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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Russian Paintings

Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 25 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 24 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 22 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 23 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 19 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 18 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 16 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 15 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 13 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 12 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 11 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 10 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 9 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 8 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 7 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 6 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 5 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 4 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 2 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

aerial view of bright cities in tokyo 1 Aerial View of Bright Cities in Tokyo (25 images)

How To Get Google Chrome OS

This video shows you two different ways for installing Chrome OS by Google without harming your current computer settings. The links below are used in the video:
Win32 Image Writer -
ChromiumOS Cherry -
VirtualBox -

Explaining USB 3.0

This video explains the new 'superspeed' USB 3.0 standard for connecting things to computers. It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt of, and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School.

Explaining Web 2.0

This video explains interpersonal computing, web services and software as a service (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, author of, and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School.

Vengeance short film (english & tamil) with subtitle

Shiridi Sai baba Aarti_Shri Satguru baba Sai_16

Awesome Pics By National Geographic !!!

National Geographic
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9227 888885

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Cremation ground:
Shiva sitting in the cremation ground signifies that He is the controller of death in the physical world.
Matted locks:
The three matted locks on the head of the Lord convey the idea that integration of the physical, mental and spiritual energies is the ideal of yoga.
Tiger skin:
A tiger skin symbolizes potential energy.

The crescent moon
The crescent moon is only one of His ornaments.

Three eyes:

Lord Shiva, also called Tryambaka Deva, is depicted as having three eyes: the sun is His right eye, the moon the left eye and fire the third eye.

 The bull is associated with Shiva and said to be His vehicle.

 (two ear rings):
Two Kundalas, Alakshya and Niranjan in the ears of the Lord symbolize the Shiva and Shakti (male and female) or Ardha-Nariswara principle of creation.
A water pot (Kamandalu) made from a dry pumpkin contains nectar and is shown on the ground next to Shiva signifies that, an individual must break away from attachment to the physical world and clean his inner self of egoistic desires in order to experience the bliss of the Self.
A snake (Vasuki Naga):
The snake is shown curled three times around the neck of the Lord and is looking towards His right side. The three coils of the snake symbolize the past, present and future - time in cycles.

Rudraksha necklace:
Rudra is another name of Shiva. Rudraksha necklace worn by the Lord illustrates that He uses His cosmic laws firmly - without compromise - to maintain law and order in the universe.
Ganga, symbolically represented on the head of the Lord by a female (Mother Ganga) with a jet of water emanating from her mouth and falling on the ground, signifies that the Lord destroys sin, removes ignorance, and bestows knowledge, purity and peace on the devotees.

Snake around the neck:
The snakes to symbolize the yogic power of Lord Shiva with which He dissolves and recreates the universe.
Varda Mudra:
Lord Shiva's right hand is shown in a boon- bestowing and blessing pose, which annihilates evil, grants boons, bestows grace, destroys ignorance, and awakens wisdom in His devotees.
Trident (Trisula):
A three-pronged trident shown adjacent to the Lord symbolizes His three fundamental powers (shakti) of will (iccha), action (kriya) and knowledge (jnana).
Damaru (drum): Damaru symbolizes the two utterly dissimilar states of existence, unmanifest and manifest.
Half-open eyes:
When the Lord opens His eyes, a new cycle of creation emerges and when He closes them, the universe dissolves for creation of the next cycle. The half-open eyes convey the idea that creation is going through cyclic process, with no beginning no end.

Successive Differences of Powers

List the squares:

0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, ...
Then take their successive differences:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, ...
Then take their successive differences again:
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ...
So the 2nd successive differences are constant(!) and equal to 2.
OK, now list the cubes, and in a similar way, keep taking successive differences:

0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, ...
1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, ...
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, ...
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, ...
Gee, the 3rd successive differences are all constant(!) and equal to 6.
What happens when you take the 4th successive differences of 4th powers? Are they constant? What do they equal? (They're all 24.) And the 5th successive differences of 5th powers?
Aren't derivatives similar to differences? What do you think happens when you take the n-th derivative of xn?
Presentation Suggestions:
Have students do these investigations along with you. If you assign the n-th derivative of xn on a previous homework, then you can make the connection between the two right away.
The Math Behind the Fact:
This pattern may seem very surprising. It can be proved by induction. Taking differences is like a discrete version of taking the derivative, where the space between successive points is 1.

This idea has a very practical application: given a sequence generated by an unknown polynomial function, you use the calculation of successive differences to determine the order of the polynomial! Then use the first N terms of the sequence with the first N terms of the polynomial to solve for the generating function.
