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Friday, October 30, 2015

Old,Older and Olderst Sri Lanka

Testosterone levels found to rise in women in dominant role regardless of behavior

In our modern society, testosterone has come to be synonymous with manliness—high levels of the hormone in female athletes has even been used to try to ban some women from competing in Olympic events with other women who have "normal" levels. But, as the authors of this new study argue, gender socialization may have an impact on testosterone levels as well, particularly in women.
Researchers found that testosterone levels in women rise when engaging in a dominant behavior regardless of whether they act in more masculine or feminine ways while doing it.
In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team describes the study they carried out with male and female volunteers and what their results might mean for the role women play in modern society.

The BRAIN Within Our BRAIN:

"No Brain Mapping Without Glia" ( How nice to see another huge fan of our Glial Brain within the Brain)
An informative blog post for Great Background
(a good first step in deciphering the riddle of the importance of this network of "non-neuronal' cells that make the Brain work…
"Almost all of the current research incentives are for studying the details of the neuron electrical neurotransmitter network; and few to describe the three glial cells’ function. Brain mapping and “connectome” studies need to include all glial cells -
"It is unrealistic to consider mapping the brain without most of the critical brain cells. The three glia—astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes—regulate all aspects of neuronal signaling networks.
"The fact is that glial cells are absolutely critical in every aspect of neuronal function. The collaboration of glia and neurons occurs at many different scales—in large whole brain circuits, small local circuits and individual neurons and synapses. - See more at:
"Many neuroscientists have focused only on the structure of neuronal connections and synapses. In fact one of the outmoded “dogmas” is that each neuron sends a signal to the next neuron, which along with other signals, is computed like a computer chip. This concept is hopelessly simplistic. There are thousands of factors in the neuronal network. And there are many other ways living individual neurons communicate—brain waves, electrical potential, cytonemes, and exosomes, among others.
"It is impossible to consider understanding brain function without the three glial cells. To think that just mapping the neuronal connections will describe mental function is absurd. While most money is going into studies of neurons, there is a vast amount of work to be done on the three glial cells. "
diagram from
Unsung brain cells play key role in neurons' development…/unsung-brain-cells-play-key-role-…

The following verses are from the Tirukural about slaughter and offer meat

How can he practice true compassion
who eats the flesh of an animal to fatten his own flesh?
Riches cannot be found in the hands of the thriftless,
nor can compassion be found in the hearts of those who eat meat.
He who feasts on a creature's flesh is like he who wields a weapon.
Goodness is never one with the minds of these two.
If you ask, "What is kindness and what is unkindness?"
It is not-killing and killing. Thus, eating flesh is never virtuous.
Life is perpetuated by not eating meat.
The jaws of Hell close on those who do.
If the world did not purchase and consume meat,
no one would slaughter and offer meat for sale.
When a man realizes that meat is the butchered flesh
of another creature, he will abstain from eating it.
Insightful souls who have abandoned the passion to hurt others
will not feed on flesh that life has abandoned.
Greater than a thousand ghee offerings consumed in sacrificial
fires is to not sacrifice and consume any living creature.
All life will press palms together in prayerful adoration
of those who refuse to slaughter or savor meat.

Eating more fruits, veggies in youth linked to healthy heart decades later

Eating more fruits and vegetables as a young adult may keep your arteries free of heart disease 20 years later, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.
Researchers found that eating more fruits and vegetables as young adults was associated 26 percent lower odds of developing calcified coronary artery plaque 20 years later. Coronary artery calcium can be measured bya CT scan to detect the presence and amount of atherosclerosis, a disease that hardens arteries and underlies many types of heart disease.

Previous studies have shown a strong association between eating more fruits and vegetables and reduction in heart disease risk among middle-age adults. However, this is the first study to examine whether eating more fruits and vegetables as young adults could produce a measurable improvement in the health of their heart and blood vessels years later.…

நவபாஷாணம் என்றால் என்னவென்று தெரியுமா?

நவம் என்றால் ஒன்பது ஆகும். பாஷாணம் என்றால் விஷம் என்று பொருள். நவ பாஷாணம் என்பது ஒன்பது வகையான விஷங்களை சித்த்ர்கள் முறைப்படி கட்டுவதாகும்.
பாஷாணங்களில் மொத்தம் 64 வகைகள் உள்ளன.இதில் நீலி என்றொரு வகையும் உண்டு.நீலி மற்ற 63 பாஷாணங்களை செயலிழக்க கூடியதாகும்.
ஒன்பது வகையான பாஷாணக்களுக்கும் தனித்தனியாக வேதியல்,இயற்பியல் பண்புண்டு.அதை சித்தரியல் முறைப்படி அணுக்களை பிரித்து மீண்டும் சேர்ப்பதை நவபாஷாணம் கட்டுதல் என்பார்கள்.ஒன்பது பஷாணங்கள் என்னவென்றால்..,
7.வெள்ளை பாஷாணம்
8.கௌரி பாஷாணம்
9.தொட்டி பாஷாணம்
இந்த நவ பாஷாணத்தின் தனமையில் நவகிரகங்களின் குணங்கள் ஒத்துள்ளன.நவபாஷாண கட்டு என்பது சித்தர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே ச்த்தியமான விஷயமாகும்.நவபாஷாணத்தால் உருவாக்கப்படும் தெய்வ சிலைகள்,நவக்கிரகங்களின் சக்தியை பெற்றுவிடுகிறது என்பது நம்பிக்கையாகும்.
தமிழ் நாட்டில் மூன்று இடங்களில் நவபாஷாண சிலைகள் உள்ளன.பழனி மலைக்கோவில்,கொடைகானல் அருகே உள்ள பூம்பாறை,குழந்தை வேலப்பர் கோயில்.மற்றொன்று தேவிப்பட்டினத்தில் அமைந்துள்ளது,இதில் இரண்டு போகர் உருவாக்கியவை.தேவிப்பட்டிணத்தில் உள்ளவை யார் உருவாக்கியவை என தெரியவில்லை.
நவபாஷாணங்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றும் ஒவ்வொரு கிரகத்தின் சுபாவ த்தை உடையது; நவபாஷாணங்களால் உருவான சுவாமி சிலையை வழி படுபவர்களுக்கு நவக்கிரகங்களால் ஏற்படும் சிரமங்கள் நீங்கும். பழனிமலை தண்டாயுதபாணியை வழிபடுபவர்கள் நவக்கிரகங்களை ஒருங்கே வழிபடுவதாக அர்த்தம். இதை உணர்ந்தே போகர் பழனி மலையில் நவபாஷாணமுருகர் சிலையை உருவாக்கினார். இந்த சிலைக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்து அந்த அபிஷேக தீர்த்தத்தை அருந்தினால் / சாப்பிட்டால் தீராத நோய் எதுவாக இருந் தாலும் தீர்ந்துவிடும்.

Space Saving Bedrooms For Kids


The shoulder blade (scapula) is a triangular-shaped bone that is protected by a complex system of surrounding muscles. Scapula fractures represent less than 1% of all broken bones and many of them can be treated without surgery.
High-energy, blunt trauma injuries, such as those experienced in a motorcycle or motor vehicle collision or falling from a significant height, can cause a scapula fracture. Other major injuries often accompany scapular fractures, such as fractures in the shoulder, collarbone and ribs, or damage to the head, lungs, or spinal cord.
One or more parts of the scapula may be fractured.
  • Scapular body (50% to 60% of patients)
  • Scapular neck (25% of patients)
  • Glenoid
  • Acromion
  • Coracoid
The most common symptoms of a scapula fracture include:
  • Extreme pain when you move the arm
  • Swelling around the back of the shoulder
  • Scrapes around the affected area.

Bhavishya Purana - Emergence of Mughal Empire, Akbar the Great and celebrities of the Era

Suta Maha Muni continued to narrate to the Congregation of Munis at Naimisharanya as Sumantu conveyed prophesies for the distant future with suprising accuracy!
As Hindu Dharma was once again got revitalised with various ‘Acharyas’ and their disciples like Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya, and Chaitanya Maha Prabhu to withstand the forces of several alien influences in Bharata the seat of Vedas and Shastras, Devas got an upper hand and King Bali of Daityas called Roshana and instructed him to go to Dehali (Delhi) in Bharat as the son of Timiraling (Taimurlang) with the name of Sarush and commence the task of destroying Vedamarga and its followers gradually.
Sarush became the King of Dehali with the help of the Evil Forces backed up by Daityas and ruled there for five years. Babar was son of Sarush and strengthened the hold of the peace-loving and religious Hindus for twenty years either at Samarkhand or at Bharat as the Moghul dynasty came to reality. Babar’s son ‘Homaayu’ (Humayun) who became the next King took a cruel stand against Hindus and created havoc among them. But another Mleccha King in the neighbourhood called ‘Shekshak’ (Shersha) defeated Humayun and ruled Dehali for five years.
The fugitive Humayun and his brother Mukarram regrouped their army again and defeated Shersha and came back to power at Dehali once again. In this see-saw of power stuggle between one Mleccha Humayun and another Mlleccha King Shersha, there was damage of several deities of Hindu Gods and a descendant disciple of Shankaracharya called a Brahmana Mukund could not bear the scene of the destruction of Idols and immolated in a Fire Pit and twenty of his stadents too followed suit! Humayun who resumed his rule in Dehali Kingdom heard a celestial Voice that soon Humayun would be blessed with a Great Son of Mughal Empire called Akbar, literally meaning ‘Ak’for ‘Akasmat or ‘per chance’ and ‘Var’ or ‘Vardaan’ for a boon; the Vioce said ‘Your son will be an exemplary, brave and fortunate Emperor who shaal not follow the Mleccha or Paishaachika route in his Enlightened Administration; the Vioce further said that Mukund Brahmana would be Akbar and his twenty disciples who immolated in Fire Pits out of frustration and agony since Mughul Kings destroyed deities of Devas would reappear in the very Mughal dynasty!
A completely transformed Humayun was overjoyed the the Celestial Announcement and ordered charities all over the Kingdom. The beloved disciples of Mukund viz. Keshava, Madhava, Madhu, Devaapi, Somapa, Sura and Madana illuminated the Court as the Celebrities; Keshava as Gaansen or Tansen, Madhava as ‘Vaijavak’ or Baijbavara, Madhu as Haridasagayak, Devapi as Birbal who had the Mastery of Wit since he had the bounty of Devi Sarasvati, Somapa as Raja Mansingh, Sura as Bilva Mangala as Akbar’s close companion, and Madana as Chandal who was a Nartak (dancer) and Kreeda Visharada or Expert in Games.
While these Icons stayed in the Court of Akbar, there were other famous personalities of Akbar’s time: Shridhar as Tulasi Sharma or Tulasidas the exponent of Puranas who in previous birth was a Vaishnava Poet; Sripati in earlier birth as a follower of Madhvacharya appeared as the blind Poet Suradas famed for his memorable works of ‘Krishna Leelas’; Shambhu in the erstwhile birth came into distinction as Hari Priya as an authority of Vishnu Bhakti; Varenya in his previous birth became Agrabhuk or Agradas as renowned ‘Sant’(Saint); Madhuvrati in the earlier birth now famous as Keelak a Gyani, Poet reputed for Prosody and the Writer of Ramaleelas; Vimal of previous birth now known as Divakar, a Writer and Singer of Devi Sita’s Life-Story; Devavaan became Keshava the Writer of ‘Ramajyotsna’; Soma in the previous birth came again as Vyasadas who authored a Grandha titled ‘Raha Kreeda’; Vardhan became Charanadas who not only scripted ‘Gyana maala Grandha’ and more so as a Technician of Rodasi Marg or the Skyward route; Vartak of earlier life as Ratnabhanu who was Jaimini Bhasha (Language) exponent and follower of Ropana religion; Ruchi of past life as disciple of Madhvacharya wrote ‘Gaanamayi Leelas’in praise of Gods; Mandhata now reappeared as Bhupati who translated Maha Bhagavata in Hindi Language; Maankaar in earlier birth became Meera the daughter of Raja as an outstanding singer of Bhajans in praise of Lord Krishna as a keen follower of Madhvacharya.
Emporer Akbar established a new Religion Din Ilahi which underlined the essence of all Faiths including Hindu, Islam, Bouddha and Christianity. He reigned as a Supreme Controller of the Empire for fifty solid years known for values of virtue, justice, humanism and inclusiveness. His son Saloma (Saleem) or Jahangir followed the great example of Akbar and Khurdak (Kusro Shaajahaan) ruled for ten years [who built the immortal Taj Mahal].
There was a power struggle among four brothers and the middle son Navarang (Aourangajeb) succceded the throne; in his earlier birth he was a Daithya called Andhak. In his time, the Peace and Comfort among the masses disappeared and the autocrat King resorted to extensive damages to temples, Vigrahas (Idols), Salagranas, Shiva Lingas, and Ashrams. Under the oppressive rule of this Cruel and anti-Hindu tyrant, the Empire had to carry on under him for thrity nine long years.

Stairs Of Nature


திருபுவனம் திருக்கோயில் ...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Meat Is Linked to Higher Cancer Risk, W.H.O. Report Finds

Sausages, ham and other processed meats cause bowel cancer, and red meat "probably" does too, a UN agency warned.
A review of 800 studies from around the world found "sufficient evidence in humans that the consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer," said the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

visit the link to read more:…

Evergreen Valparai

The evolution of human faces in the last 6 million years