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Monday, October 17, 2011


Do you know what country plays host to the most millionaires? How about what country is predicted to create the most millionaires in the next ten years? This information and more is revealed in the following article!
Deloitte Center for Financial Services conducted research on the millionaires in the world for next 10 years. Both their homes and investment trends that will be their choice. What is the research like?
25 countries that examined in this study covers 15 developed countries, like Australia, Canada, France, Germany, China, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and UK. Then the 10 developing countries such as Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey.
The total wealth of the millionaires in the world for the next 10 years would grow 119% from U.S. $ 92 trillion to U.S. $ 202 trillion. For the developing countries, growth in 2020 is quite impressive, which is bolted 260%, from U.S. $ 7 to $ 25, significantly with the growth in developed countries amounted to 107%, from U.S. $ 85 to $ 177.
U.S. will remain as a country with the largest number of millionaires in the world for 2020, followed by Japan, Germany and Britain. Global ranking of the total number of millionaires in the world of developing countries will experience an increase rankings, with some economies grow significantly, such as South Korea and Mexico. While some of that is decreasing, like Taiwan and Turkey.
China is still going to hold its position as the country with second highest economy, after the U.S., with a fortune of over U.S. $ 30 million. While Brazil and India ranked fifth in sixth position.
Singapore will have the largest population of millionaires in the world. The proportion of total relevant super rich millionaire in 2020 became the highest in Singapore, with a percentage of 1.82%. While the Swiss will become number two on the percentage population of 0.61% and Hong Kong on third position with a percentage of 0.52%.
However, Swiss millionaires will be the richest millionaires in the world. According to the study, for millionaires in Switzerland will have an average wealth of U.S. $ 4.2 million, the highest among 25 countries in this study. The second position is Singapore with U.S. $ 4 million, then the U.S. with $ 3.9 million. China may have an average final wealth separately millionaire, ni yak U.S. $ 1.3 million per household.
Get the full story at The Daily News Global!

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