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Monday, March 5, 2012

Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice ~~~~

Many of us have no idea on various health uses of lemon juice. This commonly available sour and juicy fruit can benefit us from losing weight to controlling blood pressure. If you like the sour taste of lemon juice, then you can simply have it. But many people will not prefer this extreme tartness, for them the best thing is to squeeze fresh lemon into a glass of water and then drink it. The top 10 health benefits of lemon juice are described here.

Lemon Juice for Digestion
The lemon juice has been very useful in solving various digestion related problems. First of all, when mixed with warm water, it can give relief from heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching and parasites. Regular intake of lemon juice can take care of constipation problem, by clearing the accumulated bowels. Lemon is also helpful for the liver as it helps the liver in producing more bile, which can in turn speed up the process of digestion.

Lemon Juice for Skin
Lemon is perhaps one of the best sources of vitamin C, which is very much beneficial for the skin. The lemon juice has the ability to fight with ageing symptoms like blackheads and wrinkles. If you can consume lemon juice or lemon water, in a regular basis, then you can see the difference in your own eyes. Lemon water also helps in removing any type of scars or dark patches over the skin.

Lemon Juice for Teeth
Lemon has also its good effect on the teeth. The freshly squeezed lemon juice can reduce the toothache and when massaged on gum, it cures all the wounds from the gums, in case you have any. The fresh lemon juice also takes care of problems like bad breath.

Lemon Juice for Throat
The antibacterial property of the fresh lemon juice works to fight with any kind of infection in the throat area, such as sore throat or tonsillitis. The best remedy for sore throat is to gurgle with fresh lemon juice mixed in warm water.

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss
This is one of the greatest uses of lemon juice as it works on the accumulated fat of your body. Regular intake of lemon juice and honey mixed with lukewarm water can do a magic to the shape of your body.

Lemon Juice for Blood Pressure
The high level of potassium content in the lemon juice benefits the people with high blood pressure. Actually, potassium works in the human body to control dizziness, nausea and high blood pressure, which can consequently reduce the risk of heart disease.

Lemon Juice for Respiratory Problems
Warm lemon water works to clear the chest congestion by loosening the accumulated cough in the respiratory track. So, patients of asthma or other respiratory diseases can enjoy great benefit by regularly consuming lemon juice.

Lemon Juice for Urinary Tract Infection
Being a diuretic in nature, lemon can also help in solving problems related to urinary tracts. In addition to this, the detoxifying property of lemon juice can helps the body to flush out all the toxins from the system. Both these benefits work together to keep the urinary tracts free from any type of infection.

Lemon Juice for Stress
Lemon has been much used as a relaxing agent. The soothing smell of lemon can work wonder to reduce stress, at the end of the day. A cool glass of lemon water can rejuvenate you after a hectic and tiring day. The vitamin C content of the lemon juice helps in increasing the immunity power of the body, which can ensure your health and fitness

1 comment:

  1. Please note that if you want to enjoy the full benefits of lemon juice, it must be fresh squeezed. Lemon Juice in a bottle is pasteurized, which causes many of the enzymes to be killed in the process. The enzymes have the most benefits.

    As part of my most recent detox, I have started drinking hot water with lemons every morning when I wake up. See my blog about the power of lemons and more details about my detox:
