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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation

Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso 

Editor’s Note: For a more complete. updated analysis of the World Trade Center towers collapse, read “The Role of Metallurgy in the NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Towers Collapse” in the December 2007 issue.

There have been numerous reports detailing the cause of the World Trade Center Tower collapse on September 11, 2001. Most have provided qualitative explanations; however, simple quantitative analyses show that some common conclusions are incorrect; for example, the steel could not melt in these flames and there was more structural damage than merely softening of the steel at elevated temperatures. Some guidelines for improvements in future structures are presented.


The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on September 11, 2001, was as sudden as it was dramatic; the complete destruction of such massive buildings shocked nearly everyone. Immediately afterward and even today, there is widespread speculation that the buildings were structurally deficient, that the steel columns melted, or that the fire suppression equipment failed to operate. In order to separate the fact from the fiction, we have attempted to quantify various details of the collapse.

The major events include the following:
  • The airplane impact with damage to the columns.
  • The ensuing fire with loss of steel strength and distortion (Figure 1).
  • The collapse, which generally occurred inward without significant tipping (Figure 2).
Each will be discussed separately, but initially it is useful to review the overall design of the towers.


The towers were designed and built in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s. They represented a new approach to skyscrapers in that they were to be very lightweight and involved modular construction methods in order to accelerate the schedule and to reduce the costs.

To a structural engineer, a skyscraper is modeled as a large cantilever vertical column. Each tower was 64 m square, standing 411 m above street level and 21 m below grade. This produces a height-to-width ratio of 6.8. The total weight of the structure was roughly 500,000 t, but wind load, rather than the gravity load, dominated the design. The building is a huge sail that must resist a 225 km/h hurricane. It was designed to resist a wind load of 2 kPa—a total of lateral load of 5,000 t.

In order to make each tower capable of withstanding this wind load, the architects selected a lightweight “perimeter tube” design consisting of 244 exterior columns of 36 cm square steel box section on 100 cm centers (see Figure 3). This permitted windows more than one-half meter wide. Inside this outer tube there was a 27 m × 40 m core, which was designed to support the weight of the tower. It also housed the elevators, the stairwells, and the mechanical risers and utilities. Web joists 80 cm tall connected the core to the perimeter at each story. Concrete slabs were poured over these joists to form the floors. In essence, the building is an egg-crate construction that is about 95 percent air, explaining why the rubble after the collapse was only a few stories high.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Flames and debris exploded from the World Trade Center south tower immediately after the airplane’s impact. The black smoke indicates a fuel-rich fire (Getty Images).

Figure 2

Figure 2. As the heat of the fire intensified, the joints on the most severely burned floors gave way, causing the perimeter wall columns to bow outward and the floors above them to fall. The buildings collapsed within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km/h (Getty Images).

The egg-crate construction made a redundant structure (i.e., if one or two columns were lost, the loads would shift into adjacent columns and the building would remain standing). Prior to the World Trade Center with its lightweight perimeter tube design, most tall buildings contained huge columns on 5 m centers and contained massive amounts of masonry carrying some of the structural load. The WTC was primarily a lightweight steel structure; however, its 244 perimeter columns made it “one of the most redundant and one of the most resilient” skyscrapers.1


The early news reports noted how well the towers withstood the initial impact of the aircraft; however, when one recognizes that the buildings had more than 1,000 times the mass of the aircraft and had been designed to resist steady wind loads of 30 times the weight of the aircraft, this ability to withstand the initial impact is hardly surprising. Furthermore, since there was no significant wind on September 11, the outer perimeter columns were only stressed before the impact to around 1/3 of their 200 MPa design allowable.

The only individual metal component of the aircraft that is comparable in strength to the box perimeter columns of the WTC is the keel beam at the bottom of the aircraft fuselage. While the aircraft impact undoubtedly destroyed several columns in the WTC perimeter wall, the number of columns lost on the initial impact was not large and the loads were shifted to remaining columns in this highly redundant structure. Of equal or even greater significance during this initial impact was the explosion when 90,000 L gallons of jet fuel, comprising nearly 1/3 of the aircraft’s weight, ignited. The ensuing fire was clearly the principal cause of the collapse (Figure 4).


The fire is the most misunderstood part of the WTC collapse. Even today, the media report (and many scientists believe) that the steel melted. It is argued that the jet fuel burns very hot, especially with so much fuel present. This is not true.

Part of the problem is that people (including engineers) often confuse temperature and heat. While they are related, they are not the same. Thermodynamically, the heat contained in a material is related to the temperature through the heat capacity and the density (or mass). Temperature is defined as an intensive property, meaning that it does not vary with the quantity of material, while the heat is an extensive property, which does vary with the amount of material. One way to distinguish the two is to note that if a second log is added to the fireplace, the temperature does not double; it stays roughly the same, but the size of the fire or the length of time the fire burns, or a combination of the two, doubles. Thus, the fact that there were 90,000 L of jet fuel on a few floors of the WTC does not mean that this was an unusually hot fire. The temperature of the fire at the WTC was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.

In combustion science, there are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. A jet burner generally involves mixing the fuel and the oxidant in nearly stoichiometric proportions and igniting the mixture in a constant-volume chamber. Since the combustion products cannot expand in the constant-volume chamber, they exit the chamber as a very high velocity, fully combusted, jet. This is what occurs in a jet engine, and this is the flame type that generates the most intense heat.

In a pre-mixed flame, the same nearly stoichiometric mixture is ignited as it exits a nozzle, under constant pressure conditions. It does not attain the flame velocities of a jet burner. An oxyacetylene torch or a Bunsen burner is a pre-mixed flame.

In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace flame is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire.

Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types.

If the fuel and the oxidant start at ambient temperature, a maximum flame temperature can be defined. For carbon burning in pure oxygen, the maximum is 3,200°C; for hydrogen it is 2,750°C. Thus, for virtually any hydrocarbons, the maximum flame temperature, starting at ambient temperature and using pure oxygen, is approximately 3,000°C.

This maximum flame temperature is reduced by two-thirds if air is used rather than pure oxygen. The reason is that every molecule of oxygen releases the heat of formation of a molecule of carbon monoxide and a molecule of water. If pure oxygen is used, this heat only needs to heat two molecules (carbon monoxide and water), while with air, these two molecules must be heated plus four molecules of nitrogen. Thus, burning hydrocarbons in air produces only one-third the temperature increase as burning in pure oxygen because three times as many molecules must be heated when air is used. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1,000°C—hardly sufficient to melt steel at 1,500°C. 

Figure 3

But it is very difficult to reach this maximum temperature with a diffuse flame. There is nothing to ensure that the fuel and air in a diffuse flame are mixed in the best ratio. Typically, diffuse flames are fuel rich, meaning that the excess fuel molecules, which are unburned, must also be heated. It is known that most diffuse fires are fuel rich because blowing on a campfire or using a blacksmith’s bellows increases the rate of combustion by adding more oxygen. This fuel-rich diffuse flame can drop the temperature by up to a factor of two again. This is why the temperatures in a residential fire are usually in the 500°C to 650°C range.2,3 It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Soot is generated by incompletely burned fuel; hence, the WTC fire was fuel rich—hardly surprising with 90,000 L of jet fuel available. Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot decrease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to the maximum of 1,000°C. However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range. All reports that the steel melted at 1,500°C are using imprecise terminology at best.

Some reports suggest that the aluminum from the aircraft ignited, creating very high temperatures. While it is possible to ignite aluminum under special conditions, such conditions are not commonly attained in a hydrocarbon-based diffuse flame. In addition, the flame would be white hot, like a giant sparkler. There was no evidence of such aluminum ignition, which would have been visible even through the dense soot.

It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425°C and loses about half of its strength at 650°C.4 This is why steel is stress relieved in this temperature range. But even a 50% loss of strength is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse. It was noted above that the wind load controlled the design allowables. The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable, which is roughly one-fifth of the yield strength of the steel. Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650°C fire.

The additional problem was distortion of the steel in the fire. The temperature of the fire was not uniform everywhere, and the temperature on the outside of the box columns was clearly lower than on the side facing the fire. The temperature along the 18 m long joists was certainly not uniform. Given the thermal expansion of steel, a 150°C temperature difference from one location to another will produce yield-level residual stresses. This produced distortions in the slender structural steel, which resulted in buckling failures. Thus, the failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the non-uniform temperatures in the fire.


Nearly every large building has a redundant design that allows for loss of one primary structural member, such as a column. However, when multiple members fail, the shifting loads eventually overstress the adjacent members and the collapse occurs like a row of dominoes falling down.

The perimeter tube design of the WTC was highly redundant. It survived the loss of several exterior columns due to aircraft impact, but the ensuing fire led to other steel failures. Many structural engineers believe that the weak points—the limiting factors on design allowables—were the angle clips that held the floor joists between the columns on the perimeter wall and the core structure (see Figure 5). With a 700 Pa floor design allowable, each floor should have been able to support approximately 1,300 t beyond its own weight. The total weight of each tower was about 500,000 t.

As the joists on one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer box columns began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below (with its 1,300 t design capacity) could not support the roughly 45,000 t of ten floors (or more) above crashing down on these angle clips. This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour. If it had been free fall, with no restraint, the collapse would have only taken eight seconds and would have impacted at 300 km/h.1 It has been suggested that it was fortunate that the WTC did not tip over onto other buildings surrounding the area. There are several points that should be made. First, the building is not solid; it is 95 percent air and, hence, can implode onto itself. Second, there is no lateral load, even the impact of a speeding aircraft, which is sufficient to move the center of gravity one hundred feet to the side such that it is not within the base footprint of the structure. Third, given the near free-fall collapse, there was insufficient time for portions to attain significant lateral velocity. To summarize all of these points, a 500,000 t structure has too much inertia to fall in any direction other than nearly straight down.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Unscaled schematic of WTC floor joints and attachment to columns.


The World Trade Center was not defectively designed. No designer of the WTC anticipated, nor should have anticipated, a 90,000 L Molotov cocktail on one of the building floors. Skyscrapers are designed to support themselves for three hours in a fire even if the sprinkler system fails to operate. This time should be long enough to evacuate the occupants. The WTC towers lasted for one to two hours—less than the design life, but only because the fire fuel load was so large. No normal office fires would fill 4,000 square meters of floor space in the seconds in which the WTC fire developed. Usually, the fire would take up to an hour to spread so uniformly across the width and breadth of the building. This was a very large and rapidly progressing fire (very high heat but not unusually high temperature). Further information about the design of the WTC can be found on the World Wide Web.5–8


The clean-up of the World Trade Center will take many months. After all, 1,000,000 t of rubble will require 20,000 to 30,000 truckloads to haul away the material. The asbestos fire insulation makes the task hazardous for those working nearby. Interestingly, the approximately 300,000 t of steel is fully recyclable and represents only one day’s production of the U.S. steel industry. Separation of the stone and concrete is a common matter for modern steel shredders. The land-filling of 700,000 t of concrete and stone rubble is more problematic. However, the volume is equivalent to six football fields, 6–9 m deep, so it is manageable.

There will undoubtedly be a number of changes in the building codes as a result of the WTC catastrophe. For example, emergency communication systems need to be upgraded to speed up the notice for evacuation and the safest paths of egress. Emergency illumination systems, separate from the normal building lighting, are already on the drawing boards as a result of lessons learned from the WTC bombing in 1993. There will certainly be better fire protection of structural members. Protection from smoke inhalation, energy-absorbing materials, and redundant means of egress will all be considered.

A basic engineering assessment of the design of the World Trade Center dispels many of the myths about its collapse. First, the perimeter tube design of the towers protected them from failing upon impact. The outer columns were engineered to stiffen the towers in heavy wind, and they protected the inner core, which held the gravity load. Removal of some of the outer columns alone could not bring the building down. Furthermore, because of the stiffness of the perimeter design, it was impossible for the aircraft impact to topple the building.

However, the building was not able to withstand the intense heat of the jet fuel fire. While it was impossible for the fuel-rich, diffuse-flame fire to burn at a temperature high enough to melt the steel, its quick ignition and intense heat caused the steel to lose at least half its strength and to deform, causing buckling or crippling. This weakening and deformation caused a few floors to fall, while the weight of the stories above them crushed the floors below, initiating a domino collapse.

It would be impractical to design buildings to withstand the fuel load induced by a burning commercial airliner. Instead of saving the building, engineers and officials should focus on saving the lives of those inside by designing better safety and evacuation systems.

As scientists and engineers, we must not succumb to speculative thinking when a tragedy such as this occurs. Quantitative reasoning can help sort fact from fiction, and can help us learn from this unfortunate disaster. As Lord Kelvin said,
“I often say . . . that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.”
We will move forward from the WTC tragedy and we will engineer better and safer buildings in the future based, in part, on the lessons learned at the WTC. The reason the WTC collapse stirs our emotions so deeply is because it was an intentional attack on innocent people. It is easier to accept natural or unintentional tragedies; it is the intentional loss of life that makes us fear that some people have lost their humanity.
1. Presentation on WTC Collapse, Civil Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA (October 3, 2001).
2. D. Drysdale, An Introduction to Fire Dynamics (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1985), pp. 134–140.
3. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 10–67.
4. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 6-62 to 6-70.
5. Steven Ashley, “When the Twin Towers Fell,” Scientific American Online (October 9, 2001);
6. Zdenek P. Bazant and Yong Zhou, “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse?—Simple Analysis,” J. Engineering Mechanics ASCE(September 28, 2001), also 
7. Timothy Wilkinson, “World Trade Centre–New York—Some Engineering Aspects” (October 25, 2001), Univ. SydneyDepartment of Civil Engineering;
8. G. Charles Clifton, “Collapse of the World Trade Centers,” CAD Headlines, (October 8, 2001);
Thomas W. Eagar, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems, and Christopher Musso, graduate research student, are at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Engineering Disasters and Learning from Failure

   The role of the engineer is to respond to a need by building or creating something along a certain set of guidelines (or specifications) which performs a given function. Just as importantly, that device, plan or creation should perform its function without fail. Everything, however, must eventually fail (in some way) to perform its given function with a sought after level of performance. Hence, the engineer must struggle to design in such a way as to avoid failure, and, more importantly, catastrophic failure which could result in loss of property, damage to the environment of the user of that technology, and possibly injury or loss of life. Through analysis and study of engineering disasters, modern engineering designers can learn what not to do and how to create designs with less of a chance of failure.   

What Makes a Failure Into an "Engineering Disaster"?Much of the reason why we consider an engineering failure to be an engineering "disaster" has to do with public perception of risk. For example, in 1992 roughly the same number of fatalities occurred (in the United States) in transportation accidents involving airplanes (775), trains (755), and bicycles (722). Yet the public perception of the risk associated with air travel is often much higher than that for trains and certainly for bicycles. This stems from two reasons: (1) the large loss of life (and associated wide spread news reporting) resulting from a single air crash, and (2) the air passenger's lack of control over their environment in the case of air or, to a lesser degree, rail accidents. Both of these reasons results in increased fear, and hence a higher degree of perceived risk.
Primary Causes of Engineering Disasters
The primary causes of engineering disasters are usually considered to be
  • human factors (including both 'ethical' failure and accidents)
  • design flaws (many of which are also the result of unethical practices)
  • materials failures
  • extreme conditions or environments, and, most commonly and importantly
  • combinations of these reasons
A recent study conducted at the Swiss federal Institute of technology in Zurich analyzed 800 cases of structural failure in which 504 people were killed, 592 people injured, and millions of dollars of damage incurred. When engineers were at fault, the researchers classified the causes of failure as follows:
Insufficient knowledge ............................... 36%
Underestimation of influence ......................... 16%
Ignorence, carelessness, negligence .................. 14%
Forgetfulness, error ................................. 13%
Relying upon others without sufficient control ....... 9%
Objectively unknown situation ........................ 7%
Unprecise definition of responsibilities ............. 1%
Choice of bad quality ................................ 1%
Other ................................................ 3%

M. Matousek and Schneider, J., (1976) Untersuchungen Zur 
Struktur des Zicherheitproblems bei Bauwerken, Institut 
für Baustatik und Konstruktion der ETH Zürich, 
Bericht No. 59, ETH.


How to Face an Interview

n brief: “Facing an interview can be interesting. You may have several interviews that will be a learning experience for you. As you are competing with many other job candidates, there are some interview tips and interview techniques that may assist you in knowing how to face a job interview wisely.”
Job interviewing seems like a confusing situation for many of us. One should consider that facing an interview is just like doing many other things in life. Though the time, place and concept differ, the basic premise of the interview is the same.
Nevertheless, even if it is not your first time facing an interview, you should prepare for your job interview and have some good answers to possible interview questions for taking the desired job.

How to Face an Interview Wisely


 Here are some interview tips and techniques that will answer a common question – how to face an interview wisely:
1.  Research: One of the first questions that still have a lot of people taken aback is: what do you know about this company and the position in this company for which you are a candidate? The best way to answer this question is to actually do some research on the said company. This not only prepares you for the interview, but it also helps you come across as a well experienced and knowledgeable about your profession. Also, it is possible that you actually may come across some information that might force YOU to re-think your decision to join the company.
2.  Professional skills: What you would you have to offer the company if YOU were hired? The best way to answer this question is to give the interviewer an idea of your understanding of the job. Give a brief run-through of your areas of expertise and how they are present in a corporate environment. This will give the interviewer a basic idea of your understanding of the profession as well as the job profile, combined with information about the key responsibilities of the said job profile.
3.  Interviewer Questions: Another two tough interview questions are why you would want to work for this particular company and what you know about the company. Therefore, you should have the proper answers ready for these questions, to ensure that you do not fumble for an answer when such questions are asked. These two questions are known as the ice breakers in recruitment/interview circles.
4.  Interviewee Questions to ask on your job interview: No interview is over without cross questioning. In fact, the process of your asking any questions about the company only further prove how experienced you are in your line of profession. Also, it is important that you ask questions, because this is one of the first instances that you will find out information about the company.  Therefore, feel free to ask questions about the past, present and future of the company and your position. Your questions should show your interest and that you are a serious employee. Asking about the company also gives you the chance to surmise the future prospects of the company, and therefore, yourself.
How to face an interview successfully?
The best interview tip is – Whether you are looking for your first job or your seventh and regardless of your initial impression of the job opportunity, make intensive job interview preparations. A proper and a serious interview preparation, and learning some good job interview techniques will ensure that the interviewer will regard you not only as a strong candidate but also as a good performer within the corporate world.

Precautions Needed During Hot Weather

The Placer County Department of Health and Human Services reminds residents and visitors that they need to take extra precautions during periods of very hot weather. The best defense against heat-related illnesses is prevention. Heat exhaustion, if left untreated, can lead to heat stroke, which can result in death. The elderly, the very young, those with mental illnesses and chronic diseases are most susceptible the heat. Residents and visitors are asked to use common sense and the following suggestions and stay safe in hot weather. Remember to check on the elderly and ill as they may be unable to care for themselves in extreme heat.
Drink plenty of fluids:
  • During hot weather you will need to increase your fluid intake, regardless of your activity level. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. During heavy exercise in a hot environment, drink two to four glasses (16–32 ounces) of cool fluids each hour.
Replace Salt and Minerals:
  • Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from the body. These are necessary for your body and must be replaced. If you must exercise, drink two to four glasses of cool, nonalcoholic fluids each hour. A sports beverage can replace the salt and minerals you lose in sweat. However, if you are on a low-salt diet, talk with your doctor before drinking a sports beverage or taking salt tablets.
Wear Appropriate Clothing and Sunscreen:
  • Wear as little clothing as possible when you are at home. Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool itself and causes a loss of body fluids. It also causes pain and damages the skin. If you must go outdoors, protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat (also keeps you cooler) along with sunglasses, and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher
Schedule Outdoor Activities Carefully:
  • If you must be outdoors, try to limit your outdoor activity to morning and evening hours. Try to rest often in shady areas so that your body’s thermostat will have a chance to recover.
Pace Yourself:
  • If you are not accustomed to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. If exertion in the heat makes your heart pound and leaves you gasping for breath, STOP all activity. Get into a cool area or at least into the shade, and rest, especially if you become lightheaded, confused, weak, or faint.
Stay Cool Indoors:
  • Stay indoors and, if at all possible, stay in an air-conditioned place. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to the shopping mall or public library—even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat.
Use a Buddy System:
  • When working in the heat, monitor the condition of your co-workers and have someone do the same for you. Heat-induced illness can cause a person to become confused or lose consciousness. If you are 65 years of age or older, have a friend or relative call to check on you twice a day during a heat wave. If you know someone in this age group, check on them at least twice a day.
Monitor Those at High Risk:
  • Although any one at any time can suffer from heat-related illness, some people are at greater risk than others. Frequently check on those at high risk.
    • Infants and children up to four years of age
    • People 65 years of age or older may not compensate for heat stress efficiently and are less likely to sense and respond to change in temperature.
    • People who are overweight may be prone to heat sickness because of their tendency to retain more body heat.
    • People who overexert during work or exercise may become dehydrated and susceptible to heat sickness.
    • People who are physically ill, especially with heart disease or high blood pressure, or who take certain medications, such as for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation, may be affected by extreme heat.
Adjust to the Environment:
  • Be aware that any sudden change in temperature, such as an early summer heat wave, will be stressful to your body. You will have a greater tolerance for heat if you limit your physical activity until you become accustomed to the heat. If you travel to a hotter climate, allow several days to become acclimated before attempting any vigorous exercise, and work up to it gradually.
Use Common Sense:
  • Remember to keep cool and use common sense:
    • Avoid hot foods and heavy meals— they add heat to your body.
    • Drink plenty of fluids and replace salts and minerals in your body.
    • Dress infants and children in cool, loose clothing and shade their heads and faces with hats or an umbrella.
    • Limit sun exposure during mid-day hours and in places of potential severe exposure such as beaches.
    • Do not leave infants, children, or pets in a parked car.
    • Provide plenty of fresh water for your pets, and leave the water in a shady area.


Gulab Jamun

1 cup Carnation Milk Powder
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tablespoons butter -melted
Whole milk just enough to make the dough

For the Sugar Syrup
2 cups Sugar
1 cup water
Oil for frying

How to make gulab jamun:
  • Make the dough by combining the milk powder, Bisquick, butter. Add just enough whole milk to make a medium-hard dough. Divide the dough into 18-20 portions. Make balls by gently rolling each portion between your palms into a smooth ball. Place the balls on a plate. Cover with a damp yet dry kitchen towel.
  • Heat the oil on high and then lower the heat to medium. Slip in the balls into the hot oil from the side of the pan, one by one. They will sink to the bottom of the pan, but do not try to move them. Instead, gently shake the pan to keep the balls from browning on just one side. After about 5 mins, the balls will rise to the surface. The Gulab Jamuns should rise slowly to the top if the temperature is just right. Now they must be gently and constantly agitated to ensure even browning on all sides.
  • If the temperature of the oil is too high then the gulab jamuns will tend to break. So adjust the temperature to ensure that the gulab jamuns do not break or cook too quickly.
  • The balls must be fried very slowly under medium temperatures. This will ensure complete cooking from inside and even browning.
Sugar Syrup
  • The syrup should be made earlier and kept warm. To make the hot sugar syrup add mix the 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water. Add 4-5 cardamom pods, slightly crushed and a few strands of "Kesar". Mix with a spoon and then heat at medium heat for 5-10 minutes until sugar is all dissolved in water. Do not overheat, that will caramelize the sugar.
  • Transfer this hot syrup into a serving dish. Keep warm on stove. Add the fried gulab jamuns directly into the warm syrup. Leave gulab jamun balls in sugar syrup overnight for best results. They can be served warm or at room temperature.

    Hair Care For Different Hair Types

    Hair comprises of one of those features that can make or mar the personality of a person. The type of your hair, as well as the way you style it, can go a long way in adding to your looks. All the people in this world are not gifted with the same type of hair. While some people take pride on their curly locks, others are simply in love with their straight hair. Then, there are some who have wavy hair, which is neither curly, nor straight. Whatever be the type of your hair, you need to take proper care of it, lest it gets damaged and loses its beauty. In the following lines, we have provided hair care tips for three different hair types - curly, wavy and straight.

    Hair Care for Curly Hair
    • Avoid using hair dryer as much as possible, since curly hair tends to be very fragile. Let your hair air-dry as much as possible.
    • Never ever brush your curls, if you do not want to end up having frizzy hair. Rather, sort out the tangles with the help of your fingers.
    • Never ever wash your curly hair on a daily basis. It would rob it of the natural oils and contribute to the frizz.
    • Stay away from hair care products, like grease, mousses and gels, as much as you can.
    • Massage your scalp with coconut oil, jojoba oil or Aloe Vera juice 1-2 times in a week.
    • Since curly hair is prone to dryness, you should make sure to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner regularly.
    Hair Care for Wavy Hair
    • Get your hair trimmed once every six to eight weeks. This will prevent split ends to quite an extent.
    • Rather than letting your wavy hair air-dry, towel-dry it as much as possible.
    • After washing your wavy hair, never ever bunch it on top of your head. It will create unnecessary knots and frizz.
    • Always use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your wavy hair. However, do not tug at knots, as it leads to breakage.
    • For wavy hair, it is advisable to make use of shine-enhancing shampoo and conditioner.
    • Indulge in detoxification of your hair about once a month.
    Hair Care for Straight Hair
    • Wash your hair either on a daily basis or at least on alternate days.
    • Avoid using curling iron on your hair and even if you use it, make sure to keep the heat setting on low.
    • Never brush your hair when it is still wet. If you need to detangle it, make use of your fingers for the purpose.
    • Do not rub your wet hair with a towel. Rather, use it to squeeze out water from the hair, gently.
    • After applying conditioner on your hair, and before rinsing it out, comb your hair, using a wide-toothed comb.
    • Do not touch or play with your hair every now and then. Rather, avoid touching your hair as much as possible.


    In the present times, dandruff has become a common hair problem, which bothers many people. Characterized as excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp, it can either be chronic in nature or caused by certain specific triggers. One of the most common triggers of dandruff is frequent exposure to extreme heat and cold, apart from chronic constipation, stress, fatigue, pollution and excessive use of hair styling products. The unusually large amount of flaking - one of the main symptoms of dandruff, might be accompanied by redness and irritation as well. If you are also suffering from dandruff and want to explore ways to get rid of it, the following lines will come handy.

    How To Get Rid Of Dandruff
    • Tea tree oil, with anti-fungal properties, serves as one of the best cures for dandruff. Mix a few drops of the oil to your hair oil and massage your scalp with the same, once every week.
    • Dilute Cider vinegar, by adding one part of the vinegar to three parts of water. After shampooing your hair and rinsing off the lather well, use this solution for the final rinse.
    • Massage your scalp with 4-5 tbsp of warm wheat germ oil. Now, wrap a warm towel around your head and keep it on for 30 minutes. Thereafter, rinse your hair thoroughly with water.
    • Get fresh Aloe Vera gel and apply it all over your scalp. After letting it sit for half an hour, wash your hair well.
    • Heat coconut oil slightly and massage your scalp with the same. Let the oil remain on the scalp overnight and wash your hair in the morning. Do this at least three times in a week.
    • In a cup of water, put 1 tsp fenugreek seeds and let them soak overnight. In the morning, drain the water and grind the seeds to a fine paste. Now, apply it all over the scalp, let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
    • Mix 10 grams black pepper powder, juice of 1 fresh lime and ¼ cup milk and rub into your scalp. After letting it sit for an hour, rinse off with water.
    • Take a mug of water and in it, add 1 tsp lime juice. Use this solution as the final rinse, after washing your hair with shampoo.
    • Massage your scalp with olive oil and let it remain overnight. Wash your hair in the morning.
    • In half a cup of coconut oil, add a few drops of rosemary oil. Massage your scalp with the oil and leave it overnight. In the morning, use warm water, to which lemon juice has been added, to rinse your hair.
    • Mix equal amount of lime juice and amla juice. Apply the solution to your scalp and let it sit overnight. Wash hair in the morning.
    • Take ½ cup of curd (yoghurt) and beat it well. Now, apply the curd all over your scalp, massaging gently. Keep on for half an hour and then rinse off with warm water.

    Hair Care Secrets

    The way your hair looks can make or ruin your appearance completely. Beautiful hair completes any appearance. Your hairstyle has to be perfect for you to look your best. There are a few of hair care secrets that are very handy and will help you make your hair look wonderful. Read these hair care tips to make your hair look and stay they way you want them to.
    • Do not shampoo your hair everyday. Hair that has not been washed for a day or two is easier to style. Infact washing your hair once every two or three days will actually make your hair healthy. Washing your hair everyday robs hair of essential oils and dries your scalp and hair.
    • If you have oily hair squirt water at the roots. Water adds lift to the hair roots. You can sprinkle some baby powder to the roots of the hair as well. For dry coarse hair condition the ends of your hair well every time you wash them.
    • If you want to tie your hair up in a bun, keep the bun loose. Finger comb your hair into a low disheveled bun.
    • For sexy wavy hair use a sea salt spray. Mix sea salts in water and fill a spray bottle. Squirt sea salt on damp hair, scrunch your hair and let it air dry. As most of us have hair that has a natural wave and the sea salts will bring it out.
    • While blow-drying your hair finger comb your hair and separate the tangles with your fingers. Dry your hair in this manner till your hair is almost dry and then use a brush.
    • Bangs are the in thing. Layering hair with bangs is the perfect hairstyle. Keep the bangs thick and heavy or choose side-swept bangs. Side-swept bangs paired with long layers look beautiful.
    • Coloring your hair is another hair treatment option. It is a nice change from the way you normally look. But choose a hair color that will suit your skin color. Ask a professional to help you choose the right color for your skin tone.
    • Cut your hair in layers, this will make you look a lot younger.
    • While curling your hair before using Velcro rollers use curling irons. Squirt your dry hair with styling spray and then use a medium curling iron to curl 2-inch sections of hair before rolling hair in Velcro rollers.
    • Color your hair regularly. Color your hair every 28 days by doing this you may actually prevent your hair from getting damaged.
    • For shiny hair add a few drops of shine serum to water and squirt it on to your hair.

    Ennamo Yedho [ HQ ] ~ KO [ 2011 ] Tamil Movie Song * ing Jeeva & Karthika