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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

சங்க இலக்கியம் + வொய் திஸ் கொலவெறி டி!

லகப் பொதுமறை என்றும் தமிழ்மறை என்று பலவாறாக தமிழர்களால் போற்றிக் கொண்டாடப்படும் திருக்குறளில் திருவள்ளுவர் இயற்றிய குறளொன்று...

யான் நோக்குஙகால் நிலன்நோக்கும் நோக்காக்கால்
தான்நோக்கி மெல்ல நகும் (குறள் 1094)

‘‘நீ என்னை நேருக்கு நேராகப் பார்ப்பதாக இல்லையே. நான் உன்னைப் பார்த்தால் நீயோ மண்ணைப் பார்க்கிறாய். நான் ஆகாயத்தைப் பார்த்தால் அப்போது என்னைப் பார்ககிறாயே’ என்பது இந்தக் குறளின் பொருள். ‘வாழ்க்கைப் படகு’ங்கிற படத்துல கவிஞர் இதையே...

‘உன்னை நான் பார்க்கும் போது மண்ணை நீ பார்க்கின்றாயே...
விண்ணை நான் பார்க்கும் போது என்னை நீ பார்க்கின்றாயே...’’

என்று அழகாக குறளின் சாரத்தை திரைப்பாடலில் இறக்கி இருந்தார். ‌அந்தப் பொல்லாத கவிஞர் இதை மட்டுமா செய்தார்? ‘குறுந்தொகை’ நூலில் பதுமனார் என்ற புலவர் பாடியுள்ள இந்தப் பாடலில்...

நள்ளென்றன்றே யாமம், சொல் அவிந்து
இனிது அடங்கினரே மக்கள்; முனிவு இன்று
நனந்தலை உலகமும் துஞ்சும்;
ஓர்யான் மன்ற துஞ்சா தானே

தலைவன் பொருள் தேடச் சென்றதால் தனியே இருக்கும் தலைவி, ‘‘இதோ ஊர் முழுவதும் உறங்குகிறது. இரவுப்‌ பொழுதும் (நள்ளென்று எந்த ஒலியுமற்று) உறங்குகிறது. அனைத்து உயிர்களும் இனிமையாகத் துயில்கின்றன. இந்த உலகில் தூங்காதிருப்பவள் நான் ஒருத்தி மட்டுமே...’’ என்று பாடுவதாகப் பொருள். இந்தப் பாடலின் கருத்தைச் சாறு பிழிந்து,

பூ உறங்குது, பொழுதும் உறங்குது
நான் உறங்கவில்லை நிலவே...
கானுறங்குது காற்றும் உறங்குது

என்று ‘தாய் சொல்லைத் தட்டாதே’ படப் பாடலில் கொடுத்திருந்தார். சீவக சிந்தாமணியில் ஒரு பாடல் வரும :

சொல்லருஞ் சூற்பசும் பாம்பின் தோற்றம் போல்
மெல்லவே கருவிருந்து ஈன்று மேலவார்
செல்வமே பேநால்தலை நிறுவித் தேர்ந்தநூல்
கல்விசேர் மாந்தரின் இறைஞ்சிக் காயத்தவே

‘‘நற்கல்வி கற்ற சான்றோர்கள் நன்கு விளைந்த நெற்கதிரைப் போல தலைசாய்நது அடக்கமாக இருப்பார்கள். அதிலும் பச்சைப் பாம்பு கரு தாங்கியது போல சூலுற்று நெற்கதிராக வெளிவந்து கற்றவர் போலத் தலைசாய்ந்து இருக்கிறது’’ என்பது பாடலின் பொருள். இந்தப் பாடலின் சாற்றைப் பிழிந்து...

தரையைப் பாத்து நிக்குது நல்ல கதிரு - தன்
குறையை மறந்து மேலே பாக்குது பதரு - அதுபோல்
அறிவு .உள்ளது அடங்கிக் கிடக்குது வீட்டிலே
எதுக்கும் ஆகாத சிலது ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் பண்ணுது ரோட்டிலே

என்று ‘தாய்க்குப் பின் தாரம்’ படத்தில் ‘மனுஷனை மனுஷன் சாப்பிடறான்டா’ என்ற திரைப்பாடலில் எழுதினார் கவிஞர். குறுந்தெகையில் பெண்ணின் ஏக்க உணர்வாக வரும் ஒரு பாடல்...

யானே ஈண்டையேனே; என் நலனே
ஆனா நோயோடு கானலகத்தே
துறைவன் நம் ஊரானே
மறை அவர்ஆகி மன்றத்தஃதே

‘காதலனே, நானோ இந்தக் கடற்கரையில் இருக்கிறேன். நீயோ கடல்மேல் சென்றுள்ளாய். என் மனமோ நாம் சந்தித்த கடற்கரைச் சோலையிலேயே இருக்கிறது. நம் காதலைப் பற்றிய செய்தியோ இந்த ஊர் முழுவதும் பரவி உள்ளதே’ என்று வருந்திப் பாடுகிறாள் தலைவி. இந்தப் பாடலினை அப்படியே உருமாற்றி...

என்னை எடுத்து தன்னைக் கொடுத்து
போனவன் போனான்டி - தன்னைக் கொடுத்து
என்னை எடுக்க வந்தாலும் வருவான்டி...
போனவன் போனான்டி

என்று ‘படகோட்டி’ படத்தின் பாடலில் அழகுறத் தந்திருந்தார் கவிஞர்.

ப்போது எதற்கு இந்த திரைப் பாடல்களின் ஆராய்ச்சி என்று நினைக்கிறீர்கள், இல்லையா... காரணம் இருக்கிறது. சென்ற வாரம் பேருந்தில் நான் வீடு திரும்பிக் கொண்டிருந்தபோது எதிரில் ஒருவர் தன் ஐந்து வயதுக் குழந்தையை தோளில் சுமந்தபடி நின்று கொண்டிருந்தார். அந்தக் குழந்தை அருகிலுளளவர்களைப் பார்த்து சிரித்தது, பேசியது. பின் ‘வொய் திஸ் கொலை வெறிடி’ என்று தமிங்கிலீஷில் பாடியது. 

திடுக்கிட்டுப் போன எனக்கு, சங்ககாலப் பாடல்களை திரை இசையுடன் கலந்து கொடுத்த அந்த மகத்தான கவிஞர்களின் நினைவு வந்தது. இன்றைய திரை இசை இருக்கும் ஸ்டைலில் இப்படி சங்கப் பாடல்களின் சாறைக் கலந்து கொடுக்க வாய்ப்பு இல்லா விட்டாலும், நல்ல தமிழிலாவது எழுதித் தொலைக்கலாமே... ஏன் இப்படி ரணகொடூரமான தமிங்கிலீஷில் எழுதி வதைக்க வேண்டும், என்ற வருத்தம்தான் என்னுள். (உங்களைத் தவிர) யாரிடம் சொல்லி அழ...?

இதுபோன்ற பாடல்களைக் கேட்டு வளரும் பிற்காலத் தலைமுறைக்கு ‘நேத்து ராத்திரி யம்மா...’ என்ற போன தலைமுறைக் குத்துப்பாடல்கூட இலக்கியமாகத் தோன்றுமோ என்னமோ... ஒண்ணும் சொல்றதுக்கில்ல...!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Is sex addiction real?

People cheat. They juggle multiple lovers. They have serial relationships. They watch porn. You could chalk it up to the spectrum of sexual appetites, destructive as some may be. Or you could check yourself into rehab for sexual addiction.
That's how it went for Terrie, a then-married Arkansas schoolteacher with three kids. What began as giddy email flirtations with her former teacher turned into an affair, and when that ended, she had another affair, and then another, with men she met online.
Over six years, Terrie says she had yearlong affairs with six men, often securing the next before letting go of the one before.
"I was just possessed, I guess, with this drive to keep having that giddy vibe," said Terrie, now 46 and living in Memphis, Tenn., who asked that her last name not be published.
Terrie is among a growing number of Americans seeking treatment for sex addiction, an unofficial diagnosis that nonetheless gets bandied about every time celebrities or politicians are caught with their pants down. The number of sex addiction therapists certified by the International Institute for Trauma & Addiction Professionals worldwide has risen from about 400 to 1,100 in the past five years, said IITAP Vice President Tami VerHelst.
Sex addiction refers to an inability to stop sexual behavior even as it damages one's life. Terrie says that even when her life crumbled - she got involved with an 18-year-old student (it didn't get physical until after he graduated), her husband found out, she quit her job, she tried to kill herself by crashing her car into a tree - she continued sneaking around, miserable about leading a double life but "unable to not do it."
As the American Psychiatric Association prepares to publish the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, its standard for classifying mental illnesses, debate flares anew about whether compulsive sexual behavior is a disorder in itself, a symptom of other psychological problems or merely the fruit of poor decision-making.
A proposed mental condition termed "hypersexual disorder" is being considered for inclusion in the appendix of the DSM-V, due for publication in May 2013. Its placement in the appendix would indicate hypersexual disorder is a phenomenon worthy of scientific interest but in need of more research before being considered an official diagnosis.
"I think (in the appendix) is where it belongs because we do need more study," said clinical psychologist Rory Reid, the independent principle investigator of the field trial to test the proposed diagnostic criteria. Reid opposes the term "addiction," which he says is overused for anything pleasurable, and believes the label lacks empirical evidence from neuroimaging, genetics, or studies assessing patterns of tolerance or withdrawal.
Currently, the DSM-IV has an entry for "sexual disorder not otherwise specified," defined as distress about repeated sexual relationships with a succession of lovers who exist "as things to be used," a description Reid says is vague and limited.
To meet the proposed criteria for hypersexual disorder, an adult would have to meet four of the following five criteria, repeatedly, over a period of at least six months: spend excessive time engaged in sexual fantasies, urges and behaviors; use sex in response to unpleasant moods like anxiety, depression or boredom; use sex in response to stressful life events; unsuccessfully try to control or reduce sexual activities; and pursue sex despite risks for physical or emotional harm. The behavior also must cause personal distress or impairment in a person's social or work life.
A field trial to test the criteria, in which two different clinicians evaluated each of 207 patients who sought treatment (94 percent of them men), found that hypersexual disorder could be reliably diagnosed, said Reid, a research psychologist at the Neuropsychiatric Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles.
"These aren't just people who are sexually promiscuous, these are guys who feel a compulsion," he said. They might spend three hours a day masturbating to pornography that they'd rather spend exercising or hanging out with their family, or put themselves at risk by going to a dodgy part of town to have sex with a prostitute, Reid said.
Among women who seek treatment for sexual behavior, the compulsion often isn't so much about sex as about love and relationships, said Alisha Shelbourn, an addiction therapist at Life Healing Center in Santa Fe, N.M. These people might have one relationship after another, fall in love before the first date, have multiple relationships simultaneously in order to feel secure, or spend hours fantasizing about being rescued.
That might ring true for a lot of people, but it crosses the line of normalcy when it becomes all-consuming and negatively impacts other aspects of life.
"Where it becomes abnormal is when it impacts self-esteem, finances, starts to get into eating disorders, or spending money on cosmetic surgery to get the perfect partner," Shelbourn said. "It becomes an obsession, takes over their lives." She said clients do experience withdrawal; Terrie said she felt "constant anxiety and a feeling of doom" when she wasn't distracting herself with her romances. Performing in recovery theater, she said, now fills the void.
Mary Deitch, director of the Keystone Center Extended Care Unit in Chester, Pa., a residential center specializing in sexual compulsivity and trauma, said that while the causes of sexual compulsivity are not fully understood, her clinical impressions are that it stems from people not getting their needs met during childhood, perhaps due to trauma, a chaotic household or emotional neglect. They self-soothe using easily accessible behaviors, often starting with masturbation, when they don't know how else to cope with uncomfortable emotions such as anger, frustration, fear or stress.
A cycle of self-soothing, feeling shame, then self-soothing again, often drives the compulsion, Deitch said. The therapy aims to teach people they do have emotional tolerance and offers them other coping skills, such as using emotional language, mindfulness or art therapy.
Critics raise numerous concerns about making pathologies of sexual behaviors. First of all, what's so bad about using sex to handle stress or anxiety?
"It's a moral judgment based on cultural biases," said David Ley, a clinical psychologist based in Albuquerque, N.M., and author of "The Myth of Sex Addiction" (Rowman and Littlefield), which was published in March.
The distress component also is subjective, Ley said. Someone very religious might be distraught that they're masturbating once a week, but does that make them hypersexual? And are serial cheaters distressed because of their behavior, or because they were caught?
That's not to say people don't engage in self-destructive sexual behaviors or have trouble controlling their thoughts or urges, Ley said, but he believes those are symptoms of other psychological or relationship issues rather than an independent disorder.
Blaming bad sexual choices on a disease is dangerous, he said, because it excuses people from exercising personal responsibility over their actions.
Sexual addiction treatment centers, of course, disagree.
"It's actually the opposite of an excuse," Deitch said. "We're asking people to think about their motives and change how they interact with the world."
Keystone clients undergo group therapy daily for a minimum of 30 days ($14,970) to explore why they are acting out sexually and to own up to the harm they might have caused others. When they leave, they're urged to attend 12-step programs like Sex Addicts Anonymous, where total sexual abstinence is not the goal. Rather, participants try to establish a healthy sexuality (which means something different for everyone).
Ley said treatment centers are "trying to sell snake oil," with no empirical evidence proving their programs' effectiveness. But, he said, he supports putting hypersexual disorder in the appendix of the DSM "so we can try and identify if there's any kernel of truth here."

(c)2012 the Chicago Tribune 

Distributed by MCT Information Services
"Is sex addiction real?." April 13th, 2012.

Posted by

Robert Karl Stonjek

First-Ever Model Simulation of the Structuring of the Observable Universe

A team of researchers have performed the first-ever computer model simulation of the structuring of the entire observable universe, from the Big Bang to the present day. (Credit: Image courtesy of CNRS (Délégation Paris Michel-Ange))

Science Daily  — A team of researchers from the Laboratoire Univers et Théorie (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris/CNRS/Université Paris Diderot)(1) coordinated by Jean-Michel Alimi has performed the first-ever computer model simulation of the structuring of the entire observable universe, from the Big Bang to the present day. The simulation has made it possible to follow the evolution of 550 billion particles. This is the first of three runs which are part of an exceptional project called Deus: full universe run (2), carried out using GENCI's new supercomputer CURIE at the CEA's Très Grand Centre de Calcul (TGCC).

After several years' of research, six scientists(3) of the cosmology group at LUTH have performed the first-ever computer model simulation of the structuring of the entire observable universe, from the Big Bang to the present day. This first simulation of the standard universe model with a cosmological constant will be followed by two additional runs focusing on the cosmological evolution of models with dark energy (4), the mysterious component introduced to account for the accelerated expansion of the universe (5). What imprint does dark energy leave on cosmic structures? And inversely, how can the nature of dark energy be inferred from observing the distribution of matter in the universe? These are two fundamental questions that the project Deus : full universe runwill seek to answer.This simulation, along with the two additional runs expected by late May 2012, will provide outstanding support for future projects dedicated to the observation and mapping of the universe. These simulations will shed light on the nature of dark energy and its effects on cosmic structure formation, and hence on the distribution of dark matter and galaxies in the universe.
Simulation of the standard cosmological model has already allowed researchers to discover a number of important properties concerning the distribution of matter in the universe. As an example, they have succeeded in estimating the total number of galaxy clusters with a mass larger than a hundred thousand billion solar masses. These clusters currently amount to 144 millions. The researchers have found that the first galaxy cluster of this type formed when the universe was only 2 billion years old and the most massive cluster in the observable universe today weighs 15 quadrillion (or 15 thousand trillion) solar masses. The data generated by the run has also allowed the scientists to evaluate spatial distribution of dark matter density fluctuations in the universe. These fluctuations have the same origin as those found in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, resulting from the Big-Bang and observed by the WMAP and Planck satellites. These measurements were obtained in a simulation covering the entire evolutionary history of the universe with previously unattained precision and on a much wider range of scales, from a few millionths to the size of the entire observable universe. This also revealed with unprecedented accuracy the imprint of the primordial plasma's acoustic oscillations on the distribution of dark matter ("Baryon Acoustic Oscillations"). This simulation already seems like a gold mine of new results for the cosmology community.
The implementation of this exceptional project would not have been possible without the powerful resources made available to the researchers by the " Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif " (GENCI) (6), whose new supercomputer CURIE is equipped with more than 92 000 CPUs and can perform 2 million billion operations per second (2 PFlop/s). The CURIE supercomputer is housed and operated by the CEA at the " Très Grand Centre de Calcul, at Bruyères-le-Châtel (Essonne). Designed by Bull, it is one of the world's five most powerful supercomputers.
The implementation of Deus : full universe run represents a new stage in the development of supercomputing. The first simulation in the project has largely outperformed the most advanced cosmological simulations carried out over the past few years by a number of international collaborations at the largest supercomputing facilities around the world. The entire project will use more than 30 million hours (about 3500 years) of computing time on virtually all CPUs of CURIE. More than 150 PBytes of data (the equivalent of 30 million DVDs) are generated throughout the computing runs. Thanks to an advanced and innovative data reduction process developed by the researchers, the amount of useful stored data can now be reduced to 1 PBytes.
In the standard cosmological model with a cosmological constant, it is now possible to go through the distribution of dark matter and galaxies across the cosmos over a distance equivalent to 90 billion light-years (7) and follow their evolution throughout the entire history of the universe.
The results of these voyages across the full observable universe, from the present day back to the Big Bang for the three cosmological models, are expected by late May 2012. These results will improve current understanding of the influence of dark energy on the structure of the universe. They will also provide exceptional support for the development and interpretation of present and future cosmic catalogues from major observational projects, especially those launched by international space agencies. These include the EUCLID mission(8), which has been selected by ESA, the European Space Agency.
(1) LUTH is a laboratory of Observatoire de Paris/CNRS/Université Paris Diderot and a science department of the Paris Observatory.
(2) DEUS : Dark Energy universe Simulation,
(3) Jean-Michel Alimi, Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Yann Rasera, Irène Balmes, Vincent Bouillot, Vincent Reverdy.
(4) The first model is the concordance cosmological model characterized by the presence of a cosmological constant. The second model is characterized by a dynamical dark energy component, which fills the entire universe. Finally, the third model mimics a modification of the law of gravity at large scales by taking into account the effects of an accelerating component dubbed " phantom " dark energy.
(5) The observational discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe of which dark energy could be the cause was awarded the 2011Nobel Prize in Physics.
(7) In a universe nearly 13.7 billion years old, light travels a distance farther than 13.7 light-years due to the effect of cosmic expansion during travel time. This distance depends on the cosmological model considered. Since the space is dilated by the expansion during travel-time, light covers nearly 45 billion light-years.

Artificial Photosynthesis Breakthrough: Fast Molecular Catalyzer

Grass. Scientists have imitated natural photosynthesis and created a record-fast molecular catalyzer. (Credit: © Nejron Photo / Fotolia)

Science Daily  — Researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden, have managed to construct a molecular catalyzer that can oxidize water to oxygen very rapidly. In fact, these KTH scientists are the first to reach speeds approximating those is nature's own photosynthesis. The research findings play a critical role for the future use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources.

Researchers all over the world, including the US, Japan, and the EU, have been working for more than 30 years on refining an artificial form of photosynthesis. The results have varied, but researchers had not yet succeeded in creating a sufficiently rapid solar-driven catalyzer for oxidizing water.
"Speed has been the main problem, the bottleneck, when it comes to creating perfect artificial photosynthesis," says Licheng Sun, professor of organic chemistry at KTH.
But now, together with research colleagues, he has imitated natural photosynthesis and created a record-fast molecular catalyzer. The speed with which natural photosynthesis occurs is about 100 to 400 turnovers per seconds. The KTH have now reached over 300 turnovers per seconds with their artificial photosynthesis.
"This is clearly a world record, and a breakthrough regarding a molecular catalyzer in artificial photosynthesis," says Licheng Sun.
The fact that the KTH researchers are now close to nature's own photosynthesis regarding speed opens up many new possibilities, especially for renewable energy sources.
"This speed makes it possible in the future to create large-scale facilities for producing hydrogen in the Sahara, where there's an abundance of sunshine. Or to attain much more efficient solar energy conversion to electricity, combining this with traditional solar cells, than is possible today," says Licheng Sun.
He points to the problem of skyrocketing gasoline prices, and these advances with the rapid molecular catalyzers can in turn lay the groundwork for many important changes. They make it possible to use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into various fuels, such as methanol. And, technology can be created to convert solar energy directly into hydrogen. Licheng Sun adds that he and his research colleagues are working hard and pursing intensive research to make this technology reasonably inexpensive.
"I'm convinced that it will be possible in ten years to produce technology based on this type of research that is sufficiently cheap to compete with carbon-based fuels. This explains why Barack Obama is investing billions of dollars in this type of research," says Licheng Sun.
He has conducted research in this field for nearly twenty years, more than half of that time at KTH, and adds that he and many other researchers see efficient catalyzers for oxidation of water as key to solving the solar energy problem.
"When it comes to renewable energy sources, using the sun is one of the best ways to go," says Sun.
The research findings are of such importance that they have recently attracted the attention of the scientific journal Nature Chemistry.
The research pursued by Licheng Sun and his colleagues is funded by the Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Energy Agency. They collaborate with researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University, and, together with Professor Lars Kloo at KTH, they run a joint research center involving KTH and Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China.

Passing The Test

Lakshmana and Rama slaying Tataka“Rama showed His tremendous knowledge of fighting by killing the demon Tataka. The muni then gave to Him knowledge of secret mantras to be used in fighting.” (Janaki Mangala, 36)
badhī tāḍakā rāma jāni saba lāyaka|
bidyā mantra rahasya die munināyaka||
Sometimes we’re asked to do things that we really don’t want to do. The suggested acts seem to break all the rules of propriety, every standard of decency which we have instinctively followed for many years. But when the request comes from a superior, someone we respect and who we know will not lead us astray, perhaps we will go ahead despite our reluctance. In the Vedic tradition, such requests sometimes come from the spiritual master, and if they are true to their vow to remain devoted to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the acceptance of those instructions and their prosecution with firm faith, attention and honor by the disciple will prove beneficial in every way. This system of acceptance and action is so important that the object of service Himself shows its merits through His behavior.
Case in point the incident with Lord Rama and the female Rakshasa Tataka. Rama is the person most of the world refers to as God. More than just a vague concept of someone who may or may not get angry with us depending on what we do, the Supreme Lord is the person from whom everything emanates. His “personality” is a little different than ours. He is not limited to one manifestation, nor is He bound by the influence of time and space. Intelligence is rooted in Him, for the concept of a person or living creature descends from His very existence.
Lord RamaLord Rama is the Supreme Lord in the spiritual manifestation of a warrior prince, carrying with Him the bow and arrow wherever He goes to slay the wicked elements harassing the saintly class. In a world full of relative good and bad, it’s difficult to say who actually deserves protection and who doesn’t. For instance, the person being attacked by another person may think they are innocent, but perhaps in the past they were not so kind to a helpless creature like an ant or a cow. The person being attacked may also have ill motives to act upon in the future. The person doing the attacking may be acting as a vehicle to deliver the sinful reactions to past work.
“Just as a tree starts to blossom during the proper season, so the doer of sinful deeds inevitably reaps the horrible fruit of their actions at the appropriate time.” (Lord Rama speaking to Khara, Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kand, 29.8)
The dualities in the phenomenal world make it a little difficult to understand God’s position and even acknowledge His existence. For instance, is it wise to pray to God for help in a football game? The last second field goal attempt by the kicker will grant victory to his team, but defeat to the opposition. If he should miss, the opposition will be elated, but the kicker will have to deal with the pain of having lost the game for his team. In this scenario, is praying for an outcome one way or another something that God should have to deal with? Is He really interested in trivial things like football games?
“Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself.”  (Lord KrishnaBhagavad-gita, 4.7)
The divine descents give us a slight understanding of what really interests the Lord and where He decides to intervene. It is said in the Bhagavad-gita by the same Shri Rama in His original form of Lord Krishna that whenever there is a decline in religious practice and a rise in irreligion, the Lord descends Himself. This one statement reveals that there is no difference between Rama, Krishna and any other personal incarnation of Godhead. The “myself” indicates that Krishna is personally arriving on the scene, though His outward form may be suited to the current situation in society.
Lord RamaHow do we tell if there is a rise of irreligion? Isn’t this a relative measurement? Is not religion practically nonexistent today? The key is to see how much the pious members of society are being harassed in their daily affairs. If the entire population voluntarily chooses against religious life and instead turns towards temporary material satisfaction, the personal intervention of the Lord isn’t necessarily required. But when the pious elements that do exist all of a sudden can’t carry out their duties because of the intentional interference of the miscreant class, then the attention of the by-default neutral Supreme Lord is caught.
In His descent as Rama, the Lord dealt with many nefarious characters harassing the innocent sages in the forests. Rama appeared in the dynasty of King Raghu, who was a famous ruler known for his piety. Therefore Rama and His three younger brothers were taught from an early age about chivalry and how to respect and honor the most honorable members of society. Vishvamitra, one of the sages facing harassment in the forest, approached King Dasharatha of Ayodhya and asked to have the king’s eldest son Rama escort him through the forest. Rama was ready to carry out the request, and He took the younger brotherLakshmana with Him. The boys were still very young at the time, but Vishvamitra knew that Rama was capable of providing full protection.
Capability and implementation are two different things. You can say that you’re capable of performing the job responsibilities during an interview for the position, but once you get the job you have to deliver. Otherwise you will prove to be a failure and also show that the people who hired you made a mistake. Rama’s initial test came with the female demon Tataka. She was a ghoulish looking creature who had a vendetta against the saintly class. She was previously a beautiful woman but was then later cursed by Agastya Rishi through a series of events. She became a hideous looking Rakshasi that would eat whoever would come near her. She loved to harass the sages living in the forest, including Vishvamitra.
It was now time for Rama to slay her. But the Lord was hesitant. Why should He kill a woman? The chivalrous fighters of the Raghu dynasty never did anything inappropriate. Dasharatha did not want to part with Rama, but since a venerable rishi made the request, the king felt obliged to follow. Now Rama was showing how well His father had raised Him by not desiring to break the standard rules of warfare. In reality, there was no risk of sin, for Tataka had been killing and eating people. In this sense she was more a vicious animal than a woman. She lost her standing as a member of a protected class by the actions she took.
Rama and Lakshmana fighting TatakaVishvamitra tried to dispel Rama’s doubt by telling Him that she needed to be killed and that doing so would not break any rules of conduct. Thus Rama twanged His bow to get the attention of the demon, who then proceeded to attack. But in the back of His mind Rama had decided that He wouldn’t kill her. He would just attack her, rough her up a little bit, but then let her live. Tataka started by releasing an onslaught of crags, and Rama responded by using His arrows to protect Himself. Then Lakshmana stepped in and lopped off the hideous creature’s ears. Rama too started attacking her with His arrows.
The Rakshasas are also masters of illusion, using black magic when necessary. Thus Tataka started disappearing and appearing at will, making it very difficult to attack her. Vishvamitra at this time told Rama not to wait much longer. Nighttime was about to fall, and during that period the Rakshasas become almost unbeatable. Rama should not pay any concern to her gender. He should instead shoot to kill. Following the sage’s words, Rama showed His ability to fight enemies using just sound. Locating the invisible demon, He pierced her in the chest with His arrows, ending her life.
Vishvamitra was so pleased by Rama’s act. The son of Gadhi could have attacked Tataka with a curse, but then he would have lost some of his accumulated spiritual merits. The brahmanas are not meant for fighting. If you have a hired security firm to protect you, why would you want to use your own effort to fend off attackers? If you did that, what need would there be for the hired security? In a similar manner, the entire society is meant to be protected by the kshatriya class. The brahmanas can take to any activity if necessary, but their primary purpose is to worship God and teach others how to carry out that same worship through their occupational duties.
Rama was hesitant to kill Tataka but He followed through because Vishvamitra, the guru, requested it. By pleasing the guru, Rama received so many valuable weapons and secret mantras to chant to invoke those weapons. Just by calling up on the celestial weapons, they would appear to Rama and help Him in fighting off enemies. Lord Indra, the chief of the demigods, watching the slaying of Tataka from above appeared on the scene afterwards and advised Vishvamitra to give to Rama the many weapons that would help Him in the future.
Rama killing TatakaThe irony is that Rama never needs any help from anyone. He simply exhales to create this and many other universes. When He inhales, everything comes back into Him. But just to show how important the guru is, and how respected Vishvamitra was, Rama acted like a servant. He pleased the guru by passing the test placed in front of Him, even though He was not desirous of taking that test. It is impossible to measure the merits of the blessings received from the guru. Vishvamitra was a devotee, so by pleasing him one could get only auspiciousness as a result.
The Vaishnava spiritual masters, those who follow the same devotion as Vishvamitra, advise everyone to regularly chant the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”. Always think of the Lord, become His devotee, revel in His many triumphs, and follow the direction of His servants. Even if you are reluctant to chant and don’t see what the benefit in it is, just know that the gurus most enthusiastically recommend the chanting of the holy names, that they beg as many people as possible to at least say the name of Krishna or Rama one time. By obliging their request, we receive secrets that unlock the door to boundless future happiness, which includes the sight of the Supreme Lord’s lotus feet day after day.
In Closing:
At pleasing the Supreme Lord guru is the best,
For their benefit, gives the disciple a test.

Son of Gadhi wanted Rama Tataka to kill,
Hearts of forest’s sages with terror she did fill.

At initial request Rama was hesitant,
To kill woman and break rules reluctant.

Nevertheless, showed that He can kill by sound,
Using nothing else, female demon’s location found.

Dropped to the ground after pierced in the chest,
With His arrows, Rama passed beloved guru’s test.

On the Border Between Matter and Anti-Matter: Nanoscientists Find Long-Sought Majorana Particle

The device is made of an indium antemonide nanowire, covered with a gold contact and partially covered with a superconducting niobium contact. The Majorana fermions are created at the end of the nanowire. (Credit: Copyright TU Delft 2012)                                                                                   Science Daily  — Scientists at TU Delft's Kavli Institute and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM Foundation) have succeeded for the first time in detecting a Majorana particle. In the 1930s, the brilliant Italian physicist Ettore Majorana deduced from quantum theory the possibility of the existence of a very special particle, a particle that is its own anti-particle: the Majorana fermion. That 'Majorana' would be right on the border between matter and anti-matter.

Quantum computer and dark matter
Nanoscientist Leo Kouwenhoven already caused great excitement among scientists in February by presenting the preliminary results at a scientific congress. Today, the scientists have published their research in Science. The research was financed by the FOM Foundation and Microsoft.
Majorana fermions are very interesting -- not only because their discovery opens up a new and uncharted chapter of fundamental physics; they may also play a role in cosmology. A proposed theory assumes that the mysterious 'dark matter', which forms the greatest part of the universe, is composed of Majorana fermions. Furthermore, scientists view the particles as fundamental building blocks for the quantum computer. Such a computer is far more powerful than the best supercomputer, but only exists in theory so far. Contrary to an 'ordinary' quantum computer, a quantum computer based on Majorana fermions is exceptionally stable and barely sensitive to external influences.
For the first time, scientists in Leo Kouwenhoven's research group managed to create a nanoscale electronic device in which a pair of Majorana fermions 'appear' at either end of a nanowire. They did this by combining an extremely small nanowire, made by colleagues from Eindhoven University of Technology, with a superconducting material and a strong magnetic field. "The measurements of the particle at the ends of the nanowire cannot otherwise be explained than through the presence of a pair of Majorana fermions," says Leo Kouwenhoven.
Particle accelerators
It is theoretically possible to detect a Majorana fermion with a particle accelerator such as the one at CERN. The current Large Hadron Collider appears to be insufficiently sensitive for that purpose but, according to physicists, there is another possibility: Majorana fermions can also appear in properly designed nanostructures. "What's magical about quantum mechanics is that a Majorana particle created in this way is similar to the ones that may be observed in a particle accelerator, although that is very difficult to comprehend," explains Kouwenhoven. "In 2010, two different groups of theorists came up with a solution using nanowires, superconductors and a strong magnetic field. We happened to be very familiar with those ingredients here at TU Delft through earlier research." Microsoft approached Leo Kouwenhoven to help them lead a special FOM programme in search of Majorana fermions, resulting in a successful outcome..
Ettore Majorana
The Italian physicist Ettore Majorana was a brilliant theorist who showed great insight into physics at a young age. He discovered a hitherto unknown solution to the equations from which quantum scientists deduce elementary particles: the Majorana fermion. Practically all theoretic particles that are predicted by quantum theory have been found in the last decades, with just a few exceptions, including the enigmatic Majorana particle and the well-known Higgs boson. But Ettore Majorana the person is every bit as mysterious as the particle. In 1938 he withdrew all his money and disappeared during a boat trip from Palermo to Naples. Whether he killed himself, was murdered or lived on under a different identity is still not known. No trace of Majorana was ever found.

The Importance of Saturn in Prediction

Saturn as karaka (significator) of the malefic 6th, 8th and 12th house in the horoscope is the most dreaded planet. It is assigned 19 years in Vimshottari Dasa and slowly transits through a house in 2� years.

However, Saturn gives the best result when it becomes functional benefic for the horoscope. For example, for Tula (Libra) lagna Saturn gives the best result, and second best for Vrishabha (Taurus) lagna by virtue of becoming a Yogakaraka( Lord of Kendra and Trikona houses). It gives good result for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. When for these four lagnas Saturn is also well posited and aspected by benefics, it produces excellent results during its dasa-bhukti and transit. 

Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna ( Gemini), Kanya ( Virgo), Dhanu ( Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and proves unfavourable for the remaining lagnas. Like other malefic planets. Saturn gives good result when posited in an Upachaya ( 3, 6, 10 or 11) house. In addition, Saturn�s location in any Kendra, which is its own or exaltation sign, forms Sasa Yoga, one of the Panchmahapurusha Yogas that bestows name, fame, wealth and authority to the native during its dasa and bhukti. Lucky is the person for whom Saturn is favourable and strong in the horoscope.

Saturn has special 10th and 3rd full aspects, in addition to the normal 7th aspect. These aspects adversely affect the affairs of the house receiving it, and afflict the planets posited there, but these aspects are favourable when Saturn becomes a functional benefic in the horoscope. Among these aspects, the 10th aspect is the most powerful, then comes the 7th , and the 3rd aspect is the weakest. Saturn�s aspect on Venus spoils the conjugal life of the person. 

Saturn�s aspect on the Sun makes the native toil hard in life and face separation from, or even death of father in some cases. Saturn�s aspect on Moon makes the native simple, calm and calculative and gives distress to mother. Saturn�s aspect on Mars makes the native aggressive and cruel, while their mutual aspect portends violent end. Saturn�s aspect on Mercury gives crooked and selfish mentality. 

In addition, Saturn has two special features. The first one is the infamous Sadesati ( 7� years� period) when Saturn transits through the house prior to natal Moon, the Moon sign, and the sign next to Moon. This cycle repeats in 30 years in everybody�s life. During Sadesati Saturn controls the flight of imagination of the native�s mind and makes him depressed, lonely and self- dependent. If Moon in a horoscope is already afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu individually or jointly, or Moon is weak and located in a trika ( 6/8/12) house, the effect of Sadesati is severe. 

Saturn influences as many as eight houses in any horoscope. This makes the position of Saturn in any horoscope decisive and it is prudent to properly assess the disposition and strength of Saturn before making any prediction.

Chromosomes Organize Into 'Yarns': May Explain Why DNA Mutations Can Affect Genes Located Thousands of Base Pairs Away

Rendering of chromosomes. Chromosomes are relatively large molecules that, when spread out, can measure up to the length of an entire human arm. Despite their size, however, many are actually confined within the small space of the cell nucleus which is just a few micrometers in size. In order to fit all this material into this small area, chromosomes are folded, compacted and mingled in the three-dimensional space of the nucleus. (Credit: © Sebastian Kaulitzki / Fotolia)

Science Daily  — Chromosomes, the molecular basis of genetic heredity, remain enigmatic 130 years after their discovery in 1882 by Walther Flemming. New research published online inNature by the team of Edith Heard, PhD, from the Curie Institute and Job Dekker, PhD, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), reveals a new layer in the complex organization of chromosomes. The scientists have shown that chromosomes fold in a series of contiguous "yarns" that harbor groups of genes and regulatory elements, bringing them in contact with each other and allowing them to work in a coordinated manner during development.

So do chromosomes fill the nucleus just like spaghetti fills a plate? "Not quite," said Elphege Nora, PhD, a post-doctoral fellow on the team of Dr. Heard, head of the Genetics and Developmental Biology Lab at the Curie Institute. "Chromosome folding follows a pattern, and this actually turns out to be important for ensuring their proper function."Chromosomes are relatively large molecules that, when spread out, can measure up to the length of an entire human arm. Despite their size, however, they are actually confined within the small space of the cell nucleus which is just a few micrometers in size. Furthermore, within each cell nucleus are multiple chromosomes. In humans, for example, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. In order to fit all this material into this small area, chromosomes are folded, compacted and mingled in the three-dimensional space of the nucleus.
A chromosome looks like a series of tiny yarns
"We have known for decades that the DNA of individual genes is wrapped around nucleosomes to form the classical 'beads-on-a-string' structure," said Dekker, co-director of the Program in Systems Biology at UMMS. "Our new study now shows that these beads-on-a-string subsequently fold up to form 'yarns-on-a-string,' where each yarn is a group of genes. This domainal organization of chromosomes represents a previously unknown higher order level of folding that we believe is a fundamental organizing principle of genomes."
These globule-like yarns span anything from a few hundred thousand to a million base pairs, explained Heard. Base pairs (abbreviated as A, C, G and Ts) are the genome's unit of measurement, and a person's DNA consists of over 3 billion pairs. "The real surprise, however, lies in how this spatial folding of chromosomes links up to their functional organization," said Heard. "This chromosome folding pattern brings together, into the same 'yarn,' several genes, up to 10 of them, or even more."
However, there are not just genes in these yarns. So called "regulatory genomic elements," that can control the activity of neighboring genes like switches are also found clustered together with the genes in these chromosomal yarns. A group of genes belonging to the same yarn will therefore be likely to contact a similar set of regulatory elements, and this can result in the coordinated activity of these genes during development.
These new observations shed some light on several long-standing mysteries of genetics, such as the reason why some DNA mutations can end up affecting genes that are located thousands or even a million base pairs away.
"The cell nucleus is packed with genes, and the cell is faced with the challenge to turn on or off each one of them correctly," said Dekker. "By organizing groups of genes in isolated domains, or yarns that do not mingle or mix with other genes, the cell has solved the problem of how to regulate groups of genes coordinately and without interference from other genes."
However, damaging one of these "chromosome yarns" can lead to the misbehavior of all the genes it contains. "The three-dimensional organization of chromosomes allows distal genomic elements to be brought together and to functionally interact with each other. At certain points during development it is thus possible to precisely orchestrate the activity of genes that are far away from each other on the linear chromosome thread, but that are actually in contact physically, within a chromosome yarn," said Nora. "The down side of this type of organization is that a single mutation altering the organization of such a 'chromosome yarn' can affect a whole group of genes."
Three-dimensional folding provides shortcuts through the chromosome
"Together with Job Dekker, who has pioneered chromosome conformation capture technologies, we have discovered these principles by studying a critical region of the X chromosome, the X-inactivation center," said Heard. "Thanks to a parallel study conducted by the team of Bing Ren, PhD, at the University of San Diego (and published in Nature alongside the Heard and Dekker study), we now know that the principles of chromosome folding we have seen on the X chromosome actually apply to the whole mouse and human genomes."
Beyond advancing our fundamental understanding of chromosome biology, these studies also open up new avenues for studying certain diseases, such as genetic disorders that are due to mutations in the DNA sequence which disrupt the proper activity of certain genes. Sometimes the mutation causing these defects is not directly in the gene, but affects one of its regulatory elements somewhere in its extended chromosomal neighborhood. Finding such mutations along the chromosome has been a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack because scientists did not know which genes were partnered with which regulatory elements. The hunt for such mutations can now be directed first to the chromosomal region most likely to harbor the regulatory elements of the misbehaving gene -- inside the chromosome "yarn" to which that gene belongs.

பட்டுப்போன பட்டு...


1926 சூன் 1 அன்று
லாஸ் ஏஞ்சல்ஸ் மருத்துவமனையில் பிறந்த குழந்தையின் பெயர் நார்மா ஜீன் மார்ட்டேன்சன் ,
இவர் உலக சினிமாவின் வரலாற்றில் மிகப் பெரிய கனவு தேவதையாக வலம் வருவார் என்று அன்று யாருக்க்மே தெரியவில்லை,
சிறு வயதில் பல்வேறு துன்பங்களுக்குள்ளும், பாலியல் வன்முறைகளுக்குள்ளும்,
சீரற்ற குடும்ப சூழல்களுக்குள்ளும் சிக்கிக் கொண்டவர் இவர்,
பதினாறு வயதில் திருமணம் முடித்து, அதற்குப் பின் மாடலிங் துறையில் காலெடுத்து, தன் அழகாலும், தோற்றத்தாலும், கவர்ச்சியாலும் இந்த உலகை புரட்டிப் போட்டு இறந்த பின்னும் இன்று வரை நம் மனதில் மாறாது இருப்பவர் மர்லின் மன்றோ... இவரின் இறப்பு குறித்த மர்மங்கள் இன்றும் புரியாத புதிராகவே இருந்து வருகின்றது...


சில்க்-ஒரு வரையப்படா ஓவியம்
1960 , மர்லின் மன்றோ இறப்பதற்கு சரியாக இரண்டு வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பு ஏலுறு , ஆந்திரா பிரதேசத்தில் விஜயலட்சுமி என்ற பெயரில் டிசம்பர் 2 ஆம் தேதி ஒரு பெண் குழந்தை பிறந்தது.
சிறு வயதில் குடும்ப சுழல் காரணமாக பெற்றோரால் படிப்பு நிறுத்தப் பட்டு, அறியாத வயதில் திருமணமும் செய்து வைத்தனர், கணவன் மற்றும் மாமியார் கொடுமையால், அங்கிருந்து தப்பித்து சென்னைக்கு புறப்பட்டு வந்தார் விஜயலட்சுமி.
சென்னை வருகை அவர் வாழ்கையில் ஒரு திருப்பு முனையை ஏற்படுத்தியது. , தமிழகத்தை தன் கவர்ச்சியாலும், காந்தக் கண்களினாலும் சுண்டி இழுத்தவர் , அவர் தான் விஜயலட்சுமி என்கின்ற சில்க் சுமிதா.

ஆனால் இவரின் கவர்ச்சியான தோற்றத்திற்கும், கவர்ச்சியான நடிப்பிற்கும் முகம் சுழித்தவர்களும் இருந்தனர், ஐடம் கேர்ள் நடனம் மட்டும் ஆடும் பெண்களிடையே சில்க் தான் என்றும் டாப், அதோடு மட்டும் அல்லாமல் சில்க் பல படங்களில் நடித்தும் உள்ளார், அற்புதமான நடிகையும் கூட அவர்...

சுமித்தாவின் வாழ்க்கை புரியாத புதிராகவே இருந்து வந்தது, அவரின் தனிப் பட்ட வாழ்க்கையின் மர்ம முடிச்சுகள்இன்று வரைஅவிழ்க்கப் படாமல் இருக்கின்றது ..
அவர் தற்கொலை செய்துக் கொண்ட பின், ஏறத் தாழ அவரைப் பற்றி தமிழ் மக்களும் சினிமாத் துறையும் மறந்து போன ஒரு பொழுதில்..,
தீடிரென பாலிவுட்டில் அவரின் சுய சரிதை படமாக்கப்படுவதாகவும், படத்தில் சோகம் தோய்ந்த முகத்துடன், ஒரு குடும்பப் பெண்ணாக ( பரிநீதா ) போன்ற படங்களில் நடித்த வித்யா பாலன் நடிப்பதாகவும் சொன்னார்கள் ,
இது ஒரு நல்ல தேர்வே இல்லை, சில்க்கு எவ்வளவு அழகு, சில்க்கின் நடை, உடை, அவரின் தோற்றம், நிறம் எல்லாமே ஒரு அழகு, என்று பல பேர் தங்களின் கருத்தை முன் வைத்தார்கள்,

இது ஒரு புறம் இருக்கட்டும், இன்றைய நவீன காலத்து பெண்கள் " Dusky " என்று கூறப் படும் மாநிறத்தை விரும்புகின்றனர், தீபிகா படுகோனே, கஜோல், ராணி முகர்ஜி போன்றவர்கள் " Dusky beauty " என்றும் சிலரால் அழைக்கப் படுவது உண்டு. ஆனால், நம் தமிழ் சினிமா, இதை ஒரு தலை முறைக்கு முன்பாகவே அறிமுகப் படுத்திவிட்டது. சில்க் சுண்டி இழக்கும் நிறம் இல்லை, மாநிறம் தான்..
தற்கால சொல்லாடல்களில் சொல்லபோனால் அவர் ஒரு " Dusky Beauty
இன்றைய நவீன பெண்கள்
தங்களின் நாகரிகம், உடை ஆகிய அனைத்தையும் தாங்கள் தேர்வு செய்வதற்கான சுதந்திரத்தைப் பெற்று இருக்கின்றனர்..
அதை அன்றே பெற்று இருந்தார் சில்க்..
சில்கின் வாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து அறிவது என்ன வென்றால் அவர் நிச்சயமாக ஒரு தைரியமான, சுயமாக முடிவெடுக்கும் ,பெண்ணாக இருந்திருக்க வேண்டும், மிக அழுத்தமான பெண்ணாகவும் இருந்திருக்க வேண்டும்.

யாரும் எளிதாகச் செய்யத் தயங்கும்
கவர்ச்சி வேடங்களை சில்க் செய்தார் என்பதால்
பல பேர் அவரை வெட்கம் இல்லாதவள் ,
மானம் கெட்டவள் என்றும் பட்டமளித்தனர்..
ஆனால் அப்படி அவர் செய்வதற்கு அவர் எத்தகைய துணிச்சலான பெண்ணாக இருந்து இருப்பார் என்பது வியப்பை அளிக்கின்றது.
இதிலென்ன துணிச்சல் வேண்டும் ? என்பவர்களுக்கு, சில்க் சிறிய வயதில் பல்வேறு துன்பங்களை அனுபவித்து அந்த அனுபவங்களின் தாக்கம் கலைத் துறையில் அவர் எந்தக் கதாப் பாத்திரத்தையும் ஏற்று நடிப்பதற்கான மன உறுதியை வெளிப்படுத்தியது,

இன்றைய சுழலில் நடிகைகளின் வாழ்க்கை வேறுவிதமாக அமைந்துள்ளது. பெற்றோர்களே அவர்களை ஊக்குவிக்கிறார்கள் , வித்யா பாலன் சில்க்கைப் போல் நடித்ததற்கு அவரை முதலில் பாராட்டியது வித்யா பாலனின் தந்தை..
ஆனால் சில்க்கிற்கு மிஞ்சியது வெறும் மரணம் என்னும் கோரப் பிடிதான்.

அன்றைய காலகட்டத்தில் சில்க் சுமிதா அருவெறுப்புடனும் , சில்க் சுமிதாவை ரசிப்பவர்கள் எல்லாம் கெட்டவர்கள் எனும் எண்ணமும் இருந்தது, அது இன்று வரை தொடரக்கூடச் செய்யலாம்..
ஆனால் சில்க் சுமிதாவின் கதாபாத்திரத்தை ஏற்று நடித்த ஒரு பெண்ணுக்கு பரிசும் பாராட்டும், பட்டங்களும், கோடிகளும்...
பல பேர் வித்யா பாலனின் இந்த முயற்சிக்கு , " She is courageous to take up this stand ", என்றனர் ..
நான் மறுக்கவில்லை, ஆனால் இன்னொருவராக நடிக்கும் ஒருவருக்கு இத்தனை புகழ் என்றால், அப்படியாக வாழ்ந்தவருக்கு ஏன் அப்படி இல்லை?
ஏன் சில்க்கை பார்க்கும் போது எல்லோருக்கும் பாலியல் குறித்த எண்ணமும், கேவலமான சிந்தனையும் மட்டும் தோன்றுகிறது ?
இது இப்படியாக என்றால் நாம் எதையும் எப்படி சொல்லப் பட்டதோ அப்படியே ஏற்கும் மனப் பான்மையில் உள்ளோம் என்பதற்கான அறிகுறியே ..

மர்லின் மன்றோவின் வாழ்க்கைச் சூழலும்
சில்க்கின் வாழ்க்கைச் சூழலும் கிட்டத்தட்ட ஒரே மாதிரியானவை
சிறு வயதில் வறுமை, புறக்கணிப்பு, திருமணம், திருப்புமுனை, மரணம். ஆனால் இடைப்பட்ட வாழ்க்கையில் மர்லின் மன்றோவிற்கும் சில்க்குக்கும் நிறைய வித்தியாசங்கள் உள்ளன,

மர்லின் மன்றோ அமெரிக்காவின் ஒரு அழகு தேவதையாகவும், கவர்ச்சி கன்னியாகவும் கருதப்பட்டார் ,இன்றளவும் அவருக்கு பல கோடி பேர் ரசிகர்கள்..
ஆனால் சில்க் இன்று நம்மிடையே மறைந்து போய் விட்டார்... அவரின் ரசிகர் என்று சொல்வதற்கு கூட சிலர் தயங்குகிறார்கள்....

சில்க் 1996 , தூக்க்குபோட்டு தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்டார், இவரது மரணத்தின் மர்ம முடிச்சுகள் இன்னும் அவிழ்க்கப்படாமல் உள்ளது..
பலர் காதல் தோல்வியென்றும், பாலியில் கொடுமையால் தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்டார் என்றும் கூறுகின்றனர் ..
எது எப்படி இருந்தாலும் . ஆந்திராவில் பிறந்து தமிழகம் கண்டெடுத்த சில்க் சுமிதா தமிழ் நாட்டின் மர்லின் மன்றோதான்.....

ஹரிணி நாகராஜ்