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Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hot or Not: Sales and Marketing Trends in 2012

The techniques that are effective to keep and get new customers continues to radically change. In 2012, they will evolve even more. Here is what’s going to be hot (and what’s not) in the year to come.

1. Direct Selling

  • Not: It used to be that every sales effort started from picking up the phone to “cold call” an industry list. This is no longer effective (partially since no one ever answers their phone!) Besides being a waste of time, the fear of rejection makes this scary to actually do.
  • Hot: We are in the referral economy as John Jantsch frequently discusses. A company can automatically get put in the “maybe” pile for the a sale when a connector or past customer refers that business to another prospect. Don’t be afraid to always ask for a referral or reference. Satisfied customers almost always are happy to give them.

2. Deal-a-Day Websites

  • Not: Offering coupons alone through GrouponLiving Social and other daily deal mechanism is not effective long term. This may get an immediate cash flow bump for your business, but it kills the gross margin or may even may make this particular transaction unprofitable.
  • Hot: When these daily offers are used to attract new customers and then retain a lifetime value relationship, they can be worthwhile. Businesses are now turning to companies like Mob Manager that help follow up daily deal purchases with multiple emails that build a future relationship.

3. Giving Your Pitch

  • Not: Trying to sell a product because it will make the future customer “better” no longer is compelling.
  • Pain Killers: Every company needs a targeted “elevator pitch” that focuses on the pain the business solves for the customer that has the money. People always buy when they are in pain. JJ Ramberg gives some great guidelines on building your elevator pitch in her OPEN Forum Crash Course.

4. Generating Web Traffic

  • Not: Using an outrageous YouTube video or other social media stunt that has nothing to do with your business to get website traffic that visits once and never comes again is ineffective. One and done also becomes very expensive.
  • Hot: Building long-term relationships by consistently giving value through email is important. Common email marketing tools used at low cost are Vertical Response,Constant Contact and Mail Chimp. Developing your own house email list from those who are interested in your content is key.

5. Using Pay-Per-Click

  • Not: Experimenting with pay-per-click by using Google AdwordsYahoo! Search Marketing or Microsoft adCenter without really understanding how a comprehensive campaign works is a money waster. It only results in high priced ads and low conversion rates.
  • Hot: Hiring a certified pay-per-click professional who actually does know how to drive qualified traffic on a budget will yield improved results.

6. It’s Still the Web

  • Not: Ignoring the Internet because it is not “relevent” to a local brick and mortar business or a professional services provider is a big mistake. In 2012, if your business is not on the Web, it doesn’t exist in the minds of most consumers.
  • Hot: Claiming your company’s local listings from Google, Bing and Dex Knows by verifying that all information is correct. Optimize your website for local shoppers who do research online but want to buy from a physical location.

7. More Mobile

  • Not: Your company website is not visible or usable from mobile PDA and tablet devices.
  • Hot: Having an “app for that” on major platforms like iPhone and Android. Prospects should be able to access information on your company through a mobile application that looks good on their phone or tablet.

8. The Social Media Hard Sell

  • Not: Attempting to use Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook or other social media for a hard sell or spamming.
  • Hot: Think social CRM. Use social media to make others aware of your expertise. Helpful conversations will develop loyal bonds from people who want to hear more from you.

9. More Content

  • Not: Putting up a blog every week and thinking that’s enough to spread your company’s message. If you build it, they really don’t come.
  • Hot: Include the latest sharing buttons so readers can spread the content for you. The hot sharing buttons for 2012 are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn (for B2B businesses) and Google+, plus other selected ones specific to your industry or type of site. The ShareThis widget is an easy way to add these capabilities to any site.
What do you think is hot for 2012?
Hot or Not Photo via Shutterstock

About the Author

Barry MoltzBarryMoltz gets small business owners unstuck. With decades of entrepreneurial ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, he has discovered the formula to get business owners marching forward. His newest book, BAM! shows how in a social media world, customer service is the new marketing.

Study shows even professional musicians can't tell old master violins from new

( -- It’s been a known fact in the musical world for at least a couple of centuries; violins made by two old Italian masters, Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu, and especially Antonio Stradivari are superior in every way to anything that has come since. Because of this, various scientists over the years have studied these special instruments to discern their secrets and while they’ve come up with several theories, none has been able to conclusively prove anything. This might be, suggest Claudia Fritz and Joseph Curtin, because the musical magic wrought by the classical instruments is nothing more than a myth. The two have conducted a study at a violin competition in Indiana this past year using professional violinists to gauge the quality of a variety of violins, some from the old masters, some that were made very recently. And as they describe in their paper to be published in theProceedings of National Academy of Sciences, master violinists, it appears, aren’t able to tell which instrument is which, any better than anyone else.
Conducting the study was no small feat, to pull it off the duo (Fritz is an acoustical physicist and Curtin a well known violin maker) had to talk owners of multi-million dollar instruments into allowing their prized possessions to be included in the study, which meant allowing others to play them. They did succeed, but only in a limited way. They managed to secure just three highly prized old master-crafted violins; one from Guarneri and two from Stradivari. They then added three newer high quality (but much lower cost) violins to complete their test set.
The tests were conducted in a low-light hotel room, with twenty one volunteer professional violinists wearing welding goggles to prevent them from being able to pick up on identifying traits or markings on the violins. They testers also applied perfume to the violins to mask any telltale odors that might give away their history. Then, to ensure that the testers themselves weren’t influencing the outcome, they had third party assistants, who also wore goggles present the instruments to the musicians.
Each musician was asked to play two violins, one after the other. Unbeknownst to them, one of the instruments was new and one was one of the old prized violins. Afterwards, each musician was asked to judge both instruments on four criteria: tonal color range, projection, playability and response. In tallying up the responses, there were no clear winners, though there was one clear loser, one of the older instruments.
Next, each volunteer musician was asked to try out all six of the violins (by sound alone as they were still wearing the goggles) for a few minutes and then to pick one as their favorite; one they’d like to take home. In this part of the study, one of the newer violins was the clear favorite, while the loser from the first test was found to be the least favorite of all the violins tested by all of the musicians.
The loser in both tests just happened to be a violin labeled “O1” and has quite an illustrious history. It’s been used by many famous violin virtuosos over the years, both in concert and in recordings.
These findings suggest, the researchers write, that it appears the old masters were no better at violin making than are those of today, and those that don’t believe it, are simply fooling themselves.
More information: "Player preferences among new and old violins," by Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques Poitevineau, Palmer Morrel-Samuels, and Fan-Chia Tao, PNAS (2011). … s.1114999109

© 2011
"Study shows even professional musicians can't tell old master violins from new." January 3rd, 2012.

Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Animal Mind Control

Examples of parasites that manipulate the behavior of their hosts are not hard to come by, but scientists have only recently begun to understand how they induce such dramatic changes.

By Jef Akst |
Scott Youtsey/Miracle studiosScott Youtsey/Miracle studios
A normally insatiable caterpillar suddenly stops eating. A quick look inside its body reveals the reason: dozens of little wasp larvae gnawing and secreting digestive enzymes to penetrate its body wall. They have been living inside the caterpillar for days—like little vampires, feeding on its “blood”—and are finally making their exodus to build their cocoons on its bright-green exterior.
In the caterpillar’s brain, a massive immune reaction is taking place—the invertebrate equivalent of a cytokine storm—and among the factors being released is an invertebrate neurohormone called octopamine. “It’s a very important compound for controlling behavior in insects,” says invertebrate behavioral physiologist Shelley Adamo of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. “Octopamine levels go up, and that plays a role in shutting off feeding.”
But the parasitic larvae don’t stop there. They also inhibit the host’s ability to break down the substance. “Octopamine levels remain high for days, and this caterpillar never really eats again,” Adamo explains. “Basically, it starves to death.” This plays the important role of preventing the caterpillar from picking off the cocoons, one by one, and eating the metamorphosing larvae alive. Simply killing their host isn’t an option, Adamo says, because if the caterpillar dies, its body will become overrun with fungal pathogens—unwelcome visitors to a wasp nursery. Plus, non-eating caterpillars retain their defensive reflexes, which protect both them and the young wasps from arthropod predators. “They’ve turned their host from being a meal ticket [into] their bodyguard,” Adamo says.
Although researchers have observed countless examples of parasites hijacking the autonomy of their hosts, only now are they beginning to understand how the parasites tinker with numerous systems within the host, ultimately changing the host’s behavior in grotesque and horrific ways. Taking a proteomics approach, for example, scientists have compared the proteins expressed in the brains of infected and uninfected animals to gain clues about which molecules might be involved in the manipulation. And more directed neurological approaches have flagged certain brain regions and particular neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, as likely culprits.
“The real nuts and bolts have yet to be figured out for any system,” says Adamo. “But we have some hints—good hints.”
Imagine a person walking his dog on a leash, only in place of the dog, substitute a cockroach, and holding the leash, picture a wasp. The female parasitoid jewel wasp doesn’t actually paralyze its cockroach victim, but impairs the roach’s ability to initiate movement of its own accord. This allows the wasp to grab the cockroach by an antenna and guide it back to her nest, where she lays an egg on the cockroach and seals them both inside the nest. Two days later, the wasp larva hatches, drills a small hole in the bug’s upper leg, and begins feeding on the cockroach. After a few days, it drills a larger hole at the base of the cockroach’s leg and moves inside the abdomen, where it feeds on its host’s internal organs until it pupates and emerges a month later as an adult.
“The poor zombified cockroach is sort of a living larder,” says Adamo. “It gets walled up with the egg that then hatches and slowly consumes the cockroach.”

Pet cockroaches

One of the first thorough descriptions of this bizarre phenomenon came from Francis Williams, who was sent by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association to the island of New Caledonia during World War II to identify sugar-cane pests that plantation owners feared could catch a ride on the new Pan Am Clippers and infest their crops. The jewel wasp, however, Williams regarded as a “beneficial insect,” and he actually imported it to Hawaii to serve as a biological control on the cockroach population. Since that time, much has been learned about how the wasp works her magic.
To domesticate the cockroach, the wasp must sting it twice—first in the thorax to temporarily paralyze the roach’s front legs, and then in the head, where the wasp injects its venom into a specific area of the brain. In 2003, behavioral neurobiologist Frederic Libersat of Ben Gurion University in Israel and his colleagues injected wasps with radiolabeled amino acids, which became incorporated into the venom proteins.1 “Then we could trace the radioactive signal into the nervous system of the cockroach,” Libersat says. They found that the venom localized primarily in the cockroach’s cerebral ganglia—in particular, the supraesophageal ganglion (SupEG) and subesophageal ganglion (SEG), brain areas involved in motor control in some insects.
More recently, Libersat and his colleagues have demonstrated that by disrupting activity in the SEG, they could recreate the behaviors of stung cockroaches: treating cockroaches with a sodium channel blocker, called procaine, temporarily decreased walking behavior.2 Injecting milked wasp venom into the SEG similarly produced the altered cockroach behaviors, suggesting that the venom was acting to decrease SEG activity—a result confirmed by recordings of spontaneous and evoked neuronal spiking activity in this brain region.
“Our current hypothesis is that neurons in the SEG send their axons to the SupEG, the central portion of the brain, and those neurons in the brain send some signals back to the thorax [to] control the initiation of movement,” Libersat says. Injections of venom into the SEG essentially disrupt the first part of this pathway. Venom injections into the SupEG also had some effects, though “the results are much more complicated,” says Libersat, who is studying the possibility that this may somehow be disrupting the second part of the pathway—communication from the brain to the thorax. Libersat’s lab is also investigating how the wasps target their stings to these brain areas. Surgically removing the SEG region from cockroaches results in much longer stings, he notes. “The fact that the wasp spends 5 minutes stinging, instead of 30 seconds or 50 seconds, indicates that the wasp relies on sensory feedback to do the injection.” His team’s current research has suggested that indeed the wasps are using some sort of mechanoreceptive feedback to detect when they’ve hit brain tissue, but the details have yet to be published.

Fatal attraction

Cats and rodents are a classic predator/prey system, popularized in familiar cartoons and demonstrated every day by household cats around the world. Naturally, mice and rats have many defense strategies to avoid their mortal enemies, including an innate fear of the smell of cat urine. That is, until the animals become infected with a protozoan calledToxoplasma gondii. Then, rodents’ deathly terror of cats turns into a fatal attraction.
Toxoplasma must find its way to a cat’s intestines in order to reproduce sexually. The oocysts formed there are shed in the cat’s feces, and use rats as a vehicle to travel to their next cat host. When the protozoa form cysts in the rat’s brain, the animal not only loses its fear of cat urine, but actually seems to take a liking to it. In 2007, Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University and his colleagues showed that the cysts tended to localize in the amygdala, a brain region that responds to both predatory and sexual stimuli, and that mediates innate approach and avoidance behaviors.3 Curious as to whether the rats really were becoming attracted to the smell of cat urine, as it appeared, or just becoming distinctly less afraid of it, Sapolsky and his PhD student Patrick House decided to take a closer look at the neural activity of infected animals. Quantifying the expression of the gene c-Fos, a proxy for neural activity, the researchers found that infected rats exposed to cat urine showed elevated activity in the posterodorsal medial amygdala (MEApd), a brain region involved in reproductive behaviors.4In fact, infected rats showed a similar level of MEApd activity in response to cat urine as uninfected rats showed upon encountering an estrous female.
“When we look in the brain, we see there’s actually activity in this attraction pathway” in response to cat urine, House says.
Still, the question remains: how does the parasite trigger this change in neural activity? Researchers have shown that mice infected with Toxoplasma have about 15 percent higher dopamine levels in their brains. More recently it was learned that blocking the dopamine receptor also blocks infected animals’ attraction to cat urine, suggesting a possible link between the hosts’ altered behavior and the neurotransmitter, known to be key in decision making and reward. Then in 2009, a team of UK researchers identified, in the genome ofToxoplasma, two genes encoding a homolog of an enzyme involved in vertebrate dopamine synthesis.5 In fact, the enzyme, called tyrosine hydroxylase, is the rate-limiting step in dopamine production, raising the possibility that the parasites are boosting dopamine levels by supplementing this enzyme in infected hosts.
“A lot of these amygdala regions are heavily dopaminergic—they have dopamine coming in, and they respond to dopamine levels,” House says. “If this parasite is manipulating dopamine levels, maybe this is how it’s manipulating these regions.”
One of the most intriguing things about this particular system is that Toxoplasma is one of the few parasites that can cross the blood-brain barrier in mammals—including humans. Although Toxoplasma is not considered a major health problem—it mainly causes serious health consequences for severely immunocompromised patients—the parasite infects some two billion people worldwide. “If you can show these things are secreting neuroactive compounds into a rodent brain, and you know that 20 to 40 percent of the world’s population have these things in their brain, you have to ask yourself, what effect is that having on human behavior?” Adamo says.
Indeed, more than three dozen studies have found a positive link between neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and Toxoplasma infection. “If you have schizophrenia, you’re more likely to have the parasite than the average population,” House says. The data, however, are merely correlational, and it could be that exposure to and infection by Toxoplasma is a consequence, rather than a cause, of the neurological disorder, he adds. “But it’s a compelling link given the hypothesis that maybe this parasite is actually working in the rodent to increase dopamine,” as the neurotransmitter has been linked to schizophrenia.”

Swim towards the light

In the 1980s, Simone Helluy, a graduate student at the University of Science and Techniques of Languedoc in Montpellier, saw something bizarre in the brackish waters in the south of France: small crustaceans known as gammarids were skimming along the surface. This was unusual, she says, because normally these animals hang out at the bottom. Helluy began to investigate and soon learned that the gammarids at the surface were all infected with a trematode parasite that lodges in the brain, while those at the bottom were infection-free. She quickly recognized that this phenomenon was quite similar to one studied by Canadian researcher John Holmes, who in the early 1970s described gammarids that showed altered evasive behaviors and responses to light as a result of infection by an acanthocephalan, or parasitic worm, called Polymorphus paradoxus, which belongs to an entirely different phylum and lives in the host’s body cavity.
“That’s what’s so fascinating with the parasite-gammarid system,” says Helluy, now of Wellesley College in Massachusetts. “You have acanthocephalan parasites and brain trematodes that induce similar alterations of behavior in their gammarid hosts. And in both cases, it seems this altered behavior enhances predation by the definitive host of the parasites”—such as ducks, muskrats, and beavers.
More than 40 years of research on gammarids and their parasites has revealed a variety of gammarid hosts that are infected by a number of parasites with complex life histories, many of which manipulate the gammarids’ behavior to perpetuate their own life cycles. Among the changes, the parasites can induce positive phototaxis, when normally the crustaceans would head away from light; reversed geotaxis, when normally they would seek out deeper waters; and altered responses to olfactory and mechanical stimuli. Infected gammarids can also exhibit an extremely flexed posture and cling to solid materials. All these behavioral changes encourage the crustaceans to swim towards the water’s surface and cling to floating debris when disturbed, rather than swim to the bottom and burrow into the mud, resulting in a greater chance of predation by the next host in the parasite’s life cycle—a fish or an aquatic bird or mammal.
In the early 2000s, Helluy and evolutionary biologist Frédéric Thomas of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Montpellier used fluorescent antibodies to visualize the brains of infected gammarids, and found significantly decreased serotonergic activity in certain brain regions, including the optic neuropils, masses of tangled neurons and synapses in the optic tract.6
 They also noted that the optic tracts were deformed and the tritocerebral giant neurons—large cells known to have serotonergic activity—showed signs of degeneration in parasitized individuals. In 2006, behavioral ecologist Frank Cézilly of the University of Bourgogne also found a connection between serotonin and the altered host behaviors, but rather than a decrease, there was a 40 percent increase in overall serotonergic activity in the brains of manipulated gammarids.7Cézilly and others further demonstrated that injections of serotonin into certain gammarid species can recreate the altered phototaxis and clinging behavior induced by the parasites. “This seems to indicate that serotonin is involved,” says Helluy, but how serotonin production is altered and what triggers those changes are still unclear.
Researchers have also compared the overall protein expression patterns of uninfected and trematode-infected gammarids.8 Among the differences were two proteins involved in the visual system, CRAL_TRIO and efhand, both of which were more highly expressed in infected individuals. Interestingly, these differences that were only seen in a gammarid species infected with the trematode Microphallus papillorobustus,which induces positive phototaxis as well as negative geotaxis in the host; gammarids plagued by the acanthocephalanPolymorphus minutus, which induces only negative geotaxis, exhibited no increase in the levels of these proteins.
The researchers also identified higher expression of aromatic-L-amino acid decarboxylase, a protein involved in serotonin synthesis, in trematode-infected gammarids, supporting the involvement of the serotonergic system in the behavioral manipulations. And in both trematode- and acanthocephalan-infected gammarids, the proteomics analyses revealed expression changes in proteins related to the functioning of the central nervous system and immune defenses.
Changes in host immunity upon infection are to be expected, but may not always be protective. There is some evidence that many parasites can use the host immune system to their advantage. In response to infections of the brain, for example, glia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, release cytokines and free radicals such as nitric oxide. Last year, Helluy and Thomas examined the distribution of glial cells and nitric oxide synthase in the brains of trematode-infected and uninfected gammarids, and found key differences between the two: glia and their cellular extensions were abundant at the surface of the parasites, suggesting a proliferation of the immune cells near the site of infection, and nitric oxide synthase levels were elevated around mature parasite larvae in the brains of gammarids showing altered behavior.9 These findings support the idea that neuroinflammation induced by the parasite is one factor that, through alterations in brain chemistry and neuronal integrity, affects the behavior of the host.
“It’s just correlation, not proof of causality,” says Helluy, but “there was a very strong immune response in the brain.” She speculates that “there could be some kind of ‘arm wrestling’ between the parasite and the host: if the host wins, then the parasite gets encapsulated and dies, but if the parasite can stay alive, then the continuous immune response to the parasite might mediate the events downstream leading to the altered behavior.”

Suicidal insects

Crickets don’t like water. So when researchers observe crickets seeking out forest ponds and jumping into them, they know something is amiss.
Sure enough, the water-loving crickets are infected with parasites called hairworms. Closely related to nematodes, hairworms can grow as large as 100 centimeters in length and 1–3 millimeters in diameter. With more than 300 species known, hairworms have been found to infect frogs, fish, and snails, as well as a variety of terrestrial insects, including crickets. But hairworms that specialize in these dry-land hosts face a unique challenge—getting to water to reproduce. While the adults live on their own in aquatic environments, their larvae develop in hosts that don’t remain water-bound. In the case of the crickets, researchers suspect that the worms lay their eggs in the water, where they hatch into larvae that infect water-dwelling insect larvae, such as mosquitoes. Those insect larvae then metamorphose into flying terrestrial insects and travel to dry habitats, where they die and are ingested by crickets, which acquire the worms with their meal. But then the mature hairworms must find their way back to water to complete their life cycle. Because crickets don’t often venture near water on their own, this part takes a bit of mind control.
In 2002, CNRS’s Thomas and his colleagues published the first formal study that confirmed the accumulating anecdotal reports: crickets infected by hairworms become “suicidal,” voluntarily jumping into whatever water they can find.10 In 2 years of watching an open-air swimming pool near a forest in southern France, Thomas’s team observed nine different insect species dive into the water, at which time the hairworms emerge.
But how do the worms get landlubber insects to take the plunge? It can’t be as simple as making the host like water, as the insects’ normal behavior wouldn’t often bring them close enough to water to express such a preference in the first place, Thomas explains. “What is very important in the cricket and hairworm system is that there are several steps in the manipulative process. In the first stage, the worm produces erratic behavior in the cricket,” increasing the likelihood that it will stumble upon a source of water. Then, after the hairworm has matured, often growing to several times its host’s length, it somehow induces the insect to more directly seek out water and jump in.11
Researchers applied a proteomics approach, analyzing snapshots of all the proteins expressed in the parasite at three different time points: before, during, and after the crickets’ behavior changed.12,13 “One of the most fascinating results was that we found proteins inside the worm that are very close to those in insects,” Thomas says. Specifically, the parasites seem to make proteins of the Wnt family—involved in nervous system development—that are more closely related to insect proteins than those of the parasites’ own close nematode kin, explains Thomas, suggesting this may be an example of molecular mimicry. The parasite and the host “need to speak the same language, else [they] cannot understand each other,” he says. “We suspect that the worm [evolved proteins] that are similar to those produced by insects to allow the worm to manipulate the behavior.”
The researchers also compared the brains of infected hosts  (crickets12 and grasshoppers13) with those of uninfected hosts, and identified proteins that were differentially expressed, including the visual protein CRAL_TRIO, similarly altered in infected gammarids. CRAL_TRIO expression was higher in infected hosts than uninfected individuals, with the highest expression after the hairworm had matured and the cricket was attempting to enter water. Last year, Thomas and his colleagues confirmed that hairworm-infected insects did indeed have alterations to their vision: infected hosts were attracted to light, while uninfected individuals were photophobic, just like the gammarids.14 “It is a clever idea,” Thomas says. “If you are a cricket in the middle of the forest at night [and] you want to search for water, a good option would be to go toward the light. In most cases, it will correspond to water areas.”


  1. G. Haspel et al., “Direct injection of venom by a predatory wasp into cockroach brain,” J Neurobiol
    , 56: 287-92, 2003.
  2. R. Gal, F. Libersat, “A wasp manipulates neuronal activity in the sub-esophageal ganglion to decrease the drive for walking in its cockroach prey,” PLoS ONE
    , 5: e10019, 2010.
  3. A. Vyas et al., “Behavioral changes induced by Toxoplasma infection of rodents are highly specific to aversion of cat odors,” PNAS
    , 104:6442-47, 2007.
  4. P.K. House et al., “Predator cat odors activate sexual arousal pathways in brains of Toxoplasma gondii infected rats,” PLoS ONE
    , 6: e23277, 2011.
  5. E.A. Gaskell et al., “A unique dual activity amino acid hydroxylase in Toxoplasma gondii,” PLoS ONE
    , 4: e4801, 2009.
  6. S. Helluy, F. Thomas, “Effects of Microphallus papillorobustus (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda) on serotonergic immunoreactivity and neuronal architecture in the brain of Gammarus insensibilis (Crustacea: Amphipoda),” Proc R Soc B, 270: 563-68, 2003.
  7. L. Tain et al., “Altered host behaviour and brain seratonergic activity caused by acanthocephalans: evidence for specificity,” Proc R Soc B
    , 273: 3039-45, 2006.
  8. F. Ponton et al., “Do distantly related parasites rely on the same proximate factors to alter the behavior of their hosts?” Proc R Soc B
    , 273: 2869-77, 2006.
  9. S. Helluy, F. Thomas, “Parasitic manipulation and neuroinflammation: Evidence from the system Microphallus papillorobustus(Trematoda)–Gammarus (Crustacea),” Parasit Vectors
    , 3:38, 2010.
  10. F. Thomas et al., “Do hairworms (Nematomorpha) manipulate their terrestrial host to seek water?” J Evol Biol
    , 15: 356-61, 2002.
  11. M.I. Sanchez et al., “Two steps to suicide in crickets harbouring hairworms,” Anim Behav
    , 76: 1621-24, 2008.
  12. D.G. Biron et al., “‘Suicide’ of crickets harbouring hairworms: a proteomics investigation,” Insect Mol Biol
    , 15: 731-42, 2006.
  13. D.G. Biron et al., “Behavioural manipulation in a grasshopper harbouring hairworm: a proteomics approach,” Proc R Soc B
    , 272: 2117-26, 2005.
  14. F. Ponton et al., “Water-seeking behavior in worm-infected crickets and reversibility of parasitic manipulation,” Behav Ecol
    , doi: 10.1093/beheco/arq215, 2011.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Exercise cuts bowel cancer risk

The study confirms that the most physically active have a lower risk of bowel cancer than the least active.
Image: mediaphotos/iStockphoto
Researchers at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) have found people who engage in vigorous physical activity may be protected against types of colorectal cancer.

The study, published in the Cancer Causes Control journal, used a Western Australian cohort. 

Researchers examined 870 participants who had bowel cancer and a control group of 996 who did not have the disease.

Study participants were asked to answer questions about their recreational physical activity, lifestyle, diet, medication and occupation.

UWA PhD student Terry Boyle, also supported by the Lions Cancer Institute, says the study confirms previous research that shows the most physically active have a lower risk of bowel cancer than the least active. 

“It also gives us some clues as to what types of activity are the most effective at reducing bowel cancer risk,” Mr Boyle says. 

The study found people who performed regular vigorous physical activity over their lifetime had a 40 per cent reduced risk of cancer of the distal (lower) colon and rectum.

“These results suggest that vigorous activity like jogging, cycling, swimming, tennis, hockey, netball and football may be the most effective physical activities to lower the risk of bowel cancer,” Mr Boyle says.

Of the possible mechanisms linking physical activity and colon cancer, there is evidence to suggest that obesity and vitamin D may have a great effect on distal colon cancer than proximal colon cancer.

While the link between physical activity and colon cancers remains opaque, this study supports the suggestion that lifestyle factors are more strongly tied to distal colon cancer than proximal colon cancer.
Another finding showed physical activity performed after the age of 51 years, may be more beneficial in reducing the risk of distal colon cancer than physical activity performed earlier in life.

“This shows that it really is never too late to start being physically active,” Mr Boyle says.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Cars, heat and kids ‘a deadly mix’


"Children and pets can die or suffer serious brain damage if they’re left in a hot car for even a short amount of time."
Image: digitalskillet/iStockphoto
Lost keys and misadventure yesterday saw two children rescued from sweltering cars by Victorian paramedics, narrowly avoiding tragedy as the state suffered through a 40 degree day. 

Victorian paramedics have reported 1500 children rescued from cars in the state in the last 12 months. During November and December 2011 nine children were found locked cars, with four such cases in the last four days.

‘On a 29 degree day, with the car's air conditioning dropping the interior to 20 degrees, it takes just 10 minutes for the temperature to more than double to 44 degrees and in 10 minutes it triples to a deadly 60 degrees’ says Professor O’Meara.

‘Children and pets can die or suffer serious brain damage if they’re left in a hot car for even a short amount of time,’ says Professor O’Meara.

‘Young children are most at risk because they quickly dehydrate. They can lapse into unconsciousness, and may never fully recover.’

While for many parents this advice might seem like a no-brainer, many are still not getting the hint. Aside from the two incidents yesterday, Ambulance Victoria reported six cases of children being locked in cars over a 24 hour period in late November 2011, and many more since. They also said there have been cases of children dying in hot cars.

Professor O’Meara says that even on mild days, leaving children in cars unattended can have catastrophic consequences.

Professor O’Meara offers some hints to keep children safe:
  • Always lock your car and secure the keys so that your children can't get to them.
  • Warn your children about playing in the car by themselves without adult supervision.
  • Install a boot release mechanism, so that they can't get trapped in the boot.
  • Remove children from your car first, then groceries etc.
  • Place a reminder on your dashboard so that you don’t forget a sleeping child in the car.
  • Be on alert for cars that might have an unattended child left inside.
  • Don't leave them in a car, which can heat up quickly, especially on a hot, sunny day.
  • If you see a child alone in a car, be sure to call 000 and get the child out ASAP.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Top ten tech predictions for 2012 … and how to interpret them


One such trend is the move from the PC to the use of mobile technology.
Image: loops7/iStockphoto
Around this time of year you see plenty of articles (such as this one) reflecting on notable technologies and events of the year now gone. Such pieces will also attempt to predict the events of the year just started.
When reading these articles, it’s worth considering how the technologies being described are never taken in isolation. Instead, these technologies always need to be seen in terms of how they interact with and impact our personal and social lives. How technology does this, however, can be subtle and extremely complex.
In fact, there is a significant amount of research – past and present – that focuses on why we do or don’t use software and technology. Most researchers agree that the reasons aresociotechnical – a complex mish-mash of technological and societal factors. The study of these factors is increasingly becoming the realm of social scientists and psychologists, rather than engineers or computer scientists.
That’s important because individual technologies appear in the context of larger sociotechnical trends. Whether a technology is significant or revolutionary will depend, in part, on its role in facilitating, or more rarely, being the catalyst behind such trends.
One such trend is the move from the PC to the use of mobile technology. Early smartphones set the groundwork for heralding the move to mobile but it took the iPhone and apps delivered from the App Store to act as the catalyst. Even then, it wasn’t until the iPhone 3 – and the Android equivalents appearing shortly afterwards – that we could truly say the era of the smartphone had begun.
In many cases, identifying the particular “tipping point” for a technology or trend is really only possible after the fact. We certainly had no idea at the launch of Facebook that social networks would become so important in our lives. But a tipping point was reached and it became widely acknowledged that social networks were part of the general fabric of society.
Predictions may be hard to make but that doesn’t stop us all from trying. Unfortunately the research done in this area only gives us pointers to reading tea leaves, and not a robust and reliable formula.
Looking back at 2011, the notable technical events were part of two major sociotechnical trends. The post-PC, move to mobile trend and the social hyper-connectedness trend. The technical events included the continued roll-out of mobile phones with new functionality, in particular the iPhone 4S and its onboard artificial intelligence Siri.
In the world of social networking, we saw the advent of Google+ and the role of social media in the Arab Spring and OccupyWallStreet movements. These two trends will continue this year.
Here are my ten predictions for next year:
1) Social networks
Facebook and Twitter will continue to dominate as social network platforms. The lacklustre Google+ will continue to struggle to get past its predominantly US, white, tech-oriented and male audience. This struggle will continue despite Google’s attempts to insinuate it into everything they do.
2) Email
Contrary to recent predictions, email will continue to be the primary mode of electronic communication in the non-personal world.
3) Smartphones
Android will continue as the dominant smart phone OS. Blackberry and the Symbian will continue their decline into eventual irrelevance and Windows Phone 7 will fail to become relevant. The pairing of Nokia and Microsoft will ultimately not be successful and Nokia will bring out Android phones.
4) Apple
Apple will survive the loss of Steve Jobs and release the iPad 3 and iPhone 5. Siri will appear on the iPad and Apple TV and her capabilities will extend into further integration with apps, including third-party apps.
5) Apps vs. web
Contrary to some predictions, apps will not disappear any time soon and will not be replaced with HTML 5 web applications (at least not in 2012).
6) TV
Apple will release a TV in 2012. The convergence of TVs as network-enabled media devices will see the adoption of Android as an alternative platform to Apple’s forthcoming TV.
The convergence of TV and the computer will allow TV to become integrated with social networks. This will extend the real-time interaction with talk shows that are increasingly displaying viewer Twitter and Facebook comments. It will also allow viewers to share their TV watching on their social networks.
Of course, advertising will become increasingly personalised on TV, moving from its current broadcast format.
7) The PC
The demise of the desktop computer will continue. It will be replaced with laptops, ultra-portables, tablets and phones, with data in the cloud.
Windows 8 will be released towards the end of 2012 and will find its way to tablets. It will be universally shunned by businesses and will see only slow adoption among consumers. Microsoft will make the new Metro user interface optional.
8) The news media
Although strictly speaking not a technological issue, traditional news companies will continue to struggle to make money from either paper or online sales.
Paywall experiments will continue but at least one paywall exercise will be abandoned because of severely diminishing circulations.
9) Legislation and legal
Patent battles will continue and specific judgements will determine companies’ strategies. Defensive purchasing of patents similar to the syndicate of companies that purchased patentsbelonging to Nortel will continue. The participants of the patent wars will get more entrenched and their methods more convoluted.
One example of things to come is Apple’s passing of patents to a shell company Cliff Islandand subsequent arrangement with Digitude. Getting others to do your dirty work.
Attempts to introduce legislation around online piracy will fail. The realisation that law enforcement agencies (in the US in particular) can already shut down supposedly infringing sites without warning, renders new legislation giving these powers to copyright holders largely unnecessary.
10) Cybersecurity
Hacking and cyber-warfare/cyber-vandalism will continue. I initially thought that hacking by the hacking collective Anonymous would stay focussed on real-life protests such as the Occupy Movement. However, the recent hacking of security intelligence firm Stratfor has shown that hacks in the name of Anonymous will continue to surprise,and for some, vex, next year.
Editor's Note: This article was originally published by The Conversationhere, and is licenced as Public Domain under Creative Commons. See Creative Commons - Attribution Licence.