are common questions posed to all believers, be it of a spiritual
tradition or not. It is natural to worry over an effort going to waste.
Especially with respect to the most important thing in life, the reason
for living and how to go about meeting it, who wants to be wrong? Who
wants to waste their time, effort, faith, hope, and vitality on a lie?
But actually, the fear itself can help us to solve the problem. As in
math and science it is often helpful to disprove the negation, seeing
how faith is currently invested sheds some light on the matter.
do we mean by this? Well, if the question of “what if you’re wrong” is
posed to the sincere spiritual seeker, it can be returned to the
doubting soul as well. It is only fair that if you get to ask me a
question, I can ask the same one back to you. To the materialist, we can
be just as inquisitive. Here “materialist” covers the broader spectrum
of the “non-devoted.” One person may crave more wealth, opulence and
fame than another, but if both are ignorant of the true purpose of an
existence, they can be lumped into the “materialist” category. A more
accurate definition would be “someone who knows only maya, or illusion.”
Maya is the Sanskrit term to describe “that which is not,” with the
“not” referring to the Absolute Truth, the non-differentiated energy
that gives life to everything.
my dear friend, what if you’re wrong about this person being good? What
if you’re wrong about that band being the best in the world? What if
you’re wrong about this athlete being honest, kind, charitable, and an
all-around good guy? What if you’re wrong about this president being
different? What if he really does lie, cheat and steal like the rest of
them? Then what? What are you going to do? Won’t all your worship have
been a waste? And yes, it indeed was worship, for you offered undivided
attention. You forked over so much money as well in buying what they
were selling. Therefore, will you not waste your effort?”
by definition so many have been wrong about so many things since time
immemorial. They continue to be wrong to this day. For example, in
recent times the public gave so much attention to notable athletes.
These athletes had a good public image. They said the right things. They
supported the right causes. If polls were taken, their favorability
numbers would be through the roof.
If people
weren’t wrong all the time about their preferences and likes, there
would not be any hate. There would be no need to moderate comments on
websites and blogs. There would be no need to steer clear of “haters.”
Indeed, many in the public eye are so famous that they have groups of
haters, who look for any excuse to criticize. A famous rock band
originally had a small group of adoring fans, but as their popularity
increased and others became envious, they soon acquired so many haters.
The haters are worshipers also, in a sense, but they were previously
fans. By their own behavior they admit that they were horribly wrong,
that their preference resulted in a complete waste of time.
deluded by maya have shown themselves to be wrong so many times. The
summit to an existence in maya is increased opulence. Well, so many who
are extremely beautiful are incredibly unhappy. The same goes for those
who have a lot of money. Previously, the young adult longed for the day
they would find wedded bliss, but in adulthood they find marriage to be
very difficult. Simply living with someone else all the time and
compromising desires and preferences is a tough task.
And what
comes from being wrong? Is there an increase in knowledge? Time was
spent immersed in something, for sure, but then again that time could
have been spent elsewhere. More importantly, at the time of death, the
living entity is no wiser than when they started as an infant. Gifted
with a birth in the most intelligent species, the living entity failed
to open their eyes to the reality of the world in time to make the most
of their vitality.In the devotional life, there is real love. This means that it cannot be checked. The corresponding Sanskrit term is “prema.” Prema is distinguished from kama, or material love, by the fact that the object receiving the love can never do anything to remove the sentiment in the person offering the love. In simpler terms, this means that the devotee can never be made to feel wrong. If someone always chants the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,” in a pure manner and under the guidance of proper authority figures, when reaching the mature stage nothing can take them away from their chanting. They hold on to the holy name as their life and soul, for they know the name is identical to the person it addresses.
There will
always be skeptics, and so for even those worried that a lifetime in
devotion could end up leaving the worshiper with nothing, note that the
time spent is blissful as well; the reward is not solely reserved for
the end. It is in the nature of the spirit soul to serve. One is
happiest when they are serving others; this fact cannot be denied. Only
in devotional service, the peak of religious practice, does one get to
serve without motivation and without interruption. By definition, this
makes one extremely happy. Therefore bhakti-yoga becomes the most
wonderful utilization of time in this short, but auspicious lifetime. If
one is always doubtful they will not take up bhakti-yoga, and they will
make the worst possible mistake in missing out on the Lord’s constant
In Closing:
What if everything is wrong,
And wasted is your effort long?
Instead of opulence to taste,
Your faith in God went to waste.
In truth wrong is the way right now,
Otherwise hatred towards figures how?
In devotional service nothing to lose,
Blissful is life when love for God to choose.
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