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Monday, August 22, 2016

How we escaped from the Big Bang

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A Griffith University physicist is challenging the conventional view of space and time to show how the world advances through time.
Associate Professor Dr Joan Vaccaro, of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, has solved an anomaly of conventional physics and shown that a mysterious effect called ‘T violation’ could be the origin of time evolution and conservation laws.
“I begin by breaking the rules of physics, which is rather bold I have to admit, but I wanted to understand time better and conventional physics can’t do that,” Dr Vaccaro says.
“I do get conventional physics in the end though. This means that the rules I break are not fundamental. It also means that I can see why the universe has those rules. And I can also see why the universe advances in time.”
In her research published in The Royal Society Dr Vaccaro says T violation, or a violation of time reversal (T) symmetry, is forcing the universe and us in it, into the future
“If T violation wasn’t involved we wouldn’t advance in time and we’d be stuck at the Big Bang, so this shows how we escaped the Big Bang.
“I found the mechanism that forces us to go to the future, the reason why you get old and the reason why we advance in time.”
“The universe must be symmetric in time and space overall. But we know that there appears to be a preferred direction in time because we are incessantly getting older not younger.”
The anomaly Dr Vaccaro solves involves two things not accounted for in in conventional physical theories – the direction of time, and the behaviour of the mesons (which decay differently if time went in the opposite direction).
“Experiments show that the behaviour of mesons depends on the direction of time; in particular, if the direction of time was changed then their behaviour would also,” she says.
“Conventional physical theories can accommodate only one direction of time and one kind of meson behaviour, and so they are asymmetric in this regard. But the problem is that the universe cannot be asymmetric overall.
I begin by breaking the rules of physics, which is rather bold I have to admit
“This means that physical theories must be symmetric in time. To be symmetric in time they would need to accommodate both directions of time and both meson behaviours. This is the anomaly in physics that I am attempting to solve.”
Dr Vaccaro is presenting her work at the Soapbox Science event held in Brisbane as part of National Science Week, titled “The meaning of time: why the universe didn’t stay put at the big bang and how it is ‘now’ and no other time”.
Without any T violation the theory gives a very strange universe. An object like a cup can be placed in time just like it is in space.
“It just exists at one place in space and one point in time. There is nothing unusual about being at one place in space, but existing at one point in time means the object would come into existence only at that point in time and then disappear immediately.
“This means that conservation of matter would be violated. It also means that there would be no evolution in time. People would only exist for a single point in time – they would not experience a “flow of time”.
When Dr Vaccaro adds T violation to the theory, things change dramatically.
“The cup is now found at any and every time,” she says,
“This means that the theory now has conservation of matter – the conservation has emerged from the theory rather than being assumed. Moreover, objects change over time, cups chip and break, and people would grow old and experience a “flow of time”. This means that the theory now has time evolution.
The next stage of the research is to design experiments that will test predictions of the theory.
Dr Vaccaro will be speaking from a soapbox on Saturday August 20 between 1pm and 4pm in King George Square.…/uploa…/2016/08/joan-vaccaro.pdf
 Cecile G. Tamura

Sunday, August 21, 2016

சர்ச்சில் சிவ நாமம் கண்டு ரசியுங்கள் Devine Shiva's Bajan in Church

அறியாத தகவல்கள்......

1.உலகப்புகழ் பெற்ற மோனாலீசா ஓவியம் இடது கையால் வரையப்பட்டது.
2. எப்போதும் காற்று வீசும் திசையிலேயே தலை வைத்துப் படுக்கும் மிருகம் நாய்.
3. தேசியக் கொடியை முதல் முதலில் உருவாக்கிய நாடு டென்மார்க் 1219ல் உருவாக்கியது.
4. எறும்புகள் உணவு இல்லாமல் 100 நாட்கள் வாழும்.
5. ஒரு பென்சிலைக் கொண்டு 58 கி.மீ நீளமான கோடு போடலாம்.
6.பாம்புகளுக்கு கேட்கும் சக்தி கிடையாது.
7. நண்டிற்கு தலை கிடையாது அதன் பற்கள் வயிற்றில் இருக்கும்.
8.வெள்ளை என்பது ஒரு நிறம் இல்லை அது ஏழு வர்ணங்களின் கலவை.
9.முற்றிப் பழுத்து காய்ந்த தேங்காய் மரத்திலிருந்து பகலில் விழாது இரவில்தான் விழும்.
10. நமக்கு உடல் முழுவதும் வியர்க்கும் ஆனால் நாய்க்கு நாக்கில் மட்டுமே வியர்க்கும்.
11. சிலந்திப் பூச்சிக்கு எட்டுக் கண்கள் உண்டு.
12. இறாலுக்கு இதயம் தலையில் இருக்கிறது
13.ஆப்கானிஸ்தானில் ரயில் கிடையாது.
14இந்தியாவில் தமிழில் தான்"பைபிள்"முதலில் மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டது.
15.ஆண் சிங்கம் சாப்பிட்ட பின்னரே பெண் சிங்கம் சாப்பிடும்.
16. வாத்து அதிகாலையில் மட்டுமே முட்டையிடும் .
17.கத்தரிக்காயின் தாயகம் இந்தியா தான்.
18.பிரேசில் நாட்டு தேன் கசக்கும்.
19.முன்னாள் இந்திய ஜனாதிபதியாகிய அப்துல் கலாம் சிறந்த வீணை கலைஞரும் ஆவார்.
20.உலகில் கடற்கரை இல்லாத நாடுகள் 26 ஆகும்.
21.அமெரிக்காவை விட சகாரா பாலைவனம் பெரியது"
- இணையம்

Egypt, 1870

Top Ranked Films of Satyajit Ray

Satyajit Ray is India’s most famous filmmaker, and might appropriately be called the Father of Indian Cinema. Just before his death, he received an honorary Oscar for his life’s work. After his death, hundreds of thousands of Indians gathered around his house in respect. Many other filmmakers outside of India are said to have been either influenced by his work or praised it, among them Akira Kurosawa, Francois Truffaut, Martin Scorsese, James Ivory, Elia Kazan, Abbas Kiarostami, Carlos Suara, and Danny Boyle.

1. Pather Panchali / Apu Trilogy I (1955) #62 Most polls list the films separately, as they should be, but one poll had the trilogy ranked as one film. I couldn’t figure out how to divide the points, so I added them to the first film, but the position isn’t as important as getting the films listed. I guess I could have split the trilogy pts among all three films, so each of the three would have been helped a little.
2. World of Apu, The (1959) #297 The 3rd Apu film, that complete the trilogy
3. Aparajito (1956) #442 The 2nd Apu film, the title means “The Unvanquished”
4. Music Room, The (1958) #582
5. Charulata (1964) #698

Out of the top 1000
6. Days and Nights in the Forest (1970) #1564

I’ve yet to be able to rent the Apu Trilogy in the U.S. For some odd reason, Netflix chooses not to carry the most famous films in Indian history, and I’m not in a position to simply buy them new sight unseen. Maybe one day Netflix will get their head out of their pocket and their hand out of ours and become truly cultural. Until then, they are about as valuable as television to the history of cinema.

Colorectal cancer

·         Second most common cause of cancer deaths in the UK.
·         Each year 30,000 new cases diagnosed (68% colon, 32% rectal)
·         Disease more common in westernises countries then Asia or Africa

·         Age (56% >70yrs old)
·         Colorectal polyps
·         Family history
o        Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC): autosomal dominant disorder due to mutations in the MMR genes. Associated malignancies found in endometrium and ovaries. Precursor lesion is single colonic adenoma rather then multiple as found in FAP.
o        Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): Autosomal dominant mutation in the APC gene leads to hundreds/thousands of colorectal adenomas. Average age of developing colorectal cancer is 39yo. Affected people can have prophylactic colectomies.
·         Previous colorectal cancer
·         Ulcerative colitis /colonic crohn’s disease
·         Diet – hit fat/low fibre
·         Smoking
·         Alcohol drinking
·         Lack of exercise

·         “Adenoma-carcinoma sequence” majority of adenocarcinomas start as benign adenomas that grow and acquire genetic changes that lead to the development of uncontrolled growth leading to adenocarcinomas.
·         Synchronous tumours found in 2% of cases
·         Most of the tumours found on the left side of the colon
·         Spread is through local invasion through the bowl wall and via local lymphatics, blood (portal vein into liver) and transcoelomic.
·         Histology shows well differentiated glandular epithelium with mucin production. Signet rings common characteristics

Left sided tumour:
  • Tenesmus
  • Blood in stool (fresh red blood)
Obstructive symptoms:
  • Change in bowl habit
  • Colicky abdominal pain
  • Nausea vomiting

Right sided tumour:
  • Weight loss
  • Anaemia
  • Abdominal mass (late stage)

·         Rectal examination
Bloods tests:
- FBC (can show anaemia)
- CEA (carcino embryonic antigen – tumour marker normally used to monitor treatment)
- LFTs (show liver secondaries)
- faecal occult blood
·         proctoscopy
·         Barium enema
·         Sigmoidoscopy – tumours in the last 15cm of GI tract
·         Colonoscopy – can take biopsy’s
·         Ultrasound/CT – used to stage look for metastasis (liver)
·         CT colonography – less invasive then colonoscopies

Type A – tumour confined to mucosa/sub mucose
Type B – invaded through bowl wall but lymph nodes clear
Type C – regional lymph nodes involved
Type D - Distant metastasis

TNM Staging System (Tumor, Node, Metastisis)
T1: Tumor invades submucosa.
T2: Tumor invades muscularis propria.
T3: Tumor invades through the muscularis propria into the subserosa, or into the pericolic or perirectal tissues.
T4: Tumor directly invades other organs or structures, and/or perforates.

N0: No regional lymph node metastasis.
N1: Metastasis in 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes.
N2: Metastasis in 4 or more regional lymph nodes.

M0: No distant metastasis.
M1: Distant metastasis present.

Stage Groupings
Using the TNM criteria colorectal cancers are placed in to 4 stages:

Stage I: T1 N0 M0; T2 N0 M0
Cancer has begun to spread, but is still in the inner lining.
Stage II: T3 N0 M0; T4 N0 M0
Cancer has spread to other organs near the colon or rectum. It has not reached lymph nodes.
Stage III: any T, N1-2, M0
Cancer has spread to lymph nodes, but has not been carried to distant parts of the body
Stage IV: any T, any N, M1
Cancer has been carried through the lymph system to distant parts of the body. This is known as metastasis. The most likely organs to experience metastasis from colorectal cancer are the lungs and liver.

·         Right colon tumours – right hemicolectomy
·         Transverse colon tumours – extended right hemicolectomy
·         Descending colon tumours – left hemicolectomy
·         Sigmoid tumours - Sigmoid colectomy
·         Right rectal tumour – anterior resection (tumour removed colon anastomosed with remaining rectum) if anastomosis in doubt put in temporary stoma (iliostomy/transverse colostomy) mesentery of rectum also removed (mesorectal excision) avoid local recurrence.
·         Low rectal tumour - Abdomioperoneal resection – excise rectum and anus leaving patient with a permanent colostomy

The idea is to remove entire section of bowl supplied by same blood vessel as tumour to ensure clearance of all cancer cells.
Adjuvant chemotherapy increases survival in Dukes B and C.
Neo-adjuvant radiotherapy can be used for rectal tumours, difficult to use with colonic tumours due to the colon not being fixed in a certain position.
Total mesorectal excision gives better prognosis as it ensures the removal of all cancer cells that may have spread radially to the mesorectal tissue

·         Depends upon stage of the cancer
·         Over 95% survival in dukes A tumours that have been resected
·         When cancer has spread to lymph nodes far from the colon or rectum, to the lining of the abdominal cavity, or to other organs, the cancer cannot be cured by surgery alone. Survival time is typically only about 7 months

World's earliest Battery

This Jar like device is the world's earliest record of Battery “The Parthian Battery” invented by the Iranians as early as 250 BC. In a dramatic excavation by the German Archaeologist Wilhelm Konig three intact jars dating back to the Parthian empire were discovered; later reconstructions and testing of this ancient device in western laboratories has revealed that when the jar of the battery was filled with vinegar (or other electrolytes) it was capable of generating between 1.5-2.0 volts; this pill, according to the expert who studies it, was used for electropolating; the pill is also more commonly known as the Baghdad Battery because it was discovered in vicinity of Baghdad city, the Ancient capital of the Iranian Parthian empire; (Bagh-dad itself is a Persian word meaning God-given)
Batteries of Babylon
"In 1938, Dr. Wilhelm Kong, an Austrian archaeologist rummaging through the basement of the museum made a find that was to drastically alter all concepts of ancient science. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's best solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with acid. Schematic of Babylon BatteryWith a background in mechanics, Dr. Konig recognized this configuration was not a chance arrangement, but that the clay pot was nothing less than an ancient electric battery. The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq all date from the Parthian Persian occupation between 248 B.C. and A.D. 226. However, Konig found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum excavated from Sumerian remains in southern Iraq dating back to at least 2500 B.C. When the vases were lightly tapped a blue patina or film separated from the surfaces, characteristic of silver electroplated to copper. It would appear then that the Persians inherited their batteries from the earliest known civilization in the Middle East."[1]I

Scientific awareness
More than 60 years after their discovery, the batteries of Baghdad - as there are perhaps a dozen of them - are shrouded in myth.
"The batteries have always attracted interest as curios," says Dr Paul Craddock, a metallurgy expert of the ancient Near East from the British Museum.
"They are a one-off. As far as we know, nobody else has found anything like these. They are odd things; they are one of life's enigmas."
No two accounts of them are the same. Some say the batteries were excavated, others that Konig found them in the basement of the Baghdad Museum when he took over as director. There is no definite figure on how many have been found, and their age is disputed.
Most sources date the batteries to around 200 BC - in the Parthian era, circa 250 BC to AD 225. Skilled warriors, the Parthians were not noted for their scientific achievements.
"Although this collection of objects is usually dated as Parthian, the grounds for this are unclear," says Dr St John Simpson, also from the department of the ancient Near East at the British Museum.
"The pot itself is Sassanian. This discrepancy presumably lies either in a misidentification of the age of the ceramic vessel, or the site at which they were found."
Underlying principles
In the history of the Middle East, the Sassanian period (circa AD 225 - 640) marks the end of the ancient and the beginning of the more scientific medieval era.
Though most archaeologists agree the devices were batteries, there is much conjecture as to how they could have been discovered, and what they were used for.
How could ancient Persian science have grasped the principles of electricity and arrived at this knowledge?
Perhaps they did not. Many inventions are conceived before the underlying principles are properly understood.
The Chinese invented gunpowder long before the principles of combustion were deduced, and the rediscovery of old herbal medicines is now a common occurrence.
You do not always have to understand why something works - just that it does.

Baby Ganesha Gilt Bronze Statue,Nepal,

A Shocking Claim That Consciousness Lives In Quantum State After Death!

"DEATH is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.
Life after death has been “confirmed” by experts who say consciousness continues even once a person’s heart has stopped beating.
In a study of more than 2,000 people, British scientists confirmed that thought persists after death, and simultaneously uncovered convincing evidence of an out-of-body experience for a patient declared dead by medics.
Scientists had believed the brain ceased all activity 30 seconds after the heart stopped pumping blood around the body, and that awareness stopped at the same time.
But research from the University of Southampton suggests otherwise.
A new study shows people continue experiencing awareness for up to three minutes after death."

The Psychological Reason You Care More About This Kid Than Millions of Refugees

The bloodied, dust-covered image of Omran Daqneesh, a 5-year-old Syrian boy from Aleppo whose family home was destroyed in an air strike, is making headlines and heartache in ways that the five-year-old conflict rarely does. The last time this happened was about a year ago, with the photo Aylan Kurdi, a 3-year-old Syrian boy whose drowned body washed ashore on the Greek island of Kos. The outpouring that comes following photos such as these would infuriate a utilitarian philosopher — be it Peter Singer or Jeremy Bentham — since why should people be more motivated to care about the tragedy of a single child rather than the 21 million refugees worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes?
According to a new study in Frontiers in Psychology, it’s because people are more biased toward the plight of one person rather than that of a group. The study, lead-authored by psychologist Daffie Konis at Tel Aviv University, follows up previous research indicating that a single victim leads to greater emotional investment and willingness to give to charity than if there are multiple people suffering. Not only that, people are more satisfied with life-saving interventions if fewer people are at risk.
Konis and her team did three experiments to tease out the “one is more valuable than many” reactions. In one experiment with 127 participants recruited online, subjects read a hypothetical story about Dr. Stillman, a dentist who loved to fish. In the story, the doctor decided to take a long-weekend fishing trip and push back the appointments with patients who were waiting to see him. Every participant read three versions of the story: one with two patients, another with three, and a third with ten. The participants then rated how much they thought patients should be compensated for the misdeed. A majority of participants thought that the fewer the patients, the more they should be compensated and the more the dentist should be punished. In a related experiment, 91 subjects read about the story of a financial adviser named Jeff, who read analyst reports saying the stock market was about to drop, but instead of selling off shares, he left the office to hang out with a friend — leading to a 15 percent drop in clients’ portfolios. Instead of each participant reading every story, this time one group read the story with one client losing money, a second with five unrelated clients, and a third with a five clients with a joint plan. Similar to the first experiment, participants thought that the one client got more screwed over than the group of clients. Again, the paradox held: Jeff was more guilty when just one person got the bad end of his negligence.
In another, more wickedly designed experiment, 81 undergrads took what they thought was a test of their cognitive ability, after which they received false feedback: some that they did better than their peers, some that they did worse. Then they received a disclaimer about their being deceived: some were told that everybody who took the test got tricked in the same way, others were told only they were duped. Again, participants thought the offense was less immoral and harmful when others were involved. To he authors, the findings suggest a moral judgment bias where “a transgression affecting several individuals was paradoxically judged as less (rather than more) severe and immoral than one affecting a single victim.” This helps to understand why Daqneesh is so affecting: he’s just one victim. Regardless of how moral it is, people are apparently biased to caring more about the sorrow of a single figure than a group. If you do feel stirred to donate, effective altruism is a good place to start.

Brain Entanglement

The best I can tell, the "egoic mind" is a software program within the bio-computer brain. We aren't born with it but it develops as part of the brain cells' DNA blueprint. What's interesting is that we have a capacity to simply perceive or observe the software commands as its thoughts, concepts and projections, without following or acting out its directives. It's goal of course is the survival of the organism and ensuring its reproduction.
However our consciousness is of a spiritual nature as embodied through the five main chakras as the interface with the central nervous system. It is not dependent on the brain for its existence, but the quantum wave fields of the brain cause a powerful entanglement matrix with the consciousness especially via the crown chakra and ajna chakra; the seat of consciousness in the area of the pineal gland. The consciousness senses that it is inseparable from the body as a result. We call this the "I am my body" identity illusion.
It seems that if the crown chakra can emanate an electro-magnetic gamma wave field frequency over 40 hz. it can disentangle itself from the brain's software program's wave frequencies.
The closer to 80 hz. gamma wave frequency, the greater the success and likelihood of various ESP phenomena beginning to appear. I would suggest that the "Mind of Clear Light" is a non-brain phenomena that occurs well above 40 hz. gamma wave frequency.
Ordinary thinking and conceptualizing are both the brain's software processing of new perceptual data against a background of information stored in memory. The "Mind of Clear Light" has no thoughts or concepts and is completely non-conceptual and absent of any sense of personal identity as a self.
Initial practice in Dzogchen is the differentiating between the "Mind of Clear Light" and the interference patterns from the brain's software programs, called thoughts. When people have an "out of body" experience they momentarily recover their true, non-physical identity.
The greater the identity with the body the more one's existence becomes one of being an animal. It's obvious on this planet at least that most people are acting out of their animal brain software. And remember that the human animal has 96% the same chromosomes as chimpanzees, so we shouldn't be so shocked by how we see humans treating each other in the daily news reports.

Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on Earth?What caused them to have such drastic differences from ordinary humans?
Photo Credits: Marcia K. Moore
The desert peninsula of Paracas is located on the southern coast of one of South America’s most enigmatic countries: Peru. It is there, in this barren landscape where Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello made one of the most mysterious discoveries in 1928. During excavations, Tello uncovered a complex and sophisticated graveyard under the harsh soil of the Paracas desert.
In the enigmatic tombs, Tello discovered a set of controversial human remains that would forever change how we look at our ancestor and our origins. The bodies in the tombs had some of the largest elongated skulls ever discovered on the planet, called the Paracas skulls. The Peruvian archaeologist discovered over 300 mysterious skulls which are believed to be at least around 3000 years old.
As if the shape of the skulls was not mysterious enough, a recent DNA analysis performed on some of the skulls presented some of the most enigmatic and incredible results that challenge everything we know about the origin and human evolutionary tree.
Skull Deformation: An ancient religious practice

While several cultures around the globe practices skull deformation (elongation), the techniques used were different, meaning the results were also not the same. There are certain South American tribes that used to ‘bind infants skulls’ in order to change their shape, resulting into a drastically elongated cranial shape that resembled anything but ordinary humans. By applying constant pressure over a long period of time with the use of pieces of mood, the ancient tribes would achieve a cranial deformation which can also be found in ancient cultures from Africa. However, while this type of cranial deformation changed the shape of the skull, it did not alter the size, weight or cranial volume, all of which are characteristic traits of regular human skulls.
This is where the details about the Paracas skulls gets interesting. The Paracas skulls are anything but ordinary. The cranium of the Paracas skulls is are least 25 % larger and up to 60% heavier than the skulls of regular human beings. Researchers firmly believe that these traits could not have been achieved through head bindings as some scientists suggest. Not only are they different in weight, the Paracas skulls are also structurally different and only have one parietal plate while ordinary humans have two.
These strange characteristics have further deepened the decade-old mystery surrounding the Paracas skulls and researchers still have no idea what they were in the past.
Further Testing
The director of the Paracas Museum of History sent five samples of the Paracas skulls to undergo genetic testing, and the results were mesmerizing. The samples which consisted of hair, skin teeth and some fragments of cranial bones gave incredible details that have fueled the mystery surrounding these anomalous skulls. The genetic laboratory to where the samples were sent was not informed of the origin of the skulls in order to avoid ‘influenced results’.
Interestingly, the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother, showed mutations that were unknown to any man, primate or animal found on planet Earth. The mutations present in the samples of the Paracas skulls suggest that researchers were dealing with a completely new ‘human-like being’, very different from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.
Brien Foerster reported the following on the geneticist’s findings:
It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.
According to reports, the individuals from the Paracas skulls were so biologically different that it would have been impossible from humans and them to ‘interbreed’. “I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist wrote.
Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on Earth? What caused them to have such drastic differences from ordinary humans? And is it possible that these beings are actually not from Earth? All of these possibilities are theories that cannot be overruled given the current testing. The only thing that we know so far is that there are many things out there that go far beyond the understanding of researchers, historians, and scientists. It is possible that after all, the question to whether we are alone in the universe can be answered thanks to the Paracas skulls.
Source:  Ancient Code
Photo Credits: Marcia K. Moore (Unless otherwise credited)

Thirupon Kavasam | Unnikrishnan | Vinayagar | Devotional

The Solvay Conference

Cecile G. Tamura
Is this the greatest meeting of minds ever? Einstein and Curie among SEVENTEEN nobel prize winners at historic conference
It would be hard to imagine a more intelligent and brilliant group of people, let alone all these great minds in the same room together.
However this was the case in 1927 when Einstein and his venerable colleagues gathered at the Solvay Conference on Electrons and Photons in Brussels.
The International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry was founded by the Belgian industrialist Ernest Solvay in 1912, following the historic invitation-only 1911 Conseil Solvay, the first world physics conference.
Since then some of the greatest scientists in the world have come together about every three years to discuss the most perplexing problems in both physics and chemistry.
The most famous conference was the October 1927 Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons, where the world’s most notable physicists met to discuss the newly formulated quantum theory.
The leading figures were Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Einstein, disenchanted with Heisenberg’s 'Uncertainty Principle,' remarked 'God does not play dice.' Bohr, who won his Nobel prize in 1922. replied, 'Einstein, stop telling God what to do.'
This was not the only squabble between Einstein and Bohr however, as the two interpretations of the laws of physics was a great source of controversy between the pair. More recent research published in the academic journal, Physical Review Letters, has shown Bohr's theory to be the stronger of the two.
Despite Bohr's obvious talent and immense intelligence, Einstein is still a lot more well known. 'You don't need to be Einstein to work that out' is a common saying still used, whereas Bohr is not nearly as much of a household name.
Einstein received his Nobel Prize in 1922 also, 'for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect'. However the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the year’s nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel.
According to the Nobel Foundation's statutes, the Nobel Prize can in such a case be reserved until the following year, and this statute was then applied.
Seventeen of the twenty-nine attendees were or became Nobel Prize winners, including Marie Curie, who is not hard to spot as the only woman in the photograph.
The charity Marie Curie Cancer is one of the biggest cancer charities in the country, which began in 1948 when committee members decided to preserve the Marie Curie name in the charitable medical field.
Marie Curie had won Nobel Prizes in two separate scientific disciplines.
Also among the distinguished panel was Erwin Schrodinger. Eight years after this group photograph was taken he devised his famous quantum theory called Schrodinger’s Cat.
This suggested something could exist in two different states at the same time until it was observed.
In the experiment, Schrodinger proposed the idea of a cat left in a box with a radioactive substance, which had a 50 per cent chance of decaying and releasing a poison, thus killing the cat within an hour.
Because there is also a 50 per cent chance the substance would not decay, and thus not release the poison, quantum mechanics dictate that the cat is neither alive, nor dead, until the box is opened for measurement.
 Photograph of the first conference in 1911 at the Hotel Metropole. Seated (L-R): W. Nernst, M. Brillouin, E. Solvay, H. Lorentz, E. Warburg, J. Perrin, W. Wien, M. Skłodowska-Curie, and H. Poincaré. Standing (L-R): R. Goldschmidt, M. Planck, H. Rubens, A. Sommerfeld, F. Lindemann, M. de Broglie, M. Knudsen, F. Hasenöhrl, G. Hostelet, E. Herzen, J.H. Jeans, E. Rutherford, H. Kamerlingh Onnes, A. Einstein and P. Langevin.

Back row L-R: A Piccard, E Henriot, P Ehrenfest, Ed Herzen, Th. De Donder, E Schroedinger, E Verschaffelt, W Pauli, W Heisenberg, R. H Fowler, L Brillouin
Middle row L-R: P Debye, M Knudsen, W. L Bragg, H. A Kramers. P. A. M Dirac, A. H Compton, L. V. De Broglie, M Born, N Bohr
Front row: L-R: Angmeir, M Planck, M Curie, H. A Lorentz, A Einstein, P Langevin, Ch. E Guye, C. T. R Wilson, O. W Richardson

Back row L-R

Auguste Picard

DOB: 28 January 1884 Nationality: Swiss Fact: Made record-breaking ascent to 53,152ft in a balloon and also designed submarines. Basis for character Professor Cuthbert Calculus in TinTin. Gene Roddenberry named the Star Trek captain Jean Luc Picard after him.

Émile Henriot

DOB: 2 July 1885 Nationality: French Fact: First to show definitely that potassium and rubidium are naturally radioactive.

Paul Ehrenfest

DOB: 18 January 1880 Nationality: Austrian Fact: Mathmetician who worked on statistical mechanics. In his final years he suffered severe depression. At one point Einstein was so worried that he wrote to the Board of the University of Leiden, suggesting ways to reduce Ehrenfest's workload.
Edouard Herzen
DOB: 1876 Nationality: French Fact: Paris-based artist with an interest in pscyhoanalysis. He was good friends with Sigmund Freud.

Théophile Ernest de Donder

DOB: 1872 Nationality: Belgian Fact: He is considered the father of thermodynamics of irreversible processes, and wrote several books.

Erwin Schrödinger

DOB: 12 August 1887 Nationality: Austrian Fact: Conducted the famous experiment known as Schrödinger's cat, which postulated that something could exist in two states until it was observed.

Jules-Émile Verschaffelt

DOB: 27 January 1870 Nationality: Belgian Fact: He specialised in crystallography - the experimental science of the arrangement of atoms in solids.

Wolfgang Ernst Pauli

DOB: 25 April 1900 Nationality: Austrian Fact: Theoretical physicist who won a Nobel Prize in 1945 for his discovery of a new law of nature known as the exclusion principle. He had a severe breakdown following his divorce in 1930 and consulted psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung.

Werner Heisenberg

DOB: 5 December 1901 Nationality: German Fact: Awarded Nobel prize for physics in 1932. Best known for asserting the uncertainty principle in quantum theory. He was head of Germany's nuclear fusion research during World War Two.

Sir Ralph Howard Fowler

DOB: 17 January 1889 Nationality: English Fact: He worked as second in command working with the Experimental Department of HMS Excellent on Whale Island and made a major contribution on the aerodynamics of spinning shells, for which he was awarded an OBE in 1918.

Léon Nicolas Brillouin

DOB: August 7 1889 Nationality: French Fact: He contributed to quantum mechanics and radio wave propagation in the atmosphere.

Middle row L-R

Peter Joseph William Debye

DOB: March 24 1884 Nationality: Dutch Fact: Won theNobel prize for chemistry in 1936 for his study of molecular structure.

In January 2006, a book written by Sybe Rispens, alleged Debye had been actively involved in cleansing German science institutions of Jewish and other 'non-Aryan elements.'

Martin Hans Christian Knudsen

DOB: 15 February 1871 Nationality: Danish Fact: Knudsen was very active in physical oceanography, developing methods of defining properties of seawater.

Sir William Lawrence Bragg

DOB: 31 March 1890 Nationality: Australian Fact: He was joint winner with his father, Sir William Bragg, of the Nobel Prize for physics in 1915. He is most famous for his law on the diffraction of X-rays by crystals.

Hendrik Anthony Kramers

DOB: February 2 1894 Nationality: Dutch Fact: The physicist was one of the founders of the Mathematisch Centrum in Amsterdam. He won the Lorentz Medal in 1947 and Hughes Medal in 1951.

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac

DOB: August 8 1902 Nationality: Dutch Fact: Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in physics for 1933 with Erwin Schrödinger, 'for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory.'

Arthur Holly Compton

DOB: September 10 1892 Nationality: American Fact: Along with being an academic his father was a Presbyterian clergyman. Won nobel prize in physics in 1927. Discovered Compton scattering - a type of scattering that X-rays and gamma rays undergo in matter.

Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7th duc de Broglie

DOB: August 15 1892 Nationality: French Fact: In addition to strictly scientific work, de Broglie thought and wrote about the philosophy of science, including the value of modern scientific discoveries.

Max Born

DOB: December 11 1882 Nationality: German Fact: Born was one of the 11 signatories to the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. He is also the great-grandfather of the famous TV editor and percussionist Kip Thompson-Born.

Niels Henrik David Bohr

DOB: 7 October 1885 Nationality: Danish Fact: Bohr married Margrethe Nørlund in 1912, and one of their sons, Aage Bohr, grew up to be an important physicist who in 1975 also received the Nobel prize.

Front row L-R

Irving Langmuir

DOB: 31 January 1881 Nationality: American Fact: Langmuir was married to Marion Mersereau in 1912 with whom he adopted two children: Kenneth and Barbara. After a short illness, he died in Woods Hole, Massachusetts from a heart attack in 1957. His obituary ran on the front page of The New York Times.

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

DOB: 23 April 1858 Nationality: German Fact: Planck is a space observatory launched in 2009 was named after him. It is designed to observe the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) over the entire sky, using high sensitivity and angular resolution.

Marie Skłodowska Curie

DOB: 7 November 1867 Nationality: Polish Fact: While an actively loyal French citizen, Skłodowska–Curie (as she styled herself) never lost her sense of Polish identity. She taught her daughters the Polish language and took them on visits to Poland. She named the first chemical element that she discovered 'polonium' (1898) for her native country.

Hendrik Antoon Lorentz

DOB: 18 July 1853 Nationality: Dutch Fact: In addition to the Nobel prize, Lorentz received a great many honours for his outstanding work. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1905. The Society awarded him their Rumford Medal in 1908 and their Copley Medal in 1918.

Albert Einstein

DOB: 14 March 1879 Nationality: German Fact: Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers along with over 150 non-scientific works. His great intelligence and originality have made the word 'Einstein' synonymous with genius.

Paul Langevin

DOB: 23 January 1872 Nationality: French Fact: His daughter, Hélène Solomon-Langevin, was arrested for Resistance activity and survived several concentration camps. She was on the same convoy of female political prisoners as Marie-Claude Vaillant-Couturier and Charlotte Delbo.

Charles Eugene Guy

DOB: 1866 Nationality: Swiss Fact: His research focus was on the field of electric currents, magnetism, gas discharges. He was involved in Einstein’s work on the special theory of relativity.

Charles Thomson Rees Wilson

DOB: 14 February 1869 Nationality: Scottish Fact: The Wilson Condensation Cloud formations, occurring after a very large explosion (such as a nuclear detonation), are named after him.
The Wilson Society, the natural sciences society of Sidney Sussex College, is also named for him.

Sir Owen Willans Richardson

DOB: 26 April 1879 Nationality: English Fact: He demonstrated that the current from a heated wire seemed to depend exponentially on the temperature of the wire with a mathematical form similar to the Arrhenius equation.…/

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