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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Fall Cleaning: Tackle Some of Those Big Ideas

It’s time to knock some of those big ideas off your lists.  Let me tell you what I mean.  Thanksgiving is coming up, Christmas will follow close behind it, and then the New Year will be here before you know it.
The holiday season is upon us. This is the perfect time to tackle some of the big ideas on your strategy list for 2011.  It’s time for some fall cleaning.
Do you remember what you said?
What did you say that you wanted to accomplish in your business for this year? What were your sales goals, partnership goals, product creation goals, marketing goals?  Pull out that list and take a look. And then make a decision to address one of those items with your best ideas and support team. Don’t do two or three–just focus on one of them, and give that one idea your all.
There’s no reason to wait.
You can begin the planning process right now.  If you had the idea but never built a team to help you execute that idea, then call and email some key people.  If your team started the work but it stalled for one reason or another, then get it started again.  If the idea just didn’t cut it, then after careful evaluation make a decision to table it until a specific date, rework it within a specific time frame or remove it from the list right now.
It’s fall cleaning, which means we are removing the things that don’t belong and looking for a way to give ourselves a success measure by the New Year.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
When you evaluate that one idea, the idea that you want to tackle before the New Year arrives, look for the obstacles.  What stopped you from addressing it earlier this year?
Discover the holdup and write it down. Consider this quick piece of advice from Marcia Wieder, founder of Dream University and author of Making Your Dreams Come True:
“Wherever there is an obstacle, create a simple strategy to manage it.”
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