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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When you think of success, you are much more likely to imagine perfection than imperfection. If this is the case, you may be overlooking a vital ingredient to success. It is not perfection which makes success, but instead overcoming the imperfections. Find out why this is so important here! explains…
Imperfection is part of the human condition.  We all make mistakes, fail to perform at an optimum level sometimes, miss things that should be obvious and have moments of reflection in which, in hindsight, we say: “how did I miss that?”  What is important is to recognize is that in order to achieve success you do not need to be perfect.  In fact, the lessons you learn from your imperfections are critical for your growth and are essential in your success journey.
Not only is it important to accept our condition of imperfection, it is also critical that we build up the courage to own up our own shortcomings and take responsibility for when we make mistakes.  When you are in the heat of battle, dealing with difficult situations and being accused of things that are not true, we tend to become defensive.    It is important to get the facts straight and communicate it in a professional manner, defending your position when the facts show that you not guilty as charged.
But it is just as important to recognize when you do fail.  No one expects you to be perfect, and owning up to the occasions when you made mistakes or did not fully meet expectations will only increase the respect other people have for you and strengthen your ability to win and be successful.
Others relate to you when you make mistakes because they realized that they are not perfect themselves.  Just like you make mistakes, other people are also vulnerable to imperfections.  But if you expect others to understand when you make mistakes, it is important that you don’t become quick to judge others either.  Judging others by different standards than what you expect them to judge you is not a good way to develop your character and leadership abilities.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, or to admitting to them.  Even the best and most experienced people in your field will make mistakes.  Not only is making mistakes natural, it is also healthy and good for success, as it teaches you lessons that you can use when the stakes are higher.
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