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Monday, October 20, 2014



You may think that when it comes to alternative health therapies - you've heard it all.
But there is one natural therapy you've probably never heard of - even though it's one of the most powerful, most researched and most medically proven natural cures ever discovered.
No matter how hard it may be for you to stomach, the fact is that knowing the truth about this incredible natural substance will be one of the most crucial health facts you'll ever learn. And one of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been aware of its astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the
But no matter why the medical establishment has chosen to keep his invaluable information a secret, it's time that every man, woman and child be told about the only health tool in the world that is always available to everyone and never out of reach - physically or financially. So I want you to sit back, open your mind and get ready to hear the incredible medical facts about human urine - the facts that will change your life.

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

Every one of us has a right to know that our bodies produce an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that we can utilize to heal ourselves and to maintain our lives and our health in both everyday circumstances and in emergencies and life-threatening situations.
Two news articles from the past that recently came across my desk vividly illustrate the absolutely tragic consequences of the public's lack of information and our completely unfounded misconceptions regarding our bodies' own perfect medicine:
Tom Brokaw, NBC Nightly News, October 16, 1992:
"In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died."
Associated Press, July, 1985:
I don't think there's any question that these women and the child would not have died had they simply been aware of the truth that not only would their own urine not harm them, but would, in fact, have provided a power-packed combination of liquid nutrients and critical immune factors that would have sustained them in good health until help arrived.

The Medical Proof

For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on -- yet we're taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy between the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicrous and, as the news releases you've just read demonstrate, can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones.
When I contracted a crippling, incurable disease early in life, I used every available conventional medical and alternative healing method over the course of many years without success. When an acquaintance suggested I try "urine therapy" I though she'd lost her mind, but with no options left, I swallowed my prejudice and decided to give it a go. To my own (and everyone else's) amazement, my healing was so rapid and so profound with urine therapy that no question remained in my mind that someone in the medical community had to know more than they were telling about this incredible body substance. And as a matter of fact, they did know more - a lot more.
After many months of haunting university libraries, scanning countless microfiche files and poring over piles of medical journals, I had amassed a small mountain of astounding research studies, findings and files on the use of urine in medicine and healing, I discovered, among numerous other things, that urine, far from being a toxic body waste, was actually a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys which contains, not body wastes, but rather an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents.
At the end of it all, as I sat tiredly in my chair eyeing the stacks of research papers covering my desk, I realized that the medical community had pulled off one of the biggest hoodwinks in history. Take for instance the doctor who reported that "urine acts as an excellent and safe natural vaccine and has been shown to cure a wide variety of disorders including hepatitis, whooping-cough, asthma, hay fever, hives, migraines, intestinal dysfunctions, etc. It is completely safe and causes no side effects." (J. Plesch, M.D., The Medical Press, 1947); or the oncologist who reported that "a patient with intractable ovarian cancer was treated with Human Urine Derivative and is now completely well and enjoying the rest of her life." (Dr. M. Soeda, University of Tokyo, 1968). These remarkable findings were published in medical journals - but did you ever hear about them?
And what about the immunologist who, after extensive clinical and laboratory research stated: "It was rapidly appreciated that undiluted urine administered orally was therapeutically effective for Immune Therapy and was initiated when it became obvious that an allergic condition had become uncontrollable." (Dr. C.W. Wilson, 1983, Law Hospital, Scotland). Or the Harvard medical researchers who discovered that active "antibodies to cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, polio, leptospira and salmonella have been found in the unconcentrated urine of infected individuals." (Lerner, Remington & Finland, Harvard Medical School, 1962). What abut the Scandinavian researcher who, in 1951, conclusively proved that human urine can completely destroy tuberculosis? It's a deadly disease, and is now resistant to antibiotics. Isn't it time someone told us that our own urine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule?
Then there's the research into wounds and burns using urea (the primary solid component of urine). As only one research study among many reported: "In America, urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has been found to be extremely efficient...even the deepest wound can be treated effectively.... Urea treatment has been successful where other treatments have failed. For external staph infections we found urea preferable to any other dressing...there are no contra-indications to its use." (Dr. L. Muldavis, 1938, Royal Free Hospital, London).
Now these medical reports are only a few of the more than 50 research studies I compiled and published in the book Your Own Perfect Medicine, but they certainly give an indication of the importance of what we've never been told about urine by the medical community. As far back as 1954, the Journal of the American Medical Association (July issue) reported that "More scientific papers have probably been published on urine than on any other organic compound." Another publication revealed that "more than 1,000 technical and scientific papers, related only to low molecular weight substances in urine, appeared in medical and scientific literature in one single year." All this fuss about a substance that we're told is nothing more than a body waste?
I think one of the most interesting pieces of information on urine I came across was the fact that the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the womb is primarily urine. Actually, the infant "breathes in" urine-filled amniotic fluid continually, and without this fluid, the lungs don't develop. Doctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal quickly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid.
Reports on the extraordinary external benefits of urine abound as well. Medical studies relate remarkable cases of stubborn or "incurable" chronic, severe eczema that miraculously disappear with urine therapy. Because urine is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial, it's ideal for treating cuts, wounds and abrasions of all kinds. Acne, rashes, athlete's foot and fungal skin problems respond dramatically to urine soaks and compresses as well. (You'll find complete instructions for using urine therapy internally and externally in Your Own Perfect Medicine.)
For home use or emergency treatment care for wounds, poisonous bites or stings, and even broken bones, urine is an incomparable, proven natural healing agent that provides instantaneous therapeutic benefits under any circumstances.
For years, people have said to me, "Well, I have heard of people surviving by ingesting their own urine, but I thought it was just a myth." Myth it isn't. Medical fact it is. As Dr. John R. Herman remarked in his article which appeared in the New York State Journal of Medicine in June, 1980: "Auto-uropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and continues to flourish today....there is unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality. Actually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, but urinary constituents are valuable to human metabolism."

Your Body's Own Super-Nutrition Therapy

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A.H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that "it is now recognized that urine contains thousands of compounds, and as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized." Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's revealing treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. As Dr. Free comments, the ingredients listed below are only a few critical nutrients found in urine:
  • Alanine, total ..... 38 mg/day
  • Arginine, total ..... 32 mg/day
  • Ascorbic acid ..... 30 mg/day
  • Allantoin ..... 12 mg/day
  • Amino acids, total ..... 2.1 g/day
  • Bicarbonate ..... 140 mg/day
  • Biotin ..... 35 mg/day
  • Calcium ..... 23 mg/day
  • Creatinine ..... 1.4 mg/day
  • Cystine ..... 120 mg/day
  • Dopamine ..... 0.40 mg/day
  • Epinephrine ..... 0.01 mg/day
  • Folic acid ..... 4 mg/day
  • Glucose ..... 100 mg/day
  • Glutamic acid ..... 308 mg/day
  • Glycine ..... 455 mg/day
  • Inositol ..... 14 mg/day
  • Iodine ..... 0.25 mg/day
  • Iron ..... 0.5 mg/day
  • Lysine, total ..... 56 mg/day
  • Magnesium ..... 100 mg/day
  • Manganese ..... 0.5 mg/day
  • Methionine, total ..... 10 mg/day
  • Nitrogen, total ..... 15 g/day
  • Ornithine ..... 10 mg/day
  • Pantothenic acid ..... 3 mg/day
  • Phenylalanine ..... 21 mg/day
  • Phosphorus, organic ..... 9 mg/day
  • Potassium ..... 2.5 mg/day
  • Proteins, total ..... 5 mg/day
  • Riboflavin ..... 0.9 mg/day
  • Tryptophan, total ..... 28 mg/day
  • Tyrosine, total ..... 50 mg/day
  • Urea ..... 24.5 mg/day
  • Vitamin B6 ..... 100 mg/day
  • Vitamin B12 ..... 0.03 mg/day
  • Zinc ..... 1.4 mg/day
As you read over this extraordinary list of nutritional elements, you can begin to understand why the stories you may have heard of people surviving on their own urine are true. But what about other elements in urine that you've heard about?

Clearing Up the Misconceptions

If you asked a person on the street what uric acid is, he or she would invariably answer that it's a toxic body waste. No so, say medical researchers at the University of California at Berkeley who in 1982 reported they had discovered that "uric acid destroys body-damaging, cancer-causing free radicals and is considered to be one of the physiological factors that enable human beings to live so much longer than other mammals."
But what about urea? Urea is in urine and isn't that the toxic stuff that causes uremic poisoning? Actually, medical researchers discovered many decades ago that urea, far from being a toxic body waste, is an incredibly versatile, far-reaching and effective medicinal agent. In numerous medical studies, it was shown that urea is one of the most potent non-toxic virucidal agents ever discovered. In one particular study, the rabies and polio virus [sic] were killed so quickly and efficiently by concentrated urea, that even the laconic researchers themselves were surprised: "Urea is such a relatively inactive substance and certainly not a protoplasmic poison such as are most virucidal agents, that it is in a way surprising that rabies and poliomyelitis are killed so easily by urea solutions" (McKay & Schroeder, Society of Experimental Biology, 1936).
In reality, Urea is an FDA-approved medicinal agent that doctors and researchers utilize in an amazing variety of therapeutic modalities. Because of its remarkable and comprehensive anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) properties, it's presently being used in anti-cancer drugs and is extensively studied for use in cancer treatments. The urea compound drug, glicazide, is used successfully by the medical establishment in treating both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetics.
As a natural diuretic, urea is unparalleled, and is a proven and accepted treatment in cases of edema or swelling such as excess cerebral and spinal pressure, glaucoma, epilepsy, meningitis, even premenstrual edema and many other disorders in which excess fluid is a problem. As one American neurosurgeon reported regarding a patient who nearly died form complications following brain surgery: "Urea was administered intravenously as an emergency measure. Within 20 minutes from the start of injection, her blood pressure had returned to normal....from this time on her recovery was uneventful. In this case, urea was definitely life-saving, because prior to its administration, the patient's survival was unlikely. In many similar instances urea was found to be life-saving" (Dr. M. Javid, University of Wisconsin).

The Physiological Answer to a Therapeutic Mystery

The medical findings on urine and urine constituents are overwhelming, and yet it's difficult for most people to understand why our bodies excrete elements that are so obviously valuable to human health and well-being.
The commonly-asked question, "If your urine is so good for you, why does your body excrete it?" is best answered by looking into how our kidneys function. As your blood moves through the circulatory system, it flows through the kidneys at a rate of about 1200 ml of blood per minute. Inside the kidneys, the blood is continuously filtered through a huge system of minute tubules called nephron which sift out excess water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts, and hundreds of other elements including vital antibodies, urea and uric acid.
A large portion of these key physiological elements are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, but a certain amount of critical blood constituents are pooled by the kidney into a liquid which doctors refer to as a "plasma ultrafiltrate" (we call it urine). Much of this sterile, nutrient filled ultrafiltrate, or urine, is reabsorbed and some remains in the kidney for a period of time and is eventually released into a tube called the urethra which empties the urine into the bladder where it is finally excreted. Now you're probably wondering why the body excretes valuable nutrients, water, hormones, enzymes, etc. that are critical to body functioning. Doesn't it make more sense to retain these elements? If urine is a collection of such life-sustaining elements, why does the body get rid of it?
The answer is that the kidneys excrete a portion of urine as a way of removing certain key elements in your blood that are simply not needed at a specific point in time. For instance, you've just been out jogging. You come home and have one or two big glasses of water to drink. Now at this point you've probably taken in more water than your body actually needs. But not to worry -- your kidneys will balance the amount of water delivered into your bloodstream by your copious water drinking and through the urine will excrete whatever amount of water from the blood that isn't needed at the time.
Now water is certainly a life-sustaining element the body cannot do without. So why is it excreted from the body? The answer is obvious. There are times when there's too much water in your system and it needs to be excreted.
It's a physiological fact that in order for us to function normally, the amounts or concentrations of every element in our blood must be carefully and strictly controlled and this is done by the kidneys. Too much water in the blood is fatal. Too much salt in the blood is deadly. As wonderful a nutrient as vitamin C is, too high a concentration of it or any nutrient could kill you. This is why the kidneys excrete valuable elements from the body -- too much of any good thing isn't good for your health.
The same is true of urea. People who have heard of uremic poisoning are surprised when they read the medical research showing urea to be a widely-used, FDA-approved medicine. But just like any other element in the blood, urea only becomes dangerous to the body when the kidneys are damaged or diseased and can't properly balance the amount of urea (and all other substances) in the bloodstream.
Your kidneys aren't doing damage to your body by getting rid of particular excess nutrients, they're just simply excreting the precise amount not presently needed by your body at a given time. And the same goes for practically every nutrient, enzyme, hormone, antibody, etc. that are critical to your survival -- the kidneys keep what your body needs at a certain time, and excretes what it isn't momentarily using into your urine. And as medical scientists and doctors have discovered, these urinary ingredients extracted from the blood can be therapeutic magic bullets.

Urine: A Billion Dollar Industry

Despite what the public has been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Pergonal, a fertility drug made from human urine, earned a reported $855 million in sales in 1992, and sales ($1400 a month per patient) have increased yearly. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a "miracle blood clot dissolver" for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world has been a boon to cosmetic companies who package it in expensive, glamorized creams and lotions. Ever used Murine ear drops? They're made from carbamide -- another name for synthetic urea.
When you look at the real facts, the tragedy of the general disinformation campaign on urine is surpassed only by the irony of our unwitting, and often incredibly expensive purchases of what we all mistakenly but firmly believe to be our bodies' "useless" and "offensive" waste-product, urine.

New Acceptance for a Misunderstood Therapy

Because of the nearly all-pervasive public misunderstanding about what urine is and how it can be of immense medical benefit to us, the often amazing anecdotal stories of healing and survival via urine have been routinely ignored, ridiculed or have been written off as "old wives' tales." But when people learn the real facts, these stories take on a significance that not even doctors are now willing to ignore.
Since the first release of Your Own Perfect Medicine, rather than the doubt and derision I expected to encounter, I was amazed at the tens of thousands of people who have willingly accepted the information in the book. Many people (including doctors) have come forward to tell me about their own experiences or about news stories they've read that tell about using urine medicinally and in survival situations:

Dr. David G. Williams, Alternative Newsletter, August, 1994:

"Several months ago I watched the movie Alive. It's the true story of a South American soccer team whose airplane crashed in snow-capped mountains in the dead of winter. The team was stranded for a couple months and survived only by eating the flesh of those who had died either during the crash or later from injuries. A portion of the movie focused on two individuals whose initial wounds progressed into serious infections.

Knowing no way to treat these two, the survivors could only attempt to comfort them. Eventually the infection led to death. Watching the intense suffering of these people made me wonder if there was more that could have been done to save them. I now feel it's very possible that these two people, and thousands of others around the world would still be alive if they had been aware of the therapeutic effects of urine.

With urine therapy, you get all the benefits of urea plus the additional antibodies, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones and more."
Dr. William Hitt, Clinica Hitt, Mexico
January, 1995
"Experience has shown that intramuscular injections of urine are the best methods for handling a myriad of immunological illnesses including psoriasis, basal call carcinoma, asthma and many other disorders."
Reuter Report
August 14, 1990
"Four Sri Lankan commandos who drifted in a boat more than 1,000 miles to Thailand after they had been ambushed and given up for dead were given a rapturous welcome when they returned home. 'They managed to survive on the boat by catching turtles and drinking urine,' a military officer said."
Kyodo News Service, Tokyo
July 30, 1990
"A male cook was pulled out of the rubble of the Hyatt Hotel early Monday morning, 14 days after a powerful earthquake devastated the northern Philippines, officials said. Dry, with only minor bruises on his body, he told reporters he survived by drinking his own urine."
At a time when new viruses and bacteria are outwitting even the best efforts of space-age medicine, and increasingly frequent natural disasters put basic necessities out of reach, the facts about the one medical and survival tool that the FDA can't regulate and that's always there when you need it most, may well become the greatest survival lesson any of us will ever learn.

Urine Therapy Testimonials

Denise Experiences

Just wanted to say how grateful I am to Martha Christy for writing her book. I was skeptical at first - who wouldn't be? But I have been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 7 years (I'm 34) to the point where I have been nearly disabled at times; hospitalized because of the pain at times; and unable to function as a mother to my newborn 3 years ago.
I started with "MY" own perfect medicine about 16 months ago, and within 3 days... yes THREE DAYS my aches were dramatically decreased, my swollen joints began 'unswelling' and over the past 16 months my 'sed' rate has dropped from an alarming 90 - 100 to about 27; almost normal!!
Just wanted to let you know that Perfect Medicine is RIGHT ON in my opinion. Now, if we could just get others to understand. No one in my family understands even the concept of it... so needless to say not even my husband knows I'm doing this. They all just think "it's a miracle" that I'm feeling so much better. Well, it is a miracle. My OWN miracle!
By the way, I have also used the therapy to relieve dry skin patches on my legs and face, and minor acne problems. Have also sprayed it into my hair on nights when my husband works... and left it over night. When I washed in the morning, my hair was soft and shiny, and the dry spots were much smoother. And minor acne all but disappears over night. I swear by this stuff!!!

Another's Experiences

I had previously read John Armstrong's "Water of Life" and had tried drinking my own urine 20 years ago. Now comes Martha Christy's excellent review of the scientifically-proven and medically-documented studies showing how drinking one's own urine can be highly therapeutic, even in the most difficult cases. Urine therapy has historical roots in ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient India, and even in this century, there have been hundreds of medical studies (even doctors who injected it directly into the blood, apparently because the taste was too objectionable).
The main theory is that it helps build immunity to disease, much like a vaccination. Martha Christy goes into all of this, and focuses on its use as a cosmetic, among other things. She recommends starting off with just a few drops, applied topically to the skin. Urine is helpful for acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, sores, fungal infections, insect bites, snake bites, wounds, burns, and abrasions. It is a rich source of hormones, especially DHEA and melatonin, and of all the sex hormones. It is also a rich source of enzymes, and vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin C, vitamin B-12, B-6, and other vitamins, and many minerals. It is fresh, raw, and alive, and totally free (to say the least). No wonder the general medical profession doesn't know more about it - - there's no money in it for doctors or for pharmaceutical companies (although there are many pharmaceutical preparations, moisturizing lotions, etc, which derive from urine).
Urine is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-biotic. It is used in cases of AIDS (only AIDS anti-bodies in urine); cancer; fatigue; anemia; all sorts of kidney diseases, for weight-loss, colds and flu, candida, diabetes, digestive problems, etc, etc, etc. It is medically proven against polio, rabies, and tuberculosis. The list of diseases for which it is effective is very long. The folklore is to drink the middle stream only, fresh and warm, and morning urine is best. The past few years have seen "World Symposiums" on urine-therapy, attended by hundreds of doctors who drink their own urine.
Martha Christy offers sensible advice, and many case studies. She suggests not flushing the kidneys by taking copious amounts of water, which dilutes the healing properties of the urine. Before reading her book, I thought I might drink a little urine. Now, as strange as it seems, I feel that there's nothing better than urine, and you won't want to waste another drop of this precious fluid, which is not a waste product, but a by-product of your own blood. Drinking your own urine also makes you question what you put into your body. She refers to Armstrong's pioneering research, who himself fasted on his own urine (and water) for 45 days, and offers several other cases in which people have fasted for up to 101 days on their own urine. She (and Armstrong) also recommend urine massages, urine packs, urine eye-drops, ear-drops, nose-drops, and foot baths, and even enemas! She points out that it was common in France in an earlier century for the wealthy women to take urine baths.
Always use fresh urine (fresh and warm) if drinking, although urine that has aged for 2-3 days is ok for the skin. Martha Christy also recommends plenty of rest, and urine seems to be a great normalizer. I have found that is helps clear up congestion (gargle with it for a sore throat), makes me feel stronger, and also seems to relax me (perhaps because of its melatonin content). Urine has a smooth, rich flavor, and it is a kind of "structured water" that is healthful to the body.
Martha Christy points out that there has never been a case, ever, where urine-drinking was found to be toxic to the human body, or even with any side effects. Just the opposite. She points out that almost every known pharmaceutical drug has a long list of side-effects. With urine, there are none. In the Bible, Jesus said "Rivers of living water shall flow from your bellies." (John 7:38) John Armstrong refers to it as "penance," and he continued to drink his own urine for the rest of his life, and kept in good health. There's a huge amount of evidence in favor of urine-therapy, and Martha Christy's book will certainly change your way of thinking. Even if you're in good health, a dose of your own urine provides energy-promoting nutrients, hormones, enzymes, as well as the natural antibodies that enhance preventive health care.Urine is not a dirty and toxic substance rejected by the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as "plasma ultrafiltrate". It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys--whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to leftovers from a meal, and this metaphor may help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to our health and well-being. 
Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins are removed to be excreted as solid waste. Eventually, this purified "clean" blood undergoes a filtering process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibodies, urea, uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by the body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that is urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced. The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because they are toxic and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need a particular concentration of an element at that specific point in time. It is this very regulating process of the kidneys that allows us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time. 
Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that perhaps has been too controversial or not financially rewarding enough for it to be talked about and encouraged as a potent medicine. One's own urine, a living food, contains elements that are specific to one's body alone. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of. -- 
Clinical studies have proved that the thousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in urine reflect the individual body's functions. When re-utilised, these chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccines, antibacterial, antiviral and anticarcinogenic agents as well as hormone balancers and allergy relievers. The information that urine contains therefore cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same, there are no two urine samples in the world that contain exactly the same components. more
"Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies and so many other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that something big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go back to the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for health." Biomed
Urine therapy can be a very effective healing modality. Sometimes when all else fails, urine therapy will turn a person around. Excerpt from
Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with alternative approaches. Nothing worked. 
And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards, she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic pain was gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous. Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again. 
What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete remissions from their afflictions? What was it that she actually did? Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own urine. read the rest: Urine Therapy: Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha Christy
Joseph Eldor, MD 

Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral auto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against which antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells. Learn more about tumor antigens in urine
What is urine therapy? How does it work?
"Urine therapy has been practised for thousands of years and has merely fallen a bit into obscurity in the last century. However, urine therapy may seem to be unorthodox and perhaps revolutionary, it does not introduce anything new or original. It has been known throughout the centuries both in the West and in the East. Dr. Evagelos Danopouolos of Greece reported that urea found in urine has anti-cancerous properties. The urea seems to disrupt the ability of cancer cells to group together and kills them by upsetting some of their normal metabolic activities. Urine therapy has been used to treat cancers of the skin, cervix, lungs, eyes, breast, and liver. The first question that probably comes to mind is whether urine is not a toxic substance and how a toxic waste product could ever be of any benefit for your health. Well, urine is NOT a toxic waste product and this has been scientifically proven. 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver and intestines, through the skin and through the outbreath. Excerpt from the  Medical Alternative Network

"No matter how hard it may be for you to stomach, the fact is that knowing the truth about this incredible natural substance (urine) will be one of the most crucial health facts you'll ever learn. And one of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been aware of its astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world."  Martha Christy
Urine Therapy An Amazing Untold Story
by Martha Christy 

There is an extraordinary natural healing substance, produced by our own bodies, that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural medicines known to man.The extensive medical research findings on this natural medicine have never been compiled and released to the general public before now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this medicine and use it have found that it can produce often astounding healing even when all other therapies have failed. more
UROPATHY The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy
by Martin Lara 

Urine therapy (Uropathy) is one approach to health that is 100% safe to use, it is extremely effective, has never harmed anyone and it is absolutely free of charge. It cannot be controlled and you truly benefit from using it. Thousands of urine therapy advocates certify that this is a healing modality that activates de lymphatic system which detoxifies the body and starts the true process of healing and regenerating the body. Once you become familiar with UROPATHY and start using your urine, you will be able to fight individual diseases, prevent and reverse the conditions that make you susceptible to all types of health problems including: childhood diseases, allergies, common cold, flu, hepatitis, arthritis, hypertension, all types of infections and fevers, cancer and the opportunistic infections associated with AIDS.

Learn to perpare a strong and powerful formula against most diseases. This simple formula has been used against all allergies, for all types of fevers especially for babies and infants. It is effective against the flu, common cold, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and all other skin problems. Learn more about urine's healing properties for: Hypertension, Hepatitis, Gall Stones, Lyme Disease, Dysentery , Arthritis, and Cholera 

The Miracles of Urine Therapy
by Dr. Beatrice Bartnett & Margie Adelman

The Therapy outlined in this book is an entirely drugless system of healing; the only ingredient is a substance manufactured by the body, rich in minerals, salt, hormones, and other vital substances, namely human urine. This book includes case studies of patients successfully treated with urine therapy. It also provides scientific proof of the efficacy of urine as well as an in-depth look at the history and metaphysical roots supporting Urine-Therapy. 

Joseph Eldor, MD

Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral auto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against which antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpierced through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells. 

"Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy

In this extraordinary how-to book, Martha Christy examines research findings and testimonials relating to urine therapy, and includes step-by-step instructions to using urine therapy at home. In its examination of this ancient therapy which has been around for over 5,000 years, Your Own Perfect Medicine makes use of information from urologists, neurologists, immunologists, pediatricians, dermatologists and university researchers to state its case for urine therapy. Ms. Christy also answers the important question, "why haven't the thousands of findings on urine therapy been publicized?" This book is a valuable tool for the growing numbers of consumers who are determined to take control of their own health. 

read an excerpt of  Your Own Perfect Medicine
Excerpt from Nexus Magazine Healing with Urine Therapy

The middle stream of fresh, warm, morning urine is the most potent, and drinking it mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice is probably the fastest way to accomplish this task, although it is best not to mix urine with other foods or drinks or to take it within an hour before or after eating. 
Oral drops of fresh urine can be placed directly under the tongue. Urine therapists suggest their patients start with 5 drops of fresh morning urine on the first day, increase to 5&endash;10 drops on the second day, and take 10 drops on the morning of the third day and the same amount that evening before going to bed. Once patients feel comfortable with this therapy, they can gradually increase the amount as they see fit to obtain the results required for their body's condition. Over time, they can learn to adjust the amount that is needed by observing their reactions to the therapy; their dosage may become as much as one full cup at a time! 
Self-urine may be used as eye drops and ear drops, in foot baths and even as effective enemas. Nose drops can help loosen mucus and clear up blocked nasal passages. Gargling with it is helpful for a sore throat, and inhaling it relieves sinus and respiratory congestion. Taken internally, it has a laxative and diuretic effect, as it cleanses the digestive tract. 
Dr John Armstrong (author of The Water of Life) emphasises the need to massage with urine. He insists that cures work faster and more effectively in those who are bathed, massaged, rubbed and soaked in their own urine. He highly recommends it for more serious illnesses, since urine is absorbed through the skin and the hormonal and protein-based contents are slowly reabsorbed into the system, bypassing digestive juices that otherwise may have neutralised their potency. In this way, it also works as an excellent cosmetic for moisturising and healing skin blemishes, burns and scar tissue. However, for this usage, it is preferable to use urine that is 4 - 8 days old. The smell of ammonia in the old urine is not toxic but actually beneficial if used topically only, and not taken internally. 
From the Biomed x website:
Very briefly, here are two ways to do urine therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the therapy, but simply an introduction. 

1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion. 
First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6 ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a preservative. 
Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days, suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs. 
2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed. 
Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work well.
(Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in its natural form) 

Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before you go to bed. 
Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time. 
The Fountain of Youth
by Bob Silverstein, N.U.T. (Naturopathic Urine Therapist)

This strange behavior, called "urine therapy," or "auto-immune therapy," or "intrinsic medicine," or simply "UT," and also known in India as "amaroli" (the practise itself) and "Shivambu" (urine, the "water of Shiva"), has a well-documented, proven record of its power to heal an amazing variety of ills, with no negative or harmful effects.  Urine is a divine nectar, with supernatural qualities. After all, as the Bible says, "the life (or life-force) of the flesh is in the blood," and as urine comes from the blood, it contains that "life-force." Imbibed fresh and warm, it is a living food, and a nourishing drink, that is also cleansing, as well as medicinal. Urine is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It is used in cases of AIDS (only AIDS anti-bodies in urine); cancer; fatigue; anemia; all sorts of urinary diseases, for weight-loss, colds and flu, candida, diabetes, digestive problems, jaundice, etc. It is medically-proven against polio, rabies, and tuberculosis. The list of diseases for which it is effective is very long, and around 175 known diseases are said to respond to this kind of therapy. (See longer, partial list at end of this report). Urine therapy is truly a "panacea" (i.e., a "cure-all" or "universal remedy") 
by Coen van der Kroon 

"Briefly, if urine is ingested and/or rubbed into the skin, it purifies blood and tissues, provides useful nutrients and sends the body a signal about what is in or out of balance. This last effect is called (oral) auto-immunization. This brings us at a last important feature of urine. Urine itself is, as said, not a toxic waste product. It does contain however minute particles connected with possible disease processes in the body. These minute particles are mainly antibodies, which upon re-ingesting can help the body to react on specific pathological situations. Urine therapy has proven helpful in a great number of various diseases, ranging from a simple cold and a throatache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin problems such as itching, to more serious skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer."
Ayurveda & Yoga: Amaroli
An explanation of the practice of Amaroli, Shivambu, or Auto-Urine Therapy follows. This practice comes from Yoga and is the use of one's own urine as food, medicine, restorative, transforming agent and  immune system booster. It is sometimes called 'Your Own Doctor'. Amaroli is very simple to do and increases the power of the immune system, strengthens the Aura and improves skin health. Spiritual aspirants will find that the mind is less inclined to behave like a monkey, spiritual energy is kept high, and progress towards samadhi is smoother. The effects are magnified if the practitioner has a Yoga practice and an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle. 

Three million Chinese drink their own urine
More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in the belief it is good for their health, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. Participants at a recent seminar on the practice in the northeastern city of Shenyang were told that urine contains many active ingredients which strengthen the immune system, Xinhua said.

"Urine contains no bacterium and is more sanitary than blood," Yang Liansheng, a professor from the Liaoning Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was quoted as saying. Engineer Zhu Jinfu told the seminar he had been drinking his own urine since he was 13 and had lived a healthy life for the last 58 years, Xinhua added. Many of his forefathers had also lived to a ripe old age thanks to urine therapy, he said. (Reuters) 

by Flora, Ph.D. Peschek-Bohmer, Gisela Schreiber, Flora, Ph.D Peschek-Bohmer

An introduction to urine therapy 's amazing effectiveness in treating a wide array of physical complaints. Contains effective treatments for acne, asthma, hair loss, indigestion, infections, migraines,  warts, wrinkles, and many other common ailments. Examines the historical use of urine therapy in the United States, Europe, and Asia.  Includes a program for overcoming initial aversion to urine therapy.

If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune system. Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully treated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine does what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune system. 

If the infamously bitter taste of Chinese traditional medicine is already bad enough to turn you off, just imagine that there are 100,000 people practising urine therapy in mainland China - at least according to claims by members of the China Urine Therapy Association.
For many of these urine drinking practitioners, what the unitiated may see as a strange practice actually holds many curative effects.
For 79-year-old Bao Yafu, urine therapy is just another daily routine: he drinks three cups of his own urine every day, and even washes his eyes and wipes his face with it.
“In these 22 years [of urine therapy], I never caught a cold. My eyesight has become clearer and I don’t have any age pigment,” Bao told local newspaperWuhan Evening News, also revealing that a medical check conducted by a local hospital recently showed that he has the bone density of a 30-year-old.
Bao, the chairman of the China Urine Therapy Association, said that the group has over 1,000 members from almost everywhere in China except for Tibet and Ningxia provinces. The organisation claims that it is “a non-profit non-governmental organisation for the common wealth recognised by the Hong Kong SAR government”.
One of the requirements of joining is to consume urine and promote its healing effects. The groups' membership fee is 20 RMB (HK$ 25) per year, and around 100 members gather once a year to share their experiences.
According to the China Urine Therapy Association's website, the "theory" behind drinking urine lies in the fact that the fluid differs from excrement, and comes from the circulation of blood which absorbs nutrients in food and is therefore a “genuine metabolic product”.
“Urine comes from blood. Its chemical components come from blood and equal those of blood. The urine from a healthy person is sterile,” the website reads.
The site claims that urine has both antigens and antibodies, and by drinking urine, one can reabsorb these substances and improve the body’s ability to fight diseases. It also argues that because the components of urine come from the body itself, urine “works better than synthetic medicine and has no side effects”.
A picture purported to show members of the China Urine Therapy Association. Photo: China Urine Therapy Association
Chairman Bao is far from the only member of the China Urine Therapy Association to claim that drinking urine has improved his health.
According to Wuhan Evening News, a 21-year-old man named Xiaoliu told the newspaper that urine therapy cured his hyperthyroidism.
Xiaoliu was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2010, and took subscribed medication for a year and a half but stopped because he felt it “had no effect”. After learning about urine therapy on the internet, he decided to give it a try.
In his first two attempts to drink urine, Xiaoliu threw up due to its strong smell. But gradually, he became used to it and began consuming anywhere from 100 to 150 millilitres per drink.
After a year, he went for a medical examination and the results showed that his thyroid figures had all returned to normal.
Xiaoliu’s doctor refuted these alleged curative effects, insisting that Xiaoliu's recovery should be attributed to his medication.
“He was treated here by me for almost two years, and had been taking medicine for hyperthyroidism and liver protection," the physician reportedly said. "Every month he came back for a medical check and got better so [I] reduced the amount of medicine until he was cured.”
Despite this refutation, Xiaoliu's story of urine therapy went viral on the Chinese internet, leading to further investigations by local newspapers into the practice. 
One paper, Chongqing Evening News, interviewed three other members of the China Urine Therapy Association in their 70s and 80s. 
Two of them supported urine therapy, saying that the taste of urine was “definitely better than that of bitter Chinese traditional medicine”, and after getting used to it, “was almost like drinking water or tea”.
They also stressed the correct way of drinking urine: “Firstly, you need to leave out the first and the last parts of the urine and only take the middle part because it’s the purest. Secondly, you need to use a glass instead of a plastic or metal cup to better preserve the original flavours.”
However, the other interviewee, 88-year-old Zhou Linhui, said he had been an advocate of urine therapy for 24 years until he fell seriously ill and was diagnosed with renal failure and diabetes.
“When [I] fell ill I found it useless... Why couldn’t it cure me?” Zhou was quoted as saying.
This heated discussion of the merits of urine therapy eventually drew the attention of Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily, which published an investigative report on the China Urine Therapy Association on June 27 - showing that the group is perhaps not all that it appears to be.
The report revealed that the China Urine Therapy Association is in fact only an unlimited partnership company registered in Hong Kong in 2008, with no corporate capacity. 
It is also found that the address of the association shown on its website only leads to an old residence in northern China's Tianjin, where an elderly man with no knowledge of urine therapy lives.
Doctors interviewed by People’s Daily said urine is metabolic waste discharged by the kidneys which the human body no longer needs, and that drinking this waste may only add to the burden of the liver, intestines, stomach and blood circulation.
“Five per cent of urine is nitrogenous waste, which is mainly urea, while the other 95 per cent is all water. If the person is ill, there will also be sugar, protein, red and white blood cells and ketone bodies in the urine. Because the toxin dispelled by the body may end up in metabolite products like urine, there is no good in drinking it,” nephrology doctor Chen Wenli explained in the report.
According to Chinese medicine experts, although urine was recorded in several ancient Chinese medicine books as an ingredient for its ability to stop bleeding and cure bruises, there were strict requirements for using it, and it was mainly reserved for minor traumatic injuries.
There is no medical evidence to support using urine as a long-term dietary therapy.

What does Ebola actually do?

Behind the unprecedented Ebola outbreak in West Africa lies a species with an incredible power to overtake its host. Zaire ebolavirus and the family of filoviruses to which it belongs owe their virulence to mechanisms that first disarm the immune response and then dismantle the vascular system. The virus progresses so quickly that researchers have struggled to tease out the precise sequence of events, particularly in the midst of an outbreak. Much is still unknown, including the role of some of the seven proteins that the virus’s RNA makes by hijacking the machinery of host cells and the type of immune response necessary to defeat the virus before it spreads throughout the body. But researchers can test how the live virus attacks different cells in culture and can observe the disease’s progression in nonhuman primates—a nearly identical model to humans.

A new study suggests the origin of the worldwide Ebola outbreak was a two-year-old African boy who passed away last year.

Image: Festa/Shutterstock
A toddler in Africa may have started the Ebola outbreak, which the World Health Organisation has now delcared an international public health emergency, according to research published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The two-year-old boy identified as Patient Zero died on 6 December 2013 in a village in Guéckédou in southeastern Guinea in Africa. The region borders Sierra Leone and Liberia, making it an ideal entry point for an epidemic.
There have since been at least 1,779 cases of the disease, as Denise Grady and Sheri Fink explain in The New York Times, and 961 deaths - including the boy's mother, sister and grandmother. 
At the time of their deaths, no one was sure what had sickened the family, despite the fever, vomiting and diarrhoea characteristic of the disease, so no special procedures were put into place when it came to treating them. And, within a few weeks, the study shows that contaminated healthcare workers who had supported the family and mourners at their funerals then spread the disease to surrounding villages and hospitals. By early March it had appeared across southern Guinea. Cases have now been reported in Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The international team of researchers managed to trace the disease's origins by looking at the way the new strain spread through Africa. Although the toddler and his family were never officially diagnosed with Ebola, their symptoms match the disease and, according to The New York Times, "fit into a pattern of transmission that included other cases confirmed by blood tests".
However, the scientists still aren't sure how the boy would have caught Ebola in the first place.
Sylvain Baize, part of the team that analysed the Guinea outbreak and a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Lyon, France, told Grady and Fink at The New York Times that there might have been an earlier undiscovered case prior to the young boy.
“We suppose that the first case was infected following contact with bats,” Blaize said. “Maybe, but we are not sure.”
So how did this Ebola outbreak get so out of control, when we've generally been able to get a hold of them quite quickly in the past? Grady and Fink explain it's a combination of a lack of infrastructure and hygiene, increased travel and modernisation in Africa, and the fact that healthcare workers in West Africa simply weren't prepared to deal with the disease, and didn't know the symptoms. 
Find out more about the Ebola outbreak, the virus itself and the myths about the disease.
Source: The New York Times
So there’s a case of Ebola in the US, and the disease has already killed 70 percent of those it infected in West Africa. Is this the beginning of the end for humanity? Not even close, and here’s why.

Image: Adam Cole/NPR
The US case of Ebola is the first to be identified outside of Africa. The patient, who has now died from the disease, didn’t know that he was infected straight away, so wasn’t quarantined by the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas for four days. This sounds like a long time to be walking around being contagious, but medical authorities have assured the public not to panic.
In fact, officials seem pretty sure that this particular case would not lead to an outbreak in the US. "I have no doubt that we will control this importation, or case, of Ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country," director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tom Frieden told the press earlier this week
Professor of integrative biology Lauren Ancel Meyers from the University of Texas agreed, tellingThe Huffington Post science editor David Freeman, "I think they are striking a good note in saying that most of you out there don’t have to worry. There doesn’t seem to be a real threat of a large epidemic in the United States."
The reason for Frieden’s and Meyers's confidence is a simple mathematical term known as R0. This is a 'reproduction number' used by epidemiologists to indicate how infectious a specific disease is. It tells you how many people, on average, will be infected by one patient. 
"The reproduction number provides a lot of information," Meyers told The Huffington Post. "It gives us a baseline for projecting the growth of outbreaks in the absence of intervention, and it tells us how hard and how effective do our interventions have to be in order to stop an epidemic."
Measles, for example, is the most contagious disease we have, and its R0 is about 18. This means that if no one is vaccinated, an incredible 18 people can be infected by every one person who has the disease. Of course, this number drops to zero if everyone is vaccinated. For HIV/AIDS and SARS, the R0 number is between 2 and 5, and for Ebola, it’s just 2. 
According to Michaeleen Doucleff at NPR, while many factors influence a disease’s reproduction number, the fact that Ebola’s is transmitted via bodily fluids, rather than the air, is probably why it’s rated so low. And because Ebola isn't contagious until the patient starts showing symptoms - at which point the Dallas patient had checked himself in to the hospital - all that needed to be done to contain the spread of the disease in the US is to isolate anyone at the hospital who might have been infected.
CNBC reports that as of yesterday, none of the 48 people who potentially came in contact with Dallas patient have developed any definite symptoms.
"Then R0 drops to zero. And Texas is free of Ebola,” says Doucleff. 
Here's how medical staff figure out who might have become infected by the Dallas patient:
Researchers have discovered the world's first ‘virological penicillin’ in a molecule found in honeysuckle.
Image: Haris M/Shutterstock
The sweet-smelling honeysuckle plant (Lonicera japonica) has been used for generations in traditional Chinese medicine to treat influenza infections. While it’s been known to block the replication of the influenza virus, the mechanism and active components in the plant have remained a mystery until now.
In a new study published in Cell Research, scientists from the Nanjing University in China studied the honeysuckle plant and identified a plant microRNA called MIR2911. MicroRNAs are small molecules found in plants and animals that play an important role in influencing the pathways responsible for many diseases. In clinical trials, this molecule was able to suppress deadly influenza A viruses such as swine flu (H1N1) and bird flu (H5N1).
The scientists delivered boiled honeysuckle to the plasma and lung tissue of mice infected with the H1N1 infection. Results showed that MIR2911 quickly bound itself to the messenger RNA - the molecule containing the genetic information - of the two genes responsible for viral replication. This binding mechanism blocked the replication process, and eventually the virus was destroyed.
The trials were conducted with both synthetic and naturally occurring honeysuckle, and both proved to be equally effective.
Findings also revealed that the MIR2911 molecule suppresses the replication of influenza viruses H5N1 and Avain inluenza A (H7N9). This suggests that it has a broad-spectrum antiviral activity, and could be a potential cure for the Ebola virus. While the results are promising, the team needs to observe the molecule in human subjects before advising it as a therapeutic cure for influenza A viruses.
It was previously thought that boiling honeysuckle would degrade the beneficial molecules, but MIR2911 proved to retain its properties after boiling. This suggests that honeysuckle tea is an effective way to take the plant.
The team hopes that MIR2911 can be used as a ‘virological penicillin’ to treat deadly viruses for which there is currently no known natural cure.
“We suggest that as the first natural product to directly target influenza A viruses, MIR2911 is the ‘virological penicillin’ that serves as a novel therapeutic and preventive agent against not only influenza A, but potentially also other types of viruses," conclude the authors in the study. 
Source: EurekAlert

உலகத்தையே உலகையே அச்சுறுத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கும் எபோலா வைரஸ் காய்ச்சல் பற்றிய தகவல்களும் அவற்றின் அறிகுறிகளும் மற்றும் அவற்றை தடுக்கும் வழிமுறைகளும் :-
( படிக்கும் அனைவரும் share செய்யவும் நன்றி )
1976 இல் ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் பல உயிர்களை வாங்கிய ஒரு கொடிய உயிர்க்கொல்லி நோய் தான் எபோலா வைரஸ். இந்த வைரஸ் மேற்கு ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் காங்கோவில் உள்ள எபோலா ஆற்றங்கரையில் தோன்றியதால் இந்த நோய்க்கு, 'எபோலா வைரஸ்' என, பெயர் வந்தது. இதுவரை ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் பரவி பல மக்களை கொன்றுள்ளது.
ஏனெனில் ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் இந்த நோயால் தாக்கப்பட்டவர்கள் உயிர் பிழைத்தது இல்லை. மேலும் இதற்கு இன்னும் போதிய மருந்துகளும் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்படாததால், இந்த நோயினால் தாக்கப்பட்டால் மரணத்தைக் கூட தழுவக்கூடும். எபோலா வைரஸ் நோயானது காற்று, நீர் போன்றவற்றினால் பரக்கூடியது அல்ல. விலங்குகளான குரங்கு, வௌவால் மூலம் மனிதர்களுக்கு பரவும். மேலும்ம் இந்த வைரஸால் தாக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் இரத்தம் மற்றும் மலத்தில் இருந்து மற்ற மனிதர்களுக்கு இந்த வைரஸ் பரவுகிறது.
இப்போது இந்தியாவில் பரவியுள்ளதாக கூறப்படும் இந்த எபோலா வைரஸின் அறிகுறிகள் மற்றும் அந்த நோய் பரவுவதை எப்படி தடுப்பது என்று பார்ப்போம். முக்கியமாக இந்த நோய் தாக்கி இதன் அறிகுறிகள் தெரிய 5-21 நாட்கள் ஆகும். ஆகவே கவனமாக இருங்கள்.
எபோலா வைரஸின் ஆரம்ப அறிகுறிகள்...
* எபோலா வைரஸ் தாக்கியிருந்தால், முதலில் காய்ச்சல் வரக்கூடும்.
* காய்ச்சலைத் தொடர்ந்து உடல் எப்போதும் மிகவும் சோர்வுடன் வலிமை இல்லாமல் இருக்கும்.
* குறிப்பாக தலைவலி வரும்.
* வைரஸ் தாக்குதலால் தொண்டையில் புண் ஏற்படும்.
* கடுமையான தசை மற்றும் மூட்டு வலி வந்து, பெரும் தொந்தரவைத் தரும்.
நோய் முற்றிய நிலையில்....
* எதை சாப்பிட்டாலும் வாந்தி வரக்கூடும்.
* வயிற்று வலி வந்தால் சாதாரணமாக எடுத்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டாம். ஏனெனில் எபோலா வைரஸ் தாக்கியிருந்தால் கடுமையான வயிற்று வலி வரும்.
* அதிகளவு வயிற்றுப்போக்கு ஏற்படக்கூடும்.
* அதைத் தொடர்ந்து சருமத்தில் அரிப்புகளும், கட்டிகளும் ஏற்படும்.
* குறிப்பாக சிறுநீரகம் மற்றும் கல்லீரல் செயலிழக்க ஆரம்பிக்கும்.
* சிலருக்கு நெஞ்சு வலி வரும்.
* மூச்சு விடுவதில் கூட சிலருக்கு சிரமம் ஏற்படும்.
* உடலின் உட்புறம் மற்றும் வெளிப்புறங்களில் இரத்தம் வழிய ஆரம்பிக்கும். அதுமட்டுமின்றி கண்கள் சிவப்பாகவும், அடிக்கடி விக்கல் ஏற்படும்.
எபோலா நோய் பரவுவதை தடுக்கும் வழிகள்.....
* நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் அருகில் அதிகம் செல்வதை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.
* முக்கியமாக அந்நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டால், அவர்களின் அருகில் செல்லும் போது கையுறை மற்றும் முகத்திற்கு மாஸ்க் அணிந்து கொண்டு அவர்களை பார்த்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். ஏனெனில் அவர்களின் இரத்தம் உங்கள் மீது பட்டாலும் உங்களுக்கும் இந்நோய் தொற்றிக் கொள்ளும்.
* எப்போதும் எந்த ஒரு பொருளை உட்கொள்ளும் முன்னர் கைகளை நன்கு சோப்பு போட்டு கழுவி விட வேண்டும்.
இந்த நோயை முற்றிலும் குணப்படுத்த சரியான மருந்துகள் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்படாவிட்டாலும், உடலில் அந்த வைரஸை எதிர்த்துப் போராடும் வண்ணம் மருத்துவர் கொடுக்கும் மருந்துகளை தொடர்ந்து எடுத்து வந்தால், இந்த உயிர்க்கொல்லி நோயின் தாக்குதலில் இருந்து வெளிவரலாம்.
( படிக்கும் அனைவரும் share செய்யவும் நன்றி )

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ceylon & Tea - Inseparable as they are (Rare Pictures)

‘The Great White Fleet's visit to Ceylon

பிரிவுகள்,சினேகிதனின் தாழ்வான வீடு - கலாப்ரியா

நாளை இந்தக் குளத்தில் 800px-Kalapriya
நீர் வந்து விடும் 
இதன் ஊடே 
ஊர்ந்து நடந்து 
ஓடிச் செல்லும் 
வண்டித் தடங்களை 
இனி காண முடியாது 
இன்று புல்லைத்  
தின்று கொண்டிருக்கும் 
ஆடு, நாளை 
அந்த இடத்தை 
மேலே பறக்கும் 
கழுகின் நிழல் 
நாளை பார்க்க முடியாது 
இந்தக் குளத்தில் நாளை 
நீர் வந்து விடும்

சினேகிதனின் தாழ்வான வீடு

கறுப்பேறிப் போன 
வீட்டின் வளர்ந்த பிள்ளைகளுக்கு 
கையெட்டும் உயரத்தில். 
காலேஜ் படிக்கும் அண்ணன் 
அதில் அவ்வப்போது 
சினிமாப் பாட்டின் 
நல்லவரிகள் - என 
எழுதியெழுதி அழிப்பான் 
படிப்பை நிறுத்திவிட்டு 
பழையபேட்டை மில்லில் 
வேலை பார்க்கும் அண்ணன் 
பாஸிங்ஷோ சிகரெட்டும் 
தலைகொடுத்தான் தம்பி 
விளம்பரம் ஒட்டிய 
வெட்டும்புலி தீப்பெட்டியும் 
கடைசி இடைவெளியில் 
(ஒளித்து) வைத்திருப்பான். 
அப்பா வெறுமனே 
பத்திரப்படுத்தி வந்த 
தாத்தாவின் - பல 
தல புராணங்கள் 
கைவல்ய நவநீதம் 
சைவக்குரவர் சரித்திரங்கள் 
வெள்ளையடிக்கச் சொன்ன 
எரிச்சலில், பெரிய அண்ணன் 
வீசி எறியப் போனான். 
கெஞ்சி வாங்கி 
விளக்கு மாடத்தில் அடைத்ததுபோக 
உத்திர இடைவெளிகளில் 
ஒன்றில் தவிர 
அடைத்து வைத்திருப்பாள் 
அவன் அம்மா. 
பெற்றெடுத்துப் போனபின் 
வரவே வராத அக்கா 
தொட்டில் கட்ட 
தோதுவாய் - அதை 
விட்டு வைத்திருப்பதாயும் 
கூறுவாள். . . . . . . . . . . . . 
நின்றால் எட்டிவிடும் 
என்று சம்மணமிட்டு 
காலைக் கயிற்றால் பிணைத்து - 
இதில் தூக்கு மாட்டித்தான் 
* * * * *

Ten Essential Marilyn Monroe Films

There will never be another like Marilyn Monroe. Born Norma Jeane Mortenson in 1926, Marilyn started her career modelling, followed with tiny, often not speaking parts, in films for 20th Century Fox and Columbia Pictures. But it wasn’t until her appearance in John Huston’s The Asphalt Jungle in 1950 for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that people started to take note of her.
Her profile only increased when old nudie pictures of a young Monroe surfaced, which in turn led to her gracing the cover of the first edition of Playboy magazine and becoming the first ever Playmate of the Month. As a result, her film roles became bigger and in 1952 she really broke through with Monkey Business, a comedy which starred Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers and the first film in which Monroe would appear with her trademark platinum blonde hair. From there on in her fame skyrocketed and she turned into the sex symbol she will always be remembered for, dominating most the fifties with her screen and media presence.
By the late fifties fame and personal problems would start taking their toll on the actress, before her untimely death in 1962 at the age of 36. But in the decade preceding her passing, Monroe left a legacy of films which would make her into a true cultural icon, one of the most mythologised actresses ever and the ultimate American sex bomb. There will never be another like Marilyn Monroe.

10. Asphalt Jungle (John Huston, 1950)
asphalt jungle marilyn monroe
Whilst The Asphalt Jungle is by no means Marilyn Monroe’s first appearance on the silver screen and even though she had larger roles before the one here, this is the first noteworthy movie the rising starlet appeared in. It is in fact one of the best films she appeared in although that would be skewing things as this is hardly a Marilyn Monroe movie. Based on the novel of the same name by W. R. Burnett, The Asphalt Jungle is a classic heist flick in which Monroe had a minor though noteworthy part as the young mistress of the mastermind behind the crime.
Master criminal Erwin “Doc” Riedenschneider (Sam Jaffe) has just been released from prison after a seven year stretch and immediately gets involved in a planned jewellery heist by crooked lawyer Alonzo Emmerich (Louis Calhern) . Doc assembles a team, which includes a hooligan named Dix (Sterling Hayden), a driver called Gus(James Whitmore) and professional safecracker Louis Ciavelli (Anthony Caruso). The job is meticulously planned and executed but on their way out Louis get shot in the belly when Dix slugs a security guard whose gun drops and goes off accidentally. From there on in, the team’s perfect plan slowly starts to unravel as the police close in and the men start double-crossing each other.
A classic film noir with a fantastic heist sequence, which takes up about 11 minutes of screen time, The Asphalt Jungle is a suspenseful and gritty caper. Monroe wasn’t famous at the time of its release and consequently not mentioned on the film’s original posters but this would all soon change and later, when the film would get re-released, she would be prominently featured on the advertising amongst the other stars. Beautifully shot in moody black and white and featuring a great cast, the film managed to pick up four Academy Award nominations for Best Director, Supporting Actor, Adapted Screenplay and Cinematography.

9. All About Eve (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950)
All About Eve
The Asphalt Jungle got Monroe enough attention to be cast in another major production: Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s All About Eve, starring Bette Davis, Anne Baxter and George Sanders. Once again, this might also be one of the best films the rising starlet ever appeared in although that certainly didn’t have much to do with the minor part Monroe played. Basically appearing in one scene at a party as a blonde who is trying to make it on Broadway, she is famously introduced in the movie by Sanders as “a graduate of the Copacabana school of dramatic arts”.
The film follows Eve Harrington (Baxter) as she works her way into the life of aging Broadway star Margo Channing (Davis) by initially becoming her personal assistant, after expressing her admiration for the star and telling her her sad life story. But not before long it becomes apparent that Eve is just using Margo and those around her to further her own agenda, threatening Margo’s career and personal life in the process.
Whilst Monroe once again had a tiny role in All About Eve, this performance and the one before it in The Asphalt Jungle garnered her enough attention to make the jump to larger supporting roles. It didn’t hurt that All About Eve was a resounding success, winning six Academy Awards that year, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Actor for George Sanders.

8. Clash By Night (Fritz Lang, 1952)
Clash By Night
After having been noticed in small roles in the aforementioned films, Monroe’s star was on the rise and whilst still playing supporting roles, her screen time and fame steadily increased. Monroe’s best film during the years between those initial bit parts and her true rise to fame and leading roles has to be Fritz Lang’s Clash By Night, the first film in which she was credited before the movie’s title in the opening credits. The fact that her old nudie pics calendar also surfaced during the production of this film, only increased her exposure and notoriety.
The film tells the story of Mae (Barbara Stanwyck), who after a ten year period of absence, comes back home to live with her brother Joe, who is seeing factory girl Peggy (Monroe). Soon after her arrival she meets Jerry, a local fisherman, and starts dating him, which leads to marriage and a child despite the fact that Mae doesn’t really love Jerry and is only seeking stability. Meanwhile Joerrys friend Earl (Robert Ryan) starts making moves on Mae and soon the two are having affair, causing a rift between the two former friends.
A melodrama with some noir elements, Clash By Night is an aptly directed film by master filmmaker Fritz Lang. The last small role by Monroe you’ll find on this list before she would become a star, she nonetheless was credited with much of the success of the movie due to the buzz surrounding her at the time. She would soon make the jump to leading roles in Don’t Bother To Knock and finally making it into the big time with the next entry on this list: Monkey Business.

7. Monkey Business (Howard Hawks, 1952)
Monkey Business
The first film on this list that can be truly called a Marilyn Monroe movie, even though she did not have a lead role in it, Monkey Business truly kick-started the Marilyn Monroe craze. The first film in which she would appear with her signature platinum blonde hair, this screwball comedy, which was headlined by Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers, was a sizeable hit and even though Monroe didn’t have a whole lot to do, simply playing a secretary, she nonetheless managed to stand out and cause quite a stir.
The story is as silly as screwball comedies tend to get. Dr. Barnaby Fulton (Grant) is an absent minded professor who is trying to come up with a concoction that will restore one’s youth. Try as he may, he can’t seem to find the right formula but when a lab chimpanzee is let loose, the animal manages to mix chemicals in just the right amounts to actually create the elixir of youth. Unknowingly Dr. Fulton drinks some and spontaneously regresses to his twenties. As a result he spends the day with his boss’ secretary (Monroe) which greatly upsets his wife (Rogers). But when she also drinks some of the elixir, she turns out to act even worse and soon everybody seems under the potion’s spell.
A goofy comedy, if ever there was one, and also quite reminiscent of Hawk’s earlier Bringing Up Baby, Monkey Business sealed the deal and turned Monroe into a star. The following year she would capitalise on this new found stardom and truly become the sex symbol we still know her as today with the production of not one or two, but three iconic films in her repertoire, one of which would see her join forces once again with Howard Hawks.

6. Niagara (Henry Hathaway, 1953)
1953 was without a doubt the year of Marilyn Monroe. It the year she finally became a full blown star and Niagara was the first film out of three to be released that year to do it. Giving her first billing for the first time in her life, this tense Technicolor film noir is the closest Monroe has ever been to a Hitchcock-like thriller in her career. It also proved one of 20th Century Fox’s biggest box-office draws that year.
The film tells the story of two couples. Polly (Jean Peters) and Ray Cutler (Casey Adams) are on their honeymoon and arrive at Niagara Falls, only to find their cottage occupied by another couple, George Loomis (Joseph Cotten) and his wife Rose (Monroe). Soon enough Polly finds out that Rose is having an affair with Patrick (Richard Allan) and Rose seems to flaunt her sexuality constantly, which causes her husband to have violent episodes.
It’s all part of the plan though as Rose and Patrick want to kill George and people to consequently think that his violent temper might have been the cause of some sort of accident. But things don’t go as planned as George outwits the lovers and ends up killing Patrick instead. From there on in things go from bad to worse as George also wants to kill his wife in revenge for her cheating and conniving ways. But before he is able to do so, Polly runs into him, discovering that he is still very much alive and informing the police of what’s going on.
Niagara wasn’t a critical darling at the time but that didn’t stop the audience from turning up in droves. The film is also noteworthy as it allowed Marilyn got to extend her acting chops a bit since her role here required her to be a scheming femme fatale instead of the vulnerable dumb blonde she had basically always been asked to play before. Unfortunately for her, the critics didn’t praise her for her performance and the audience ultimately did not come to see her act. They just came to see the gorgeous natural beauty in the film, both Niagara’s and Monroe’s.

5. How To Marry a Millionaire (Jean Negulesco, 1953)
How To Marry a Millionaire
In 1953 the only thing bigger than a movie with Marilyn Monroe could be a movie with Marilyn Monroe and two other bombshells to boot. How To Marry a Millionaire was that movie as it starred Monroe, Lauren Bacall and Betty Grable as three gold digging models trying to make their way in New York city. And to contain so much beauty, How To Marry a Millionaire was also the first ever film to be shot in Cinemascope widescreen.
The film is a silly physical comedy in which the three leads play models who, despite not having much money, decide to rent a penthouse in Manhattan to attract wealthy suitors. Whilst the plan in itself is solid and all three women get the opportunity to catch themselves a wealthy husband, they of course all learn that their true loves turns out to be the (seemingly) not so wealthy guys who they also meet in the process.
How To Marry a Millionaire turned out to be another of 20th Century Fox’s greatest hits that year. Feminists need not apply for this one unless you can take the whole thing with a grain of salt, which shouldn’t be too hard considering the movie is just extremely light fluff from another era. All three actresses play to their strengths and director Negulesco makes great use of Technicolor and Cinemascope here. Stunning colors, great locations, sets and costumes, all contribute to a very lush affair here. Also of note is that this was the first color widescreen movie to ever be broadcast on television when NBC aired it in 1961.

4. The Misfits (John Huston, 1961)
The Misfits (1961)
The Misfits is a remarkable film for various reasons. First of all it was directed by one of Hollywood’s legendary old school directors, John Huston. It was also the last film for two of Hollywood’s legendary stars, Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe, as well as one of the last films for third one, Montgomery Clift, all of whom gave outstanding performances. On top of that it’s also the only original screenplay ever written by Arthur Miller whose marriage to Monroe was breaking down during the shooting of the film. The result is a uniquely dark drama about a divorced woman spending time in the Nevada desert with some cowboys, the disappearance of the old west and mortality itself.
The film revolves around Gay Langland (Clark Gable), an aging cowboy and his friends Guido (Eli Wallach) and Perce (Montgomery Clift), a rodeo rider. They meet young ex-stripper and recently divorced Roslyn Taber (Marilyn Monroe), who has come to the country to forget about her woes, and her friend Isabelle (Thelma Ritter) who is accompanying her. They invite the women over to Gay’s house, which is only half finished as construction halted after his wife died during childbirth. Soon after, Roslyn moves in with Gay but both Guido and Perce also have eyes for Roslyn and matters complicate even further when Roslyn finds out that the three men are planning to sell some mustangs only to be processed into dog food.
For such a high profile film with so much star power, The Misfits, with its bleak and depressing subject matter, did not do well at the box-office at the time of release even though Huston was nominated for an Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures by the Director’s Guild of America.
Nowadays however, it’s considered a classic and might in fact be the most serious acting role Monroe ever took on, playing a real-life vulnerable and damaged woman, which was a far cry from the roles which brought her fame, although it still echoed her “dumb blonde” persona, sex bomb status and even real-life personal issues at the time. But even though it’s one of her best films and probably her best acting performance in any of her movies, the top three of this list is reserved for films which are more typical fare for the fifties sex symbol.

3. Seven Year Itch (Billy Wilder, 1955)
Seven Year Itch
The movie that gave us the iconic image of Marilyn Monroe standing on a subway grating and getting her white dress blown up as a train passes underneath, The Seven Year Itch was Monroe’s first collaboration with master director Billy Wilder and further proof that she certainly had some seriously underrated comedic skills.
Richard Sherman (Tom Ewell) has stayed behind in Manhattan as his wife and son have taken off for the holidays. Richard is having a mid-life crisis and fantasises about the women he will never get to date since he’s a married man. But when he gets back home after having packed his wife and son off for their summering in Maine, he runs into his new neighbour, a stunning young actress and formal model, who turns his world upside down.
He invites her to dinner with the intention to have a liaison with the young lady but as he’s basically a good guy with a conscience and she’s extremely naïve, nothing happens between the two. Nonetheless Richard starts worrying like crazy that his lustful thoughts will be obvious to everybody around him and that he will have to pay dearly for simply having thought them, even though he remained faithful.
A great parody of conventional Hollywood romances and pitch perfect casting of Monroe as the naïve and stunning girl next door, The Seven Year Itch is a classic comedy and one of Monroe’s most iconic roles. Even though censorship did not permit adultery on screen (in the original play the movie is based on the husband and girl did end up having an actual affair), Wilder managed to instill the film with enough of a cheeky tone and sexual innuendo to make it daring enough for the times. But Monroe and Wilder still had their best collaboration ahead of them as they would join forces again four years later with a movie that would truly become a comedy classic.

2. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Howard Hawks, 1953)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
The third classic Monroe film released in 1953 was her second collaboration with director Howard Hawks, which saw the new sex symbol share the screen with another of Hollywood’s greatest bombshells, Jane Russell, who still received top-billing over Monroe at the time. Based on the 1925 novel by Anita Loos called Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: The Intimate Diary of a Professional Lady, which was first adapted to the screen in 1928 and later turned into a stage musical in 1949, this film adaptation is based on the latter and retains many of its musical numbers.
Miss Lorelei Lee (Monroe) is a gold digging showgirl who sets off to Paris to marry millionaire Gus Esmond (Tommy Noonan), accompanied by her best friend Dorothy (Russell), who loves good looking fit guys more than wealthy ones. As they make the trip across the Atlantic they are spied upon by private detective Malone (Elliot Reid), who has been hired by Esmond’s father to make sure that Lorelei isn’t the type of girl that will be bad for his son and is simply marrying him for his money. Malone and Dorothy end up falling in love but the fact that he has been hired to prevent her best friend’s marriage doesn’t do wonders for their relationship, nor does Lorelei’s flirtatious behaviour towards a wealthy married diamond mine owner onboard the ship. Will both ladies find true love and does it have a price tag attached?
Retaining many of the musical numbers from the stage show and adding some written especially for the film, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes might be the first movie where Monroe truly proved she could charm her audience to bits in a leading part (as she had played a conniving femme fatale in Niagara), even whilst playing a gold digger. The film was a financial as well as critical success and remains one of Monroe’s most beloved films. This movie also features the famous iconic Monroe performance of “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”, which inspired Madonna’s video for Material Girl more than thirty years later and has been copied and/or imitated by various artists many times over the years.

1. Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder, 1959)
Some Like it Hot
The second collaboration between Monroe and Wilder, Some Like It Hot can truly be considered as one of the greatest timeless comedies. Monroe is once again perfectly cast as the sexy blonde ditz but is also allowed to put in a great performance and show off her comedic chops. The film also contains another iconic Monroe scene as she performs the song “I Wanna Be Loved By You”. Whilst not as famous as the skirt blowing scene from Seven Year Itch or the “Diamonds Are a Girl’s best Friend” routine from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, this rendition of the song still ranks amongst her most incredible moments on the silver screen as it has a certain almost ethereal quality to it.
The story deals with Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon), two musicians who witness the Saint Valentine’s Massacre in gangster-ruled 1920’s Chicago and end up disguising themselves as women in order to escape being taking out by the mob, which doesn’t like the thought of witnesses to their crimes hanging around. Taking on the personas of Josephine and Daphne, they join Sweet Sue’s all-girl orchestra and head off to Florida to do a gig with their new band there.
En route, they meet the orchestra’s lead singer and ukulele player Sugar Kane (Monroe) and both fall for her head over heels but are unable to really do anything about it due to their female disguises. And if that situation doesn’t complicate matters enough, double disguises to win Sugar’s heart, an aging millionaire pursuing Daphne and the mob showing up at their hotel in Miami certainly do.
Some Like It Hot is as funny today as when it was first released in 1959 and one might in fact argue that the timelessness of the film only has made it better over the years. Both Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon are in fine form here, whilst Monroe completely holds her own and is as sexy as ever, even though real-life personal problems were starting to take a toll on her and made her notoriously difficult to work with around this time, often arriving late on set and feeling very insecure about her own performances.
None of this shows on screen though and Monroe is a wonder to look at whilst the movie itself remains amongst most beloved comedies of all time. In fact, the American Film Institute labelled Some Like It Hot the greatest American Comedy of All Time when it revealed its list on June 13th 2000. Nobody might be perfect but Some Like It Hot sure comes close.
Author Bio: Emilio has been a movie buff for as long as he can remember and holds a Masters Degree in Cinema Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Critical and eclectic in taste, he has been described to “love film but hate all movies”. For daily suggestions on what to watch, check out his Just Good Movies Facebook page: