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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Russian Films

Category: Movies » Documentary , Published: astrabel , 
The beauty of snakes / The Beauty Of Snakes (2006) SATRip

In the film you will see in detail how snakes are born, like hunting, like feel in the world. Deadly snakes min deserts of Namibia to the forests of the Amazon ...
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Category: Movies » Drama , Published by: Stendal , 

The main thing - do not be afraid!  / A Little Bit of Heaven (2011) HDRip

Tragicomedy depicting the loving relationship between terminally ill cancer 30 years attending a beauty and her doctor-oncologist.

IMDB rating: 5.9/10 (369 votes)

Category: Movies » Comedy , Published: Stendal ,

Misadventures Alfred / Les Malheurs d'Alfred (1972) DVDRip

Two disasters - Alfred (Pierre Richard) and Agata (Annie Dupre) met by chance in the water when they each decided to drown himself, but stumbled on another person in the water, instinctively started to save one another, what then each other and the same accused. Both resulted in water unrequited love. After this incident, both were reluctant to cross and shelter, and jobs: Agatha - TV presenter, and Alfred for the company with his new friend comes to casting a national television show.

IMDB rating: 6.0/10 (245 votes) / Professional Two-translation!

Category: Movies » Militants , Published: Stendal ,

Substituting / Setup (2011) HDRip

Best friends Sonia, Vincent, and Dave grew up together on the streets of gangs and make a living from robbery. Tired of this life, they decide to commit crimes, when completed last criminal case. However, one of them decided to stop the criminal course of two others in the full sense of the word. After a successful but bloody kidnapping diamonds Vincent shoots his friends and throws them to die. Dave killed on the spot, and Sony miraculously survives. Now he has one goal - to avenge a traitor.

Category: Movies » Comedy , Published: Stendal , 

I'm shy, but I am treated / Je suis timide ...  mais je me soigne (1978) DVDRip

Kassir, Pierre Renaud - nice people. But too shy. For example: Pierre fell in love. But he can not open my darling. And so the suffering goes around and around, blushes, turns pale. In general, Pierre decides to be treated for his shyness. A good doctor is an Italian adventurer, Aldo. Together, they are sent to the Riviera to meet the dream ...

IMDB rating: 6.3/10 (463 votes) / Professional (Two, voice)

Category: Movies » Drama , Published by: Stendal , 

Payback for love (2011) SATRip

Mary comes from the city to help conduct a village wedding. During the celebration of her coarsely pesters the owner of the club and the local rich man Simon. Woman rescues Alex, who works on the seeds. Sasha escorts Masha to the house, and soon their tender friendship develops into a strong sense of the present. But Simon does not leave a desire for revenge rival in the history of the wedding. He is stalking her younger sister Sasha and Vic kills her, leaving about a corpse pendant that Sasha gave Masha. All the evidence against Masha! The Court makes it a cruel sentence ...

Category: Movies » Militants , Published: Stendal , 

Professional / Le professionnel (1981) BDRip

Kill the president of the African country. The job was a secret agent Josselin Beaumont. Suddenly politics has changed, and the French government passes a hero to African authorities. After escaping from prison, lone wolf returns home with one goal: to bring the job to finish. A black leader just coming to France.

IMDB rating: 7.6/10 (4.233 votes)

Category: Movies » Horror , Published by: Stendal , 

Children of the Corn: The Genesis / Children of the Corn: Genesis (2011) HDRip

Car broke down and got stuck in the middle of the Californian desert, Tim with his pregnant wife Dorothy in the evening to get a small farm. The farm belongs to an aging preacher to Cole and his wife Helen, which allow guests to use the phone and allow you to stay with them until morning. The hosts however seem suspicious, but at night Ellie hears the baby crying, resonant standing in the courtyard of a locked shed.

Category: Movies » Drama , Published by: Stendal ,

Les Miserables / Les Miserables (1995) DVDRip

Epic picture on the novel by Victor Hugo. Belmondo plays three characters at once different time periods. And is awesome! Actually the idea of ​​the film - it's the classic plot arrangement in the contemporary realities of the twentieth century. It turns out, human nature is not changed for hundreds of years, and you can always find your Thenardier and his Valjean. At crucial moments in history when the cruelty and meanness are not constrained by any rules of morality, all human dregs, from time taivshayasya, climbs out aggressively. The fate of the Jews during the Nazi occupation - a wealth of material, which come to life and despicable and morally clean characters Hugo.

IMDB rating: 7.5/10 (2.403 votes)

Category: Movies » Militants , Published: Stendal , 

Loner / Le Solitaire (1987) DVDRip

To what limits can reach a servant of the law against criminals who do not know the boundaries? Commissioner Stan was called a fascist harebrained and steel muscles. But it is fair and reliable and does not stop at nothing to avenge the death of his partner and friend ...

IMDB rating: 5.5/10 (446 votes) / Dubbed translation!

நாஞ்சில்நாடனின் ‘நதியின் பிழையன்று நறும்புனல் இன்மை’

நாஞ்சில்நாடனின் ‘நதியின் பிழையன்று நறும்புனல் இன்மை’

நதியின் பிழையன்று நறும்புனல் இன்மை புத்தகத்தின் உள்அட்டையில் இதை வாசித்ததும் வாங்காமல் இருக்க முடியுமா? பள்ளியில் பத்து மதிப்பெண்ணுக்காக எனக்கு பிடித்த இட்லிகடைக்காரர், நான் மிளகாய் பஜ்ஜி கடை அதிபரானால் எனக் கட்டுரைக்கனிகள் படித்து கட்டுரைகளின்மீது வெறுப்பு கொண்டிருந்த நாளில் தொ.பரமசிவன், நாஞ்சில்நாடன், எஸ்.ராமகிருஷ்ணன் இவர்களின் கட்டுரை படித்துதான் கட்டுரைகள் மீதான ஈர்ப்பு வந்தது. இந்தப்புத்தகம் நாஞ்சில்நாடனின் கட்டுரைகள், முன்னுரைகள், மதிப்புரைகள் அடங்கிய தொகுப்பு. இதில் உள்ள எல்லா கட்டுரைகளும் முக்கியமானவை. நாஞ்சில் நிரந்தர பயணி, தன் பணிக்காரணமாக இந்தியாவெங்கும் சுற்றியவர். நாஞ்சில் சங்க இலக்கியம் முதல் இன்றைய நவீன இலக்கியம் வரை வாசிப்பவர். நாஞ்சில் ஒரு கட்டுரையை ஏனோதானோவென்றெல்லாம் எழுதுவதில்லை. அவரது ஒவ்வொரு கட்டுரையை வாசிக்கும்போதுதான் அதற்கான உழைப்பு எவ்வளவு இருக்கும் என்று நாம் உணர முடிகிறது. நாஞ்சிலைப்போல இவ்வளவு சிரத்தையோடு என்னால் எழுத முடியாது. அதனால்தான் இத்தனை நாளாய் இந்நூல் குறித்து எழுதவில்லை. சரி, நாஞ்சில் எழுத்தாளர். நாம் வாசகன்தானே எனத்தொடங்கிவிட்டேன்.
இதில் உள்ள கட்டுரைகளை வாசிக்கும்போது நாஞ்சில் நாடனின் ரௌத்திரம் நம்மையும் தொற்றி கொள்கிறது. எத்தனைவிதமாக நாம் ஏமாற்றப்படுகிறோம்; மேலும் நாம் செய்யும் சில காரியம் எல்லாம் எவ்வளவு தப்பு என்பதை ஒவ்வொரு கட்டுரை மூலமாக சாட்டையெடுத்துச் சுழற்றுகிறார். மகாகவி பாரதி சொன்ன ‘பேசாப் பொருளைப் பேசத்துணிந்தேன்’ என்னும் வரி நாஞ்சிலுக்கும் பொருந்தும்.
தமிழைக் கொலை செய்யும் திரையிசைப் பாடல்கள், பாலின் விலைக்கு நிகராக வந்த தண்ணீரின் விலை எனக் கண்முன் நடக்கும் அநியாயங்களை தன் எழுத்தின் மூலம் கேள்விக்குட்படுத்துகிறார். இந்நூலை வாசித்த பிறகு நான் தமிழ் சினிமா பார்ப்பதையே குறைத்து விட்டேன். இப்பொழுதெல்லாம் வருடத்திற்கு ஐந்து படம் பார்ப்பதே அதிகமாக தெரிகிறது. இதற்காகவே நாஞ்சிலுக்கு நன்றி சொல்ல வேண்டும்.
‘கொட்டிக் கிழங்கோ கிழங்கு’ என்ற கட்டுரையில் முறையான கழிப்பிட வசதியில்லாமல் பயணங்களில் பெண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் சிரமங்களை விவரிக்கிறார். ஆண்களாவது பேருந்து நிற்கும் இடங்களில் எங்கனயாவது போய் இருந்துட்டு வந்துருவாங்க. பொதுவாக பேருந்து நிறுத்தும் அந்த அத்துவானக்காட்டில பெண்கள் பேருந்தை விட்டே இறங்க முடியாது, பிறகெங்கே கழிப்பிடங்களுக்கு செல்வது?. நாஞ்சில் சொல்வது போல நெடுநேரம் பயணிக்கும் பேருந்துகளிலாவது ஒரு கழிப்பறை அமைப்பது அவசியம். விலையில்லா அரிசி போடும்போதும் இக்காலத்தில் கழிப்பிடங்களுக்கு சென்றால் ஐந்துரூபாய் வரை வாங்கி விடுகிறார்கள். இந்தக் கொடுமையை எங்கே போய் சொல்வது?  
மங்கலம், குழூஉக்குறி, இடக்கரடக்கல்’ கட்டுரையில் பெண்களின் மார்பகங்களை எப்படி வியாபார நோக்கத்தோடு திரைப்படங்கள் மற்றும் ஊடகங்கள் காட்டுகின்றன என்பதை தெளிவாக எடுத்துரைத்து கண்டிக்கிறார். இதன் தலைப்பின் பொருள் வாசித்த காலத்தில் புரியவில்லை. நன்னூல் வாசிக்கும்போதுதான் அறிந்தேன். ‘ங போல் வளை ஞமலி போல் வாழேல்’ என்ற கட்டுரையை வாசிக்கும் போதும் நாஞ்சில் தமிழ் ஆசிரியர் என்றே பலர் நினைப்பார்கள். அந்த அளவு சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் தேர்ச்சி கொண்டவர். ஓரிடத்தில் போலி ஆசிரியர்களையும் கண்டிக்கிறார். இன்று பெரும்பாலான ஆசிரியர்கள் வேலைக்கு வந்தபின் படிப்பதேயில்லை என்பதுதானே உண்மை.
‘நதியின் பிழையன்று நறும்புனல் இன்மை’ என்ற கட்டுரை செல்போன்களை எப்படி நாம் முறைகேடாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கிறோம் என சுட்டிக்காட்டுகிறார். இப்பொழுது இன்னொரு கொடுமை என்னவென்றால் அவசரமாக அழைப்பு வருகிறதென்று எடுத்தால் ஒரு பெண் குரல் அழைத்து உங்க பிரச்சனைகளை என்னிடம் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் என கொஞ்சலான குரலில் அழைக்கிறது………
முழுக் கட்டுரையையும் படிக்க:   சித்திரவீதிக்காரன்

இது இந்திய வாழ்க்கை, தமிழ் வாழ்க்கை, மனித வாழ்க்கை

இது இந்திய வாழ்க்கை, தமிழ் வாழ்க்கை, மனித வாழ்க்கை

துருக்கித் தொப்பி’ நாவலில் வரும் வடக்குத் தெரு மக்கள் உயர்சாதி இசுலாமியர்களாகவும் அவர்களுக்குப் பணிவிடை செய்பவர்கள் தாழ்ந்த சாதிஇஸ்லாமியர்களாகவும்.காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.  இதனை, “மீன்காரத் தெருக்காரர்கள், ஆட்டுக்கறி சாப்பிடும் ராவுத்தர்கள், மாட்டுக்கறி சாப்பிடும் லெப்பைகள் அவர்களுக்குள்ளிருக்கும் மேல்-கீழ் மனோபாவம் பற்றி உள்ளார்ந்த வலியுடன் பேசுகிறார்” என்று ஜாகிர் ராஜா நாவல்களின் உயிர் நாடியை விளக்குகிறார் நாஞ்சில் நாடன்
எஸ் ஐ  சுல்தான்

$$5 things you should not share with your colleagues$$

8 hours a day and 6 days a week, office has become second home for most of us. In that context we also end up having best buddies at office. We are often so attached to office and office colleagues in our lives that we end up discussing almost everything under the sun with them. But how many of us have thought, what is healthy to share with them? Though there are your best trusted friends in office, there is always a line which needs to be drawn between you and your colleague. 
So what are those things that need to be kept locked within you?  


One of the very primary things to start with, is your salary. Guarding your salary details is in one way, keeping your company's trust as most companies do not like their employees discussing their salaries. What you earn should always remain between you and your HR Manager. Also knowing each other's salary will only end up in doubts and discomforts about your company and work as you may feel that the company is biased or partial. 
When you are burdened with loads of work, out of frustration you might burst out your problems to your colleague. But doing so might jeopardize your career. Constant cribbing about the workload would only brand you as an inefficient worker and portrays you as a person who cannot work under pressure. Workload is something that you cannot avoid in a workplace, when you know something like that is coming, be smart and finish the work as best as you can. It is all about planning. 

Disagreements with your Boss:

You hate your boss? Zip it up within yourself and never share it with your friends at office. You don't get along with your boss - so what? There are hundreds of employees in the world like you. Your colleagues will brand you as a difficult person and will put you into a sticky situation. You have various reasons for not getting along with your boss, but it might not be the same for your colleagues. In fact, they might have a very good rapport with your boss and they may be in his good books.

Biased views about other colleagues:

In a workplace, everyone have some kind of disagreement or argument with someone or the other. In a way you end up not liking that person as well. But we still have to maintain a cordial relation and certain decorum in office. If you don't get along with certain colleagues avoid them but don't discuss their lives, wardrobe or professional abilities with others.

Discussing personal stuff:

This is a very important rule in the black book. Discussing your breakups, divorce, difficult in-laws, missing maids, are not information to be shared with colleagues over lunch or cried over their shoulders. Also speaking about boy/girl who interests you in office will show that you are not concentrating on your work and your focus is shifting. Knowing your personal stuff, your colleagues might make a fool out of you and also might take advantage of it at times. In an office environment, one is expected to share a professional relationship with all.

The above are certain topics that could rebound on you and negatively affect your career growth. All readers would not agree that these are completely avoidable. Yes we agree on that. It's human nature and we tend to do the above things under certain pressures and circumstances. But all we need to do is.... 
Courtesy: Silicon India

Fluorescent Cats to Help Fight AIDS

New technology to genetically engineer cats could lead to new treatment for feline AIDS.

A cat genetically engineered to glow green also carries a gene that blocks the virus that causes feline AIDS. Credit: Mayo Clinic

A litter of glowing kittens, produced at the Mayo Clinic, could provide scientists with new methods for studying AIDs. Eric Poeschla and collaborators developed a highly efficient method for genetically engineering cats. They inserted genes—including a gene that glows green--into the eggs of domestic cats prior to fertilization and showed these genes were expressed throughout the body of the resulting animals. The fluorescent cats passed these genes onto their offspring, who also glowed.
Previously, the only way to genetically engineer cats was through cloning, a highly inefficient process that often results in deformed animals.
Researchers say the technology could help them develop new treatments for both human and feline AIDS. In addition to the fluorescent gene, they added a gene from monkeys that blocks the virus that causes feline AIDS. Preliminary research suggests that infected animals with the gene had lower rates of virus replication in their cells. The research was published today in the journalNature Methods

3G Smartphones Are Effective Form of Population Control, Says Indian Telco

In a TV spot remarkable for its light treatment of the issue, India's !DEA cell carrier suggests more entertainment will be the solution to the pressure of the country's burgeoning population

They say bed is the poor man's opera -- but what happens when all of us have access to all the opera -- er, entertainment -- we want? A new advertisement for India's !DEA cell carrier posits that couples who have 3G-connected smartphones with access to unlimited amounts of entertainment will stop having babies.
The ad suggests "that there will be 'No Aabaadi, No Barbaadi' because people will be '3G pe Busy,'" but you don't have to speak the language to understand its message:

The idea is simple -- whenever there's a blackout, people rediscover amorous pursuits. But if they have smartphones in hand, they've at least got an alternative to TV. Unfortunately, that's not the case in real life. Studies of the effects of blackouts on birth rates find that people are not more likely to conceive when the power is out.
It's nothing short of remarkable that India is a country that can joke about both its population problem and birth control, but all kidding aside, there is one level on which this message could be true. Empowering women is the shortest route to bending the curve of future population growth, and wireless access to the internet could be one way to make education more accessible in the developing world.

A New and Improved Moore's Law

Power hungry: The first general purpose computer, ENIAC 1, could perform a few hundred calculations per second.
Credit: U.S. Government / Public Domain


A New and Improved Moore's Law

Under "Koomey's law," it's efficiency, not power, that doubles every year and a half.

Researchers have, for the first time, shown that the energy efficiency of computers doubles roughly every 18 months.
The conclusion, backed up by six decades of data, mirrors Moore's law, the observation from Intel founder Gordon Moore that computer processing power doubles about every 18 months. But the power-consumption trend might have even greater relevance than Moore's law as battery-powered devices—phones, tablets, and sensors—proliferate.
"The idea is that at a fixed computing load, the amount of battery you need will fall by a factor of two every year and a half," says Jonathan Koomey, consulting professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University and lead author of the study. More mobile computing and sensing applications become possible, Koomey says, as energy efficiency continues its steady improvement.
The research, conducted in collaboration with Intel and Microsoft, examined peak power consumption of electronic computing devices since the construction of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) in 1956. The first general purpose computer, the ENIAC was used to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. Army, and it could perform a few hundred calculations per second. It used vacuum tubes rather than transistors, took up 1,800 square feet, and consumed 150 kilowatts of power.

Even before the advent of discrete transistors, Koomey says, energy efficiency doubled every 18 months. "This is a fundamental characteristic of information technology that uses electrons for switching," he says. "It's not just a function of the components on a chip."
The sort of engineering considerations that go into improving computer performance—reducing component size, capacitance, and the communication time between them, among other things—also improves energy efficiency, Koomey says. The new research, coauthored by Stephen Berard of Microsoft, Marla Sanchez, at Carnegie Mellon University, and Henry Wong of Intel, was published in the July-September issue of IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.
In July, Koomey released a report that showed, among other findings, that the electricity used in data centers worldwide increased by about 56 percent from 2005 to 2010—a much lower rate than the doubling that was observed from 2000 to 2005.
While better energy efficiency played a part in this change, the total electricity used in data centers was less than the forecast for 2010 in part because fewer new servers were installed than expected due to technologies such as virtualization, which allowed existing systems to run more programs simultaneously. Koomey notes that data center computers rarely run at peak power. Most computers are, in fact, "terribly underutilized," he says.
The information technology world has gradually been shifting its focus from computing capabilities to better energy efficiency, especially as people become more accustomed to using smart phones, laptops, tablets, and other battery-powered devices.
Since the Intel Core microarchitecture was introduced in 2006, the company has experienced "a sea change in terms of focus on power consumption," says Lorie Wigle, general manager of the eco-technology program at Intel. "Historically, we have focused on performance and battery life, and increasingly, we're seeing those two things come together," she says.
"Everyone's familiar with Moore's law and the remarkable improvements in the power of computers, and that's obviously important," says Erik Brynjolfsson, professor of the Sloan School of Management at MIT. But people are paying more attention to the battery life of their electronics as well as how fast they can run. "I think that's more and more the dimension that matters to consumers," Brynjolfsson says. "And in a sense, 'Koomey's law,' this trend of power consumption, is beginning to eclipse Moore's law for what matters to consumers in a lot of applications."
To Koomey, the most interesting aspect of the trend is thinking about the possibilities for computing. The theoretical limits are still so far away, he says. In 1985, the physicist Richard Feynman analyzed the electricity needs for computers and estimated that efficiency could theoretically improve by a factor of 100 billion before it hit a limit, excluding new technologies such as quantum computing. Since then, efficiency improvements have been about 40,000. "There's so far to go," says Koomey. "It's only limited by our cleverness, not the physics."