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Monday, December 5, 2011

Defined By Attributes


Arjuna“As there are symptoms for each and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Krishna conscious has his particular nature—talking, walking, thinking, feeling, etc. As a rich man has his symptoms by which he is known as a rich man, as a diseased man has his symptoms, by which he is known as diseased, or as a learned man has his symptoms, so a man in transcendental consciousness of Krishna has specific symptoms in various dealings.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita, 2.54 Purport)
“I am a Christian; I am a Jew; I am a Hindu.” These identifications are inherited from the parents. That the offspring should openly admit to accepting these designations shows that there is some regard for a higher power, a system of maintenance that should bring rewards which span beyond the current lifetime. These acknowledgments indicate advancement from the foolish mentality that erroneously claims that there is no God or that religion
 is for the weak who can’t deal with life’s troubles. Spirituality’s main purpose is not for finding insulation from pain, gaining material success, acquiring knowledge, or achieving an end that involves no activity. Just as in any other venture, the leap into spiritual life looks to find a condition that is an improvement from the starting point. Though the acknowledgment of religion, the rubber stamping of a particular faith, at least shows there is some belief in God, a truly spiritually inclined person is identified by their attributes, the qualities they exhibit through behavior. If we have difficulty believing this, we can study how other identifications are made.
tissuesIf we claim to have a particular illness but don’t have any symptoms, what effect does the illness have? I go up to my friend and say, “I have a cold.” He responds with: “Really, how bad is it? Are you coughing? Are you sneezing? Do you feel weak in the body?” I come back with: “No. I feel fine. Actually, I don’t have any symptoms of a cold at all.” The friend will certainly look at me funny. If I don’t have any of the symptoms of a cold, what good is claiming that I have one? The designation means something; it must have an effect for the claim to be valid.
A symptom of a businessman is his dedication to the particular business. He wants to earn a profit, so he has some work that he does to sell a good or service for a price that is higher than what it costs him to produce. Investments follow the same principle, for the aim is to gain a return that is higher than the amount initially put into the venture. The doctor has symptoms of being able to heal patients, knowing how to diagnose diseases, and having completed medical school. Even something as simple as an identification based on country of origin has some symptoms, like the person living in the country where they were born.
The rules apply to spiritual life as well. A spiritualist in name only is one who applies a designation to himself and then does not alter his behavior. The topmost transcendentalist is known as a bhakti-yogi, someone who follows the discipline of divine love. Is it possible to make qualitative judgments between spiritualists? Can we say that one person’s religion is better than another’s? The terms “bhakti” and “yoga” have nothing to do with country of origin, the religion of the parents, the entity identified as the most worshipable figure, or even the level of intelligence.
Bhakti and yoga come to us from the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, but their definitions are presented from the scientific point of view. Science is appealing to those not spiritually inclined because there is no dogmatic insistence, or at least there isn’t supposed to be. In reality, even the field of science is riddled with politics and bias. As an example, those who claim that mankind’s behavior has an effect on weather will vilify anyone who dares refute the claim. Even if the countervailing evidence is backed up with scientific research, which is the equivalent of the scripture in the spiritual tradition, the proponents with their own agenda will not want to accept anything that refutes their claim.
Bhagavad-gitaFor the sober person, however, the scientific basis for spirituality and its components is a refreshing departure from the “finger in your face” persuasion methods employed by some overzealous preachers. For a valid religion there must be a combination of both philosophy and sentiment, which the Vedas nicely provide. Those who are interested in this method of instruction can take the most valuable lessons from the Bhagavad-gita, a short treatise on spirituality that packs a powerful punch. Select pearls of wisdom from the Gita cannot be found anywhere else. And these truths are so profound that they will spawn endless thought and discussion, thus allowing for enlightenment to mature gradually, with knowledge increasing further with each passing day.
In scientific terms, bhakti is pure love; the desire to please another object without any personal motive. What is a personal motive? One’s satisfaction, happiness, advancement in stature, pleasure, etc. all constitute personal rewards. If they are explicitly sought through an exhibition of love, then the behavior cannot be categorized as bhakti. Yoga is the term that describes the linking of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul. The thinking person can see that there is an energy guiding behavior, instigating action across nature, within every kind of species. Even the weather is instigated by some action, for we know that matter is inanimate and thus inferior to the higher force. The Vedas define that higher force as spirit, which is localized within specific body types. This is one way we can perceive spirit in our present circumstances.
“Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which are all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe.” (Lord Krishna
, 7.5)
Since there is spirit within everything that has life, we know that all beings are equal in their constitution. Just because one person wears designer clothes and another rags doesn’t mean there is anything inherently different about the two people. The Vedas go one step further by applying this principle across the full spectrum of life. The cat, dog, ant, germ, plant, and human being are spiritually equal. We only perceive differences because of the outward symptoms, the behavior that is exhibited. This is where the human beings have a leg up. They can understand terms like “bhakti”, “yoga” and “dharma” and then use that understanding to alter behavior. The new outward symptoms thus lead to a future end, one that can be supremely beneficial.
Along with the individual soul, there is the Supreme Soul, who resides locally next to the individual soul within each body type. Without yoga, there is no way to recognize the superior soul’s presence. In a state of ignorance just believing that a superior force rests inside us is difficult. Through steady practice of regulative principles, however, the linking in consciousness between the individual and the Supreme can take place. Bhakti is added to the mix to ensure that the linking provides the highest pleasure, the greatest benefit.
Are there other kinds of yoga? As most people today are familiar with, yoga is popular as an exercise discipline. This shouldn’t be misunderstood to mean that the yoga involving sitting postures and breathing exercises has any purpose outside spirituality. The term is still the same, and so is the ideal goal. The senses are the force that most strongly inhibits the realization of the Supreme Soul. Therefore through meditational yoga, which can involve the gymnastics we are accustomed to seeing, the influence of the senses can be mitigated to the point that the Supreme Soul can be better realized.
Of course with the reduction in the influence of the senses come tremendous health benefits. With the passage of time, those not interested in spirituality took the ancillary benefit of improved health to be the superior reward. Therefore yoga morphed into what it is today, where the delineation between the two souls and the need for connecting them are not touched upon at all. In addition to meditation, one can perform yoga through sacrificing fruits of work [karma] and through studying the differences between matter and spirit and finding enlightenment [jnana].
Lord Krishna's fluteBhakti-yoga is considered the topmost discipline because it connects with the Supreme Soul in His original form. That person the world refers to as God actually has spiritual attributes, features which are complete and inexhaustible. The more the features are defined, the more the abstract vision clears up, the greater the benefit received by the yogi. In other kinds of yoga, God in His personal form of Bhagavan cannot be understood. Perhaps in meditation there is the realization of this form of God residing within the heart, but the pleasurable interaction of emotion is absent.
Bhakti-yoga operates on love, so every activity within the discipline is an offering of love made to Bhagavan. The quintessential act of bhakti-yoga is the chanting
 of the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
”. Again, these names can be understood from the scientific point of view. God is the most attractive; therefore we can call Him Krishna. He provides transcendental pleasure to those who directly interact with Him; therefore we can call Him Rama. He has an energy that pleases Him known as Hara; therefore we can make the call “Hare” to ask for help in serving Krishna.
A person who follows bhakti-yoga is known to be Krishna conscious, which means that their individual soul remains linked with God. More than just a title, there are symptoms that result. We may claim to be following a certain religion based on the word of our parents or the perfunctory rituals we follow reluctantly in our own lives, but the real mark of a spiritually inclined person is the behavior they show from their characteristics. Consciousness - where it is situated and what it feels is most important in life - is the foundation of the behavior. A Krishna conscious person feels that devotion to Krishna is the ultimate objective, the height of activity, either spiritual or material.
Lord KrishnaService to Krishna follows authorized methods, recommendations from those who follow bhakti-yoga themselves. It is not that one can just make up a type of behavior and then say they are serving Krishna. Service to man is not service to God because man has no idea how to serve anyone else if they don’t know how to serve God. On the other hand, service to Krishna automatically does the best service to man. How does this work exactly? For starters, bhakti-yoga sets the best example for others to follow. Pure sentiment can be matched by another person’s sentiment, which introduces competing beneficiaries. Denial of God’s existence is an even worse example because it is based on utter foolishness. The dedication that is shown in bhakti-yoga allows others to see that religion can be fun, that it can occupy one’s time, and that it can be done without motivation and without interruption. In no other sphere of activity is this seemingly paradoxical combination present.
Bhakti-yoga, being a scientific discipline, applies to every single person. This means that regardless of one’s religious persuasion, bhakti is something that will benefit them. The more that bhakti is practiced, the more it can be distributed to others. If I distribute something that is beneficial to every single person, then naturally I am performing the best service for man. On the other hand, if I have no idea what will benefit someone else, my service can actually turn out to be harmful to others. If a patient is suffering from some disease and is forbidden from eating certain kinds of food, one who thinks they are serving that person by giving them the restricted food is actually causing great harm.
Bhakti-yoga can never do harm in this way because every person is benefited from thinking about Krishna, or God. Therefore the symptoms exhibited by the Krishna conscious person tell us that they follow a system of spirituality that is free of sectarian boundaries, dogmatic insistence, and irrational fear mongering. The Krishna conscious person’s primary trait is that they are always talking about God. Either they are glorifying His features and pastimes, or they are talking about how devotion to Him can change lives. Through dedication in bhakti the devotee acquires all praiseworthy attributes, such as kindness, peacefulness, humility, intelligence and strength of conviction. The Krishna conscious person also knows that they are not their body, that they are spirit soul. This allows them to tolerate the pains inflicted by material nature better than the non-devoted soul can. Time and space are put into the proper perspective when the fountainhead of all energies, Shri Krishna, is known and worshiped.
Shrila PrabhupadaThe symptoms of the bhakti-yogi can also help us weed out the pretenders, the spiritualists in name only who put on the dress of a mendicant but then lead their followers astray. We can also better spot out those who cheat people by claiming that they are God or that they have become God through their meditation. By following bhakti-yoga - whose guiding principle is that one constantly chant the holy names, think about God, offer service to Him through worshiping in a formal way at regular times, and refrain from the activities that are most inhibiting to yoga practice: meat eating, gambling
, andillicit sex
 - those of us who claim to be following a particular religion can have our statements actually mean something. When the right symptoms are present, titles and designations relating to God gain their teeth. On the other hand, without full allegiance to bhakti, the exercise of religion will never bring the true fruit of our existence, the transcendental taste of God’s association.
In Closing:
For selling products businessman has the feel,
Doctor his patients knows how to heal.
Spiritualist also needs symptoms to be legit,
Not just religion from the parents inherit.
Bhakti-yoga gives religion its teeth,
Allows sincere soul God’s form to greet.
Service to Krishna is best way to serve man,
Shows that acquire divine features he can.
Always chant the holy names, dance and sing,
To others science of spiritual life bring.

Iru Maangani - Jayalalitha & SPB Rare song Jayalalitha's Voice

A Red Carpet Event


Sita and Rama wedding“After hearing the news, Danavas, Devas, Rakshasas, Kinnaras and so many snakes are very happily arriving dressed up as kings.” (Janaki Mangala, 10)
dānava deva nisācara kinnara ahigana |
suni dhari -dhari nṛpa beṣa cale pramudita mana ||
There’s a hot new club in town. Everyone’s talking about it, raving about the ambience, how enjoyable it is to go inside, and especially how exclusive the club is. So many people want to get in, but not every person is allowed. From the line formed behind the velvet rope the bouncer can just pick someone on a whim to let in. Dress yourself up right and you just might pass the test. Curiosity is so aroused that even people who are not interested in night clubs manage to make their way out, hoping to be allowed in. Those under the age limit show their fake identifications, hoping to fool the bouncer.
A long time ago one particular event was so famous that it attracted humans and other species as well around the world. The place, time, circumstance, people involved, and event itself were of the purest variety.  As it was considered a tremendous blessing just to be able to attend, people came from far and wide, matching their outward appearance to the occasion. For their efforts they would be witness to the most splendid marriage ever seen on this earth.
Sita and Rama weddingWhy the attention given? What was so unique about this event? Why not just attend a local wedding, one involving friends or family members living in close proximity? Why the need to travel so far? Obviously a marriage is not a rare occasion, but based on the qualities of the participants, the event’s significance can increase. With this particular wedding, the groom was not known beforehand. Rather, the king holding the ceremony vowed to give away his precious daughter to whoever could lift an extremely heavy bow, which initially belonged to Lord Shiva
, the greatest among the gods.
The king was famous. Known as Janaka throughout the world, even the miscreant class of men respected him. It takes a lot to gain the honor and respect of those who are themselves lacking it, but Janaka managed to reach the height of stature. Virtue is its own reward, especially when it is tied to dharma, or the occupational duties governing man’s conduct. Rather than speculate on who God is and whether or not He is just a manmade concoction, the Vedas remove the doubt through authorized information. Even if one isn’t prone to accepting the truths about the Personality of Godhead and His merciful spiritual form, if they just follow the prescribed guidelines given for human behavior, they can make tremendous progress. Just by following virtue, adhering to religious principles, irrespective of your own realizations others will respect you.
The reprobates, thieves, cheaters and plagues on society get the opposite treatment. Their reputations are based on their behavior which goes against dharma. Everyone must follow some philosophy, which then determines their accepted system of maintenance. Under mental speculation, the human being is walking around a dark room not knowing what anything is. He and his fellow man operating under the same mindset can only speculate about their environment and thus never reach a proper conclusion. Under the veil of darkness, there is no such thing as good or bad, pious or impious. The thief’s dharma is given as much credence as the honest man’s, for both are based on mental speculation and not authority.
“Even kings like Janaka and others attained the perfectional stage by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work.” (Lord Krishna
, 3.20)
King JanakaJanaka was not in the dark. Following the prescribed duties assigned to the royal order, he worked whenever work was called for and stayed renounced the rest of the time. This amazing ability earned him mention in the Bhagavad-gita, the Song of God sung by Lord Krishna, who is the Supreme Personality, the leader of worshipable figures, the energy behind the movements of the creation. The mental speculators can eventually conclude that there is an energy driving the forces of nature and the actions of man, yet they fail to assign intelligence to that energy. Moreover, since they are tiny fragments of that energy as a whole, they consider everyone to be their own gods, or ishvaras.
Ironically enough, the fact stumbled upon by the mental speculators is quickly revealed to those following dharma. The individual soul is indeed ishvara, or a controller, but he is not the original or even supreme controller. God can be defined by saying that He is the supreme ishvaraParameshvara. One who knows this understands that they can perform their prescribed duties without attachment, for Parameshvara is responsible for the results of action. Though the giant collection of energy is more powerful than we are and thereby represents a force impossible to control, we still must act. Even when sitting quietly in an empty room, the mind continues to operate. To harness that potential for action, we need some type of system of maintenance, which will properly guide our behavior and remove hesitation.
We can continue to speculate on what type of behavior to follow, but whatever is produced through the mental effort will be flawed because the ultimate conclusion is not known. On the other hand, by following dharma, which is rooted in the conclusion that God is the Supreme Lord, full of form, who is meant to be the intimate friend of every living entity, hesitancy is removed in action and auspiciousness results. Janaka, just by following dharma, one day found a beloved baby girl in the ground. Naming her Sita and raising her as his daughter, he felt like the most fortunate man in the world. What he didn’t know was that the goddess of fortune herself, Lakshmi Devi, was Sita and had come as his daughter. His inclination was correct, even if he didn’t know the basis for that correctness.
Sita DeviOthers around the world knew of both Sita and Janaka. The king was hesitant to marry her off because he didn’t want to lose her and also because he wasn’t sure he could find a suitable match. He couldn’t use a horoscope comparison because he didn’t know Sita’s biological parents or if she even had any. Just as the Supreme Lord is original, formless and eternal, so the same properties apply to His eternal consorts. By formless we mean without a material form that is subject to defects. It is difficult for the conditioned human being to imagine that God can appear on earth and emerge from someone’s womb, for as soon as you say someone is a person it means that they are flawed. “To ere is human” after all, so to describe God as being personal seems to indicate that He is flawed.
Spiritual attributes are difficult to comprehend; therefore extensive training in a bona fide spiritual discipline is required. Those anxious to see God, to see the person they think is invisible, are advised to first try to realize the presence of the soul within their own body. Without knowing that we are spirit soul and not body, how are we going to understand what formless actually means when applied to God? We need external light to be able to see the objects around us; otherwise we are clueless as to our surroundings. If we need light to see normal objects, why wouldn’t we need assistance in seeing God? Moreover, just because the lights are turned out doesn’t mean that the surrounding objects disappear. In the same way, not being able to see God with our paltry vision doesn’t mean that He is invisible, not able to be seen, or lacking spiritual attributes.
As she had no father and mother, Sita’s marriage was difficult to arrange. Through consultation with his priests and relatives, Janaka decided to hold a svayamvara, or self-choice ceremony. When kings from around the world heard the news, they flocked to Tirahuta, Janaka’s capital city. The event was so eagerly anticipated and talked about that even others outside the human species decided they would try to attend. In addition to the human form, there are millions of other possible combinations of material elements that can house a conditioned spirit soul. An ant, dog, cow
, fly, bird, and beast are all equal constitutionally, but we see differences based on their outward appearances. There is not just one form of the human species either; there is variety within variety. The human species in general is considered the most auspicious form of body to accept, as it carries the highest potential for intelligence. With first class knowledge comes dedication to a first class system of maintenance. A topnotch system of regulation carries the increased odds of the most suitable end being reached, that of God’s association for the rest of time.
Danavas heard the news and decided to appear on the scene. The history of the creation is provided in the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India. First there is the Supreme Lord, who resides in the spiritual sky. He is both with spiritual attributes and without, a combination that is impossible to comprehend with a brain restricted by the limits of time and space. God’s personal form is His original, and His impersonal aspect is just a feature, though to Him there is no difference. Like the difference between the sun and the sunshine, the Supreme Lord’s influence is seen throughout the creation, even within the tiny atom, but He still has an original body and form.
Lord VishnuFrom the Supreme Lord - known as Krishna because of His all-attractiveness and Rama because of His ability to provide transcendental pleasure - come all other living entities. In the material creation, Lord Brahma, the first living entity appearing from the lotus-like navel of Lord Vishnu
 - the four-armed personal expansion of the Supreme Lord - takes care of populating. From Brahma come both saints and demons alike. Since the beginning of time there has been an ongoing struggle between good and evil, those devoted to Vishnu and those opposed to Him. The devotees are known as suras and their counterpartsasuras. Amongst the asuras there are so many different species, with the Danavas being one of them. Though the Danavas have an ancestry described in the Vedas, their qualities can also be found in the human species. One can act like a Danava or asura without having a known link to the original creatures of the same type.
Devas also attended Sita’s svayamvara. A deva is a god, someone who is worshipable but not quite on the level of the Supreme Lord. The suras as a species are devas, and they can provide benedictions to their worshipers, for this is what they are tasked with by the Supreme Lord. In the grand scheme of things thedevas and the Danavas are the same, for they are both conditioned. The devas are just further along in the evolutionary process than the Danavas, for one who is devoted to God even with impurity mixed in is closer to gaining final release from the material world, which operates under karma. Through karma comes the swinging pendulum of acceptance and rejection, which manifests in both pious and impious acts.
Nishacharas also attended. The name indicates that they are night-rangers, which means they travel through the night in false guises to attack the saintly class of men. Also known as Rakshasas, these hideous creatures have no concern for piety, decency, or the right of others to live their lives peacefully. The Rakshasas had a strong influence during the period of time when Janaka’s event was being held, for their leader Ravana was extremely powerful and feared throughout the world. The person to be married to Sita had actually appeared on earth specifically to do away with Ravana.
Kinnaras, who are heavenly bird-like figures expert in singing, and serpents also attended the ceremony in Janaka’s kingdom. All of these non-human figures dressed up as kings to fit the occasion. They did whatever was necessary to make it to the most famous wedding ever held. They arrived happily and with excitement, for why else would they go to so much trouble? Though they wouldn’t win Sita’s hand in marriage, they would get to witness Narayana’s amazing feat of lifting Lord Shiva’s bow.
, the prince of the Raghu dynasty, was Lord Vishnu Himself coming to Janakpur to reunite with Lakshmi Devi, His eternal consort. The attendees got to observe a historic event, which featured a feat of strength still talked about to this day. Their eagerness to be allowed entry was indirectly tied to spiritual life. Their association with Sita and Rama would give them something to talk about for many years to come. They could say that they were there that day when Rama lifted Lord Shiva’s bow and gave Janaka the son-in-law he deserved.
In Closing:
Night-rangers, gods and demons to Janakpur flow,
For witnessing Sita’s marriage they are all ready to go.
Each species has modes of nature in combination,
For them all Janaka’s contest drew their attention.
By Janaka’s daughter the whole world was impressed,
That even snakes dressed as kings so wedding not missed.
For the host, a son-in-law like from heaven sent,
To wed Janaki was only Shri Rama meant.
Interest in svayamvara for creatures not in vain,
Sight of union of Sita and Rama their eyes gained.


This is a good one! You might think that it is no big deal standing for 10 seconds with the eyes closed and one leg slightly up. Try even to stand with both the feet together and closing the eyes. If you are able to stand for 10 seconds at least, co-ordination and balancing function of your brain are normal. This exercise goes one step higher.

Do not feel upset if you are unable to stand for 10 seconds at the first go. Practice makes a person perfect is a good old saying. I am more than 60 y old & could not stand for more than 2 s at the first go but gradually improved to 15 s over a short period! If I can do it, then it means that any one else also can do it.

Give it a try.
The essence of the exercise is that your "Eyes Must be Closed" when you are doing this exercise. You must practise the "Jin Ji Du Li" exercise with the eyes closed. This exercise was so simple and amazing that I thought I had to share it here. 
Here is the exercise:
Stand on one leg while your eyes are closed. That is all. Just try it right now, stop reading and stand up, close your eyes and try standing on one foot.
 If you are not able to stand for less than 10 seconds, it means that your body has degenerated to 60 to 70 years old level in other words, you may be only 40 years old, but your body has aged a lot faster.
I tried this exercise myself when I read the mail. I thought “oh, big deal, I’m sure I can do this easily” I was fooling myself, I’m glad I tried it because I discovered much to my surprise that while I could stand easily on one foot with my eyes open, trying the same thing with my eyes closed was another story! I just could not keep my balance for more than two to three seconds before I started wobbling and hopping around.
You do not need to lift your leg high, if your internal organs are out of synch, even lifting your leg this bit will make you wobble.
Now this was quite scary because it told me that my body was almost 60 years old and here was me, barely into my forties! These Chinese are really very advanced in their knowledge of the human body. It was very heartening to know that frequent and regular practice can help you recover your sense of balance. In fact Chinese specialists suggest daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li for 1 minute, this helps prevent dementia.
 You can try slightly closing both eyes while practicing Jin Ji Du Li, instead of completely closing them; in fact this is what the health specialist Zhong Li Ba Ren recommends.
Daily practice of Jin Ji Du Li, can help in healing many illnesses or diseases like
  • Hypertension,
  • High Blood Sugar or diabetes,
  • Neck and Spinal diseases,
  • it can also prevent you from getting dementia.
Zhong Li Ba Ren has written a book titled "Self Help is Better than Seeking Doctors' Help", which is a bestselling book that has been the best seller health book in China since it was first published last year. Its success can be measured by the fact that it has been reprinted 12 times within 6 months, with more than 1 million copies sold. The book is a hot seller because is it teaches many simple practical health tips. 
It is said that according to the understanding of Chinese physicians, diseases appear in the body because the coordination between the various internal organs encounter problems and that causes the body to lose its balance. Jin Ji Du Li can readjust this inter-relationship of the organs and how they function with each other. Zhong Li Ba Ren stated that many people can't stand on one foot with their eyes closed for even 5 seconds, but later on as they practice it daily, are able to stand for more than 2 minutes.
As you gain ability to stand for longer time, the feeling of "head heavy, light feet” disappears. As benefits or practising Jin Ji Du Li, you will experience that the quality of sleep improves, the mind clears up and memory improves significantly. Most importantly if you can practice Jin Ji Du Li with your eyes closed for 1 minute every day, you will not get dementia. (I think it this also means the brain will remain healthy). 
Zhong Li Ba Ren explained that there are 6 important meridians passing through our legs. When you stand on a single leg, the weak meridian will feel sore while getting the necessary exercise, and as this happens, the corresponding organs of these meridians and their path-ways, start getting the necessary tuning. This method can focus or concentrate the awareness, and channel the body's qi to the foot. The beneficial effects of practising Jin Ji Du Li on various illnesses associated with hypertension, diabetes, neck and spinal diseases are quick to be seen and felt. Jin Ji Du Li can also prevent gout.
 Jin Ji Du Li helps to Strengthen body Immunity rapidly
 Jin Ji Du Li it is suitable for everyone generally. It is the basic cure for "Cold Feet Disease” and it can also strengthen the body’s immunity. You do not have to wait until you have any illness to start practising Jin Ji Du Li. It is especially beneficial for young people, when they practice it daily while they are healthy, so that their chances of contracting the various illness associated with aging is comparative lower. 
Please note that it is not suitable for people over 70 years old, or those old people whose legs are not strong and cannot stand steadily.

New Switch Could Improve Electronics

The switch was discovered by experimenting with the rotation of a triangular cluster of three metal atoms held together by a nitrogen atom, which is enclosed entirely within a cage made up entirely of carbon atoms. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Pittsburgh)                                                  Science Daily — Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have invented a new type of electronic switch that performs electronic logic functions within a single molecule. The incorporation of such single-molecule elements could enable smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient electronics.

The research findings, supported by a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, were published online in the Nov. 14 issue of Nano Letters.
"This new switch is superior to existing single-molecule concepts," said Hrvoje Petek, principal investigator and professor of physics and chemistry in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and codirector of the Petersen Institute for NanoScience and Engineering (PINSE) at Pitt. "We are learning how to reduce electronic circuit elements to single molecules for a new generation of enhanced and more sustainable technologies."
The switch was discovered by experimenting with the rotation of a triangular cluster of three metal atoms held together by a nitrogen atom, which is enclosed entirely within a cage made up entirely of carbon atoms. Petek and his team found that the metal clusters encapsulated within a hollow carbon cage could rotate between several structures under the stimulation of electrons. This rotation changes the molecule's ability to conduct an electric current, thereby switching among multiple logic states without changing the spherical shape of the carbon cage. Petek says this concept also protects the molecule so it can function without influence from outside chemicals.
Because of their constant spherical shape, the prototype molecular switches can be integrated as atom-like building blocks the size of one nanometer (100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair) into massively parallel computing architectures.
The prototype was demonstrated using an Sc3N@C80 molecule sandwiched between two electrodes consisting of an atomically flat copper oxide substrate and an atomically sharp tungsten tip. By applying a voltage pulse, the equilateral triangle-shaped Sc3N could be rotated predictably among six logic states.
The research was led by Petek in collaboration with chemists at the Leibnitz Institute for Solid State Research in Dresden, Germany, and theoreticians at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, People's Republic of China. The experiments were performed by postdoctoral researcher Tian Huang and research assistant professor Min Feng, both in Pitt's Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Some People Can Hallucinate Colors at Will

Scientists at the University of Hull have found that some people have the ability to hallucinate colours at will -- even without the help of hypnosis. (Credit: © Paul Herbert / Fotolia)                                            Science Daily  — Scientists at the University of Hull have found that some people have the ability to hallucinate colours at will -- even without the help of hypnosis.

The study, published this week in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, was carried out in the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull. It focused on a group of people that had shown themselves to be 'highly suggestible' in hypnosis.
The subjects were asked to look at a series of monochrome patterns and to see colour in them. They were tested under hypnosis and without hypnosis and both times reported that they were able to see colours.
Individuals' reactions to the patterns were also captured using an MRI scanner, which enabled the researchers to monitor differences in brain activity between the suggestible and non-suggestible subjects. The results of the research, showed significant changes in brain activity in areas of the brain responsible for visual perception among the suggestible subjects only.
Professor Giuliana Mazzoni, lead researcher on the project says: "These are very talented people. They can change their perception and experience of the world in ways that the rest of us cannot."
The ability to change experience at will can be very useful. Research has shown that hypnotic suggestions can be used to block pain and increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
It has always been assumed that hypnosis was needed for these effects to occur, but the new study suggests that this is not true. Although hypnosis does seem to heighten the subjects' ability to see colour, the suggestible subjects were also able to see colours and change their brain activity even without the help of hypnosis.
The MRI scans also showed clearly that although it was not necessary for the subjects to be under hypnosis to be able to perceive colours in the tests, it was evident that hypnosis increased the ability of the subjects to experience these effects.
Dr William McGeown, who also contributed to the study, says: "Many people are afraid of hypnosis, although it appears to be very effective in helping with certain medical interventions, particularly pain control. The work we have been doing shows that certain people may benefit from suggestion without the need for hypnosis."
The study, which was partially funded by the BBC, used a control group formed of less suggestible people, or people less likely to respond to hypnosis. It was found that this group of people were not able to hallucinate colour and, again, these reported results were supported by MRI scans.

New stem cells found in heart


Researchers have discovered a new population of adult stem cells in the heart, which could augment the development of new regeneration and repair therapies for people who have suffered heart attack or heart failure, the leading cause of death in Australia.

The study, led by Professor Richard Harvey and his team at UNSW and Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI), is published today in Cell Stem Cell. 

Professor Harvey, Head of the Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Division at VCCRI and Sir Peter Finley, Professor at UNSW, says the findings, which used the mouse as a model system, are hugely exciting.

“The first part of our study was the discovery and characterisation of a new population of multi-potent, adult stem cells that live in the heart – that is, stem cells that are extremely powerful in dividing and responding to their native environment to form whatever tissue is needed for repair.

“The fact that this new group of cells are multi-potent and highly specific to the heart gives us great hope that when we translate these cells into the human setting, they will work well at regenerating and repairing a broken heart – or a heart that has suffered injury through heart attack or heart failure,” added Professor Harvey.

Heart disease claimed the lives of over 22,500 Australians in 2009, killing one Australian every 23 minutes.

The findings come following recent reports in scientific literature and news media that stem cells harvested from human hearts during surgery show promise for reversing heart attack damage.

This is the first time this new population of stem cells has been formally described and its origins clearly defined.

“We believe this population of cells are very high up in the stem cell hierarchy and can generate several progenitor cells that would exist in a healthy heart, ready for action,” said Professor Harvey.  “This could bode very well for regeneration therapies that are just beginning to be trialled around the world with other populations of stem cells.”
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

How the Antarctic froze


The study confirms that significant falls in the greenhouse gas result in global cooling, just as rises result in global warming.
Image: MOF/iStockphoto
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels plunged by 40 percent before and during the formation of the Antarctic ice sheet 34 million years ago, according to a new study. The finding helps solve a long-standing scientific puzzle and confirms the power of CO2 to dramatically alter global climate.

The study by an international team, published in the journal Science, is the first multidisciplinary research of its kind to show that CO2 was tracking global cooling at that time.  It confirms that significant falls in the greenhouse gas result in global cooling, just as rises result in global warming.

Previous studies had suggested that atmospheric CO2 over the Southern Ocean was climbing during the Eocene to Oligocene climate transition, when ice first formed over Antarctica.  This presented a conundrum, suggesting the climate was warming at the same time as Antarctica was freezing. 

But when the vastly different ancient Southern Ocean currents and temperatures of that period were factored in, it quickly became apparent that Antarctica’s big freeze followed a fall in CO2 levels.

The paper, “The Role of Carbon Dioxide During the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation”, reinforces carbon dioxide’s place as a primary driver for global temperatures.  It was lead authored by Mark Pagani, of Yale University, and co-authored by UNSW Climate Change Research Centre researcher Dr Willem Sijp.  

“Our research recognised that the flows of deep ocean currents at the end of the Eocene were dramatically different from those of today because of the altered position and shape of continental masses,” said Dr Sijp.

“Previous research relied on different temperature estimates and had also not taken these different currents into account. This led to significant upward biases in calculated CO2 which made it appear that carbon dioxide was actually increasing around the Southern Ocean as the Antarctic ice sheet formed.  We can now see the reverse was true.

“We found a 40 percent CO2 decrease over a three million year period, in agreement with global cooling during that time.

“This decline was a critical condition for global cooling and the emergence of the Antarctic ice sheet. In short, the apparent increase of CO2 during Antarctic glaciation is refuted.”

The nature of  ocean currents is vital in calculating atmospheric CO2, because the estimates of atmospheric carbon dioxide are derived from measurements of molecules from algae deposited on the ocean floor at six ocean sites millions of years ago.

The fundamentally different circulation of the Southern Ocean during the Eocene directly affected the algae by changing the temperatures of these ocean currents and significantly lowering the nutrient load. This had a direct impact on the inferred CO2.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

New way to test metal limits


“Our work helps a manufacturer design components and achieve the best results from the materials being used.”
Image: DanNaylor/iStockphoto
Before computer modelling there was only one way to discover the limits of a metal alloy, or any other material – test it to destruction. The problems with this approach are obvious: it’s expensive, wastes resources and takes time.

Therefore it’s not surprising that ‘virtual manufacturing’ at the Swinburne-based Australian Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AusAMRC) is attracting the attention of major industrial companies looking for solutions to complex technical issues.

Headed by Professor Jeong Yoon, the Swinburne virtual manufacturing team offers Australian manufacturers access to cutting-edge engineering and technology capabilities.

“What we do is simulate the manufacturing process using computer-aided engineering to predict
outcomes in the physical process,” Professor Yoon said. “Our work helps a manufacturer design components and achieve the best results from the materials being used.”

Companies using the computer simulation skills of Professor Yoon include Boeing – where the focus is on composite materials such as those used in the 787 Dreamliner ordered by Qantas – and aviation suppliers such as Sandvik Australia and Lovitt Technologies. 

“What we bring to a manufacturer is a combination of cost and time saving. If the behaviour of a material is not well known, it can take a long time to accurately assess its properties and the point at which it fails,” Professor Yoon saId.

“For example, in automotive design, a manufacturer must know how materials will perform in a crash. We can do most of the essential early analysis using our computer-modelling techniques.”

AusAMRC industrial liaison Miro Miletic says the work of Professor Yoon is attracting widespread interest in the manufacturing sector.

“Companies are beginning to appreciate what early stage computer-aided modelling can do for the predictability of their products, not just in terms of saving time and money, but in achieving a better finished product,” Mr Miletic said.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

Bacteria turn drugs to toxins


While traces of pharmaceutical compounds are commonly present in wastewater, interactions with bacteria during the treatment process could transform them from non-toxic to toxic forms, a new study suggests.
Some drugs can occur in two forms, known as enantiomers. While they are chemically very similar, pairs of enantiomers can have drastically different effects on the human body, ranging from medically beneficial to highly toxic.
In cases where both parts are known to be safe, drugs are manufactured and dispensed as mixtures of the two forms. However some drugs are dispensed as single enantiomers since the other form is known to be toxic.
In a study published this month in the journal Water Research, UNSW researchers monitored three common pharmaceuticals during wastewater treatment. These included the anti-inflammatory drug naproxen, which is manufactured and dispensed as a single enantiomer, known as S-naproxen. Its counterpart, R-naproxen, is known to be highly toxic to the liver and is not publicly available.
Through the treatment process, researchers observed that some of the safe version of naproxen had been converted to the unsafe form, which could have negative environmental implications. It is the first time that enantiomeric inversion during the wastewater treatment process has been reported.
“We found that some of the S-naproxen had turned into R-naproxen, so even though we’re measuring a major reduction in the concentration of naproxen, the overall toxicity could be increasing,” says study supervisor Dr Stuart Khan, an environmental engineer at the UNSW Water Research Centre.
The process mimics a similar transformation that can be seen in the human gut, where drugs believed to be safe can be inverted during metabolism into their toxic forms.
The most famous case of such inversion is that of thalidomide, a drug designed to control morning sickness that was administered to pregnant women in the late 1950s. Although manufactured as a pure enantiomer, it underwent unexpected inversion in the human gut and caused horrendous birth defects.
Many international studies have reported on the effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes for removing various pharmaceuticals, however, the vast majority of these studies use analytical methods that don’t differentiate between the two enantiomers.
Khan says current eco-toxicological assessments will not be looking for the toxic version of naproxen because it’s not a registered pharmaceutical, so it may not turn up on lists of chemicals requiring assessment.
As a result, assessment will need to be refined and optimised. “We can’t just look at what’s disappearing during the wastewater treatment process, but we need to consider what it’s turning into,” he says. “And is this breakdown product an even greater concern than the original compound?”
It’s not well understood how this transformation is occurring in wastewater, but is believed to be enzyme-driven, says Khan, and is being caused by microorganisms in the treatment plant converting the non-toxic form into the toxic form.
Khan and his colleagues are now working to better understand the mechanism of the inversion process and identify other pharmaceuticals for which similar changes may be occurring during wastewater treatment.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.