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Monday, October 3, 2011

Doubling Down

Hanuman“The monkey became numb for a second, stricken as he was with sadness over not having found, after such a long time, Sita, the wife of Rama - the lord of men and the best among those who can speak.” (Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kand, 5.27)
sītāmapaśyan manujeśvarasya |
rāmasya patnīm vadatām varasya |
babhūva duḥkhābhihataścirasya |
plavaṅgamo manda ivācirasya ||
It’s strange to think that even Shri Hanuman, one of the most celebrated worshipable figures in the world, gets down on himself every now and then. If the hero Hanuman, who is full of courage, valor, strength, perseverance, fortitude, clarity of vision, and complete knowledge, can feel sadness over not achieving his objectives in a reasonable amount of time, what then to speak of others? Hanuman’s exalted stature shows that the key to advancing in consciousness is not necessarily to turn into a stoic robot, a person who completely lacks emotion and sits around like a stone. The trees already have this ability, and their duration of life is far longer than ours. They don’t require magic pills or ninety day diets to maintain their health; by nature’s grace they are allowed to remain in the same position for many, many years. The benefit of the human form of life is to be able to hear about wonderful people like Hanuman, honor them, and then learn from their example. How Hanuman handles his temporary dejection is what counts most. Based on the success he would see in his most difficult mission, it is to be understood that even his sadness is beneficial, as it strengthens his resolve.
HanumanWhy did Hanuman need to be strong? What was he ever sad about? Ravana, the king of the Rakshasas living in Lanka many thousands of years ago, had taken away a beautiful princess through a backhanded plot and brought her back to his kingdom. The princess named Sita Devi was already married at the time, but if kings would have a fair fight, sometimes the control over the princesses would change hands. Sita’s husband, however, was the greatest bow warrior the world had ever seen. He had previously dispatched 14,000 members of Ravana’s army to the abode of Yamaraja, the god of death. Living peacefully in the forest of Dandaka, Lord Rama, an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, did not bother anyone. He, His wife Sita, and His younger brother Lakshmana lived an austere lifestyle and were waiting for fourteen years to pass so that they could return to Rama’s kingdom of Ayodhya.
Ravana was so desperate to have Sita that he cast aside proper protocol. He avoided confrontation with Rama because he knew he would lose. Setting up a ruse that temporarily lured Rama and Lakshmana away from the group’s camp, Ravana swooped in wearing a disguise and then forcibly took Sita with him. When Rama returned to see that Sita was missing, He immediately fell into grief. How can God lament? In the Vedic tradition, the shudras are known especially for being easily prone to lamentation. And what do they despair over? Anything relating to the body, the temporary covering of the spiritual spark, the essence of life, is the cause of distress. In this respect the proclivity towards lamentation isn’t exclusive to a specific class determined on quality or work; sadness attacks any flawed consciousness. Lamenting over losses in gambling, sports, stocks, or other areas not related to the plight of the soul is not very intelligent. Even lamenting over death, which is nothing more than the changing of bodies for the soul, indicates a lack of intelligence.
Lord Rama, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, surely knew the differences between matter and spirit and how only the less intelligent lament over things not worthy of attention. When His father, Maharaja Dasharatha, had ordered Him to leave the kingdom on the eve of His would-be coronation, Rama did not bat an eye. When He was further instructed to renounce ties to the kingdom and assume the garb of an ascetic, Rama was more concerned about ensuring that His father’s word was honored. Rama proved Himself to be atmarama, or self-satisfied, on many occasions.
“It is the living entity's constitutional position to be an eternal servant of Krishna…” (Lord Chaitanya, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya 20.108)
Rama and Lakshmana looking for SitaWas His lamentation over Sita’s abduction a sign of weakness? Was Rama too attached to His wife, a person whose association is only temporary after all? Those things that we know to be detrimental, along with the forces of temporary change, such as time, space, matter, attachment, anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, etc., are actually only harmful when they keep one away from their constitutional position. As Lord Chaitanya so nicely states, the living entity’s original form is that of a devotee of Krishna, which is another name for God. When this position is understood, every activity and event in life can be properly assessed. God is the object of all virtue, piety and systems of practice. Therefore He is not affected by any temporary ups and downs or changes in time. He is the very person whose association is lost when the effects of the material world take hold of the living entity’s consciousness.
Rama’s love for Sita cannot be duplicated. How then could He not lament over her absence? Love should mean something. The bond Sita and Rama share transcends the temporary world and its influence. Sita and Rama reside eternally in the spiritual sky, so their link is never broken. Acting out dramatic roles on earth for the benefit of others, Sita and Rama sometimes were not together, but their thoughts never deviated from each other’s interests.
If Rama had lamented to the point that He gave up on finding Sita, then it would have set a bad example for others. Instead, He used His outward display of grief to forge ahead and work tirelessly towards rescuing His wife. This determination was also passed on to those who came to help Him, the Vanaras residing in the Kishkindha forest. Hanuman was their most capable warrior, and he also happened to be the most devoted to Rama. Upon first meeting the Lord and Lakshmana, Hanuman knew that they were something special. He wasn’t after self-realization or self-aggrandizement; he just knew that Rama was the person he would spend the rest of his life trying to please. That is the recessed desire of every living being anyway, and with Hanuman it took over his entire existence. The devotee is surcharged with the motivation to please God, as this is the source of their pleasure as well.
HanumanFrom Rama’s qualities, Hanuman could tell that the Lord was worthy of worship. Since Hanuman is keenly intelligent, he doesn’t get fooled by material opulence, word jugglery, or shows of magic that are rooted in mystic yoga. Hanuman can invoke any of the famous yogic siddhis, or perfections. He can become larger than the largest and smaller than the smallest, yet he never for a second thinks himself to be God. He knows that Bhagavan is the Supreme Personality, who possesses the attributes of beauty, wealth, strength, fame, renunciation and wisdom to the fullest degree and at the same time.
Being able to properly identify Rama and His qualities, Hanuman took the mission of finding Sita very seriously. He was tasked with finding her and then returning the information of her location to Rama. The Lord would then march to wherever she was and take on her captor. Hanuman made it into Lanka, but he did not find Sita right away. Roaming the streets in the dark of night in a clandestine form, Hanuman saw so many different things, including beautiful women. They were dressed nicely and enjoying with their husbands, the Rakshasas. Yet he did not see Sita. After searching for so long, he momentarily became dejected.
Hanuman was directly engaged in God’s service, so how could he fall prey to lamentation? Shouldn’t he have been enthused at every second knowing that the Lord would help him in his search? The point to remember is that life’s influences that affect the non-devotee negatively don’t suddenly vanish once a person takes to devotional service, or bhakti-yoga. By regularly chanting, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”, the laws of nature can’t be flaunted. Devotees still need to eat, sleep and take care of their bodies. They are still outwardly subject to the threefold miseries of life, those coming from nature, the body and mind, and other living entities.
HanumanThe difference with the bhaktas is how they react to these influences. As the aim of human life is to remain God conscious all the way up until the time of death, those who can withstand the inhibiting forces of material nature and maintain their link to the transcendental world will be successful in life’s mission. In Hanuman’s case, since he is so glorious the temporary bout of lamentation actually benefitted him. His reaction to his sadness could have cut two ways. He could have given up the mission and decided to return to Kishkindha. Along similar lines, he also could have just decided that he wasn’t worthy of living and then taken his own life.
Instead, he chose to forge ahead. He used his eagerness to see Sita to fuel his efforts. He searched more vehemently, this time going through the large palaces belonging to Ravana’s closest associates. He even made his way into Ravana’s palace, searching every inch of space. Not surprisingly, Hanuman would eventually succeed in his mission. His success could be attributed directly to his love for Rama. By understanding Rama’s divine qualities, Hanuman became familiar with Sita’s divine nature as well. He didn’t need it explained to him why she needed to be found. He didn’t have to have eagerness instilled in him; these things came automatically from his love for Rama.
For the sincere transcendentalist following Vedic instruction, which calls for austerity, penance, sacrifice and most importantly, dedication to the mission of purifying consciousness, troubles will always be encountered. Sometimes grievous errors will be committed and policies will be violated. While the turbulent waters of the material ocean of suffering are difficult to navigate, the life raft in the form of Shri Rama’s holy name and the examples set by His dear servants can help us to get across safely. Just remembering Hanuman, his beautiful form, his wonderful character, and his unmatched devotion to Sita and Rama is enough to put a smile on the face. If we are sad, down in the dumps, dejected over loss, lamenting over the cards dealt to us by nature, or simply having trouble moving forward in life, remembering Hanuman can never fail to be beneficial.
HanumanHanuman is forever dear to Sita and Rama, and it is not difficult to understand why. If someone were so devoted to us that they’d risk their life to keep us safe and happy, that they’d battle their own bouts of dejection to ensure that we wouldn’t feel any suffering, wouldn’t we be totally indebted to that person? Our parents offer us this protection and dedication in our youth; therefore it is not surprising that the Vedas advise that one’s first object of worship be the parents. Next comes the spiritual master, or guru, who acts as the father to guide the soul back to Godhead, to protect them on their journey home.
In this respect Hanuman can be thought of as a protector of devotional service, the topmost form of religious practice. Through his qualities and the example he sets, he allows anyone with a pure heart and untainted motives to learn how to please Sita and Rama. More than anything else, the way to gain their favor, the way to keep them always in our hearts, is to chant their names regularly. There can be no higher engagement than to be steadfastly devoted to hearing about and glorifying the Supreme Lord and His devotees. Through thick and thin, happiness and sadness, elation and misery, and the good times and the bad, if we follow the bhakti formula, our life’s journey will be as fruitful as Hanuman’s search through Lanka was.
In Closing:
Not finding Sita Hanuman met sadness,
To him city only had emptiness.
Hanuman, in the form of monkey did search,
Through city streets and on mountains’ perch.
Lord Rama, the most skilled of those who can speak,
Is the lord of men, God for everyone and each.
Enlisted help of Vanaras after Sita went missing,
His wife, for her Hanuman in Lanka went searching.
Grief bad for those who take identity that is wrong,
But not for those who know that to God they belong.
Hanuman’s sadness would only increase his perseverance,
For devotees, forces of nature no longer interference.
Remember Hanuman and his courage for your benefit,
God’s company you’ll get after current body you quit.

Chella kuyil srinisha-palam neeyappa.

ஞானப் பழத்தைப் பிழிந்து
ரசமன்பினொடு நாமுண்ணவும் கொடுத்த முருகா..!

நீ ப்ரணவ ஞானப் பழத்தைப் பிழிந்து
ரசமன்பினொடு நாமுண்ணவும் கொடுத்த நல்ல குருநாதன்..!

உனக்கென்ன விதம் இக்கனியை நாமீவது
என்று நாணித்தான் முருகா!

நீ ப்ரணவ ஞானப் பழத்தைப் பிழிந்து
ரசமன்பினொடு நாமுண்ணவும் கொடுத்த நல்ல குருநாதன்!

உனக்கென்ன விதமிக்கனியை நாமீவது
என்று நாணித்தான் அப்பனித் தலையர் தரவில்லை...!

முருகா நீ ப்ரணவ ஞானப் பழத்தைப் பிழிந்து
ரசமன்பினொடு நாமுண்ணவும் கொடுத்த நல்ல குருநாதன் நீ!

உனக்கென்ன விதமிக்கனியை நாமீவததென்று நாணித்தான்
அப்பனித் தலையர் தரவில்லை...!

அப்பனித் தலையர் தரவில்லையாதலால்
முருகா உனக்குச் சாருமொரு பிழையில்லையே..!

ப்ரணவ ஞானப் பழத்தைப் பிழிந்து
ரசம் அன்பினொடு நாமுண்ணவும் கொடுத்த நல்ல குருநாதன் நீ!

உனக்கென்ன விதமிக்கனியை நாமீவததென்று
நாணித்தான் அப்பனித் தலையர் தரவில்லையாதலால்..

முருகா உனக்குச் சாருமொரு பிழையில்லையே!

முருகா உனக்குச் சாருமொரு பிழையில்லையே

சக்தி வடிவேலொடும் தத்து மயிலேறிடும் ஷண்முகா

சக்தி வடிவேல் வடிவேல் வேல்...

சக்தி வடிவேலொடும் தத்து மயிலேறிடும் ஷண்முகா
உனக்குக் குறையுமுளதோ?

சக்தி வடிவேலொடும் தத்து மயிலேறிடும் ஷண்முகா
உனக்குக் குறையுமுளதோ?

முருகா உனக்குக் குறையுமுளதோ?

ஏனிப்படிக் கோவணத்தொடும் தண்டு கொண்டிங்குற்றோர் ஆண்டியானாய்?

முருகா நீ...

ஏனிப்படிக் கோவணத்தொடும் தண்டு கொண்டிங்குற்றோர் ஆண்டியானாய்?

எமது வினை பொடிபடவும் அல்லவோ வந்து நீ இப்படி இங்கு இருக்கலாம்..!

என் ஆசான் அப்பன் அம்மையாம் என்னவும் எண்ணினேன்

தருவையரு பழனி மலையில்

சந்ததம் குடிகொண்ட சங்கரான் கும்பிடும் என் தண்டபாணி..!

தண்டாபாணி தண்டபாணி தண்டபாணித் தெய்வமே..!

பழம் நீயப்பா! ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா!! தமிழ் ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா..!!!

பழம் நீயப்பா! ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா!! தமிழ் ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா..!!!


திருச்சபைதன்னில் உருவாகி புலவோர்க்குப் பொருள் கூறும்

பழனீயப்பா ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா! தமிழ் ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா..!!

கண்ணொன்றில் கனலாய் வந்தாய்!

நெற்றிக் கண்ணொன்றில் கனலாய் வந்தாய்!

ஆறு கமலத்தில் உருவாய் நின்றாய்!

ஆறு கமலத்தில் உருவாய் நின்றாய்!

கார்த்திகைப் பெண்பால் உண்டாய்!

திருக்கார்த்திகைப் பெண் பாலுண்டாய்!

உலகன்னை அணைப்பாலே

திருமேனி ஒரு சேர்ந்த தமிழ் ஞானப் பழம் நீயப்பா..!

ஊருண்டு பேருண்டு உறவுண்டு சுகமுண்டு உற்றார் பெற்றாரும் உண்டு..!

ஊருண்டு பேருண்டு உறவுண்டு சுகமுண்டு உற்றார் பெற்றாரும் உண்டு..!

நீருண்ட மேகங்கள் நின்றாடும் கயிலையில் நீ வாழ இடமும் உண்டு!

நீருண்ட மேகங்கள் நின்றாடும் கயிலையில் நீ வாழ இடமும் உண்டு!

தாயுண்டு! மனம் உண்டு..!!

தாயுண்டு! மனம் உண்டு..!

அன்புள்ள தந்தைக்கு தாளாத பாசம் உண்டு

உன் தத்துவம் தவறென்று சொல்லவும்

ஔவையின் தமிழுக்கு உரிமை உண்டு ..!

ஆறுவது சினம் கூறுவது தமிழ்.. அறியாத சிறுவனா நீ?

ஆறுவது சினம் கூறுவது தமிழ்.. அறியாத சிறுவனா நீ?

மாறுவது மனம் சேருவது இனம்.. தெரியாத முருகனா நீ?

மாறுவது மனம் சேருவது இனம்.. தெரியாத முருகனா நீ?

ஏறு மயிலேறு..! ஈசனிடம் நாடு..!! இன்முகம் காட்டவா நீ..!!!

ஏற்றுக் கொள்வான்.. கூட்டிச் செல்வேன்..

என்னுடன் ஓடி வா நீ..!

என்னுடன் ஓடி வா நீ..!


punnagai mannan poovizhi kannan - iru kodugal

Semmozhi I Tamil Anthem [HD] I A.R.Rahman (2010)

Listen to two time academy award winner AR Rahman's pride in being a tamilian in his recent composition 'Semmozhi' tamil anthem.

Lyrics: Honourable CM M. Karunanidhi
Singers: For this please visit AR Rahman's official website
Video Director: Gautam Vasudev Menon


AR's interview to Ramya Kannan, The Hindu

"We have kept the instruments to a minimum so that the words are clear"

"The Tamil was of a very high standard and I initially wondered how I was going to do it, but thankfully it has come out well." This was how A.R. Rahman described his experience of working with the anthem for the World Classical Tamil Conference which was released on Saturday.

Apparently, the tune for the anthem came to him immediately, but production was quite another matter. "It took two to two-and-a-half months, but we were working with a large crew -- almost 70 singers," Rahman, dapper in a rich reddish-brown kurtha with an embroidered panel running down the front, told reporters on the eve of the function to release the anthem.

"All of us together worked on the anthem -- There was TMS [T.M. Soundararajan], Yuvan [Shankar Raja], Shruti Hassan, P.Sushila...(to name a few). Basically, I have been busy in Hollywood and also touring. Therefore I was working on a tight schedule and was available only for two or three days, so people who could come then joined us," he said to a question on how the singers were chosen. A new verse on Kamban and Avvaiyar was added almost when the composing was over, and had to be incorporated into the final cut.

TMS begins with "Pirapokkum Ella Uyirkkum," the first lines of the anthem composed by Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi. Some of the other top playback artistes featuring in the anthem include Harini, Hariharan, Benny Dayal, Srinivas, Vijay Jesudas, Naresh Iyer. Rahman's nephew G.V.Prakash and sister Rehana have also joined the ensemble.

The thing about this anthem, Rahman says, is that it also features singers who have distinguished themselves in other genres of music such as Carnatic (Aruna Sayeeram, Bombay Jaishree, Nithyashree and Sowmya), folk, Sufi (M.Y.Abdul Ghani, Khajamoideen, S.Sabumoideen), and even rap (Blaaze). Another key aspect is that three generations of singers have participated.

Responding to a complaint that the words in his songs were often drowned out by the instruments, he says, "I think you will hear the words in this song. In fact we have kept the instruments to a minimum so that the words are clear." The traditional Tamil nagaswaram and tavil blend melodiously with the guitar and drums, even as the carnatic notes wind seamlessly with the rap.

And what are his favourite lines from the anthem? For some one who added a line in Tamil in his Oscars acceptance speech, the answer was predictable: "Semmozhiyaana Tamizh mozhiyaam," the line that runs right through as the chorus.

Ammamma Thambi Endru - அம்மம்மா தம்பி என்று நம்பி

punnagai mannan poovizhi kannan - iru kodugal

Rare Radha song (Chinna arumbu from Pangaligal)

திரைப் படம்: பங்காளிகள் (1961)
இசை: V தச்சிணாமூர்த்தி
திருச்சி லோகநாதன்
பாடல்: மருதகாசி
இயக்கம்: ராமகிருஷ்ணா
நடிப்பு: ஜெமினி, அஞ்சலி தேவி

சின்ன அரும்பு மலரும்
சிரிப்பை சிந்தி வளரும்
கண்கள் அந்த காட்சி கண்டு
களிக்கும் நாள் வரும்
நான் களிக்கும் நாள் வரும்

சின்ன அரும்பு மலரும்
சிரிப்பை சிந்தி வளரும்

மண்ணில் உலவும் நிலவே
என் வயிற்றில் உதித்த கனியே
மண்ணில் உலவும் நிலவே
என் வயிற்றில் உதித்த கனியே
வாழ்வு உன்னால் செழித்தே மனம்
மகிழும் நாள் வரும்
நான் மகிழும் நாள் வரும்

சின்ன அரும்பு மலரும்
சிரிப்பை சிந்தி வளரும்

நீ எங்கு இருந்த போதும்
என் இதயம் உன்னை வாழ்த்தும்
நீ எங்கு இருந்த போதும்
என் இதயம் உன்னை வாழ்த்தும்
தாய் அன்பு உன்னை காக்கும்
தாய் அன்பு உன்னை காக்கும்
நீ அழுவதேனடா
உறங்கி அமைதி காணடா

அமைதி காணடா
ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ
ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம் ம்

Nissan's Cars Will Read Your Mind

The Japanese automaker is teaming up with Swiss researchers to build a car that will predict its driver's intentions.
In the future--don't ask how distant--your car may be able to read your mind.
Nissan announced that it would be collaborating with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL) on a car that would be able to make an educated guess about what a driver's intentions are. The idea isn't quite to have a car be steered by the driver's mind alone--as in this German concept proposing that a car brake for you, based on brain signals. Rather, the car would read the driver's mind and prepare itself for a manually executed maneuver. Think about turning to the right, for instance, and the car will adopt the appropriate speed and road position.
How could a car know what you're thinking? For one thing, it would use brain-computer interface (BCI) technology developed at EPFL. The Swiss researchers, led by Professor José del R. Millán, are acknowledged leaders in this space, having created an interface that enables the steering of a wheelchair by thought alone, for instance.
But the car would read more than the driver's mind. The car's sensors could scan around the car itself, effectively cross-checking what the driver is thinking with what's actually out there. You maywant to turn left--but if there's a Mack truck in your blind spot, your car will know better. By combining brain and environmental data, the car (and driver) makes smarter choices. "The idea is to blend driver and vehicle intelligence together in such a way that eliminates conflicts between them, leading to a safer motoring environment," José del R. Millán recently said.
EPFL isn't the first academic institution to dabble in hands-free driving. A German university-- Freie Universität Berlin--got there first.
But to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time a major car manufacturer has joined the effort, bringing the research into the realm of commercial, mass-market reality. The EPFL collaboration is part of a six-year plan Nissan calls "Power 88"; other technology projects include smart cruise control, distance control assist, and moving object detection--basically, more and more ways of automating the driving experience.
All of which raises the question: won't mind-reading cars be obsolete in an era of driverless cars?

Carmakers Unveil New Types of Hybrids

Lean machine: The Jaguar XF will use a flywheel hybrid system.
Bloomberg via Getty Images


Carmakers Unveil New Types of Hybrids

Alternative approaches replace the battery with compressed air or a flywheel.

Hybrid cars normally combine conventional engines with battery-powered electric motors. But many carmakers are developing alternative types of hybrids—some of which were on display this month at the Frankfurt Motor Show in Germany.
Hybrid systems recover kinetic energy—from the engine or from the vehicle itself—and use it to boost the efficiency of the engine. A typical hybrid car does this by charging up a battery.
Scuderi, based in West Springfield, Massachusetts, has altered the way the internal combustion engine operates to convert kinetic energy into the potential energy of high-pressure air. It splits the four parts of the internal combustion cycle across two cylinders synchronized on the same crankshaft. One cylinder handles the air intake and compression part of the cycle, pumping compressed air via a crossover passage into the second cylinder. The crossover contains the fuel-injection system, and combustion and exhaust are handled in the second cylinder.
When the vehicle does not need power—when traveling downhill, braking, or decelerating—the second cylinder is disabled and the first cylinder's air is diverted into a high-pressure air-storage tank. This air can be used to help run the engine, boosting its efficiency.

Recently, Scuderi has combined this system with a "Miller-cycle" turbocharger, which picks up energy off the exhaust and uses it to compress air into the intake cylinder. This allows the compression side to be shrunk down and reduces the amount of work done through the crankshaft. "The engine is producing much higher output at higher efficiency, we're producing less emissions, and our torque level is very high," said Scuderi group president Sal Scuderi at the Frankfurt show. "Our gasoline engine will rival the torque of any diesel engine on the market, but it does that while maintaining low pressure inside the cylinders, which reduces wear and tear."
Scuderi has now released results of a computer simulation of its engine against a European economy-class engine of comparable power. The air hybrid achieved a fuel economy figure of 65 miles per gallon, compared with 52 miles per gallon for the conventional engine. It also emitted 85 grams per kilometer of carbon dioxide, compared with 104 grams per kilometer for the conventional engine.
Across the Atlantic, a team that formerly worked for the Renault Formula 1 team has adapted its motorsport-developed flywheel system for use with conventional vehicles. The team has formed a company, Flybrid Systems, to commercialize the technology, and has teamed up with Jaguar Land Rover to trial the Flybrid technology that was originally developed as the kinetic energy recovery system (KERS) used in Formula 1 racing to provide a boost during racing. But while most KERS systems work by using a flywheel to charge an onboard battery or supercapacitor, Flybrid uses a gearbox system to transfer kinetic energy directly to and from the wheels.
Flybrid cars transfer energy via either a continuously variable transmission or a less complex three-gear system, which allows 15 different gear ratios on a standard five-gear model. "There are always efficiency losses when you convert energy," explains Flybrid's technical director, Doug Cross. "This system eliminates those losses, making it far more efficient."
The flywheel weighs five kilograms and is made from carbon fiber wrapped around a steel core. Because it is so light, it has to spin fast—at 60,000 rpm—which means that its rim is traveling at supersonic speeds. As a result, it has to operate in a vacuum, and Flybrid has developed special seals so that the wheel can be fully enclosed inside a safety container in case of a crash. At top speed, the flywheel can store 540 kilojoules of energy, which is sufficient to accelerate an average-sized automobile from a standing start to 48 kilometers per hour.
"One way you can use this technology is to boost the car during a cruise," Cross said. "We have a system installed on a Jaguar saloon, and that has shown that during a cruise, you can actually switch the engine off for 65 percent of the journey. With a V6 diesel engine, it cuts fuel use by 26 percent, but gives you the power of a V8 petrol engine."

Let's Talk, iPhone


Let's Talk, iPhone

Could Apple be about to give iPhone users an AI personal assistant? And if so, will people like it?

Apple has popularized some revolutions in how we use personal computers in its time: the graphical interface, the mouse, and the touch screen, for example. Next Tuesday could see the company add to that list of milestones in man-machine interaction by letting users control a computer by having a conversation with it.

Apple's new boss, Tim Cook, will take the stage at the company's California headquarters to announce the latest updates to the company's products. Apple's invite to the event says only "Let's Talk iPhone," but the Internet rumor mill has decided that Cook will announce two things: a fifth model of the iPhone; and a voice-activated "Assistant" for iPhone and iPad devices, based on an impressive app called Siri that was bought by Apple last year (see here for one of the more plausible predictions).

We may well get neither of these, but of the two, the second is the most interesting. I may regret saying this, but there are few significant hardware upgrades that Apple could add to the iPhone 5. Some things will get incrementally better; more resolution (camera), faster (processor), or bigger (screen), but there's not a lot left to throw in that makes sense.

On the other hand, making it simple to set up calendar invites or find a nearby movie just by conversing with your iPhone or iPad would break new ground. It's also the kind of achievable revolution that Apple is known for.

The formula is simple: take a bunch of neat technology that has never lived up to its promise, rethink what it's for, do some secretive hard work, and then release a natural, retrospectively obvious experience that redefines what computers can do.

The iPad and iPhone interfaces are good examples of this. Touch screens, mobile browsers, and tablets existed already, but Apple rolled them together and altered the trajectory of personal computing.

The shabby history of speech recognition, voice control, and virtual assistants (remember Clippy?) is perfect feedstock for this approach. All have been around for decades and have the potential to be so much better than poking buttons or a screen. Never has anyone come close to realizing that potential.

When Siri debuted in 2009, it looked to be the best hope yet of changing that. It was the spawn of a DARPA-funded AI project and some smart thinking on integrating various tools such as maps, restaurant reviews, and movie ticket bookings, and we made it one of our 10 technologies to watch in 2009. A user could have back-and-forth conversations that begin with complex statements like, "I'd like a romantic place for Italian food near my office."

Siri contained several smart technical ideas, but crucially, it condensed them into an easy-to-understand, working conversational interface that was actually useful. Apple could take this a significant step further by making the technology more robust and integrating it with the iPad and iPhone operating system. If they do that, the humble app Siri would be promoted to the role of Assistant, a personal aide that you talk to in normal language and helps with most things you use your phone or tablet for. In essence, it would be your phone's personality.

As will be pointed out in many a discussion thread if this does come to pass, Google was (sort of) there first. The company's Android operating system has a "voice actions" feature that allows users to press and hold a button and request directions to a local business, or dictate a text message. Yet it lacks the power to take actions beyond your phone, such as booking a restaurant. More importantly, it doesn't have a smart conversational interface.
Voice actions on Android feel like a techy side feature, not a new way of interacting with computers. Assistant could and should be a much more cohesive package. If it does arrive on Tuesday, it will likely condense a boatload of technology into one simple thing: a computer interface you converse with. If done well, that could see Apple once again shift what it means to use a computer.

Apple doesn't perform such tricks for free, and is notoriously controlling, though. Should Assistant appear, it will only be available on Apple devices, to drive sales. Any external services it connects with will be carefully approved. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Apple gets a cut of anything sold through Assistant, whether movie tickets or restaurant booking. Still, like the iPhone and Apple's other disruptive ideas, it won't be long before competitors launch mimics.

Questions remain in my mind, though, about the limits Apple will have placed on Assistant to have it live up to the company's own high standards. Creating a voice-based interface is easy, but creating one that, in Steve Jobs's words, "just works" is not.

The fact is that voice recognition has to cheat to be really accurate without extensive pretraining to your voice. It needs some precognition of what you are going to say. Google's voice search mobile app, for example, is incredibly accurate because it draws on piles of data about phrases people search for. Apple Assistant should be fine when taking orders related to things it knows you might talk about, like your calendar, contacts or music playlists. Transcribing speech, such as an e-mail message, when you could say literally anything is another matter, though, and it will be interesting to see if Apple makes it part of its system. I've found Google's voice actions to be infuriating to use for composing messages, and I can't imagine Apple launching a product with such potential to annoy users.

Striking the balance between power and reliability could be the toughest design decision involved in building something like Assistant. It's the type of judgement call that Steve Jobs excelled at, for example, when he put the iPad on hold and launched a smaller version in the form of a phone first. Come Tuesday, we may get a glimpse at how well Jobs's successor negotiates the same trade-off between what could be launched and what meets Apple's unique brand of experience-centric perfectionism.

டேப்ளட் கணணிகள் தரும் புத்தம் புதிய வசதிகள்

பெர்சனல் கணணியின் இடத்தை விரைவில் பிடித்துவிடும் என அனைவரும் எதிர்பார்க்கும் ஒரு சாதனம் டேப்ளட் பிசி. இன்று இது ஒரு புதிய சாதனம் அல்ல.
கைகளில் எடுத்துச் சென்று எங்கும் பயன்படுத்தக் கூடிய மிகச் சிறந்த சாதனமாக டேப்ளட் பிசி உருவாகியுள்ளது. நமக்குப் பிடித்த செய்தி சேனல்களைப் பார்க்கலாம், பிரியமான திரைப்படங்களைப் பார்க்கலாம், மின்னஞ்சல்களைப் பார்க்கலாம், அனுப்பலாம், கேம்ஸ் விளையாடலாம், இசையை ரசிக்கலாம்.
இப்படி இன்றைய டிஜிட்டல் வாழ்க்கையோடு ஒட்டிய அனைத்து செயல்பாடுகளையும் மேற்கொள்ளலாம். முதலில் வெளியான டேப்ளட் கணணிகள் பயன்படுத்த மிகவும் கடினமாகவும், அதிக எடை கொண்டதாகவும் இருந்தன.
ஒரு சில மணி நேரங்களிலேயே அதன் பற்றரிகள் தங்கள் மின் சக்தியை இழந்தன. அதனால் லேப்டாப் கணணியே போதும் என்று மக்கள் அவ்வளவாக இதன் மீது அக்கறை காட்டாமல் இருந்தனர்.
தற்போது இதன் அனைத்து குறைகளும் களையப்பட்டு சிறப்பான பயன்பாட்டினைத் தரும் பல அம்சங்களை இவை கொண்டுள்ளன. இவற்றைப் பயன்படுத்துவதில் உள்ள சில அனுகூலங்களை இங்கு காணலாம்.
1. டேப்ளட் பிசி என்பது முழுமையான ஒரு பெர்சனல் கணணி என்று சொல்லலாம். இன்றைக்கு கணணி பயன்படுத்துபவர்களில் பெரும்பாலானவர்கள் அதனை இன்டர்நெட் பிரவுஸ் செய்திடவும், வீடியோ மற்றும் ஓடியோ ரசிக்க மட்டுமே அதிகம் பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர்.
இந்த செயல்களை பெர்சனல் கணணிகளில் மேற்கொள்கையில் கட்டாயமாக அதன் முன் அமர்ந்து தான் செயல்பட வேண்டியுள்ளது. ஆனால் ஒரு டேப்ளட் கணணியில் நமக்கு வசதியான இடத்தில் நின்று கொண்டோ, படுத்துக் கொண்டோ, அமர்ந்தோ, சுகவாசியாக டேப்ளட் பிசியைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம்.
2. டேப்ளட் பிசியைக் கையாள்வது மிக இயற்கையான ஒரு செயலாக உள்ளது. குறிப்பாக அதன் தொடுதிரையைத் தொட்டுச் செயல்படுவது, மவுஸினைக் கையாள்வதனைக் காட்டிலும் எளிதாகவும், இயற்கையாகவும் உள்ளது. மேலும் டேப்ளட் பிசியைப் பயன்படுத்த, சிறப்பாக எந்த பயிற்சியும் தேவையில்லை. ஒரு குழந்தை கூட எளிதாக இதனைப் பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.
3. டேப்ளட் பிசி மிகவும் வேகமாகச் செயல்படுகிறது. இன்டர்நெட் பிரவுஸ் செய்வதில் இதன் வேகம் பெர்சனல் கணணியையும் மிஞ்சி விடுகிறது.
4. நண்பர்களுடன் வீடியோ சேட் செயல்களில் ஈடுபடுவது, பெர்சனல் கணணிகளில் முடியும் என்றாலும் ஒரு டேப்ளட் பிசியில் மேற்கொள்வது இன்னும் இயற்கையாக ஒரு நெருக்கத்தினை நண்பர்களுடன் ஏற்படுத்துகிறது.
5. ஒரு டேப்ளட் பிசியில் ஆயிரக்கணக்கான மின் நூல் பக்கங்களை சேவ் செய்து நாம் விருப்பப்படும் நேரத்தில் படிக்க இயலும். தனியாக இதற்கென ஒரு இ–ரீடர் என்னும் சாதனத்தினை வாங்க வேண்டியதில்லை.
6. டேப்ளட் பிசியை எந்த ஒரு சாதனமாகவும் இயக்க பல அப்ளிகேஷன்கள் இலவசமாகவே கிடைக்கின்றன. இதற்கென அப்ளிகேஷன் ஸ்டோர்கள் இணையத்தில் நிறைய இயங்குகின்றன. கமெரா, நூல்கள், மியூசிக் பிளேயர், பருவ இதழ்கள் எனப் பல வசதிகள் கிடைக்கின்றன.
7. பெர்சனல் கணணி பயன்படுத்துவதில் மொனிட்டர் மூலம் நம் கண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் இடையூறுகள், ஒரு டேப்ளட் பிசியைப் பயன்படுத்துகையில் அறவே நீக்கப்படுகின்றன. இதனை எந்தக் கோணத்திலும் வைத்துப் பயன்படுத்தலாம். நடந்து கொண்டும் படுத்துக் கொண்டும் கூட இதனை எளிதாகப் பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.
8. டேப்ளட் பிசிக்கள் வந்த புதிதில், ஒரு பெர்சனல் கணணி விலைக்கே விற்பனை செய்யப்பட்டன. இப்போது பல நிறுவனங்கள் இந்த சந்தையில் இயங்குவதால் இவற்றின் விலை மிக வேகமாகக் குறைந்து வருகிறது. ஒரு பெர்சனல் மற்றும் லேப்டாப் கணணியைக் காட்டிலும் குறைவான விலையில் இதனை வாங்கிப் பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.

மூளைக் கோளாறுக்கு அருமருந்தாகும் சிரிப்பு: ஆய்வுத் தகவல்

சிரிப்பு தான் உலகின் சிறந்த மருந்து என்பது நமக்குத் தெரிந்தது தான். ஆனால் சமீபத்திய ஆய்வு ஒன்று மூளைக் கோளாறால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு சிரிப்பு அருமருந்தாகப் பயன்படுவதாகத் தெரிவித்துள்ளது.
பிரிட்டன் தலைநகர் லண்டனில் உள்ள 36 மருத்துவமனைகள் மற்றும் 400 வீடுகளில் கடந்த மூன்றாண்டுகளாக வயதானோரிடையே ஓர் ஆய்வு நடத்தப்பட்டது.
நியூ சவுத் வேல்ஸ் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் ஆய்வாளர்கள் நடத்திய இதில் விளையாட்டுகள், நகைச்சுவை மற்றும் பாடல்கள் ஆகியவை பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டன.
ஆய்வாளர்கள் தினசரி மருத்துவமனைகள் மற்றும் வீடுகளுக்குச் சென்று வயதானோருடன் பேசி சிறிது நேரம் இருப்பர். அப்போது விளையாட்டு, நகைச்சுவை போன்றவற்றை அவர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்வர்.
இந்த ஆய்வில் 200 வீடுகளில் உள்ள வயதானோரைச் சந்திக்கும் ஆய்வாளர்கள், விளையாட்டு போன்ற எதையுமே பயன்படுத்தாமல் வெறுமனே பேசி விட்டு வந்து விடுவர்.
ஆய்வின் இறுதியில் வயதானோர் குறிப்பாக பல்வேறு நோய்களால் மூளைக் கோளாறு ஏற்பட்டு அதனால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டோர், விளையாட்டு, நகைச்சுவை போன்றவற்றால் மூளைக் கோளாறின் பாதிப்பில் இருந்து 20 சதவீதம் விடுபட்டது தெரியவந்தது.