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Monday, June 17, 2013

Vladimir Karnachev Paintings

Vladimir Karnachev was born on March 12, 1953 in Rustavi, Georgia. From early childhood, he was very fond of drawing. Love to draw moulded gradually the future of his profession. In 1976 he entered the M. B. Grekov Art College at Rostov-on-Don, which graduated in 1980 with a diploma of the painter-designer. Already during his studies he began to exhibit his work at urban and regional exhibitions. In the 80-s years, he regularly participates in regional, republican and all-Union exhibitions. In 1989 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 2000, he pays more attention to the solol exhibitions (Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Birmingham).

Vladimir Karnachev is one of the few artists of modern Russia, whose paintings attract permanent interest of the most exacting European galleries. His works are two years running selected by co-coordinators of the Royal Academy of Arts in London for its summer exhibition - the most prestigious exhibition of contemporary living artists.

Vladimir Karnachev lives and works in Rostov-on-Don. He paints in oil on canvas, sometimes on paper. He is equally close to all genres of painting - still life, landscape, portrait, nude, genre. However, a special place in his work occupy the women's images. Here his painting reaches, perhaps, the maximum intensity and expressiveness.

He has written more than 600 works, among them such as "Tanais", "Old Sofa", "Touch to the Muse," "Angel", "Mashkin bicycle", "Fishing ", "Amazon", "To deceased Azov Sea is dedicated" and many, many others
It would be misleading to say that the pictures of Karnachev are easy to understand, but thanks to their high energetic effect, characteristic only for true works of art, they are admired not only by the gallery owners and collectors, but also by ordinary visitors to exhibitions and websites around the world.

In 2008, the Foundation of Culture of Russia (Rostov Branch) pays a tribute to Vladimir Karnachev awarding him a special diploma and the title of "Artist of the Year”.

He exhibited with his contemporaries:

1983. Nalchik. 1st Zone exhibition "The Land of Grain-Growers"
1984. Nalchik. 6th Zone exhibition "The Soviet South”
1987. Rostov-on-Don. "Young Artists of the Don – to orphanages"
1987. Rostov-on-Don. The Young artists of Don
1988. Moscow. All-Union Exhibition of works of young artists
1989. Rostov-on-Don. The exhibition "50 years of Rostov Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia
Rostov-on-Don. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia. Regional exhibitions in different years
Moscow. Manege. Republican and All-Union Exhibitions of different years (Three works from these exhibitions were purchased by the Ministry of Culture, Russia)
1989. Gera (Germany). Exhibition of works by Soviet artists
1990. Krasnodar. Regional Exhibition "South of Russia-90". (In this exhibition, the Ministry of Culture of Russia purchased a triptych "Tanais")
1995-2001. Rostov-on-Don. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia (three exhibitions of artgroup "Green Island")
1998. Zurich (Switzerland). Exhibition - Auction “Rudolf Mangus "(All four exhibited works were sold at auction)
2007. Moscow. Exhibition of four Russian artists “Four sides of color"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "6 views on the still life"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Sonatas and Partitas"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Myth"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Great summer exhibition"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Figures"
2008. London (United Kingdom). Royal Academy of Arts. Summer exhibition. (Exhibited work was sold on the opening day of exposure)
2009. London (United Kingdom). Royal Academy of Arts. Summer exhibition. (Exhibited work was sold on the opening day of exposure)

Recent solo exhibitions:

Novoshakhtinsk. Three personal exhibitions in different years
2000-02. Rostov-on-Don
2003-04. Moscow. "Art-21"
2004. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery "Montmartre"
2004. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2005. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery “Exposition"
2006. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery “Exposition"
2007. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2009. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2009-10. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery "Champs Elysees

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The apsara who brought about Sunda and Upasunda's demise.

The apsara named Tilottama is described in the Mahabharata as a divine being created by the transcendental architect, Vishwakarma. Lord Brahma asked Vishwakarma to take all the best qualities of everything as ingredients, and to create an apsara accordingly. The Sanskrit word tila means 'sesame seed', and uttama, better or higher. Tilottama, therefore, was the name given to one whose smallest particles are composed of the finest and highest qualities.

Tilottama was such an attractive personality that even Lord Shiva and Indra became enamoured of her. In Adi Parva it is described that Shiva (Sthanu) became so desirous of seeing her that as she circumambulated him, he grew heads on both of his sides and another on the back of his head, so he could see her constantly. Lord Indra developed a thousand red eyes on his body with which to see her. Employing her great charm and beauty, Tilottama eventually brought about the mutual destruction of the asuras, Sunda and Upasunda.

There are several narratives about the personality, Tilottama. One states that in a prior life she was the ugly widow Kubja, who underwent auspicious ceremonies for eight years. Finally, due to the performance of Magha-puja, she gained birth as the apsara Tilottama.

Another says that she was cursed by the great sage Durvasa to be born as a daitya, and thus took birth as Usha, the daughter of Banasura and wife of Aniruddha, Krsna's grandson. The Brahma Vaivarta describes how Sahasika, grandson of Bali, disturbed sage Durvasa's penance by engaging in amorous pastimes with a woman. The sage turned him into a donkey and cursed the woman (Tilottama) to be born as the daughter of the demon king Bana.

In the Adi Parva of Mahabharata, the great sage Narada tells the Pandava brothers the story of destruction of the demon brothers Sunda and Upsunda, whose end was brought about by the apsara, Tilottama. Narada warned the Pandavas that their common wife, Draupadi, could be a source of quarrel between them, and the pastimes of Sunda and Upsunda were given to illustrate this.

Sunda and Upasunda were the sons of the demon Nikumbha. They are described as inseparable siblings who shared everything: their kingdom, their house, their bed, even the food they ate. At one time, the brothers went to the Vindhya mountains to perform severe austerities, and this compelled Lord Brahma to grant them a boon. They asked for great power and immortality, but the latter was denied. Instead, Brahma gave them the boon that nothing but they themselves could hurt one another.

Departing the Vindhyas with the prize of their boon, the demons soon began to attack the demigods, driving them out. Conquering the whole universe, the demons then began harassing sages, thus creating havoc in all quarters of society. The demigods sought refuge and relief from Lord Brahma, who then ordered Vishvakarma to create a beautiful woman.

Vishvakarma set about collecting all beautiful things from the three worlds, including all the gems. When the work was done, Tilottama was an unrivaled beauty, and Brahma directed her to go and seduce the demon brothers, to the extent that she would create a great deal of contention between them.

One day, as Sunda and Upasunda were lounging along a river bank in the Vindhya mountains, enjoying their senses with women and intoxication, Tilottama appeared, gathering flowers. The brothers were instantly bewitched, and each one took hold of one of Tilottama's hands. They began to argue about which one would be the better husband for her. Grabbing their clubs, they attacked one another, and beat each other to death.

The grateful demigods congratulated Tilottama, and Lord Brahma granted her a boon -- the right to roam freely in the universe. Brahma also decreed that for a long time to come, no one would be permitted to look up her, due to her great luster.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat

By Dr. Mercola
Many foods have been heavily promoted as being healthy when they are nothing more than pernicious junk foods. In the featured article, Clean Plates1 founder Jared Koch shared his list of nine staple foods that are far less “good for you” than you’ve been led to believe.
Here, I expand on the selections that are mentioned in the featured article.

1. Canned Tomatoes

Many leading brands of canned foods contain BPA -- a toxic chemical linked to reproductive abnormalities, neurological effects, heightened risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other serious health problems. According to Consumer Reports’ testing, just a couple of servings of canned food can exceed the safety limits for daily BPA exposure for children.
High acidity — a prominent characteristic of tomatoes – causes BPA to leach into your food. To avoid this hazardous chemical, avoid canned foods entirely and stick to fresh fruits and vegetables, or switch over to brands that use glass containers instead—especially for acidic foods like tomatoes.

2. Processed Meats

As Koch warns, processed deli meats like salami, ham, and roast beef are not only typically made with meats from animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
This means they’re given growth hormones, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs, and raised in deplorable conditions that promote disease, these meats are also filled with sodium nitrite (a commonly used preservative and antimicrobial agent that also adds color and flavor) and other chemical flavorings and dyes.
Nitrites can be converted into nitrosamines in your body, which are potent cancer-causing chemicals. Research has linked nitrites to higher rates of colorectal, stomach and pancreatic cancer. But that’s not all. Most processed deli meats also contain other cancer-promoting chemicals that are created during cooking. These include:
  • Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs) which are hazardous compounds created in meats and other foods that have been cooked at high temperatures. According to research, processed meats are clearly associated with an increased risk of stomach, colon and breast cancers.
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Many processed meats are smoked as part of the curing process, which causes PAHs to form. PAHs can also form when grilling. When fat drips onto the heat source, causing excess smoke, and the smoke surrounds your food, it can transfer cancer-causing PAHs to the meat.
  • Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): When food is cooked at high temperatures—including when it is pasteurized or sterilized—it increases the formation of AGEs in your food. AGEs build up in your body over time leading to oxidative stress, inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease.
The truth is, processed meats are not a healthful choice for anyone and should be avoided entirely, according to a 2011 reviewof more than 7,000 clinical studies examining the connection between diet and cancer. The report was commissioned by The World Cancer Research Fund2 (WCRF) using money raised from the general public. Therefore the findings were not influenced by any vested interests, which makes it all the more reliable.
It's the biggest review of the evidence ever undertaken, and it confirms previous findings: Processed meats increase your risk of cancer, especially bowel cancer, and NO amount of processed meat is "safe." You’re far better off ditching the deli meats and opting instead for fresh organically-raised grass-fed or pastured meats, or wild caught salmon.

3. Margarine

The unfortunate result of the low-fat diet craze has been the shunning of healthful fats such as butter, and public health has declined as a result of this folly. There are a myriad of unhealthy components to margarine and other butter impostors, including:
  • Trans fats: These unnatural fats in margarine, shortenings and spreads are formed during the process of hydrogenation, which turns liquid vegetable oils into a solid fat. Trans fats contribute to heart disease, cancer, bone problems, hormonal imbalance and skin disease; infertility, difficulties in pregnancy and problems with lactation; and low birth weight, growth problems and learning disabilities in children. A US government panel of scientists determined that man-made Trans fats are unsafe at any level.
  • Free radicals: Free radicals and other toxic breakdown products are the result of high temperature industrial processing of vegetable oils. They contribute to numerous health problems, including cancer and heart disease.
  • Emulsifiers and preservatives: Numerous additives of questionable safety are added to margarines and spreads. Most vegetable shortening is stabilized with preservatives like BHT.
  • Hexane and other solvents: Used in the extraction process, these industrial chemicals can have toxic effects.
Good-old-fashioned butter, when made from grass-fed cows, is rich in a substance called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA is not only known to help fight cancer and diabetes, it may even help you to lose weight, which cannot be said for its trans-fat substitutes. Much of the reason why butter is vilified is because it contains saturated fat. If you're still in the mindset that saturated fat is harmful for your health, then please read the Healthy Fats section of my Optimized Nutrition Plan to learn why saturated fat is actually good for you.

4. Vegetable Oils

Of all the destructive foods available to us, those made with heated vegetable oils are some of the worst. Make no mistake about it--vegetable oil is not the health food that you were lead to believe it was. This is largely due to the fact that they are highly processed, and when consumed in massive amounts, as they are by most Americans, they seriously distort the important omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Ideally, this ratio is 1:1.
Anytime you cook a food, you run the risk of creating heat-induced damage. The oils you choose to cook with must be stable enough to resist chemical changes when heated to high temperatures, or you run the risk of damaging your health. One of the ways vegetable oils can inflict damage is by converting your good cholesterol into bad cholesterol—by oxidizing it. When you cook with polyunsaturated vegetable oils (such as canola, corn, and soy oils), oxidized cholesterol is introduced into your system.
As the oil is heated and mixed with oxygen, it goes rancid. Rancid oil is oxidized oil and should NOT be consumed—it leads directly to vascular disease. Trans-fats are introduced when these oils are hydrogenated, which increases your risk of chronic diseases like breast cancer and heart disease.
So what's the best oil to cook with?
Of all the available oils, coconut oil is the oil of choice for cooking because it is nearly a completely saturated fat, which means it is much less susceptible to heat damage. And coconut oil is one of the most unique and beneficial fats for your body. For more in-depth information about the many benefits of coconut oil, please see this special report. Olive oil, while certainly a healthful oil, is easily damaged by heat and is best reserved for drizzling cold over salad.

5. Microwave Popcorn

Perfluoroalkyls, which include perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), are chemicals used to keep grease from leaking through fast food wrappers, are being ingested by people through their food and showing up as contaminants in blood. Microwave popcorn bags are lined with PFOA, and when they are heated the compound leaches onto the popcorn.
These chemicals are part of an expanding group of chemicals commonly referred to as "gender-bending" chemicals, because they can disrupt your endocrine system and affect your sex hormones. The EPA has ruled PFCs as "likely carcinogens," and has stated that PFOA "poses developmental and reproductive risks to humans." Researchers have also linked various PFCs to a range of other health dangers, such as:
  • Infertility -- A study published in the journal Human Reproduction3 found that both PFOA and PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate), dramatically increased the odds of infertility. PFOA was linked to a 60 to 154 percent increase in the chance of infertility.
  • Thyroid disease -- A 2010 study4 found that PFOA can damage your thyroid function. Individuals with the highest PFOA concentrations were more than twice as likely to report current thyroid disease, compared to those with the lowest PFOA concentrations. Your thyroid contains thyroglobulin protein, which binds to iodine to form hormones, which in turn influence essentially every organ, tissue and cell in your body. Thyroid hormones are also required for growth and development in children. Thyroid disease, if left untreated, can lead to heart disease, infertility, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis.
  • Cancer -- PFOA has been associated with tumors in at least four different organs in animal tests (liver, pancreas, testicles and mammary glands in rats), and has been associated with increases in prostate cancer in PFOA plant workers.
  • Immune system problems -- Several studies by scientists in Sweden indicate that PFCs have an adverse effect on your immune system. As described in a report on PFCs by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), PFOA was found to decrease all immune cell subpopulations studied, in the thymus and spleen, and caused immunosupression.
  • Increased LDL cholesterol levels – A 2010 study in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine5 found that children and teens with higher PFOA levels had higher levels of total cholesterol and LDL or "bad" cholesterol, while PFOS was associated with increased total cholesterol, including both LDL cholesterol and HDL or "good" cholesterol.
I strongly recommend avoiding any product you know contain these toxic compounds, particularly non-stick cookware, but also foods sold in grease-proof food packaging, such as fast food and microwave popcorn. Clearly, if you're eating fast food or junk food, PFCs from the wrapper may be the least of your problems, but I think it's still important to realize that not only are you not getting proper nutrition from the food itself, the wrappers may also add to your toxic burden.

6. Non-Organic Potatoes and Other Fresh Produce Known for High Pesticide Contamination

Your best bet is to buy only organic fruits and vegetables, as synthetic agricultural chemicals are not permissible under the USDA organic rules. That said, not all conventionally grown fruits and vegetables are subjected to the same amount of pesticide load. While Koch focuses on potatoes, as they tend to take up a lot of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals present in the soil, I would recommend reviewing the "Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce"6 by the Environmental Working Group.
Of the 48 different fruit and vegetable categories tested by the EWG for the 2013 guide, the following 15 fruits and vegetables had the highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy or grow organically:
ApplesCeleryCherry tomatoes
CucumbersGrapesHot peppers
Nectarines (imported)PeachesPotatoes
SpinachStrawberriesSweet bell peppers
KaleCollard greensSummer squash
In contrast, the following foods were found to have the lowest residual pesticide load, making them the safest bet among conventionally grown vegetables. Note that a small amount of sweet corn and most Hawaiian papaya, although low in pesticides, are genetically engineered (GE). If you’re unsure of whether the sweet corn or papaya is GE, I’d recommend opting for organic varieties:
CantaloupeSweet corn (non-GMO)Eggplant
MushroomsOnionsPapayas (non-GMO. Most Hawaiian papaya is GMO)
PineappleSweet peas (frozen)Sweet potatoes

7. Table Salt

Salt is essential for life—you cannot live without it. However, regular ‘table salt’ and the salt found in processed foods are NOT identical to the salt your body really needs. In fact, table salt has practically nothing in common with natural salt. One is health damaging, and the other is healing.
  • Processed salt is 98 percent sodium chloride, and the remaining two percent comprises man-made chemicals, such as moisture absorbents, and a little added iodine. These are dangerous chemicals like ferrocyanide and aluminosilicate. Some European countries, where water fluoridation is not practiced, also add fluoride to table salt
  • Natural salt is about 84 percent sodium chloride. The remaining 16 percent of natural salt consists of other naturally occurring minerals, including trace minerals like silicon, phosphorous and vanadium
Given that salt is absolutely essential to good health, I recommend switching to a pure, unrefined salt. My favorite is an ancient, all-natural sea salt from the Himalayas. Himalayan salt is completely pure, having spent many thousands of years maturing under extreme tectonic pressure, far away from impurities, so it isn't polluted with the heavy metals and industrial toxins of today. And it's hand-mined, hand-washed, and minimally processed. Himalayan salt is only 85 percent sodium chloride, the remaining 15 percent contains 84 trace minerals from our prehistoric seas. Unrefined natural salt is important to many biological processes, including:
  • Being a major component of your blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, extracellular fluid, and even amniotic fluid
  • Carrying nutrients into and out of your cells
  • Maintain and regulate blood pressure
  • Increasing the glial cells in your brain, which are responsible for creative thinking and long-term planning
  • Helping your brain communicate with your muscles, so that you can move on demand via sodium-potassium ion exchange
While natural unprocessed salt has many health benefits, that does not mean you should use it with impunity. Another important factor is the potassium to sodium ratio of your diet. Imbalance in this ratio can not only lead to hypertension (high blood pressure) and other health problems, including heart disease, memory decline, erectile dysfunction and more. The easiest way to avoid this imbalance is by avoiding processed foods, which are notoriously low in potassium while high in sodium. Instead, eat a diet of whole, ideally organically-grown foods to ensure optimal nutrient content. This type of diet will naturally provide much larger amounts of potassium in relation to sodium.

8. Soy Protein Isolate and Other Unfermented Soy Products

Sadly, most of what you have been led to believe by the media about soy is simply untrue. One of the worst problems with soy comes from the fact that 90 to 95 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered (GE), and these are used to create soy protein isolate. Genetically engineered soybeans are designed to be "Roundup ready,” which means they’re engineered to withstand otherwise lethal doses of herbicide.
The active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is called glyphosate, which is responsible for the disruption of the delicate hormonal balance of the female reproductive cycle. What's more, glyphosate is toxic to the placenta, which is responsible for delivering vital nutrients from mother to child, and eliminating waste products. Once the placenta has been damaged or destroyed, the result can be miscarriage. In those children born to mothers who have been exposed to even a small amount of glyphosate, serious birth defects can result.
Glyphosate’s mechanism of harm was only recently identified, and demonstrates how this chemical disrupts cellular function and induce many of our modern diseases, including autism. Soy protein isolate can be found in protein bars, meal replacement shakes, bottled fruit drinks, soups and sauces, meat analogs, baked goods, breakfast cereals and some dietary supplements.
Even if you are not a vegetarian and do not use soymilk or tofu, it is important to be a serious label reader. There are so many different names for soy additives, you could be bringing home a genetically modified soy-based product without even realizing it. Soy expert Dr. Kaayla Daniel offers a free Special Report7, "Where the Soys Are," on her Web site. It lists the many "aliases" that soy might be hiding under in ingredient lists -- words like "bouillon," "natural flavor" and "textured plant protein."
Besides soy protein isolate, ALL unfermented soy products are best avoided if you value your health. Thousands of studies have linked unfermented soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility—even cancer and heart disease.
The only soy with health benefits is organic soy that has been properly fermented, and these are the only soy products I ever recommend consuming. After a long fermentation process, the phytate and "anti-nutrient" levels of soybeans are reduced, and their beneficial properties become available to your digestive system. To learn more, please see this previous article detailing the dangers of unfermented soy.

9. Artificial Sweeteners

Contrary to popular belief, studies have found that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame can stimulate your appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain. In one of the most recent of such studies8, saccharin and aspartame were found to cause greater weight gain than sugar.
Aspartame is perhaps one of the most problematic. It is primarily made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The phenylalanine has been synthetically modified to carry a methyl group, which provides the majority of the sweetness. That phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, which allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.
You may have heard the claim that aspartame is harmless because methanol is also found in fruits and vegetables. However, in fruits and vegetables, the methanol is firmly bonded to pectin, allowing it to be safely passed through your digestive tract. Not so with the methanol created by aspartame; there it’s not bonded to anything that can help eliminate it from your body.
Methanol acts as a Trojan horse; it's carried into susceptible tissues in your body, like your brain and bone marrow, where the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme converts it into formaldehyde, which wreaks havoc with sensitive proteins and DNA. All animals EXCEPT HUMANS have a protective mechanism that allows methanol to be broken down into harmless formic acid. This is why toxicology testing on animals is a flawed model. It doesn't fully apply to people.

Guidelines for Healthy Food

Whatever food you’re looking to eat, whether organic or locally grown, from either your local supermarket or a farmer’s market, the following are signs of a high-quality, healthy food. Most often, the best place to find these foods is from a sustainable agricultural group in your area. You can also review my free nutrition plan to get started on a healthy eating program today:
  • It’s grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers (organic foods fit this description, but so do some non-organic foods)
  • It’s not genetically engineered
  • It contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugs
  • It does not contain artificial anything, nor any preservatives
  • It is fresh (if you have to choose between wilted organic produce or fresh conventional produce, the latter may still be the better option as freshness is important for optimal nutrient content)
  • It did not grown in a factory farm
  • It is grown with the laws of nature in mind (meaning animals are fed their native diets, not a mix of grains and animal byproducts, and have free-range access to the outdoors)
  • It is grown in a sustainable way (using minimal amounts of water, protecting the soil from burnout, and turning animal wastes into natural fertilizers instead of environmental pollutants)

SP Balasubramaniam Hanuman Songs - Jukebox - Sri Ramanjaneya

Shirdi Sai Baba Telugu Songs - Juke Box - Sarvam Sai Mayam

Concept of Aeronautics in Ancient India

Ancient India was not only a land of philosophy and religion but also a fertile ground for science and technology. Many great sages authored vast literature on science and technology. Of which sage Bharadvāja's Vaimānikaśāstra is one of the most renowned and relevant texts, even during this technological peak of the twenty-first century.

There is mention of the usage of aircraft in the Indian epics, Rāmayāna and Mahābhārata. As mentioned in the Rāmāyana, Ravana used puspakavimāna, which had been captured from Kuvera. However, Rama took charge of this aircraft after killing Ravana and used it to reach Ayodhya along with Lakshmana, Sītā and others. Gavopākhyāna in Mahābhārata, also talks of using aircraft.

Western scientists estimate the antiquity of this aeronautical science in India to be around 5000 years. Indian scientists and critics have a different opinion about judging the number of years. They say that aircraft was used extensively during Rāmāyana and Mahābhārata period indicating that aeronautics was a much developed branch of science by that time. It also points to the fact that aircraft was developed much before this period.

Aeronautics or Vaimānikaśastra is a part of Yantrasarvasva of Bharadvāja. This is also known as Brhadvimanasāstra. Vaimānikaśastra deals with aeronautics, including the design of aircraft, the way they can be used for transportation and other applications, in detail. The knowledge of aeronautics is described in Sanskrit in 100 sections, eight chapters, 500 principles and 3000 shlokas. Great sage Bharadvāja explained the construction of aircraft and way to fly it in air, on land, on water and use the same aircraft like a submarine. He also described the construction of war planes or fighter aircraft.

Vaimānikaśāstra explains how the use of certain metals and alloys and other materials can make an aircraft imperishable in any condition. Bharadvaja, in Brhadvimanaśāstra, mentions Nārāyanamuni, the author of Vimānacandrika, Saunaka, the author of Vyomayānatantra, Garga the author of Yantrakalpa, Vācaspati the author of Yānabindu, Cakrayani the author of Khe ayānapradīpikā, Dundinātha the author of Vyomayānārkaprakāśa and Lalla, the author of Yantrakalpataru as the aeronautical scientists of ancient India.

The first principle of Vaimānikaśastra defines an aircraft, ‘vegasamyat vimana aņdajānāma', which means vimāna is the one which can fly in air like a bird. Subsequent principles explain the requirements for being a vimanādhikari or pilot.

According to Bharadvāja, there are 32 secret techniques to fly an aircraft. They are mantrikā, tantrikā, krtaka, antarāla, gūda, driśya, adriśya, paroksa, aparoksa, sankoca, vistrita, virūpakarana, rūpāntara, surūpa, jyotirbhava, tamomaya, pralaya, vimukha, tārā, mahāśabda vimocana, langhana, sarpagamana, capala, sarvatomukha, parāshabda grāhaka, rūpākarsana, kriya rahasya grahana, dikpradarśana, ākāśakara racana, jaladāruja, stabdhaka and karsana.

In jātyādhikarana, which classifies aircrafts says, ‘jatitrividyām yugabhedāth vimānānām'. The aircraft is classified into three types – mantrikā, tantrikā and krtakā, to suit different yugas or eras.

In Krtayuga, it is said, dharma was well established. The people of that time had the divinity to reach any place using their astasiddhis.

The aircrafts used in Tretāyuga are called mantrikāvimāna, flown by the power of hymns (mantras). Twenty-five varieties of aircraft including puspakavimāna belong to this era. The aircraft used in Dvāparayuga were called tantrikavimana, flown by the power of tantras. Fifty six varieties of aircraft including śakuna, sundara and rukmavimāna belong to this era. According to Bharadvāja, a gānyekatrimśat, which means there were thirty one instruments to fly an aircraft, including viśvakriyādarpana, to see the surroundings from the aircraft and śāktyākarsanadarpana, to absorb solar energy. Manufacturing of different types of instruments and putting them together to form an aircraft is also described.

In vastrādhikarana, the chapter describing the dress and other wears required while flying, talks in detail about the wear for both the pilot and the passenger separately.

Āhārādhikarana is yet another section exclusively dealing with the food habits of a pilot. This has a variety of guidelines for pilots to keep their health through strict diet. The Samarāngana Sūtradhāra is an encyclopedic work on classical Indian architecture written by Paramara King Bhoja of Dhārā (1018–1060 AD). In 83 chapters, subjects treated are town planning, house architecture, temple architecture and sculptural arts together with mudrās, the canons of painting, and a chapter on the mechanical contrivances, the yantras. This chapter on yantras deals with gathana, the art of mechanical constructions, delineating upon the definition of yantra, its elements; qualities and manifold varieties of pleasure machines, toy-machines, the machines of warfare as well as the domestic machines, like dvārapālayantra, the soldier machine, etc.

Samarāngana Sūtradhāra contains 230 stanzas that are devoted to flight. It describes in detail, every possible aspect of flying. The vimānayantra like vyomacāriviha gamayantra, wooden brief machine travelling in the sky and ākāśavāni-dārumayavimāna-yantra, wooden aero plane flying in the air together with varieties of vāriyantra, dharayantra and the rathadolāyantra, the swinging machines are described in the text.

Some of the ideas which have been translated are given below:

"The aircraft which can go by its own force like a bird – on the earth or water or through the air – is called a vimāna. That which can travel in the sky from place to place is called a vimāna by the sage."

"The body must be strong and durable and built of a light wood (laghu-dāru), shaped like a bird in flight with wings outstretched (mahāvihanga). Within it must be placed the mercury engine, with its heating apparatus made of iron underneath."

"In the larger craft (dāru-vimana), because it is built heavier (alaghu), four strong containers of mercury must be built in the interior. When these are heated by controlled fire from the iron containers, the vimāna develops thunder power through the mercury. The iron engine must have properly welded joints to be filled with mercury and when the fire conducted to the upper parts, it develops power with the roar of a lion. By means of the energy latent in mercury, the driving whirlwind is set in motion, and the traveler sitting inside the vimāna may travel in the air, to such a height as to look like a pearl in the sky."


Bharadvāja's Vaimānikaśāstra is not as popular as Vāstu or Āyurveda due to various reasons. Vaimānikaśastra was never considered to be of much use in day to day life and experimenting with the concepts was difficult due to the technicality and scientific nature. It was also considered that the Vaimānikaśastra would be misused if it were put to common man's knowledge. Historians also quote yet another interesting reason for keeping the Vaimānikaśastra out of reach for all and sundry. Fear for the theft of the shastra during invasions was one such deterrent against the wide circulation of the text, which in return might have hampered further study or experiment.

Among many significant contributions of ancient Indian scientists, Vaimānikaśastra is notably a towering work dealing with vimanas and allied topics. As a subject, aviation has its own charm over other disciplines, even in these days. It is the firm view of many scholars that mere knowledge of Sanskrit or science or both plays little role in true understanding of such a work. The authors were intelligent to use coded terms, symbolic expressions, and archaic language to safeguard knowledge against falling into unauthorized hands. For right understanding, true flair in Sanskrit and science along with an expertise to decode and interpret with reference to context are the key.

Jayasankar G. is a Ph.D. scholar enrolled with Dept. of Sanskrit, Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram Source: National Mission for Manuscripts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Myths About American Civilization:

The European conquerors of South and Central America not only destroyed practically all the records and literature of AsioAmerica, but created an utterly distorted image of the American past by taking some of its ugly features out of context and magnifying them out of proportion.
For instance, human sacrifice practiced by the Aztecs was repeatedly stressed without explaining its extenuating features, and without pointing out that human sacrifice had not been unknown to other peoples, such as in Egypt , Rome and in the Bible . Taking their technique a step further they contrasted this picture with that of their own deeds in Asioamerica in which European misdemeanor, caprice, and criminality were soft-pedaled and civilized and humane behavior emphasized.
Most people believe that Asioamericans were uncivilized hordes with an occasional freak of knowledge, who had contributed nothing of permanent value to civilization by 1492. Despite a good deal of information to the contrary, there is resistance to accepting a change in this image. Misconceptions multiply fast but die slowly.

Aprominent Himalayan Buddhist sacred site and temple complex

PParo Taktsang is the popular name of Taktsang Palphug Monastery (also known as The Tiger's Nest ), a prominent Himalayan Buddhist sacred site and temple complex located in the cliffside of the upper Paro valley, Bhutan. A temple complex was first built in 1692.
The monastery buildings consist of four main temples and residential shelters ideally designed to adapt to the rock (granite) ledges, the caves, and the rocky terrain. Out of the eight caves, four are comparatively easy to access. The cave where Padmasambhava first entered, riding the Tiger, is known as 'Tholu Phuk'; the original cave where he resided and did meditation is known as the 'Pel Phuk'. He directed the spiritually enlightened monks to build the monastery here. The monastery is so precariously perched that it is said: "it clings to the side of the mountain like a gecko ". The main cave is entered through a narrow passage. The dark cave houses a dozen images of Bodhisattvas, and butter lamps flicker in front of these idols. An elegant image of Chenrezig ( Avalokitesvara ) is also deified here. In an adjoining small cell, the sacred scripture is placed; the importance of this scripture is that it has been scripted with gold dust and the crushed bone powder of a divine Lama.
All the buildings are interconnected through steps and stairways made in rocks. There are a few rickety wooden bridges along the paths and stairways also to cross over. The temple at the highest level has a frieze of Buddha. Each building has a balcony, providing lovely views of the scenic Paro Valley below. The Monasteries have an ancient history of occupation by monks as hermitages.


Worlds most unique sculpture .... the sculpture at Tala is a more than two meters high figure in red sandstone called Rudra Shiva. This is a unique piece of sculpture that is not found anywhere else in archeological history. This one of its kind piece that to me looked more like a Yaksha figure but for the Raudra or Ugr (aggressive) expression that it carries, it has been named Rudra Shiva. Another potential reason why it might have been inferred as Shiva is because Shiva is known as Pasupatinath or the Lord of the animals and this figures portrays that aspect of him through various animal figures sculpted as body parts of this image. I think this can be the signature sculpture of Chhattisgarh.

Body parts made of animal and human faces make this a unique figure. Look at the picture attentively and you will see the following:

The headgear is made of coils of snake
Nose is a Chameleon with endings like Scorpio
Eyebrows made with Frog
Eyeballs as eggs
Ears as Peacocks
Chin with Crab
Moustache made of fishes
Shoulders are the mouth of Crocodile
Arms like elephant trunk
Fingers like mouth of snake – some say Panchmukhi Nag or five faced Snake
Human figures on the breasts – may represent twins
A round pot like human figure as stomach – may denotes Kumbha
Vidyadhar figures on the thighs - may be Matsyakanya or mermaids – also similar to a balance or Tula
Gandharva figures on the sides of the thighs – may be Matsyakanya too
Lion faces on the knees - Leo
Feet like elephants
Two snakes as Rakshaks on both shoulders
Another snake wrapped from behind near the lower legs

As you can see some of these animals are associated with various astrological signs – like Twins with Geminis, Kumbha with Aquarius, Lions with Leos, Balance with Libra, Crocodile for Caprocorn, Virgins for Virgo, Scorpios and Cancer etc, some locals say that this figure contains all the 12 rashis or astrological signs, though there is no further explanation that I could get of this. Surprisingly, though some parts of the image are broken, it is still worshipped. ASI has put it in a small enclosure that is kept locked and people worship it through a metal door.

The Devrani Jethani temple complex where this statue is currently housed is placed during the Gupta period but there is no clue about the date of this particular statue. From the style also it is so unique that it is difficult to map it to a certain period. Going by the bulkiness it could belong to an ancient period or it could be a later folk art.

I sincerely suspect it is the sculpture of a Devoted Village Chieftan who was vassal to the king of 36 Forts and was known for his virility.

Is it really a standalone piece or we are yet to discover its peers? The fact that someone called it Shiva and today it is being worshipped as Shiva, tells us how the faith propagates, and how it the faith that makes a piece of stone God.

Cameroonians Speak Tamil

Thursday, May 30, 2013

கலைஞர் 90.

திருவாரூர் தியகராஜர் கோயில் தெப்பக் குளத்தின் கரையில் இரண்டு சிறுவர்கள் உட்கார்ந்திருந்தார்கள். ‘வா... நீந்தி அந்தக் கரைக்குப் போவோம்’ என்று ஒருவன் அழைத்தான். இருவருமே குதித்து நீந்தினார்கள். பாதி தூரம் கடந்ததும் இன்னொருவன் சொன்னான், ‘என்னால் முடியாது. வா.... திரும்பிவிடலாம்’ என்று. ‘திரும்பிப் போகும் பாதி தூரத்தை முன்னோக்கிப் போனால், அந்தக் கரையைத் தொட்டு வெற்றி அடையலாம்’ என்றான் அந்த சிறுவன்!

கட்சி ஆரம்பித்து சென்னையில் முதல் மாநில மாநாடு. எல்லோரும் மாநாட்டுத் தலைவரை அவரவர் மொழியில் வழிமொழிந்தார்கள். அந்த இளைஞர் கரகர குரலில், ‘வாழ்வு மூன்றேழுத்து, வாழ்வுக்குத் தேவையான பண்பு மூன்றேழுத்து, பண்பிலே பிறக்கும் அன்புக்கு முன்றெழுத்து, அன்பிலே சுரக்கும் காதல் மூன்றெழுத்து, காதல் விளைவிக்கும் வீரம் மூன்றெழுத்து, வீரன் செல்லும் களம் மூன்றெழுத்து, களத்திலே பெறும் வெற்றி மூன்றெழுத்து, வெற்றிக்கு நம்மை அழைத்திடும் அண்ணா மூன்றெழுத்து....’ என்றபோது மாநாடு குலுங்கியது!

இந்திரா என்ற பிம்பமே இந்தியாவை அச்சுறுத்திக்கொண்டிருந்த நேரம் அது. ‘எமர்ஜென்சியா?’ என்று யோசிக்கவே பலரும் பயந்து நடுங்கிய நேரத்தில், “இது சர்வாதிகாரத்துக்கான தொடக்க விழா’ என்று ஒரு பேனா தீர்மானம் தீட்டியது. செயிண்ட் ஜார்ஜ் கோட்டை கைவிட்டுப் போனாலும் பரவாயில்லை, என்று செங்கோட்டையை சீண்டினான் அந்தத் தலைவன்

முழுத் தெப்பக் குளத்தையும் கடந்த அந்த சிறுவன்.....

கரகரப்பான தொண்டைக்காரனான அந்த இளைஞன்......

இந்தியாவையே திரும்பிப் பார்க்கவைத்த அந்தத் தலைவன்......

இந்த வாரத்தில் 90வது பிறந்த நாள் கொண்டாடும் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதி!

(நன்றி : இந்த வார ஆனந்த விகடனில் (05.06.2013) இதழில் எழுத்தாளர் திரு. ப. திருமாவேலன் அவர்கள் எழுதியதிலிருந்து)

Beautiful Bhajans Part One , these Melts my heart.....!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Goddess Mookambika

Moola Mantra: Aum Aim Gowriyai Namah

History of Kollur Mookambika Temple: The legend says that a local demon Kaumasura was living on the site and kept the population of surrounding areas in terror. It was predicted that the demon will be killed by a woman, and, indeed, it was killed by Parvati Devi, after which people startet to bring offerings to her to the site. In the particular context of the fight with the demon, Parvati Devi is known as Mookambika Devi. The establishment of the temple is attributed to Shiva Parameshwara, who has drawn a Chakra with his toe.

Mookambika is regarded as a manifestation of Shakti, Saraswathi and Mahalakshmi, more like Saraswati and Mahalakshmi merging in Shakti/Parvati. The Goddess Mookambika is in the form of Jyotir-Linga incorporating both Shiva and Shakti. The Panchaloha image (five element mixed metal) of the Goddess on Shree Chakra is stated to have been consecrated by Adi shankaracharya during his visit to this place.
Historically, the temple is at least 1200 years old and it was mentioned in conjunction with the king Halugallu Veera Sangayya who installed an idol there.

படித்ததில் -பிடித்தது அழுக்குப்படுத்த முடியாத அறிவுச் சூரியன் "அம்பேத்கர்"

ஒரு மாட்டு வண்டிக்காரன் அச் சிறுவனை ஏற்றிக் கொண்டு போகிறான். அவனது பேச்சொலியின் வட்டாரவழக்கிலிருந்து அவன் தீண்டத்தகாத சிறுவன் என்று அறிந்ததும் மாட்டைக் கழட்டி விட்டு வண்டியைக் குடை சாய்க்கிறான் வண்டிக்காரன்.

தாகத்துக்கு அந்தச் சிறுவன் தண்ணீர் கோட்கிறான்;
அதோ இதுதான் உனக்கான தண்ணீர் எனச் சாலையோரப் பள்ளத்தில் தேங்கிக் கிடந்த மழைத் தண்ணீரைக் காட்டியுள்ளார்கள்...
உயர் சாதிக்காரர்கள்.

அவன் மட்டுமல்ல- அவன் எழுதிய தாளும் தீண்டத்தகாதது என்று நோட்டுப் புத்தகத்தைத் திருத்த மறுக்கிறார்

முடி வெட்டி முடிந்தபின் அவன் தீண்டத்தகாதவன் என்று தெரிந்து கொண்ட ஒரு சவரத் தொழிலாளி கத்தியை எங்கே கழுவுவேன் என்று கத்துகிறான். அன்று முதல் தன் சகோதரியிடம் முடிவெட்டிக் கொண்டு பள்ளிக்குச் செல்கிறான்.

வடமொழியைப் பாடமாய் எடுத்துப் படிக்க விரும்பிய போது இந்து தர்மம் -கல்விச் சட்டம் இரண்டுமே இடம் தரவில்லை அவனுக்கு.

பதினாறு வயதில் திருமணம் நடக்கிறது; தீண்டத் தகாதவர்கள் பகலில் திருமணம் புரியக் கூடாது எனும் விதிக்குட்பட்டு ஒரு மீன் அங்காடியில் சாக்கடை மூடிய கற்பலகையே மேடையாய் இரவில் நடக்கிறது அந்த ஏழையின் திருமணம்.

இத்தனை அவமானத்தையும் தன் கொள்கைக்கு உரமாயிட்டு வளர்ந்த கோபுரத் தலைவன் தான் இந்திய அரசமைப்பை வடிவமைத்திருக்கிறார். அடிமை இந்தியாவில் வெள்ளை ஏகாதிபத்தியத்திற்குகெதிராகவும்,
சுதந்திர இந்தியாவில் இந்து ஏகாதிபத்தியத்திற்குகெதிராகவும்
இரண்டு யுத்தங்கள் நிகழ்த்தியிருக்கிறார்.

சேறும் சகதியும் சுவரை அழுக்காக்கலாம்;
சூரியனை அழுக்காக்குமோ?
அழுக்குப்படுத்த முடியாத அறிவுச் சூரியன்

சாணக்கியரின் நேர்மை!

சாணக்கியரின் நேர்மை!
வரலாற்றில் நிகழ்ந்த ஓர் உண்மைச் சம்பவக் கதை...

இந்திய வரலாற்றில் மிகவும் புகழ் பெற்ற அரசர்களுள் ஒருவர் சந்திரகுப்தன். அவரது குரு, தலைமை அமைச்சர் சாணக்கியர். அவர் அரசியல் மேதை. அர்த்தசாஸ்திரம் என்ற அரசியல் வழிகாட்டி நூலை எழுதியவர்.

சாணக்கியர் என்பவர் சுமார் 2350 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னர் வாழ்ந்த தலைசிறந்த தத்துவஞானி ஆவார். இவர் நீதிமுறை, பொருளாதாரம் மற்றும் அரசியல் ஆகிய துறைகளில் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றவர்.
சாணக்கியருக்கு கௌடில்யர் மற்றும் விஷ்ணு குப்தர் என்ற மற்ற இரு பெயர்களும் உள்ளன. சாணக்கியரின் அர்த்தசாஸ்திர நூல் பண்டைய இந்திய அரசியல் நூலாகத் திகழ்கின்றது.
சமண மத நூலான அபிதான சிந்தாமணி, சாணக்கியர் தென் இந்தியாவைச் சேர்ந்தவர் எனக் குறிப்பிடுகின்றது. ஏனைய குறிப்புகள் சாணக்கியர் வட இந்தியாவை சேர்ந்தவர் எனக் குறிப்பிடுகின்றன. யாதுமாகினும் சாணக்கியர் பாரத தாயின் மைந்தன் என்பதில் ஐயமில்லை.
சாணக்கியர் இயற்றிய இரண்டு நூல்கள்:
1) அர்த்தசாஸ்திரம்
2) சாணக்கியர் நீதி சாஸ்திரம்

அவற்றுள் அர்த்தசாஸ்திரம் அரசியல், அனைத்துலக உறவுமுறை, போர் தந்திரம், நாணய முறைமை, நாட்டுப் பொருளாதாரம் குறித்த விஷயங்களை விரிவாக விளக்குகின்றது.
சாணக்கியர் நீதி சாஸ்திரம் பல்வேறு சாஸ்திர நூல்களிலிருந்து எடுக்கப்பட்ட தத்துவங்களும் முதுமொழிகளும் அடங்கிய ஒரு நூலாகும்.
ஒருநாள் அரசவைக் கூட்டம் நடைபெற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தது. சாணக்கியர் தலைமை அமைச்சர் என்ற முறையில் எழுந்து, `மன்னா! நம் மக்களில் பலர் ஏழ்மை நிலையில் கடுங்குளிரால் வாடுகிறார்கள். அவர்களுக்கு அரசு செலவில் கம்பளிப் போர்வை கொடுத்து உதவ வேண்டும் என்றார்.

தலைமை அமைச்சர் அவர்களே! தங்கள் கருத்தை வரவேற்கிறேன். எல்லா ஏழை எளிய மக்களுக்கும் கம்பளிப் போர்வை வழங்க ஏற்பாடு செய்கிறேன். அந்தப் பொறுப்பைத் தங்களிடமே ஒப்படைக்கிறேன் என்றார் அரசர்.

அதன்படியே ஏழைகளுக்கு வழங்க வேண்டிய கம்பளிப் போர்வைகளை சாணக்கியர் வீட்டிற்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தார் சந்திரகுப்தர்.

சாணக்கியர் ஆடம்பரம் இல்லாத சாதாரண வீட்டில் வசித்து வந்தார். கம்பளிப் போர்வை பற்றிய விஷயம் அந்த ஊர் கொள்ளையர்களுக்குத் தெரியவந்தது.

கம்பளிப் போர்வைகளைத் திருடி விற்றால் பல ஆயிரம் பொற்காசுகள் கிடைக்கும் என்று திட்டமிட்டார்கள்.

குளிர்காலம். நள்ளிரவு. சாணக்கியர் வீட்டிற்கு மூன்று கொள்ளையர்கள் சென்றனர். கம்பளிப் போர்வைகள் விதவிதமாக மலைபோல் குவிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன. சற்றுத் தள்ளி ஒரு கிழிந்த கம்பளியைப் போர்த்திக் கொண்டு சாணக்கியர் படுத்திருந்தார். பக்கத்தில் அவரது வயதான தாயாரும் ஒரு பழைய கிழிந்த போர்வையைப் போர்த்திக் கொண்டு படுத்திருந்தார். அதைப் பார்த்த திருடர்களுக்கு ஆச்சரியமாக இருந்தது.

திருட வந்ததையும் மறந்தனர். தூங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்த சாணக்கியரை எழுப்பினர். கண் விழித்த சாணக்கியர் திகைத்தார். எதிரே மூன்று திருடர்கள். அவர்களில் ஒருவன் ஐயா! நாங்கள் உங்கள் வீட்டில் உள்ள கம்பளிகளைத் திருட வந்தோம். இவ்வளவு புதிய கம்பளிகள் குவிந்திருக்கும் போது நீங்களும், உங்கள் தாயாரும் கிழிந்து போன பழைய கம்பளியைப் போர்த்திக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றீர்களே... இவற்றில் இரண்டைஎடுத்துக் கொள்ளக்கூடாதா? என்றான்.

அதற்கு சாணக்கியர், அவை எங்களுக்குச் சொந்தமானவை அல்ல. ஏழை எளிய குடிமக்களுக்கு வழங்கப்படவிருக்கும் அரசாங்கப் பொருள்கள். அவற்றை எப்படி என் உபயோகத்துக்கு பயன்படுத்த முடியும்? என்றார் சாணக்கியர்.

திருடர்கள் சாணக்கியரின் கால்களில் விழுந்து வணங்கினார்கள். எங்களை மன்னித்து விடுங்கள். இனி பிறருக்குச் சொந்தமான பொருள்களைத் திருடவே எண்ண மாட்டோம் என்று சத்தியம் செய்தார்கள்.

#சாணக்கியரின் செயலைக் கவனித்தாயா? இந்தக் கதையைக் குறிப்பிட்டதன் காரணம், பொது வாழ்க்கையில் ஒருவர் எப்படி இருக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்குத்தான்.

டி .எம்.சௌந்தரராஜன் அவர்களின் முக்கியமான தனிப் பாடல்கள்

திருவிளையாடல் -பாட்டும் நானே
அருணகிரிநாதர் - முத்தைத் திரு பத்தித்
முதலாளி -ஏரிக் கரையின் மேலே
திருமணம் -மங்கியதோர் நிலவினிலே
வளையாபதி - குலுங்கிடும் பூவில் எல்லாம்
மந்திரிகுமாரி - அன்னம் இட்ட வீட்டிலே
கூண்டுக்கிளி -கொஞ்சும் கிளியான
நானே ராஜா -மந்தமாருதம் தவழும்
மலைக்கள்ளன் -எத்தனை காலம்தான்
தூக்குத் தூக்கி - பெண்களை நம்பாதே
ஏறாத மலைதனிலே
சதாரம் -எண்ணமெல்லாம் ஓர் இடத்தையே
நான் பெற்ற செல்வம் -வாழ்ந்தாலும் ஏசும்
ராணி லலிதாங்கி -ஆண்டவனே இல்லையே
மர்ம வீரன் -ஓ எந்தன் பிரேமா
சபாஷ் மீனா - சித்திரம் பேசுதடி
சௌபாக்கியவதி - தில்லையம்பல நடராஜா
சாரங்கதாரா -வசந்த முல்லை போலே
உத்தமபுத்திரன் -யாரடி நீ மோகினி
நாடோடி மன்னன் - தூங்காதே தம்பி தூங்காதே
பதிபக்தி -வீடு நோக்கி ஓடி வந்த
பாகப் பிரிவினை - ஏன் பிறந்தாய் மகனே
பாவ மன்னிப்பு -வந்த நாள் முதல்
தாய் சொல்லைத் தட்டாதே -போயும் போயும்
தாயைக் காத்த தனயன் - கட்டித் தங்கம்
பார் மகளே பார் -பார் மகளே பார்
பாதை தெரியுது பார் - சின்னச் சின்ன மூக்குத்தியாம்
பார்த்தல் பசிதீரும் -பிள்ளைக்குத் தந்தை
ஆலயமணி - பொன்னை விரும்பும்
நிச்சய தாம்பூலம் - பாவாடை தாவணியில்
பலேபாண்டியா - நான் என்ன சொல்லி விட்டேன்
படித்தால் மட்டும் போதுமா? - நான் கவிஞனுமல்ல
இரத்தத் திலகம்- ஒரு கோப்பையிலே
இருவர் உள்ளம்- கண்ணெதிரே தோன்றினாள்
தெய்வத் தாய் - ஒரு பெண்ணைப் பார்த்து
படகோட்டி - தரை மேல் பிறக்க வைத்தான்
கொடுத்ததெல்லாம் கொடுத்தான்
எங்க வீட்டுப் பிள்ளை- நான் ஆணையிட்டால்
பெண் போனால்
கலங் கரை விளக்கம் - நான் காற்று வாங்கப் போனேன்
அன்பே வா -உள்ளம் என்றொரு கோயிலிலே
புதியபறவை -எங்கே நிம்மதி ,எங்கே நிம்மதி
பச்சை விளக்கு - ஒளி மயமான எதிர்காலம்
என் கடமை -நில்லடி நில்லடி சீமாட்டி
ஹலோ மிஸ்
ஆண்டவன் கட்டளை -ஆறு மனமே ஆறு
கை கொடுத்த தெய்வம் - ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருத்தியம்மா
வேட்டைக்காரன் - உன்னை அறிந்தால்
ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன் - அதோ அந்தப் பறவை
ஓடும் மேகங்களே
குடியிருந்த கோயில் -என்னைத் தெரியுமா
இரவும் பகலும் -இரவும் வரும் பகலும் வரும்
உள்ளத்தின் கதவுகள்
பெண்ணே நீ வாழ்க -பொல்லாத புன் சிரிப்பு
மனம் ஒரு குரங்கு -மனம் ஒரு குரங்கு
செல்வமகள் - அவன் நினைத்தானா
பேசும் தெய்வம்- நான் அனுப்புவது கடிதம் அல்ல
கௌரி கல்யாணம்- ஒருவர் மனதை ஒருவர்
சாந்தி -யார் அந்த நிலவு?
நீலவானம் -ஒ, லிட்டில் பிளவர்
பெற்றால்தான் பிள்ளையா -செல்லக் கிளியே [டி.எம்.எஸ்.]
தங்கை -தண்ணீரிலே தாமரைப் பூ
நெஞ்சிருக்கும் வரை - பூ முடிப்பாள்
ஒளி விளக்கு -தைரியமாகச் சொல் நீ
வல்லவனுக்கு வல்லவன் -ஓராயிரம் பார்வையினிலே
தொழிலாளி -ஆண்டவன் உலகத்தின்
ஆனந்தி -கண்ணிலே அன்பிருந்தால்
கண்ணன் என் காதலன் -பாடுவோர் பாடினால்
கல்லும் கனியாகும் -நான் கடவுளைக் கண்டேன்
கை விரலினில் பிறந்தது
ஐந்து லட்சம் -நான் பாடிய தமிழ்ப் பாட்டு
நம் நாடு - நல்ல பேரை வாங்க
மன்னிப்பு நீ எங்கே
கார்த்திகை தீபம் எண்ணப் பறவை சிறகடித்து
சொர்க்கம் பொன் மகள் வந்தாள்
மாட்டுக் கார வேலன் -ஒரு பக்கம் பார்க்கிறா
ராமன் எத்தனை ராமனடி -அம்மாடி பொண்ணுக்குத்
வியட்நாம் வீடு -உன் கண்ணில் நீர் வழிந்தால்
குமரிக் கோட்டம் -எங்கே அவள்
சவாலே சமாளி -நிலவைப் பார்த்து
பாபு -இதோ எந்தன் தெய்வம்
ரிக்ஷாகாரன் -கடலோரம் வாங்கிய காற்று
தங்கப் பதக்கம் -சுமை தாங்கி சாய்ந்தால்
தேவி- -தித்திக்கும் முத்தமிழே
இருள் பாதி ஒளி பாதி
சின்னக் குழந்தை
உயர்ந்த மனிதன் -அந்த நாள் ஞாபகம்
தவப்புதல்வன் -இசை கேட்டால்

--உமா வரதராஜன்