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Monday, December 24, 2018

What is Dopamine

Dopamine is one of the brain’s neurotransmitters—a chemical that ferries information between neurons. Dopamine helps regulate movement, attention, learning, and emotional responses. It also enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them. Since dopamine contributes to feelings of pleasures and satisfaction as part of the reward system, the neurotransmitter also plays a part in addiction. 

Neurotransmitters are chemicals made by nerve cells called neurons. They’re used to communicate messages across different parts of the brain and between the brain and the rest of the body.

Dopamine is involved mainly in controlling movement. An insufficient production of dopamine in part of the brain can lead to Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s diseases is a noncurable nervous system disorder that affects movement. It may cause stiffness, tremors, shaking, and other symptoms. How Dopamine Works Inside the Brain’s Reward System

Dopamine plays a role in the brain’s reward system, helping to reinforce certain behaviors that result in reward. A surge of dopamine, for instance, is what prompts a laboratory rat to repeatedly press a lever to get a pellet of food, or a human to take a second slice of pizza.
Recently, scientists have shown that dopamine can help with unlearning fearful associations. In a study published in June 2018 in the journal Nature Communications, researchers uncovered the role of dopamine in lessening fearful reactions over time, an important component of therapy for people with anxiety disorders, such as phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
More on the Brain and Dopamine

Dopamine also helps to aid the flow of information to the brain regions responsible for thought and emotion. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, too little dopamine — or problems in the way the brain uses dopamine — may play a role in disorders such as schizophrenia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Dopamine and the Body’s Stress Response

In other parts of the body, dopamine acts as type of hormone called a catecholamine. Catecholamines are made in the adrenal glands — small hormone production factories that sit on top of the kidneys.
There are three main catecholamines:

    Epinephrine (adrenaline)

These hormones get released into the bloodstream when the body is physically or mentally stressed. They cause biochemical changes that activate the so-called fight-or-flight response. That’s the body’s natural reaction to a real or perceived stress.
Dopamine has many functions outside the brain. It acts as a vasodilator, helping to widen blood vessels. It helps to increase urine output in the kidneys, and in the pancreas it reduces the production of insulin, a hormone involved in blood sugar regulation.
Dopamine and Digestion

Dopamine also plays a role in the digestive system, helping to make sure the contents of the gastrointestinal tract don’t pass through too quickly. In the immune system, dopamine dampens inflammation, normally helping to prevent the sort of runaway immune response seen in autoimmune diseases.
What Are Dopamine Receptors?

Dopamine receptors are proteins found in the brain and nerves throughout the body. If neurotransmitters are the nerve cells’ chemical messengers, then receptors are the nerve cells’ chemical receivers.
As a dopamine signal approaches a nearby neuron, it attaches to that neuron’s receptor. The receptor and neurotransmitter work like a lock and key. The dopamine attaches to the dopamine receptor, delivering its chemical message by causing changes in the receiving nerve cell.
Why Dopamine Receptors Are Key for Neurological and Physical Functions

Dopamine receptors play an important role in many neurological processes, including movement coordination and fine motor control, pleasure, cognition, memory, and learning.

Abnormally functioning dopamine receptors may play a role in several neurological and psychiatric illnesses. Therefore, dopamine receptors are a natural target for many drug therapies.

Some street drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, also act on dopamine receptors in the brain. They can cause nerve cells to release too much dopamine or prevent the nervous system from recycling dopamine once it’s done its job, highjacking the brain’s reward system.
Euphoric Effects, Pleasure, and Dopamine

Dopamine creates feelings of pleasure. Certain drugs, such as cocaine, can cause large amounts of dopamine to flood the system, producing euphoric effects or a “high” that leave the user wanting more.
As these drugs are abused over time, dopamine’s pleasurable effects on the brain lessen.

To regain these pleasurable effects, a user must increase the amount of drug taken. This phenomenon is called “tolerance.”
Dopamine Drugs

There are a few classes of medication that work on the dopamine pathways of the brain to treat disease. They include:

Levodopa (L-dopa) Levodopa is a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease start to show up when dopamine-producing cells in the brain die. Levodopa, a precursor chemical to dopamine, helps to boost dopamine levels in the brain. Once levodopa reaches the brain, it transforms into dopamine.

Dopamine Agonists Dopamine agonists are a class of drugs that bind to and activate dopamine receptors in the brain. They mimic the action of naturally-occurring dopamine in the brain, causing the neurons to react as they would to dopamine.

Dopamine agonists trick the brain into thinking it’s getting the dopamine it needs.

Dopamine agonists are used to treat low dopamine conditions, including Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS). RLS is a sleep disorder that causes an unpleasant tingling or twitching sensation in the legs when lying or sitting down, mostly at night, resulting in an irresistible urge to move them, and in insomnia. Like Parkinson’s disease, it too seems to be caused by a dopamine shortage in the brain.

Dopamine agonists also are sometimes used to treat depression and fibromyalgia.

Common dopamine agonist drugs include:
    Mirapex (ramipexole)
    Neupro (rotigotine)
    Requip (ropinirole)

Serious side effects associated with dopamine agonists include low blood pressure, dizziness when standing up, hallucinations, and impulse control disorders, such as pathological gambling, compulsive eating, and hypersexuality.

Dopamine Antagonists Dopamine antagonists are a class of drugs that bind to and block dopamine receptors. Dopamine antagonists turn down dopamine activity, which may be useful for the treatment of psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, which have been associated with an overactive dopamine system.

Many antipsychotic drugs are dopamine antagonists, working to block dopamine receptors in the brain.

Dopamine antagonists that act on dopamine receptors in the gastrointestinal tract may be used to treat nausea, or as anti-emetics to stop vomiting.

Dopamine antagonist drugs include:

    Thorazine or Largactil (chlorpromazine)
    Reglan (metoclopramide)
    Phenergan (promethazine)
    Invenga (paliperidone)
    Risperdal (risperidone)
    Seroquel (quetiapine)
    Clozaril (clozepine)

Dopamine Supplements and Supplementation

Dopamine is found in many types of food, but dopamine itself can’t cross into the brain from the bloodstream, so eating foods that contain dopamine won’t raise dopamine levels in the brain. But dopamine’s precursor molecule, tyrosine, can cross the blood-brain barrier, according to a review published in November 2015 in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Tyrosine is an amino acid found naturally in protein-rich foods, such as cheese, nuts, and meat. Under certain circumstances, tyrosine supplements can help boost dopamine levels in the brain, leading some to believe that tyrosine supplementation could help with neurological and mental health conditions involving low dopamine. In fact, the Parkinson’s disease drug Levodopa was originally synthesized from one form of tyrosine.

But scientific studies have failed to show that this is the case. Tyrosine supplements don’t appear to have much — if any — effect on physiology, thought, or behavior.


Dopamine is heavily involved in the motor system. When the brain fails to produce enough dopamine, it can result in Parkinson’s disease. A primary treatment for Parkinson’s disease, therefore, is a drug called L-dopa, which spurs the production of dopamine. Dopamine has also been implicated in schizophrenia and ADHD, but its role is not fully understood. People with low dopamine activity may also be more prone to addiction. The presence of a certain kind of dopamine receptor is associated with sensation-seeking, more commonly known as risk taking.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Erin Brockovich (Ground WATER Pollution)

In 1993, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is an unemployed single mother of three children, who has recently been injured in a traffic accident with a doctor and is suing him. Her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), expects to win, but Erin's explosive courtroom behavior under cross-examination loses her the case, and Ed will not return her phone calls afterwards. One day he arrives at work to find her in the office, apparently working. She says that he told her things would work out and they didn't, and that she needed a job. He feels bad for her, and decides to give her a try at the office.
Erin is given files for a real-estate case where Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is offering to purchase the home of Hinkley, California, resident Donna Jensen. Erin is surprised to see medical records in the file and visits Donna, who explains that she had simply kept all her PG&E correspondence together. Donna appreciates PG&E's help: she has had several tumors and her husband has Hodgkin's disease, but PG&E has always supplied a doctor at their own expense. Erin asks why they would do that, and Donna replies, "because of the chromium". Erin begins digging into the case and finds evidence that the groundwater in Hinkley is seriously contaminated with carcinogenic hexavalent chromium, but PG&E has been telling Hinkley residents that they use a safer form of chromium. After several days away from the office doing this research, she is fired by Ed until he realizes that she was working all the time, and sees what she has found out.
Rehired, she continues her research, and over time, visits many Hinkley residents and wins their trust. She finds many cases of tumors and other medical problems in Hinkley. Everyone has been treated by PG&E's doctors and thinks the cluster of cases is just a coincidence, unrelated to the "safe" chromium. The Jensens' claim for compensation grows into a major class-action lawsuit, but the direct evidence only relates to PG&E's Hinkley plant, not to the senior management.
Knowing that PG&E could delay any settlement for years through delays and appeals, Ed takes the opportunity to arrange for disposition by binding arbitration, but a large majority of the plaintiffs must agree to this. Erin returns to Hinkley and persuades all 634 plaintiffs to go along. While she is there, a man approaches her to say that he and his cousin were PG&E employees, but his cousin recently died from the poison. The man says he was tasked with destroying documents at PG&E, but, "as it turns out, I wasn't a very good employee".
He gives Erin the documents: a 1966 memo proves corporate headquarters knew the water was contaminated with hexavalent chromium, did nothing about it, and advised the Hinkley operation to keep this secret. The judge orders PG&E to pay a settlement amount of $333 million to be distributed among the plaintiffs.
In the final scene, Ed hands Erin her bonus payment for the case but warns her he has changed the amount. She explodes into a complaint that she deserves more respect, but is astonished to find that he has increased it—to $2 million.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

The consequences of maltreatment can be devastating. For over 30 years, clinicians have described the effects of child abuse and neglect on the physical, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral development of children. Physical consequences range from minor injuries to severe brain damage and even death. Psychological consequences range from chronic low self-esteem to severe dissociative states. The cognitive effects of abuse range from attentional problems and learning disorders to severe organic brain syndromes. Behaviorally, the consequences of abuse range from poor peer relations all the way to extraordinarily violent behaviors. Thus, the consequences of abuse and neglect affect the victims themselves and the society in which they live.
Many complexities challenge our understanding of factors and relationships that exacerbate or mitigate the consequences of abusive experiences. The majority of children who are abused do not show signs of extreme disturbance. Research has suggested a relationship between child maltreatment and a variety of short- and long-term consequences, but considerable uncertainty and debate remain about the effects of child victimization on children, adolescents, and adults. The relationship between the causes and consequences of child maltreatment is particularly problematic, since some factors (such as low intelligence in the child) may help stimulate abusive behavior by the parent or caretaker, but low intelligence can also be a consequence of abusive experiences in early childhood.
Every child who has experienced abuse or neglect will have their own response to the trauma. While some children have long-lasting effects, others are able to recover quicker and with ease. There is not a right or wrong way for a child to manage effects of the abuse and neglect they have suffered.

What are some factors that can influence children’s responses to trauma?

  • Age
  • Developmental status
  • Type of abuse and/or neglect
  • How often and how long a child was abused
  • How severe the abuse was
  • The relationship between the child and the perpetrator

What are some physical effects of child abuse and neglect?

  • Bruises and welts
  • Scrapes and cuts
  • Burn marks
  • Head trauma
  • Weakened brain development
  • Sprains or broken bones
  • Difficulty walking or sitting
  • Torn, stained, or bloody clothing
  • Pain or itching in the genital area
  • Bruises or bleeding in and around the genital area
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Inappropriate dress
  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor physical health

What are some psychological and mental effects of child abuse and neglect?

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Withdrawn
  • Dissociation
  • Difficulty with making and maintaining relationships
  • Experiences flashbacks
  • Hypervigilant
  • Persistent fear

What are some behavioral effects of child abuse and neglect?

  • Self-harm
  • Eating disorders
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Uncomfortable with physical contact with others
  • Repeating school grades
  • Absent from school often
  • Criminal activity

What are common effects on children who witness domestic violence?

Whether children witness or experience abuse, it can take a toll on their development. Domestic violence victims are not isolated to intimate partners. Children are at an increased risk for emotional behavioral problems regardless if they were directly abused or not. The effects include:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Academic problems
  • Fearful

Ostrog Monastery, Tramontana, Montenegro, Europe

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Wireless Warfare How to protect your family

“The greatest act of domestic terrorism in the history of the USA is currently in process and the culprits are the energy, electrical, electronics and wireless radiation industries.”

Steven Magee

Cell Phones & the Wireless Age are causing
major health challenges!

Most people today carry a cell phone and wouldn't be without one in their day to day businesses. But knowing what the dangers are and what you can do to protect yourself and /or your loved ones can prevent  major illnesses, pain and suffering.
Cell phones are more toxic and more carcinogenic than tobacco. Cell phones emit 3 types of radiation

    - Antenna emits radio frequencies and microwaves
   - Circuitry and battery emits extremely low frequencies
Approximately 20-80% of the radiation from the antennae penetrates up to 2 inches into the brain. Cell phones carried in belts expose other areas of the body to harmful EMF’s. Children are extremely vulnerable- 50% more radiation is absorbed by a 10 year old than an adult due to their thin skulls, smaller heads and developing nervous systems. 

Cell Phone Radiation 

In Japan, legislation is being introduced to ban their use in restaurants. There are 203 million Americans using cell phones and over 2.13 billion worldwide users – and each year the numbers rise-  it’s the most popular item known to man.

It’s a multi-billion dollar wireless communications industry. Never have we seen a technology grow so rapidly and so profoundly in transforming the global village. By 2010- 90% of the world’s population will have mobile phones and wireless internet.

Cell phones can create microwave like effects on the human body when used in a train or an elevator as in a metal box.   The microwaves bounce off, in around and through the train, like food being cooked in a microwave oven.  You are bombarded with the phone off and worse when the phone is on.

Dr. George Carlo, an epidemiologist, lawyer, chief scientist  who headed the world’s largest research effort into wireless safety, also co-author with journalist Martin Schram of "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age" pointed out 4 major findings in his research:

1. cell phones interfere with pacemakers,
2. developing skulls of children are penetrated deeply by the energy emitted from a cell phone,
3. the blood brain barrier which prevents invasion of the brain by toxins can be compromised by the cell phone radiation, and most startling,
4. radio frequency radiation creates micronuclei in human blood cells, a type of genetic damage known to be a diagnostic marker for cancer.” Found in cell phone users!!

Electromagnetic Pollution

In totalling all of our modern day exposures - We are exposed to 200,000,000 times more EM fields in our environment today than our ancestors. This is WAY more than our circuits can handle. EMF is classified as a Group 2B carcinogen under standards established by the World Health Organization’s Agency for Cancer Research. The chemicals DDT and lead are also Group 2B carcinogens. ( Source: National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences)

It's become a mounting problem...

EMF's or Electro-Smog is the # 1 Pollutant- They are invisible, silent and  ubiquitous.
In fact, more studies exist showing the adverse effects of EMF's (electromagnetic fields) than there are studies showing risks for cancer by smokers.  In May 2006, the London Observer reported the growing concern about what it called the 'invisible smog' that has been created by the 'electricity that powers our civilization'. 
Scientific evidence showed that this was: 

  • 'giving children cancer
  • causing miscarriages
  • suicides
  • making some people allergic to modern life‘.

Dr. Jack Kruse:·
Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system, your breasts, ovaries and sperm cells. RF/microwave radiation affects your germline and ruins mitochondrial DNA because it ruins calcium/calmodulin second messenger system of signaling in cells. You do not need nuclear DNA or RNA damage to cause widespread organ dysfunction via the IONIZING part of the spectrum of light. Even RF radiation, on the low energy end of the spectrum of light, causes is as the NTP study just laid out.
Exposure to electrosmog generated by electric, electronic, and wireless technology is accelerating to the point that a portion of the population is experiencing adverse reactions when they are exposed. The symptoms of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), best described as rapid aging syndrome, germline disorders, mitochondrial energy deficits that are more prominently experienced by children than adults and resemble symptoms experienced by radar operators in the 1940s to the 1960s and are well described in the literature and in Robert O. Becker and Dr. Andrew Marino's books.

An increasingly common response includes clumping (rouleau formation) of the red blood cells, heart palpitations, pain or pressure in the chest accompanied by anxiety, and an upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system coincident with a downregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of the "fight-or-flight" response. The patient becomes chronically dehydrated because of poor water creation due to poor mitochondrial function and blood sugar and blood pressure rises in these cases to varying degrees. Provocation studies have demonstrated that the response to electrosmog is physiologic and not psychosomatic.
Those who experience prolonged and severe chronic electromagnetic exposure may develop physiologic and psychologic problems as a consequence of their inability to work, become fertile, their limited ability to travel in our highly technologic environment, and the social stigma that their symptoms are imagined rather than real. This is what American communication network is doing to the American public's cells and tissues 24/7 now.
5G will ELEVATE THESE RISKS BECAUSE JUMP CONDUCTION IS A FEATURE OF THE ENGINEERING OF THESE WAVEFORMS BETWEEN 6-90 GHz now live in a city near you. The NTP study release of 11/1/2018 was your last official warning. It is time to protect yourself because no one else is going to do it for you. You will soon see unusual human behavior and sickness all around you that shows acute mitochondrial failure from rather innocuous stimuli. The official word on these reports will be lies and obfuscation to control the narrative and maintain control while the profiteers of the internet of things keep harvesting $$$$ from your wallets as you become even more addicted to what is harming you.
Here is my warning: Never underestimate the ability of others to PURPOSELY hide knowledge about disease etiology beneath a carefully curated façade of the illusion of knowledge called settled science.

New UK 50 Pound Note May Feature India's Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

The Bank Of England has announced it will be redesigning the 50 UK Pound currency note, replacing it with a prominent name from the world of science.
And surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?), the name of Indian scientist Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose has been featured in the nomination list.

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Jagadish also spelled Jagadis, (born November 30, 1858, Mymensingh, Bengal, India (now in Bangladesh)—died November 23, 1937, Giridih, Bihar), Indian plant physiologist and physicist whose invention of highly sensitive instruments for the detection of minute responses by living organisms to external stimuli enabled him to anticipate the parallelism between animal and plant tissues noted by later biophysicists. Bose’s experiments on the quasi-optical properties of very short radio waves (1895) led him to make improvements on the coherer, an early form of radio detector, which have contributed to the development of solid-state physics.
After earning a degree from the University of Cambridge (1884), Bose served as professor of physical science (1885–1915) at Presidency College, Calcutta (now Kolkata), which he left to found and direct (1917–37) the Bose Research Institute (now Bose Institute) in Calcutta. To facilitate his research, he constructed automatic recorders capable of registering extremely slight movements; these instruments produced some striking results, such as Bose’s demonstration of an apparent power of feeling in plants, exemplified by the quivering of injured plants. His books include Response in the Living and Non-Living (1902) and The Nervous Mechanism of Plants (1926).

Monday, December 3, 2018

பலரும் அறியாத இந்து கடவுள்களின் அற்புதங்கள் !

1 ஸ்ரீரங்கம் கோவிலில் ஸ்ரீராமானுஜரின் உடல் 1000 வருடங்களாக கெடாமல் அப்படியே உள்ளது.
2 திருநெல்வேலி பாளையங்கோட்டைஅருகே திருச்செந்தூா் சாலையில் உள்ள சிரட்டை பிள்ளையாா் கோவிலில் விநாயகருக்கு விடலை போடும்போது சிரட்டையும், தேங்காயும் பிரிந்து சிதறுகிறது.
3 தஞ்சைபிரகதீஸ்வரர் கோவிலில் 72 டன் கல் கோபுர உச்சியில் வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. கருவறை குளிர்காலத்தில் வெப்பமாகவும் வெயில் காலத்தில் குளிராகவும் இருக்கிறது.
4 தாராபுரம் ஐராவதீஸ்வரர் கோவிலில் உள்ள இசைப்படிகளில் தட்டினால் சரிகமபதநிச என்ற இசை வருகிறது.
5 கடலுக்கு 3500 அடி உயரத்தில் வெள்ளியங்கிரி மலையில் சிவனின் பஞ்சவாத்ய ஒலி கேட்கிறது.
6 கிருஷ்ணகிரி மாவட்டம், தேன்கனிக்கோட்டை அருகே கோட்டையூரில் நூற்றி ஒன்று சாமிமலை குகையில் ஓரடி உயரம் கொண்ட கல்லால் ஆன அகல் விளக்கில் இளநீர் விட்டு தீபமேற்றினால் பிரகாசமாக எரியும் அதிசயம் நடக்கிறது.
7 சென்னை வியாசர்பாடி ரவீஸ்வரர் கோயிலில் தினமும் சூரிய ஒளி மூலவா் மீது விழுகிறது. (காலை மதியம் மாலை என மும்முறை )
8 சுசிந்திரம் சிவன் கோவிலில் ஒரு சிற்பத்தின் காதில் குச்சியை நுழைத்தால் மறு காதுவழியாக வருகிறது.
9 திருப்பூரில் உள்ள குண்டடம் வடுக நாத பைரவர் கோவிலில் குழந்தை தாயின் வயிற்றில் இருக்கும் பொழுது, குழந்தை இந்த மாதத்தில் இந்தந்த வடிவத்தில் இந்த விதமான Positions-ல் இருக்கும் என்பதை பல ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பே கல்லில் சிற்பங்களாக வடித்து வைத்துள்ளார்கள் நம் முன்னோர்கள்.
10 செங்கம் ஊரில் உள்ள, ஸ்ரீ அனுபாம்பிகை உடனுறை ரிஷபேஸ்வரர் கோயிலில் ஆண்டுக்கு ஒருமுறை, பங்குனி மாதம் மூன்றாம் நாள், மாலை சூரிய அஸ்தமனத்தின் பொழுது, நந்தியம் பெருமான் மீது சூரிய ஒளி விழும் பொழுது, அவர் தங்க நிறத்தில் ஜொலிப்பார்.
11 வட சென்னையில் ஐயாயிரம் ஆண்டுகள்.பழமையான வியாசர்பாடி ரவீஸ்வரர் சிவன் கோவிலில் 3 வேளையும் சூரிய ஒளி சிவலிங்கத்தின் மீது மாலை போல் வந்து விழுகிறது.
12 ஜெயங்கொண்டத்தில் உள்ள கங்கை கொண்ட சோழபுரம் கோவிலில் உள்ள கிணற்றிற்கு அருகில் ஒரு சிங்கத்தின் சிற்பம் இருக்கும். சிங்கத்தின் வாயில் ஒரு கதவு தென்படும். அதன் மூலம் கீழே இறங்கினால் கிணற்றில் குளிக்கலாம். ஆனால் மேலேயிருந்து பார்த்தால் நாம் குளிப்பது தெரியாது.
13 ஈரோடு காங்கேயத்துக்கு அருகில், மடவிளாகம் சிவன்கோவில் குளத்தில், பன்னிரண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை ஒரு மண் பானை நிறைய விபூதி தோன்றுகிறது.
14 மதுரை மீனாட்சி அம்மன்கோவில் தெப்பகுளத்தில் மீன்கள் வளராது.
16 சேலம் தாரமங்கலம் பெருமாள் கோவிலில் ஸ்ரீராமா் சிற்பம் இருக்கும் இடத்திலிருந்து வாலி சிற்பம் இருப்பதை பாா்க்க முடியும். ஆனால் வாலி சிற்பம் இருக்கும் இடத்திலிருந்து ஸ்ரீராமரைப் பாா்க்க முடியாத வண்ணம் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
17 சென்னை முகப்போில் காிவரதராஜப்பெருமாள் கோவிலில் விளக்குகளை அணைத்துவிட்டால் பெருமாள் நம்மை நோில் பாா்ப்பது போல் இருக்கிறது.
18 தென்காசி அருகில் புளியங்குடியில் சுயம்பு நீரூற்று வற்றி தண்ணீா் இல்லாமல் இருக்கும்போது பிராா்த்தனை செய்து பால் அல்லது இளநீா் விட்டால் மறுநாள் ஊற்றில் நீர் வந்துவிடுகிறது.
19 தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம் செட்டியாபத்து கிராமத்தில் பொியசாமி கோவிலில் கோவிலுக்கு நோ்ந்துவிடப்படும் பன்றி கொடை விழாவின்போது அங்குள்ள நீருள்ள தொட்டிக் குள் தலையை தானாகவே மூழ்கி இறந்துவிடுகிறது.
20 குளித்தலை அருகில் ரத்தினகிாி மலை மேல் காகங்கள் பறப்பதில்லை.
21 தேனி அருகில் உள்ள சிவன்கோவிலில் அவரவா் உயரத்தில் சிவலிங்கம் காட்சி தருகிறது.
22 தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம் வீரபாண்டியபுரத்தில் அம்மன்கோவில் கொடை விழாவின்போது மண்பாணையில் வைக்கப்படும் கத்தி சாமி கோவிலை வலம் வந்து சேரும் வரை செங்குத்தாக நிற்கிறது.
23 விருதுநகாில் மகான் திருப்புகழ்சாமி கோவில் திருவிழாவின்போது சுவாமிக்கு படைக்கப்பட்ட சாதத்தில் வேல் வைத்து பூஜை செய்கின்றனா். அதன் பின் எவ்வளவு பக்தா்கள் வந்தாலும் உணவு குறையாமல் வந்துகொண்டே இருக்கிறது. (வேலை எடுத்தவுடன் குறைந்து காலியாகிவிடும்) இதுபோல் உணவு தட்டாமல் வருவது அத்திாி மலையிலும் நடைபெறுகிறது.
24 திருமந்திரநகா் (தூத்துக்குடி) சிவன்கோவிலில் சித்திரைத் தோ்த்திருவிழாவின்போது தோ் ஓடும் ரதவீதி மட்டும் சுடுவதில்லை.
25 சென்னி மலை முருகனுக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்யப்படும் தயிா் புளிப்பதில்லை.
26 திருப்புவனம் (சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம்) அருகில் கல்லுமடை திருநாகேஸ்வரமுடையாா் கோவிலில் மீனாட்சி அம்மன் 2 மாதங்களுக்கு ஒரு முறை நிறம் மாறுகிறது.
27 திருநெல்வேலி கடையநல்லூர் அருகில் சுந்தரேஸ்வரபுரம் சுந்தரேஸ்வரர் கோவிலில் பிரகாரத்தில் உள்ள விளக்குகளை அணைத்துவிட்டால் வெளியே உள்ள ஒளி மூலவர் மீது விழுவதைக் காணலாம்.
28 ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூரில் சிவராத்திரியன்று கொதிக்கும் எண்ணெயில் கையைவிட்டு வடை சுடுகிறார் ஒரு பாட்டி.
29 திருநல்லூர் கல்யாணசுந்தரேஸ்வரர் (பஞ்சவர்ணேஸ்வரர்) திருக்கோவிலில் சிவலிங்கம் 6 நாழிகைக்கு ஒரு வர்ணத்திற்கு மாறுகிறது.
30 காசியில் கருடன் பறப்பதில்லை. மாடு முட்டுவதில்லை. பிணம் எரிந்தால் நாற்றம் எடுப்பதில்லை. பூக்கள் மணம் வீசுவதில்லை.
31 சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம் திருப்புவனம் அருகில் கல்லுமடை திருநாகேஸ்வரமுடையார் கோவிலில் மீனாட்சிஅம்மன் 2 மாதங்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை நிறம் மாறுகிறது.
32 திண்டுக்கல் அருகே திருமலைக்கேணி முருகன் கோவிலில் அருகருகே உள்ள தெய்வானை சுனையின் நீர் எப்போதும் குளிர்ந்த நீராகவும், வள்ளிசுனையின் நீர் இரவுபகல் எந்நேரமும் வெந்நீராகவும் இருக்கிறது.
33 திருக்கழுக்குன்றத்தில் தெப்பக்குளத்தில் 12 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை சங்கு தோன்றுகிறது. சிவனுக்கு படைக்கப்பட்ட பிரசாதத்தை கழுகு உண்ணும் அதிசயம் நடைபெற்றது.
34 திருநாகேஸ்வரம் சிவன் கோவிலில் ராகுகாலத்தில் மட்டும் சிவபெருமானுக்கு செய்யப்படும் அபிஷேக பால் நீலநிறமாகிறது.
35 சிக்கல் சிங்காரவேலர் கோவிலில் சூரசம்ஹாரத்திற்காக முருகன் அம்பிகையிடம் வேல்வாங்கும்போது முருகனின் திருமேனி முழுவதும் வியர்வை பெருகுகிறது. அா்ச்சகா் பட்டுத்துணியால் ஒற்றி எடுக்க துணி தொப்பலாக நனைந்துவிடுகிறது.
36 நாகர்கோவில் கேரளபுரம் சிவன் கோவிலில் உள்ள ஒரு விநாயகர் ஆறுமாதகாலம் கருப்பாகவும், ஆறுமாதம் வெண்மைநிறமாகவும் காட்சி தருகிறார். அது சமயம் நாகா்கோவில் நாகராஜா கோவிலில் கொடுக்கப்படும் மண் கருப்பாகவோ வெள்ளையாகவோ இருக்கிறது.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Job oppertunities in Saudi Aramco

This is to announce that Saudi Aramco - SMP employment Project Management Team (PMT) advise to recruit/ hires Indian nationals in the India to hires around 200 open positions all disciplines as per below requirements:
Engineer – Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Piping, Control & Instrumentation, Process, Structural, Architectural, Communication, Mechanical + Piping, Rotating Equipment, Construction Specialist, Safety/Field Compliance Officers, Environmental Coordinator, Cost Engineer, Scheduling Engineer, Estimating Engineer, Estimating Engineer, Planning Analyst, Quantity Surveyor, Quality Control and Materials Specialist.
Please take note:
1) Interview location is in Chennai - Velachery at Hotel Westin.
Interview Dates: December 2-6, 2018.

2) Interested candidates should be available for personal interview in India / Chennai during the period as mentioned above.
All positions requires minimum of 15 years' experience for Bachelor's degree holders and having SOLID in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Constructions business and professional experiences.
All resumes to be submitted to JATCO should have the following information to be visible on the TOP MOST LEFT:
Name of the candidate :
Position Applied :
Current Location :
Total Years of Experience :
Passport Number :
Saudi Aramco Badge # : (if candidates having Aramco experience)
Looking forward to hearing from you ASAP.
E-mail Address:
Isn't about how much money we make.
It's about the difference we make in people's lives.

Monday, November 26, 2018

MP44 (Sturmgewehr 44), Germany

The StG 44 (abbreviation of Sturmgewehr 44, "assault rifle 44") is a German selective-fire rifle developed during World War II. It is also known under the designations MP 43 and MP 44 (Maschinenpistole 43 and 44).
The StG 44 was the first successful and widely produced design to use a new shorter cartridge, which permitted controllable automatic fire from a weapon more compact than a battle rifle, coupled with the recognition that most aimed rifle fire in combat situations did not exceed a few hundred metres.
By all accounts, the StG 44 fulfilled its role effectively, particularly on the Eastern Front, offering a greatly increased volume of fire compared to standard infantry rifles. It would go on to influence the AK-47 in the years following shortly after the war. However, it came too late to have a significant effect on the outcome of the war. Its lasting effect was its major influence on modern infantry small arms development, giving rise to an entire class of weapons using the name assault rifle.

தமிழ் எழுதப் படிக்கத் தெரிந்த வேற்று மாநிலத்தினர்! VS தமிழ் எழுதப் படிக்கத் தெரியாத தமிழர்கள்!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Roses of Heliogabalus is an 1888 painting by the Anglo-Dutch

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”
—Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

Image : The Roses of Heliogabalus is an 1888 painting by the Anglo-Dutch artist Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema depicting the young Roman emperor Elagabalus hosting a banquet.
The painting depicts a (probably invented) episode in the life of the Roman emperor Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus (204–222), taken from the Augustan History. Although the Latin refers to "violets and other flowers", Alma-Tadema depicts Elagabalus smothering his unsuspecting guests with rose petals released from a false ceiling.
Mike Patton, Litany IV (Moonchild) 
Cecile G. Tamura

Tuğrul Tower

Tuğrul Tower is a 12th-century tower in the city of Rey, Iran. The 20 meters tall brick tower is the tomb of Seljuk ruler Tuğrul Beg, who died in Rey in 1063. The tower is kept by Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Maximum Seating Distance from 4k Screen

Since resolutions found today are almost exclusively 4k/Ultra HD, It takes a very big TV watched from very close to see imperfections related to the resolution. Because of this, one can appreciate their TVs from much closer for a more immersive experience. Think of it like a movie theater, the more a TV fills your view, the more captivating the content will be.

That doesn't mean you should be sitting a foot away from your TV. Not everybody prefers having the largest screen possible. The human visual system has an angle of view of about 135 degrees horizontally, and while it makes some sense for movies to get as large a TV you can get, content isn't produced to be viewed while filling the entire field of vision. This becomes very apparent if you try to watch sports from up close while fixating a single part of the screen, as it gets quite nauseating.

Higher field of view was first made possible with Full HD resolutions, but 4k enhances that ability even more. Sitting close to a 1080p TV will often make it seem like you are watching your TV through a screen door, even if it is playing a high quality 1080p HD movie. By increasing your distance from the TV, the density of the details will also increase, producing a better image. This is the angular resolution: the number of pixels per angle. The farther away, the higher the angular resolution will be.

Since 4k TVs have such a large density of pixels, it is much more difficult for this issue to arise. You need to be quite close to a fairly large TV for it to be noticeably annoying.
The limit to which you can increase the angular resolution by stepping back depends on your visual acuity. At some point, your eyes are not good enough to distinguish all the details. Studies show that someone with 20/20 vision (or 6/6 in Europe) can distinguish something 1/60 of a degree apart. This means 60 pixels per degree or 32 degrees for a 1080p television. 4k UHD TVs double that to 64 degrees. Keep in mind that you can see a single pixel from further away (depending on its contrast with the rest of the picture).

For 4k, this distance is often too close for most people. This is because 1080p was designed around the field of view logic above. It is the cutting point at which both the optimal field of view and 60 pixels per degree meet. For lower resolutions, it meant sitting a bit further than preferable to not notice the pixels, 4k resolutions and higher give you a lot more freedom. Because of this, visual acuity isn't really the best way to find the right distance anymore, and it should instead be used as a way to figure out the closest point you can sit to a TV without hitting its resolution limitation.