ரசாயினம் கொண்டு வெண்மை யாகுகிறார்கள்,அதுவே மைதா .

Benzoyl peroxide நாம் முடியில் அடிக்கும் டை யில் உள்ள ரசாயினம்
இந்த ராசாயினம் மாவில் உள்ள protein உடன் சேர்ந்து நிரழிவு க்கு காரணியாய் அமைகிறது .

இது தவிர Alloxan என்னும் இரசாயனம், மாவை மிருதுவாக கலகபடுகிறது மேலும் Artificial colors, Mineral oils, Taste Makers, Preservatives , Sugar, Saccarine , Ajinomotto போன்ற உப பொருட்களும் சேர்க்க படுகிறது ,இது மைதாவை இன்னும் அபயகரமகுகிறது .

இதில் Alloxan சோதனை கூடத்தில் எலிகளுக்கு நிரழிவு நோய் வரவைபதற்கு பயன்படுகிறது ,ஆக பரோட்டா வில் உள்ள Alloxan மனிதனுக்கும் நிரழிவு வர துணை புரிகிறது .

மேலும் மைதாவில் செய்யும் பரோட்டா சீரணத்துக்கு உகந்தது அல்ல ,மைதாவில் நார் சத்து கிடையாது , நார் சத்து இல்லா உணவு நம் சிரண சக்தியை குறைத்து விடும் .

இதில் சத்துகள் எதுவும் இல்லை குழந்தைகளுக்கு இதனால் அதிக பாதிப்பு உள்ளது , எனவே குழந்தைகளை மைதா வினால் செய்த bakery பண்டங்களை உன்ன தவிர்பது நல்லது.

Europe union,UK,China இந்த மைதா பொருட்கள் விற்க தடை விதித்துள்ளன .

மைதா நாம் உட்கொள்ளும் போது சிறுநிரக கள் ,இருதய கோளறு ,நிரழிவு போன்றவை வருவதற்கு பல வாய்ப்புகள் உண்டு .
நமது அண்டை மாநிலமான கேரளத்தில் பரோட்டாவின் தீமைகள் குறித்து இப்போதே பிரச்சாரம் செய்ய தொடங்கி விட்டனர்.மேலும் மைதாவை அதன் தீமைகள் குறித்து ஆராச்சி செய்து ஆய்வறிக்கையும் சமர்ப்பித்துள்ளனர்.

இப்போது ஆவது நாமும் விழித்து கொள்வோம் நம் தலைமுறை காப்போம்.

நண்பர்களே ஆரோக்கியமான நம் பாரம்பரிய கேப்பை, கேள்வரகு ,கம்பு உட்கொண்டு அந்நிய உணவான பரோட்டாவை புறம் தள்ளுவோம் .
இந்த பதிவை உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து விழிப்புணர்வு செய்யுங்கள் .
நன்றி -தமிழ்-மக்கள்-இயக்கம்/

Shirdi Sai Samarpan

Shirdi Sai Samarpan is a new Tamil devotional song on Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba rendered by Smt. Shanthi Suresh. It has simple and lovely lyrics that can be understood and repeated by devotees in a very easy manner. Smt. Shanti Suresh is a reputed singer who has released many devotional albums int he past and being a Sai Devotee herself she has rendered Shirdi Sai Samarpan for all sections of people to simply repeat and sing and receive the blessings and grace of Avatar of Kali Yug Shirdi Sai Ram.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Adult Supervision

Lord Rama“They are so hesitant and very fearful when seeing the muni that they come back. Plucking flowers, fruits and leaves, they make garlands.” (Janaki Mangala, 34)
sakucahiṃ munihiṃ sabhīta bahuri phiri āvahiṃ |
tori phūla phala kisalaya māla banāvahiṃ ||
When there is an adult around, the young child will be more mindful of the rules. The natural inclination is to run free, but the adult keeps that voice inside the child’s head that says, “No. Don’t do that.” The child may even come close to breaking the rules but at the last minute, looking back as if to see if someone is watching, they will check themselves. Such behavior is very endearing in innocent young children, so the Supreme Lord in His form of Shri Rama and His younger brother Lakshmana made sure to mimic it, giving the guru Vishvamitra tremendous delight.
How can God be fearful? Why should He require a guru? Does not this make the spiritual master the superior entity? Through mental speculation alone we can’t understand the Absolute Truth. When learning things on our own, such as a new language through immersion into a foreign culture, there must be observation of external behavior in order to pick up the necessary components. You can’t just automatically start speaking a new language without having heard it from someone else first.
languagesThis principle applies to all areas of learning. The knowledge of the soul and its travels through transmigration represents the most important and difficult to acquire pieces of information. Therefore the mind, which is limited by time and space, cannot possibly alone collect all relevant information in just one lifetime. Even if we could remember every one of our experiences in this life, so many other living beings have accumulated an infinitely larger number of experiences. If the mind could expand to the size of a giant computer and store every single person’s experiences, it still would have no way of knowing what to do with that information. The mind would be something like a library, which in itself has no intelligence. The library can only lend information for brief periods of time to interested readers and researchers.
The highest truths of life are easy to accept, provided one goes to the right source. The spiritual master following in a line of teachers that starts with the Supreme Lord is the only authorized source. Approaching any other teacher for spiritual information will either lead the student astray or cause them to miss out on the opportunity of feeling the pleasure that comes from the company of the reservoir of pleasure. There are different pathways towards true enlightenment, but once that superior vision is acquired, there is only one source of pleasure beyond that. The knowledge that is first acquired is that of Brahman, or pure spirit. Seeing Brahman is difficult because sight itself can be illusory. Start with your own body. You look in the mirror every day but you can’t see that you’re slowly dying, a process which starts from the time you were born and culminates with the exit of the soul from the body. Thus seeing deludes you into thinking that you are your body, which you are not.
Brahman realization sees the spirit soul within the body. Not only is spirit localized internally, but it also exists within every other species. Thus there is a large collection of individual fragments of spirit. The sum total is known as Brahman, and only one who is sober in mind and following the real principles of religion can understand the equality shared between the various species. The bona fide principles of spirituality involve austerity, sacrifice and dedication to study.
The chance to learn about Brahman is a boon for the human birth, affording the opportunity to acquire real knowledge. Knowing how to eat, sleep, mate and defend requires no explicit education, for the animals take care of these responsibilities without a problem. The Vedic tradition stipulates that the person wanting to know about the Absolute Truth should approach a bona fide spiritual master and render service to him.
Shrila PrabhupadaIn actuality, service starts from the very beginning of life. The mother and father are the first worshipable figures, or gurus in a sense. Knowing that there is a God is beneficial, but actually serving Him is difficult because He is considered inanimate. If I want to talk to God, where should I go? How can I see God and know that He is real? The personal interaction with the Supreme Lord is certainly possible, but it can only occur after the purification of vision. That purification takes place after one offers service to those who are worthy of it. From that dedication comes a simultaneous withdrawal from the interest of the senses.
After the parents are served, the spiritual master then takes over as the worshipable figure. He is a servant of God, so he knows how to teach his students the right way, so that through their actions in adult life they can attain the same God realization. It is not that everyone will follow the same path. There are divisions in society based on a person’s natural qualities. From those divisions comes different prescribed work. For the royal order, the primary business is to take care of protection. They must protect the innocent, and especially the priestly class.
As Lord Rama, the Supreme Absolute Truth appeared on earth in the famous Raghu dynasty, which had chivalrous kings dating back to the beginning of time. As God, Rama did not require an education. He is the source of Brahman, so what need does He have to learn about the all-pervasiveness of the impersonal spiritual force? Yet to set the proper example of how one should carry out their prescribed duties, He accepted Vishvamitra as a guru, serving him perfectly.
In the above referenced verse from the Janaki Mangala, Shri Rama and His brother Lakshmana are holding back a little after having run through the forests chasing bird and deer for fun. Rama and Lakshmana were escorting Vishvamitra through the forests because the sage was being harassed at the time by wicked night-rangers who could change their shapes at will. Rama was not yet twelve years of age, so He was still very young and showed signs of youthful exuberance.
Vishvamitra was older, so Rama made sure to show the proper respect. In remembering the muni’s presence, the boys drew back and returned to his side. In this way Rama shows that He is a sweetheart who loves His devotees so much. He gives them the pleasure they deserve in their specific mood of choice. Vishvamitra got to have Rama as a protector while outwardly acting as His guardian. Lakshmana was there too, showing the muni the tremendous fraternal affection the brothers felt for each other.
Rama and Lakshmana with VishvamitraA child listens to people they respect. Therefore Rama coming back to the camp after having run off in fun shows that Vishvamitra was held in high esteem. The muni would give the two brothers secret mantras to be chanted during fighting. With the power of the sound vibrations, the arrows flying from their bows would then pack a punch similar to nuclear weapons. Again, Rama and Lakshmana didn’t require these mantras, but they accepted them to show the value of the guru and how he can help the sincere students to carry out their prescribed duties.
It is also stated above that the brothers plucked flowers, fruits and leaves and made garlands out of them. The beautiful nature we see around us isn’t meant only to further strengthen illusion. If I take nature to be the sum and substance of everything, the very cause of creation, I am obviously mistaken and will have to suffer rebirth in the future. On the other hand, if I use the same aspects of creation to serve the Lord, I am making the best use of those gifts.
“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water, I will accept it.”  (Lord KrishnaBhagavad-gita, 9.26)
In the Bhagavad-gita, the same Rama in His original form of Shri Krishna states that anyone who offers Him a leaf, a flower, fruit or some water with devotion will have their offering accepted. In the case of Rama in the forest, the leaves, flowers and fruits were taken and accepted by the Lord to be a garland worn around His neck. To this day devotees who worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead take the time to make flower garlands and offer it to the deities and the spiritual master. Flowers are nature’s beauty. They are so amazing that no mind except the Supreme Mind could ever come up with something so wonderful to look at, which has a nice fragrance at the same time.
Lord RamaThe flowers, fruits and leaves were used for the Lord’s pleasure and thus fulfilled the highest purpose. This material body of ours is intended to be sacrificed in the same manner. The tongue exists to taste the remnants of foodstuff offered to God and to chant His names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”. The feet are meant to take us to holy places of pilgrimage and to any place where the glories of the Lord are sung. The eyes are meant to gaze upon the wonderful deity. And most importantly, the ears are meant to hear about the Supreme Lord and His pastimes, such as those so beautifully presented in the Janaki Mangala of GoswamiTulsidas.
In Closing:
After chasing the birds and stopping the deer,
Brothers come to muni out of fear.

Flowers, fruits and leaves along the way they take,
So that beautiful garlands for pleasure they make.

Vishvamitra, son of Gadhi, all of this he sees,
Supreme Lord acts so that His devotees are pleased.

Spiritual master has information worthy to know,
Boat towards supreme destination he rows.

Eat prasadam, Lord’s glories do you hear,
To Rama’s vision your eyes do you steer.

11 benefits of Brisk Walking

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Walk for a healthy body
Walking is one of the easiest ways to stay fit. You may have a busy life, but try and introduce physical activity in your life. A moderate dose of physical exercise for 30 minutes (if you can�t manage that much, even 15 minutes is okay to begin with) a day is enough to keep you healthy. This form of aerobic fitness can lift your mood, make you physically fit, and improve the quality of your life.
Before you start
Wear the right pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothes. Also remember to carry and drink water while you walk, to hydrate yourself. Walk for 15-20 minutes for the first three days, and then gradually increase the time. You can use a pedometer to count the steps you take.
Walk your way to a healthy heart
Walking can lower your cholesterol levels and decrease the risks for cardiovascular diseases. It can also strengthen your heart, muscles and lungs. A strong heart with an increased heart rate is able to carry more blood to the rest of your body. Brisk walking every day lets you burn up to 200 calories and reduces body fat.
Cuts your risk of hypertension and diabetes
According to a study, regular walking improves the BMI (body mass index) and blood pressure levels in people with diabetes. Allowing muscle movement leads to more use of glucose by the muscle cells. This also involves utilization of more insulin, which improves blood sugar levels. Low blood pressure levels can also protect against kidney failure, heart attack and stroke.
Reduces risks and effects of cancer
Research shows that in colon cancer, a speedy walk can give less time to the carcinogens present in the food to come in touch with the intestinal lining and reduce the risks of having cancer from the start itself. With improved blood circulation, walking brings in positive energy within the body and therefore lessens the side effects of chemotherapy.
Protect against miscarriages
Despite the several body changes during pregnancy, regular walking can benefit you in many ways. It can reduce fatigue and related pains, help lose weight easily, and lower risks of gestational diabetes. Walking can also prevent spontaneous abortions by lowering down the hormonal fluctuations which cause uterine contractions.
Walk for better sexual health
A regular habit of brisk walking can improve your performance in bed. Walking two miles a day boosts blood circulation which cuts down on the risk of impotency. You can be healthy and fit, and need not rely on medicines to keep your love life active.
Rejuvenate your mind and spirit
Walking benefits not just your bo charges up the mood and helps to keep you energetic, positive and happy throughout the dy but also your mind. Brisk walking helps ease stress and anxiety, reduces depression and imparts a positive kick-start to your day. It improves your self-esteem,day.
Manage extra kilos
Proper exercise coupled with a nutritious diet can help to burn calories which would otherwise end up as fat. You can burn up to 100 kcal of energy by walking a mile and for every two miles you walk, three times per week, you are guaranteed to lose 0.5 kg every month. With a habit of brisk walking 45 minutes a day, a slimmer waistline will not remain a distant dream.
Improves brainpower
Walking stimulates the blood flow, and provides oxygen to the brain. This leads to improved functioning of the brain and better ability to recall. Besides, a moderate dose of physical activity is also known to lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimers disease in seniors.
Add years to your life
Exercising can add to longevity. Thirty minutes of daily physical activity is said to extend your life by 1.3 years. More importantly, it can keep you fit by preventing, or delaying, the onset of age-related conditions such as osteoarthritis. Walking with peers can also cheer you up and motivate you.
Last word: Consult your doctor
If you happen to suffer from any condition, and intend to start walking, it is always better to consult your doctor first. Discuss whether you need to take any precautions and follow his suggestions about whether you should go for brisk walk, and also how you should go about it.

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Tiredness and irritability,
Muscle pain and weakness,
Loss of memory and mental clarity,
Liver inflammation, damage and abnormalities,
Depletion of vitally important heart protection nutrients,
And long term use can even lead to congestive heart failure.

Plus, "prevention medications" used to artificially lower cholesterol (un-naturally) only decrease heart attack death risk by less than  

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

 These are the 7 steps you can take to lower cholesterol naturally. And if you follow all of them, you can count on a very high success ratio. 
1.Eat a healthy cholesterol lowering diet. Some fats help lower cholesterol, while others can raise it. So get your fats right. Reduce overall fat intake, avoid trans fats, limit saturated fats and replace "bad" fats with "good" fats, such as olive oil and those found in whole grains and omega 3 fish. High fiber foods also help lower cholesterol naturally. They decrease "bad" LDL and increase "good" HDL cholesterol.

2.Do regular healthy physical activity. At least 30 minutes of exercise a day has been shown to decrease total cholesterol and improve "good" HDL cholesterol levels, while lack of regular physical activity can raise "bad" LDL cholesterol levels as well as lead to weight gain.

3.Reach and maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can decrease "good" HDL levels and increase "bad" LDL and total cholesterol levels. Learn the healthiest weight to aim for by calculating your BMI here.

4.Eliminate sweets and refined foods. Few realize that eating sweets and other high glycemic foods increase triglycerides and cholesterol production. These foods are also addictive. Once you eliminate them, you'll find that fruits, vegetables and whole grains actually taste sweet.

5.Cut out caffeine and alcohol � drink water. Both caffeine and alcohol have been shown to elevate cholesterol. So it's best to switch to pure water and, at the very least, follow the "no more than one a day" rule.

6.Don't smoke or use tobacco in any form. Smoking damages blood vessels, contributes to hardening of the arteries and is a major health risk for heart disease, stroke and other degenerative diseases.

7.Practice good healthy stress management. Just like cholesterol, a certain amount of stress is healthy such as with exercise. But the link between excess stress and high cholesterol production is well established. So take time to relax, let go, meditate, enjoy yourself or do whatever it takes to keep your stress level under control. 

Use the 7 steps to lower cholesterol naturally to reach optimum levels of: 
 Triglycerides less than 150 mg/dl.
Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl.
HDL "good" cholesterol over 40 mg/dl.
LDL "bad" cholesterol less than 100 mg/dl. 

10 Most Expensive Streetcars

Crazy abt CARS !!! 
Have a look on and u will get inspired to work harder and earn more
The Maybach 57 S has a 12-cylinder engine, goes from 0 to 100 in 5.2 seconds and is designed to be a sportier alternative to the other models. It has more power than the 57 or 62 models, 604 hp versus their 543 hp. As in the other models - Maybach 57 and 62 - the maximum speed is electronically limited. 
Top Speed: 250 kmph

Price: $430,355 in US 
Rs 5.36 crore in India
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Price: $440,000 in US 
Rs 5.47 crore in India 

Despite claims that the Carrera GT supercar had gone out of production, the car is very much available in the US and is in the list of one of the world's most expensive cars. The car has 605 hp @ 8000 rpm, can go from 0 to100 in 3.9 seconds and has a ten cylinder engine - a type of rarely seen outside of racing. 
Top speed: 330 kmph
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Price: $448,153 in Europe 
Rs 5.59 crore in India 

Maybach's 62 ultra-luxury sedan is made by Mercedes-Benz and has proved that even a car this expensive to build can turn a profit. The Maybach 62 accelerates from 0 to 100 in just 5.4 seconds. The top speed is electronically limited but can be reached rapidly and with virtually no apparent effort. 
Top speed: 250 kmph
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Price: $452,750 in US 
Rs 5.64 crore in India 

The SLR McLaren is as comfortable and sophisticated as a street-legal racecar can be. It is a collaboration between Mercedes and legendary British racecar builder McLaren. With the help of a 617 hp and 5.4-liter supercharged V8 engine, the SLR sprints from 0 to 100 in just 3.6 seconds. 
Top speed: 343kmph
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Price: 458,000 in Europe 
Rs 6.94 crore in India 

The Koenigsegg is a Swedish car that sports a supercharged V8 engine. It can go from 0 to 100 in 3.2 seconds with its hp of 806 @ 7000 rpm. The Koenigsegg CCR currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most powerful car in series production. 
Top speed: 395 kmph
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Price: $ 637,723 in US 
Rs 7.95 crore in India 

Started by former racing driver Steve Saleen, the Saleen car company produces some of the fastest cars in the world. The S7 is designed to compete with the fastest and most luxurious grand touring cars. It can go from 0 to 100 in six seconds has 750 bhp @ 6300 rpm and sports an all-aluminum V8, 2-valve. 
Top speed: 320 kmph
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Price: $645,084 (Global) 
Rs 8.03 crore in India 

Leblanc is ramping up production of its new Mirabeau supercar. The company hopes to make the vehicle street legal for the US by early 2007. With a six-speed sequential transmission, more than 700 bhp @ 7600 rpm, the Leblanc Mirabeau's interior is optimized for maximum acceleration. 
Top speed: 370 kmph
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Price: $654,500 in US 
Rs 8.17 crore in India 

The most expensive American car is also the fastest. Automaker SSC estimates this vehicle is capable of going from 0-60 in just 2.9 seconds and the base model has a supercharged 6.2-litre V8 engine rated 787 bhp @ 6600 rpm. The SSC Ultimate Aero requires 104 octane gasoline. 
Top speed: 400 kmph
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Price $667,321 in Europe and US 
Rs 8.31 crore in India 

Pagani is an Italian boutique automaker that builds radical-looking racecars. This version of its Zonda flagship has 555 bhp @ 5900 rpm, can go from 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds and is propelled by mid-mounted V-12 DOHC engines. 
Top speed: 344 kmph
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Price: 1,000,000 in Europe 
Rs 15.17 crore in India 

Volkswagen's production delays are finally over and the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 is ready to hit the road. The car sports a W16 engine fed by four turbochargers, can go from 0 to 100 mph in six seconds and uses unique cross-drilled and turbine vented carbon rotors that draw in cooling air for braking. 
Top speed: 407 kmph
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The Fastest Lamborghini


Edo Competition Lp640 The Fastest Lamborghini

Edo Competition�s has modified the LP640 to the fastest Lamborghini ever. It is equipped with rear wing, reprogrammed ECU, high-flow air filters and high-performance catalytic converters. The engine has increased to 663 horsepower. According to the GPS-based measuring system used on all the cars at the Nardo high-speed event, Edo�s Lamborghini has achieved a top speed of 214.8 mph. Video after the jump.

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