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Monday, September 12, 2011

கார்த்த வீர்யார்ஜுன மந்திரம் : தொலைந்து போனதை திரும்ப பெற உதவும் மந்திரம்

வாசக அன்பர்களுக்கு வணக்கம்.இன்று நாம் காண விருக்கிற விஷயம் - பலருக்கும் மிக பயனுள்ள ஒரு விஷயம். அனேகமாக , இதில் நேரடியாக , சொல்லப்படாத மறைமுக விஷயத்தை, தெளிவாக புரிந்து கொண்டால், சில லட்சம் பேருக்காவது உதவியாக இருக்கும். 

புரிந்து கொள்ள முடிந்தால் - நல்லது. இல்லாவிட்டாலும் பரவா இல்லை... !

உங்கள்  இழந்து போன உடமைகள்  எதுவாக இருந்தாலும், அவற்றை மீட்டு தரவல்ல , அதி அற்புதமான மந்திரம் - இந்த கார்த்த வீர்யார்ஜுன மந்திரம்.

உங்கள் வீட்டில் தொலைந்து போன பொருட்களை ,எவ்வளவு தேடினாலும் கிடைக்கவில்லையே என்று விரக்தியில் - விடு , கிடைக்கிறப்போ, கிடைக்கட்டும் என்று விட்டு விடுவீர்கள். ஆனால், ஒரு சில பொருட்களை - அவ்வளவு எளிதில் விட்டுக் கொடுக்க முடியாதே, திரும்ப திரும்ப தேடிப் பார்த்து - நொந்து நூலாவது தான் மிச்சம். சிலருக்கு பதட்டமும் அதிகமாகி விடும்.

இழப்பு - ரொம்ப கொடுமையான விஷயம். இழப்பின் வலி, தரும் வேதனை - ஆறுதல் மொழிகளால் அடங்குவதில்லை. நீண்ட , நெடு நாட்களாக உயிருக்குயிராக பழகிய நண்பர், சந்தர்ப்ப சூழ்நிலை / விதி வசத்தால், நீங்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு பொருட்டே இல்லை என்பது போல , நீங்கள் இல்லாத ஒரு வாழ்க்கைக்கு பழகி இருக்க கூடும். இன்று அவர் மிக உயர்ந்த நிலையில் இருக்க கூடும். அவருடனான நட்பைப் புதுப்பிப்பதின்  மூலம் , உங்களுக்கு நிறைய அனுகூலங்கள் கிடைக்க வாய்ப்பு இருக்கலாம் / வாழ்வில் மீண்டும் ஒளி கிடைக்கலாம். . 

..அவனுக்கே நான் முக்கியம் இல்லை, நான் மட்டும் அவன் கிட்ட பேசணுமா.. னு ஈகோவை எல்லாம் தூக்கிப் போட்டுட்டு , அவனா வந்து பேசுனா , ஓகே... அப்படின்னு நினைக்கிறீங்களா..? ( இது பரவா இல்லை )

ஐயா , அவர் வரவே இல்லை... அப்போ...?
யாராவது ஒருத்தராவது இறங்கி வந்தாத்தானே..! 

சரி, நீங்களும் வர வேண்டாம்,,, அவரும் வர வேண்டாம்.. ! எதேச்சையா , தன்னாலே நடக்கற மாதிரி ஏதாவது ஒரு சம்பவம் நடந்துட்டா?  அந்த அதிசயம்  செய்வது தான் இந்த மந்திரம்..!

கார்த்த வீர்யார்ஜுன நாம ராஜா பாஹூ  ஸகஸ்ரவான்
தஸ்ய ஸ்மரண மாத்ரேண { ----------}
கதம் நஷ்டம்ச லப்யதே.. 

 { ----------}   - இந்த இடத்தில் , நீங்கள் சந்திக்க விரும்பும் உங்கள் நண்பர் பெயரை  / தொலைந்து போன பொருளை சொல்லவும்.

மேலே சொன்ன மந்திரம் தான் , கார்த்த வீர்யார்ஜுன மந்திரம். விரும்பும் நபரை சந்திக்க வேண்டும் என்று ஆன்மார்த்தமாக மனதுக்குள் சங்கல்பம் எடுத்துக் கொண்டு - தினம் 1008 முறை , மேலே சொல்லிய மந்திரத்தை ஜெபிக்க வேண்டும். 108 நாட்கள் - தொடர்ந்து ஜெபித்து வர , உங்கள் எண்ணம் நிச்சயம் நிறைவேறும்..
உங்களுக்கு கிடைக்க வேண்டிய பொருளின் மதிப்பை , உலகத்தில் உங்களை விட யாராலும் கணிக்க முடியாது.. 108 x 1008 முறை ஜெபம் பண்ணும் அளவுக்கு, அது மதிப்புள்ளதா என்று மட்டும் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.. !

நேற்றைய பௌர்ணமி தின வழிபாடு ,  இந்த மாதத்தில் உங்களுக்கு  நிறைய வளங்களும், அனுகூலங்களும் தர இறைவனை பிரார்த்திக்கிறேன்..

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Strung Together

Lord Krishna“O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 7.77)
Imagine someone giving you a handful of pearls as a gift. In this case the more appropriate description would be a “box full of pearls”. Why is that? Well, the number of pearls given is more than one, so in order to accommodate their inclination for rolling around, a box is required. The pearls are not stuck together; rather, they are little objects that tend to move on their own when placed on a flat surface. Since they are so small, just the slight tilt of the container or the blowing of the wind can cause them to shift in position. Therefore a box holds the separated, rolling pearls together. Now, will we be happy about this? Will we be glad that the individual pearls have been given to us, even if they are extremely valuable? Obviously the true value would come once the pearls are strung together. When they are on a string, the pearls can form a necklace and thus act as an object of beauty. In the absence of the string that ties everything together, the collection of pearls has a much lower value. This principle applies to the largest scale as well, for without the hand of the Supreme Spirit, nothing in this world would move. Therefore since everything is resting upon Him, He is the tie that binds everything. Without knowledge of His blissful form, pastimes, attributes, and most importantly, His names, no amount of accumulation of tiny pearls in the form of material opulence, sumptuous food, pleasurable experiences and romantic encounters can bring the soul the happiness it totally deserves.
pearls on a stringHow do we know how much happiness is due the soul? After all, don’t some people follow sinful behavior and thereby squander their opportunity for happiness? For instance, if one worker should show up to the job on time every single day, following a routine schedule aimed at carrying out their responsibilities, and another worker should be perpetually late, shouldn’t the tardy person be punished? In this sense, how can we say that happiness is always owed the soul, for it seems that the actions undertaken in life lead to the benefits or detriments received?
Such truths are certainly present for those operating under karma, or the system of fairness managed by the higher authorities. Karma is translated to mean “fruitive activity” in English because of how the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India which first introduced the term “karma” to the world, refer to the results of action.Karma-phala, or the fruits of material activity, can be bitter or sweet in taste. Not every reaction is pleasant or even intended. For instance, the young child places the hand into the fire not knowing what will happen. The intention obviously isn’t for severe pain or the scorching heat of the fire to surround the skin. But regardless of the intention, the result will be the same.
Yet the soul doesn’t have to live under karma’s dictates perpetually. Rather, such action and reaction is only present in a land divorced of the personal influence of the Supreme Lord. God is everything. If He is the fountainhead of the material, marginal and spiritual energies, how can He ever be absent from any sphere? For those who want to neglect His supreme status, His stature as the most renounced, wealthy, strong, famous, knowledgeable and beautiful person, they are allowed to take birth in a land where finding God is very difficult. Indeed, the pursuit of self-realization is so tough that a living entity is considered fortunate if they are even able to realize the need for taking it up.
Obligations in other areas are much easier to accept. The child thinks their occupational duty is to play all day or do well in school. The husband thinks his duty is to protect his family and earn a good living. The mother thinks her duty is to take care of her children. Though these obligations are certainly worth accepting, we see that they serve as further stumbling blocks, distractions if you will, towards making full advancement in knowledge. With every obligation comes another obstruction in the path towards seeing the Supreme Lord. The obligations can provide so much daily pressure that the need to even worship or know God gets tabled indefinitely.
Lord KrishnaThis reveals how karma influences behavior, how it ensures the living entity’s desire to forget God is granted. In its constitutional position, however, the soul is eternal, knowledgeable and blissful. These attributes are inherited from the Supreme Person, who possesses the same features but to a much larger degree. The soul is part and parcel of Krishna, or God, meant to remain in His association constantly. Based on its constitutional makeup the soul is due supreme bliss through divine association. In the absence of the association of the person who strings everything together, the little pieces of information and enjoyment found in a life governed by karma cannot take on their true value.
We see that in the absence of real religion, so many dharmas, or systems of maintenance, are put forth. This proves that mankind must have a guiding force to activity, for the ability to think rationally separates the human beings from the animals. Under rational thought, systems of maintenance are followed to allow for a more beneficial future to be experienced. When the ultimate system of maintenance is not bhakti-yoga, ordevotional service, the resultant conditions will be checked in some way. They will result in the enjoyment of a tiny pearl versus having the entire necklace.
On television, sometimes public service announcements are aired, commercials not aimed at earning a profit. They are meant to teach lessons, instill values in the audience. The need for such an information transfer is quite obvious. Television is not meant to teach; it is meant to entertain. Indeed, the hearing process is the most effective at knowledge transfer, a secret well established in the Vedas, who were originally known as theshrutis because they were passed on through an oral tradition.
There was even once a humorous incident with Lord Rama, the warrior prince incarnation of the Supreme Lord who roamed the earth during the Treta Yuga, relating to the Vedas and how they are passed on through the hearing process. While residing in the forest of Dandaka with His wife Sita Devi and younger brotherLakshmana, a female Rakshasa by the name of Shurpanakha came by and wanted to enjoy conjugal relations with Lord Rama. That a woman would be attracted to the most attractive person in the world is not surprising, but the lengths to which this person went to secure that enjoyment is what was noteworthy.
Shurpanakha running from LakshmanaRama kindly rejected the woman, informing her that He was there with His wife, the princess of Videha. Though God can accept an unlimited number of devotees, wives, eternal consorts, and children, as Lord Rama He only accepts one wife. That’s how much He loves Sita Devi. When Sita hears the story of Tulasi Devi and how she is intimately related to Lord Vishnu, who is the same Rama residing in the spiritual sky, she looks at her husband and He blushes. He is so dedicated to His wife that He never wants her to think that He could ever be with another woman.
After being rebuked, Shurpanakha wouldn’t go away, so she decided she would get rid of her competition. Seeing the woman about to attack Sita Devi, Lord Rama looked at Lakshmana and counted the four Vedas on His fingers. The original scriptural tradition imparted by the Lord at the beginning of creation on Lord Brahma consisted of a singular set of pearls of wisdom known as the Veda. Subsequently it was divided into four branches to make it easier to understand. By counting off the four Vedas, or shrutis, Lord Rama was secretly referring to the ear. Then the Lord made a cutting gesture with His hands pointing to the sky. In this way the Lord instructed Lakshmana to cut off the witch’s ear. Lakshmana would listen to his brother and lop off the woman’s nose and ears as she tried to attack Sita. She then went running back to where she came from.
Television appeals to the emotional aspect of the human being, not the intellectual. Therefore service announcements through the medium of television are required to be able to cut through and affect one’s behavioral system, to alter thought processes. These commercials focus on different values such as being honest, staying away from illegal drugs, drinking responsibly, and so on. Each of these different values can be likened to the pearls rolling around in a box. They are wonderful in their own right, but without the thread to hold them together, there can be no tangible benefit realized. If one human being is honest and constantly worrying about obligations and another person is dishonest and has the same worries, what is the difference?
Lord KrishnaUnder karma, the dishonest person would suffer in the afterlife, but the best the honest person could hope for is ascension to a more pleasant material circumstance in the next life. With knowledge of the string, the entity holding all the pearls together, comes the true benefit of human life. In His original form, God is described as being the most attractive person, a youth with a beautiful body blackish in complexion. He is the pleasure giver to the cows and the senses, and He is the all-knowing Supreme Personality. Though He is without a name, the people that know and love Him call Him Krishna because of His transcendental attributes.
In the Bhagavad-gitaLord Krishna tells Arjuna that no truth is superior to Him, and that everything rests upon Him, like pearls on a string. Besides being a brilliant way to describe how everything in this world is related to the Lord, this information also corresponds nicely with one of the central practices of bhakti, the discipline aimed at connecting with Krishna. Since there are so many distractions in life, obstructions blocking even the recognition of the need to understand God, the best way to connect with the Lord is to chant His names. For the chanting to really become effective, it must be done regularly and in the proper mood. What better way to transform randomness and chaos into order and discipline than by using a string?
If we take the same set of pearls rolling around in a box that someone gave us as a gift and use it to chant Krishna’s names, the chore would be a little difficult. For starters, just picking up each pearl would be tedious. I pick one up, chant the sacred maha-mantra, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, and then put it down to look for the next one. What‘s to say that I’ll be able to pick one up quickly? How will I maintain a rhythm if I can’t even find a pearl to pick up? What’s more, how am I going to keep track of how many times I’ve recited the mantra?
RadharaniAn appropriate concern may be raised at this point. “If the aim of human life is to love God, what need is there to keep track of how many times a mantra has been recited? Shouldn’t the process be spontaneous and from the heart? Wouldn’t Krishna appreciate this more?” Actually, this is entirely correct. The highest stage of consciousness is where spontaneous loving attraction for Krishna is exhibited. The gopis of Vrindavana, especially Shrimati Radharani, are the experts in this field. Their love for Krishna is so spontaneous that they don’t even know that they are practicing bhakti, that they are superior to mystic yogis, mental speculators and fruitive workers. We can go around in circles, delving into an infinitely recursive loop of observation, and still never reach the end of the glories of the gopis.
Since our inertia in spiritual life has built up over such a long period of time, regulation and goals are required in the beginning stages of bhakti. If there is no attention paid to how many mantras are recited, how will the conditioned soul be able to tell if they are progressing on the path towards liberation, the end of the cycle of birth and death signaled by constant association with Krishna through His non-different forms like His names, pastimes and attributes? Therefore to make chanting easier and more effective, tiny beads are put together on a string to form what is known as a japa mala. Japa refers to silent recitation of a mantra, where the transcendentalist repeats the specific sequence of words either within the mind or silently to oneself. The mala is the rosary, or collection of beads.
So how many beads go into a mala? How does the chanting take place? Not surprisingly, there is a head bead, indicated by its larger size and also the colored strands of thread on top of it. For Vishnu-bhakti, devotional chanting aimed at realizing God in His original, personal form, the head bead is taken to be the Lord Himself. Therefore the mantra is not chanted on this bead. There are 108 other beads that make up the rest of the mala. On each bead the specific mantra is chanted and then the reciter moves on to the next bead. The 108 beads can represent different things, but for devotees of Krishna they symbolize the 108 principle gopis, or the topmost devotees of the Lord.
japa malaWhatever we think goes into religion and however complicated we think achieving success in it actually is, just chanting the maha-mantra repeatedly on a japa mala while sitting in front of a tulasi plant is enough to bring full enlightenment. How this actually works is known only to Krishna and the people who follow the chanting routine. Ordinarily, if we tell someone to sit in front of a tree and repeat a sound vibration over and over again, they’d tell us to get lost. After all, young children are given punishments that are similar to this, so how could the behavior be beneficial to adults that don’t misbehave?
As sound is the most powerful agent for change, by regularly reciting Krishna’s names, the sounds of the Absolute Truth enter the ear and get to work on dissipating the cloud of nescience surrounding the soul previously desirous of subjugation under karma. For the devotee in trance, or samadhi, karma no longer has an influence. The divine nature, which works directly under Krishna’s direction, takes over. Therefore, by knowing the string on which all the pearls are resting, the fountainhead of all knowledge, the most wonderful person in the world, everything we could ever want comes in the palm of our hand. And it all starts with the sacred set of beads held together on Krishna’s string.
In Closing:
Beads numbering one hundred eight on a thread,
With one bead representing Shri Krishna as the head.
Chant the holy names so that God you’ll understand,
Full enlightenment will come in palm of your hand.
Without God, information is in pieces disjointed,
Material enjoyments leave everyone disappointed.
Life is meant for pleasure, happiness the soul deserves,
Without bhakti, into temporary engagements one swerves.
But by source of everything finding,
Full happiness will we be enjoying.
Above Krishna there is no truth, everything He does bring,
Like the individual pearls resting comfortably on a string.
With each separate bead maintain routine we can’t,
But with japa mala, easier for holy name to chant.

_Major Products From The Major Countries_

AfghanistanDry and fresh fruits, wool carpets
AustraliaWool, dairy products, meat
AustriaTextile, leather goods, electro-technical machines
BrazilFoot wear, coffee, iron ore
BelgiumGlass, textiles, transport equipment
CanadaNewsprint, machinery
ChileCopper, iron ore
CongoOil, tobacco, plywood
CubaSugar, tobacco, textiles, chemicals
DenmarkFur,farm products
FranceTextile, wine, silk, iron and steel products
GermanyMachinery, chemicals, iron and steel products
GhanaCocoa, gold, coffee
IndiaJute, textile, sugar, hides and skins, tobacco, tea, cement, mica
IndonesiaSugar, spices, rubber, rice, petroleum, carpets, leather
IranPetroleum, carpets, dry fruits
IraqDates, Petroleum
ItalyMercury, textiles, foodstuffs, footwear
JapanMachinery, textiles, toys, silk, automobiles, electronic goods
KenyaCoffee, tea, meat, sisal, hides, skins, cement, soda ash
KuwaitPetroleum, Shrimp
MalaysiaRubber, tin, timber, petroleum
NetherlandsMachinery, natural gas, chemicals
Saudi ArabiaOil, dates, petroleum and its products
SpainLead, fresh fruits, textiles
SwedenMatches, timber, iron ore
SwitzerlandWatches, chemicals, electrical
TaiwanCamphor, rice
UKTextiles, medicines, machinery cars
USAPetroleum, wheat, machinery, coal, automobiles, iron, grains
RussiaPetroleum, wheat, chemicals, heavy machinery, iron, gold
VietnamTin, rice, rubber, teak, mineral ores

*~*Indian Cultural Dances*~*

General Knowledge Ques and Ans::>

1. The third carnatic war was fought in
(a) 1730-32
(b) 1748-54
(c) 1700-61
(d) 1720-21
Ans: (a)1748-54

2. Berar was annexed to the British empire by
(a) lord Curzon
(b) Dalhousie
(c) lord Cornwallis
(d) lord Wellesey
Ans: (c) lord Cornwallis

3. "woods despatch" of 1854 resulted in the
(a) establishment of Indian universities
(b) Abolition of Sati system
(c) Establishment of technical schools
(d) Abolition of child marriage
Ans: (a)establishment of Indian universities

4. Vasco-da-gama landed in India at
(a) Bombay
(b) Cochin
(c) Madras
(d) Calicut
Ans: (d) Calicut

5. The founder of Muslim league
(a) M.A.Jinnah
(b) Sir Syed Ahmed
(c) Shaukut Ali
(d) Maulana Azad
Ans: (b) Sir Syed Ahmed

6. The period of the Indus Valley Civilization ranges from
(a) 2400-1700 BC
(b) 2500-2000 BC
(c) 2000-1500 BC
(d) 1000-500  BC
Ans: (a) 2400-1700 BC

7. The Vedas are the main source of information for which civilization
(a) Indus valley civilization
(b) The Aryans
(c) Jainism
(d) Buddhism
Ans: (b) The Aryans

 8. Alexander invaded India sometime around
(a) 500 BC
(b) 400 BC
(c) 525 BC
(d) 327 BC
Ans: (d) 327 BC

9. Gautham Buddha was born in the year
(a) 537 BC
(b) 400 BC
(c) 525 BC
(d) 563 BC
Ans: (d) 563 BC

10. When was Guru Nanak born
(a) 1469 BC
(b) 1538 BC
(c) 1345 BC
(d) 1432 BC
Ans: (a)1469 BC

11. Which line divides a circle into equal halves?
(a) Radius
(b) Diameter
(c) Secant
(d) Tangent
Ans: (b) Diameter

12. Who was the first Indian to hold the post of Governor General in India?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr. K M Munshi
(c) C Rajagopalachari
(d) Annie Besant

Ans: (c) C Rajagopalachari

13. Who was the India’s first Deputy Prime Minister?
(a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel
(b) Morarji Desai
(c) Choudhary Charan Singh
(d) Jagjivan Ram

Ans: (a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel

14. Who was India’s first woman Cabinet Minister?
(a) Dr. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(b) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
(c) Dr. Annie Besant
(d) Sheila Dixit

Ans: (b) Rajkumari Amrit kaur

15. Which British Governor continued in that position even after India became Independent?
(a) Sir Archibald Nye
(b) Sir Henry Knight
(c) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Warren hastings

Ans: (a) Sir Archibald Nye

16. Who was the only Indian woman to become the president of the United Nations General Assembly?
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Reita Faria
(c) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(d) None of the above

Ans: (c) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit 

17. Who was the first Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission?
(a) C.M Trivedi
(b) D.P Dhar
(c) Shankarrao Bhaurao Chavan
(d) V.T Krishnamachari
Ans: (d) V.T Krishnamachari

18. Who was the first Indian woman to become a Governor of a state?
(a) Padmaja Naidu
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Indira Gandhi

Ans: (b) Sarojini Naidu

19. The first Indian Commander -in-chief of free India was…
(a) Air Marshal S Mukherjee
(b) Gen. Rajendrasinhji
(c) General Cariappa
(d) Gen. Gopal Gurunath Bewoor

Ans: (c) General Cariappa 

20. Who was India’s first President?
(a) C. Rajagopalchari
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Pandit Jawaharlala Nehru
(d) Lord Mountbatten

Ans: (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

21. Who was the first Indian woman to be decorated with Bharat Ratna?
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Mother Teresa
(c) Aruna Asaf Ali
(d) M.S Subbulakshmi

Ans: (a) Indira Gandhi

22. The term Grand Slam is associated with?
(a) Billiards
(b) Chess
(c) Cricket
(d) Bridge and Tennis

Ans: (d) Bridge and Tennis

23. Who was the first Test centurion in Indian Cricket?
(a) Vinu Makand
(b) C K Naidu
(c) Lala Amarnath
(d) Pankaj Roy
Ans: (C) Lala Amarnath

24. Which of the following describes Triathlon correctly?
(a) Swimming – Cycling – Marathon
(b) Cycling – Sprint – Hurdles
(c) Cycling – Swimming – Half Marathon
(d) Marathon – Swimming  - Cycling

Ans: (a) Swimming – Cycling – Marathon 

25Who was the author of the famous storybook 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'? 
a) Rudyard Kipling
b) John Keats
c) Lewis Carroll
d) H G Wells

Ans: c) Lewis Carroll 

Obama’s biggest woe


Stubbornly rising unemployment refusing to respond to Obamanomics!

Obama: the true democrat
US President Barack Obama appears to be a true Democrat. He has agreed to postpone his nationwide television address on job creation initially scheduled for 7 September by one day on the request of his political rivals, the Republicans. If such a request had been made in any other democracy, especially in the so-called emerging world, the response would have been in the opposite: advancing the address by one day. So, Obama’s positive response fits very well to the definition of democracy given by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen in his 2009 book, The Idea of Justice.
According to Sen, democracy is ‘government by discussion’, and that discussion is not just a media blitz, which one sees in many discussions made by both despotic and democratic leaders with their subjects.  The discussion has an ethical and moral backdrop leading to consensual government eventually since it is watched by Adam Smith’s ‘impartial spectator’ or driven by Sen’s ‘obligation to satisfy one’s conscience’. Both these concepts are same because impartial spectator is nothing but one’s own conscience telling him every time when he makes a move whether he is right or wrong.
But the world media branded Obama as ‘caving in’ to Republican pressure, a connotation that does not go well with the head of the most powerful state on the earth.
Economists see this type of an action by a person from a different point. Driven by the popular adage that ‘one does not harvest a honey comb simply to lick his palm’, economists believe that every human action, or for that matter every animal action too, has an economic value and strategy.
What was the strategy of Obama in this case?Selling Obamanomics to Republicans
Obama’s state of mind is not at peace these days. He has to seek a re-election next year, but his popularity is falling day by day. One commentator in a US blog has said that Obama’s election on the previous occasion was done by Americans who did not have wisdom to see things properly. He is being bombarded from every front. Economy-wise, he had to oversee an administration that had no alternative but to make a strong protest against the downgrading of the US sovereign debt with its economic outlook being changed from positive to negative by the Standard and Poor’s, a global rating company. His plan to raise the US government’s debt ceilings has been thwarted by the Republicans who hold majority power in the House of Representatives. Economy refuses to bounce back despite the liberal pouring of stimulus packages into it since 2007. Consumer confidence is at its lowest, economic growth remains closer to one percent and unemployment is on an upward journey refusing to relent. The latest data show that unemployment at the end of June rising to 9.1% of the labour force and remaining unchanged at that level at end August. The ratio of the employed to the total population stands at about 58%, down from a peak of 65% a decade earlier.
These are not in fact ills perpetrated by Obama. They were started in early 2000s by his predecessor and Obama’s sin has been the failure to put the sick giant into the cage at the appropriate time.
So, his strategy is to make the Republicans too share the unpardonable sin. Eventually, if anything goes wrong, in the eyes of the Americans, the Republicans too would be responsible. So, it is simply weakening your enemy by accommodating him first and making him a party to the whole of the sinful activities going on there.
So, it is a nice and may work strategy.
Alan Krueger: Strengthening of Keynesian Club in the White House
On Obama’s side, he has nominated the Princeton University Economist and labour market specialist Alan Krueger to head the White House Council of Economic Advisors. He was earlier US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s Deputy in the Treasury and therefore is considered an apt person to fill the post. He also has faith in Keynesian type policy prescriptions that advocate the government’s role in driving the economy out of a recession.
As an academic, Krueger is ranked within the top 40 most leading economists of the world by publications he has made by IDEAS/RePEc ranking, an outfit of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of USA (
So, Obama administration has a lot of hopes on Krueger to take the US out of its current malaise of surging unemployment and lead the economy along the path now known as Obamanomics. Krueger’s contributions are specifically important for Obama to make his now rescheduled nationwide address on job creation for Americans.
Karen Weise of Bloomberg Businessweek has summarised various theories propounded by Krueger with others during his academic career spanning for about three decades (available at ). Weise’s elaboration just gives a taste of what Obama could expect from Krueger, provided he still has an unchanged loyalty to his old ideas.
Krueger’s foot print
One such research study is on the drop in unemployment in USA in 1990s. Krueger with a colleague from Harvard found that the proliferation of temporary job placement agencies contributed to increase employment and thereby reduce unemployment during that decade. This is obvious because such job placement agencies facilitate the job seekers to find temporary jobs rather quickly without having to go through the hassle of doing the search by themselves. So, Weise has tagged that Obama could rely on such intermediaries to improve the efficiency in the job market by helping prospective job seekers to find their future employers more easily.
Of course, Obama could rely on these temporary job placement agencies to speed up employment and reduce the unemployment rate. But it does not help the US economy permanently. That is because in a prolonged recession, temporary jobs will be gone first and along with that, temporary job placement agencies too would go out of the window.
In another study which Krueger did with a Swedish colleague in 2011, it was established that the longer a job seeker has to do the job searching, the more frustrated he would become making him less active in his job searching efforts. As a result, even when the economy starts showing an improvement, the unemployment rate does not fall immediately. What does this entail on Obama who is seeking re-election to Presidency in a year’s time? He should create jobs rather quickly so that the job search time would get shortened. But it is not a simple task.
Krueger did research on education too. In a study he did with a Princeton colleague in 1992, he established that every extra year of schooling will enable a person to earn 16% more and smaller classes help students to acquire more skills than bigger classes. These two findings entail an unusual obligation on Obama. He will have to spend more on education so that students could be in schools longer and in classes not too large.
 Offshoring, Outsourcing and Bazaar effect
Krueger’s most important finding has been the impact which the recent trend of offshoring has made on US job creation. In a study he did with a Princeton colleague in 2009, he established several important facts: offshoring though beneficial to US corporate sector has transferred about a fourth of US jobs to overseas locations; jobs created in location specific industries like education, medical care, tourism and construction are not so vulnerable to offshoring and professions for which there is a licensing requirement do not suffer due to offshoring activities.
If Obama takes these findings seriously, it is bad news for countries which are planning to solicit US foreign direct investments or FDIs to their countries.
What Krueger and his colleague have found was the simple truth established by the German economist Hans-Werner Sinn earlier in 2004 relating to the German economy and now known as the ‘Bazaar effect’. What Sinn found was that German enterprises in a neck-breaking race for cutting costs and remaining competitive were increasingly relying on outsourcing and offshoring to procure much of the inputs needed for the production line produced in cheap labour countries. This helped German industries to remain competitive and increase exports, but at the cost of losing some 1.6 million manufacturing jobs at home and low economic growth due to much of the value addition produced outside the country. So, Bazaar effect has made the other two leading industrial nations, USA and Japan, too poorer with prolonged economic recessions which do not respond positively to stimulus packages proposed under the Keynesian type of policies. The simple truth: you pump money into the economy to create jobs at home, but that money creates jobs elsewhere.
The casualties of Obamanomics
 The failure of Obamanomics has been found elsewhere also. According to Timothy Carney, the senior political columnist of the Washington Examiner, Obama administration in a bid to promote clean energy had subsidised two companies, namely, Solyndra and Evergreen, and sponsored another company to produce cellulosic ethanol. All three had declared bankruptcy and the last one had gone out of business without producing even a single drop of ethanol. At the same time, some other companies like General Electric and Goldman Sachs also supported by Obamanomic policy have become big money makers without creating jobs at home.
What is wrong with US employment? There are many.
The US employment and unemployment data are published by the Bureau of Labour Statistics or BLS every month after collecting the data through a sample survey known as ‘Current Population Survey’. For this survey, 60,000 households representing some 110,000 persons are surveyed by 2200 interviewers. This is a large survey compared to many public opinion surveys which interview only about 2000 persons
US unemployment data: why not use a loose definition like Sri Lanka?
According to the BLS Website, a person who has a job is employed and an illustration in the webpage shows that a person who works for 40 hours per week is considered as employed. Unpaid family workers are also counted as employed if they have worked at least 15 hours per week. So, an unemployed is a person who has no job (or has not worked at least 40 hours in the preceding week), is available for work and has made active efforts to find a job in the previous four weeks.
This is a tough employment and unemployment definition compared to the much loose definition used by Sri Lanka, though it conforms to ILO requirements. In Sri Lanka, an unemployed person is a person who has not worked at least for one hour in the preceding week for pay or as unpaid family workers. But prior to 1990, Sri Lanka used a little more restrictive definition by which a person to be categorised as unemployed, he should not have worked at least 20 hours in the preceding week.
If Obama too follows a loose definition like Sri Lanka, USA too could have reduced its unemployment rate dramatically.
The Bazaar effect on unemployment
 The root cause of US unemployment has been its high wages which have caused its jobs to fly away to low wage countries. This is the impact of Bazaar effect found by Sinn. Bazaar effect has not adversely affected the exports of both Germany and Japan, and as a result both countries have continued to generate trade surpluses year after year. This was partly due to relying more on outsourcing than offshoring and where offshoring has been practised, goods manufactured in off-shore centres being brought back to the home country for re-export to other destinations. It was also partly due to historically high import propensity of Americans who use much of the German and Japan produced goods.
But this was not the case with USA. Historically, it ran a wide trade deficit facilitated by its ability to print US dollars as the world’s central banker nation and dump them on other nations. Hence, the stimulus packages introduced through Keynesian deficit financing and special packages sponsored by the Federal Reserve System did not help to create domestic employment or output but employment and output elsewhere. The main beneficiary was China which could afford to maintain a high export growth, a high economic growth and a high foreign reserve accumulation.
Worried about unemployment? Take a voluntary wage cut
If USA wants to reduce unemployment permanently, US workers should be prepared to take a substantial wage cut and improve its economy’s competitiveness. When Krueger took up the position at the White House, as reported by , he took practically more than a 50% salary cut from $ 369,807 per annum from Princeton to $ 191,300 from the White House, leaving aside his other earnings by way of delivering high paid special guest lectures etc. This is an example which all Americans have to accept today for otherwise their destiny would be very fragile and dark in the future.
USA is still the technology powerhouse in the world. As Wikipedia, the cyberspace encyclopaedia has reported, it still leads by a significant margin the rest of the countries in the world by the number of patents in force: its 1.9 million patents in force is significantly higher than the 1.3 million patents in force in the second highest country in the list, Japan. However, with regard to the new patents granted, it has been overtaken by Japan in recent years. In 2008, it granted approval for 141,871 new patents when Japan approved 239,338 patents. However, in 2007, USA was marginally above Japan (available at: Though it has slipped one notch down in 2008, it is still a country to be reckoned for generating new technology in the world. This competitive advantage could be used by USA only if it becomes competitive with respect to wage levels too. This is why Milton Friedman blamed USA’s minimum wage policies for the wide spread unemployment in that country in the Friedman family book on Simple Economics for laymen, Free to Choose.
Will Keynesianism help the USA?
Critics charge that Obama’s White House is filled with Keynesians, Obama himself leading. Adding one more Keynesian to its staff will make it a fully-fledged Keynesian Club. Hence, Obama’s much-publicised nationwide tele address on 8 September will not have many surprises. It will simply continue the current stimulus-driven economic policy package pursued by Obama administration.
The ability of this package to deliver quick results will be the determining factor of Obama’s re-election to Presidency in a year’s time.
(W.A. Wijewardena can be reached at )

Aanaimuganthan aran (Vinayakar songs )by Dr. Seerkazhi Govindarajan.