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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ripple Effect of Your Social Circle


If you haven't spotted it yet, Ripples is a rather nifty visualisation created by the world's most popular search engine (and plucky social networking challenger) for its fledgling network, Google+.
Ripples reveals how an update has spread across Google+, from one user to many others, as it is shared, commented on and so forth. The image above shows the impressive stir caused by Sergey Brin's short eulogy on Steve Jobs.
Few of us have the kind of following that Brin does, but it's still fun to look at the ripples caused by an update. It's also an excellent example of how visualisation can help everyone explore the burgeoning amount of data generated by their social activities online. Facebook has begun to explore this with its new Timeline feature.
It's also a clever way to boost engagement and interaction on Google+, which has seen a drop in activity after the early surge following its launch.
Just click on a recent update and hit "View Ripples" to see how one of your messages has spread. For other people's examples try searching Google+ for the hashtag #ripples.
Our research editor (and resident data wrangler), Mike Orcutt, has been researching and visualizing social network data. Look out for an excellent visualisation on this subject in the magazine's next issue.

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