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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pictures of the day

Exercise Treatments for Arthritis Pain Relief : Hamstring & Gluteal Stre...

Arthritis can be challenging, but there are various exercise treatments that can help manage pain and improve mobility. Here are some exercises commonly recommended:

  1. Range-of-Motion Exercises: These help maintain and improve joint flexibility. They include gentle stretching and movements that take joints through their full span without causing pain.

  2. Strength Training: Strengthening the muscles around the joints can provide better support. Low-impact exercises like weight training, resistance band workouts, and bodyweight exercises can be beneficial.

  3. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercises: Activities like swimming, cycling, and walking help improve cardiovascular health without putting too much stress on the joints.

  4. Tai Chi and Yoga: These focus on gentle movements, stretching, and breathing techniques that can improve flexibility and balance. They're known to be helpful for arthritis sufferers.

  5. Water Exercises: Aquatic activities in a pool reduce the impact on joints while allowing for a full range of motion. Water aerobics and swimming can be excellent options.

  6. Balance and Agility Exercises: Activities that challenge balance and coordination can help reduce the risk of falls and injury. This can include exercises using balance boards, stability balls, or specific yoga poses.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have arthritis. They can provide guidance on what exercises are most suitable for your condition and how to perform them safely to manage pain and improve your overall quality of life.

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Understanding Arthritis - Part 3

Understanding Arthritis - Part 2

Understanding Arthritis (Arthritis #1)

Sai Ki Marzi

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Do Fuel Cells Work?

Top 5 Green Cars of 2009

History of the Hybrid Car

Pros and Cons of Hybrid Cars

nanatchi seyduvarum from Adhiparasakthi 1971


athi parasakthi part 1





How to draw like an architect, pt.6 - Scale

How to draw like an architect, pt.5 - The Perspective

How to draw like an architect, pt.4 - The Detail

How to draw like an architect, pt.3 - The Wall Section

How to draw like an architect, pt.2 - The Elevation

How to draw like an architect, pt.1 - The Floor Plan

Top 10 things you'll never hear an architect say

So you want to be an architect - Part 7

So you want to be an architect - Part 2

So you want to be an architect - Part 3

So you want to be an architect - Part 4

So you want to be an architect - Part 6

So you want to be an architect - Part 5

How to design like an architect

Cure for Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Pressure Ulcers and Stasis Ulcers

Healing Ulcers Naturally Testimony Part 2

Healing Ulcers Naturally Testimony Part 1

Crohn's Disease New Treatment

Crohn's Disease pt 2 of 2

Crohn's Disease pt 1 of 2

Endoscopy of two Giant Gastric Ulcers

Examination of ulcers

Stomach Ulcer Basics