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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Marriage of the Inner Divine Masculine & Feminine

Lorna Wilson
A new awakening is taking place, a resurfacing of ancient truths — an inner alchemy - a merging of the divine feminine and divine masculine that religious dogma has enshrouded for centuries. A divine union relationship—is a co-creative partnership of equality. To experience the Divine Union in all its power and beauty is to participate in the dance of creation. The child of cosmic birth is referred to in alchemy as the True Self, and it is created from a union known as the sacred marriage of dualities.
The One Living Light LogoIn the Greek alphabet, the letter Delta (triangle/triune) was the symbol for cosmic birth. The triangle can represent father/mother/child or the Perfect Union of the Two that creates the Third or the perfect union when two become one.
The union of masculine and feminine polarities is fundamental in the quantum physics of creation. The two polarities, the magnetic (female) and electric, (male) coming together to form a trinity. This geometry occurs when a planet is being born and when the first 2 cells of a human being form in the womb and the creation of Light. We need both the feminine and masculine in equal proportions for creation to occur and to keep all life in balance.
The lack of acknowledgment of the divinity of the feminine has created a state of imbalance that permeates all life. Feelings of inequality have set up boundaries between women and men. These imbalances and difficulties come about as a result of our internal beliefs and conditionings over eons of time. Our deeper higher self-knows a great re-awakening and shift is happening. For sacred union to occur—individually and globally—the illusion of separation has to be healed. We must dissolve duality and clear our energy channels of judgments. These judgments create disconnection from the feminine principles—from the body and emotions. We must reclaim the sacredness and spiritual union and embrace an alchemical relationship of co-creation.
Reclaiming the Feminine
Receptivity is a key quality of feminine energy. When we think of receptivity, it seems to imply that we are receiving something from outside of us. However, the feminine quality of receptivity is actually about deeply receiving our Self. The Divine Feminine energy is also about inner flow and allowance, trust and intuition. These qualities are feminine in nature. Our physical body is earth and form. The emotional energy current running through the body is water. It is about believing in our inner worth as “Beingness,” and not basing it on the masculine equivalent of “doingness.” It is about balancing stillness and action. It is joining in an authentic way with ourselves and others and becoming whole. And through our wholeness, meet our counterpart that is you fully reflected as your other.
The Divine Feminine energy brings about a new honoring of the female spirit. It is empowerment and reclaiming our divinity as women. It gives back to men a balance. By opening their energy field, men through surrender and embodying the feminine principle of receptivity, begin to honor their feminine aspects more than ever before. Men begin to observe the feminine aspect with greater awareness and appreciation. Regardless of gender, a healing balance of peace, harmony and interconnectedness love for all, never experienced before on the planet, is beginning to occur. When we can deeply receive our self, we experience our own subtle energies flowing through our body. This deep receptive state requires surrender, trust and total self-acceptance.
One key thing that makes the dance of union sacred is the love and acceptance of Self. We must have total acceptance of Self to surrender deeply and allow full freedom of expression to occur. Through loving and accepting our Self, we open the door to the ecstatic experience of our Self. This means total acceptance of the body, emotions, every aspect of our-self, and beyond that—acceptance of our divinity.
Emotional Body
The emotional body needs to be fully embraced. The feminine energy brings mastery of our emotions—a receptivity that allows us to feel the subtleties of our creative power. The emotional body, which has been suppressed and belittled, is the very thing we need for full mastery as conscious creators. We as men and women need to regain full connection with the emotional body. In so doing we experience the ecstatic bliss of sacred union to be fully experienced and expressed through the whole body.
By being so connected with our physical body and the tangible experience of it while simultaneously surrendering to the emotional body, we can allow the fluid energy of our emotions to flow freely through us. Having unconditional acceptance of our emotions, allows emotions to flow into balance in the Higher Heart—where transformation occurs, and we access our pure creative potential.
Surrender & Presence
To experience a sacred unified field with a partner, one must first experience an inner alchemy, connecting with the internal qualities of feminine and masculine energy within one's self. Two important factors for bringing this experience into the body are Surrender and Presence—core energetics that must be experienced equally. Surrender being feminine energy and Presence being masculine energy, the equilibrium between them creates the place of pure potentiality—non-duality, void, a unified quantum field ~~~ Divine Sacred Marriage or Union within the self. The state of being truly present brings us into the full sensory experience. Surrender prepares us to receive divine impulse. When these essential elements of an ecstatic and powerful union are in the balance, a portal opens, and we can really feel our energy flowing. There is a lightness of being, and we feel as if we are being held – like we are Receiving energy instead of expending it. We feel connected to our heart and our truth as we are suspended in the effortless union while we stand sovereign in his and her own power.

How to Study Less by Learning Things Once

 Nada El Garhy

You read over your notes. Then you read them over again. Then you read them over a third time. Then you take the test and are surprised at just how much you missed. Despite reading everything three times! A lot of study time is wasted because of one problem: you fail to learn things the first time around. Repeatedly going over the same information like putting a band-aid over a sieve. It may reduce the water that slips through, but it doesn’t solve the fundamental problem: that you have too many holes. The key to reducing the amount of time you study is simple: learn things the first time you see them, instead of after dozens of repetitions. This is all easier said than done. I’m sure if your mind was without holes you could easily capture any information that slipped into it. The real question is how can you do this? I don’t believe it is just a matter of being a genius or chance but based on how you study. 

Step One: Find the Holes

If you want to repair a leaky brain, you need to figure out where the holes are. Identify what type of information you have trouble remembering. Recognize when you’ve just gone over the information you don’t quite understand. Here are a few questions to ask yourself after every chunk of ideas to find your holes: 

What from this section am I most likely to forget? 
What concepts are completely new to me? (Rather than ones that feel familiar) 
Which ideas am I having the most difficulty grasping?

When you identify weak points, you can invest more time in fixing those instead of wasting time with a blanket studying technique of all information.

Step Two: Repair Weak Points

Memorizing?If you need to store arbitrary information, try using the link method. This is where you visualize an exaggerated image that combines the two things you want to associate. You can memorize formula’s this way by linking vivid pictures to the different symbols. A formula such as F = C/A, could become a scale with hundreds of (F)eathers on side and a giant (C)aterpillar sitting over millions of (A)nts. 
Conceptualizing?If you need to understand information try drawing a picture or diagram to combine the ideas. 

Retaining?If you need to retain a complicated mass of information try using metaphors and vivid examples to connect the abstract information into something you can easily relate to.

Repairing weak points in your understanding isn’t that difficult – if you first know where they are. Simply focusing on a piece of information can help you understand it. But if you don’t know which parts you’re missing, it is easy to skim over everything and not realize what you’ve missed. 

Step Three: Check Your Understanding

Do you “get” it. Does the information make sense to you at a deeper level, or does it seem arbitrary, meaningless or difficult to derive? Most school tests and virtually all real-life tests are designed to answer a single question: do you understand what you’re studying? 
If you aren’t sure, that’s when you need to start working deeper. Keep asking yourself “why” until you reach a point where the subject makes sense. Here are some tips for improving your understanding: 

Look for sensory descriptions.Your brain isn’t a computer. It’s designed to retain emotional, vivid and sensory information better than abstract or dry details. Link a sensation, picture or story to the abstract details. When learning how to do determinants (a form of math using matrices) I imagined my hands moving through the diagonals, one adding and one taking away. 
Get the background.A lot of information that seems meaningless makes more sense when given a context. If you stuck on trying to wrap your head around a particular point, do some research into it’s origins. This may take more time up-front but can save hours as future concepts are built upon it.

Step Four: Test Yourself

Whenever you’re experimenting with new learning methods, you need to measure the results. Check to see whether your new system is actually helping you remember more. Once you get familiar with a system, you can more accurately judge the extent of your knowledge. But until then, regularly test so you can tweak the system to fix errors. 
The best tests are objective ones. If you’re in school, look for past exams, tests or textbook questions to check your understanding. If you’re teaching yourself, come up with short exercises that can prove to you conclusively you know what you’re doing. 
The most important piece of advice I can give is this: treat study time as being sacred. Go in with the expectation that you will either learn everything through the first go, or you will identify areas that need further clarification. Focus and become aware of any potential holes so you can learn things once.

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Vishwakarma is the Lord of Architecture in Hinduism..

Lord Vishwakarma,Sculpture..

The Divine Draftsman

Vishwakarma is the presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects. Son of Brahma, he is the divine draftsman of the whole universe and the official builder of all the gods' palaces. Vishwakarma is also the designer of all the flying chariots of the gods, and all their weapons.
The Mahabharata describes him as "The lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, the carpenter of the gods, the most eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all ornaments ... and a great and immortal god." He has four hands, wears a crown, loads of gold jewelry, and holds a water-pot, a book, a noose and craftsman's tools in his hands.
Vishwakarma Puja

Hindus widely regard Vishwakarma as the god of architecture and engineering, and September 16 or 17 every year is celebrated as Vishwakarma Puja — a resolution time for workers and craftsmen to increase productivity and gain divine inspiration for creating novel products. This ritual usually takes place within the factory premises or shop floor, and the otherwise mundane workshops come alive with a fiesta.
Vishwakarma Puja is also associated with the buoyant custom of flying kites. This occasion in a way also marks the start of the festive season that culminates in Diwali.
Vishwakarma's Architectural Wonders

Hindu mythology is full of Vishwakarma's many architectural wonders. Through the four 'yugas', he had built several towns and palaces for the gods. In "Satya-yuga", he built the Swarg Loke, or heaven, the abode of the gods and demigods where Lord Indra rules. Vishwakarma then built the 'Sone ki Lanka' in "Treta yuga", the city of Dwarka in "Dwapar yuga", and Hastinapur and Indraprastha in the "Kali yuga".
'Sone Ki Lanka' or Golden Lanka

According to Hindu mythology, 'Sone ki Lanka' or Golden Lanka was the place where the demon king Ravana dwelled in the "Treta yuga." As we read in the epic story Ramayana, this was also the place where Ravana kept Sita, Lord Ram's wife as a hostage.
There is also a story behind the construction of Golden Lanka. When Lord Shiva married Parvati, he asked Vishwakarma to build a beautiful palace for them to reside. Vishwakarma put up a palace made of gold! For the housewarming ceremony, Shiva invited the wise Ravana to perform the "Grihapravesh" ritual. After the sacred ceremony when Shiva asked Ravana to ask anything in return as "Dakshina", Ravana, overwhelmed with the beauty and grandeur of the palace, asked Shiva for the golden palace itself! Shiva was obliged to accede to Ravana's wish, and the Golden Lanka became Ravana's palace.

Among the many mythical towns Viswakarma built is Dwarka, the capital of Lord Krishna. During the time of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna is said to have lived in Dwarka and made it his "Karma Bhoomi" or center of operation. That is why this place in northern India has become a well-known pilgrimage for the Hindus.

In the present "Kali Yuga", Vishwakarma is said to have built the town of Hastinapur, the capital of Kauravas and Pandavas, the warring families of the Mahabharata. After winning the battle of Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna installed Dharmaraj Yudhisthir as the ruler of Hastinapur.

Vishwakarma also built the town of Indraprastha for the Pandavas. The Mahabharata has it that King Dhritrashtra offered a piece of land called 'Khaandavprastha' to the Pandavas for living. Yudhishtir obeyed his uncle's order and went to live in Khaandavprastha with the Pandava brothers. Later, Lord Krishna invited Vishwakarma to build a capital for the Pandavas on this land, which he renamed 'Indraprastha'.
Legends tell us about the architectural marvel and beauty of Indraprastha. Floors of the palace were so well done that they had a reflection like that of water, and the pools and ponds inside the palace gave the illusion of a flat surface with no water in them.
After the palace was built, the Pandavas invited the Kauravas, and Duryodhan and his brothers went to visit Indraprastha. Not knowing the wonders of the palace, Duryodhan was flummoxed by the floors and the pools and fell into one of the ponds. The Pandava wife Draupadi, who witnessed this scene, had a good laugh! She retorted, hinting at Duryodhan's father (the blind king Dhritarashtra) "the son of a blind man is bound to be blind." This remark of Draupadi annoyed Duryodhan so much that later on, it became a major cause for the great war of Kurukshetra described in the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita.