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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cloaking System Makes Tank Invisible to Infrared Sensors

Cloaking System Makes Tank Invisible to Infrared Sensors

BAE Systems's Adaptiv Cloaking BAE Systems
BAE Systems's Adaptiv technology enables objects as big as tanks to completely vanish from view--when seen at night with an infrared sensor, admittedly, but that's still a major advantage. An Adaptiv-outfitted tank can change its thermal signature to look like anything from a big rock to a truck to nothing at all, fading into the background and becoming invisible.
We've seen a few kinds of invisibility before--there's BAE's own e-ink-based concept, as well as ideas ranging from crystals to metamaterials. But Adaptiv simply uses a system of hexagonal panels, a few inches in diameter each, designed to change temperature very quickly. The BBCsays it takes about a thousand of these panels to cover a tank, but when it's covered, it can change its thermal signature at will.
At night, militaries use infrared to see in the dark without being seen themselves, but IR only sees heat, which means it can be fooled. This system constantly maps its surrounding heat signature and mimics it, effectively making the tank completely invisible to infrared. Of course, it can also be made to look like any other, presumably more innocuous, object. BAE says Adaptiv also adds armor to tanks and can be installed at a comparatively low price, and could be ready for production within two years.

What Do You Want

Lord Rama“Vibhishana obtained Lanka, Sugriva became king, and Hanuman and Jatayu also received wonderful rewards, but the fallen Tulsidas only wants love for Shri Rama’s holy name.” (Dohavali, 34)
lanka bibhīsana rāja kapi pati mārūti khaga mīca |
lahī rāma soṃ nāma rati cāhata tulasī nīca ||
What can’t God give to those who love Him, honor Him, and cherish His very existence during every second of the day? The human being tries to find lasting happiness through so many different pursuits, only to fail every time. With each success in mundane ventures comes a renewal of activity, a further attachment and obligation imposed on the person who has bucked the odds and found their way to a desired end. Yet once the thrill of victory is tasted, future defeats and setbacks become more difficult to swallow, as the memory and happiness of the previous gains quickly erode. With the Supreme Lord, however, there are no defects in the benedictions He grants to those who are sincerely interested in serving Him without motive. Even though God has the whole world in His hands and can bring anything to anyone, for the devotees, the bhaktas swimming in an ocean of transcendental bliss emerging from the very mention of the name that addresses the Supreme Person, there is no other desire except to continue reciting this name, day after day, lifetime after lifetime.
Lord KrishnaThe spirit soul, the essence of individuality, exists forever. Long after the current life is over and long before the present birth from our mother’s womb, the soul holds onto its constitutional makeup. The understanding of the soul’s presence and its qualitative composition is the most elusive information to the conditioned being, even though such knowledge is readily available, provided one is fortunate enough to approach the right person and then have the good sense to accept the instruction presented them without reservation. The knowledge of the soul and its relationship to a higher power is found in many sacred texts, but it is most clearly described in the Bhagavad-gita, a poem sung by Lord Krishna on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra.
God is a universal figure; He is the original Divine Being that everyone is open to worship. While one sect may have allegiance to their version of God, or their version of a son of the Creator, this doesn’t mean that the Supreme Lord is only available to a certain section of mankind. Rather, just as our own bodies can change during our lifetime without our identities being altered, the Supreme Lord can take many non-different forms that are equally as worshipable. Lord Krishna is considered the original form, as He is the most attractive. Just one look at His smiling face is enough to turn the heads of even the most ardent supporters of sense gratification as a way of life. The sound of Krishna’s flute is considered the most mesmerizing and enchanting, as it captures the hearts and minds of the eternally liberated souls residing in the spiritual world.
The soul is described in the Bhagavad-gita as being immutable, unchangeable and primeval. The soul is not slain when the body is slain. This is very powerful information to those who identify solely with the body. Therefore hearing from the Gita in the aftermath of a death of a close friend or family member is beneficial, as it comforts the grieving person, letting them know that the departed lives on. While their existence continues, what determines the next body type, their future destination? Karma, or fruitive activity, along with guna, or material qualities, shapes future fortunes. This doesn’t just take effect at the time of death either. Rather, at every second we are suffering or enjoying the reactions of our work. The qualities we assumed at the time of birth were the direct result of previous desires and actions performed.
Lord KrishnaGod, as the creator of karma, is the only person who can put a stop to its effect. While karma shapes the future fortunes of the soul when it is embodied, the Supreme Lord, through His divine power, can rescue the soul from the ocean of nescience and bring it back to wherever it wants to go, which is preferably its original home, the spiritual sky. Since the soul is eternal, it would make sense that its ideal abode would be an imperishable land, a place where there are no differences between body and spirit. When under the jurisdiction of karma, the body must change at every second, leading to temporary pains and pleasures. Just as the seasons come and go at their own time, happiness and sadness arrive on their own schedule. When one is free from karma, however, there is no change to the dwelling of the soul; hence in the liberated state the body assumes the same spiritual qualities as the individual soul.
While karma pretty much works on its own through the forces of nature instituted by the Supreme Lord, this doesn’t preclude God from personally intervening and offering rewards to those who are intimately associated with Him. Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice and a rise in irreligion, the Supreme Lord descends personally from the spiritual world to the earthly realm. The spiritual form that appears on earth is referred to as an avatara, or “one who descends”. One of God’s most famous avataras is Lord Rama, the warrior prince of Ayodhya who appeared on earth many thousands of years ago during the Treta Yuga. Goswami Tulsidas, the famous Vaishnava poet, is especially fond of Lord Rama, as he doesn’t see God as being anyone else. Even when discussing the pastimes of Lord Krishna or other Vishnu forms, Tulsidas makes no distinctions between them, considering them all to be the same Shri Rama.
Lord Rama performed many glorious deeds during His time on earth, and through His dealings with others He was able to grant many wonderful benedictions. If you own everything to start with, what will stop you from rewarding those who are kind to you and help you out? The gifts given by Rama are too many to count, but Tulsidas mentions a few of the notable ones above. Rama’s wife during His time on earth was Sita Devi, the princess of Videha. Just as Rama is an incarnation of God’s form of Vishnu, Sita is an incarnation of Lakshmi Devi, the eternal consort, or wife, of Lord Vishnu. To eliminate the demoniac element concentrated on the island of Lanka at the time, Rama came to earth in a seemingly human form, for the ruler of the evil ogres in Lanka had immunity in battle against every type of creature except humans. Rama was still dedicated to dharma, or religiosity, so He wasn’t going to just fight Ravana without justification.
Lord RamaThe excuse would come in the form of Sita’s rescue. Hearing of her beauty, Ravana decided that he had to have her. Since Rama would utterly route him in battle, Ravana decided to hatch a plot to steal Sita away. When Sita was brought to the island kingdom of Lanka, Rama outwardly didn’t know where she was. This was also part of the Lord’s plan, as it created an opportunity for others to offer their service. God has everything, so under normal circumstances what help can any of us be to Him?
The spirit soul is naturally inclined towards service. In the conditioned state, the loving propensity is directed to friends, family, spouses, pets, and even sports teams. The fan of their favorite team will be elated when they win a championship and greatly saddened when they lose, especially if the loss comes in a heartbreaking manner, such as with a sudden-death overtime loss in a game seven of a playoff series in ice hockey.
When consciousness is purified, love is directed at God. Rama allowed many individuals to exercise pure bhakti, or love for God, when it came time to find Sita. First, Rama and His younger brother Lakshmana made friends with a Vanara king named Sugriva. The monkeys of the Treta Yuga were advanced, so they had many human-like tendencies. Sugriva had been driven out of his kingdom by his brother Vali over an unfortunate misunderstanding. Sugriva could surely help Rama, but he needed his kingdom back first. If someone becomes friends with God, they are never bereft of anything. Therefore Rama vowed to get Sugriva his kingdom back from Vali. This is exactly what would happen, as Rama would shoot Vali in the back, allowing Sugriva to live without fear, giving him reign over the monkey kingdom. Simply because he agreed to help Rama find Sita, Sugriva, the lord of monkeys, became king.
Lord Rama with VibhishanaSimilarly, Vibhishana, the younger brother of Ravana, attained the crown of Lanka by submitting Himself before Rama. Ravana refused to let Sita go, even after the heartfelt pleas of Vibhishana, who was only looking out for his brother’s interests. Realizing that Ravana would not change his ways, Vibhishana turned tail and asked to join the other side, the opposition led by Rama and Sugriva’s monkey-army. Under the material estimation, Vibhishana was the biggest turncoat, the original “Benedict Arnold” if you will. Many of the members of the monkey party were hesitant to accept a Rakshasa into their ranks, especially one who was so closely tied to Ravana.
“It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying, ‘My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours,’ and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on.” (Lord Rama, Valmiki Ramayana, Yuddha Kand, 18.33)
Despite the hesitancy from the monkeys, Lord Rama firmly asserted that He grants protection to and removes fears from anyone who surrenders unto Him. Vibhishana had come over in earnest, and his character was vouched for byHanuman, Sugriva’s chief minister and warrior. As soon as Vibhishana came to Rama’s camp, the Lord crowned him as the new king of Lanka. Ravana was obviously still the acting king, but this ceremony indicated that Rama would dethrone Ravana, rescue Sita, and then install Vibhishana as king of Lanka as a reward for his loyalty. Shri Rama, being the Absolute Truth, would make good on His promise.
Shri Hanuman, the valiant warrior fighting for Sugriva’s side, made his way first into Lanka to find where Sita was. His trek was not easy in the least bit, as he faced many obstacles and had to remain determined in mind. The opulence and massive power of the Rakshasas were enough to suppress the enthusiasm of even the most perseverant fighter, but Hanuman was not deterred. He would find Sita, allay her fears, return to Rama with information of her whereabouts, and then play an important role in the victorious outcome of the final battle with Ravana and the Rakshasas. Due to his bravery and kind efforts, Hanuman was rewarded with eternal fame and devotion to Sita, Rama and Lakshmana.
HanumanJatayu, the wonderful and kind vulture, attained one of the greatest benedictions anyone could ever think of: dying in the arms of the Supreme Lord. When Ravana had taken Sita from the forest, his aerial path was initially obstructed by Jatayu, who saw what was happening and protested. Jatayu was good friends with Rama’s father, Maharaja Dasharatha, the King of Ayodhya. Fighting his hardest to stop Ravana, Jatayu eventually was badly wounded and fell to the ground. Later on, Rama and Lakshmana would find him just before he quit his body. Lord Rama took the vulture in His arms, thus allowing Jatayu to have the divine vision right before quitting his body. In the Bhagavad-gita, it is stated that anyone who thinks of God at the time of death never has to take birth again. In this way Jatayu attained salvation by looking directly at the Lord while dying.
Even knowing that these wonderful benedictions were granted by the Lord to His devotees, Goswami Tulsidas, who considers himself lower than the lowest, still only wants love for Rama’s name. This heartfelt request doesn’t imply that the aforementioned devotees specifically wanted something more from Rama. The references are made solely for comparison purposes, as Vibhishana, Hanuman, Jatayu and Sugriva are considered Rama’s dearest friends, devotees who are celebrated and highly regarded for their wonderful courage, bravery and devotion to the jewel of the Raghu dynasty. Hanuman is the most famous of the group, but even the attention and adoration shown his way were never explicitly sought after. Hanuman only wants to think of Rama and His family and try his best to keep smiles on their faces.
Tulsidas, following in the standard of devotion set by Hanuman, similarly doesn’t want any personal benediction from the Lord, nor does he feel he is worthy of anything. Rather, he only wants to have love and attachment, or rati, forchanting the holy name of Rama. The name of God is everything, as it represents His forms, pastimes and qualities. Though God is formless and nameless according to our estimation, He still has a spiritual body which is full of attributes and thousands of names assigned to Him by those who wish to remember and honor Him. To Tulsidas, Rama is the preferred name, the favorite sound vibration. The poet’s attitude revealed in his request represents the height of devotional practice, the perfection of consciousness. Though he is the most glorious of writers and the kindest of human beings, Tulsidas doesn’t feel he is above anyone else or deserving of wonderful rewards. Rama’s name is his only wealth, for this sound vibration is all that is needed to maintain a link in consciousness to the Supreme Lord. When this bond of love is firmly established, the previously lost individual is said to be in yoga, where he has a direct connection to pure spirit.
Attaining the state of consciousness where the only thing we want is to chant God’s names is very difficult, but it serves as the ideal aim of spiritual practice. Rama can grant anything to anyone, but devotion is rarely found because it is seldom sought after. Kingdoms, material opulence, fame and good standing are available even through activity in karma, so why wouldn’t the Supreme Lord be able to grant these benedictions to His devotees? Affection for Rama and His name through a mood of pure love, however, can only be received from the Supreme Lord and the devotees who chant His glories. Anyone who regularly chants, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, with firm attachment in a loving mood is the wealthiest person, capable of distributing the precious gem that is the holy name to others. Once we figure out that love for God is what we really want, we will never be bereft of it, as Shri Rama will guarantee that our request is not denied.
Lord RamaIn Closing:
Shri Rama, of Raghu’s fame,
So glorious is His name.
From the Supreme Lord He is not different,
Yet still in honoring Him we are hesitant.
To many Rama granted wonderful boons in the past,
On serving His lotus feet their efforts were cast.
In material estimation, as turncoat Vibhishana was the biggest,
Renounced his brother Ravana, in favor of Rama the kindest.
Received from the Lord the kingdom of Lanka in an instant,
Ravana’s demise sealed through Rama’s arrows flying constant.
Sugriva, plagued by the fear of Vali his brother,
Through Rama regained his kingdom, no more worry to bother.
Hanuman received fame through Shri Rama’s grace,
Jatayu salvation by looking at the Lord’s face.
As God Himself, what is there that Rama cannot give?
Yet Tulsidas wants only with love for holy name to live.
This gift is granted to anyone, if their heart is pure,
Chant Rama’s name always, His love you’ll have for sure.

Adolf Hitler By ELIE WIESEL

Not being a professional historian, I take on this essay with fear and trembling. That's because, although defeated, although dead, this man is frightening.
What was the secret of his power over his listeners? His demagogic appeal to immoderation, to excess and to simplifying hate? They spoke of his intuitive powers and his "luck" (he escaped several attempts on his life).

Adolf Hitler or the incarnation of absolute evil; this is how future generations will remember the all-powerful Fuhrer of the criminal Third Reich. Compared with him, his peers Mussolini and Franco were novices. Under his hypnotic gaze, humanity crossed a threshold from which one could see the abyss.
At the same time that he terrorized his adversaries, he knew how to please, impress and charm the very interlocutors from whom he wanted support. Diplomats and journalists insist as much on his charm as they do on his temper tantrums. The savior admired by his own as he dragged them into his madness, the Satan and exterminating angel feared and hated by all others, Hitler led his people to a shameful defeat without precedent. That his political and strategic ambitions have created a dividing line in the history of this turbulent and tormented century is undeniable: there is a before and an after. By the breadth of his crimes, which have attained a quasi-ontological dimension, he surpasses all his predecessors: as a result of Hitler, man is defined by what makes him inhuman. With Hitler at the head of a gigantic laboratory, life itself seems to have changed.
How did this Austrian without title or position manage to get himself elected head of a German nation renowned for its civilizing mission? How to explain the success of his cheap demagogy in the heart of a people so proud of having inherited the genius of a Wolfgang von Goethe and an Immanuel Kant?
Was there no resistance to his disastrous projects? There was. But it was too feeble, too weak and too late to succeed. German society had rallied behind him: the judicial, the educational, the industrial and the economic establishments gave him their support.
Few politicians of this century have aroused, in their lifetime, such love and so much hate; few have inspired so much historical and psychological research after their death. Even today, works on his enigmatic personality and his cursed career are best sellers everywhere. Some are good, others are less good, but all seem to respond to an authentic curiosity on the part of a public haunted by memory and the desire to understand.
We think we know everything about the nefarious forces that shaped his destiny: his unhappy childhood, his frustrated adolescence; his artistic disappointments; his wound received on the front during World War I; his taste for spectacle, his constant disdain for social and military aristocracies; his relationship with Eva Braun, who adored him; the cult of the very death he feared; his lack of scruples with regard to his former comrades of the SA, whom he had assassinated in 1934; his endless hatred of Jews, whose survival enraged him--each and every phase of his official and private life has found its chroniclers, its biographers.

And yet. There are, in all these givens, elements that escape us. How did this unstable paranoid find it within himself to impose gigantic hope as an immutable ideal that motivated his nation almost until the end? Would he have come to power if Germany were not going through endless economic crises, or if the winners in 1918 had not imposed on it conditions that represented a national humiliation against which the German patriotic fiber could only revolt?

We would be wrong to forget: Hitler came to power in January 1933 by the most legitimate means. His Nationalist Socialist Party won a majority in the parliamentary elections. The aging Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg had no choice but to allow him, at age 43, to form the new government, marking the end of the Weimar Republic. And the beginning of the Third Reich, which, according to Hitler, would last 1,000 years.

From that moment on, events cascaded. The burning of the Reichstag came only a little before the openings of the first concentration camps, established for members of the opposition. Fear descended on the country and squeezed it in a vise. Great writers, musicians and painters went into exile to France and the U.S. Jews with foresight emigrated toward Palestine. The air of Hitler's Germany was becoming more and more suffocating. Those who preferred to wait, thinking that the Nazi regime would not last, could not last, would regret it later, when it was too late.

The fact is that Hitler was beloved by his people--not the military, at least not in the beginning, but by the average Germans who pledged to him an affection, a tenderness and a fidelity that bordered on the irrational. It was idolatry on a national scale. One had to see the crowds who acclaimed him. And the women who were attracted to him. And the young who in his presence went into ecstasy. Did they not see the hateful mask that covered his face? Did they not divine the catastrophe he bore within himself?
Violating the Treaty of Versailles, which limited the German army to 100,000 men, Hitler embarked on a rearmament program of massive scale: fighter planes, tanks, submarines. His goal? It was enough to read Mein Kampf, written in prison after the abortive coup of 1923 in Munich, to divine its contours: to become, once again, a global superpower, capable and desirous of reconquering lost territory, and others as well.
And the free world let it happen.
His army entered the Rhineland in 1936. A tangible reaction from France and Britain would have led to his fall. But since nothing happened, Hitler played on the "cowardice" of democratic principles. That cowardice was confirmed by the shameful Munich Agreement, by which France and Britain betrayed their alliance with Czechoslovakia and abandoned it like a dead weight. At every turn, Hitler derided his generals and their lack of audacity. In 1939 he stupefied the entire world by reaching a nonaggression pact with Stalin. Though they had never met, the two dictators appeared to get along perfectly; it was said that a sort of empathy existed between them. Poland paid the price of this unnatural "friendship"; cut in two, it ceased to exist as a state.
Hitler also counted on Stalin's naivete. In a sense he was right. According to all witnesses, Stalin had total confidence in Hitler. To humor Hitler's extreme anti-Semitic sensibilities, the Soviet hierarchy withdrew certain Jews, such as Maxim Litvinov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, from the international scene. Stalin's order to honor the commercial agreements between the two countries was scrupulously executed, at all levels, until the beginning of hostilities: the day of German aggression, one still saw Soviet trains stuffed with raw materials heading toward German factories.
Was Hitler shrewder than Stalin? Certainly he was more tenacious than his French and British adversaries. Winston Churchill was the only man of state who unmasked Hitler immediately and refused to let himself be duped by Hitler's repeated promises that this time he was making his "last territorial demand."
And yet. In his own "logic," Hitler was persuaded for a fairly long time that the German and British people had every reason to get along and divide up spheres of influence throughout the world. He did not understand British obstinacy in its resistance to his racial philosophy and to the practical ends it engendered.

In fact, he wanted to swallow up Russia, Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic countries to augment lebensraum: Germany's vital space. But then why did he launch his destructive war against London? Why did he declare war against the U.S.? Solely to please his Japanese ally? Why did he mandate a policy of cruelty in the Soviet territories occupied by his armies, when certain segments of the population there were ready to greet them with flowers? And finally, why did he invest so much energy in his hatred of Jews? Why did the night trains that took them to their death have priority over the military convoys that were taking badly needed troops to the front? His dark obsession with the "Jewish question" and its "Final Solution" will be long remembered, for it has evocative names that paralyze men's hearts with terror: Auschwitz, Treblinka and Belzec.
After Rommel's defeat in North Africa, after the debacle at Stalingrad and even when the landings in Normandy were imminent, Hitler and his entourage still had the mind to come up with the Final Solution. In his testament, drafted in a underground bunker just hours before his suicide in Berlin, Hitler returns again to this hatred of the Jewish people that had never left him.
But in the same testament, he settles his score with the German people. He wants them to be sacked, destroyed, reduced to misery and shame for having failed him by denying him his glory. The former corporal become commander in chief of all his armies and convinced of his strategic and political genius was not prepared to recognize his own responsibility for the defeat of his Reich.
His kingdom collapsed after 12 years in a war that remains the most atrocious, the most brutal and the deadliest in history. But which, by the same token, allowed several large figures to emerge. Their names have become legendary: Eisenhower, De Gaulle, Montgomery, Zhukov, Patton...
But when later we evoke the 20th century, among the first names that will surge to mind will be that of a fanatic with a mustache who thought to reign by selling the soul of his people to the thousand demons of hate and of death.

Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel is professor in the humanities at Boston University
From the Ottoman Turkish genocide of 1 million Armenians in 1915 to the 1994 slaughter of 500,000 Rwandan Tutsi — the world had never seen such evil. These men redefined villainy:
Number of victims: 2 million. The Khmer Rouge regime killed one-quarter of Cambodia's population from 1975 to 1978, targeting almost anyone with a high school education or a pair of glasses.
Number of victims: 15 million to 20 million. In the 1930s, Stalin ordered the killing of peasants, collectivization of agriculture and a campaign of famine against Ukraine. By 1933, 11 million people were dead.
Number of victims: 300,000. Beginning in 1971, Amin's supporters wrought terror by flagging down cars in broad daylight and locking drivers in the trunks; mutilated bodies would be found the next day floating in rivers.

Read more:,9171,988156,00.html#ixzz1XFrkCCIJ

Largest Buddha Statue in the world ::::


Broccoli and Cruciferous Vegetable Compound Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction

Research details published in theMolecular Nutrition and Food Researchjournal explains the potent mechanism exhibited by cruciferous vegetablessuch as broccoli and cauliflower to ameliorate developing cancer cells. The active photochemical known as sulforaphane targets prostate and other hormone dependent cancer lines and leaves normal healthy cells unaffected.

Cruciferous vegetables have long been associated with a lowered risk of prostate cancer, but this is the first study to demonstrate the `search and attack` capability of the natural chemical compound. Consuming small amounts of crucifers several times each week can help to significantly lower your risk of developing many types of potentially deadly cancer lines.

Sulforaphane from Broccoli and Crucifers Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction
The study was led by Dr. Emily Ho, associate professor from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Tissue from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain high levels of the powerful natural compound chemically known as glucosinolates. In the body glucosinolates are broken down into sulforaphane that exert protective anti-cancer characteristics.

Based on prior research to indicate that crucifers and sulforaphane specifically kill cancer cells, researchers designed a trial study using mouse models to demonstrate that sulforaphane selectively targets hormone dependent cancers such as breast and prostate. Dr. Hocommented “It is well documented that sulforaphane can targetcancer cells through multiple chemopreventive mechanisms” and  continued “Here we show for the first time that sulforaphane selectively targets benign hyperplasia cells and cancerous prostate cells while leaving the normal prostate cells unaffected.”

Natural Food Inhibits Enzymes Necessary for Cancer Development
The study demonstrated that sulforaphane is an inhibitor of histone deacetylase, or HDAC enzymes. HDAC enzymes are theorized to develop in the body as a result of metabolicinefficiency resulting from systemic inflammation and low antioxidant status. HDAC enzymes provide fuel to the cancer initiation and progression processes when they occur in excess and their action runs unabated. HDAC inhibition is currently an important research area targeted by Big Pharma and synthesized drugs that can be addressed with natural nutrients from food and lifestyle modifications.

Scientists clearly demonstrated the specific mechanism to explain how sulforaphane targets breast and prostate cancer cells. Many existing studies show that nutrients present in cruciferous vegetablescan halt all cancer cell lines by inhibiting the fuel necessary for the cells to multiply out of control. Researchers concluded the data collected “provide(s) further support for the relevance of sulforaphane as a dietary HDAC inhibitor and chemopreventiveagent.” Nutritional experts recommend several three to four ounce servings of lightly steamed crucifers each week to prevent cancer development.

Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris

Justin Bieber - Never Let You Go