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Friday, November 18, 2011


If you are looking to get ahead in your career, at some point you are going to have to deal with office politics. Finding the way through these often sticky situations is key to doing well. Find out the best practices to preserve your integrity and respect within your company.
Not many people think about giving when it comes to office harmony. It is the easiest word to say but it is also the hardest to practice. We have habituated to being selfish and to always take care of our own interests. So much so that we forget about the others who work with us. When the balance is tilt, it gives rise to disharmony.
To have harmony in the workplace, give willingly. Know that it doesn’t always mean someone has to lose in order for us to win. So, how do you give in order to create harmony? Very simply – remember these – give in, give up, give out.
Give in – do you always take a hard stance on certain issues? Learn to give in on some of these. Does it really matter one year down the road some of the stance you have taken? Yes, you need to hold on to strong work guiding principles like working with pride, passion and belief. Search yourself to see if you have any stance that is based on opinions and not principles. Learn to give in. When you learn to give in, you put in motion harmony in the workplace.
Get more great tips at Career Success for Newbies!

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