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Friday, June 15, 2012

Incredible India Part 2

Significance of the Directions - Vastu Sashtra

Directions continuously exert their influence on the human life. If the line that spans east-west in the middle of the house is used properly, the inhabitants get prosperity. This equator line is like the backbone of the house. If it is not used properly, it may lead to breaking of the owner's backbone. If it is used properly according to the law of the nature, the house proves to be the most fortunate one for the inmates.
If the north-eastern portion of the house is well illuminated by the Sun, the inhabitants have full grace of the Lord. Amarkosh (a sanskrit lexicon) mentions the directions. Thus!
According to the shloka, directions of the planets are:
1Surya (Sun)East
2Shukra (Venus)South-East
3Mangal (Mars)South
5Shani (Saturn)West
6Chandr (Moon)North-West
7Guru (Jupiter)North
8Buddh (Mercury)North-East
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - East
Gemini, Libra Aquarius - West
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - South
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - North
Nature of the house owner changes as per the orientation of its entrance. It is because of the influence of the planet that rules that direction in which the entrance faces.
If the entrance of a house faces east, its ruling planet the Sun makes the owner of the house abiding to the truth, ambitious and courageous. He would have particular liking for acrid vegetables like bitter gourd, fenugreek etc.
If the entrance is in the south-east direction, it is ruled by Shukra (Venus). Hence, the owner would have a variety of tastes and special liking for luxuries.
If the entrance faces south, it is ruled by Mangal (Mars). Accordingly, the owner would be courageous, haughty, outrageous and stubborn. He will specially relish spicy, delicious foods.
If the entrance faces south-west, it is ruled by Rahu. Nature of the owner will be according to it. He will be licentious, engaged in illegal activities, savant of cryptic scriptures and talismans etc. He will specially relish stale food.
If the entrance faces west, it is ruled by Shani (Saturn). Accordingly the owner will be serious, prudent, tolerant and responsible. He relishes food items cooked in oil and bitter and cold foods.
If the entrance faces north-west, it is ruled by Chandra (Moon). According to it, the owner is of instable mind, sentimental, fond of travelling and soft-spoken. He is also fond of eating vegetables cooked with excess of salt.
If the entrance faces north it is ruled by Brihaspati (Jupiter). Accordingly, the owner will be religiously inclined, altruistic, talkative and scholar of some particular subject and driven by whimsical fantasies. He is fond of sweet items as well.
If the entrance faces north-east, it is ruled by Buddh (Mercury). Accordingly, the owner will be intelligent, humorous, litterateur and active. He relishes everything but in moderation.
Our earth has a spherical shape flattened at the poles. Hence, an ideal house must have an oval shape. Expansion of earth is more in east-west directions, hence an ideal house must have an east-west expansion. Mid portion of the earth is bulging, hence mid part of the house must be somewhat elevated. The Sun illuminates the earth from the east, hence the main entrance of the house must face in similar direction. Sun is the creator, giver of life, hence it is worshipped in many countries since millennia.
that is, those who salute the Sun daily remain immune to penury for many births. Purposely our ancestors have made it mandatory to keep the main entrance facing east, so that the sun rays could exert their beneficial effect on the magnetic field of the house. Sun rays are a sure way to energize life. Uttarayana and Dakshinayana (northward and southward) movements of the Sun have their unique significance. In this context, south-east and north-east directions too have their unique importance. These points are given special attention in VAASTU Shastra.
  • Most of the windows must face the east and the south directions.
  • Entrance of the house must face the east or south-east.
  • There must be more open spaces in north and east of the house.
  • Verandah must be kept in the east or south-east.
  • Source of water like well, tank, handpump or overhead tank must be in the north, east or north-east directions.
  • Terrace must be in the east or south-east on the first floor.
  • Thicker walls must be erected in the west, south and south-west directions.
  • Big trees must not be planted in the east or south-east directions.
  • Kitchen must necessarily be located in the Agneya Kona (South-east). Such a location will enable the kitchen to receive more sun and fresh breeze.
  • Stable, cattle shed and garage must be built in the Vavavya Kona (North-west).
  • Provide drainage for rainwater and used water in the Ishaanya Kona (north-east).
  • Drawing room, study room or any other important room related to administration of the household must be built in north or east direction.
  • Toilet, bathrooms, gutter, manhole as well as drainage for their effluents must be provided in Vayuvya Kona (north-west) or west.
  • Temple or worship rooms must be built in Ishaanya (north-east) direction.
  • Water storage tank, cooler etc. must be kept in Vayavya Kona (north-west).
  • Chest, lockers, almirah etc. which are used for storing valuables must be kept or provided with in the north or Ishaanya (north-east) direction.
  1. Never keep or build water-storing or retrieving facilities in Nairitya Kona (South-west).
  2. Never build bedrooms in Nairtya Kona (south-west) as sleeping in that direction will cause lot of nightmares. Thus you will never be able to have a sound sleep.
  3. Kitchen must not be located in the west and Nairitya Kona (South-west) because the harmful rays that fall from those directions may spoil the taste of your food.
  4. Build your toilet and keep dustbins in the west.
  5. Unnecessary things should not be kept in Nairitya Kona (South-west).
Everyone builds his home with an intention of cozy living. Similarly offices, commercial complexes, shops, cinema halls, theatres, hotels, restaurants etc. are built with a purpose of flourishing business. Churches, mosques, Guruduaras, temples are built for tranquility. Hence regardless of the specificity of the purpose, all these buildings must be built complying exactly to the principles of VAASTU Shastra keeping following things in mind:
  • The building must have ample open space all around.
  • Northern and eastern sides of the building must have more open spaces as compared to western and southern sides.
  • The building must be kept higher in the south and the west.
  • In three or four storeyed buildings, terraces must be provided in southern or eastern sides.
  • Balconies too must be provided in eastern or southern side. There should be more windows to the east and south as compared to north and west.
  • Thick walls must be erected in the south and west.
  • There should be more doors opening to the north and east than south and west.
  • Boundary wall must be raised higher in the south and the west than that in the north and the east.
  • There must be an even number of the doors and the windows (i.e. divisible by 2) in a building.
  • Verandah must be provided in the north or the east. Its ceiling must be kept at somewhat lower lever than rest of the rooms.
  • Verandah should not be provided in the south or west.
    Thus VAASTU Shastra suggests house building strictly according to scientific methods so that the inmates can flourish in every way and enjoy all the comforts. There are five physical elements in the nature:
This sinister body is composed of five elements- earth, water, fire, ether and air. Hence the things composed of majority or minority of any or all of these elements must be kept near that element otherwise one has to face adverse outcome.
As, for example if electronic appliances, which have fire as major element, are placed with water, these will experience deterioration.
A plot of land is the first and foremost prerequisite of a building. While selecting a plot of land, you must be very careful regarding its shape and the omens related to it.
Rectangular (in which opposite sides are equal)shape of the plot yields perfection in every field, square shape yields wealth, circular shape of plot yields intelligence while Bhadrakar (many rectangular plots of land connected to one-another with their lengths decreasing sequentially while maintaining the basic shape) land proves beneficial in all ways for the occupant.
Apart from these, there are many shapes (though highly uncommon) in which plots are classified.
These shapes and their effects are as follows:
SpiralAbject poverty
TriangularTorture from the state
Cart-shapedLoss of wealth
Rod-shapedLoss of animal wealth.
Winnower-likeLoss of cattle stock
Bow-shapedFears of particular things
OctagonalGives pains and sufferings
Bucket likeExcess of debts
Barrel shapedLoss of wealth
Like beak of a crowGives wealth
Angular plotDisputes and quarrels
Capsule shapedMixed results
Triangular shapedObstacles in collecting money
Temple shapedHappiness in poverty
T-ShapedDifferent kinds of upheavals
Fan-shapedDire economic condition, the owner may take to begging.