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Friday, April 6, 2012

It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all..

It's better to have loved and lost, 

than to have never loved at all..

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Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, 

to give oneselfcompletely in the hope 

that our love will produce love in the loved person. 

Love is an act of faith, 

and whoever is of little faith is alsoof little love...

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True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. 

It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: 

it is seen with white hairs andis always young in the heart...

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For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.

For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. 

For every love there is a heartsomewhere to receive it...

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Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, 

but whose fragrance makes 

the garden a place of delight just the same...

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Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.Org

Love is like a friendship caught on fire: 

In the beginning a flame,very pretty, often hot and fierce, 

but still only light and flickering. 

As love grows older, 

our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, 

deep-burning and unquenchable. ..

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It is a curious thought, 

but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous 

that you realize just how much you love them....

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It's so easy, to think about love, 

to talk about love, to wish forlove, 

but it's not always easy, 

to recognize love, 

even when we hold it... in our hands...

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Love is a fruit in season at all times, 

and in reach of every hand...

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உடலில் தழும்புகள் மறைவதற்கு

ஒருசிலருக்கு பிறக்கும் போதே முகத்திலும், உடலிலும் தழும்புகள், மச்சம், மரு போன்றவை இருக்கும்.
சிலருக்கு சின்னதாய் அழகாய் இருந்தாலும் ஒரு சிலருக்கு அது பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும். இயற்கை முறையிலேயே இந்த தழும்பை போக்க ஆலோசனை கூறியுள்ளனர் அழகியல் நிபுணர்கள்.
ஆலிவ் எண்ணெய்: ஆலிவ் எண்ணெய்க்கு சருமத்தை மென்மையாக்கும் தன்மை உள்ளது. இது ஆலிவ் எண்ணெயைக் கொண்டு தினசரி 10 நிமிடங்கள் தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதியில் மசாஜ் செய்யவும். தழும்பு படிப்படியாக மறையும். சருமம் மென்மையாகும்.
ஐஸ் கட்டி ஒத்தடம்: ஐஸ் கட்டியை மெல்லிய துணியில் கட்டி தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதிகளில் ஒத்தடம் கொடுக்கலாம். இதனால் இறுக்கமாக உள்ள தசைகள் இளகி மென்மையாகும். ஐஸ் கியூப் கொண்டு தழும்பு உள்ள இடத்தில் மென்மையாக 5 நிமிடங்கள் தேய்க்கலாம் இதனால் தழும்புகள் நிறம் மாறும்.
வைட்டமின் இ: சருமத்தில் எந்த பகுதியில் காயமோ, தழும்போ ஏற்பட்டால் வைட்டமின் இ சிறந்த மருந்தாக செயல்படுகிறது.
வைட்டமின் இ அடங்கிய ஆரஞ்ச் ஆயில் பயன்படுத்தி உடம்பில் தழும்பு உள்ள இடத்தில் தேய்க்கலாம். அதேபோல் வைட்டமின் இ அடங்கிய உணவுகளை உண்பதன் மூலம் பிறப்புத் தழும்புகள் படிப்படியாக நிறம் மாறுவதோடு மறைந்துவிடும்.
ஏ,சி, வைட்டமின்கள்: வைட்டமின் ஏ, வைட்டமின் சி ஆகியவை தழும்புகளை போக்குவதில் சிறந்த துணைபுரிகின்றன. கிவி, ஆப்ரிகாட் பழங்களின் சதைகளை எடுத்து மசித்து ஆரஞ்சு பழச் சாறுடன் சேர்த்து தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதிகளில் தேய்க்கவும். இது தழும்புகளை இயற்கையாகவே மறையச் செய்யும்.
எலுமிச்சை, தக்காளி சாறு: எலுமிச்சை சிறந்த இயற்கை பிளீச்சாக செயல்படுகிறது. எலுமிச்சை சாற்றினை தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதியில் நன்கு தேய்த்து ஊறவைத்து பின்னர் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் கழுவ தழும்பு நிறம் மாறும்.
தக்காளிச் சாறு எடுத்து அதனை தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதியில் அப்ளை செய்து ஊறவைக்கவும். பின்னர் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் முகத்தை கழுவவேண்டும்.
இதனை வாரம் மூன்று முறை செய்துவர பலன் தெரியும். தக்காளியில் உள்ள ஆன்டி ஆக்ஸிடென்ட்ஸ் தழும்பு உள்ள பகுதியில் வினைபுரிந்து தழும்புகளை மறையச் செய்கிறது.
ரசாயன கலப்பு உள்ள விலை அதிகமான பொருட்களை உபயோகித்து தழும்புகளை மாற்ற முயற்சி செய்வதை விட இயற்கை பொருட்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி நிரந்தரமாக தழும்புகளை குணப்படுத்தலாம். இதனால் பக்கவிளைவுகள் எதுவும் ஏற்படாது என்கின்றனர் அழகியல் நிபுணர்கள்.

இணைய முகவரிகள் மூலம் வைரஸ் நுழையும் அபாயம்

மிகப் பெரிய நீளமான இணையத்தள முகவரிகளைச் சுருக்கி தரும் லிங்குகள் வழியாக மால்வேர்கள் நுழைவது தற்சமயம் அதிகரித்து வருகிறது.
சுருக்கமாகத் தரப்பட்டுள்ள யு.ஆர்.எல்(URL) முகவரிகள், எதனைக் குறிக்கின்றன என்று அறியாமலேயே, நாம் அவற்றின் மீது கிளிக் செய்து மாட்டிக் கொள்கிறோம்.
இதிலிருந்து தப்பிக்க ஒரு தளம் உதவுகிறது. இதன் முகவரி http://longurl.orgஇந்த தளத்தில் நாம் எந்த ஒரு சுருக்கப்பட்ட இணைய முகவரியையும் தந்து, அது தீங்கு விளைவிக்கக்கூடியதா என அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம்.

Autistic kids born preterm, post-term have more severe symptoms

For children with autism, being born several weeks early or several weeks late tends to increase the severity of their symptoms, according to new research out of Michigan State University.
Additionally, autistic children who were born either preterm or post-term are more likely to self-injure themselves compared with autistic children born on time, revealed the study by Tammy Movsas of MSU's Department of Epidemiology.
Though the study did not uncover why there is an increase in autistic symptoms, the reasons may be tied to some of the underlying causes of why a child is born preterm (prior to 37 weeks) or post-term (after 42 weeks) in the first place.
The research appears online in the Journal of Autism and Development Disorders.
Movsas, a postdoctoral epidemiology fellow in MSU's College of Human Medicine, said the study reveals there are many different manifestations of autism spectrum disorder, a collection of developmental disorders including both autism and Asperger syndrome. It also shows the length of the mother's pregnancy is one factor affecting the severity of the disorder.
While previous research has linked premature birth to higher rates of autism, this is one of the first studies to look at the severity of the disease among autistic children who had been born early, on time and late.
"We think about autism being caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors," she said. "With preterm and post-term babies, there is something underlying that is altering the genetic expression of autism.
"The outside environment in which a preterm baby continues to mature is very different than the environment that the baby would have experienced in utero. This change in environment may be part of the reason why there is a difference in autistic severity in this set of infants."
Movsas added that for post-term babies, the longer exposure to hormones while a baby is in utero, the higher chance of placental malfunction and the increased rate of C-section and instrument-assisted births may play a role.
The study also found that babies born outside of normal gestational age (40 weeks) – specifically very preterm babies – showed an increase in stereotypical autistic mannerisms.
"Normal gestation age of birth seems to mitigate the severity of autism spectrum disorder symptoms, and the types of autistic traits tend to be different depending on age at birth," she said.
The study analyzed an online database compiled by Kennedy Krieger Institute at Johns Hopkins University of nearly 4,200 mothers – with autistic children ages 4-21 – between 2006 and 2010. It divided the data on births into four categories: very preterm (born prior to 34 weeks); preterm (34 to 37 weeks); standard (37 to 42 weeks); and post-term (born after 42 weeks)
The mothers filled out a pair of questionnaires regarding the symptoms of their autistic children, and the results revealed very preterm, preterm and post-term autistic children had significantly higher screening scores for autism spectrum disorder than autistic children born full term.
"The findings point to the fact that although autism has a strong genetic component, something about pregnancy or the perinatal period may affect how autism manifests," said Nigel Paneth, an MSU epidemiologist who worked with Movsas on the paper. "This adds to our earlier finding that prematurity is a major risk factor for autism spectrum disorder and may help us understand if anything can be done during early life to prevent or alleviate autism spectrum disorder."
More information: For the full research article, go to
Provided by Michigan State University
"Autistic kids born preterm, post-term have more severe symptoms." April 3rd, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

‘Heat shock protein’ to help muscles


The treatment, when applied to muscles of animal models of DMD, improved muscle strength and slowed disease progression.
Image: billnoll/iStockphoto
A drug developed by Baker IDI scientists could help treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a severe and progressive muscle wasting disease that affects young boys, according to a study published today in Nature.

An international team led by University of Melbourne researchers has found that by increasing levels of ‘heat shock protein 72’ (HSP72) in the muscles of animal models of DMD, muscle strength improved, the disease progression slowed and lifespan increased.

Approximately one in every 3,500 boys worldwide is afflicted with DMD. There is no cure for the disease which causes muscle fragility, spinal curvature and premature death.

The research led by Professor Gordon Lynch, Head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Melbourne and conducted by Dr Stefan Gehrig, investigated several scientific approaches of increasing the levels of the protein. The study was performed in collaboration with Professor Mark Febbraio and his team at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute.

One approach revealed that administering the drug BGP-15 (which increases HSP72) improved overall muscle function in limbs and the diaphragm, a muscle critical for breathing. In addition, the lifespan increased by 20 per cent.

The researchers also discovered that increasing HSP72 in muscles improved the function of a pump responsible for controlling calcium levels confirming it as a target for future therapeutic drugs for the disease.

Professor Mark Febbraio said his team of scientists had been working on HSP72 for many years.

“This drug is already being used in human clinical trials for people with type 2 diabetes so the hope is that we can quickly get this into clinical trials for people with DMD very quickly,” Professor Febbraio said.

Researchers from The University of Oxford, UK and Deakin University, Australia also collaborated in the research. The project was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council, The Heart Foundation, Association Française contre les Myopathies and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA). BGP-15 was provided by the pharmaceutical company N-Gene.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

இளநரையைப் போக்குவதற்கான வழிமுறைகள்

தலைமுடி கருப்பாக இருப்பது தான் அழகு. செம்பட்டையாகவோ, நரைக்க ஆரம்பித்தாலோ தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையில் சிக்கித் தவிக்கின்றனர் இன்றைய இளைய தலைமுறையினர்.
நமது தலைமுடியின் நிறம் பிறப்பிலேயே நிர்ணயிக்கப்படுகிறது. முடி உறை அடியிலிருக்கும் மெலானோசைட்ஸ் நம்முடிக்கு நிறமளிக்கும் செல்கள்.
இவை மெலானின் என்ற நிறமியை தயாரிக்கின்றன. மெலானின் அளவுப்படி தோல், முடி நிறங்கள் அமைகின்றன.
வயதாகும் போது மெலானின் உற்பத்தி குறைந்து பின் நின்று விடும். வயதால் முடி நரைத்தால் அதற்கு மாற்று இல்லை.
நரைமுடியை மீண்டும் கறுப்பாக மாற்ற வழி இல்லை. ஆனால் இளம் வயதிலேயே தலை நரைத்தால் அதை குணப்படுத்தலாம் என்கின்றனர் அழகியல் நிபுணர்கள்.
இளநரையை தடுக்க
மருதாணி, செம்பருத்தி, கறிவேப்பிலை மூன்றையும் சம அளவில் கலந்து நன்றாக அரைத்து தலையில் தேய்த்து, சிறிது நேரம் ஊறவைத்து அலசி குளித்தால் இளநரை முடி, கறுப்பாகும்.
இதே போல கறிவேப்பிலை, கரிசிலாங்கண்ணி, பொன்னாங்கண்ணி கீரைகளை பயன்படுத்தலாம். மேற்சொன்ன கீரைகளுடன், கீழாநெல்லியையும் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளலாம்.
ஒரு கைப்பிடி அளவு பச்சைத்துளசி இலையை எடுத்து ஒரு கப் தண்ணீரில் இட்டு காய்ச்சி பின்னர் இந்த நீரை எடுத்து இளம் சூட்டோடு தலையில் உரசி முடி வேர்க்கால் முதல் நுனிவரை தினசரி தடவி வந்தால் நரை நீங்கும். முடி கறுமை நிறம் பெறும்.
கறிவேப்பிலையை தினசரி உணவில், சாம்பார், ரசம் தாளிக்கையில், சட்னியாக, துவையலாக சேர்த்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
கறிவேப்பிலையை பச்சையாக அரைத்து உபயோகித்தால் அதன் முழுப்பலன் கிடைக்கும். கறிவேப்பிலையை பச்சையாகவே பெறும் வயிற்றில், காலையில் சாப்பிட்டு வரலாம்.
கரிசிலாங்கண்ணி, பொன்னாங்கண்ணி கீரைகளும், முடி கருமையாக வளரவும், நரை வராமல் தடுக்கவும் செய்யும். இந்த மூன்று கீரைகளையும் இரண்டு மாதம் பயன்படுத்தினால் உடற்சூடு தணிந்து, கண்கள் குளிர்ந்து, முடியும் ஆரோக்கிய மடையும்.
இஞ்சியை சீவி, தேனுடன் கலந்து வைத்துக்கொள்ளவும். தினமும் ஒரு தேக்கரண்டி சாப்பிட்டு வரவும். இதேபோல் வைட்டமின் பி சத்து நிறைந்த உணவுகளை அடிக்கடி உணவில் சேர்த்துக்கொள்ளவேண்டும் இதனால் இளநரையை தவிர்க்கலாம் என்கின்றனர் மருத்துவர்கள்.

ரத்தத்தில் சர்க்கரையின் அளவை குறைக்கும் ஹோர்மோன் கண்டுபிடிப்பு

ரத்தத்தில் சர்க்கரையின் அளவை குறைக்க வழிவகை செய்யும் ஹோர்மோனை அமெரிக்க விஞ்ஞானிகள் கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்.
உலகம் முழுவதும் நீரிழிவு நோயாளிகளின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரித்து வருகிறது. தற்போது இவர்களுக்கு இன்சுலின் மருந்து பயன்படுகிறது.
இதற்கு மாற்று வழியை கண்டுபிடிக்க பல்வேறு ஆராய்ச்சிகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றன. அமெரிக்காவின் டெக்சாஸ் பல்கலைகழக விஞ்ஞானிகள், ரத்தத்தில் குளுக்கோஸ் அளவை குறைக்கும் ஹோர்மோனை கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்.
முதல் கட்டமாக இந்த ஹோர்மோனை எலிக்கு சோதனை செய்து பார்த்து வெற்றியடைந்துள்ளனர். இதை மனிதர்களிடம் சோதனை செய்து பார்க்கும் முயற்சியில் விஞ்ஞானி ஜொனாதன் க்ராப் தலைமையிலான குழு ஈடுபட்டுள்ளது.
இதுகுறித்து விஞ்ஞானி க்ராப் கூறுகையில், இந்த பரிசோதனை வெற்றியடைந்தால் இன்சுலின் மூலமோ அல்லது மாற்று வகையிலோ இந்த ஹோர்மோனை செலுத்தி ரத்தத்தில் சர்க்கரையை கணிசமாக குறைக்க முடியும் என தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

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Neuroscience discoveries alter public policy debates

Neuroscience has made tremendous progress in understanding the adolescent brain, creating opportunities as well as challenges for using that knowledge in relation to public policies, according to an article in the Spring 2012 edition of Issues in Science and Technology.
The journal is produced by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and The University of Texas at Dallas.  
Laurence Steinberg of Temple University writes that “incontrovertible evidence” has shown changes in brain structure and function continue much longer than once thought, but it remains unclear whether this now accepted understanding changes the expectations of young people.
“Some policymakers will use this evidence to argue in favor of restricting adolescents’ rights, and others will use it to advocate for policies that protect adolescents from harm,” he wrote. “Science can help in deciding where best to draw the lines.”
Also in the latest edition, Richard Van Atta and Marko M. G. Slusarczuk of the Institute of Defense Analyses write that U.S. leadership in the semiconductor industry is threatened by competitors in Europe and Asia.
When challenged by Japan 25 years ago, the United States responded vigorously. U.S. industry convinced the government to make investments that helped preserve and sustain U.S. leadership.
But today’s situation is in some ways worse, and so far, the authors write, there has not even been a policy discussion about it.
In another article, Robert D. Atkinson of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation in Washington, D.C., argues for a new approach to strengthening U.S. capacity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Atkinson writes that although most policymakers agree that a stronger skills base in these fields is critical for boosting the country’s innovation and competitiveness, the current approach is misguided.
Instead of a “some STEM for all” approach -- in which all U.S. students receive as much STEM education as possible -- he advocates an “all STEM for some” approach. Using that strategy, most resources would be devoted to rigorous training for students who are most interested and capable of doing well in STEM.
More information:
Provided by University of Texas at Dallas
"Neuroscience discoveries alter public policy debates." April 5th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

What makes a voice unique?

A new digital speech database which captures how voices vary between different speakers or situations for the purpose of forensic speaker comparison has been launched by researchers at the University of Cambridge.
Motivated primarily by the need within forensic phonetics for data on how voices vary in the population, the Dynamic Variability in Speech (DyViS) database was collected and annotated by researchers in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.
The task of forensic speaker comparison tends to be constrained by a lack of information on how given speech parameters, whether of an acoustic or a phonetic nature, vary within a population. Existing speech databases often fail to control for accent variation, whereas the relevant population for a given forensic examination will usually be speakers from a homogeneous speech community.
The DyVis database contains speech from 100 male speakers carefully selected to have the same variety of English, thus providing a research resource for studies of personal voice characteristics without differences of dialect and accent.
The participants were speakers with what is often called Standard Southern British English (SSBE) pronunciation, meaning that the database also provides a wealth of material for those wishing to study or teach the contemporary equivalent of British Received Pronunciation.
Speakers were recorded at studio quality doing four different tasks, two involving spontaneous speech and two read speech: undergoing a mock police interview, holding a telephone conversation with an alleged co-conspirator (recorded simultaneously over the public telephone network), reading a passage, and reading sentences.
Twenty of the speakers additionally provided a second recording, separated by three months, of the reading tasks, so that variation within a single voice can be studied.
The DyViS database will allow relevant population statistics to be determined for the speakers in the study, and to be extrapolated to the wider population of similar speakers; and, in the case of acoustic parameters resulting from physical variation in speakers, to be inferred for speakers of other accents.
Beta versions of the database have already been used for studies as diverse as describing the vowels of contemporary SSBE, determining the speaker-specificity of non-linguistic oral ‘clicks’ and of hesitation sounds in speaking, extracting statistics on the distribution of speaking pitch, and testing the performance of an automatic speaker identification system.
“The DyViS database will be of interest to researchers involved in forensic phonetics, speech technology (especially but not exclusively speaker identification and verification), and the analysis of spoken dialogue,”’ said Dr Charlanne Ward of Cambridge Enterprise, the University’s commercialisation arm. “It will also be useful to anyone needing an extensive repository of spoken British English, broadly of the variety found in textbooks for foreign learners but reflecting current developments in pronunciation.”
The database is available via the Economic and Social Data Service. It is free to researchers in academic institutions via the UK Access Management Federation, and under licence for research purposes to commercial organisations after registration with the UK Data Archive.
The research of which the DyViS database forms a part was primarily funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, with assistance from BT.
Provided by University of Cambridge
"What makes a voice unique?." April 5th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Using less effort to think, opinions lean more conservative

( -- When people use low-effort thought, they are more likely to endorse conservative ideology, according to psychologist Scott Eidelman of the University of Arkansas. Results of research by Eidelman and colleagues were published online in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
“People endorse conservative ideology more when they have to give a first or fast response,” Eidelman said. “This low-effort thinking seems to favor political conservatism, suggesting that it may be our default ideology. To be clear, we are not saying that conservatives think lightly.”
While ideology – either conservative or liberal – is a product of a variety of influences, including goals, values and personal experiences, Eidelman said, “Our data suggest that when people have no particular goal in mind, their initial cognitive response seems to be conservative.”
Eidelman collaborated with Christian Crandall of the University of Kansas; Jeffrey A. Goodman of University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; and John C. Blanchar, a University of Arkansas graduate student, on studies reported in “Low-Effort Thought Promotes Political Conservatism.”
The researchers examined the effect of low-effort thought on the expression of ideology in several situations. In a field study, bar patrons were asked their opinions about several social issues before blowing into a Breathalyzer. Whether the individual self-identified as liberal or conservative, higher blood alcohol levels were associated with endorsement of more conservative positions. The results indicated that this was not because the conservatives drank more than the liberals.
The results were not just the alcohol talking: In one lab experiment, some participants were asked to respond quickly to political ideas, while others had ample time to respond. In another, some participants were able to concentrate while responding to political statements, while others were distracted. In both cases, participants with less opportunity to deliberate endorsed conservative ideas more than those who were able to concentrate.
In a fourth study, deliberation was manipulated directly. Some participants gave their “first, immediate response” to political terms, while others gave “a careful, thoughtful response.” Those instructed to think in a cursory manner were more likely to endorse conservative terms, such as authority, tradition and private property, than those who had time to reflect.
The researchers stressed that their results should not be interpreted to suggest that conservatives are not thoughtful.
“Everyone uses low-effort thinking, and this may have ideological consequences,” they write. “Motivational factors are crucial determinants of ideology, aiding or correcting initial responses depending on one’s goals, beliefs and values. Our perspective suggests that these initial and uncorrected responses lean conservative.”
Provided by University of Arkansas
"Using less effort to think, opinions lean more conservative." April 5th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Study shows income inequality a key factor in high US teen births

New research reveals the surprising economics behind the high U.S. teen birth rates, and why Texas teens are giving birth at triple the rate of Massachusetts youth: high income inequality and low opportunity cost.
For the first time, Wellesley College economist Phillip B. Levine and University of Maryland economist Melissa Schettini Kearney conducted a large-scale empirical investigation to study the role that income inequality plays in determining early, non-marital childbearing. Using econometric analysis of large-scale data sets, Levine and Kearney discovered that variation in inequality across the United States and other developed countries can account for a sizable share of the stunning geographic variation in teen childbearing. They found that teens of low socioeconomic status were more likely to give birth if they lived in a state with high income inequality. Moving from a low inequality state to a high inequality state increased their rate of teen childbearing by 5 percentage points.
According to Levine, who teaches economics analyses of social policies as Katharine Coman and A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics at Wellesley College, it's long been argued that a sense of hopelessness and despair is closely related to higher rates of teen pregnancy. Levine explained, "If a young woman sees little chance of improving her life by investing in her education and career skills, or by marriage, she is more likely to choose the security, immediate gratification and happiness of parenthood. Our work captures this idea in a standard economics model of decision-making."
Levine and Kearney derive a formal economic model that incorporates the perception of economic success as a key factor driving one's decision to have an early, non-marital birth. Their findings show that for poor women living in locations of high inequality, limited opportunity reduces the opportunity cost of early, non-marital childbearing and thereby increases its occurrence.
While the U.S teen birth is the highest in the developed world (more than triple the rates in Spain, Japan, and Sweden), the national rate has declined since its 1991 peak. Levine and Kearney investigated possible factors behind these trends. The data showed that expanded access to family services through Medicaid and reduced welfare benefits had statistically relevant impact on the lowered rates. However, these factors accounted for only 12% of the teen birth rate decline. Furthermore, Levine and Kearney found that abstinence only or mandatory sex education had no impact on teen birth rates. The researchers determined that factors typically claimed to impact teen pregnancy actually explain very little of the recent trend and call for further investigation.
Levine and Kearney conclude that teen childbearing is so high in the U.S. because of underlying social and economic problems. In other words, teenage childbearing is a symptom, not a cause of poverty.
The findings bear important implications for U.S. policymakers. According to Levine, who has closely studied the economics of social policies, the high rate of teen childbearing in the United States matters because it is a marker of a social problem, rather than the social problem itself. "If the problem is perceived lack of economic opportunity, then policy interventions need to attack that. Access to early childhood education programs and college financial aid, for instance, have proven to be successful in improving the earnings—and sense of hope—of participants. Our findings show that these programs may also have the added benefit of lowering teen pregnancy rates. Giving teens a sense of opportunity and hope may be much a more powerful prescription than abstinence-only, sex education, or birth control combined."
More information: The research, co-authored by Phillip B. Levine and Melissa Schettini Kierney, is published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and available online:
"Why is the Teen Birth Rate in the United States so High and Why Does it Matter?" 
Melissa Schettini Kearney, Phillip B. Levine 
http://www.nber.or … apers/w17965
"Explaining Recent Trends in the U.S. Teen Birth Rate" 
Melissa Schettini Kearney, Phillip B. Levine 
http://www.nber.or … apers/w17964
"Income Inequality and Early Non-Marital Childbearing: An Economic Exploration of the "Culture of Despair" 
Melissa Schettini Kearney, Phillip B. Levine 
http://www.nber.or … apers/w17157
Provided by Wellesley College
"Study shows income inequality a key factor in high US teen births." April 5th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

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