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Monday, April 16, 2012

Home Remedies for ITCHING

Itching can be best described as a peculiar tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that creates a desire to scratch the affected area. Itching is a common problem faced by many people at some or the other point in life. Itching could be the result of a variety of reasons such as allergies (to food, plants or pets), insect bites, stings, skin disease or even poor hygiene. Itching can be annoying as the skin is irritated and gives you the constant need to scratch the affected area. Constant or repeated scratching can bruise the skin, making it sore and even painful. Itching could be generalized where in the whole body is affected or localized wherein a particular area is irritated.
Itching is in fact one of the most common of problems and is not even regarded as a condition in itself, but is usually seen as a symptom. The medical term for itching is pruritus and this can be a localized or generalized problem. If it is localized it means that the itch simply affects a specific and limited area of the body, while a generalized itch would cause itching all over. A localized itch is quite obviously easy to treat and most treatments can provide some effective relief. A generalized itch on the other hand is quite troublesome and in most cases the causes of itching are not easy to identify. This poses a problem because any effective itching treatment would necessarily be directed towards the causes of itching. Any other treatments are simply meant to minimize the symptoms or relieve the itch. 
Itching is one of the most common symptoms to accompany skin rashes and other skin conditions, which is why itching skin is very often accompanied by other problems like skin lesions, blisters, or other skin problems. In such cases it is important that you seek medical treatment, as simply using natural itching skin remedies will not help to treat the underlying condition. In such cases you would probably need to be treated by a dermatologist as conditions like scabies and eczema would need special care. 
In minor cases of itching or where it is simply a temporary phenomenon that does not require intensive treatment you could relieve the condition by using some simple itching home remedies and making some small changes to your lifestyle. Your skin care routine is an important aspect of treatment and cannot be neglected under any circumstance. Avoid using harsh cosmetic and skin products that contain chemicals that could aggravate or damage your skin and always make sure that the products you use are suited to your skin type. Try and use natural skin care products and preferably unperfumed soaps and lotions. Clothing that is rough on the skin like wool and at times nylon should also be avoided. Cotton clothes would be the best option. Similarly use gentle soft towels and cotton bed sheets. Very often the detergents that you use to wash your clothes and linen can contribute to the problem as they contain harsh chemicals and the residue may remain in the fabric causing skin reactions. Try and use mild detergents, avoid using excessive amounts of detergent and wash and rinse out the clothes thoroughly.

Itching skin is not really a serious threat in itself, particularly if there is itching with no rash. The main threat from itching would stem from our natural and instinctive response to scratch at the itchy area. This could result in, soreness, lesions, bruising and secondary skin infections that can cause other complications. The primary goal should therefore be to relieve the itching and you could even use pharmaceutical products like topical ointments to treat itching. Steroid creams and antihistamines or calamine lotions are often used to treat the problem of itching skin.

Red Spots, Scaly Patches

½ Tendency to scratch continually to relieve itching sensation 
½ Redness of skin 
½ Scraped skin as a result of vigorous scratching 
½ Prolonged scratching and rubbing can result in thick and scarred skin 
½ Red spots 
½ Scaly patches 
½ Blisters 

Dry Skin is a Common Cause for Itching

Itching can be caused by a plethora of reasons. Some of the most common causes for itching include:

½ Exposure or contact with chemicals.
� Sunburn can cause itching.
� Insect bites or stings.
½ Certain infectious diseases such as chicken pox cause itching on the skin.
½ Parasites on the body such as body, head or pubic lice can cause itching. 
½ Itching can be the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods, plants or pets. 
½ Dry skin is a common cause for itching. This is usually seen in older people as aging skin is often dehydrated. 
½ Cold weather, overexposure to water and hot baths typically cause itching. 
ï½ An unfavorable medication could cause itching as a reaction. 
½ Itching can happen during the later part of pregnancy due to the stretching of the skin especially on the lower abdomen area. 
ï½ Skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Seborrheic dermatitis, Urticaria, Pityriasis rosea can cause severe itching.

Causes of Itching

The causes of itching are not always easy to identify as they may not always stem from physiological conditions. Stress and anxiety can at times cause itching and at other times it may aggravate itching, which may be occurring as a symptom of some other underlying condition. The causes of itching could therefore include psychological factors, skin conditions like dry skin or sunburn, metabolic or glandular disorders, like a thyroid condition or kidney disease, or also due to cancers, drug reactions or simply on account of an allergy or reaction to insect bites, stings, or other irritants. These could be some of the most common causes of itching skin. 

Certain Skin conditions or diseases would require itching treatment from a dermatologist and could include conditions as mundane as dry skin, or conditions like eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus and utricaria. 

Allergies and skin reactions are common causes of itching on the skin, particularly on the hands and feet, and also on the face. The common culprits of such reactions are cosmetics, dyes used on fabrics, contact with certain metals like the bracelets or necklace you just wore, or also due to allergies to certain medications. Allergic reactions to certain plants like poison ivy would also cause such sensations of intense itching. 

Parasitic creatures like insects are another common cause of skin itching and some causes of this nature would include scabies mites, lice infestations or any other stinging or biting insects like ants and spiders among others. Itching caused by such factors will usually be localized. Infections could include viral, bacterial or even fungal infections. Viral infections like chickenpox would cause itching as one of the many other symptoms, while fungal infections like ringworm, jock itch or athlete�s foot only affect the skin in a specific area. Fungal infections therefore usually have itching as the primary symptom. Yeast infections are also a common cause of itching around the private parts. 

Systemic diseases may also be responsible for itching in some conditions and in such a scenario you would need to visit your doctor for a thorough diagnosis and appropriate itching treatment. Treatment would actually not be directed towards the itching, but towards the underlying condition, while relief is sought from the itching. Some conditions of this nature would include diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, conditions like liver cirrhosis or hepatitis, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease or anemia. 

Hormonal imbalances and fluctuations may be another cause of itching. Because of changes in hormonal levels women may be susceptible to itching during pregnancy and menopause. If the condition persists or worsens however it would require medical investigation.

Use of Weak Carbolic Acid Lotion

Itching caused due to non-medical conditions can to a great extent be treated using home remedies. Some that can be used to control or treat itching are as follows :

� Take a bath in one can of evaporated milk; you can add other combinations such as oatmeal, baking soda etc. The milk works well to soothe the itching.

� Apply Aloe Vera, cod liver oil, lemon juice, vitamin E oil, wheat germ oil, or witch hazel tea to the itchy area. 

� Take burdock, chickweed, goldenseal, plantain, or yellow dock in capsule form. 

� Cornstarch helps relieve itching. You can pour some into your bath water or dust it onto your body. 

� Scrub the affected area lightly with a pumice stone. Then wash with soap, apply rubbing alcohol, and dab a thick layer of Vaseline over it. This will provide relief from itching. 

� Take a bath with a little peppermint or yellow dock to relieve itching. 

� Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath water to relieve itchy skin. 

� Baking soda can be used in cool bath water to soothe other skin irritations and alleviate itching from prickly heat, bee stings, insect bites, and other minor skin ailments. 

� Another trusted home remedy is to use a weak carbolic acid lotion or a solution of bicarbonate of soda (commonly known as baking soda) and applying it over the itchy part. 

� Apply cold compress to the itchy areas, it is thought to bring relief from itching. 

� Fresh stinging nettle oil can be used on the affected areas. 

� Drinking 1 to 2 cups of Nettle tea daily is thought to help relieve itching. Add boiling water to 1 tsp of the dried leaves for each cup. Steep for 15 minutes. 

� Apply Burdock root oil to the skin to help heal rashes and itching. 

� Fresh Chickweed poultice is good for itching. This can be made by soaking 2 large handfuls in water. When the plants soften, cool them and apply directly on the skin.

Take a Diet Rich in Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E and Zinc

Diet can play an important role to combat itching that result from food allergies. If you have identified foods that cause itching, it�s best to avoid them completely. 

Increase your intake of Vitamin C, beta-carotene, Vitamin E and zinc through diet by having foods rich in the above mentioned vitamins and minerals.

Avoid Scratching or Rubbing

Avoid scratching or rubbing itchy areas as this worsens the problem. Keep finger nails short to prevent skin damage from scratching. 
  • Wear loose, light and cool nightwear. Do not use thick, rough clothing like wool over itchy areas. 
  • Take bath with lukewarm water. 
  • Apply a soothing lotion on to the skin after bath. 
  • Avoid exposure to heat and humidity. 
  • Keep your body and affected areas dry and clean at all times. Moisture can worsen itching. 

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor. 

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