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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Five simple rules to be happy

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from yourself.
You have two choices... smile and close this page,
or pass this along to someone else to share the lesson
Story shared by Kerwin Rae

How does blood type diet work?

D’Adamo says that ever individual has its own way of responding to foods, which is connected to the blood type. According him, lectins, or carbohydrate-binding proteins, attach to different blood type in a different way. The reaction between lectins and blood types can sometimes harm health.
The doctor explained certain changes and side-effects in his book, but his main goal was to analyze which food are suitable for each blood type, and of course, the amount in which they should be consumed.
Four basic blood types
1. Blood type A
20,000 years ago, in the developing stage of agriculture, this blood type went through the change of a lifetime. People with this blood type should be vegetarians, and they are also referred to as “the agrarians.”
People with blood type A should avoid meat, and eat more fruits, veggies, beans, legumes and whole grains.
In other words, organic and fresh foods are the real deal for these people, because they have a sensitive immunity.
2. Blood type O
Dating since 30,000 years ago, this is the oldest blood type. Unlike other blood types, it requires protein-high nutrition. These are “the hunters.”
People with blood type 0 should eat protein-loaded foods, including lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. They should avoid grains, beans and dairy products. To treat stomach ache and other health problems these individuals should take different supplements.
3. Blood type B
“The nomads” can adapt to dairy products and have the most versatile digestive tract. This blood type appeared 10,000 years ago.
People with blood type B should avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. According to D’Adamo, chicken can also cause some health problems. He recommends consuming large amounts of vegetables, eggs, certain meat and low-fat dairy products.
4. Blood type AB
These are “the enigmas,” because this blood type is only 1,000 years ago. As this is the most recently developed type, the diet varies between blood type A and B.
People with blood type AB should eat tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. D’Adamo says that these people struggle with heartburn, and they should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked meat.
If you still have not determined your blood type, ask your doctor.
Food recommendations for each blood type:
Blood type A
Foods to eat: vegetables, whole grains (not pasta or bread), berries, figs, avocados, apples and peaches. Nuts and soy are the only proteins allowed.
Foods to avoid: any kind of meat, dairy products, and kidney beans.
Blood type O
Foods to eat: red meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), seafood and other proteins. Speaking of veggies, eat more kale, spinach, kelp and broccoli.
Foods to avoid: legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils), dairy products, eggs, wheat and grains.
Blood type B
Foods to eat: fruits, green vegetables, certain grains, red meat, fish, turkey.
Foods to avoid: seeds, chicken, peanuts, lentils, corn, and buckwheat.
Blood type AB
Foods to eat: turkey, tofu, seafood and fish, vegetables, beans, watermelon, figs, apples, bananas, legumes.
Foods to avoid: buckwheat, corn, red meat (causes stomach acid). Be careful when consuming alcohol and caffeine.
Organic food is great for all blood types. Ask a nutritionist to help you improve your diet. Food groups are strict, and you do not have to worry about excess calories. Learn more about the positive and negative effect of the food you eat. If the members of your family have different diet, the Atkins diet is the real solution for you as it avoids entire food groups.
Nutrition for one blood type fits one person, but it is unsuitable for other. To understand the whole concept, read Dr Adamo’s book. Ask your doctor or nutritionist for an advice, and introduce some healthy changes into your diet. Be careful if you are dealing with a special health condition.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Astraphobia, also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia, is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, a type of specific phobia. It is a treatable phobia that both humans and animals can develop. A person with astraphobia will often feel anxious during a thunderstorm even when they understand that the threat to them is minimal. Some symptoms are those accompanied with many phobias, such as trembling, crying, sweating, panicked reactions, the sudden feeling of using the bathroom, nausea, the feeling of dread, and rapid heartbeat. However, there are some reactions that are unique to astraphobia. For instance, reassurance from other people is usually sought, and symptoms worsen when alone. Many people who have astraphobia will look for extra shelter from the storm. They might hide underneath a bed, under the covers, in a closet, in a basement, or any other space where they feel safer. Efforts are usually made to smother the sound of the thunder; the person may cover their ears or curtain the windows. A sign that someone has astraphobia is a very heightened interest in weather forecasts. An astraphobic person will be alert for news of incoming storms. They may watch the weather on television constantly during rainy bouts and may even track thunderstorms online. This can become severe enough that the person may not go outside without checking the weather first. In very extreme cases, astraphobia can lead to agoraphobia, the fear of leaving the home. - Psych Pedia

Forces That Form Your Future

Force of Beliefs
Changing your belief system can change your life. You can have something right in your heart, but wrong in your mind and no amount of good intentions or right motives will compensate for self-sabotaging beliefs. Do you think you got the short end of the stick? Do you believe you have insurmountable adversity? Do you wonder whether you are a chump or a champ? Do you believe that you are strong or weak?
- Remember this: your most dominant beliefs always win. So choose to believe good things about yourself and your future.
Force of Relationships
Going anywhere substantial is impossible alone. For instance, when I board an airplane to take me to another city, there are teams of people who are involved in my journey. There are members of the security team who keep me safe. There are the pilots I trust to be competent and qualified to get me to my destination. There are the flight attendants, who make the journey comfortable and more enjoyable. This team helps me get to where I want to go. My journey is better, safer and complete because of these people. In the same way, your life's journey will involve people connections.
- Evaluate the relationships in your life, taking the initiative to surround yourself with people who will help you get to the places of your highest potential.
Force of Habits
Great people have great habits. The power of our success or failure is in what we do repeatedly. One does not become a coffee drinker because he or she drank one cup of coffee, or a smoker because he or she smoked one cigarette, or a generous person because of one gift given. We improve our lives when we change our habits. Don't put all your energy into getting rid of bad habits. Instead, focus on developing good habits to replace the bad ones. For example, giving compliments breaks the habit of being critical, eating healthy foods breaks the yearning for unhealthy foods, and paying attention to time breaks the habit of being late.
- Put your energy into developing good habits.
Force of Words
More than a sound, words are a creative force. They have the power to bring encouragement, blessing, healing and wisdom or hurt, shame and discouragement. Words change the course of history. The words of Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pointed us toward the goals of justice and equality, and Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death'' speech connected with his countrymen and rallied them to victory in the Revolutionary War. Words have the power to bless or curse the future. The people you influence are counting on you to speak words of life, truth and hope.
- Think about this: how would your life be different if your words were more positive, uplifting and encouraging?
This is what I love about the future: We can do something about it. These are just a few of the factors that impact our life. We don't have to feel powerless, pessimistic or anxious about what lies ahead. I believe we can partner with God to live the best lives He has called us to. It is never too late to decide that you're going to take ownership of the choices you make in life. Our greatest power is our power to choose.
Kevin Gerald

Physical-mathematical Individuality and maths discovery-invention individuality as well.

There is indivi-duality, not only physical-mathematical, but also in consideration of whether mathematics is invention or discovery; it is an indivi-duality invention-discovery. This is the key to next paragraph of the distinguished mathematician Langlands:
*At times, the opposite happens. I awakes and for some moments Finds a world Where actual mathematical Entities seem as as the furniture.
"It's nightmarish," I says. "It must have something to do With madness. If in the middle of the night you wake up and there's some fusion Between the mathematical objects and the real world, then a you're mad.*
And I would add that I see in his theories to the great Grothendieck as a real instigator or inspiring him. Weyl, Langlands, Serre and others follow his theory of motives, which even says Arthur would not be surprised to be elementary particles in the universe:
*Spectacular discoveries in physics Have Been foretold by mathematics. One of history's foremost mathematicians, the German Carl Friedrich Gauss, in the early 1800s Calculated a theorem on the intrinsic curvature of space, echoed in Einstein's theory of relativity Almost a century later.
In the early 1960s, American physicist Murray Gell-Mann used the math principles of group theory to organize composite particles called hadrons and to predict the existence and distribution of sub-atomic quarks. Experiments confirmed several years later Organizing Both the pattern and the quarks. I have Received the Nobel Prize in physics for esta work in 1969.
"Mathematics Allows you to see the invisible," Frenkel says.
The link Currently some exciting Physicists Involves a "duality" found Between the forces of electricity and magnetism. These forces are Said to be symmetrical - They Affect each other in the same way. In quantum physics, esta duality center is to the quest for a theory Known That unites all physical interactions in the universe, from the stars to the smallest particles.
The symmetry Between electricity and magnetism parallels One That exists in Langlands' conjectures, mathematical Involving groups associate With That automorphic forms. String theorist Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Studies describe the existence of esta analog as "amazing."

"We of course do not know how the story will Develop from here," I says in an email to the Star. "Maybe the physics will shed light on number theory, number theory maybe will produce insights That will help Physicists. Maybe for a long time and we will not know the two parts of the picture will mostly just Develop Independently of each other. "
Arthur will not be surprised if Eventually Physicists discover math That's elusive key motives exist as particles in the universe. That Sentimental Dismisses Langlands as fantasy. He's convinced the majority of Physicists, DESPITE Witten's giant reputation, see little value in Applying His Work.*

Friday, April 24, 2015

Handling Most Common Types of Difficult Employees

Leadership Development Advisor, Speaker, Executive Coach
As you likely already know, difficult people can negatively impact team performance and morale. Now that you're a business leader, developing the skills to identify and deal with difficult people can help you continue to steer your company toward success. Toward that aim, get to know six of the most common difficult employee profiles:

1. The Victim

The victim is the least accountable person in the office. Things always seem to happen “to” a victim.
How to approach The Victim: The manager must clearly define accountability. Be really clear about what the person should be doing, the quality of the work that should be delivered and the time in which that should happen. Adopt a language of accountability as outlined in the book, Winning With Accountability, by Henry Evans.

2. The Hisser

Hissers are like coiled snakes. When provoked, they rise and strike, leaving terror in their wake. Hissers are prone to rants and raves. They can be pushy, or even be bullies. Nobody ever quite knows what will set these people off.
How to approach The Hisser: Explore the factors that drive this person's behavior. If the hisser doesn’t care how his or her behavior impacts the team, don't expect a turnabout. Work with the Hisser on a 90-day performance plan outlining opportunities for growth and change. If this step doesn't work, expect the Hisser to move on.

3. The Negative Nellie

Negative Nellies always seem ready to burst a good bubble. They are averse to change, and resist new policies and processes.
How to approach a Negative Nellie: Negative employees can be trying, but when managers know how to handle them, they actually can be important to team dynamics. Every team needs a devil’s advocate! Try to help your persistent pessimist leverage his or her negativity, in order to seek out positive team results. But don’t put these particular people in a leadership role!

4. The Ghost

Somewhere along the way, you'll hear these things: “Sorry, I won’t be in today, I’m sick once again!” “I’d love to help you with this project, but I’ve just got so many other things to do.” “I’m running out for coffee. Be back soon [in an hour]!” The Ghost always seems to disappear whenever there is work to be done.
How to approach The Ghost: Unfortunately, Ghosts rarely turn themselves around. They may be ducking out to go on job interviews, or they may just know in their heart of hearts that the job isn’t for them. A frank, honest discussion about employee fit is often the most effective way to deal with a Ghost.

5. The Narcissist

Narcissists are the opposite of team players. They are all about themselves and their own egos.
How to approach a Narcissist: A narcissist is unlikely to change, though change is possible. If a narcissist is extremely talented, there may be a way to create an option where he or she works alone or has limited team interaction. There are also some narcissists who may be able to make adjustments if they are highly motivated toward success. Their goal orientation will motivate them to modify their behaviors when in team environments.

6. The Einstein

These people are smart, and they know it. They are often quick to let everyone else know it, too. Einsteins are rigid in their views and can often come across as arrogant.
How to approach an Einstein: Have a know-it-all explore the ways in which his or her intelligence impacts the team both positively and negatively. Let the Einsteen do a solo analysis and draw his or her own conclusions. But guide the process so that you can coach Mr. or Ms. Einstein through any necessary change.
Overall, managing difficult employees is never easy, and it is a skill that can take years to develop. However, when leaders do identify problem employees, they can be managed -- either to improve behavior and performance, or to move on from the organization. No matter what, difficult employees should be coached sooner, rather than later, to minimize their impact on the rest of the team.

சிவமந்திர விரதம்:-

பல பல துன்பங்களிலிருந்து விடுபட வேண்டுமா? , நம்முடைய பல தேவைகள் பூர்த்தி ஆகவேண்டுமா?
கவலை வேண்டம்.
கீழ் உள்ள சிவமந்திரங்களை வாரத்தின் முதல் நாள் ஒரு திங்கட்கிழமையன்று விரதம் இருந்து தொடங்கவும்.
எந்த ரீதியான துன்பங்களை நீங்கள் அனுபவிக்கிறீர்களோ எந்த ரீதியிலான தேவை வேண்டும் என நினைக்கிறீர்களோ அதற்குரிய மந்திரம் ஏதாவது ஒன்றை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு தினசரி 108 முறையோ 1008 முறையோ ஜெபித்து வரவும்.
சிவனருளால் உங்கள் பிரச்சினைகளில் இருந்து விடுதலை கிடைக்கும். இந்த சிவ மந்திரத்தை தினமும் 108 முறை ஆத்மார்த்த பக்தியுடனும், நம்பிக்கையோடும் ஜெபம் செய்யுங்கள் :
நங்சிவாயநம – திருமணம் நிறைவேறும்
அங்சிவாயநம – தேக நோய் நீங்கும்
வங்சிவாயநம – யோக சித்திகள் பெறலாம்.
அங்சிவாயநம – ஆயுள் வளரும், விருத்தியாகம்
ஓம்அங்சிவாய – எதற்கும் நிவாரணம் கிட்டும்.
கிலிநமசிவாய – வசிய சக்தி வந்தடையும்
ஹிரீநமசிவாய – விரும்பியது நிறைவேறும்
ஐயும்நமசிவாய – புத்தி வித்தை மேம்படும்.
நமசிவாய – பேரருள், அமுதம் கிட்டும்.
உங்யுநமசிவாய – வியாதிகள் விலகும்.
கிலியுநமசிவாய – நாடியது சித்திக்கும்
சிங்வங்நமசிவாய – கடன்கள் தீரும்.
நமசிவாயவங் – பூமி கிடைக்கும்.
சவ்வுஞ்சிவாய – சந்தான பாக்யம் ஏற்படும்
சிங்றீங் – வேதானந்த ஞானியாவார்
உங்றீம் சிவாயநம – மோட்சத்திற்கு வழி வகுக்கும்.
அங்நங் சிவாய – தேக வளம் ஏற்படும்.
அவ்வுஞ் சிவாயநம – சிவ தரிசனம் காணலாம்
ஓம் நமசிவாய – காலனை வெல்லலாம்.
லங்ஸ்ரீறியுங் நமசிவாய – விளைச்சல் மேம்படும்
ஓம் நமசிவாய – வாணிபங்கள் மேன்மையுறும்
ஓம் அங்உங்சிவாயநம – வாழ்வு உயரும், வளம் பெருகும்.
ஓம் ஸ்ரீறியும் சிவாயநம – அரச போகம் பெறலாம்.
ஓம் நமசிவாய – சிரரோகம் நீங்கும்.
ஓங் அங்சிவாய நம – அக்னி குளிர்ச்சியைத் தரும்.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sex offending may be in the genes but knowing that won't prevent it

"The implication is that the potential for committing a sex offence may be written in our genes. But while this is an interesting finding, it is unlikely to help prevent sex crimes or catch offenders.
The research, which analysed DNA from 21,566 men convicted of sex offences in Sweden between 1973 and 2009, found that sons and brothers of convicted sex offenders were four to five times more likely to be convicted of sex crimes than men in the general population. In seeking to explain this connection, the researchers found that in only 2% of cases could this familial connection be explained by shared environmental factors, such as social or environmental aspects of their upbringing that siblings would have experienced together."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

கடல் அனுபவங்கள் Sakthi Jothi

நதிகள் பெருக்கெடுப்பதாக நம்புகிற அவளுக்கு
கடல் பார்த்தலும்
கடற்பயணமும் மிக விருப்பமானவை
தற்செயலாகத் தான்
கடலின் விரிவும் ஆழமும் பற்றிச்
சிந்திக்கத் தொடங்கினாள்
எல்லாம் நிகழ்ந்தன
வேறு திசை நோக்கிய பார்வையையும்
நிலவின் பாடலையும்
கனவின் உன்மத்தத்தையும்
வெளியின் சூனியத்தையும்
ஒருசேர அறிந்து கொண்டது
ஒரு கூடலிலும் கடல்வெளியிலும்
சாரமற்றுப் போகாதிருக்கும்
வாழ்வுக்கான சாத்தியங்களை
கடல் அனுபவங்கள் கொடுக்குமென நினைக்கிறாள்
கடல் அவளுக்குக் கற்றுக்கொடுக்கிறது
காமத்தின் நீலத்தையும்
கரிப்பின் வாசனையையும்.

Nine Types Of Intelligence

Intelligence is broken down into nine different types, also called the nine domains of intelligence. This categorization of intelligence was first theorized by developmental psychologist Howard Gardner in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Since then, the Multiple Intelligences theory been used as one of the primary models for research that has gone on concerning human cognition.  Gardner argues that there is no one true way to measure intelligence and that the human brain is wired with a wide range of cognitive abilities.  Framing intelligence in the way Gardner does disrupts the old mold of thinking in which intelligence was ultimately a measure of (what Gardner would call) logical-mathematical intelligence.   The premise of Gardner’s theory is that someone can be extremely bad at math yet be the best of the best in another field, such as music.  Thus limiting the definition of intelligence is detrimental to our understanding of how the human brain works.  So without further ado, I present to you the nine different types of intelligence:

1. Naturalistic Intelligence

Ever wonder why certain people are able to connect with animals just like that? Have you ever encountered someone that posses what is commonly referred to as a “green thumb”? Well, those people are great examples of “nature smart” individuals. Naturalistic intelligence refers to a human being’s sensitivity to the natural world. This is the ability to distinguish among nature’s different features such as animals, plants, rock configurations, cloud formations, and other such things. In the past, the naturalist intelligence was undoubtedly of great value in a person’s survival. Farming and hunting were clearly among the activities that relied on this type of intelligence. Today, naturalistic intelligence remains a vital component of roles like being a chef or botanist. This type of intelligence is also seen in the way consumers discriminate among products.

2. Musical Intelligence

While other people gravitate towards nature, there are also those who tend to be drawn to the musical arts. These “musical smart” people are usually more sensitive to sounds that most individuals aren’t aware of. The intelligence involved in this ability to recognize tone, rhythm, timbre, and pitch is musical intelligence. With this type of intelligence, people are able to detect, generate, reproduce, and contemplate music as clearly exhibited by attuned listeners, musicians, composers, vocalists, and conductors. You’ll find that young adults with musical intelligence are frequently drumming, singing, or any other activity that demonstrates a melodic inclination. It is also interesting to note that a connection has been shown to exist between emotions and music as well as mathematics and music.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Who can forget that classmate of yours in high school who seemed to know the answer to every mathematical equation your teacher asked?  Who can also fail to remember that peer of yours who could reason his way to winning every argument? They are the perfect embodiment of logical-mathematical intelligence. This type of intelligence equips a person with the ability to calculate and carry out mathematical operations as well as mull over hypotheses and propositions. Those who are “number or reasoning smart” tend to easily recognize relationships and patterns, demonstrate sequential reasoning skills, and generate and use abstract thoughts. When logical intelligence is dominant in young adults, you’ll see them especially attracted to logic puzzles, experiments, strategy games, and arithmetic problems. Later on, you might see these youth going on to become detectives, scientists, and mathematicians.  Logical-mathematical intelligence has been closely linked to fluid intelligence and general intelligence.

4. Existential Intelligence

Even as other people go about their daily lives without devoting much thought to their existence, people with existential intelligence tend to mull over “deep” thoughts. These thoughts may include the why’s and how’s of life and death. While most people just shake these kinds of thoughts away, individuals who are particularly keen to their own existence are drawn to exploring such questions like why are people born, how do they get here, and why do they die. They also have the capacity and sensitivity to tackle thoughts about what lies beyond life and death. Though not much discussion has been done about existential intelligence, it has also been called spiritual or moral intelligence.  Those with high existential intelligence are deeply philosophical.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence

You might have observed that there are certain persons who have the seemingly unique ability to get along superbly with others. These “people smart” individuals, with the use of their interpersonal intelligence, interact with others in such a way that they are able to understand and communicate well. Interpersonal intelligence makes it possible for a person to effectively communicate through verbal and nonverbal means, to distinguish among others, to sense the temperament and moods of people, and to consider various points of view. You’ll usually find this type of intelligence manifested by politicians, social workers, actors, and teachers. This type of intelligence can also be found in young adults who hold leadership roles.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Know how you tend to embarrass yourself with your two left feet and see your best friend practically floating on the dance floor? Well, there’s an explanation for that “injustice.” While clumsy people have the tendency to be awkward in all things physical, “body smart” people possess the capacity to stay graceful and coordinated when using a range of physical skills and manipulating objects. People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have an almost perfect sense of timing, and their mind-body coordination is nearly faultless. Even as a number of persons struggle to become well-coordinated, people who possess this type of intelligence usually grow up to become craftspeople, dancers, surgeons, athletes, and other careers involving exceptional mind-body union.

7. Linguistic Intelligence 

Being the intelligence most commonly shared by humans, linguistic intelligence involves the human capacity to think in words and use these to make oneself understood. It is this type of intelligence that allows a person to appoint complex meanings and express these through the use of language. Though this human competence is widely used, it is most evident in the way effective public speakers, novelists, journalists, and poets make use of their meta-linguistic skills. In the early stages of life, linguistic intelligence is exhibited in a person’s enjoyment of crossword puzzles, storytelling, reading, and writing. So the next time you think of these as “geeky” activities, you’ll do a better job of describing them as activities “word smart” people take pleasure in.

8. Intra-Personal Intelligence

People who have the remarkable ability to understand themselves, their thoughts, and their emotions and are capable of using this knowledge to plan their lives possess intra-personal intelligence. While intra-personal intelligence does involve self-appreciation, it also comprises a wider understanding of the human condition. As young adults, “self smart” people possess a deeper awareness of their own emotions, are self-motivated, and tend to be shy. Examples of people with evident intra-personal intelligence include philosophers, spiritual leaders, writers, and psychologists.

9. Spatial Intelligence

The last domain is spatial intelligence, which is defined as the human capacity to consider things in three dimensions. This type of intelligence involves the following core capacities: a dynamic imagination, image manipulation, mental imagery, artistic and graphic skills, and spatial reasoning.  People with spatial intelligence are highly creative.  At a young age, people with high spatial intelligence are deeply entrenched in solving jigsaw puzzles or mazes, or they may be using up their extra time by daydreaming or drawing. Spatial intelligence is demonstrated mainly by “picture smart” people such as architects, sculptors, painters, pilots, and sailors.

There you go, the nine domains of intelligence according to Howard Gardner.  Keep in mind that this is just a model for intelligence and there are many who score high in more than one category.  The most famous one that would come to mind is Leonardo De Vinci.  Go over the list and analyze which type of intelligence you would categorize yourself.
If you want to learn how to increase all these types of intelligence,
Traditionally, intelligence was measured by short aptitude tests that measures competence in core subjects such as reading and mathematics.  And to a large extent, intelligence is still defined by how well you do on aptitude tests.  However Howard Gardner, an academician from Harvard University, thinks that being intelligent doesn’t mean that you can easily comprehend what you read or can easily solve an equation.  That is why he presented the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which states that there are actually multiple types of intelligences, 9 to be exact.
In this theory, Gardner explains that there should be no single ability that defines intelligence. The hypothesis, as printed in his 1983 book ‘Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences,’ proposed that several criteria should be looked upon in order to predict the intelligence of a person. Whatever you excel in makes you intelligent in your own right. But if you are looking for more ways to improve your multiple smarts, then read on below to find out how you can do so:
theory of multiple intelligences 9 types of intelligence

Naturalist Intelligence

This type of intelligence is defined as the ability to distinguish and classify animals, plants and other naturally-occurring objects in the environment. As such, individuals who are touted as ‘nature smart’ excel in applying scientific theories to real-life scenarios. Landscape architects, naturalists and scientists are said to be ‘nature smart.’ Do you want to become just like them? Then here are ways on how you can improve your Naturalist Intelligence:

1) Experience the great outdoors.

In order to be one with nature, you must expose yourself to nature. Break away from the comfortable confines of your home. Trek, hike and bike your way through forests and mountains. These exhilarating activities will help you improve your skills in categorizing and recognizing plants, animals, even rock formations!

2) Do gardening.

Bring out the green thumb in you by transforming your home’s vacant spaces into a plant sanctuary. It is one of the best ways to connect you with your primal state, according to James Jiller of Urban GreenWorks. By tending to your garden on a regular basis, you can boost your knowledge of the environment.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Accurate and abstract visualization is just one of the many skills possessed by ‘picture smart’ persons. With their exceptional ability in thinking in pictures, visually-spatially intelligent people can paint, construct and design objects with relative ease.
If you want to hone this kind of smartness – then make sure to do the following mental workouts:

1) Play Puzzles.

Yes, you can have fun while you hone your visual-spatial intelligence. In fact, the most entertaining way to hike your IQ by a few notches is to play puzzles. Games such as Rubik’s Cube, Jigsaw puzzles and spatial puzzles that require you to maneuver items inside your head will do wonders for your visual-spatial skills.

2) Play Chess.

Another enjoyable way to improve your ‘picture smarts’ is to play chess. It cannot be denied that this game has multitudes of brain benefits. Apart from boosting memory and enhancing problem-solving skills, chess improves one’s creativity – one of the most important aspects for visual-spatial intelligence. With enhanced creativity, you will be able to create and design items just like picture-smart architects and painters.

3) Utilize Google Earth and Google Maps often.

Apart from helping you find your way in an unfamiliar place, Google Earth and Google Maps applications can help you boost your visual-spatial intelligence. These programs, after all, help develop your sense of direction. One of the best things about these tools is that they can transform you into a navigational pro, even without the need for a map.
However, it is important that you do not use GPS navigation to navigate though as that will turn you into a mindless drone.  Instead, use maps and learn how to navigate from place to place on your own, with the assistance of a navigation system.  Research has been done on this topic and it shows that navigating the city without the use of GPS is how you would improve your visual-spatial skills.

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Word smart people – or those who possess verbal-linguistic intelligence – feature exceptional verbal skills. They are highly-sensitive to meanings, sounds and rhythms of words. In essence, they possess great capacities in writing, reading, teaching and listening. If you want to be smart in the verbal-linguistic aspect, take heed of the following tips:

1) Keep a journal of things that fascinate or interest you.

Go through the things you find noteworthy – a unique news article or a famous celebrity, perhaps. Write all the thoughts that draw you to this appealing event/entity.

2) Write about a country or city you want to visit.

Are you dreaming of visiting Paris or living in the United Kingdom? What if you were given the chance to live out your fantasy? Talk about what you plan on doing, if ever you are given the opportunity to live a life different from the one you have right now.

3) Write a literary masterpiece.

It can be a story, poem, novel or even a play. Let your imagination fly and allow the words from your mind to trickle down to your journal. Show your write-up to your English teacher or Literature professor and ask for some feedback. What parts are exceptional? What sections need improvement? While you might not write down an award-winning novel on your first try, your dedication and hard work might help you pen down the next Harry Potter series.

Mathematical-Logical Intelligence

Defined as the skill to think abstractly and conceptually, this intelligence is often seen in number smart people such as engineers, scientists and mathematicians. If you want to develop exceptional skills in logical and mathematical problem solving, then these brain exercises can definitely help you out:

1) Play card games.

Contrary to popular beliefs, you need not engage in a boring activity just to improve your logical smarts. One of the most entertaining ways for you to increase your number IQ is to play card games that stimulate your brain to perform mental math. Fun pastimes such as Crazy Eight, Go Fish and Gin Rummy are perfect for the young ones, while matured players will benefit a lot from the addicting game of Black Jack.

3) Break secret codes.

Take the role of Sherlock Holmes by playing detective with your friends. Let your friends create secret codes – or lift some from the web – and try to break them without the help of anybody. Once you get the hang of cracking codes, you will find it easier to solve logical and mathematical problems along the way.

4) Join a math club.

If you are really determined to improve your mathematical smarts, a knowledgeable and fun way to do so is to join a math club. While this might sound boring – it is not! Such a club allows you to learn in a supportive yet sociable environment. Learning with your colleagues and participating in events and competitions will give you the math IQ boost you are looking for.

Musical Intelligence

Singers, composers and musicians usually possess this kind of intelligence. Such ‘musical smart’ persons can appreciate and produce perfect timbre, rhythm and pitch. Become the musical virtuoso you aspire to be by training your mental faculties with these methods:

1) Sing!

You might think singing doesn’t like you, but it does not mean that you should not sing to your heart’s content! Sing whenever you can: in the shower, in the car, even in the office pantry during break time! While you might not be able to hit the high notes just like your favorite singers, singing constantly is a great way for you to perfect your music smarts.

2) Learn how to play an instrument.

This is perhaps the best thing you can do in order to hone your musical intelligence. Studying an instrument – no matter how simple or complicated it might be – enables you to learn the basic tones, rhythms and pitches. And as you improve your instrument-playing capacities, you will be able to demonstrate the music smarts that your idols possess.

3) Listen to different types of music.

Musical intelligence is not just about singing well and playing a plethora of instruments, it is about appreciating the beauty of music – no matter how peculiar or weird it might be. Hone your music smarts by lending an ear to different kinds of symphonies – from classic to pop, even from native to eclectic. By immersing your ears in multitudes of melodies, you will be able to distinguish the different tones that govern the world of music.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Wonder why professional athletes boast of perfect score cards? And why dancers can jive to fast tunes all so well? That is because they possess bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, outlined as the acumen in skilfully handling objects and controlling physical movements. Here are some tips that can help you become physically smart:

1) Practice and Play Sports.

girl playing volleyball
It goes without saying that practice indeed makes perfect. Of course, if you want to be physically intelligence just like pro athletes – then you need to engage your body in sports that tickle your fancy. It does not matter if you suck at first. As long as you set your mind to it – and as long as you are 100% motivated to improve your bodily intelligence, then you will be able to improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence – sooner or later.  The key to improving your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is to practice well and often—and to practice correctly.  By learning how to improve your skills and getting better, you will improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

2) Play Charades.

Do you want to become an excellent actor? Then you need to be able to portray people and events accurately. One good way to enhance your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is to play charades with friends. Not only is this an entertaining way to spend time with pals, it can also improve your skills in acting. If your friend manages to decipher all of your acts in just a few seconds’ time, then it means that you are getting better and better with your kinesthetic abilities.

3) Join Acting Classes.

Say that you are already a pro in charades – then it is time for you to take your acting skills to another level. Join acting classess in school and audition for simple plays if you can. Not only are these good methods to hone and improve your thespian capabilities, these will give you the confidence to act in front of throngs of audiences.

Interpersonal Intelligence

A people-smart person, or one who possesses interpersonal intelligence, excels in determining and responding to the motivations, moods and desires of other people. Known as the ability to empathize and visualize from numerous perspectives, interpersonal intelligence is often seen in counselors, ministers and politicians. Solidify your counseling and interpersonal skills with the help of such techniques:

1) Be Empathetic.

It is not enough to just listen to your friend’s woes. If you want to improve your interpersonal intelligence, then you must make sure to practice empathy whenever you are engaged in a conversation with a family member or a pal. Put yourself in another’s shoes and try to resolve the conflict as if it were your own.

2) Socialize.

You might have a big brood of friends, but if you want to improve your interpersonal intelligence, then you need to get out of your shell and be a social butterfly. Take time to meet new people and engage in conversations that will help you learn more about your newfound buddies.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Theorists, philosophers, and philosophers are seen to possess this kind of intelligence. Self smart people are said to be aware of their own values, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes. Improve your self-reflection and sentience by conditioning your mind with the following activities:

1) Formulate Your Own Personal Development Plan.

How do you want to be in the next few years? What are your plans when you grow old? Write them all on your journal and reflect on them whenever you can. This will keep you aware of your own emotions and desires in life.

2) Engage in Personal Pep Talk.

Before the start of each day, face the mirror and boost your confidence with positive thoughts and ideas.  Positive self-talk has been touted for many years as an important tool to reaching success and attaining goals.  In fact, Navy SEALS are known to engage in positive self-talk on a daily basis to get through their grueling six-month BUDS training program.

Existential Intelligence

What is the meaning of life? How did we get here? Why do we die? These are just some of the sensitive questions that existentially intelligent persons are not afraid to ask.
People who possess this astuteness – such as theologians, philosophers and scientists – outclass others in terms of deep and reflective thinking and formulating abstract theories. Hone your existential intelligence with the help of these mind-conditioning methods:
1) Apply what you have learned in the classroom.
2) Relate the subjects you have learned with national concerns and global issues.
3) Study topics from multiple points of view.
Intelligence does come in several facets and domains. If you think you suck at math or music, you can still excel in many other ways and be smart in many other aspects. The tips mentioned above are practical ways for you to boost your brain power. Apply them in to your day-to-day routines, and see how smart you can turn out to be!