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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Woman – Foundation of knowledge

The Vedic attitude towards woman is clear and unambiguous. She forms the foundation of our society. If you want to destroy the society, destroy the status, education and dignity of woman, If you want to form a society that stands up to highest benchmarks of principles and nobility, accord highest glory to woman and let her possess knowledge, dignity and leadership.

It was the greatest misfortune that befell on our nation and society when we started considering women as commodity – either for sensual pleasure or for servile jobs. This did not happen in one day. The degradation of women started around 1000 years before Mahabharat. But after the Islamic invasions in middle ages, the status kept deteriorating like anything. And in sync with that, the society started becoming more and more weak, cowardly, impotent, tortured, mutilated and devastated. The price that we paid for ignoring the Vedic advice on women has been indeed very heavy. So foolish have we been that, in name of Dharma, we allowed the undeserving among us to dictate that women do not have rights over study of Vedas or to even recite Vedic mantras.

It is indeed a matter of shame that many such anti-Vedic mindsets claim to represent so-called Hindutva or Hinduism or Vedic culture and many even revere them blindly. And this is what has been making our society even more hypocritical. Agniveer categorically states that all those people and all those texts that justify prohibition of Vedic studies or inferior rights for women are the GREATEST ENEMIES OF HINDUISM. Period.

The lessons of repression of women have been learned by us not from Vedas but from traditions of the invaders who plundered us – be it the tribals of West Asia representing so-called Islam or the British representing so-called Christianity. And of course all those bogus texts that were written to dissuade people from study of Vedas. We do not know when and till when were these texts written. (Some kept being written till printing press became popular in late 19th century!) But we are of firm opinion that any text that demeans women or provides them inferior rights or restricts them from being leaders of society should be trashed into garbage or reinterpreted in lines of Vedas. Its high time we get back directly to the Vedas to know what true Dharma is.

In this article, we shall trash the myth that women do not have right to study Vedas or perform Yajna. We shall also study what Vedas have to say about a scholarly woman.

Woman and Yajna

Rigveda 1.146.3: The Yajamaan (performer of Yajna) and his wife are two cows and the fire of Yajna is the calf.

Rigveda 1.72.5: Scholars perform Yajna with their wives and achieve bliss.

Rigveda 2.6.5: If mother and sister perform Yajna together, that brings bliss.

Rigveda 7.1.6: The young woman approaches the fire with Havi

Atharvaveda 3.28.6: O wife, you have entered the world of Yajna.

Atharvaveda 3.30.6: All the members of family should perform Yajna.

Atharvaveda 14.2.18: O woman, you should perform Yajna in Grihastha Ashram.

Atharvaveda 14.2.25: O woman, perform Yajna with bliss.

Further, there is NOT ONE SINGLE mantra in entire Vedas that prohibit Yajna for women.

Please note that Yajna here does not mean merely Agnihotra or Havan, but all kinds of noble deeds. Vedas simply do not differentiate on basis of gender or birth for conduct of any noble deed.

And when women can do Yajna, what stops her from reciting Vedic Mantras!

The restriction of women from Vedas or Yajna is an innovation of medieval age whose only contribution to our society has been disaster and slavery.

Its a matter of shame that many revered representatives of Hinduism still justify such perverted beliefs. But thanks to legends like Swami Dayanand Saraswati who gave right interpretations of Vedas, we hear Gayatri Mantra sung by women even in temples!

Here is a tip to expose black sheep among us – Ask the representative of Hinduism – be he a Shankaracharya or Mahant or Master of Sanskrit or whatever – if he can have a woman perform priestly duties, recite Vedic mantras and conduct Agnihotra. If answer is anything but an immediate and emphatic yes, he is an enemy to cause of Dharma. Reject him in same manner as one rejects a snake despite having a Mani on head.

What do you mean by Vedic religion?

Lets start with some

popular wrong answers.

Answer 1: Vedic religion means Hinduism

Answer 2: Vedic religion means considering 4 Vedas as divine just as Muslims consider Quran as divine and Christians consider Bible as divine

Answer 3: Vedic religion means following the 4 Vedas just as Muslims attempt to follow each letter of Quran and Christians follow each letter of Bible

Answer 4: Vedic religion means following Arya Samaj

Answer 5: Vedic religion means doing Sandhya, Havan (fire worship)

And here is the correct answer:

‘To accept truth through a continuous process of rejecting falsehood every moment to best of one’s abilities in the most sincere manner is Vedic religion’

This is beautifully described in Yajurveda 1.5:

“O Supreme Force governing the world! You function as per unchangeable laws which remain the same throughout without slightest of deviations. May I also seek inspiration from You to be unflinchingly principled in my life. Thus I resolve to seek truth constantly by eliminating the false from my life every moment to the best of my abilities, intentions and efforts. May I be successful in this noble decision of mine.”

This sums up the entire Vedic religion. This is the starting point. Everything else is secondary or a corollary. If this core spirit exists, one is a follower of Vedic religion. And if this does not exist, and yet everything else exists, it is still not Vedic religion.

Note that this spirit of falsehood rejection is a core trait for all human beings. We cannot survive without this ability. This inspires us to learn walking, talking, seeking education, making new discoveries and seeking growth and progress in life. Whether we consciously know it or not, whether we openly accept it or not, we all are actually surviving because we follow this Vedic religion or Vedic Dharma. Dharma means a natural property. Unlike a cult, Dharma is not and cannot be imposed. It is something natural and innate. Thus seeking truth is a natural trait of us all and the very fact that we live implies that we all follow the Vedic Dharma.

So what we mean by embracing Vedic Dharma or Vedic religion is to simply stop denying what you are already doing. To simply stop shouting that you are deep asleep when the very fact that you shout implies that you are not asleep. And to instead welcome the energizing morning sun-rays with energy, vigor and enthusiasm that is already there within you!

Hinduism – an obscene religion?- Know Vedas

The objective of this article is to put all these allegations in right perspective and offer a toolkit to all Dharma lovers to be able to defend the truth and counter the false propaganda.

1. The very first point to ascertained even before delving into each allegation of obscenity is whether that comes under the purview of Dharma in first place? The concept of Dharma in Hinduism is completely different from blind belief system of Quran or Bible. The universal definition of Dharma accepted across ALL sections of Hinduism is the 11 fold path as propounded in Manu Smriti 6.92: Non-violence, Patience, Forgiving, Self-control, Non-Stealing, Purity, Control of Sense and Work organs, Intellect, Knowledge seeking, Truthfulness, Non-Anger. This has been further elaborated in Vedic Religion in Brief.


2. The second touchstone of Dharma is Vedas. All Hindu texts very clearly and unambiguously mention that Vedas are the ultimate evidence. So ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT IS AGAINST VEDAS IS NOT DHARMA.

Basically the above two touchstones are one and same but from slightly different perspectives.

3. The same touchstone is elaborated in a slightly different manner in Yam and Niyam of Yoga Darshan:
Yam – Non-violence, Truth, Non-Stealing, Brahmacharya (Self-control and NON-obscenity), Non-Hoarding

Niyam – Purity, Contentment, Putting strong efforts, Self-study or self-evaluation, Dedication to All Supreme.


4. Having defined these basic touchstones, which are accepted by all sections of Hinduism, answering these allegations become much simpler. Because now our stand is very clear – We do not defend them, we simply REJECT them.

Q: How do you then explain the vulgar stories in our texts as alleged by these conversion activists and sickulars?


1. None of these stories appear in Vedas which form the foundation of Hindu Dharma.

2. Most of these stories appear in Purans or Ramayan or Mahabharat. Now except Vedas, NO OTHER book is considered to be divine in Hinduism. Further all these Purans or Ramayan or Mahabharat are NOT spared from adulterations in last 1000 years of foreign rule by perverts who had the singular agenda of destroying the cultural foundations of this country. So these texts can be taken authentic ONLY to extent they agree with Vedas. Rest is simply adulteration and has to be rejected. And it is ACTUALLY rejected by Hindus in practice.

Q: Can you explain how you claim that these texts have been subject to adulterations?

A: There are several evidences. For example:

1. Bhavishya Puran contains stories of Akbar, Victoria, Muhammad, Jesus etc. It has shlokas talking of Sunday, Monday etc. However these stories stop in late 19th century when printing became popular. This very clearly shows that shlokas continued to be added in this book.

2. Geeta Press Gorakhpur publishes Ramayan and Mahabharat and has marked a large number of shlokas as adulterated because they appear clearly out of context.

3. Interestingly Mahabharat 265.9.4 Shantiparva even claims that fraud people have added verses that talk of wine, meat-eating, vulgarity to demean the vedic religion.

4. Garud Puran Brahmakand 1.59 states that Mahabharat is being distorted to show vulgarity in Vedic Dharma.

etc etc.

Even a cursory reading of these texts is sufficient to make us realize the amount of adulterations that these books have been subject to. Further many of these stories have been mistranslated to suit the designs of fraud conversion viruses and their carriers.

Q: How can you claim that these texts do not form part of our Dharma?

A: I did not say that these texts do not form part of our Dharma. I said that they form part of our Dharma ONLY to extent that they agree with Vedas. The evidence is in society itself:

1. No one takes the new unabridged Purans seriously (except a very few people who have nothing to do with Hinduism and only want to showcase their supremacy on basis of a fake birth-based caste system. Actually these people are biggest hands-in-glove partners of conversion viruses who destroy from inside). The mainstream Hindu population or even their leaders do not even know the name of all Purans. It is difficult to get complete versions of Purans etc today.

ONLY ABRIDGED VERSIONS or SELECT PASSAGES from these books are available for mainstream population. So ask for Ramayan, and most Hindus will give you Ramcharitmanas. Ask for Mahabharat, and they will give you Geeta. Ask for Purans, and they will at best give you compilations of moral stories from these books. Which means that Hindus agree to these books ONLY to extent that they are moral and as per Vedas.

They may make mistakes due to ignorance, but goal is always to preach and practice within ambit of Vedic religion.

Q: Then why do Hindus worship Radha-Krishna and Shiva Linga if they reject the vulgar stories behind them?

A: No, Hindus don’t worship these entities in the sense that conversion viruses want us to interpret.

1. Hindus are basically simple people who easily trust others. That is why they got fooled by foreign invaders for centuries. So, the first instinct of a typical Hindu is to trust others. Unlike a typical Zakir-type Muslim who is trained to mistrust people unless they follow Quran and Rasul and nomadic Arabic traditions, a typical Hindu would trust any other person merely because he or she is a human being. This trustworthiness is a great strength but also a great weakness, especially when you are living in an area where there are too many mosquitoes flying around spreading dengue and malaria.

So like Agniveer site, Hinduism has been quite vulnerable to hacking and virus attacks. It is time that instead of trying to maintain the same site that has become prone to future virus attacks, we rebuild it from scratch keeping the same content but hardening the security policies to defend ourselves from future attacks and eradicate existing viruses.

2. Due to simple nature of Hinduism, Hindus have traditionally not been over-critical. They adopted and adapted worship methods over a period of time to seek goodness from everywhere. It is a different matter that they did not even realize that in the process they have drifted so far from original source and have become virus prone.

3. Radha means Success. There is a mantra in Yajurveda 1.5 that seeks Radha or Success from Ishwar to be able to stay resolved in accepting truth and rejecting false. Now Krishna was an icon of such a resolve in his life. Someone somewhere down the line symbolized this Radha (or success) in form of idols. The goal was noble, but in process we drifted from core foundations of Ishwar worship. Soon creativity kept being added, the Radha became a woman, stories were written to demean Krishna with a non-wife woman and the game continued. Simple Hindus continue to worship Radha Krishna even today with same pure feeling, completely unaware of the distortions that have happened in the process. Ask any Hindu about the scripture which talks of Radha and he will become silent. Hardly any Hindu knows about it. Now Radha does not appear in either Mahabharat or Harivansh or Bhagwat or any other authoritative text, to cite an example.

To a typical Hindu, Radha is symbol of purity even though he does not know why and how. Had Radha-Krishna relation been obscene in minds of Hindus, that obscenity would have been reflected in lives of Radha worshippers. But Krishna worshippers are monogamous, often Brahmacharis and avoid free mingling with opposite gender. Thus, for all practical matters, HINDUS REJECT ALL FALSE STORIES AND ALL FALSE BOOKS ON RADHA AND KRISHNA.

4. Shiva Linga means Sign of Purity. It started with an attempt to create idol of a Deepak. Now many Hatha Yogi practice concentration on tip of Deepak flame. The flame flickers due to wind. Hence an idol was created to practice concentration. Then some pervert imagined reproductive organs in the idol and created false stories. Gullible Hindus started worshipping this idol as symbol of purity completely unaware of mystery behind. A typical Hindu is not interested to know why and how. He simply accepts things at face value and tries to accept goodness from everywhere. No Hindu has ever read Shiva Puran and other texts associated with Shiva Linga. He simply goes to Shiva temple to offer his pure feelings to Ishwar. Period. Thus, for all practical matters, HINDUS REJECT ALL FALSE STORIES AND ALL FALSE BOOKS ON SHIVA LINGA.

5. Hindus basically believe that same truth is approached by different scholars in different manners. They thus easily admit anyone as scholar and start following him as well in illusion that they are only seeking goodness. So we have Hindus going to Ajmer Sharif to worship even a traitor who sided with Muhammad Ghori to defeat Prithviraj Chauhan. They would worship grave of Afzal Khan who was killed by Shivaji, the Great for his loots and rapes. The basic drive that propels Hindus to every form of worship is very honorable – to seek goodness from all side.

But as I said, unless you apply medical ointment, take pills and carry all precautions of not eating and drinking without being careful, it is very easy to catch Dengue in New Delhi today. The Commonwealth drama is not going to help and in fact make situations worse due to dug-up roads, congestion and dirty-water accumulation. Similarly, despite the hype that variety of small and big cults create, unless we stick to our basics of Vedas, take strong measures, and be careful it is easy to be infected the way Hindu society has become today.

In summary, Hindus worship only goodness. They seek this goodness in whatever form of worship it comes. They do not care about stories behind it. They do not bother about genesis and conspiracies behind these modes of worship, and simply seek goodness. Hence while Hindus should be very careful, it is also true that these stories and these books DO NOT FORM PART OF PRACTICAL OR THEORITICAL HINDUISM.

Q: What about stories of Brahma having relation with his daughter and Shiva running after Mohini?

A: Again, the answer is same. These are NOT part of Hinduism. They appear in no Vedas. In fact there are no stories in Vedas of this nature. And unlike Islam and Christianity, Hindu Dharma has NO place for stories. Hindu Dharma is based ONLY on concepts and ideas. Stories keep changing from time to time, they may get changed, manipulated, distorted, forgotten, rewritten or whatever. But Dharma is SANATAN which means ETERNAL. It was same always in past and remain so in future.

Q: So you mean Ram, Krishna, Vishnu do not form Hinduism?

A: Ram, Krishna, Vishnu, Shankar, Brahma etc are not Hindu Dharma. They were instead FOLLOWERS of Vedic Dharma. They were legends and role models. We admire them because they exhibited great examples worth being followed. They exemplified Vedas in action. Such role models are necessary to inspire and instill direction in masses. But Dharma is eternal, as explained earlier. Billions of years from now, there may be another set of role models being followed. Before Krishna or Ram took birth, there would have been another set of role models and no one knew about Ram or Krishna. But Dharma was STILL existing. This eternal Vedic Dharma is Hinduism. And because Ram, Krishna, Vishnu followed this Vedic Dharma to perfection, they are integral part of our culture, inspiration, thoughts and resolutions.

Q: You are being tactful. I thought you would analyze each story of obscenity and explain why it is not obscene. You are instead refusing to even accept that these form part of Hinduism.

A: I am simply being honest. And Hinduism is not like Islam where a false Quran that contains stories of personal matters of Muhammad are also to be justified. Quran and Hadiths contain stories on why Muhammad married Aisha when she was kid, why he desired to marry his daughter-in-law and in fact had relation with him without marrying (claiming that marriage happened in heaven), why there are special rights for Prophet to marry more than normal Muslim etc etc. Neither are these stories relevant till end of the world to justify being part of what is touted as final book of Allah, nor they contain noble examples. But instead of rejecting these verses as falsehood to safeguard the character of Muhammad, fanatic Muslims try to justify these vulgar verses and in process demean the noble character of Muhammad.

Similarly Christians instead of agreeing that Bible contains fake stories, would justify why Jesus alone is savior of world.

Hinduism is based on much stronger foundations that cannot be shaken by petty stories. Instead of showing us false stories which we already have rejected, show us what is wrong in Vedic Religion in brief

You cannot show anything wrong, and that is why we claim that Vedic Religion or Hinduism is the only worthwhile religion to be embraced.

Its a pity that despite all this, those justifying every letter of vulgar texts like false Quran and fake Bible are brazen enough to point fingers on eternal Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma.

Q: What about vulgarity in Vedas?

A: Show me a single vulgar verse in Vedas? Show me one single episode of obscenity in all the 4 Vedas. Now don’t start citing translations of Griffith or Max Muller who were basically conversion ‘viruses’. Explain with word meanings why any verse in Vedas is to be considered Vulgar. No one has dared to showcase a single verse so far. At best people have copy-pasted some crazy translation by some pervert without going further to explain how they came to such ridiculous meanings!

For clarity of all, there is absolutely no vulgarity or nothing unscientific or nothing irrational in all the 4 vedas.

Q: But Hindus follow festivals from Purans associated with these vulgar stories. How can then to dissociate Hinduism from these vulgar stories?

A: Again a childish argument. Festivals is a social phenomenon inspired from Dharma and not Dharma themselves. Festivals and their methods change in every 2 kilometers in India and in fact this diversity is encouraged so far it is as per Vedas. Hindus follow festivals as social events to showcase respect to great role models and resolve to do good. The form of festival observance has always varied from time to time, place to place and society to society. At times they have even got distorted. But this has nothing to do with Dharma which remains eternal.

When we celebrate festivals, we do not recite any of these vulgar stories. We on contrary to this, observe much more self-control on these days to shower our respect and commitment.

Q: But then why are these stories part of your culture then?

A: Who said that these stories are part of our culture? Now traditionally birth-based Brahmins have been closest to religious texts. So if these stories were to be integral part of our culture, how can anyone explain that:

1. These Brahmins (I am referring to birth-based Brahmins here and subsequently in this part of article) have been the most monogamous community of not only India but world.

2. These Brahmins have observed celibacy and self-control to levels that are considered abnormal by Arabic mindsets.

3. No Brahmin ever conducted a single Yajna in Kashi or Mathura that is vulgar, violent or obscene.

4. No Brahmin has kept concubines or performed incest as claimed in these false stories.

Instead these stories have either been rejected, or ignored, or interpreted allegorically within purview of Vedic Dharma as described in first 4 points.

Q: But so many news come of fraud gurus in sex-scandal?

A: Had all this nonsense been part of Hindu Dharma, these news would not have been called scandals. The moment a guru is exposed in such deeds, he is subject to harshest condemnation by society as is case with any criminal. If Hindu dharma was or is obscene, then these news would not have hit headlines and would have been most rampant in society!. For example, it does not make a news when an Imam in Iran does Mutah or temporary marriage because Mutah is integral part of the religion there.

Just as one cannot say that Islam justifies women participating in bikini show merely because one Arabic women won Miss America this year, similarly deeds of a fake guru have nothing to do with Hindu Dharma. On contrary, the fact that he is condemned for his misdeeds show that Hindu Dharma has nothing to do with this perversion.

Q: But Muslims also do not follow all that you condemn in your site. Why do you follow double standards then?

A: Kindly read my articles carefully. I have never ever condemned Muslims in general or Muhammad. I have only condemned the new Quran and Hadiths. And I condemn those clergies or fanatics who claim that each letter of this new Quran and Hadiths is final and perfect. If these fanatics, instead state that all those verses in Quran or Hadiths which are found to be objectionable (obscene, demeaning to Muhammad, justify sex-slavery, call women as half-intelligent, say that non-Muslims will go to Hell, justify marriage with a woman with whose daughter one had physical relation, do not outrightly ban slavery etc etc) are NOT part of Islam and worth being rejected, then there is absolutely no objection to Islam. In fact, it becomes a branch of Vedic Dharma if all the Hadiths and objectionable Quranic verses are rejected.

Q: Your theory is strange. You justify whatever Hindus do and yet reject all these stories that form basis of what Hindus do.


1. I do not justify whatever Hindus do. Had there been no loopholes in practices of Hindus in general, how could barbaric foreign cults have dared to enter Bharat. Certainly there were gaps between the actual Hindu Dharma of Vedas and what we started following out of ignorance.

2. But these gaps point at faults of the followers and not the Hindu Dharma itself. I agree with Zakir Naik on one point – do not judge a car by its driver but its engine. Similarly, judge Hinduism by Vedas and its core tenets and not its followers in general or fake stories invented later.

3. Yes, there are loopholes in practices of Hindus (in general) today considering the prevailing situations. Some of them are

- birth-based caste system in whatever broken form it is
- neglect of Vedas and Vedic Dharma which is our foundation
- tendency to take everyone at face value and trusting them too easily
- tendency to shirk away from fighting falsehood with iron hand
- passive attitude towards rising menace like Love Jehad, conversion virus, sickular mindsets etc
- not spending much time in trying to discover the roots of our Dharma and its essence


We definitely strive to get rid of these to safeguard our religion from virus attacks and approach of Vedic ideals.

4. BUT, regardless of these, one point is clear – THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VULGARITY IN HINDU DHARMA or even mindsets of Hindus when they observe Dharma in whatever way they do. They may be misled, they may be ignorant, they may be gullible, they may not be overtly critical, they may be bit too straight but THEY ARE NOT OBSCENE. THEY ARE NOT VULGAR in matters of Dharma.

There may be people who get into obscenities – like film stars or their bhakts – but there is nothing Hindu about it.

The challenge from Agniveer to all those who want to showcase obscenity in Hinduism is to prove that Vedas are obscene. Or the characteristics of Dharma listed in very first 3 points of article are obscene. Trying to highlight isolated stories from obscure texts that no Hindu takes seriously will not work. Because Hinduism itself rejects anything that is vulgar regardless of its source or origin. So these promoters of false propaganda should shut down baseless sites and instead create list of passages from their own religious texts (that they consider to be full and final to last letter) which should be rejected so as to claim their religion as “not obscene”.

Q: Vedas, Vedas, Vedas. You seem to be obsessed with Vedas. What about those cults who do not consider Vedas to be divine. And what about Geeta and Upanishads?


1. Please review the Vedic Religion in Brief. And also review the 11 fold Dharma mentioned earlier. These are adopted by everyone including those cults who do not consider Vedas to be divine.

2. Even the cults whom you would claim to apparently reject Vedas were actually following Vedas by rejecting malpractices in name of Vedas and not Vedas themselves.

3. Vedas themselves do not force, like Quran or Bible, to consider them as divine texts to achieve some fictitious paradise. All they say is that one should accept truth and reject false and through this process truth will continue to become clearer. I consider Vedas to be divine because I have reasons and justifications for that. But someone who does not believe so is also following Vedas, if he does so to best of his understanding and intentions and free from prejudices.

4. Geeta and Upanishads are marvelous texts. Geeta is basically elaboration of 40th Chapter of Yajurved. The 11 major Upanishads are tonic for intellectual mind. So are 6 darshans and host of other scriptures. We admire them because, and only to extent they comply with Vedas. For example, Allopanishad is considered a fraud Upanishad designed by some conversion virus.

5. In any case, what is obscene that you find about Geeta and Upanishads? Instead of wasting time in proving obscenity in Hinduism someway or the other, study Chapter 2 and 3 of Geeta or 17 mantras of Ishopanishad and you will attain true Paradise here itself. Become Vedic because Vedas alone is Dharma.

As for Hindus, I repeat the cornerstone of Hinduism: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT IS AGAINST VEDAS IS NOT DHARMA.

Hence, Hinduism stands for morality, purity and character alone.

What is the form of eternal worship according to Vedas?

Geeta shlok 8/10, beautifully describes about Yogi, who is completely immersed in faith and services of God (in Hindi it is called Bhakti) and does holy
name jaap with steadfast mind. The shlok says that such Yogi at the time of leaving for heavenly abode realizes God. The word Bhakti owes to origin from root
word "BHAJ" which means " to serve". Doing service is a pious deed. Hence to serve God and to give Him respect and honour is called service to God (spiritual). In Sanskrit language such service to God is called Pooja. Here, may I take the opportunity to mention about types of worship of Almighty God. All Vedas and all holy books and preach of learned persons clearly states that God is a donor and not recipient. We can give respect to our parents and learned persons acharya etc., by providing them with food, clothes, house, comforts, sweet speech etc. But such things can't be offered to God because He is the donor of the same and He is formless and Almighty. So God does not need such goods etc. So the best worship of the God also stated by Yask Muni, is to obey the God by studying Vedas, doing holy Yajyen, respect to learned Acharya of Vedas and doing practice of Ashtang Yoga philosophy while discharging our daily moral duties
towards family, society and nation as did by ancient Rishi Munis, Raj-Rishis and their public in their respective family lives' as well. This is the best service to God stated in four Vedas. It means to say that this the best worship (pooja) of God.

One should always remember the definition of Pooja-Bhakti as stated above. Mere decoration of Dhoop, lamp etc. in a thali (dish) for performing Arti is not termed as
Pooja in Vedas.

Also being obedient to parents and giving them respect and honour is also the real pooja (worship) of parents. Hence if we do not obey our parents, if the son and daughter-in -law do not serve them in their old age and merely offer them flowers and do their Arti then it is their grave disrespect and not worship. Here, it shall not be out of place to mention that Vedas do not accept the present Shradh, Pind-
daan or Tarpann etc., after the death of parents etc. When every part of body along with mouth had been placed on pyre for burning then there is no scope of
soul to eat or to do anything without bodies or parts' of bodies. Similarly when we do not obey the orders given by Almighty God in Vedas such as to perform Yajyen, do name-jaap of Almighty God, regular contact with learned acharya of Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga Philosophy, speak truth and adopt true conduct,
do pious deeds etc. Then if we merely worship God by Arti and offering of flowers then Vedas do not consider this as true worship of God.

The above worship has been stated by God Himself in Vedas. Certainly, when we obey God by doing above worship really it is real services (worship) of God.

It seems most of the people nowadays are after the materialistic articles of the world i.e. indulged in illusion with the result if they have turned lazy and do not want to do hard labour as inspired in Vedas. This is the main reason that such
entities have labeled the study of Vedas, performing Yajyen and Yoga as a very difficult task and in a way they give proof of their own inefficiency, laziness.

They give the excuse of Kalyug to adopt easy path for achieving God and preach against the doctrine of Vedas and spread illusion amidst innocent public. Otherwise who can dare to state Vedas and its divine Philosophy including Yajyen and Ashtang Yoga as difficult and preach to give up/abandon Vedas' preach, i.e., no-one except a lazy and untrue person can do so. A learned in fact can give up his own life but not truth.

Once I heard a song, the idea of which was, "leave the desire of a very long life because even a shortest fraction of time, like a second, is more important if indulged in truth and love. So what is the use of daily long, false speech or so called preach of those saints or men/women when its outcome is sorrows,
diseases, tensions and problems etc., then completely ignoring the saying of false saints who say Vedic Philosophy, Yajyen, practice of Ashtang Yoga is difficult, one should listen from a learned acharya, true eternal preach of God in the shape of four Vedas, this true, little, eternal voice(keeping aside the matter of its' being difficult or easy) is most beneficial, peace bestower and bestower of long, happy
life than the false preach as stated above.

Sri Krishna Maharaja jee in the shlokas of Geeta have inspired everyone to seek the shelter of Vedas to be established in truth, happiness and eternal peace.

So we have to worship Almighty, formless, omnipresent God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe as stated by Vedas and as explained above based on Vedas. --------------Swami Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj


Gaayathre shadsankhyaamardhe apaneethe dvayanke avasishtasthrayastheshu roopamapaneeya dvayankaadha: soonyam sthaapyam

In gayatri chandas, one pada has six letters. When this number is made half, it becomes three (i.e the pada can be divided into two). Remove one from three and make it half to get one. Remove one from it, thus gets the zero (Soonya).



Vikaaramaayaanthi dhanarunakhaani na soonya samyoga viyogathasthu soonyaaddhi suddham swamrunam kshayam swam vadhaadinaa kham khaharam vibhakthaa:

Nothing happens (to the number) when a positive or negative number is added with 0. When +ve and -ve numbers are subtracted from 0, the +ve number becomes negative and -ve number becomes +ve. When multiplied with 0, the values of both +ve and -ve numbers become 0, when divided by 0, it becomes infinity (khahara).


Yoga At The Speed Of Light And The Meaning Of 108

by Linda Johnsen

It is amazing how much Western science has taught us. Today, for example, kids in grammar school learn that the sun is 93 million miles from the earth and that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per hours. Yoga may teach us about our Higher Self, but it can't supply this kind of information about physics or astronomy.

Or can it?

Professor Subhash Kak of Louisiana State University recently called my attention to a remarkable statement by Sayana, a fourteenth century Indian scholar. In his commentary on a hymn in the Rig Veda, the oldest and perhaps most mystical text ever composed in India, Sayana has this to say: "With deep respect, I bow to the sun, who travels 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha."

A yojana is about nine American miles; a nimesha is 16/75 of a second. Mathematically challenged readers, get out your calculators!

2,202 yojanas x 9 miles x 75 - 8 nimeshas = 185,794 m.p.s.

Basically, Sayana is saying that sunlight travels at 186,000 miles per second! How could a Vedic scholar who died in 1387 A.D. have known the correct figure for the speed of light? If this was just a wild guess it's the most amazing coincidence in the history of science!

The yoga tradition is full of such coincidences. Take for instance the mala many yoga students wear around their neck. Since these rosaries are used to keep track of the number of mantras a person is repeating, students often ask why they have 108 beads instead of 100. Part of the reason is that the mala represent the ecliptic, the path of the sun and moon across the sky. Yogis divide the ecliptic into 27 equal sections called nakshatras, and each of these into four equal sectors called padas, or "steps," marking the 108 steps that the sun and moon take through heaven.

Each is associated with a particular blessing force, with which you align yourself as you turn the beads.

Traditionally, yoga students stop at the 109th "guru bead," flip the mala around in their hand, and continue reciting their mantra as they move backward through the beads. The guru bead represents the summer and winter solstices, when the sun appears to stop in its course and reverse directions. In the yoga tradition we learn that we're deeply interconnected with all of nature. Using a mala is a symbolic way of connecting ourselves with the cosmic cycles governing our universe.

But Professor Kak points out other coincidences: The distance between the earth and the sun is approximately 108 times the sun's diameter. The diameter of the sun is about 108 times the earth's diameter. And the distance between the earth and the moon is 108 times the moon's diameter.

Could this be the reason the ancient sages considered 108 such a sacred number? If the microcosm (us) mirrors the macrocosm (the solar system), then maybe you could say there are 108 steps between our ordinary human awareness and the divine light at the center of our being. Each time we chant another mantra as our mala beads slip through our fingers, we are taking another step toward our own inner sun.

As we read through ancient Indian texts, we find so much the sages of antiquity could not possibly have known-but did. While our European and Middle Eastern ancestors claimed that the universe was created about 6,000 years ago, the yogis have always maintained that our present cosmos is billions of years old, and that it's just one of many such universes which have arisen and dissolved in the vastness of eternity.

In fact the Puranas, encyclopedias of yogic lore thousands of years old, describe the birth of our solar system out of a "milk ocean," the Milky Way. Through the will of the Creator, they tell us, a vortex shaped like a lotus arose from the navel of eternity. It was called Hiranya Garbha, the shining womb. It gradually coalesced into our world, but will perish some day billions of years hence when the sun expands to many times it present size, swallowing all life on earth. In the end, the Puranas say, the ashes of the earth will be blown into space by the cosmic wind. Today we known this is a scientifically accurate, if poetic, description of the fate of our planet.

The Surya Siddhanta is the oldest surviving astronomical text in the Indian tradition. Some Western scholars date it to perhaps the fifth or sixth centuries A.D., though the text itself claims to represent a tradition much, much older. It explains that the earth is shaped like a ball, and states that at the very opposite side of the planet from India is a great city where the sun is rising at the same time it sets in India. In this city, the Surya Siddhanta claims, lives a race of siddhas, or advanced spiritual adepts. If you trace the globe of the earth around to the exact opposite side of India, you'll find Mexico. Is it possible that the ancient Indians were well aware of the great sages/astronomers of Central America many centuries before Columbus discovered America?

Knowing the unknowable

To us today it seems impossible that the speed of light or the fate of our solar system could be determined without advanced astronomical instruments. How could the writers of old Sanskrit texts have known the unknowable? In searching for an explanation we first need to understand that these ancient scientists were not just intellectuals, they were practicing yogis. The very first lines of the Surya Siddhanta, for of the Golden Age a great astronomer named Maya desired to learn the secrets of the heavens, so he first performed rigorous yogic practices. Then the answers to his questions appeared in his mind in an intuitive flash.

Does this sound unlikely? Yoga Sutra 3:26-28 states that through, samyama (concentration, meditation, and unbroken mental absorption) on the sun, moon, and pole star, we can gain knowledge of the planets and stars. Sutra 3:33 clarifies, saying: "Through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known." Highly developed intuition is called pratibha in yoga. It is accessible only to those who have completely stilled their mind, focusing their attention on one object with laser-like intensity. Those who have limited their mind are no longer limited to the fragments of knowledge supplied by the five senses. All knowledge becomes accessible to them.

"There are [those] who would say that consciousness, acting on itself, can find universal knowledge," Professor Kak admits. "In fact this is the traditional Indian view."

Perhaps the ancient sages didn't need advanced astronomical instruments. After all, they had yoga.


ஆடி அமாவாசை;

ஆடி அமாவாசை இந்து சமயத்தவர்களுக்கு மிகவும் புனிதமும் சிறப்பான தினமாகும். ஆடி மாதத்தில் வருகின்ற அமாவாசை ஆடி அமாவாசை விரதம் எனச் சிறப்புப் பெறுகின்றது.

வானவியல் கணிப்பின் படி சூரியனும் சந்திரனும் ஒரே இராசியில் கூடுகின்ற போதுள்ள காலம் அமாவாசை ஆகும். சூரியனைப் "பிதுர் காரகன்" என்கிறோம். சந்திரனை "மாதுர் காரகன்" என்கிறோம். எனவே சூரியனும் சந்திரனும் நமது பிதா மாதாக்களாக வழிபடு தெய்வங்களாகும்.

ஆடி அமாவாசைக்கு முன்னோர்களை நினைக்கவும்,திதி கொடுக்கவும் மிகச்சிறந்த நாளாகும்.மேலும் இந்த தினத்தில்தான் நம்முடைய முன்னோர்கள் பூமிக்கு வருவதாக சாஸ்திரம் கூறுகிறது.இந்த நாளில் ஆற்றோரத்திலும்,புண்ணியதலங்களிலும்,கடலிலும் நீராடி பிதூர் தர்பணம் செய்வதால் நாம் செய்த பாவங்களும்,தோசங்களும் விலகுவதோடு மட்டுமல்லாமல் கர்ம வினைகளும் நீங்கும்.

தாய்,தந்தையர்கள் இறந்த தினத்தையோ,திதியோ மறந்தவர்களும்,சொந்த ஊருக்கு செல்ல முடியாதவர்களும்,இந்த நாளில் பெற்றோர்களை நினைத்து விரதம் இருந்தால் சிறப்பான வாழ்வும்,முன்னோர்களின் ஆசீர்வாதமும் கிடக்கும்.

நாளைய தினம் ஆடி அமாவாசை ஆகும்.எல்லொரும் விரதமிருந்து,காக்கைக்கு உணவு படைத்து பின் வயிறார உண்டு அனித்து செல்வங்களை பெற என்னுடைய வாழ்த்துகள்.

அன்புடன் சுப்பிரமணியன் ஜோதிடர்.

IDENTITY - Introduction. What is Audience point of view story telling?

The Risk of Terrorism

You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane

You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

 You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

Humayun ka Maqbara

Humayun ka Maqbara) is the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun. The tomb was commissioned by Humayun's wife Hamida Banu Begum in 1562 AD, and designed by Mirak Mirza Ghiyath, a Persian architect.[1] It was the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent,[2] and is located in Nizamuddin East, Delhi, India, close to the Dina-panah citadel also known as Purana Qila (Old Fort), that Humayun founded in 1533. It was also the first structure to use red sandstone at such a scale[3][4] The tomb was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993,[2] and since then has undergone extensive restoration work, which is still underway

Achieving Economic Goals In The Midst Of Global Challenges: Views Of Independent Economists

வாழ்த்தலாம் வாங்க........

படத்தில் தோன்றும் நபரின் பெயர் சந்திரவதனன். ஊர் ஜோலார் பேட்டை. MBBS பட்டம் பெற்ற மருத்துவர்.1963-ல் மருத்துவம் பயின்று பட்டம் பெற்ற நாள் முதல் இன்று வரை சைக்கிளில் கிராமம் கிராமமாக நோயாளி களை தேடிச்சென்று சிகிச்சை அளி த்து வருகிறாராம்.
சொந்தமாக கிளினிக் இல்லை, மருந்துக்கடை இல்லை, தேவையில்லாத டெஸ்டுகளும், ஸ்கேன், எக்ஸ்ரே எடுக்க சொல்லுவதில்லை, ஸ்கேன் கம்பெனிகளிடம் இருந்துகமிஷன் வாங்குவதில்லை, கிராமங்களுக்கு மக்களை நாடி இவர் பயணிப்பதும் மிதி வண்டியில் தான், இத்தகு எளிமையான, சேவை மனப்பான்மை கொண்ட மருத்துவர் சந்திர வதனன் வாங்கும் ஃபீஸ் எவ்வளவு தெரியுமா? வெறும் இரண்டு ரூபாய்தான்.
இவர் ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவர் அல்ல, கோடியில் ஒருவர், இந்த கமிஷன் உலகத்திலும் மருத்துவ தொழிலை அர்ப்பணிப்பு உணர்வுடன் செய்து வரும் மருத்துவர் திரு. சந்திரவதனனுக்கு பெருமையுடன் ஒரு சல்யூட் அடிப்போம்.