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Monday, April 16, 2012

The Importance of Saturn in Prediction

Saturn as karaka (significator) of the malefic 6th, 8th and 12th house in the horoscope is the most dreaded planet. It is assigned 19 years in Vimshottari Dasa and slowly transits through a house in 2� years.

However, Saturn gives the best result when it becomes functional benefic for the horoscope. For example, for Tula (Libra) lagna Saturn gives the best result, and second best for Vrishabha (Taurus) lagna by virtue of becoming a Yogakaraka( Lord of Kendra and Trikona houses). It gives good result for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. When for these four lagnas Saturn is also well posited and aspected by benefics, it produces excellent results during its dasa-bhukti and transit. 

Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna ( Gemini), Kanya ( Virgo), Dhanu ( Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and proves unfavourable for the remaining lagnas. Like other malefic planets. Saturn gives good result when posited in an Upachaya ( 3, 6, 10 or 11) house. In addition, Saturn�s location in any Kendra, which is its own or exaltation sign, forms Sasa Yoga, one of the Panchmahapurusha Yogas that bestows name, fame, wealth and authority to the native during its dasa and bhukti. Lucky is the person for whom Saturn is favourable and strong in the horoscope.

Saturn has special 10th and 3rd full aspects, in addition to the normal 7th aspect. These aspects adversely affect the affairs of the house receiving it, and afflict the planets posited there, but these aspects are favourable when Saturn becomes a functional benefic in the horoscope. Among these aspects, the 10th aspect is the most powerful, then comes the 7th , and the 3rd aspect is the weakest. Saturn�s aspect on Venus spoils the conjugal life of the person. 

Saturn�s aspect on the Sun makes the native toil hard in life and face separation from, or even death of father in some cases. Saturn�s aspect on Moon makes the native simple, calm and calculative and gives distress to mother. Saturn�s aspect on Mars makes the native aggressive and cruel, while their mutual aspect portends violent end. Saturn�s aspect on Mercury gives crooked and selfish mentality. 

In addition, Saturn has two special features. The first one is the infamous Sadesati ( 7� years� period) when Saturn transits through the house prior to natal Moon, the Moon sign, and the sign next to Moon. This cycle repeats in 30 years in everybody�s life. During Sadesati Saturn controls the flight of imagination of the native�s mind and makes him depressed, lonely and self- dependent. If Moon in a horoscope is already afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu individually or jointly, or Moon is weak and located in a trika ( 6/8/12) house, the effect of Sadesati is severe. 

Saturn influences as many as eight houses in any horoscope. This makes the position of Saturn in any horoscope decisive and it is prudent to properly assess the disposition and strength of Saturn before making any prediction.

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