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Saturday, October 1, 2011

This Life and the Next

Lord Rama“Tulsidas says that those who love Shri Rama’s holy name, view Rama as their only abode, and have full trust in Rama’s name find auspiciousness, well-being and fortunes in both this world and the next simply by remembering that name.” (Dohavali, 39)
rāma nāma rati rāma gati rāma nāma bisvāsa |
sumirata subha mangala kusala duhum̐ disi tulasīdāsa ||
This is a simplified, yet perfect presentation of the process for attaining well-being in both this life and the next. The soul does not cease to be at any point in time. Even when the body is slain, the soul remains alive; a fact we are so nicely reminded of by Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the Bhagavad-gita, the Song of God delivered on the battlefield of Kurukshetra some five thousand years ago. Here a celebrated poet named Tulsidas is glorifying the holy name of Rama, which represents the same Krishna and is a non-different form of Godhead which is equally as worshipable as the original. The formula given applies specifically to chanting the holy name and the benefits that come from remembrance of that name. As the soul has two destinations that can be chosen, one present and one future, so the benefits derived from bhakti, or devotional service, apply to every circumstance the individual may find.
“For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 2.20)
RamaThe gist of the recommendation provided here is that one should invest love and faith in the name of Rama, which is the address for the Personality of Godhead that references His incarnation as Lord Ramachandra, the jewel of the Raghu dynasty, a warrior prince who rid the world of one of the most powerful evil forces ever seen. Just as in modern times there are certain men who are the most wanted and whose capture or death brings elation and a sense of comfort to the innocent, during the Treta Yuga there was one particular person who was terrorizing the innocent and simultaneously amassing an awe-inspiring level of power. To do away with this fiend, the Supreme Person Himself, after being petitioned by the saintly class in the heavenly planets, descended to earth in what appeared to be the form of an ordinary human being.
From the behavior of His associates, we can understand that Rama was actually not an ordinary man. One person especially, His wife Sita Devi, exhibited all the qualities of a devotee, or one who follows the prescriptions provided above by Tulsidas. What to speak of following any system, exalted figures like Sita Devi, who is eternally the goddess of fortune and the mother of the creation, set the standard for devotional life, showing others how to remain always in a blissful state of mind through adhering to religious principles. During one moment in Sita’s life, where it appeared that she might be separated from her beloved husband, she gave us a hint into Rama’s nature and the benefits of worshiping Him.
To set the wheels in motion for the demise of Ravana, the world’s most wanted man, Rama needed an excuse to leave His kingdom of Ayodhya and entrap the demon in a situation that would call for his slaying. First, there was Rama’s exile from His kingdom of Ayodhya. Maharaja Dasharatha, the city’s king and Rama’s father, told Rama that He was not going to be the next king as planned and ordered his beloved son to leave the kingdom and not return for fourteen years. These painful requests actually came from the king’s youngest wife, Kaikeyi, who was jealous that her son Bharata was being passed over for the throne. To ensure that there would not be any interference in her son’s newly ordered coronation, Kaikeyi insisted that Rama leave the kingdom and renounce all ties to the royal army for the next fourteen years.
Sita and Rama 
marriageRama, wanting to protect Sita from the dangers of the forest, insisted that she remain in the kingdom and wait for Him to return. But Sita did not know any other behavior except devotion to her husband. She had pure and ecstatic love, or rati, for Rama. She took complete shelter in Him and His name. She also had full faith in His ability to protect her. She could have kept these three feelings hidden from her husband and the rest of the world as well, but faced with an emergency, she was left with no choice but to fight for her beloved’s association. In her pleas, she revealed just how strong her love for Rama was.
To support her opinion that Rama should take her with Him to the forest, Sita referenced the many rules governing the behavior of wives given in the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India. In short, the Vedic version is that the human form of body is the most auspicious because it provides the best opportunity for becoming purely God conscious by the time death arrives. At the time of death, the state of being of the living entity is measured, and depending on the nature of the consciousness a specific new body type is created. If one thinks of God at the time of death, which is most likely to happen when in a human form, reincarnation ceases and the supreme destination of the spiritual sky is attained.
The wife can play a pivotal role in ensuring that this consciousness is established. Sex life or any strong urge brought on by the senses cannot be regulated in other forms of body. The animal has no idea why it should restrict its sense urges, therefore it does whatever it wants to. The human being has a more developed consciousness, so it can understand that satisfying the senses means taking shelter of material forces. What the mind takes shelter of is what consciousness will revolve around, thereby leading to the next destination. As sex life is so difficult to control, the marriage institution allows for a regulated version of it, with the wife serving as a support system to enable further progress on the march towards spiritual freedom for the husband.
Sita and 
Rama leaving AyodhyaIn addition to mentioning the duties of a wife, in her speech Sita referenced the opinions of brahmanas, or priests, about her marriage to Rama. Sita told Rama that His company would be auspicious for her even in the afterlife, for the brahmanas had previously said that the wife religiously wedded to the husband shares in his fate in the afterlife. For this reason she wanted Rama to take her, as He was the only source of her happiness. Remaining in a kingdom without her beloved, her shelter, the person she had full faith in, was akin to becoming poverty stricken. In the end, Rama would be left with no choice but to take her.
Rama’s outward excuse for going after Ravana would come when the demon king would forcibly take Sita back to his island kingdom of Lanka and try to win her over. The opulence of the royal kingdom of Ayodhya couldn’t entice Sita to give up the cherished shelter that is Rama’s company, so obviously Ravana couldn’t either. Though she was in a troublesome situation, Sita continued to meditate on her husband by regularly chanting His name. Despite not having personal contact with her beloved, Sita maintained a steady link in consciousness, thereby practicing perfect yoga. Eventually she would be rescued and reunited with Rama, and the two are forever in each other’s company in the spiritual sky.
If we have deep love and attachment to something worldly, the benefits derived will not continue into the afterlife. If we love our car, dog, senses, or so many other things that are not God, there is no chance of that dedication benefitting us after the body is destroyed. Whatever we take full shelter of and put our faith into will determine what we think about the most. Therefore taking shelter in worldly objects will alter the consciousness to the point that the thoughts will remain on material association at the time of death. The type of body received is commensurate with the consciousness while quitting the body, and since there is variety in thought, so many different body types and natures can be granted to the spirit soul. Though in one sense there is variety in the body types awarded, there really is just a “yes” or “no” choice, an up or down vote. Do we want to go up to the spiritual sky or remain down in the material planets?
“From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kunti, never takes birth again.” (Lord Krishna, Bg. 8.16)
Lord KrishnaAn intermediary option is to take to dry renunciation, giving up attachment to everything. Starve the senses of satisfaction and abide strictly by the restrictions imposed by spiritual life. Avoid having any “fun” and remain focused on the duties given to you. Wait for happiness to come after death, through either promotion to a heavenly material realm or merging into a spiritual light devoid of material contamination. Such practices will certainly benefit us in the afterlife, as the promises of the Vedas are not hollow, but this model is very difficult to follow because the mind craves satisfaction. Lord Krishna is always in ananda, and since we are part and parcel of Him, our inclination is towards bliss as well. Therefore if there is no satisfaction in the current land, it will be difficult to adopt a process that promises to provide satisfaction later on, after death.
As we saw with Sita Devi, however, surrender unto Rama and His name is beneficial in both directions. Lovingly chanting the names of the Lord, as they are found in sacred formulas like the maha-mantra, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, is an indication of a strong desire to be with the person being addressed. The name of Rama recited constantly in a mood of love says that we love the Lord like no other and that we take His happiness to be our only desire in life.
Lord Rama must also be the only abode. The place we call home is our safest place; it’s where we are most comfortable. We relax at home and enjoy the association of our friends and family. If the mind makes its most peaceful home at the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, which are always acting for the Lord’s pleasure and taking part in His innumerable pastimes, the consciousness will always remain in a safe asylum. We can never recapture the feelings we had while growing up in our childhood home, but we can experience something even better by resting the mind comfortably in Rama.
RamaTo adopt any process in earnest, there must be faith. If we don’t believe in a particular task, if we don’t think that it will come out successful, the level of enthusiasm during the execution of the task will be unsteady. Therefore the lack of faith itself will be the cause of failure, the nonattainment of the stated objective. Having faith that regularly chanting the Lord’s name will give us the association of the only person we need to be with will be enough to secure success.
Tulsidas’ simple formula brings auspiciousness, well-being and good fortunes in both the current life and the next. If the mind constantly resides in the eternal city, the place where Shri Rama and His beloved associates enact their wonderful pastimes, how can there ever be inauspiciousness? How can there be a lasting distressful condition for one who has faith in the power of Rama to deliver them? How can there not be well-being for one who has love for the Supreme Lord?
Just as consciousness is the key in shaping our future destination, it is the determining factor of our current state of being as well. This fact is lost on those who lack God consciousness. The Darwinists have their theory of the survival of the fittest, but without understanding consciousness, fitness can never be properly measured. Ravana thought he was the fittest because of his massive kingdom and immense opulence. Since he lacked love for Shri Rama and His holy name, however, he would lose everything. Even his life on earth was hellish, as he was constantly worried about others attacking him and taking away his ill-gotten fortunes.
On the other hand, Sita Devi, whose consciousness was always tied to her husband Rama, was the fittest living entity roaming the world. Even when faced with circumstances that most of us would consider horrible, she remained in a pleasurable internal state by remembering her Lord. Thus remembering the name of Rama brought auspiciousness, good fortunes and well-being to her. The promises made by Tulsidas are not exaggerated, for countless devotees have proven that the name of the Lord is non-different from Him. If we want well-being in both directions, in the present life and the next, the holy name is our only safe shelter.
Lord RamaIn Closing:
At time of death quitting soul decision does make,
To remain in material world or God’s company to take.
Consciousness does behavior in one’s life affect,
Which then chooses what type of shelter to erect.
Our safest place is in our cherished home,
With friends and family we don’t feel alone.
Bhaktas do regularly chant Shri Rama’s holy name,
Brings memories of His numerous acts and unending fame.
One option is to enjoy sensual pursuits right now,
Pay the price later on and to maya again bow.
Another is to take pain in life and then wait,
For the afterlife, reach the promised heaven’s gate.
In dry renunciation there is no pleasure,
But devotion to Rama proves to be endless treasure.
This fact was known to Sita Devi, Rama’s wife,
Who made devotion to her husband her life.
Found auspiciousness through both peril and delight,
Through her devotion was Ravana unable to strike.
Follow Tulsidas and in Rama have love and faith,
For bliss today and tomorrow no longer we’ll wait.

Sari umar Shirdi rahana hai

Friday, September 30, 2011

Here is a great story without a word being said, apart from the dialogue at the end.

See Indian Old Currencies - For Numismatists

7 ம் அறிவின் இறுதியாக கிடைத்த கதை விபரம்

7 ஆம் அறிவு’ படம் குறித்த இன்ன பிற லேட்டஸ்ட் தகவல்கள் தற்போது கிடைத்திருக்கின்றன.
* 1600 வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பு வாழ்ந்த போதி தர்மனின் வாரிசான சூர்யாவை தேடிக் கண்டு பிடித்து, அவரது டி.என்.ஏ.வை தூண்டி விடுகிறார்கள். இதனால் அவருக்கு போதி தர்மரின் திறமைகளான போர் வீரம், தற்காப்பு பயிற்சி போன்றவை நினைவிற்கு வருகின்றன.
* நோக்கு வர்மம் என்ற ஒரு வர்மக் கலை மூலம் வில்லன் எல்லோரையும் வசியப்படுத்துகிறான். அதை முறியடிக்க சூர்யாவிற்கு உதவுகிறார் ஸ்ருதி ஹாசன். (நோக்கு வர்ம்ம் என்பது தற்காலத்தில் ஹிப்னாடிஸம் என்று அழைக்கப்படுகிறது)
* ஆபரேஷன் ரெட் என்ற கொடிய திட்டத்தின் மூலம் கெட்டவனின் செய்கைகள் டி.என்.ஏ, வடிவில் அனைவருக்கும் பரவச்செய்வதுதான் வில்லனின் திட்டம். அதை எப்படி முறியடிக்கிறார் சூர்யா என்பது கதையாக இருக்கலாம் எனத் தெரிகிறது.

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Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango" Review: Getting Closer Now

The first major update to Windows Phone proves the OS can stand up to Android and iOS
Samsung Focus Homescreen The homescreen of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango. You can see a few of the Live Tiles--weather, messages--as well as some of the more intensive ones, like the People tile. Dan Nosowitz
Our first review of Microsoft's Windows Phone noted that the basics were all in place: a stylish and innovative interface, smooth and fast operation, and a tight integration of Microsoft services like Xbox and Zune. But it was the first version of a major OS, and as we all know, those are neverreally great--just look at how far iOS and Android have come--so here we are again, taking a look at Microsoft's first major update, known as Mango, which was released this week. It solves lots of the problems with had with version 1.0--though some still remain.


What's new are essentially fixes to just about every issue users of the first generation of Windows Phones had. Multitasking, copy/paste, fast app switching, Twitter integration: all here. Plus tons of little details we hadn't thought to ask for, like a very smart Groups concept that links certain contacts together for easy monitoring (like Work or Family), or the legions of pretty animations that are the hallmark of this OS.


Lots of stuff! The basics of the phone are all great--the Live Tiles, halfway between an icon and a widget, manage to take the best parts of both, showing clear information like weather, unread emails, and media without having to go into the app itself. The OS as a whole is damned pretty, as pretty as iOS in its way, with flat, bold colors and a heavily text-based interface. The OS feels even faster than before, with hardly a stutter to be found. The app selection is surprisingly good; there may be fewer apps than Android or iOS, but the quality tends to be very high, and, to be honest, the catalog has just about every app you'd want.
Windows Phone 7.5 Lock Screen: The very pretty lock screen, which shows a lot of information at a glance (unread messages/emails, for example) and lets you control music when it's playing.  Dan Nosowitz
Other great things: The lock screen has pretty pictures and lots of (but not too much) information. The Zune app for music, video, and podcasts is amazing, at least as good as iOS's media setup. Windows Phone has the best Netflix app on any mobile platform, without question. The "People" app (which is kind of like an overview of your friends' social media presence) and the "Me" app (which feeds into your narcissism/anxiety by showing how people are reacting to your social media presence, with comments and Likes and all) are unexpected ways to socialize, and good ones. Mobile IE9 is an awesome web browser. Local Scout is kind of like Google Places, but better: wherever you are, tap the Scout button, and you'll see stuff to do, places to eat and drink, that kind of thing (and this will also get better and more complete with time). Facebook integration is intensely good, and I love that (in another WebOS swipe) it integrates Facebook chat with other kinds of chat, so conversations with each person are in one place, regardless of whether you used Facebook or texting or MSN to chat. (Although please add Google Talk and AIM.)
But what's hard to get at, with all those features (and Mango is seriously crammed full of features; those are just what jumped out at me), is how fun and easy Mango is to use. Microsoft may advertise how easy it is to get in, get your information, and get back to your life, but I found myself unpocketing the phone just to dive into its swoopy, angular menus. A lot of thought has been put into making this thing entertaining to use, and it's largely succeeded.


There are still some little weirdnesses, here and there. Bing Maps, while mostly a fine substitute for Google Maps, lacks public transit or bike options. Not enough apps take advantage of Live Tiles. Multitasking is still not done: Mango uses a WebOS-lookalike for this, in which you hold down the back button and are presented with big thumbnails of your currently-running apps which you can swipe through and select. That's great, in theory, but it has some problems. Apps take up multiple thumbnail slots, sometimes, for no reason I can tell. And, more to the point, multitasking isn't really multitasking. That's a tired thing to say, I know, but it's true: Windows Phone apps have to be adjusted to take advantage of Mango, and just about none of them have. Rdio, for example, can't play music in the background while you're reading your email or browsing the internet, and if you switch to another app and then switch back to it, you're taken to the Rdio homescreen, at which point you have to search for the song you were listening to all over again. That sucks. Same problem with other apps like Twitter and Kindle. Weirder, sometimes the back button would just refuse to take me into the multitasking thumbnail view, leaving me to hammer away on it for awhile and then give up.
Windows Phone 7.5 Multitasking: Side by side with a Palm Pre Plus, from which Microsoft aped the multitasking thumbnail interface for Mango. (We're not upset, it's a great idea and we might as well use it.) Dan Nosowitz
Oh, and you can't close apps from the thumbnail view, like you could with WebOS. That's sort of indicative of a deeper problem with Windows Phone, that it's completely inscrutable. In theory, that's just another approach, designed to keep things simple-- but if you're going to give me this power user thumbnail thing with multitasking, let me be a power user! Along the same lines, I would really love some universal search. When you hit the magnifying-glass search button, you're immediately taken to what's basically a Bing web search app. It makes some small steps towards being universal, searching through the app Marketplace and such, but it doesn't search your contacts or apps. It should. Fix, please.
The other thing that really bothered me, that seems like a minor thing but became a legitimate frustration, is the menu bar. On every other phone, in the history of the world, you could look at the top of the screen and see the time, battery information, and connection status. That's not frivolous. Those things are important. Windows Phone does away with that. Sometimes, in some apps, you can see the time, and tap near it to see the battery life and connection status. In a lot of apps, you can't. Using Twitter and want to know what time it is? Go back to the homescreen. Then go back to Twitter, and wait for it to reload, because it doesn't support multitasking yet and had frozen into a hibernation state while you checked the time. This is really, really dumb.


Windows Phone Mango is rolling out to currently available devices now--I used it on a Samsung Focus, which is about a year old--and new hardware will be coming out soon, including the firstNokia-made Windows Phone. Price will probably be around $200 with a contract, as with most phones.


It's getting there. Windows Phone is, in my opinion, the second-best OS out there, after iOS. It's more cohesive, reliable, pretty, and fast than Android, and less dead than WebOS. It still has a little maturing to do--once the apps start taking advantage of multitasking, it'll be a different phone--but really, it's ready to go now. I have no hesitation in recommending it: it thinks differently, and works differently, but often just as well or better as any of its competitors. Most importantly, it's easy and fast, especially for social media--it's probably the best-connected social media phone out there. I may still be waiting for it to really live up to its promise, but that doesn't mean that it isn't an extremely usable platform right now.

Fermilab Stops Smashing Hadrons, Looks Into Smashing Muons

Hadrons are so last-decade anyhow
Muon Collider Conceptual Layout Fermilab via Ars
Tomorrow Fermilab researchers will power down their Tevatron particle collider for the final time, marking the end of an era. But for some, that era is so over anyhow. Hadrons, like last season’s handbag, have had their time in the spotlight. The next hot trend in physics is muons, and all the cool kids know it. That’s why Fermilab physicists are already taking a hard look at muon colliding technologies as a possible next move in the game of international physics research.
Here’s where the game stands. America dropped the ball when it dumped millions into the Superconducting Supercollider only to shutter the project back in the ‘90s. It was the next step in particle physics after Tevatron but it never was completed. CERN took up the mantle of high powered particle physics and now has the LHC, which stands as the largest physics lab in the known universe.

The LHC, like Tevatron, smashes hadrons (of which protons are a varietal). These are not fundamental particles, but are made up of smaller subatomic pieces, so when they collide the energy from the collision is split between the constituent quarks. If we could smash fundamental particles--those are particles that aren’t composed of other particles, but are already at the single-component level--more energy would go directly into the collision, and thus into spawning all kinds of exotic matter. Which is exactly what physicists want from a good collider.
And that’s why Fermilab’s physicists are thinking about muons these days. Now, here’s the cool trick--in order to smash muons, they’re going to have to bend time a little bit.
Muons are like electrons but heavier--about 200 times heavier actually--which is a good thing, considering we’re trying to manipulate and smash them together. But they’re also highly unstable, with a life spanning just a few microseconds. After that, they decay into a bunch of other less-useful stuff. A few microseconds isn’t very long, but there is a way to stretch it out long enough to be useful by playing with the rules of relativity.
It would work something like this: You get muons from high-energy particle collisions, which generally impart a good deal of energy to the particles they spawn. Which means the muon, from the moment it falls out of this particle collision, is moving very fast. If you can then grab it and give it a little accelerating up toward the speed of light, relativistic effects start to take over. As the muon approaches light speed, time slows down for the muon relative to the time frame of the surrounding accelerator. So those two microseconds stretch into a lifetime that’s long enough to be relevant to physicists--that is, long enough to smash two of them together.
It’s a complex trick but a feasible one, and such a collider isn’t very big--it would fit in Fermilab’s current footprint. And it would put Fermilab right back at the cutting edge of particle physics--not that it ever really left.
Hadrons. They’re so 2010. More details at Ars.

Physical Science : Does Light Travel in a Straight Line?

Light travels both in straight lines and through reflection, which is a process in which light enters a prism and bends. Discover how light bends when going from one material to another with information from a science teacher in this free video on physical science lessons.