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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tear Down This Wall

Prahlada Maharaja“Prahlada Maharaja said: One who is sufficiently intelligent should use the human form of body from the very beginning of life — in other words, from the tender age of childhood — to practice the activities of devotional service, giving up all other engagements. The human body is most rarely achieved, and although temporary like other bodies, it is meaningful because in human life one can perform devotional service. Even a slight amount of sincere devotional service can give one complete perfection.” (Shrimad Bhagavatam, 7.6.1)
Among the many issues discussed during a campaign for the office of President of the United States is foreign policy. How will such and such candidate deal with other nations, including those who may be hostile to the country? On the campaign trail it is easy to talk your way through difficult issues. You can say anything, as your words don’t directly affect legislation. The goal of the candidate is to get elected, not necessarily to immediately impact policy. Once you get into office and bring in your handlers, aides, advisers and administrators, you can make more rational decisions.
The general recommendation is for presidents to remain neutral in foreign affairs. Don’t ruffle any feathers. Why would you want to raise hostilities that might get your country into more trouble? The other nations understand that you might talk tough during the campaign season, but once you get into office they expect you to use keen diplomacy to get what you want. Even in the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, punishment, or danda, is not the only means for achieving an end. There are other options such as pacification, giving gifts, and using divide and conquer strategies for rulers to achieve their stated objective.
“After some time, the teachers Shanda and Amarka thought that Prahlada Maharaja was sufficiently educated in the diplomatic affairs of pacifying public leaders, appeasing them by giving them lucrative posts, dividing and ruling over them and punishing them in cases of disobedience. Then, one day, after Prahlada's mother had personally washed the boy and dressed him nicely with sufficient ornaments, they presented him before his father.” (Shrimad Bhagavatam, 7.5.19)
Prahlada MaharajaDivide and conquer is one of the more intriguing options because it has a psychological component to it. Dandais straightforward. The aggressor sets the rules in any conflict, so if you have more military might then it is easy to just impose your will on another party. The United States has had the predominant military in the world for the past hundred years or so, but the option for armed conflict is not the one first taken. Rather than anger others, there are paths of lesser resistance like pacification and the giving of gifts. Typically, though, pacification is the resort for the weaker parties.
Division is your way to attack the enemy from within. You inspire rebel forces inside of the enemy camp to fight their way to achieve their interest, which is ideally your interest as well. Division is rarely practiced in the open, as the strong rhetoric required is not considered diplomatic. Why try “cowboy diplomacy” when you can speak softly on the outside and work your way around the edges without the enemy knowing?
One particular world leader in recent times was advised not to openly criticize a regime that had erected a wall in one of its satellite countries. Walls are only built when you want to keep people from coming in or leaving. The influx of people is only a problem when the nation you govern is attractive to outsiders. In the case of this small territory, the problem was the opposite. The people were dying to get out. If you live in an area with tight government controls and limited freedom, you will likely want to flee. The move may be difficult, but in the end you have to do what is right for yourself and your family. The egress is similar to leaving a job that you might be comfortable in. If the boss makes many changes and cuts your salary enough you will have no other choice but to leave and find another job.
The giant wall at the city’s boundary caused a problem for the people wanting to leave. The citizens that wanted to move out couldn’t. They’d have to try to climb the giant wall, which would place them out in the open for the governing bodies to see. The government put up the wall for a reason; they did not want people to leave. If someone did try to escape and then ended up getting caught, they surely wouldn’t be treated well by the authorities. Watching from the outside, many nations thought the government’s behavior was reprehensible. If people want to leave a country, why not allow them to? Why erect a wall?
the Berlin WallThough they were thinking this way, it was difficult for them to openly share their feelings, as a lack of confidence in the proper path often prevents the open sharing of criticism. “For starters, who is anyone to criticize anyone else? If one nation has a wall on its boundary, who am I, an outsider, to criticize? I don’t know their circumstances. I don’t know why they may have put up that wall. What gives me the right to say it should be done differently? Instead, I should kindly ask them to consider shifting gears, being collegial on the outside and then a little stricter when talking to them personally.”
On one visit to this famous wall, the world leader in question went the bold route. To the people gathered at the wall, he assertively advised the leader of that area to “tear down this wall.” The recommendation was straightforward, honest and could not be misconstrued. The message wasn’t, “Please consider getting rid of this wall”, or, “Please try reforming your nation so that people can live happily within these confines.” A few years later, the inspired people of that city would tear down that wall themselves, not waiting for help from the government.
The preacher who knows the true position of the spirit soul and its ideal home also is very bold in presenting their message. The spirit soul is the essence of identity, the spark within every living being. The temporary coverings are like shirts and coats that get put on before a trip and then taken off once the destination is reached. Through the transmigration of the soul, or reincarnation, these dresses are constantly put on and taken off.
“As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.”  (Lord KrishnaBhagavad-gita, 2.22)
The soul remains the same throughout, but since the land inhabited is filled with inhibiting matter, there is no happiness. Through mental speculation and fruitive activity, the living being tries their best to make use of their environment. They are not allowed to escape the impenetrable walls of maya, or illusion, because they are unaware of their proper identity. Thus so many other systems of regulation arise. As the soul’s natural desire is to serve, that propensity follows so many outlets within the confines of maya’s walls. Philanthropy, charity, sense gratification, concern for the material wellbeing of others, protection of the environment, the feverish pursuit of profit, the desire to control people through accepting the reins of government, and so many other ventures are attempted to fill the void for lasting happiness.
Lord KrishnaThe Vaishnava preacher knows both the position of the soul and its link to the Supersoul, who has a personal form in His original feature. The spirit souls come from God and only in His association is there real happiness. The walls of maya are sort of like the perimeter of a large prison house. Through the proper behavior one can escape from confinement by figuratively tearing down maya’s walls. As this is what is best for every spirit soul, the Vaishnava boldly declares that the walls of maya must be brought down, not accommodated.
What is the difference between tearing down maya’s walls and remaining within them? What sort of behavior helps one break free of the prison-like environment? Mental speculation will be of no help in this regard. The human mind has the ability to discriminate, so when accepting the most righteous path of bhakti-yoga, ordevotional service, there certainly must be more than just blind sentiment. Nevertheless, the right path cannot initially be revealed through mental effort alone. One must tap into the storehouse of knowledge that is the Vedic literature, with its most important works being the Bhagavad-gita and Shrimad Bhagavatam.
The Vedas are non-different from God, so it is difficult to say that some works are more important than others. The Bhagavatam is generally considered the best because it deals exclusively with devotion to the Lord, without hints of procedures for material acquisition, dry renunciation, or mystic perfection. These other pursuits can help elevate one to the platform of God consciousness, but they can also serve as distractions. If the boss that previously treated you horribly one day comes in with a new enticing offer, you may be tempted to stay at the job. The employer’s intent is to make you forget about his past transgressions. But accepting the entreaty is a mistake because within a short period of time the same erratic behavior from the boss will resurface.
In a similar manner, taking shelter of any type of fruitive activity, mental speculation, or mystic perfection may make the living being temporarily comfortable again within maya’s prison, but only in bhakti are the walls eviscerated, with the invigorated spirit soul more anxious than ever to take the right action. The spark of life brings the potential for excelling in spiritual practice. The Vaishnava preacher presents all of this information, giving both the end-goal and the tools necessary for achieving it. The end is really the beginning of an endless pursuit that keeps the soul in ananda, or bliss.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, is the object of sacrifice. The most potent sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajnachantingthe holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”. The recommendation is to take the chanting option right away. At the same time learn about Krishna and His teachings from the Bhagavad-gita. Become fully convinced of the position of the spirit soul, how it transcends birth and death, and how it remains always in Krishna’s association once full God consciousness is reached.
After acceptance of the devotional path read more about Krishna’s personal qualities and pastimes found in the Bhagavatam, which has accounts from great devotees and teachers like Prahlada Maharaja, who as a five year old boy instructed his classmates on the supremacy of vishnu-bhakti. In this way spend the rest of your life immersed in God consciousness, which automatically ensures that maya’s walls will have no influence. Tear down the walls of illusion instead of trying to work within them. Follow the path of bhakti, invite Krishna into your consciousness and soon you will taste the real fruit of your existence, freedom in pure bliss.
Question: What if I fail? What if I try to scale the walls and don’t make it over? Won’t maya punish me again?
In the past many yogis, real transcendentalists trying to perfect consciousness, were unsuccessful in fully scaling maya’s giant walls within their lifetime. If you try to escape from the government and get caught, they will punish you. With maya, she will provide many enticements to get you to stay within her web of illusion - which makes you take objects of matter to be yours and your material body to be your identity - but if the effort is directed at Krishna immediately, there is no need to fear.
Krishna saving DraupadiSeveral sincere devotees of the past were pure of heart and only dependent on Krishna for everything. They were attacked by others opposed to God or were stricken temporarily by the influence of passion, but they were nevertheless saved. Queen Draupadi was helpless in an assembly where other kings tried to strip her naked. At the last moment she finally prayed to Krishna, and the Lord came and took the form of her dress. No matter how much the miscreants pulled, they couldn’t seem to get Draupadi’s sari off of her. Prahlada Maharaja was a five year old practicing devotion, so he had no way of protecting himself. His father tried to kill him so many times, but Krishna was there to save the boy and maintain his devotional standard.
The body must be renounced at some point, so even if we don’t succeed in escaping the material prison house or purifying its influence within this lifetime, if the effort in devotion is sincere, in the next life the process resumes from the same position. It’s like hitting pause while watching a movie, taking care of some work, and then returning to the same spot. This feature is not available outside the realm of devotional service. If you build a house halfway and leave it, there’s no guarantee that the structure will remain there for you to complete. If the house should crumble, all of your past effort goes to waste.
If just one sincere utterance of Krishna’s name is made, there is no chance of ever meeting doom. Even if an accidental fall from grace should take place in the future, the divine consciousness will eventually revive. The spirit soul is capable of amazing things. If you look around and see the complex arrangements created by man, you should know that the people who created them have the same internal qualities that you do. Therefore the potential for action is tremendous, and with bhakti-yoga the potential meets its ideal match, resulting in a synergistic force that is capable of scaling the highest walls.
In Closing:
This wonderful land, don’t you dare leave,
To the almighty government’s will do you cleave.

If fail in your desire for freedom to gain,
Authorities to inflict punishing pain.

This material land home that you do call,
Has similar boundaries, unscalable walls.

But Vaishnava has answer, gives it to you bold,
To be devoted to Krishna and name you’re told.

Maya’s walls tear down, break them with force,
Or remove their influence, follow bhakti’s course.

Scientists Use Stem Cells to Generate Human Eggs in the Lab

The breakthrough could lead to future treatments for infertility (and a lot of controversy)
The Human Ovum via Wikimedia
The conventional line of thinking says that women can produce only a finite number of egg cells over their lifetimes. Some researchers dispute this, but a new study suggests that it might not matter. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital claim they have isolated stem cells from human ovaries and used them to generate egg cells in the lab, a breakthrough that could someday lead to new infertility treatments.
Those treatments are a long way off, but the finding is nonetheless pretty huge. It means that not only could stem cells be isolated from women with fertility problems to produce eggs in the lab, but that biologists could gain whole new insights into the way fertility works--how eggs are impacted by things like nutrition and pharmaceuticals.

The new study comes on the heels of a number of recent animal fertility studies that suggest that adult mice produce the same kind of stem cells that can produce healthy eggs and healthy offspring. Using equipment that can identify a specific protein found on the surfaces of reproductive cells (both male and female), scientists isolated them in the lab. They then showed that the mice cells wold generate viable eggs, capable of producing healthy embryos.
But it was unclear if the same technique would work with humans. To find out, a team of researchers obtained reproductive stem cells donated by Japanese women undergoing gender reassignment because of gender identity disorder. From these stem cells, the team was able to generate immature egg cells that showed the properties of human eggs. The researchers then placed the stem cells into human ovarian tissue and placed that into mice. Within a couple of weeks, these cells generated the proper ovarian structures for producing eggs, as well as egg cells that appear healthy and ready for fertilization.
Of course, there’s no telling yet whether that’s really the case. In the U.S., researchers aren’t allowed to fertilize human eggs in the lab just to see what happens, and there’s no guarantee that a lab-grown cell wouldn’t develop some kind of abnormality (actually, this happens a lot). Initial use of the technique would be to create eggs for research use in the lab (sans fertilization of course). But fertility treatments, while on the distant horizon, aren’t out of the question at some point in the future.

The $1,000 Genome, and the New Problem of Having Too Much Information

The next sequence is even cheaper
Packed Chip The Ion Proton I can sequence much of a human genome for just $1,000. Sequencing will become even cheaper Courtesy Life Technologies
Scientists needed $3 billion and 13 years to sequence the three billion base pairs encoded in a single human genome—the first time. By 2011, eight years after that first project was completed, the cost of sequencing a human genome had fallen to $5,000, in a process that took just a few weeks. And in January, Jonathan Rothberg, a chemical engineer and the founder of the biotech company Ion Torrent, unveiled an approach that is faster and cheaper still. He says his machine will be able to sequence a human genome, some 3.2 gigabytes’ worth of data, in two hours for just $1,000. Now thousands, and soon enough millions, of patients will have their genetic makeup laid bare, which presents an entirely new problem: How to analyze all that information?
Rothberg had introduced the first sequencing machine that could perform millions of chemical reactions on a fiber-optic array in 2004. But in 2010, he replaced the fiber-optic array with a semiconductor chip. In a powerful application of Moore’s law, which states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years, the number of arrays Rothberg has been able to fit on his chips has grown rapidly. The more arrays he can squeeze onto a chip, the greater its performance and the cheaper the cost of sequencing. As if to prove the point, Rothberg sequenced Intel co-founder Gordon Moore’s genome last year on a silicon semiconductor chip with 1.2 million microwells. His new machine’s first chip, the Ion Proton I, has 165 million microwells. And Rothberg says he will release the Proton II, a chip with four times as many wells, later this year. The Proton II will make two-hour, full-genome sequencing possible.
Despite the falling cost of sequencing, personalized genomic medicine has thus far been used very selectively. A sequence from a single patient often isn’t enough to pinpoint the genes responsible for a disease, so even relatively cheap sequencing can quickly become prohibitively expensive. “If you knew you could find the answer in one patient, $1,000 versus $5,000 might not be a deciding factor,” says Richard Lifton, the chairman of the department of genetics at Yale School of Medicine. “But if you think you might need to study 20 patients with similar diseases, then you’re talking about $20,000 versus $100,000.” Lifton says he will use four of Rothberg’s Proton machines to help locate the genetic abnormalities that cause mysterious diseases in his patients.
Richard Gibbs, who runs the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine, says he will use an Ion Torrent sequencer to investigate the genetic basis of Mendelian disorders, diseases caused by single-gene mutations, which afflict 25 million Americans. Last year, Gibbs was part of a team that sequenced the complete genomes of Noah and Alexis Beery, 14-year-old twins who were diagnosed when they were five with a rare movement disorder caused by a defect in how their body processes dopamine. Alexis had trouble breathing because of spasms in her larynx. By examining the twins’ genes and comparing them with that of their older brother, parents and grandparents, the team found that the siblings were also deficient in serotonin, allowing doctors to adjust their medication and normalize Alexis’s breathing.
And sequencing will only get cheaper. At IBM, researchers are at work on a $100 sequencer, a chip that could read bases as DNA fragments flow through nanometer-wide holes on its surface. When genome sequencing begins reaching millions of patients, it will help address the most common problems in medicine. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, is now sequencing the DNA in cancer cells in pediatric patients to identify the gene mutations that lead to childhood cancers. Jay Shendure, a professor of genetics at the University of Washington, says that in 10 years sequencing will be routine. One’s genome could appear alongside other standard medical information, like blood pressure.
The day when a genome is seamlessly incorporated into everyone’s medical information will not arrive as quickly as $1,000 sequencing. After all, medicine isn’t governed by Moore’s law. Soon the price of sequencing will fall below the price of storing the data it generates. Two companies, GenomeQuest and DNANexus, now host genomes on the cloud for scientists and doctors to access. Doctors will need to be trained to apply genomic information to standard medical practice; the National Human Genome Research Institute has awarded more than $80 million for this purpose. “It’s not a system that moves very quickly,” Shendure says, “but it will happen.”
Decoding the Double Helix: The Y-axis is the number of incorporated base pairs per well. The X-axis is the "flow" or well number, with corresponding DNA base pairs.  Courtesy Life Technologies


To determine the order of nucleotide bases in a genome—the As, Gs, Cs and Ts in our DNA—scientists attach single strands of DNA fragments to the surface of micron-wide beads. The beads are centrifuged into microwells on the surface of an Ion Proton chip. Technicians place the chip inside a machine, where it is flooded with one of the four nucleotides at a time. The machine looks for nucleotide matchups, building a complementary strand of the patient’s double helix.
When matchups occur, a positively charged hydrogen ion is released. A metal sensor under the wells registers the increased charge, and transistors beneath the well convert the charge into a voltage. Software determines which base was incorporated, and a resulting chart [above] reassembles the fragments into a whole genome.
Check out more from our Future of Medicine issue here.

Nokia 808 Pure View Smartphone Has a 41-Megapixel Camera Sensor

Genetic risk for elevated arsenic toxicity discovered


Study finds variants that influence arsenic metabolism and increase risk for skin lesions
One of the first large-scale genomic studies conducted in a developing country has discovered genetic variants that elevate the risk for skin lesions in people chronically exposed to arsenic. Genetic changes found near the enzyme for metabolizing the chemical into a less toxic form can significantly increase an individual’s risk for developing arsenic-related disease.
The discovery could point the way to new screening and intervention options for people who are exposed to groundwater with high levels of arsenic, according to the investigators at the University of Chicago Medicine, Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and in Bangladesh. The study is published in PLoS Genetics.
The group’s genome-wide association study, or GWAS, was conducted in nearly 3,000 individuals exposed to arsenic for decades in Bangladesh. Since the widespread installation of hand-pumped wells to tap groundwater sources in the 1970s, as many as 77 million people – about half the population of Bangladesh – have been accidentally exposed to dangerous levels of arsenic. The World Health Organization calls the exposure “the largest mass poisoning of a population in history.” Continue reading below…

For more than a decade, the scientists have studied the epidemiology of arsenic-related disease, such as skin lesions, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses, in this population, as well as the effectiveness of interventions to prevent toxicity. In the new study, the researchers sought genetic answers for why some individuals appear to be at higher risk for developing disease after arsenic exposure.
“These results add clarity to the genetic architecture that is playing a role in arsenic toxicity and its underlying biology,” said senior author Habibul Ahsan, MD, MMedSc, Louis Block Professor of health studies, medicine and human genetics at the University of Chicago Medicine. “It’s a rare type of study for a major problem affecting millions of people around the world, and it opens up opportunities for genetic studies of other major public health problems in developing countries.”
The researchers genotyped thousands of arsenic-exposed individuals from the group’s main studies for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the genome, and looked for associations with arsenic metabolite levels and risk of skin lesions.
The genetic findings provide strong evidence that efficient metabolism of arsenic through methylation protects against the toxin. Compounds that boost methylation, such as folic acid, could reduce arsenic toxicity – a strategy currently being tested by co-author Mary Gamble, PhD, associate professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
“If we could somehow find a way to do that in Bangladesh, it would make individuals much better methylators of arsenic, and as this current study shows if you’re a better methylator you’re at a lower risk for disease,” said co-author Joseph Graziano, PhD, professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Director of Superfund Research Program at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University.
Beyond the clinical applications, the current study demonstrates that large-scale genomic studies are possible in a largely rural population of a developing country. The study offers a rare example of a GWAS result with clear, immediate potential for translational impact.
The research was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Cancer Institute.
Source:  Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health

Breaking down cancer’s defense for future vaccines


Researchers at the EPFL have identified an important mechanism that could lead to the design of more effective cancer vaccines. Their discovery of a new-found role of the lymphatic system in tumour growth shows how tumours evade detection by using a patient’s own immune system.
The VEGF-C-expresses (lymphangiogenic) tumors. Credit: EPFL
Tumour cells present antigens or protein markers on their surfaces which make them identifiable to the host immune system.
In the last decade, cancer vaccines have been designed that work by exposing the patient’s immune cells to tumour-associated antigens and so priming them to kill cells that present those antigens. These have caused much excitement, not least because by acting so specifically on cancer cells, they could potentially eliminate the unpleasant side effects of chemo- and radiotherapy. Continue reading below…

Like soldiers protecting a fort
However, clinical trials of such vaccines have had a very low success rate to date, mainly because tumours have various mechanisms for evading detection by immune cells, even when those immune cells – called T cells – have been primed to seek them out. Those mechanisms are, in general, poorly understood. But in a paper to be published this week in Cell Reports, the laboratories of Melody Swartz at EPFL and Stéphanie Hugues at UNIGE provide a key insight into one of them. They describe for the first time how, like soldiers protecting a fort, lymph vessels surrounding a tumour ward off T cell attack.
Plenty of research has shown that tumours can induce the growth of lymph vessels in their vicinity, and that this growth is correlated with metastasis and poor prognosis. It was assumed that these lymph vessels simply provided an escape route for cancer cells, transporting them to distant sites. In the new study, led by postdoc Amanda Lund, the researchers show that lymph vessels actually suppress the immune response, deleting the attacking T cells or leaving them “functionally exhausted” by the time they reach the tumour.
They studied a type of tumour that expresses large amounts of VEGF-C, a molecule that is naturally expressed in humans and that stimulates lymphatic growth. Having engineered the tumour cells to express a foreign antigen, they compared the efficacy of a vaccine designed to prime T cells to kill cells carrying that antigen, either when VEGF-C was present or when its activity was blocked . With VEGF-C suppressed, the vaccine’s efficacy increased and tumour growth slowed fourfold.
A weakness in cancer’s defense system exploited 
The researchers went on to show that the endothelial cells which line lymph vessels “scavenge” tumour-specific antigens and present them to the tumour-specific T cells in a suppressive manner. This, in turn, promotes the local deletion of those T cells. According to Prof Swartz, that means that first targeting the lymph vessels associated with a tumour could, in theory, significantly increase the efficacy of existing cancer vaccines. “It would be like removing the soldiers from around the fort before sending in your opposing army,” she says. “If you disable the lymph vessels’ suppressive functions, our data suggest that tumour-killing T cells would do their job a lot more effectively.” Future clinical trials are needed to put that theory to the test.
Title: VEGF-C Promotes Immune Tolerance in B16 Melanomas and Cross-Presentation of Tumor Antigen by Lymph Node Lymphatics 
Authors: Amanda W. Lund,1,2 Fernanda V. Duraes,3 Sachiko Hirosue,1 Vidya R. Raghavan,1 Chiara Nembrini,1 Susan N. Thomas,1,2 Amine Issa,1 Stéphanie Hugues,3,* and Melody A. Swartz1,2, 
1Institute of Bioengineering (IBI), EPFL 
2Swiss Institute for Experimental Research (ISREC) School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne 1015, Switzerland 
3Department of Pathology and Immunology, University of Geneva Medical School, Centre Médical Universitaire (CMU), Geneva 1211, Switzerland

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