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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It’s easy to dream about making it big and enticing to fantasize about fame, money and opportunity. The benefits of success are well advertised. What is not often spoken of are the sacrifices. Find out what costs come along with achieving true business success.
INC shares…
How many young people are inspired to dream of founding businesses by the incredible success of seemingly normal(ish) Mark Zuckerberg? Do these start-up dreams have under-discussed costs?
That’s what three entrepreneurs whose views were rounded up by Jason Kottkestarted to wonder after reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs. The short post is well worth a read in full, but the gist is encapsulated in the words of Jeff Atwood, a co-founder of Stack Exchange:
Start-up life is hard on families. We just welcomed two new members into our family, and running as fast as you can isn’t sustainable for parents of multiple small children. The death of Steve Jobs, and his subsequent posthumous biography, highlighted the risks for a lot of folks. [...] Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange have been wildly successful, but I finally realized that success at the cost of my children is not success. It is failure.
Designer and entrepreneur Eric Karjaluoto expresses similar sentiments. “I admire [Jobs] for the mountains he climbed. At the same time, I wonder if he missed the whole point, becoming the John Henry of our time. He won the race, but at what cost?” Kottke admits that “since Jobs died, I’ve been pushing a little less hard” toward a definition of success that involves insane working hours.
And it is not just Kottke and company who are wondering whether most of us really want to pay the true costs of anything resembling the Zuckerberg or Jobs-type of success. Blogger Penelope Trunk has a woman’s perspective on the issue and focuses on Facebook’s soon-to-be-massively-wealthy COO Sheryl Sandberg in a new post. While she has nothing against Sandberg, whom she praises as super smart and extremely supportive of women’s ambitions, Trunk still has questions about whether Sandberg’s success is actually an appealing option for the vast majority of women.
Sandberg wants to be a role model for women who want big, exciting careers. But here’s the problem: women don’t want to be Sandberg. It’s no coincidence that the number one woman on the list of self-made millionaires is Oprah. She has no kids and no husband. She’s fascinating, nice, and smart. But few of us would really enjoy her life.
Sandberg and Oprah represent extreme choices in life. The things they give up are not things that most women would want to give up in exchange for the wild career success they could have.
The bottom line for Trunk is the same as it in for Kottke—seeing your kids and having start-up success are not compatible goals. That might not often be clearly articulated in the culture but it’s true, and this makes high-octane entrepreneurialism a hard choice for many. “Sandberg is not a role model. She’s an aberration,” concludes Trunk.
Get the full story at INC!

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