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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doomed To Repeat It

Lord Krishna“Modern stories, fiction and histories are different from the transcendental pastimes of the Lord in that one will tire of hearing mundane stories, but one never tires of hearing about Krishna. It is for this reason only that the history of the whole universe is replete with references to the pastimes of the incarnations of Godhead.” (ShrilaPrabhupada, Bhagavad-gita, 10.18 Purport)
There is a famous proverb stating that those who don’t learn from history will be doomed to repeat it. The saying has a double meaning, with one side being humorous. When taught to history students, the warning is that if they don’t study the material presented, they will have to learn it again in the following year. The same rule applies to pretty much any class, but with history the statement has a deeper meaning, as lessons can be taken away from historical events. In addition to the potential for acquiring knowledge on what to do and what to avoid, history is studied as a discipline to learn about great men, to honor them, and to delve into their characteristics. Lest we think spiritual life is lacking such detailed information, the Puranas, and most notably the famous Mahabharata, give us all the history we could ever absorb in one lifetime. The men documented within these texts are the greatest of the great, and their journeys through life provide the most valuable lesson of all, namely of how to escape from the clutches of material existence.
Founding fathersHow history is eligible to be an academic pursuit can be revealed through studying any time period, so for this example we’ll take the recent Revolutionary War. The men who founded the United States of America are referred to as the Founding Fathers, and their lives have been well documented, studied, honored and even criticized in the two hundred plus years of the nation’s existence. The notable personalities of this group, like George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, are quoted from regularly by politicians and historians, for their statements carry much relevance even today. But if we delve a little deeper into the matter, what do we actually learn from the examples set by these great men? For having founded a nation which has been the most materially prosperous in recent history they are certainly noteworthy personalities, but what are the real lessons to take away from their behavior?
The result of their hard work was the Constitution, which was preceded by the Declaration of Independence. Both of these documents represent an abject rejection of the style of government endured by the colonists prior to the founding of the country. The British ruled over America, with different colonies having their appointed governors. The issues of taxation without representation and control and command coming from far overseas were eventually unbearable for the colonists. Therefore when they finally gained independence, they crafted a style of government which was unique, or so they thought. All of the issues previously encountered were addressed in such a way that the same situation would hopefully never repeat itself.
ConstitutionThe Constitution strictly limited the powers of the central government, essentially making the largest governing body in charge of just the military and seeing to it that foreign enemies did not break up the union. The central government wasn’t even given the authority to tax citizens’ income. Add to this the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and what you get is a framework document that explicitly prohibits Congress from doing so many things, such as infringing on the freedom of religion, press and protest, and the ability to carry firearms. The individual colonies, now known as states, were given almost full autonomy, essentially making them smaller countries. This style of government was known as federalism, and it was intended to ensure that the same policy mistakes made by the British wouldn’t be repeated.
Fast forward to today and it’s understandable why the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, and the men responsible for them are studied and their works often cited from. The style of government was certainly unique, but it definitely wasn’t free of flaws. The most obvious indication of this is that the government today bears almost no similarities to the country that was originally founded. The prohibition on levying income taxes went by the wayside in the early 20th century, and federalism now is virtually absent. The issues today don’t revolve around what activities government will be allowed to undertake, but rather on how the government will spend the trillions of dollars that annually pour into the treasury.
Since over two hundred years have passed since the nation’s founding, obviously modern politicians and their voters can’t be blamed for the stark contrast, but if we delve a little deeper into the matter, we see that with a framework document and a system of government put into place, there is every chance of all possible outcomes occurring in the future. Therefore in one sense today’s massive government is a direct byproduct of a system enacted by famous men who are studied and honored. The Constitution was crafted after much compromise, debate and consideration made by flawed human beings. Whatever document they would have come up with would have had issues. After all, the government of England did not start out hated by the colonies. It took a sequence of events to raise the ire of the colonists to the point that they demanded independence.
US MapSince the flaws from the Constitution and other famous governing documents haven’t been permanently addressed, it’s safe to say that the history classes and the attention given to past notable figures haven’t really been fully learned from. History as an academic course is meant to provide education after all, so if the subject matter and the people studied are themselves flawed, the potential for knowledge is immediately limited. The same goes for the study of any historical personality, be they a famous politician, singer, inventor, athlete, etc.
A human being is naturally inclined towards honoring others, towards heaping praise upon their fellow man, which includes historical personalities. Therefore the interest in history is completely understandable. Even if there is no one around in the house, sometimes it is seen that a dog or cat is brought home so that the lonely person has someone they can direct their loving sentiments towards.
scenes from the MahabharataWhen it comes to the bona fide discipline of spirituality that is the Vedas, every single issue known to man is addressed, including that of wanting to offer praise. With historical personalities devoid of full God consciousness, the praise offered to them is always checked. But with personalities fully dedicated to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their glories are never ending. Studying about them from famous texts like the Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata brings endless joy and renewed thought, concern and care.
Out of all the Vedic texts, the Mahabharata is the most inclusive in terms of history. In one sense it can be considered the greatest history book, for it contains details of events that are found in many other books. Even the events documented in the Ramayana, the famous Sanskrit poem composed by Maharishi Valmikimany thousands of years ago, are included in summary in the Mahabharata. Every kind of person, from political leader to yogi, from child to dedicated wife and mother, is accounted for in the Mahabharata.
Since the work focuses on history tied to spirituality, the lessons that can be learned are unmatched. For starters, there is the main subject line of the work: the plight of the five Pandava brothers to regain their kingdom. They were the rightful heirs to the kingdom in Hastinapura, but their cousins, known as the Kauravas, had unjustly usurped control and tried to kill the Pandavas on many occasions. Through the travels of the five brothers, much can be learned about Vedic culture, how to deal with political enemies, how children should be raised, how to treat elders, when violence should be used and when it shouldn’t, and, most importantly, what the meaning of life is.
ArjunaHow do we figure out the meaning to our existence by studying about warriors roaming the earth some five thousand years ago? How is reading about people who fought with bows and arrows going to help us solve today’s problems? Aside from the obvious lessons learned from the different activities documented, the hidden jewel in the Mahabharata is the one very small chapter describing a conversation between Arjuna, the lead warrior for the Pandava side, and his charioteer. The chariot driver is a subordinate, someone who takes orders from the fighters. Similar to a caddy in golf, the driver makes helpful suggestions every now and then, but they are certainly not as skilled in the task at hand as the person in charge is.
Yet in Arjuna’s case, his charioteer happened to be Lord Krishna, the Supreme Lord, Bhagavan, the person most of us call God. How the Supreme Lord, the most worshipable person in the world, the one entity who never has to listen to anyone or succumb to lowly tasks, could take on the role of a subordinate in the face of a massive opposing army is a mystery known only to those who practice the ancient art of bhakti-yoga, or devotional service. A yoga studio is a classroom-like environment where an instructor demonstrates different postures and helps their students attain a similar level of ability. These studios are very well patronized today because they deliver tremendous health results.
Bhakti-yoga, however, is so powerful that if a person were to practice it during these same sessions in the studio, they would find benefits applicable to every part of life, not just to their physical wellbeing. Meditational yoga leads to benefits in health, flexibility, and longevity in life, but bhakti tackles the very consciousness of the individual, allowing them to be fit, ready and in shape for any type of mental condition, both peaceful and distressful.
Krishna and ArjunaUnfortunately, the massive array of bhakti-yoga studios doesn’t exist. There are no regular classes given to teach paying students how to practice divine love, how to surrender their thoughts and desires over to God in a mood of pure love. Fortunately, we can just consult the one small part of the Mahabharata to find out all we need to know about bhakti. The conversation between Arjuna and Krishna would go on to be known as the Bhagavad-gita, or the Song of God. Since the Mahabharata stores this wonderful keepsake, it is known as the fifth Veda, or the supplement to the four primary Vedas, which are the divisions of spiritual knowledge passed down from the beginning of time by Shri Krishna Himself.
What is so remarkable about the Bhagavad-gita? What can we learn from that short conversation that we can’t find anywhere else? Reincarnation, the true position of the soul, the identity of the individual, the temporary nature of loss and gain, how to deal with distress, elation, heartache, pain and misery, and so many other issues are addressed in the advice given to Arjuna. Lord Krishna is the fountainhead of knowledge after all, so when He speaks the whole world should gather around with their recording devices and take notes.
Lord KrishnaThough there wasn’t such technology around back then, the wonderful Vyasadeva, the most prolific writer of spiritual works in history, documented what went down on the battlefield that day. The Mahabharata was compiled by him, so anyone who is fortunate enough to hear from the sacred work can be supremely benefitted. The words spoken by Krishna that day have been studied by many since that time, but only the devotees, those who either follow in the line of Arjuna or reach the same conclusion that he did, will be able to make full use of Krishna’s words.
“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 18.66)
The final conclusion of the Gita is that Arjuna should simply surrender unto Krishna and abide by His orders. This would eliminate his doubts and any chances of incurring sin as well. Krishna protects the surrendered soul. Therefore this recommendation applies to every single living entity, existing past, present and future. One who accepts the conclusion of the Gita and makes it their way of life follows bhakti-yoga. They can also teach others how to follow the same art. From studying the history of the Mahabharata, and the most wonderful Bhagavad-gita contained within, the enthusiastic listener of Vedic wisdom constantly shines light on an otherwise dark universe, which is filled with so much information that bears no impact on the spirit soul, the essence of identity.
Krishna and ArjunaJust as the Bhagavad-gita is glorious for its profound wisdom, so its speaker is forever worthy of praise and adulation. His position as Partha-sarathi, or Arjuna’s charioteer, was not Krishna’s only pastime enacted during His brief time on earth during the Dvapara Yuga. The crown jewel of Vedic literature, the Shrimad Bhagavatam, highlights the many important pastimes Krishna enacted, especially those from His youth in the farm community ofVrindavana. While the skeptics may take the accounts found within these works to be mythology, we know that fictional superhero movies and novels are well patronized. Glorifying the characters in these works doesn’t help us in any real way, for at best we can learn that material existence involves a constant struggle with evil elements lurking around every corner.
But even if one isn’t apt to believe in the reality of Krishna’s existence, just hearing about His exploits and His teachings on a regular basis can provide so much clarity of vision. The Pandavas were devotees of Krishna, so their being the main subject matter of the Mahabharata proves beneficial to anyone interested in sincerely studying the work. Shri Krishna knows man’s propensity to learn about great men and to offer praise to their fellow man. Therefore He kindly gave us the voluminous Vedic literature to ensure that we would always have something worthwhile to hear about and learn from. Even if there is no interest in studying Vedic history, simply reciting Krishna’s names on a regular basis through sacred mantras like, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, is enough to keep the bhakti spirit alive.
Arjuna and KrishnaFrom mundane history we can learn why perseverance is important, what types of government to avoid, where and when certain colonies and countries were founded, and why past notable figures are worthy of praise and attention. Studying Vedic literature, however, can teach us about how to perform bhakti and make the most out of the valuable human form of life. In this way not only will the mistakes of the past be avoided, but so will rebirth. Reincarnation stops for the Krishna conscious soul, thereby eliminating the chances of ever having to take to knowledge gathering again. Arjuna found sublime wisdom by tapping into Krishna consciousness, which happened to be right next to Him in the form of the Lord. Similarly, by dovetailing our thoughts and desires with Krishna’s interests, everything we could ever want in life, including an object of praise who never leaves our side, can be found very easily.


Hanuman holding Lord Rama“Those who trust in Shri Rama’s holy name, who have confidence in it and love for it, collect all good qualities and auspiciousness simply by remembering it, says Tulsi.” (Dohavali, 33)
rāma nāma para nāma teṃ prīti pratiti bharosa |
so tulasī sumirata sakala saguna sumangala kosa ||
A very simple formula for attaining success in life coupled with a wonderful reputation is provided by Goswami Tulsidas, a devotee of Lord Rama, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a warrior prince. Though He might be given second billing because He is considered an incarnation of Krishna or Vishnu, Rama is lacking nothing in spiritual attributes, as He is the same Bhagavan, full of fortune and opulence. He holds the qualities of beauty, wealth, renunciation, strength, wisdom and fame to the highest degree and simultaneously.
Lord RamaAnother way to praise Rama is to view Him as the storehouse of all good qualities and virtues. If we’re looking for a particular item or object, it is best to search for it in a place that has it in full supply; this way we’ll know that the seller is familiar with the item in question and that they have dealt with it before. If we acquire our desired objects from a reputable source, we’ll know that they are genuine. Thus we can feel safe knowing that our product is of a good quality. In a similar manner, if we want to acquire the noteworthy qualities of piety, virtue, kindness, honesty, wealth, beauty and fame, we can strive for each one separately or we can go directly to the source of all goodness and collect on what we are due. The Supreme Lord is not stingy in this respect, as He is the most generous benefactor to those who know how to interact with Him properly. The nature of the interaction is the key, and thanks to the nice formula provided by Tulsidas, the proper exchange of emotion can be found very quickly.
Would God withhold His opulence from His children, those sons and daughters who are always linked to Him despite their forgetfulness of a higher power and His wonderful magnificence? Let’s think of it this way. Say one of our children approached us for some money. “Dad, can I have fifty dollars?” “Well, son, what are you going to use it for?” “I want to place a bet on tonight’s football game. I need fifty dollars to give to the bookmaker.” For the father in this example, fifty dollars is not a large sum of money, as he earns much more than that in the course of a week to support his family. In this particular instance money is not the issue, but rather how it will be spent. Gambling is certainly not a constructive activity, as it is delineated as one of the four primary sinful activities by the Vedas. Meat eating, gambling, intoxication and illicit sex are considered the most detrimental activities in terms of their effect on the consciousness, which is the determining factor in whether or not a living entity remains in the association of God. Therefore whatever activities can purify consciousness should be accepted, and anything that is harmful should be rejected.
Lord VishnuAside from the negative influence on fostering a spiritual consciousness, the father knows that the son has much better things to do than to waste his money on a wager. Therefore the father will deny the request, even though he is fully equipped to supply the fifty dollars. The Supreme Lord, who is the richest person in the world, can provide endless amounts of money to people that approach Him, but He will not do so without first evaluating the potential damage that can occur. With other spiritual personalities, who are known asdevas, or demigods, the aforementioned evaluation is missing. These exalted figures are tasked with distributing benedictions to whoever pleases them properly, irrespective of the underlying motives. With the Supreme Lord, who can be worshiped as an abstract energy or through one of His non-different forms like Vishnu, Krishna, Rama and several others, you don’t always get what you want. He first surveys the situation and then decides if the benediction will be beneficial to the person asking for it. For these reasons many other spiritual personalities are often approached first, as the Supreme Lord is known to scrutinize in this manner.
In the eyes of the Lord, what reasons are considered legitimate for giving out rewards? How can we get wonderful qualities, saguna, and everything auspicious, sakala sumangala, from the person who is never bereft of anything? The father may provide fifty dollars to the son, but once that money leaves him, his net bank balance decreases. With the Supreme Lord, however, there is never a loss. He can dish out millions of dollars and still not suffer any loss to His personal fortune. Such apparent contradictions can only take place in the spiritual realm, where the proprietor defies all laws of logic, math and science. In the spiritual realm, one plus one can equal five, should the Supreme Lord declare it to be so.
The key to gaining Rama’s favor is to find out what He desires. Can God actually desire anything? Isn’t personal satisfaction a resort of the conditioned souls bewildered by the dualities of material existence and the mortality of every life form? As the storehouse of every beneficial virtue and quality, Shri Rama is certainly capable of desire, though His wants are spiritual and pure in every way. It shouldn’t surprise us that His desire actually corresponds with our own primary want, that of loving association. Nothing pleases the Supreme Lord more than to have the most intimate of relationships with His fragmental sparks, which include all the various forms of life on earth. But only in the human form of body can familiarity with Rama’s earnest wishes be acquired. Only in the human life can the fruit of existence be properly identified and hopefully tasted.
Krishna and Balarama with cowThat goal can be reached through many different avenues, as the necessary requirement is a sincere desire to associate with God. Though the solution seems easy, convincing the mind of the validity of the mission is not. Over many lifetimes on earth, the spirit souls inhabiting the world have steadily increased their aversion to loving God. Evidence of this is seen with the degraded practices that pass for virtue today. As an example, in earlier times killing an innocent animal for no justifiable reason was considered the greatest sin, especially if the animal was a cow. A cow kindly provides milk to the human being at no cost. The cow is still able to maintain its life and take care of its dependents after the milk is pumped, so there are only benefits to go around. Therefore killing the cow is worse than killing any other animal, as no other animal is as kind and benevolent.
We know that today killing cows is a lucrative business, as their milk is taken first, processed into other food products like cream, butter and cheese, and then the cow is mercilessly killed. The same milk products are then placed on top of the cooked meat, beef, to enhance the flavor. We could go on and on describing the sordid tale, but the point is that only through much elapsed time and increased deviation in thought from God and real religion can the situation evolve to the point where it is today, wherein slaughterhouses are seen as not a problem in the least bit, even by those who claim to be devoted to God.
The newly concocted dharmas, or systems of religiosity, make it difficult for the mind to be convinced of the need to serve God, as the basic demands of the body can seemingly be met without any attention paid whatsoever to spirituality. Fortunately for us, the saints, the true devotees who never deviated in thought, word, or deed from loving God, supplied us information on how to achieve life’s mission. In the above referenced verse from the Dohavali, Tulsidas provides a very simple formula, one that is complete in every way. The key ingredient to his formula, which is by no means a secret or one concocted personally by the poet, is the holy name, as this sound vibration brings direct audience with the Supreme Lord.
Lord RamaIf we regularly chant, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, we are basically telling Lord Rama that we want to be by His side. We want Him always with us, and if we can’t see Him or if we somehow forget His beautiful form for even a second, we will simply chant His name again to revive our divine consciousness. In this respect even forgetfulness is auspicious, as it presents new opportunities to remember God. Since reciting the name of God signals a direct desire to be with the Supreme Lord, He will naturally oblige and give us His association.
Chanting alone can only take us so far, though. If we still have desires to use benedictions from the Supreme Lord for other purposes, we will not receive the full storehouse of attributes that the kind Lord and His beloved wife, Sita Devi, are ready to bestow upon us. Sita is considered an incarnation of Lakshmi Devi, the wife of Lord Vishnu in the spiritual sky. Nevertheless, Sita is an eternally existing figure, just like Rama. During her time on earth, she would charitably distribute the couple’s wealth to various persons who were deserving of it. She was always eager to go into the forest to visit sages and gift them with gold and jewelry. Sita is always anxious to bestow benedictions upon those who recite her husband’s name.
Sita DeviWhile the name of the Lord is the key ingredient in religious practice, the mood in which this sound vibration is chanted is the determining factor of whether or not the proper benedictions are received. Tulsidas says that the name of Rama should be chanted with confidence and love, with the devotee having full trust in its potency, depending on the sound vibration as their life and soul. When the name of Rama is chanted in this way, whenever the name is remembered, i.e. whenever it is heard or recited within the mind, all auspiciousness and benedictions come. In this way we see that there is a three step process. First, the name of God must be found and recited. Secondly, there must be love and faith in the chanting, along with trust in the person it represents. Dependence on the holy name means not holding on to any other process of religion or aspect of material life as being a more generous benefactor. This mindset is very difficult to achieve, because it is the natural tendency of man to believe that if he fails to perform a specific activity, he will become destitute or a loser. “If I fail to do my work properly, all my possessions and relationships will vanish. If I fail to eat properly, I will be unhealthy and lose my life.” These concerns are certainly valid, but having dependence on the name of Rama means putting the focus of concern into the chanting process. When the primary concern becomes the fear of the effects that will result from not chanting Rama’s name, the attitude of trust and dependence is adopted properly.
Hanuman worshiping RamaWhen the proper mood is there in chanting, all one has to do is remember the name of Rama and good things will come. More than just a rosy picture painted by Tulsidas, we know that this is a fact that can be proved by real life examples. Shri Hanuman, the faithful servant of Lord Rama, is proof positive that when the right mood is adopted, one will never be bereft of anything. Hanuman spends all his time chanting the names of Sita and Rama, and thus he is never lacking anything. In life he just requires the bare essentials to keep his devotional practices going. Sita Devi ensures that Hanuman is never without what he needs. But the greatest benediction he receives, aside from the wonderful qualities and virtues that belong to him and never exhaust, is the ability to continue to remember his beloved Rama. Hanuman is himself a storehouse of good qualities, so anyone who remembers him and his foremost occupational duty in life, devotion to Rama, will similarly be able to collect all good characteristics and auspicious qualities.
When there is dependence on the holy name acquired through a steady purification in consciousness that is concomitant with practice in bhakti, or devotion, Rama takes it as an indication of the devotee’s fervent desire to have His association. Therefore Rama will never deny their requests, nor will He hold back on sharing His limitless opulence. Rama is known as Bhagavan because of the fortunes He possesses, but the exalted devotees are also sometimes addressed as Bhagavan. They collect good qualities through their virtuous mindset, and they also have the greatest treasure of all, association with God through His holy name. Therefore there is no reason not to follow the formula outlined above, as one only becomes the greatest gainer by abandoning all other varieties of religion and surrendering unto the holy name and its potency.
Hanuman - devotee of Sita and RamaIn Closing:
Not all requests will the good father grant,
If harm will come, to son he will say, “I can’t”.
Shri Rama, the Supreme Lord, follows the same tact,
That He is Bhagavan, full of fortune, is a known fact.
If you want temporary rewards, demigods do you ask,
Unconcerned with motive, giving boons is their task.
Through time, the real religion man does forget,
Forges concocted dharmas and thinks they are the best.
Fruit of existence is the Supreme Lord’s association,
This comes from a sound vibration and its glorification.
Follow the formula of Tulsidas, poet and devotee of Rama,
Chant the name with love, and collect all good qualities as alms.
Have trust and confidence in the name,
Remember Shri Hanuman, of glorious fame.
Those who follow this formula have all their needs met,
By remembering Rama’s name, eternal bliss they get.

Technology that improves fuel efficiency also changes the experience of driving

Passing Fear: Do Fuel Economy Gains Compromise Quick Acceleration?

Technology that improves fuel efficiency also changes the experience of driving
ford-efficient-transmissionPOWER TRAIN: New transmissions promise more efficient use of gasoline but drivers may miss the instant acceleration of some older models.Image: Courtesy of Ford
Let's say a driver approaches a red light at 80 kilometers per hour (50 miles per hour) and coasts to slow down, then the light turns green and he or she floors the accelerator. As the car slows down, the transmission automatically downshifts into lower gears, but a sudden command to increase speed reverses that process and the transmission has to find the proper gear for quick acceleration. With new technology introduced in the past couple of years tomeet upcoming fuel economy standards, drivers of a small handful of the latest Ford, Chevy, GMC, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi models may feel engine hesitation when they goose the accelerator, which is a source of frustration, at minimum, to many drivers. But is it more than an annoyance? Is it a safety risk as well? Carmakers say no.

"It makes noises that are different and feel different, but it's performing and working exactly like it should," says Richard Truett, Ford's power-train communications manager.

Nevertheless, Jonathan Linkov, managing editor of autos at Consumer Reports, says it can be "scary" if a driver doesn't feel immediate acceleration as the car tries to zip in front of traffic. Linkov says Consumer Reports found such performance issues when testing the brands noted above. So, carmakers are working to respond to complaints from consumers about the performance changes without compromising fuel efficiency.

The efficiency tweaks are part of an effort by automakers to comply with federal corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) rules that now require that the U.S. car fleet meet fuel economy standards of 35 miles per gallon (15 kilometers per liter) by 2016. One way that automakers aim to improve fuel economy on internal combustion engines is by altering the transmission, which can boost performance by an estimated 5 to 10 percent. Such transmission tweaks include reducing the engine's time spent operating at a very high rotational speed to lower mechanical friction, or reducing time spent with an open throttle to lower air friction in the cars cylinders. Any friction can result in wasted energy.

But those tweaks can come with compromises: jerky motions and abrupt shifts in low-speed driving. Carmakers acknowledge the transmission changes are to blame, but maintain they pose no safety problem.

Ford, for one, unveiled its new dual-clutch automatic transmission in its 2011 Fiesta and 2012 Focus. In a typical automatic transmission, high-pressure fluid is pumped through the works to change the gears. Ford's new transmission shifts gears instead via computer-controlled electronic actuators, a technology born in Formula 1 racing cars, which is a more efficient way to get the engine's power directly to the wheels.

The gear box in these transmissions is also about nine kilograms lighter, and thereby more efficient, than a regular six-speed automatic transmission, because a torque converter is no longer required to move fluid around to spin its input shaft. Truett says this system has resulted in fuel economy gains of 8 to 10 percent, compared with a four-speed automatic transmission.

The main trade-off for Ford, and all automakers now aiming to crank up efficiency for that matter, comes with the calibration—that is, how long the transmission is programmed to stay in an optimal gear for fuel economy, which is not the same as its optimal gear for responsiveness and performance, says John DeCicco, a fellow with the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Energy Institute at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Higher fuel economy gains—on the order of as much as 12 percent compared with older automatics—come from gear settings that are more optimized for efficiency, not performance.

How much response one gets depends on what gear the car is in. When the transmission is calibrated for higher fuel economy, there is not as much response when the gas pedal is pressed, because it's effectively in a higher gear. That means the engine is turning more slowly. The slower the engine turns, the better the fuel economy.

The problem with selecting a lower gear is that the engine is running closer to its maximum power at that rotational speed, says John German, program director for the International Council on Clean Transportation. So to accelerate, the transmission must downshift. "Drivers like a fast response to the throttle and do not want to wait for the transmission to downshift before acceleration starts," he says.

This approach to engine efficiency has resulted in consumer complaints about driving performance. "We've seen an uptick in problems of engine stumbling, hesitating and automatic transmission shifting roughly," says Raffi Festekjian, director of automotive research for J. D. Power and Associates, a consumer products and services rating agency. Whereas this was the 10th most reported problem by consumers in 2010, this year it is the fourth highest, behind excessive wind noise; hands-free communication that does not recognize commands; and difficulties in using and seeing heating, ventilation and air conditioning controls.

Linkov, who test drove the 2012 Focus, says the driving experience at low speeds resembles the lurching feeling experienced as a passenger with a driver learning to pilot a manual transmission. A similar type of technology, in the Smart Fortwo, resulted in the same problem, he says, adding, "It's not what you'd expect from new technology."

Similarly, several drivers have issued formal complaints to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) consumer complaint Web site about the "rough shifts" on their 2010 Chevy Equinox, equipped with General Motors's new six-speed automatic transmission. GM took a different approach than Ford in improving the its transmission efficiency, relying on a larger number of gears in combination with improved shift control to enable a smaller engine to do the work of a larger one and thereby achieve fuel economy gains. This enabled GM to replace a six-cylinder engine with a lighter, more efficient four-cylinder engine. More gears allow for a wider gear ratio coverage (higher first- and second-gear ratios) and greater torque multiplication in lower gears. This, together with improved transmission shift control, allows a smaller engine to feel like a larger one while accelerating. The transmission-related improvements boosted fuel economy by as much as 11 percent.

GM is also considering Ford's technology, because it offers weight benefits in eliminating the torque converter and thus fuel economy improvements, but "we would ensure it had good drive quality before we would allow it to sell," says Roger Clark, senior manager of the GM Energy Center. He says GM will make sure there is better control of the clutches and actuators that shift the gears, so that the gears respond in a way that pleases the driver.

Truett thinks Fords' mistake was in failing to educate consumers about their new system's behavior, so as to better manage customer expectations. Even so, he says engineers and software experts are trying to improve their systems in response to customer input.

A trade-off between performance and fuel economy may be inevitable in the long run, and as manufacturers change the performance of their vehicles to increase their fuel efficiency, consumer complaints about performance may not go away. Complaints about drivability (such as slow acceleration and rough shifting), however, are usually not indicative of safety issues, says an NHTSA source who declined to be identified. Should that agency receive complaints of potentially unsafe conditions, such as inability to accelerate, as opposed to slower-than-expected acceleration, it may warrant a safety investigation. "We believe that there is no need to reduce safety in order to achieve greater fuel efficiency, and that manufacturers will find ways to address both needs," the source says.

நீலக்கால் நண்டுக்கறி – யாழ்ப்பாணம் முறை

நீலக்கால் நண்டுக்கறி

தேவையான பொருட்கள்:

நண்டு - 500 கிராம்
பெரிய வெங்காயம் - ஒன்று
சிறிய வெங்காயம் - 5
பச்சை மிளகாய் - 5
பூண்டு - 5 பல்
கறிவேப்பிலை – 1 இறகு
புளி – சிறிய தேசிக்காயளவு
இஞ்சி - சிறிது
சரக்கு மிளகாய்த்தூள்- 3 தேக்கரண்டி (உறைப்பு தேவைக்கேற்ப)
மஞ்சள்தூள் - சிறிதளவு
பெருஞ்சீரகம் (சோம்பு) - 1 தேக்கரண்டி
கடுகு - சிறிதளவு
மிளகு - சிறிதளவு
வெந்தயம் - சிதளவு
தேங்காய் - பாதி
எண்ணெய் – தாளிக்க தேவையான அளவு
உப்பு - தேவையான அளவு

1.நண்டைச் சுத்தம் செய்து, பெரிய நண்டாக இருந்தால் 4 துண்டுகளாக உடைக்கவும்
சிறிய நண்டாயின் இரண்டாக உடைக்கவும்.
பெரிய கால்களை இரண்டாக முறிக்கவும்.
அவற்றை சிறிது மஞ்சள் தூள் சேர்த்து பிரட்டி வைக்கவும். (சிலர் மஞ்சள் பாவிப்பதில்லை)

2. பாதித் தேங்காயை துருவி ஒரு தட்டில் வைக்கவும்.
வெண்காயம், பச்சைமிளகாய், என்பனவற்றை நீட்டாக வெட்டி பிறிம்பு பிறிம்பாக வைக்கவும்.
உள்ளியை சிறுதுகள்களாக சீவிக் கொள்ளவும்.
இஞ்சியையும் சீவிக் கொள்ளலாம் அல்லது குத்திக் கொள்ளவும்

3. தேங்காய், பெருஞ்சீரகம், மிளகு, ஆகியவற்றை ஒரு தாச்சியில் இட்டு தேங்காய்பூ பொன்னிறமாகும் வரை வறுத்து எடுத்து ஒரு பாத்திரத்தில் வைத்திருக்கவும்.

3. தாச்சியில் சிறிதளவு எண்ணெய் ஊற்றி, எண்ணெய் சூடேறியதும் அதில் கொஞ்ச கடுகு, பெருஞ்சீரகத்தை போடவும். கடுகு வெடித்ததும் அதற்குள் கொஞ்ச வெந்தயம் போடவும். வெந்தயம் பொரிந்து சிவத்ததும் வெட்டிவைத்த பெரிய வெங்காயத்தையும், பச்சை மிள்காயையும், உள்ளியையும் போட்டு வதக்கவும்.

வெங்காயம் வதங்கி வந்ததும் அதற்குள் கழுவி வைத்த நண்டை போட்டு கிழறி வதங்க விடவும். கொஞ்சம் வதங்கி வந்ததும் அதற்குள் பழப்புளியைக் கரைத்து விடவும். அத்துடன் நண்டு அவிய தேவையான அளவு தண்ணீரையும் விடவும்.

அதற்குள் 3 தேக்கறண்டி சரக்குமிளகாய்தூளும் (உறைப்புக்கேற்ப), தேவையான உப்பும், சீவி வைத்த இஞ்சியையும், வெட்டி வைத்த சின்ன வெங்காயமும் போட்டு கலக்கி மூடி அவிய விடவும். சிலர் வெட்டிய பச்சை மிள்காயை வதக்காது சின்ன வெங்காயத்துடன் சேர்த்து அவியப் போடுவார்கள்.

நண்டு அரை அவியல் அவிந்ததும் அதற்குள் நாம் வறுத்து வைத்த தேங்காய் வறுவலைப் போட்டு நன்கு கலக்கித் துளாவி திரும்பவும் கொதித்து அவிய விடவும்.

கறி வற்றி பிரட்டல் கறியாக வரும் போது கறிவேப்பிலையைப் போட்டு இறக்கி மூடிவிடவும்.

இப்போது நண்டுக் கறி ரெடி.

சிலர் பழப் புளிக்கு பதிலாக தேசிக்காய் புளியும் விடுவார்கள்.
இன்னும் சிலர் கறிமுருக்கம் இலை சேர்ப்பார்கள்,
தேங்காய் பாலாகவும் சேர்க்கலாம். கறி தடிக்காது. பூவை வறுத்துப்போட்டால் கறி தடிக்கும், ருசியாகவும் இருக்கும்
நண்டு வாங்கும்போது பாரமான பெட்டை நண்டாக பார்த்து வாங்கவும்

Up from the Depths: How Bacteria Capture Carbon in the 'Twilight Zone

Bigelow’s Dashiell Masland working with a Tecan Freedom EVO robotic liquid handler. (Credit: Dennis Griggs, Bigelow Laboratory Single Cell Genomics Center)

Science Daily — Understanding the flow and processing of carbon in the world's oceans, which cover 70 percent of Earth's surface, is central to understanding global climate cycles, with many questions remaining unanswered. Between 200 and 1,000 meters below the ocean surface exists a "twilight zone" where insufficient sunlight penetrates for microorganisms to perform photosynthesis. Despite this, it is known that microbes resident at these depths capture carbon dioxide that they then use to form cellular structures and carry out necessary metabolic reactions so that they can survive and reproduce.

Details are now emerging about a microbial metabolic pathway that helps solve the mystery of how certain bacteria do this in the dark ocean. These research results, which are enabling a better understanding of what happens to the carbon that is fixed in the oceans every year, were published by a team of researchers, including those from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI), in the Sept. 2, 2011 edition ofScience.
Carbon fixation in the dark ocean has so far been attributed primarily to the Archaea, single-celled organisms that often live in extreme environmental conditions. In this region of the ocean, the bacteria living there were thought to rely on organic compounds for both energy and carbon. According to DOE JGI collaborator Ramunas Stepanauskas, Director of the Bigelow Laboratory Single Cell Genomics Center and senior author of the Sciencepaper, "Previous oceanographic models suggested that Archaea do not adequately account for the amount of carbon that is being fixed in the dark ocean. Our study discovered specific types of Bacteria rather than Archaea, and their likely energy sources that may be responsible for this major, unaccounted component of the dark ocean carbon cycle."
To overcome the challenge that had hindered studies of deep ocean microbes, which have not yet been cultivated in the laboratory, researchers employed innovative single-cell genomics techniques, where DOE JGI's Tanja Woyke and Alexander Sczyrba, Bigelow Laboratory's Ramunas Stepanauskas and their teams are among the pioneers. Study co-author Woyke explained, "After we sequenced the genomes of single cells that were isolated by our colleagues at Bigelow, it was possible to verify the predominant bacterial lineages capable of trapping carbon in this deep underwater region. "This study represents a pristine example for the use of single cell genome sequencing to decipher the metabolic capabilities of uncultured natural microbial consortia, providing a powerful complement to metagenomics."
Stepanauskas attributed the success of the project to the combined efforts of the DOE JGI, the Bigelow Laboratory, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, the University of Vienna, and MIT. "This is the first application of a single-cell genomic approach to the deep ocean, one of the largest and least known biomes on the planet," emphasized David Kirchman, Harrington Professor of Marine Biosciences at the University of Delaware. "The paper radically changes our view about how microbes gain energy and flourish in the oceans."