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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Twenty two Reasons To Believe Hinduism Is Based On Science

People are advised to worship Neem and Banyan tree in the morning. Inhaling the air near these trees, is good for health.
If you are trying to look ways for stress management, there can’t be anything other than Hindu Yoga aasan Pranayama (inhaling and exhaling air slowly using one of the nostrils).
Hindu temples are built scientifically. The place where an idol is placed in the temple is called ‘Moolasthanam’. This ‘Moolasthanam’ is where earth’s magnetic waves are found to be maximum, thus benefitting the worshipper.
Every Hindu household has a Tulsi plant. Tulsi or Basil leaves when consumed, keeps our immune system strong to help prevent the H1N1 disease.
The rhythm of Vedic mantras, an ancient Hindu practice, when pronounced and heard are believed to cure so many disorders of the body like blood pressure.
Hindus keep the holy ash in their forehead after taking a bath, this removes excess water from your head.
Women keep kumkum bindi on their forehead that protects from being hypnotised.
हस्त ग्रास
Eating with hands might be looked down upon in the west but it connects the body, mind and soul, when it comes to food.
Hindu customs requires one to eat on a leaf plate. This is the most eco-friendly way as it does not require any chemical soap to clean it and it can be discarded without harming the environment.banana; palash leaves
Piercing of baby’s ears is actually part of acupuncture treatment. The point where the ear is pierced helps in curing Asthma.
Sprinkling turmeric mixed water around the house before prayers and after. Its known that turmeric has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.
The old practice of pasting cow dung on walls and outside their house prevents various diseases/viruses as this cow dung is anti-biotic and rich in minerals.
Hindus consider drinking cow urine to cure various illnesses. Apparently, it does balance bile, mucous and airs and a remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.
The age-old punishment of doing sit-ups while holding the ears actually makes the mind sharper and is helpful for those with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, learning difficulties and behavioural problems.
Lighting ‘diyas’ or oil or ghee lamps in temples and house fills the surroundings with positivity and recharges your senses.
Janeu, or the string on a Brahmin’s body, is also a part of Acupressure ‘Janeu' and keeps the wearer safe from several diseases.
Decorating the main door with ‘Toran’- a string of mangoes leaves;neem leaves;ashoka leaves actually purifies the atmosphere.
Touching your elder’s feet keeps your backbone in good shape.
Cremation or burning the dead, is one of the cleanest form of disposing off the dead body.

Chanting the mantra ‘Om’ leads to significant reduction in heart rate which leads to a deep form of relaxation with increased alertness.
हनुमान चालीसा
Hanuman Chalisa, according to NASA, has the exact calculation of the distance between Sun and the Earth.
The ‘Shankh Dhwani’ creates the sound waves by which many harmful germs, insects are destroyed. The mosquito breeding is also affected by Shankh blowing and decreases the spread of ma

நீங்கள் கோடீஸ்வரராக வேண்டுமா..? எந்த தெய்வத்தை வணங்க வேண்டும்?

1;ஒவ்வொரு தமிழ்மாதத்திலும் ஏதாவது ஒரு திங்கள் கிழமையன்று திருப்பதி சென்று ஸ்ரீவெங்கடாஜலபதியை தரிசிக்க வேண்டும்.அங்கு எப்போதும் கூட்டமாக இருக்கும் இல்லையா? நீங்கள் திங்கட்கிழமையன்று பெருமாளை தரிசித்துவிட வேண்டும்.இப்படி 12 திங்கட்கிழமைகள் அதாவது ஒருவருடம் வரை ஸ்ரீபாலாஜியை தரிசிக்க வேண்டும்.இப்படி செய்தால் நீங்கள் கோடீஸ்வரராவது உறுதி.

2.அமிதிஸ்டு என்ற ரத்தினம் அதாங்க ஜெம் நகைக்கடைகளில் கிடைக்கிறது.இந்த ரத்தினத்தின் பூர்வீகம் அமெரிக்கா.இந்தக்கல் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் வீண் செலவுகள் குறையும்.பணம் சேமிக்கும் காந்த அலைகளை இது வெளியிடுகிறது. இது ஒரு காரட் ரூ.100 அல்லது அதைவிடக் குறைவாகத்தான் இருக்கும்.குறைந்தது 10 காரட் வாங்கி பணம் வைக்குமிடத்தில் வைக்கவும்.உங்களது மணிபர்ஸிலும் வைக்கலாம்.நிறைய பணம் மிச்சமாகும்

ஒவ்வொரு வருடமும் கார்த்திகைமாதம் வரும் தேய்பிறை சிவராத்திரி அன்று மாலை 4.30 மணிக்கு திருஅண்ணாமலையில் உள்ள குபேரலிங்கம் சன்னதிக்கு வருக!!! அங்கு நடக்கும் நித்ய பிரதோஷ பூஜையில் கலந்து கொண்டு , கிரிவலம் செல்ல வேண்டும். குபேர லிங்கத்தில் தொடங்கி , குபேர லிங்கத்தில் கிரிவலம் முடித்து , பின்பு உங்கள் இல்லம் திரும்ப வேண்டும்.
வீட்டில் மாதம் தோறும் குபேரபூஜை அல்லது மகாலட்சுமி பூஜை செய்து வருக!
உங்களது பிறந்த ஜாதகத்தில் கோடீஸ்வரயோகம் இல்லாவிட்டாலும் கோடீஸ்வரர் ஆவது நிச்சயம் உண்மை.நீங்களும் ஒருமுறை டெஸ்ட் செய்து பார்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.

Binge drinking

"Binge drinking(the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time) increases the risk of falls, burns, gunshot wounds, car accidents and other traumatic injuries. One-third of trauma patients have alcohol in their systems.
In addition to increasing the risk of traumatic injuries, binge drinking impairs the body's ability to recover from such injuries. Previous studies have found, for example, that binge drinking delays wound healing, increases blood loss and makes patients more prone to pneumonia and infections from catheters. Binge drinkers also are more likely to die from traumatic injuries. The study led by Dr. Afshar illustrates another potentially harmful effect of binge drinking."

Certain people should avoid alcohol completely, including those who:
  • Plan to drive a vehicle or operate machinery
  • Take medications that interact with alcohol
  • Have a medical condition that alcohol can aggravate
  • Are pregnant or trying to become pregnant
Binge Drinking:
  • NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for men—in about 2 hours.

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which conducts the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), defines binge drinking as drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks on the same occasion on at least 1 day in the past 30 days.
  • Drink-by-drink guide

    Below is a drink-by-drink guide, based on a standard (175ml) 12% volume glass of white wine and 4% strength pint of lager, showing how quickly alcohol can affect your mind and body.
    One glass of white wine or a pint of lager (approximately two units):
    • You’re talkative and you feel relaxed.
    • Your self-confidence increases.
    • Driving ability is already impaired, which is why it is best to drink no alcohol if you're driving.
    Two glasses of white wine or two pints of lager (approximately four units):
    • Your blood flow increases.
    • You feel less inhibited and your attention span is shorter.
    • You start dehydrating, one of the causes of a hangover.
    Three glasses of white wine or three pints of lager (approximately six units):
    • Your reaction time is slower.
    • Your liver has to work harder.
    • Your sex drive may increase, while your judgement may decrease.
    Four glasses of white wine or three and a half pints of lager (approximately eight units):
    • You’re easily confused.
    • You’re noticeably emotional.
    • Your sex drive could now decrease and you may become less capable.

    The NHS recommends:

    • Men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day
    • Women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day
    • If you've had a heavy drinking session, avoid alcohol for 48 hours
      "Regularly" means drinking this amount every day or most days of the week.
      Bear in mind that some people (including women, young people and those with smaller builds) may experience the effects after drinking smaller amounts of alcohol.
      If you have developed a tolerance to alcohol you may find that some of these effects do not apply to you.
      In that case, consider whether it is time to cut back on your drinking or whether you need to seek help. 

    Both Hebbian plasticity and neuromodulation essential to memory formation

    The influential Hebbian plasticity hypothesis suggests that an increase in the strength of connections between neurons whose activity is correlated produces memories. Other theories, however, propose that neuromodulatory systems need to be activated together with Hebbian plasticity mechanisms to engage memory formation.
    The present work published in the journal PNAS provides direct in vivo evidence supporting the idea that a parallel mechanism involving neuromodulation and Hebbian processes is both necessary and sufficient to trigger synaptic strengthening and behavioral associative memory formation. This parallel process may represent a general mechanism used by many learning systems in the brain.

    Sunday, December 28, 2014

    Sani Peyarchi Palangal Dt 16-12-14

    Vasthu tips

    டிசம்பர் 28: இந்திய தேசிய காங்கிரஸ் உருவான தினம் (1885)

    Signs & Symptoms of a Hacked Smartphone

     by Tommy Doc, Demand Media  
    Smartphones today can be easily hacked using cheap or free software applications with all of the necessary information available for free online. Since smartphones have operating systems similar to computers, a successful hack will give hackers complete control of the device, from calls, to texts, to applications like Facebook and mobile banking. Unauthorized use or activity on the phone is the most telling sign of an intrusion, as well as abnormal service disruptions or changes to the phone's settings.

    Strange Texts

    iPhone users have reported strange SMS text messages received as an initial attempt to hack a smartphone. Texts that appear as a single square or other strange characters are attempts by hackers to download spyware or malware onto your device. These attacks are similar to malicious email viruses, however on a mobile device the SMS only has to be received by the smartphone, with no download action taken by the user. If a hacker accesses a device of a friend who has you in their address book, it can be easily passed along to your number. Check with your contacts to see if they have experienced similar texts, and notify them of a potential hack.

    Unauthorized Use

    A hacker who gains control of your mobile device will be able to send texts, make calls, or access the internet. This will alter your call history, sent text messages, or other functions unbeknownst to the user. Monitor your call, text, and camera function history, and if you notice anything you did not perform yourself, then your phone is remotely under the control of another user. Experienced hackers will cover their tracks, so if you suspect a hack check your phone records with your service provider to detect any unauthorized use.

    Service Disruptions

    If you are experiencing ticking or other noises during your phone calls that are normally not an issue, it could be a sign someone is attempting to access your phone. Abruptly dropped calls could be a problem with your service provider, or a failed hacking attempt. If your service provider cannot provide an explanation as to why these events are happening all of the sudden, a hacking attempt can be considered as the culprit.

    Diagnostic Test

    If you suspect malicious software may be installed on your smart phone, take it into a retail location of your service provider for a diagnostic test. They should be able to detect and eliminate any intrusive software installed on the phone, or in the worst case scenario, restore it to factory settings.

    Saturday, December 27, 2014

    திருமணத்திற்கு நாள் பார்க்கும்போது கவனத்தில் கொள்ள‍ வேண்டிய விதிகள்

    1. முதல் விதி
    திருமணம் மல மாதத்தில் இடம்பெறக்கூடாது. (மலமாதம் என்பது
    இரண்டு அமாவாசை அல்லது இரண்டு பவுர்ணமி ஒரே மாதத்தில் வருவது.)

    2. இரண்டாவது விதி
    சித்திரை, வைகாசி, ஆனி, ஆவணி, தை, பங்குனி தவிர இதர மாதங்களில் திருமணம் செய்வதைத் தவிர்ப்பது நல்லது.

    3. மூன்றாவது விதி
    இயன்றவரை சுக்கில பட்ச காலத்திலேயே திருமணம் செய்வது நல்லது என்பது மூன்றாவது விதி.

    4. நான்காவது விதி
    புதன், வியாழன், வெள்ளிபோன்ற சுப ஆதிபத்தியமுடைய கிழமைகள் மிக ஏற்றவை. இதர கிழமைகள் அவ்வளவு உகந்தவை அல்ல.

    …ரிஷபம், மிதுனம், கடகம், சிம்மம், கன்னி, துலாம், தனுசு, மீனம் ஆகிய சுப லக்கினங்களில் மட்டுமே திருமணம் நடத்த வேண்டும் என்பது தான்
    5. ஐந்தாவது விதி
    துவிதியை, திரிதியை, பஞ்சமி, ஸப்தமி, தசமி, திரயோதசி ஆகிய சுப திதிகள் தவிர இதர திதிகளை தவிர்ப்பது

    6. ஆறாவது விதி
    முகூர்த்த லக்கினத்துக்கு 7ம் இடம். முகூர்த்த நாளன்று சுத்தமாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.

    7. ஏழாவது விதி
    அக்கினி நட்சத்திரம், மிருத்யூ பஞ்சகம், கசரயோகங்கள் போன்ற காலகட்டத்தில் திருமணம் நடத்தக்கூடாது.

    8. எட்டாவது விதி
    திருமணத்தின் போது குரு, சுக்கிரன் போன்ற சுபகிரகங்கள் திருமண லக்கினத்துக்கும் மணமக்களின் ஜனன ராசிக்கும் எட்டாம் வீட்டில் இடம் பெற்றிருக்கக்கூடாது.

    9. ஒன்பதாவது விதி
    திருமணநாள் மணமக்களின் சந்திராஷ்டம தினமாக இல்லாமல் இருப்பது மிகமிக முக்கியமான விதி.

    10. பத்தாம் விதி.
    மணமக்களின் ஜனன நட்சத்திர நாளிலும் 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 2வதாக வரும் நட்சத்திர தினங்களிலும் திருமணம் நடத்தக்கூடாது.

    11. பதினொன்றாம் விதி
    கடைசியாக மணமக்களின் பிறந்த தேதி அல்லது கிழமைகளிலும் கல்யாணம் பண்ணக்கூடாது.

    - இவ்வளவு விஷயங்கள் தெரிந்து கொண்டபின் நீங்களே அனைத்து சுபகாரியங்களுக்கும் நல்ல நாள் பார்த்துவிடுவீர்கள் தானே. அவரவர் குலதெய்வத்தை மனதில் வேண்டிக்கொண்டு உங்கள் வீட்டில் உள்ள பெரியவர்களின் ஆசியுடன் நல்லதொரு நாளைக்

    Did Indians build Egyptian Pyramids?

    By Swaminathan
    Egyptian Pyramids, Mayan Pyramid Temples, Babylonian Ziggurats (Shikara in Sanskrit) and Hindu temples—all look like a cone. The design and structure are same. Hindus were the originators. Hindus taught the world that God lives in a high place-sacred mountain MERU. The Greeks changed the name to Mount Olympus. Hindus are the only race in the world continuing temple buildings in the same way and worshipping God in it. All others made them as museums. We took this concept of ‘sacred mountain’ to Cambodia and built the largest temple complex in the world Angkor Wat and Borobudur in Indonesia. We used the temple for Gods, where as others used them for God like kings.
    Scholars around the world knew the connection between India and Egypt from 1400 BC. That was the time Mittanni King Dasaratha wrote ten letters (it is available in all the encyclopaedias as Amarna letters) after marrying his daughter to Egyptian king Amhenotep (Sramana Dev). Tushratta/ Dasaratha was a king who ruled Syria (now a Muslim country), but his name and his forefather names are in Sanskrit. To confirm they are Indian Hindus we have an inscription giving the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Indra and Nasatya (Asvini Devas) in an agreement with the Hittites and a horse manual with Sanskrit numbers.
    (Though all these things were in encyclopaedias from 1930s, the ruling British were very careful not to teach this or about South East Asian Hindu Empire to Indian History students. All these excavations were done by non British scholars! British were very successful in sowing the poisonous seeds of divisive Aryan Dravidian Invasion theory which is not in Sangam Tamil or Sanskrit literature. They carefully hid facts like Tamils worshipped Indra, Varuna, Vishnu, Skanda and Durga which was found in the oldest Tamil book Tolkappiam).
    Bible which was put to writing around 945 BC (Hutchinson Encyclopaedia) also gave Sanskrit words for imports from India such as karpasa (cotton),Tuke (Siki for peacock or Suka for parrots), Kapi (monkey)etc.
    But many of us do not know that the first king of Egypt was Manu, the law giver. But they were not Dasaratha of Valmiki Ramayana or Manu of Manu Dharma Sastra. Many of us do not know that the Egyptian builders used the Sanskrit word Sutra for measurements during building Egyptian Pyramids. Sulba Sutras are Vedic manuals giving measurements for Yaga Kundas (fire pits for sacrificial fire ceremonies). It contains Pythagorean Theorem and other Vedic mathematics. Sutra means thread/plumb line,also book of formulas.
    Arta Dama, a Mittanni king, married his daughter to Egyptian king Tuthmose IV and the daughter of Sutharna was married to Amenhotep III (1390 BC). Another daughter was married to his son Akhenaten. He was the most revolutionary king who established ONE GOD for the Egyptians. His name in Sanskrit means Eka Aten (One Aten is God). He worshiped Surya (sun).
    Egyptian kings’ sun worship looks exactly like Brahmins doing Sandhyavandhana. Brahmins do it thrice a day facing sun. Egyptian kings worship the sun in the same way.
    Manu=Nara Meru
    In my earlier posts I have established that the big conflict between Krishna/Arjuna pair and the Nagas under the leadership of Maya Dhanava just before 3100 BC resulted in a mass exodus of Nagas to South America and Central America. After Krishna’s burning of Naga lands (Kandava vana) in the Gangetic plains, there were continuous clashes. It was followed by the mass execution of Nagas (Sarpa Yagna) to avenge the assassination of King Parikshit by the Nagas. A Naga hid himself in the fruit basket and killed King Parikshit.
    Around 3100 BC another dynasty started their rule in Egypt. Since they were Hindus, they named the first king Manu (Manes). His other name was Narmer i.e. Nara Meru, a pure Sanskrit word meaning Mountain among the Kings. Meru was the holiest and highest mountain in Hindu Mythology. Any high point was named Meru. We have different Merus around the world. Pameru (Pamir Plateau), KuMeru (Kumari in the South of India). Su Meru (Sumerians) of the Middle East. The word Khmer of Cambodia may be related to Kumari/Ku Meru. I will write about it separately. North and South Poles were also called Merus in Hindu Mythologies (Puranas).
    Menes was given a legendary date 3100 BC by the Greeks because Indian Kaliyuga Calendar begins in 3102 BC. Mayans also followed this Kali Yuga Calendar. (Full details are in my posts)
    Menes (Manu) was praised the first Law Giver of Egypt by the Greek Historian Diodorous Siculus. Egyptians were just like Indian Hindus. They believed kings were half God, half man. Indian words for kings and palaces are synonymous with Gods and Temples. Diodorous links Heracles (Hercules) with Egypt and India. Hercules was one of the 12 ancient Gods of Egypt and he cleared India of wild animals, says Diodorous.
    Narmer palette shows his picture as a strict man punishing the wrong ones.
    ( In Tamil Khon means King and God, Koil means Palace and temple, In Sanskrit Deva is used for Lord and the King). Khon became Khan in other languages like Kesari/lion gave a new word Caesar. Tele in the Ancient Middle East means temple, which is the corrupted form of Sanskrit word STHALA. Tamils changed it to Thali=temple)
    Egyptian kings called themselves children of Surya/sun. This corresponds with the Surya Vamsa of Hindu scriptures. Like Indian Hindu kings, Egyptian kings had two names : 1. Name given at birth 2. Coronation name or Abisheka Nama.
    Nile River (Sanskrit word)
    River Nile is known as Blue Nile because of its BLUE colour. It is a Sanskrit word NILA meaning blue. If I find only one Sanskrit word from among 1000 place names in Egypt, scholars will laugh at me. But almost all ancient Egyptian names are Sanskrit names. ( Full list is available with me. Just a few examples: Heliopolis= Suryapura, Thebes=Devas, Zawyet el Aryan=Arya of ?, Saqqara= Chakra, Dashuf= Dasyu or Dasa, Asyut=Achyuta, Hierakonpolis=Swarnapura, Amra, Amarna= Amara, Dishashasa=Disa, El Badari= Badri (nath), Beni Hasan=Vani dasan, Naj el der=Naga….?). Please note that Greek words are also in many place names.
    Ramses=Rama Seshan?
    Ramses is a title for at least seventeen kings in Egypt. Kanchi Paramacharya Swamiji has mentioned this is the name of Rama, Hero of Ramayana, in his 1932 Chennai lectures.
    (Please read my post Madagascar- INDIA LINK VIA INDONESIA for full details.
    Naga on their heads
    Many of the kings have Naga ( Naga gave birth to English word Snake=S+Naka) on their heads. There is no Hindu God without snake on their bodies. But Egyptian Kings look exactly like Lord Shiva of Hindu mythology. Another word for snake is Uraga=Uraes of Egypt.
    Belief in Rebirth
    The reason for building Pyramids was their belief in after life and rebirth. All the oriental religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism) believe in after life and Rebirth. Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) don’t believe in it. This shows very clear connection with the Hindus of India. In Indian mythology we have Nimi (see the Puranas) saving his body like the Egyptians.


    Situated in the banks of River Narmada on the Mandhata (Shivapuri) Island formed in the shape of OM in Sanskrit, Omkareswar is one of the Jyotirlingas besides another Amareswar Linga. The Legend was that Sage Narada visited Vindhya Raja and the latter bragged that Vindya was the highest and most powerful Mountain in the entire World. Narada replied that perhaps Meru was the greatest in terms of height and might. Vindhya Raja felt jealous and executed severe ‘Tapasya’ and pleased Maha Siva and requested that He should always be present in the Vindhyas and establish a Linga of Bhagavan on the banks of Narmada near to Vindhya. Hence the Omkara Jyotirlinga there. Puffed by Siva’s presence there, Vindhya Raja grew taller and taller to compete with Sumeru. This obstructed Sun God’s routine circumambulation of the Universe and He had to return half way turning half of the Universe dark. Bhagavati asked Sage Agastya from Kasi to visit Vindhya Raja who out of veneration bent down to touch the feet of Agastya who asked Vindhya to be in that position till he returned and he never came again from the South!

    இந்தோனேசியாவில் பூமிக்கு அடியில் புதைந்து கிடந்த பழமையான சிவன்கோவில்.

    Thursday, December 25, 2014

    ஷம்பலா உலகத்தின் அச்சு

    விக்டோரியா லேபெஜ் ஐம்பது வருடங்களுக்கு மேலாக ஷம்பலாவை பற்றி ஆய்வு செய்தற் தனது ஆய்வு புத்தகத்தில் கூறுகிறார். துணிவற்ற நவீன சமுகத்திற்கு இந்த மண்டலத்தினுடைய ஆணை தேவை எனவும் மண்டலா(பிரபஞ்சத்தின் ஒரு வரைபட அமைப்பு ) ஒழுங்கற்ற சுருள் போன்ற பிரபஞ்சத்தின் மையம் என கூறும் அவர் மேலும் ,இந்த மையத்தினை தேடி தொடர்வது மூலம் ஷம்பலாவினை அடையலாம். மேலும் ஷம்பலா உலகத்தின் அச்சு என கூறும் இந்த ஆய்வாளர் .இங்கே நாம் அறிய முடியாத அளவில் பல ரகசியங்கள் நிறைந்து இருக்கலாம் என கூறுகிறார். அருங்காட்சியகம் நூலகம் பல்லாயிரக்கணக்கான வருடங்களுக்கு பிந்தைய தொழில் நுட்பம், மேலும் சீனர்களின் அறிவிதிறன்படி பிரபஞ்ச கோள்களுக்கு பயணம் செய்ய புதிய வாகனங்கள் ,மற்றும் பிற கிரஹங்களில் வசிப்பவர்களை கண்டறிய உதவும் புதிய வசதிமிக்க தொழில் நுட்பங்கள் இருக்குமென்று கூறுகிறார் . இவைகள் வெறும் ஒரு மதம் சார்ந்த கற்பனை என நாம் புறந்தள்ளி விடலாம் .ஆனால் புதிய நிலம் மற்றும் நாடுகளை கண்டறியும் ஒருவர் பற்றி தன் அனுபவங்களை முன் வைக்கிறார் .
    ரஷியாவை சேர்ந்த நிக்கோலஸ் ரோறிச் இவர் பன்முகம் கொண்ட ஒரு மனிதர் நடிகர் கவிஞர் மேலும் தியோசொபிகல் சமுகத்தின் முக்கிய அங்கத்தினரும் கூட
    1923 முதல் 1928 வரை இவர்கள் 15500 மைல்கள் 35 நாடுகளின் உயர்ந்த மலை பகுதிகளை கடந்தார்கள் கோபி பாலைவனம் முதல் அட்லாய் மலை வரை 1924 ஆன் ஆண்டு இந்திய மலை பயணங்களை ரோறிச் தன் குழுவினருடன் மேற்கொண்டார்.ரோறிச் தனது பயணத்தின் போது ஷம்பலாவை பற்றி அறிய நேர்ந்தது.

    தனது பயணத்தின் போது ரோறிச் ஷம்பலாவை பற்றிய தனது எண்ணங்களை குறித்து வைத்து கொண்டார் பின்னலில் மிக பிரசித்தி பெற்ற நூலாக விளங்கியது அவருடைய குறிப்புகள் அதன் பெயர் altai-himalaya:a travelors guide
    ரோறிச் இந்த புத்தகத்தில் ஒரு வினோத சம்பவத்தை விவரிக்கிறார். ரோறிச் தனது பயணத்தை அல்டாய் பயணத்தை முடித்து கொண்டு திரும்பிய பின் ஒரு வெள்ளை தூண் ஒன்றினை நிறுவி அத்தனை ஷ்மபலாவிற்கு அர்ப்பணம் செய்கிறார்.ஆகஸ்ட் மாதம் வெள்ளை தூண் ஷம்பலாவிற்கு அற்பணிக்கபடும் புனித சடங்குகளை செய்ய குறிப்பிட தக்க எண்ணிகையிலான லாமா துறவிகள் கலந்து கொள்கின்றனர் ஒரு மங்கோலிய குழுவின் தலைவர் வர இருக்கும் நாளில் இது குறித்து நல்ல செய்தி அல்லது சூசகமான தகவல் கிடைக்கும் என கூறுகிறார். அவர் கூறிய ஒரு அல்லது இரண்டு நாட்களுக்குள் ஒரு பெரும் கருப்பு பறவை ஸ்தூபிக்கு மேலாக பறந்து அம்பினை போல சூரியனை நோக்கி பாய்ந்து தங்கமென மின்னி எல்லோர் பார்வையும் அதன் மீது இருக்கும் போது சட்டேனே பார்வையில் இருந்து தப்பிய பறவையினை தொலைநோக்கி மூலம் கண்டபோது அட்லாயின் திசையிலுருந்து தென்மேற்கு பக்கமாக பறந்து ஹம்போல்ட் மலையின் பின்புறமாக சென்று மறைந்தது அதாவது ஷம்பலா திசையில் ,இது குறித்த ரோரிசிடம் லாமா ஒருவர் ஷம்பலாவின் கடவுளின் ஆசிர்வாதம் என கூறினார். மேலும் ஒரு ஆச்சர்யமான விஷயம் நமது மஹா விஷ்ணுவின் அவதாரமான கல்க்கி தீமைகளை அழித்து பின் ஷாம்பலில் அரசாள்வர் என கூறப்படுகிறது ஷம்பலா இன்னும் ஏரளாமான ஆச்சர்யங்களை கொண்டு உள்ளது .ஷம்பலாவின் மனிதர்கள் எவ்வாறு இருப்பார்கள் என திபெத்தில் பதினான்கு வருடங்கள் ஆய்வு பணி புரிந்த டேவிட் ஒ நில் எனும் பெண் கூறுகிறார் இமயமலை சாரலில் தான் கண்ட அந்த மனிதன் அமைதி தவழும் முகத்துடனும் வானுக்குள் அப்பாலுள்ள பொருள்களை காண்பனை போல கூறிய விழிகளுடன் காணப்பட்டதாகவும் அவனுடைய நடை பாய்ச்சல் போல அதே சமயம் பூமியில் கால் வைக்காமல் பறந்து செல்லும் ஒருவனை போல பெண்டுலம் அசைவதை போல சீரான இடைவெளியில் நடந்து சென்றதாக கூறுகிறார்.பல ஆச்சர்யங்களை கொண்ட ஷம்பலவை இன்னும் தேடி கொண்டே இருக்கின்றனர் .

    Movies to look out for in 2014

    Animal Rescue - American feature film debut by Belgium's Michaël Roskam, who gave us the fantastic Bullhead. This will be another crime flick and it stars Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace and the late great James Gandolfini.
    Birdman - A comedy from Alejandro González Iñárritu, the director who gave us Amores Perros and Biutiful. And it has a killer cast too.
    Boyhood - Richard Linklater's latest in which he followed a boy and his family for a period of 12 years.
    Calvary - The new comedy/drama from John Michael McDonagh with Brendan Gleeson. Previously they made The Guard together so they have my attention.
    Captain America - The Winter Soldier - Still riding on the fact that I really enjoyed The Avengers. And the first Captain America is probably my second favourite Marvel Studios flick.
    Child 44 - A crime procedural set in the Soviet Union of the 1950's. This one is on the list for the cast alone: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke, Vincent Cassell, and Paddy Considine. Amazing.
    Cobbler, The - New film by Tom McCarthy, who's three previous films are were great. And it stars Adam Sandler who proved in Punch-Drunk Love that he can impress with the right director.
    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - The first one was a mixed bag but the teaser trailer for this one sold me.
    Cold in July - New Jim Mickle movie. His last two films were the most interesting horror films to come out of the states so I'm dying to see what he'll do with a crime flick.
    Dom Hemingway - Latest movie from Richard Shepard, who's previous two movies were both interesting. And Jude Law seems to go all out in this one based on trailer.
    Double, The - New film by Richard Ayoade, who made Submarine, after a story by Dostoyevsky. Jesse Eisenberg stars as the guy who sees his life invaded by a far more confident doppelgänger.
    Enemy - Another doppelgänger film. This one by Denis Villeneuve, who has been on fire with Polytechnique, Incendies and last year's Prisoners. This time Jake Gyllenhaal gets in trouble with his double. Looks amazing.
    Foxcatcher - Latest from Bennett Miller, the director of Capote and Moneyball.
    Godzilla - The teaser was dope and I just want to have a big monster movie I actually will like. So far the teaser was cool. Fingers crossed.
    Gone Girl - New David Fincher. The man never makes a bad movie and some of his films are great. I'm hoping for one of the latter again.
    Grand Budapest Hotel, The - New Wes Anderson with possibly his biggest cast yet. Everybody seems to be in this.
    Guardians of the Galaxy - A new Marvel and a space adventure. God I hope this will be good. More Avengers goodwill...
    Hobbit, The - There and Back Again - I don't care what the haters say. These movies are truly epic and in a league of their own. And this will be the grand finale. Can't wait.
    How To Catch a Monster - Ryan Gosling's Directorial debut. No idea how this will turn out but the plot synopsis is interesting at the very least.
    Immigrant, The - New film by James Gray starring Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner about a Polish immigrant and her relationship with two men in 1920's America.
    Inherent Vice - New Paul Thomas Anderson. Nuff said.
    Interstellar - New Chris Nolan SF flick. This one could be truly awesome.
    Locke - Real-time drama starring Tom Hardy who's life comes to pieces as he drives his BMW with a cell phone for the duration of the movie. If anyone can pull it off, it's Hardy.
    Midnight Special - New Jeff Nichols and Michael Shannon is in it once again. Shotgun Stories, Take Shelter and Mud were all great, so bring it on.
    Monuments Men, The - George Clooney directed film with a great cast and great premise (WW2 platoon saving art from the Nazis). The reviews aren't that great but I just want it too be good.
    Most Wanted Man, A - John le Carré adaptation by Anton Corbijn, who did the excellent Control. Rachel McAdams, Willem Dafoe and Philip Seymour Hoffman stars in this spy tale.
    Mr. Turner - New Mike Leigh, which is good enough for me. A biopic on British artist J.M.W Turner with Leigh regular Timothy Spall in the title role.
    Noah - I can't say I'm excited about a film about Noah but it's Darren Aronofsky directing so I will just have faith in that.
    Raid 2, The - The most bonkers action movie of 2012 gets a sequel and it's looking to be even bigger. God help us.
    Rosewater - A film directed by John Stewart about an Iranian journalist who was tortured and imprisoned for over 100 days as a result of a mock interview he conducted with the Daily Show.
    Sin City - A Dame To Kill For - I absolutely love the original so I can't wait for this one. Gordon-Levitt, Willis, Rourke, Liotta, Brolin and many, many more star.
    Serena - New Susanne Bier but set in depression-era North Carolina, which is quite a change.
    Snowpiercer - Looks like we will finally get to see Bong Joon-Ho's SF American feature debut. And word is it will be uncut. Can't wait...
    Transcendence - Another potentially big SF flick by Christopher Nolan's cinematographer. Johnny Depp & Rebecca Hall star. The trailers do make me worry however and he has never directed before.
    Trip to Italy - Michael Winterbottom's follow up to the excellent The Trip. Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan are on a culinary road trip through Italy this time around. Should be good.
    Under the Skin - Latest from Jonathan Glazer, who did Sexy Beast, looks like a giant trip. Sort of like Kubrick directing Beyond the Black Rainbow. And Scarlett Johansson stars as an alien who captures humans.
    And maybe:
    Fury - WW2 movie about a bunch of dudes in tank. I love a good movie set in a tank. Let's hope this will be one of them.
    Jupiter Ascending - New SF by the by Wachowskis. They haven't made a great one since the first Matrix but they do their own thing and I'm always curious to see how their next movie turns out.
    Imitation Game, The - Biopic about Alan Turing by the guy who's last movie was the fantastic Headhunters. Benedict Cumberbatch stars.
    Big Eyes - New Tim Burton. I don't like Tim Burton films but the one exception was his biopic Ed Wood. This is another biography and an oddball subject. Fingers crossed.
    Tom Yum Goong 2 - The first Tom Yum Goong was a truly horrendous film but it has some of the most amazing action sequences ever. Probably the same for this one.

    What about the cosmological arrow of time?

    According to the theory of the Big Bang our universe had a beginning, we know well though we unknown the finer details of such origin. After it opened, it has been expanding and evolving. If we look at the arrow of time which appears to induce increasing entropy we could deduce that in the past the entropy of the universe must have been smaller than at present.

    But that statement that at first glance looks innocent hides a serious problem. The problem is to understand why the hell the universe began in a state of low entropy when, if you think about it a little, that must have been a "totum revolutum" particle interactions, changing at very high energy and temperature, etc. The natural thing is that the universe was born in a state of high entropy. Or at least, there is no reason to suppose that began in a state of low entropy.
    Mr. Boltzmann attempt to answer this question by saying that our universe is due to a lavish fluctuation that the entropy decreased. That's not going against any physical law, not even the law of increasing entropy. The entropy is a quantity that makes perfect sense when many particles at stake and we must accept that local fluctuations occur (in a given region) where the entropy decrease.
    If our universe is a fluctuation of something previous, now to that thing we call quantum vacuum, in our past entropy was younger and now we live in that fluctuation because we are trying to recover a high entropy. This image appears consistent with what we know about cosmological inflation, a subject that you have multiple entries in this page.
    But as usual, the answers generate more questions. Why is this fluctuation in a universe like ours? Why do we see many galaxies expanding when it is more likely that one will be formed? Furthermore, why do not we see only a solar system? Or a single planet? Why we exist when it is more likely that a fluctuation generates a unique brain than an universe like ours?
    This chain of questions point to the problem known as the Boltzmann brains, which states that vision is Boltzmann be much more likely that fluctuation to generate a single brain that a whole universe.
    Maybe it's only Physics ...
    Perhaps the answer to the origin and existence of an arrow of time is due to a conspiracy of the laws of physics. Maybe one by one are not sensitive to the direction of flow of time but maybe when we have many particles or many laws while playing naturally becomes an arrow of time.
    That is what we are trying to show Barbour, Koslowski and Mercati. That provides a physical arrow of time, selecting the physical states of low entropy naturally from which may evolve into higher entropy states.
    His work is collected in the following article which was recently published in Physical Review Letters:
    Identification of a gravitational arrow of time (and I have linked the freely publication available on arXiv at the end of this post).
    This work is insultingly simple and fabulously beautiful. It may not be a definitive answer to the problem at hand but a first step on which further work.
    The idea is very, very simple. Suppose we have a set of many particles that interact only through Newtonian gravity. They attract more or less depending on the mass of each particle and the involved close they are from one another. For lovers of the details I will say that these particles are simulated so that the total energy of the system and its total angular momentum is zero (relative to the center of mass).
    1. We start with all huddled particles each having a speed that is assigned randomly.
    2. If we evolve the system at the end we find that the particles are grouped in pairs, orbiting each other and occupying most of the available volume.
    What they have done Barbour, Koslowski and Mercati (BKM) has been started by the end. Have taken a distribution of particles in the final state above and have evolved backward in time (this is done by reversing all particle velocities in the game). They found that all (or nearly all) the initial configurations give rise to a unique state of minimum size and uniformity.
    Not content with that, BKM have left the system evolve further and what they find is that this configuration evolves to give back a scattered configuration in which the particles are associated in pairs.
    View images images below where:
    a) only plays Newtonian gravity.
    b) The condensed "initial" and homogeneous situation may extend into the future or the past likewise leading to (not identical) similar situations. This is consistent with that of the laws of physics pay little attention to the direction of the arrow of time.
    c) However, yes we can say that there are states that occur naturally that if we tend to evolve more entropic configurations. That is, as simple as that can select an initial state which evolve into the future (in either direction) system. So we are giving an arrow local time.
    Have you solved the problem?
    No, there are still several things to do (and make them take a long time):
    Extend this work to situations where gravity described by general relativity operates.
    Introduce more interactions and see if the game with gravity selects an arrow of time consistent for all. For all we know radioactive nuclei always change in the same direction, electromagnetic waves are generated by the acceleration of electric charges, but it not happens that a radioactive nucleus recompose or has emission of electromagnetic waves before accelerating charges.
    Sure it's interesting what BKM will discover in the future, whatever that means.
    What NOT to say this work?
    I read somewhere that this work shows that we live in the past of a universe explode or something. The truth I have not paid much attention.
    This article shows only that can be generated with the participation of initial severity for which there is a notion of time arrow situations. For all purposes, we still remember the past and not the future. Our universe will expand and not recolapse.
    What it says the work is that there are states in which one can not choose where to point the arrow of time to see only the status of the initial image, ie, so you have begun in the dense and homogeneous situation your future will be go to the diluted and structures situation (two interacting particles). For you there is an arrow of time for physics no.
    Although it is fair to make an exception to this last statement and is as follows:
    in 1964 first discovered a phenomenon that violates the symmetry T. This is the disintegration of a certain type of particle (called Kaon or K meson) in the image below you can see the picture. This finding represents the first microscopic process where there is a physical difference between the past and the future. Contrary to the disintegration of other particles, the kaon is the only one if we will film a movie and we passed backwards, we would see a phenomenon that can not exist in the Universe. This discovery was of great importance for the understanding of time, but obviously we are still far from reaching a clever concept.
    So the laws of physics are not reversible in all cases, but more disturbing is that in the subatomic world the arrow of time is contrary to what we perceive, ie it goes from future to past, it seems that taking energy "borrowed" from the future. This is explained in more detail in the following entry (available in Spanish only)

    How exactly does the brain function in each sex?

    Men and women’s brains are not all that different when they have an orgasm, as they feel like they’re losing control, but how exactly does the brain function in each sex? 
    The moment your clothes come off, and you’re in bed with your partner turning up the heat in between the sheets, your heart is racing, blood is pumping, and muscles are tensing up. As you and your partner strive to reach the big “O” — an orgasm — your body is filled with the intensity and tingling sensations of a promising sexual climax. Overcome with a feeling of euphoria as a surge of blood rushes to the genitals, what exactly happens to the brain when you have an orgasm?


    During sex, our brain acts as a “pleasure center” to let us know what is enjoyable and what is not. The different nerves in the genitalia communicate with the brain about the sensation experienced. This can help explain why sensations can be perceived differently depending on what part of the body the person is being touched. A French study found women experiencetwo different kinds of orgasms — clitoral and vaginal — that differ in blood flow and sensations. These orgasms also contain a different set of nerves. The clitoris, which extends along both sides of the vulva underlying the labia minora, is erectile with arousal as it has more than 8,000 nerve endings.
    For men and women, there are four types of nerves responsible for sending information to the brain during an orgasm. The hypogastric nerve transmits signals from the uterus and the cervix in women, and from the prostate in men; the pelvic nerve transmits signals from the vagina and cervix in women, and from the rectum in both sexes; the pudendal nerve transmits from the clitoris in women, and from the scrotum and penis in men; and the vagus nerve transmits from the cervix, uterus, and vagina in women.


    The “cloud nine” feeling reported by many during sex is linked to the nerves sent to the brain’s pleasure center, or reward circuit. The sexual arousals felt in the body flood the brain with a surge of neurochemicals, which are chemical messengers that forge emotions, feelings of attachment, and even love, according to Psychology Today. The level of pleasure is contingent on the release of these chemicals that can be used to measure the intensity of your climax. The areas of the brain impacted by sexual arousal include the amygdala, nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area (VTA), cerebellum, and the pituitary gland.


    Although both sexes tend to engage in different behaviors during sex, the brains of men and women are not all that different. During an orgasm, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex — the brain region behind the left eye — shuts down during an orgasm. This region is considered to be the voice of reason and controls behavior. The brain of both a man and woman is said to look much like the brain of a person taking heroin during an orgasm, according to a studypublished in the Journal of Neuroscience.
    A difference between the two sexes lies in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) — the part of the brain that is activated when a woman has sex. The PAG is not activated in men when they reach an orgasm. Moreover, women will experience a decrease in the amygdala and hippocampus — which help monitor fear and anxiety — during an orgasm.


    Women are notoriously known for faking orgasms out of pity for their partners, or to convince themselves the sex is good, but an MRI scan can show the truth. In an MRI scan, the brain is able to identify whether women were actually experiencing an orgasm. When the women were asked to fake an orgasm, their brain activity increased in the cerebellum and other areas related to movement control, but this brain activity was not seen during an actual orgasm.
    Overall, an orgasm is the body’s physiological response to sexual stimulation, and involves involuntary body movements and vocalizations. This has a similar effect on the brain to that of an addictive substance, such as heroin. Men and women tend to have similar brain activity during an orgasm, despite the different emotions and behaviors displayed by both genders.


    Ten "best" automobile engines available in the U.S. market

    Ward's 10 Best Engines is an annual list of the ten "best" automobile engines available in the U.S. market, that are selected by Ward's AutoWorld magazine. The list was started in 1994 for Model Year 1995, and has been drawn every year since then, published at the end of the preceding year.
    10 Best Engines of 2015 in alphabetical order are:
    • 127-kW Electric Motor (BMW i3 electric vehicle)
    • 6.2L OHV V-8 (Chevrolet Corvette Stingray)
    • 6.2L Supercharged OHV V-8 (Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat)
    • 1.0L Turbocharged DOHC 3-cyl. (Ford Fiesta)
    • 100-kW Fuel Cell (Hyundai Tucson FCV)
    • 1.5L Turbocharged DOHC 3-cyl. (Mini Cooper)
    • 3.0L Turbodiesel DOHC V-6 (Ram 1500 EcoDiesel)
    • 2.0L Turbocharged DOHC H-4 (Subaru WRX)
    • 1.8L Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. (Volkswagen Golf)
    • 2.0L Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. (Volvo S60)
    Don't forget to share this list.