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Sunday, April 10, 2016

அந்தக் காலத்தில் கலக்கியவர்கள்..இன்று..!!!

World's fastest electron diffraction snapshots of atomic motions in gases

Scientists have made a significant advance toward making movies of extremely fast atomic processes with potential applications in energy production, chemistry, medicine, materials science and more. Using a superfast, high-resolution "electron camera," a new instrument for ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, researchers have captured the world's fastest UED images of nitrogen molecules rotating in a gas, with a record shutter speed of 100 quadrillionths of a second.
Scientists have long dreamed of watching nature's smallest and speediest phenomena in real time. For instance, watching biomolecules facilitate life-sustaining chemical reactions at high speed and in atomic detail could teach scientists new ways of producing efficient chemical catalysts. However, most available techniques excel at speed or detail, not both.
"Our new UED instrument can do both: It achieves an unprecedented combination of atomic resolution and extraordinary speed," said researcher Xijie Wang, SLAC's UED team lead and co-author of a new study published today in Nature Communications. "We've taken UED snapshots of atomic motions in gases faster than ever before and demonstrated the technology's potential for making molecular movies of chemical reactions."
SLAC Director Chi-Chang Kao said, "UED is a major addition to the lab's outstanding portfolio of ultrafast techniques, complementing our X-ray laser, the Linac Coherent Light Source, and enabling groundbreaking research on complex dynamic systems with wide-ranging implications for chemistry, the biosciences and future materials." LCLS is a DOE Office of Science User Facility.
An 'Electron Camera' For Ultrasmall, Ultrafast Vision
UED uses a focused beam of highly energetic electrons to probe samples – in this case, a stream of laser-excited nitrogen gas. Gases are ideal model systems for studying processes in chemistry. Electrons scatter off atoms in the sample and generate a pattern on a detector that researchers use to determine where the sample's atoms are located. By varying the time between the laser excitation and the electron beam, which comes in very short electron bundles, scientists can track rapid changes in the pattern that correspond to quick motions of the atoms.
While the technique itself is not new – UED has been under development by several groups throughout the world since the 1980s – it has never been done at this speed for gases.
"When it comes to studies of gases, SLAC's instrument is about five times faster than any other UED machine before," said Jie Yang from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, who led the study with Markus Guehr, a researcher at SLAC and at Potsdam University in Germany. "This leap in performance is due to the instrument's superior high-energy electron source, which was originally developed for SLAC's LCLS. It will help us better understand a whole new range of speedy processes on the atomic level."
Taking Snapshots of 'Molecular Echoes'
In the new study, the research team demonstrated the instrument's superb performance by capturing the rapid rotation of nitrogen molecules in a gas.
Each molecule consists of two nitrogen atoms connected via a strong chemical bond. As the molecules in the gas tumble around, they normally point in random directions. But hitting them with an extremely short laser pulse makes them briefly all point in the same direction. Although they quickly fall out of alignment, they periodically line up again in a sort of "molecular echo."
"When the nitrogen molecules do line up again, they also rapidly switch from pointing in one direction to pointing in the perpendicular direction," Yang said. "This transition takes only 300 quadrillionths of a second." The team was able to capture this process because the "shutter speed" of the UED instrument was three times faster than the changes in alignment.
Guehr said, "The entire process had been studied with other methods before, but our research is the first to visualize it both in real time and with a resolution detailed enough to separate the positions of the two nitrogen nuclei in the molecules."
Toward Movies of Chemistry in Action
The researchers hope to use the technology in the near future to film molecules as they vibrate and watch chemical bonds break and form during chemical reactions.
"We are also looking forward to combining UED with complementary ultrafast studies at LCLS," Wang said. "Electrons tell us about a material's structure, whereas X-rays tell us more about its function. Putting both together will give us a more complete picture in groundbreaking studies of all kinds of complex dynamic processes in nature."

A good lesson for a real sales manager.

Dream World

 an article about the importance of taking dreams seriously, the kind of dreams, dream symbols and dream work.

It is useful to look a little bit closer at our dreams and to analyze them. They contain unconscious happenings which compensate the conscious ego. Dreams give us clarification on non-personal motives, situations, our shortcomings, and so on, of which we are not, or only vaguely, aware of in everyday life.
When analyzing one’s dreams, one obtains a healthy self-criticism, the first step necessary for a purposeful psychological development. Dreams tell us precisely what is wrong and what needs to be done to correct it. By acting correspondingly, one becomes more conscious of oneself. The consciousness grows from its restricted and personal, sensitive ego-world to a new horizon.

The origin of conscious actions, with all their shortcomings and advantages, is in the unconscious of man. One of the ways the world of the unconscious expresses itself is by dreams. By means of symbols and events it tries to communicate with our consciousness. All too often one does not attach any importance to dreams and one does not make any effort to recall them. They contain complete information of our entire being and by listening to this dream world, man can gain access to a wonderful world that is as real as what we call our conscious reality. It is a world in which we are rooted. From this dream world we get the food for our inner growth, although we do not recognize it. He who closes himself of to this world is just floating around on the ocean. But he who listens and understands the language of the birds, the winds and the waves, knows where he can go unhindered. So it is with dreams. He who knows their language, knows how to repair mistakes, and thus lead a better life.
Carl Gustav Jung wrote in his ‘Ubergang’ that the dream is as "a small hidden door to the most deep hidden and secret corners of the psyche, an entrance to the cosmic night, which was the psyche before there was any trace of an ‘ego’-consciousness: and what will remain the psyche, no matter how far our ‘ego’-consciousness might stretch itself… All consciousness acts to divide, but in our dreams we take the form of a more universal, true and eternal man who wanders through the darkness of the primal night. There he is still the whole man, and this wholeness is in him, not distinguishable from nature and devoid of any ego-consciousness. From this all unifying depth the dream arises; no matter how childish, grotesque or immoral the dream might be."

Waste paper recycled into new paper within just 3 minutes.

Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, "Epson") has developed what it believes to be the world's first*1 compact office papermaking system capable of producing new paper from securely shredded waste paper*2 without the use of water*3. Epson plans to put the new "PaperLab" into commercial production in Japan in 2016, with sales in other regions to be decided at a later date. Businesses and government offices that install a PaperLab in a backyard area will be able to produce paper of various sizes, thicknesses, and types, from office paper and business card paper to paper that is coloured and scented.
The machine can easily produce a fresh sheet of paper in about 3 minutes after it gets loaded with shredded pieces of paper. That means that it is able to produce over six thousand sheets over an eight-hour period. This eliminates the need for offices to engage in extensive recycling initiatives that are more costly and time-consuming than the PaperLab.
In order to work, Epson developed something known as “Dry Fiber Technology,” which works entirely without water. First, waste paper is transformed into long, thin cottony, fibres. Then a variety of different binders can be added to the fiberized material to make the paper, well, all-around awesome. The additive materials can increase the binding strength or whiteness of the paper, add colour, fragrance, or even flame resistance.
So the design can shred your confidential documents and make the papers that you want to keep virtually unburnable.

Ten Great Philosophical Movies That Question Free Will

Mr. Nobody (2009)
From the beginning of time, human beings have wondered if the universe has a plan in store for them. We have pondered whether every person is born to fulfill a determined destiny, or if every human can build their future from scratch, depending on the choices they make.
It is true that we are determined by time, space, the laws of physics, and so on. We seem to believe we possess some kind of control over our decisions, and that our personality, preferences and tastes are up to us. We believe that we are conscious and aware of every turn on the tracks on the train of life. However, it’s actually more probable that a clueless blind dog is driving that train, and we’re just along for the ride, thinking our will controls the vehicle.
That’s why philosophers have wondered if the fate of people is conditioned by outside random forces, which shape our lifestyle from the cradle to the grave. The fact that if you weren’t born to those parents, or in that neighborhood, or in a different country or century, your life would have been totally different, makes us wonder if humanity is really free, or if we just collectively act on instinct like biological robots.
Considering that filmmakers tend to be visual philosophers, this list has 10 films that explore this topic, each one reaching different conclusions.

10. Pi (1998)
pi 1998
Max is a genius mathematician, whose search for a unique code to decrypt the patterns he sees all over nature will drive him on a downward spiral to madness.
He spends all day in his small apartment, fixing and adapting all sorts of special hardware, entirely dedicated to finding a magical combination of numbers that will uncover hidden truths about the world. Max is convinced that he’ll discover the key to understanding the universe on a whole.
However, it turns out that a few Jewish researchers are searching for this combination as well; they think it’s the real name of God that can only be found by a chosen one.
So, if Max believes there’s a determined number that can be used to understand the world’s patterns and even predict their outcomes, then free will can’t exist. In that case, human beings would just be following a set of natural rules that organize the universe, maybe obeying divine purposes, like the Jewish researchers in this movie seem to believe.
Max’s positions represent a branch of mathematical determinism that claims that free will is really an illusion. Laws of physics give a compelling diagram of how the world works, without any need for a metaphysical entity governing living things. There are many scientists, especially neurologists, that support this theory.
Wolf Singer is one of the most popular among them; an article he wrote in 2004, claiming that the illusion of “conscious” decisions can be explained by certain processes in the brain, has created controversy and intense discussion.
Do we have free will? No. There’s a natural pattern that predicts every event.

9. Watchmen (2009)
On the surface, “Watchmen” doesn’t seem like a film related to the free will vs. determinism debate.
Zach Snyder isn’t known for his intellectual depth as a director. Thankfully, master comic book writer Alan Moore (the author of the graphic novel “Watchmen” is based on) loves to analyze philosophical matters in his work, much like Batman loves to add thousands of layers of black paint to everything he owns.
In one of the best written chapters of the graphic novel, Moore lets us consider what it would be like to be an omnipresent being. He describes Dr. Manhattan’s perspective of time in a vivid way. This character is aware of every little event that happens anywhere, and at the same time, his memories and future happenings fuse together to provide him with a divine perspective of the world.
In the notable scene where a Vietnamese woman slashes the comedian’s face with a broken bottle just before he fatally shoots her, Dr. Manhattan is present and does nothing to stop this atrocious murder. Considering his godlike powers and firm morality, this doesn’t makes sense until later in the film when Dr. Manhattan confesses that “everything is predetermined, even my responses”.
As an omnipresent and omnipotent being, he knows when and how anything is going to happen, but unless it is already predetermined, he can’t stop any future event simply because he has prior knowledge of it taking place. Paradoxically, he’s also predetermined.
All this references the famous philosophical debate which wonders, if a God already knows what everybody’s going to do before it happens, then could we still have free will? Many philosophers, namely Leibniz, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Anselm, have given different answers to this question. Moore’s answer seems to be that even God is a victim of determinism; he just stands and watches his creations interact without being able to intervene unless is already predetermined to do so. So, in short, everybody is time’s bitch.
Do we have free will? Absolutely not. Even God’s actions are predetermined.

8. Being John Malkovich (1999)
It’s obvious at this point that Charlie Kaufman reads a few books on philosophy before writing a new screenplay. Every movie he has made features several philosophical ideas, which he uses to intrigue his audiences just as those thoughts intrigued him. “Being John Malkovich” proves he can combine these kinds of questions with his trademark comedic style.
Dualists and physicalists have been arguing about the existence of a “mind” or “soul” for ages. This film’s plot seems to support the dualists; they think that a higher immaterial consciousness must exist in living things.
The protagonist in “Being John Malkovich” finds a secret door in his office that leads to John Malkovich’s head. He can see everything from Malkovich’s perspective, and given that the main character is also an expert puppeteer, he’s able to control poor John’s body after a few rounds of practice. This raises some questions: where does Malkovich’s conscience go when he’s being controlled by the puppeteer? How is this man able to see through the eyes of Malkovich without him noticing? Where does our conscience come from, and why are we able to control our bodies?
The film also portrays an interesting fact; when anyone enters Malkovich’s head, they go in with their whole bodies. It’s not just a conscience transfer; their whole physical bodies enter Malkovich’s mind and then exit it after a few minutes.
Does this mean our body is just the manifestation of our consciousness? Or is what we call “consciousness” just a byproduct of our brain’s sophisticated biology? This is not a new issue in philosophy; dozens of intellectuals have debated and even written hundreds of books about it.
Descartes firmly opposed the existence of an immaterial substance that lies only in living things; how can a non-material substance interact with a material one? It’s one of the questions that dualist theories like the one in this film face, although science hasn’t reached the point of pointing to the precise mechanisms of the brain that constitute what we call “free” choices; most scientists prefer the physicalist’s claims.
However, subjective experiences play a big role in “Being John Malkovich”; are the subjects that visit Malkovich’s mind really being John Malkovich, or are they just controlling his body? Then again, isn’t our brains all we really are? Or is there more to a human being?
Do we have free will? Yes, but our body could be invaded by other humans, forcing us to redefine the nature of being.

7. Dead Man Walking (1995)
If we, as a species, don’t really have control over our choices, then how can we blame a murderer for killing people if he’s predetermined to do so? Why should we blame anyone if our choices depend on hundreds of external factors that we have no control over? “Dead Man Walking” deals with all these questions wonderfully, telling the story of an inmate sentenced to death by lethal injection as he copes with guilt, denial and anxiety.
Susan Sarandon plays a nun trying to save a criminal (Sean Penn) from imminent execution; she believes he might be innocent, or at least worthy of a lighter form of punishment. Her character interrogates the imprisoned to find out the facts about what he’s accused of doing. He claims he was drugged at the time, and that he also hadn’t slept for two days. Penn’s character blames his partner for having committed the crimes; he just stood and watched as he murdered a young man and his girlfriend.
The nun’s attempts to spare him are unsuccessful, so she chooses to convince the criminal to accept his guilt in the matters. He may have not killed anyone; however, he was an accomplice and did nothing to stop the crime. In the end, he comes out of his denial and admits that he was more involved in the events that he wanted to recognize.
All of this relates to Peter Strawson’s famous article about free will and morality, titled “Liberty and Resentment”.

He claims that we don’t need to know if free will exists, and to not be confident about the correctness of our morality and legal system, because there are a series of feelings that humans experience (as the parents of the murder victims in the movie represent) when injustice is perpetrated, which validates our moral and penal practices.
Strawson also claims that criminals must be punished without victimization, meaning that they should be judged according to their actions and held accountable, regardless of whether they claim to have been mentally incapacitated at the time. The vandals should recognize their guilt if they want to be considered equal to their peers; if not, they should be isolated from the rest of society.
Sarandon’s character approaches these concepts from a religious perspective that is very similar to Strawson’s view. If somebody wants to be remain a part of society, they must admit their doings were reprehensible. She finally accomplishes this under the pressure of his quickly approaching execution. The movie also comments on the negative sides of the death penalty and how a life sentence could grant inmates the time to think about their terrible actions.
Do we have free will? It’s not clear, but regardless of this, our legal system must continue functioning by presupposing the existence of “freedom to do otherwise”.

6. Waking Life (2001)

If I were to explain this movie to a fellow “film scholar”, I would describe it as a “philosophical clusterfuck”. Director Richard Linklater seems to be a philosophy fan, so he seized the opportunity to portray all his doubts and questions about life and existence in a single chaotic movie, in which a bunch of insufferable pseudo-intellectual individuals poorly explain famous philosophical issues. However, a few of these series of ramblings are interesting for the purposes of this article.
A philosophy professor describes Sartre’s ideas about free will and personal responsibility; he says that when postmodernists describe human beings as a confluence of forces or a social construction, the individual gets to play the part of victim of the universe, not really choosing who he is.
Sartre thinks that every human chooses to be what it is, and that everyone is always capable of changing and becoming something else. Here lies the concept of “angst”, defined as the pressure and anxiety one feels for being able to decide at every turn and at the same time, being an example for all humanity.
The second point of view argues that human beings must be governed by the same physical deterministic laws that reign over everything else. As we are physical bodies, all our actions correspond to a determined physical formula, which really makes us doubt the existence of free will.
As you see, this film is more a series of lectures or a long podcast than it is a movie. Linklater didn’t care about subtlety or illustrations of philosophical thoughts, he preferred to film a group of people lecturing the main character about all sorts of issues. This proves to be tiring, but is useful as a philosophy 101 lesson. As a film? It doesn’t hold up.
Do we have free will? It is undetermined; this film tries to start a debate about it, but doesn’t offer a cohesive answer or even a narrative.5. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
12 monkeys
If you haven’t seen this film, then scroll down with your eyes closed for about five seconds because this is going to be a spoilery ride.
A highly contagious virus kills five billion people in 1997; the result is an apocalyptic scenario in which the remaining humanity has moved underground. Bruce Willis is chosen to travel back in time, not to change the events that lead to the disaster, but to look for a pure sample of the virus so that the post-apocalyptic scientists can find a cure.
Long story short, Willis’s character is shot while trying to murder the man guilty of releasing the deadly virus. Also, the protagonist often dreams about a traumatic event of his childhood, where he saw a man getting shot at an airport. In the end, we find out that the man that he saw getting killed was his older self as a time traveler.
This has a lot of mind-blowing implications: the protagonist’s life was conditioned from when he was a child to die in that exact moment, and the reason he died was because he forgot about determinism. The movie establishes that time can’t be changed, not even with a functional time machine, because everything is already predetermined to happen in a certain way.
Willis’s character falls into the illusion of free will, thinking that he can change the past, and ends up fulfilling his destiny of being shot to death. He had a blatant warning that should have been enough for him to avoid getting killed in that way. However, it was already predetermined to happen, and nothing to do against fate.
Do we have free will? No, we all have a fate to fulfill and time machines are useless.  When I started watching this movie I didn’t realized that it would kill so many of my dreams.

4. The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Thin Red Line
This movie is famous for two things: being one of the greatest war movies of all time, and the fact that director Terrence Malick cast almost every actor in Hollywood and edited out a few of them in post-production.
A poorly known fact, however, are the philosophical implications of this film. As the author of this outstanding article eloquently points out, the entire structure of “The Thin Red Line” is based on the writings of philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.
Unlike most war movies where the story is told through an individual’s perspective, Malick chooses to approach this phenomenon from various angles. We see each soldier’s point of view, the life choices that got them in the Army, their ways to cope with the horrors of war, their desires and their motivations to stay alive. We also hear their inner monologues, so we understand what they’re experiencing.
An objective reality exists, but it is beyond our grasp; humans can give hundreds of different meanings to the same event. So, in short, all of our personal worldviews are biased and impossible to fully share with others.
Every soldier tries to rationalize the events happening around them, in an attempt to find meaning invested in the horror of war. They’re all alone with their own ways of thinking, believing that their brothers in arms share common thoughts with them, when each of them must bear their own individual cross.
This is why conflict emerges between Lt. Gordon Tall (Nick Nolte) and Capt. James Staros (Elias Koteas). They’re both experiencing the same events; however, Tall believes that the ends justify the means and doesn’t care about losing a few soldiers on the battlefield. Staros considers them his children and isn’t interested in sending his men to a certain defeat and painful death, based on his superior’s reckless orders.
So, if every human lives in their own personal reality that is affected by a number of external factors, how can we make conscious and free choices about the empirical world? If we are trapped in our own subjectivity, then how can our decisions continue to be free? The fact that we could never comprehend the whole picture in any circumstance puts the existence of free will in doubt.
Do we have free will? If we do, it would be very limited by our own philosophies, ideologies and prejudices. So, would it still be free?

3. Memento (2000)
This is the film that put Christopher Nolan on the map. It’s the one that confused thousands of film enthusiasts due to its fragmented storyline, backwards narrative, and Guy Pearce’s sweet drug dealer suit.
Pearce plays a man who suffers from a terrible condition; he can’t form new memories and he forgets everything he’s doing every few minutes, except for a few facts about himself and his life before the incident that caused his mental dysfunctions.
The protagonist’s only goal is to find the man who killed his wife. This makes him act recklessly due to not caring about anything or anyone else, and he murders a few people in order to find his target. He’s also manipulated by a number of individuals, who find out that having a criminal partner that forgets everything once in awhile is a good deal.
It’s not clear if Pearce’s character is really free; the movie is ambiguous in exploring whether he is fully responsible for the crimes he commits. He constantly forgets the motives of his actions, so does that make him innocent? The protagonist may not have acted the way he did if he didn’t suffer from his condition.
If he’s considered mentally incapable, then according to Strawson’s views, he’s not fully responsible; however, he’s still a murderer. Or perhaps, every time he forgets his recent past, he’s a different person, so the true guilty individual doesn’t exist anymore.
Determinists would say that he couldn’t act otherwise, or to be more radical, that none of us can. The movie seems to imply this as well, as when Teddy is explaining to the protagonist the truth about his situation, he says, “So you lie to yourself to be happy. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all do it.” He seems to represent certain deterministic views that people like Wolf Singer defend; he would claim that humans can’t really choose, that our advanced brains do it for us.
“Memento” makes us doubt the veracity of our own memory. It is stated along the way that it isn’t always safe to trust our memories, due to their lack of precision, which is a simple thought I find a bit terrifying.
Do we have free will? It’s debatable, because many of the memories we base our decisions on may not have happened as we remember them.

2. Interstellar (2014)
Christopher Nolan’s amazing space epic is no less than an impressive technical achievement, but as is the case for many of his films, the movie’s topics are deeper and more philosophical to what they seem on the surface.
In “Interstellar”, Nolan takes a physicist’s approach on the subject of free will. In the film’s climax, we see how Cooper cruises through the “fifth dimension” where he can see every instant in time from behind his daughter’s bookcase.
This special physical space seems to englobe every other dimension, including time. Cooper is capable to physically see time all together. Past, present and future moments from his daughter’s life are available for his eyes to examine. He can even influence them, and this excites Cooper, as he’s finally able to interact with his daughter for what he believed was the last time.
Being able to perceive time as easily as one perceives any other physical object raises a few questions: does this mean that every event is already predetermined? If every instant is palpable and concrete, then is it impossible to do otherwise? Considering this, everything that happens seems to be written in stone.
The fact that every incident in the universe of “Interstellar” (and maybe in ours as well) was already meant to happen, subtracts any sense of purpose from it.
Do we have free will? No. Every event is already predetermined; we are unaware of this because we can’t perceive the fifth dimension.

1. Mr. Nobody (2009)
Mr Nobody
There are many movies that are based on philosophical themes, and various others illustrate interesting philosophical concepts; countless films are influenced by the writings of famous philosophers and some carry out a few philosophical implications within their core. “Mr. Nobody” is a member of all of these groups and is arguably the best at explaining philosophy with the use of images and sharp editing.
It tells the story of Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto), a 118-year-old man who some call C.R.A.F.T. (Can’t Remember a Fucking Thing). He claims to have lived every possible series of events that could have happened to him, and this is of course impossible. Nemo represents a being capable of this feat, one that is aware of every possible life he could have lived, but doesn’t know which life he actually experienced firsthand.
The film depicts the responsibility of the moral being and the angst that comes with the freedom of choice, which is a concept that Sartre carefully constructed in his books.
It also portrays how humans are determined by an infinite number of external causes. From a poorly-made shoelace that alters the course of the protagonist’s life, to an unemployed man boiling an egg, they cause a storm that separates Nemo from the love of his life.
In a few scenes, the protagonist doesn’t seem to know why he acted the way he did, and we see how he causes a violent detour in his destiny for it, as though his brain suddenly decided for him. According to Wolf Singer, this happens all the time; we only notice it once in awhile, but each of our decisions is made by our brains, after comparing favorable versus unfavorable consequences.
We see people’s lives being ruined by sickness, people unable to cope with depression, or suddenly dying from a random event, furthering the thesis of our lack of real control over our lives. The ontology of not choosing is also portrayed. In a key scene, the protagonists says, “as long as you don’t choose, everything remains possible.” This should have been the slogan of the film, because it represents the nature of the plot.
However, the filmmakers don’t offer a straight answer about the existence of free will, they prefer letting us argue about it, and we certainly will.
Do we have free will? Yes, or maybe not, maybe a little bit, or not at all.
Author Bio: Juan studies philosophy. He love films and music and plans to go to film school with his cat.

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ஒரு கிரகத்திற்கும் மற்றொரு கிரகத்திற்கும் உள்ள தொடர்பினால் அடையவிருக்கும் யோகங்கள்

குருதுரோக யோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சந்திரன் நின்ற ராசிக்கு முன்னும் பின்னும் உள்ள ராசிகளில் சூரியன்/இராகு/கேதுவைத் தவிர, மற்ற கிரகங்கள் இருந்தால், இந்த அமைப்பு குருதுரோக யோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர், சகலசம்பத்தும்/நல்ல குண நலன்கள்/ வாகனசுகம் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
அநாபாயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சந்திரன் நின்ற ஸ்தானத்திற்கு 12-ம் இல்லத்தில் சூரியனைத் தவிர, மற்ற கிரகங்கள் இருப்பது, அநாபாயோகம் ஆகும். இதனால், ஜாதகர் சிறப்பான உடல்நலம் பெறல், கடமை, கண்ணியம், கட்டுப்பாடு, வசதியான வாழ்க்கை, வாழ்க்கை வாழ்வதற்கே என்ற எண்ணம், எதையும் தாங்கும் இதயம், பதவி, பட்டம், பேரும்-புகழ் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
அதியோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் லக்னத்திற்கு/சந்திரன் நின்ற ராசிக்கு 6-7-8-ம் இல்லங்களில், சுபர்களாகிய குருபகவான் புதன்/சுக்கிரன் ஆகியோர் கூடியோ அல்லது தனித்தனியாகவோ இருந்தால் இது அதியோகம் ஆகும். இதனால், ஜாதகர் மிகப்பெரிய உத்தியோகம் வகித்தல், செல்வச் செழிப்பு, பேரும் புகழும் அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
சகடயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சந்திரன் நின்ற ஸ்தானத்திற்கு 8-ம் இல்லத்தில் அல்லது 12-ம் இல்லத்தில் குருபகவான் அமையப்பெற்றால், இது சகடயோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர் சக்கரத்தைப் போல நிலையில்லாத வாழ்க்கை, எப்பாதும் கஷ்டங்களை அனுபவித்தல் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
வேசி யோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சூரியன் நின்ற ராசிக்கு 2-ம் இல்லத்தில் சந்திரன்/இராகு/கேது-வைத்தவிர, மற்றகிரகம் இருந்தால், அமையப்பெற்றால் இது வேசியோகம் ஆகும். இதனால், ஜாதகர் தனலாபம்/சேல்வச் செழிப்பு/சத்ருக்கள் ஜெயம் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும். ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சூரியன் நின்ற ராசிக்கு 12-ம் இல்லத்தில் சந்திரன் இராகு, கேதுவைத் தவிர மற்ற கிரகங்கள் அமையப்பெறுவது வாசி யோகம் ஆகும் இதனால் ஜாதகர் மகிழ்ச்சியான/உயர்ந்த நிலை, பேரும்-புகழும் பெருந்தகையாளர், அதிஉயர் பதவி அடைதல் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
உபயசாரி (சுப) யோகம் ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் சூரியன் நின்ற ராசிக்கு 2-ம்/12-ம் இல்லத்தில் சந்திரன்/இராகு/கேதுவைத் தவிர மற்ற கிரகங்கள் அமையப்பெறுவது உபயசாரி யோகம் ஆகும். இதனால்
ஜாதகர் நல்ல உடல் அமைப்பு, சிறப்பான பேச்சு வன்மை, எதையும் நிறைவேற்றும் திறமை, செல்வந்தர் அனைவராலும் விரும்பப்படுதல், தற்பெருமை, பேரும்/புகழும் அடைதல் ஆகியவை ஜாதகர் மகிழ்ச்சியான/உயர்ந்த நிலை, பேரும்/புகழும் பெருந்தகையாளர் அதிஉயர் பதவி அடைதல் ஆகியவைப் பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
ரவியோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் லக்னத்திற்கு 10-ம் இல்லத்தில் சூரியன் 10-ம் இல்லத்து அதிபதிக்கிரகம், சனிபகவானுடன் இணைந்து 3-ம் இல்லத்தில் அமையப்பெறுவது ரவியோகம் ஆகும். இதனால்
ஜாதகர் அரசாங்க ஆதரவு பெறல், விஞ்ஞானியாக அடைதல், நல்ல உடற்கட்டு, கவர்ச்சி எளிமையான தோற்றம், எதிலும் மிக்க ஆர்வம் பெற்றிருத்தல் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர்.
பஞ்ச மஹா புருஷயோகம்/பத்ரயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் புதன் ஆட்சி/உச்சம் பெற்று, ஜனன லக்னத்திற்கோ, இராசிக்கோ, கேந்திரத்தில் அமையப்பெற்றால், இத பத்ரயோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர் கம்பீரத்தோற்றம், நல்ல பேசும்திறன், தனலாபம் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர்.
ருசுகயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் செவ்வாய்/அங்காரகன், ஆட்சி அல்லது உச்சம் பெற்று ஜனன லக்னத்திற்கோ அல்லது ஜனன இராசிக்கோ, கேந்திரம்/ஜாதகர், நல்ல பேரும்/புகழும், ஆயுள்பலம், தனலாபம், விரோதிகளை வெல்லும் திறன், நல்லதோர் உயர் பதவி வகித்தல் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
சசயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில், சனிபகவான் ஆட்சி அல்லது உச்சம் பெற்று கேந்திரத்தில் அமையப்பெற்று இருப்பது சசயோகம் ஆகும். செல்வந்தர், செல்வாக்கு, சற்று வக்ரகுணம் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
ஹம்சயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் குருபகவான் ஆட்சி அல்லது உச்சம் பெற்று ஜனன லக்னத்திற்கோ/ஜனன இராசிக்கோ, கேந்திரத்தில் அமையப்பெறுவது ஹம்ச யோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர்
நல்ல பெயர், செல்வச்செழிப்பு, பொன்/பொருள்/சொத்துக்கள் சேர்க்கை ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
அகண்ட சாம்ராஜ்ஜிய யோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் 2-9-11 இல்லத்துக்கு உடைய கிரகம், ஆட்சி அல்லது உச்சம் பெற்று பலமாக நிற்க குருபகவான் 5-ம் அல்லது 10-ம் இல்லத்து அதிபதியாகி, கேந்திர
ஸ்தானத்தில் அமையப்பெறுவது அகண்ட சாம்ராஜ்ஜிய யோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர் நீண்ட ஆயுள் பலம், செல்வச் செழிப்பு, புகழ்/செல்வாக்கு ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
சுனாபா யோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் ஜனன இராசிக்கு 2-ம் இல்லத்தில் சூரியனைத் தவிர மற்ற கிரகங்கள் அயைப்பெறுவது சுனபாயோகம் ஆகும். இதனால் ஜாதகர் அறிவாற்றல், கல்வி, புகழ்,
சுயமுயற்சியால் முன்னேற்றம் ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
துருதுராயோகம்: ஒருவரின் ஜாதகத்தில் ஜனன இராசிக்கு 2-12-ம் இல்லத்தில் சூரியனைத் தவிர மற்ற கிரகங்கள் அமையப்பெறுவது துருதுராயோகம் ஆகும். இதனால், ஜாதகர் உயர்கல்வி பட்டம்,
உயர்பதவி வகித்தல், புகழ், செல்வச் செழிப்பு, மகிழ்ச்சிகரமான குடும்ப வாழ்க்கை ஆகியவை அடையப்பெறுவர் என்பதாகும்.
ஜோதிடர் -ஏ.கே அறுமுகம்

வசந்த மாளிகை படப்பிடிப்பு தளத்தில் (On the set).

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The World's Smallest Diode Is Made of DNA

The study could lead to nanoscale electronic components and devices.
The diode is a simple-sounding electronic device that allows current to flow easily in one direction but not the other. It’s a fundamental part of modern electronics and now the world’s smallest has been manufactured from DNA.
The new diode has been created by researchers from the Universities of Negev and Georgia. There’s no such thing as a perfect diode, of course. In an ideal world, infinite current could flow along the component in one direction and zero in the other; in reality, the devices can’t carry infinite current and always allow at least a little to pass in the opposite direction, too.
The new diode is made from a single strand of DNA that’s just 11 base pairs long with a small molecule called coralyne inserted at strategic points along its length. That carefully designed set-up allows the scrap of DNA to work as a diode should, allowing a current 15 times larger to flow in one direction than the other. The research is published in Nature Chemistry.
How well a diode works is, of course, characterized—in part, at least—by the ratio of the forward and backward currents. This one isn’t as impressive in that regard as other single-molecule diodes that have gone before it. A team from Columbia University recently created one that allows just 1/250th of the forward-flowing current to to flow back through it.
But this new device does take the “world’s smallest” title, and offers up the possibility of shrinking down modern electronic systems to the molecular level—which is pretty damn exciting.
To allow a current to flow through the DNA, the team inserted a molecule called "coralyne" into the helix. What the team came up with was a diode, because the current was 15 times stronger for negative voltages than for positive. The study's lead author Bingqian Xu decided to experiment on DNA to create minuscule components, since we can't exactly use silicon for parts that size.
He said:
"For 50 years, we have been able to place more and more computing power onto smaller and smaller chips, but we are now pushing the physical limits of silicon. If silicon-based chips become much smaller, their performance will become unstable and unpredictable."
Xu's and his team's efforts could eventually lead to more nanoscale electronics. Plus, the project could lead to more advanced devices, since scaling down components means engineers can cram more into regular-sized gadgets.…/04/dna-worlds-smallest-diode/……

Neural Networks: What Are They, And Why Is The Tech Industry Obsessed With Them?

The likes of Google and Facebook are pegging their futures on neural networks. Here's why they're the future of computing.
From Deep Dream to Deep Drumpf, everyone's talking about neural networks these days. But what the heck are neural networks and what do they mean for the future of computing and design? Here's your quick primer.

This is a sticky issue, because there's no single definition neural network that's universally agreed upon. In essence, a neural network is a computer program that tries to simulate the way a human mind works—more specifically, by simulating neurons themselves.
In your brain, there are hundreds of billions of tiny cells called neurons, each of which is connected to maybe tens of thousands of its brethren in complicated, ever-changing webs. This charming interactive story is a great primer on how they work, but put (very) simply, neurons are how we learn. Each neuron represents a different idea, memory, or sensation. When two neurons fire at the same time, they link together, creating a mental association.
It depends on the kind of neural network you're talking about, but let's take Google's Deep Dream for instance. Here, Google's engineers created a stack of artificial neurons (each of which might be a separate CPU, or a core on that CPU), arranged in layers.

These layers work together to figure out what the neural network might be "seeing" in any given image it's shown. Each layer of neurons makes its own set of increasingly specific inferences about the contents of that image, which the next layer builds upon to formulate a better "guess" at what the image shows. After Deep Dream was trained on a significantly large number of previously identified images, it eventually knew enough to recognize what a "banana" or a "parachute" looked like—and it could even draw one itself.

Again, this is very simplistic, but in a computer processor, the closest analog to neurons are transistors—which are hardwired together in straight lines. They're two-dimensional, not three-dimensional, and unlike human neurons, transistors never rewire themselves; each transistor is connected to just two or three others. That's compared to the 10,000 connections the average neuron in your own brain might have. The result? Computers are really good at thinking logically, moving from one transistor to the next in a straight line. But they'rereally bad at thinking creatively and learning new things, since they're hardwired for linear, logical "thought." Neural networks aim to solve that problem.
Okay. The way a computer thinks is a little like riding a subway. To get downtown, a computer might need to pass through a dozen stations and change lines two or three times. The way a human thinks is more like teleporting. Once a human brain has made that "subway trip" downtown once—connecting two neurons on a mental map—it can just teleport directly there without making all the in-between stops.
Putting this back into literal terms, neurons can rewire themselves on the fly to work together more efficiently. That's how we learn, and that's how we combine new ideas to be creative. If we can simulate that same effect in a neural network, then, we can teach computers to think like we do.
Pretty much anything that a human can currently do better than a computer—writing a story, analyzing the meaning of a work of art, even driving a car, or understanding a human being from context and body language. Again, Deep Dream is a good example. Google's neural network doesn't just see pixels when it looks at an image. It can actually tell you what the image contains. It's something humans take for granted, but up until recently, it was something computers couldn't accomplish.
In addition to Deep Dream, Google's self-driving cars also use neural networks to detect pedestrians. But neural networks aren't exclusive to Google. Facebook uses them to discern faces and identify your friends. Neural networks have also been used to design new fonts, create digital graffiti, and even impersonate Donald Trump on Twitter.
Neural networks are the key to making computers more like humans, and automating the human brain's problem-solving and creative capabilities. Combine them with conversational interfaces, and neural networks can make true artificial intelligence finally possible—a revolution that would have a knock-on effect in the way we pretty much do everything. Designers in the future won't just use neural networks; neural networks may very well be designers themselves.…/neural-networks-explained…

Engineers develop a pill for long-term drug release

New tablet attaches to the lining of the GI tract, resists being pulled away.
Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have designed a new type of pill that, once swallowed, can attach to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly release its contents. The tablet is engineered so that one side adheres to tissue, while the other repels food and liquids that would otherwise pull it away from the attachment site.
Such extended-release pills could be used to reduce the dosage frequency of some drugs, the researchers say. For example, antibiotics that normally have to be taken two or three times a day could be given just once, making it easier for patients to stick to their dosing schedule.
“This could be adapted to many drugs. Any drug that is dosed frequently could be amenable to this kind of system,” says Giovanni Traverso, a research affiliate at MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and one of the senior authors of a paper describing the device in the April 6 issue of the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials.
Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor and a member of the Koch Institute, is also a senior author of the paper. The paper’s lead author is Young-Ah Lucy Lee, a technical assistant at the Koch Institute.
Two faces
Over the past several decades, Langer’s lab has developed many types of materials that can be implanted in the body or attached to the skin for long-term drug release. To achieve similar, long-term drug release in the gastrointestinal tract, the researchers focused on a type of material known as mucoadhesives, which can stick to the mucosal linings of organs such as the stomach.
Scientists have previously explored using this kind of material for drug delivery to the GI tract, but it has proven difficult because food and liquid in the stomach become stuck to the tablet, pulling it away from the tissue before it can deliver its entire drug payload.
“The challenge with mucoadhesives is that the GI tract is a very rough and abrasive environment,” says Lee, a 2014 Wellesley College graduate who began this project as her senior thesis.
To overcome this challenge, the researchers decided to create a dual-sided device, also called a Janus device after the two-faced Roman god. One side sticks to mucosal surfaces, while the other is omniphobic, meaning that it repels everything it encounters.
For the mucoadhesive side, the researchers used a commercially available polymer known as Carbopol, which is often used industrially as a stabilizing or thickening agent. The omniphobic side consists of cellulose acetate that the researchers textured so that its surface would mimic that of a lotus leaf, which has micro and nanoscale protrusions that make it extremely hydrophobic. They then fluorinated and lubricated the surface, making it repel nearly any material.
The researchers used a pill presser to combine the polymers into two-sided tablets, which can be formed in many shape and sizes. Drugs can be either embedded within the cellulose acetate layer or placed between the two layers.
Long-term attachment
Using intestinal tissue from pigs, the researchers tested three versions of the tablet — a dual-sided mucoadhesive tablet, a dual-sided omniphobic tablet, and the Janus version, with one mucoadhesive side and one omniphobic side.
To simulate the tumultuous environment of the GI tract, the researchers flowed a mix of food including liquids and small pieces of bread and rice along the tissue and then added the tablets. The dual-sided omniphobic tablet took less than 1 second to travel along the tissue, and the dual-sided mucoadhesive stuck to the tissue for only 7 seconds before being pulled off. The Janus version stayed attached for the length of the experiment, about 10 minutes.
Tejal Desai, a professor of bioengineering and therapeutic sciences at the University of California at San Francisco, says this approach could make it possible to deliver larger quantities of drugs through the GI tract.

“The ability to precisely engineer the adhesiveness of a particle opens up possibilities of designing particles to selectively adhere to specific regions of the GI tract, which in turn can increase the local or systemic concentrations of a particular drug,” says Desai, who was not involved in the work.
The researchers now plan to do further tests in animals to help them tune how long the tablets can stay attached, the rate at which drugs are released from the material, and the ability to target the material to specific sections of the GI tract.
In addition to delivering antibiotics, the two-sided material may help to simplify drug regimens for malaria or tuberculosis, among other diseases, Traverso says. The researchers may also further pursue the development of tablets with omniphobic coatings on both sides, which they believe could help patients who have trouble swallowing pills.
“There are certain medications that are known to get stuck, particularly in the esophagus. It causes this massive amount of inflammation because it gets stuck and it causes irritation,” Traverso says. “Texturing the surfaces really opens up a new way of thinking about controlling and tuning how these drug formulations travel.”
The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.…/pill-gi-tract-long-term-drug-release-…|