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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creating Trouble

KrishnaAndYashoda“First a complaint was lodged with mother Yashoda about Krishna's stealing, but mother Yashoda did not chastise Him. Now, in an attempt to awaken mother Yashoda's anger so that she would chastise Krishna, another complaint was invented-that Krishna had eaten earth.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 10.8.32 Purport)
If a dependent does something which is against the rules, which is forbidden for them, the caretaker has to stop what they are doing and give attention. When the rules are being followed without a problem, where is the cause for concern? When will the opportunity come for correcting the mistakes of the dependent? Knowing full well this need within the loving caretakers, the Supreme Personality of Godhead creates situations where that love can be offered. In Vrindavana a long time ago, He occasionally broke the rules on purpose to grab the attention of loving caretakers like His mother. And even when He might have been innocent, just the thought that He might have done something wrong resulted in the same affectionate attention from His mother.
What sorts of things would Krishna do? One time, His friends lodged a complaint that He had eaten dirt. Dirt, or earth, can be used to create pots and other similar containers, but it is not an edible substance. Children don’t know any better, so it wouldn’t be that surprising if they eat dirt. In the modern age, if you have a newborn child, you will want to “baby proof” your home. This requires placing plastic plugs that are difficult to remove into the electric sockets. If you place the plug of an ordinary appliance into the socket, the child could tug on the wire and thus free up the socket. This is another point of danger, as the plug is meant to be removed from the end and not from pulling on the wire. If you pull the wire, the wire could tear, causing an electrical charge to strike the person holding the wire. The appliance could also break in the process.
Baby proofing a socketOther steps in baby proofing involve putting small gates in front of stairs and placing latches around kitchen cabinets. The child doesn’t know how to climb stairs, so if they try, they could fall down and get seriously hurt. The cabinets are full of different materials and boxes. If the containers should spill over the child could get injured. Also, different cleaning agents stored underneath the sink contain toxins which should never be ingested. The child doesn’t know about this, so it is up to the parents to protect them.
If the child should eat dirt, the parents must correct the situation. If they let it go, the child may think that they can just eat anything, whenever they want. What if there are foreign substances within the dirt? What if the child decides that it is okay to swallow chewing gum? In this way we see that a good parent cannot be lax for even a moment in their oversight of their child’s activities. One slip up could cause lasting damage.
Mother Yashoda learned that Krishna had eaten dirt. At least this was the allegation made by Krishna’s friends and His brother. It was a little humorous that they would go to the mother with the complaint. This showed that Krishna was the leader of the group, that no one could tell Him what to do. It was His idea to previously steal butter from the homes of the neighbors. Through Krishna’s influence, which is splendorous by all accounts, the young cowherd boys would sneak into the homes, set up ladder systems by aligning mortars and planks, and then climb high to reach the pots of butter that were secretly tucked away.
The boys knew that Krishna would have to listen to His mother. She had previously punished Him for breaking a pot of butter in anger. Now their leader was in danger of punishment again for possibly having eaten dirt. Of course Krishna is the Supreme Lord, so He does everything by His own will. This fact is constantly reinforced in the Vedic literature, which presents the highest system of spirituality known to man.
Krishna and BalaramaHow can we say this with certainty? The current situation in the world with respect to religion is evidence of the need for the Vedas. As there is generally no consideration given to the distinction between matter and spirit, the primary aim, irrespective of a person’s faith or lack thereof, is to be as materially successful as possible. This requires industry and growth in the economy, which seem to have a negative impact on the environment. The fact is that whether one is consuming oil or any other type of fuel, it is the desire for fruitive gain that causes the negative reaction. And that reaction relates to the loss of austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness.
These four attributes are required for simple living and high thinking, which combine to create lasting happiness. One side is religious and the other is not, but both are looking for fruitive gain. If I can rise to the top of a company without praying to God, what need do I have for religion? By the same token, if I spend my day praying for God to give me stuff, of what value is that prayer if others already get what they want without praying?
From the very beginning the Vedic instruction stipulates that material nature does not represent one’s identity. Brahman is truth, and every life force is part of Brahman. The temporary changes are no different from the changing of clothes each night. To take your identity from your current outfit is silly, and along the same lines to base your identity off your position in opulence or squalor is equally as flawed.
The Vedas continue one step further. Beyond the realization of Brahman and the dissociation from maya, or material nature, the spirit soul, the vibrant force for action within living creatures, has an urge for service. You can see evidence of this with human behavior. When there is no real religion guiding human beings, they will make up their own religions. One group looks to serve in government, while another wants to save the environment. Another thinks that helping the poor is the highest engagement in life, while another looks to stamp out disease.
While intentions may be noble, the pursuits are rooted in illusion. The inkling for service is meant to be directed towards the Supreme Personality, whose transcendental features are so nicely described in texts like the Shrimad Bhagavatam. It is in that wonderful work that we find accounts of Lord Krishna’s pastimes, which teach so many lessons. Yashoda, though a wife of a cowherd king and a mother, was engaged in devotional service, i.e. loving God.
Krishna and YashodaDevotion to God is a dynamic endeavor, devoid of monotony. It doesn’t have to be the same thing every day, and neither is it limited to one or two activities. Looking into Krishna’s mouth is equally as beneficial as praying before the deity or chanting the holy names, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”.
If you offer service to your community, family, or nation, you are limited in your ability to affect the outcome. For instance, if I have an issue of public importance that I am passionate about, I need to rally support for the cause in order to really make a difference. Politics follows this formula. In the private sector, if you don’t like a particular product, you no longer buy it. You move on to something else. You have some power as an individual, though the product manufacturers will still follow the trends set by the consumers as a group. In the public sector, however, you need the support of your fellow man in order to exercise the same individual choice. To influence votes, you need money, which automatically gives the wealthier lobbying groups an advantage.
In devotional service, all you need is sincerity. The offerings made in an authorized manner, following the instruction of a bona fide spiritual master, make their way directly to Krishna, who then adds His personal intervention to deliver the benefits. Krishna made sure to get accused of eating dirt to allow His mother to be mesmerized by the vision of the universal form. Of course, superior to that vision is the sweet, charming face of her young boy, who is the savior for the fallen souls.
In Closing:
As God, Krishna can do whatever He likes,
Through accusation set up a wonderful sight.

Naughty boy always with danger did flirt,
Now He would get in trouble for eating dirt.

Mother Yashoda, this accusation against son was told,
By Balarama and friends, eager for punishment to unfold.

This gave Yashoda a chance to be a parent good,
That child shouldn’t eat dirt must be understood.

Her son denied allegation with confidence,
Made her look into His mouth for evidence.

Son led devoted mother to a vision that inspired awe,
Universal form in Shri Krishna’s mouth she saw.

New research examines health behavior in long-term relationships

Women bear the brunt of being the health police in heterosexual marriages, but gay and lesbian couples are more likely to mutually influence each other's health habits – for better or for worse. The findings are reported in the June issue of the journal,Social Science & Medicine.
Researchers Corinne Reczek, a University of Cincinnati assistant professor of sociology, and Debra Umberson, professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, followed 20 long-term heterosexual marriages as well as 15 long-term gay and 15 long-term lesbian partnerships in the United States. Their findings reflected previous research that in heterosexual marriages, women put more effort into encouraging good health habits for their spouses.
Sociologists have theorized that from early childhood, the socialization of women into caretaker roles has led to health benefits for husbands. Reczek says this newest study is among the first of its kind to explore how gay and lesbian couples affect each other's health habits.
The researchers examined what they called "health work" – defined as any activity or dialogue concerned with enhancing another's health. The researchers conducted 100 in-depth interviews with couples involved in 50 long-term relationships – couples who were involved for at least eight years or longer.
The study found that at least one partner in over three-quarters of the heterosexual, gay and lesbian couples did some form of health work as a result of two reasons: the other partner had bad health habits, or one partner was considered the "health expert."
Nearly half of the respondents – heterosexual, gay or lesbian – blamed a partner's unhealthy habits for the other partner's attempts at intervention. Among heterosexual couples, men were typically identified as needing the prodding toward healthier lifestyles.
For couples identifying a "health expert," the researchers say that straight women were almost exclusively identified, while gay and lesbian couples identified one partner as the health expert, regardless of gender.
For better or for worse, couples mutually reinforcing health behaviors were more prominent in gay (80 percent) and lesbian (86 percent) couples versus straight couples (10 percent).
"The social and institutional conditions within which gay and lesbian couples live – including a heteronormative and homophobic culture at large, and a non-institutionalized nonheterosexual union – structure a unique relational context for cooperative, more egalitarian health work processes to emerge," write the authors.
The authors state that the findings suggest that gendered relational context of an intimate partnership shapes the dynamics and explanations for health behavior work.
The research was supported in part by a grant from the National Institute on Aging as well as the Mentoring Program of The Center for Population Research in LGBT Health, under the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Demographic Description
In the survey sample, 80 percent of the straight respondents were white, 15 percent were African-American, one Asian-American and one Latina. Gay and lesbian respondents included 63 percent whites, 27 percent who identified as Hispanics, Latinos or Latinas, one African-American, one Native-American/Hispanic, and one South American.
The average age for the straight couples was 45 years – 49 years for gay respondents and 43 years for lesbian respondents.
The average relationship duration for straight couples was 17 years, 21 years for gay couples and 14 years for lesbian couples. Household income averaged $60,000.
Provided by University of Cincinnati
"New research examines health behavior in long-term relationships." June 11th, 2012.
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

The Puzzle of Personhood

Jønathan Lyons
Ethical Technology

Ethically speaking, I’m waiting for B1-66ERaaaaa or the hot humanlike cylons of Battlestar Galactica to show up and make a claim for personhood. Or possibly for someone’s RealDoll (NSFW), Roxxy True Companion (also NSFW), or Anydroid (NSFW — yes, again) to become imbued with enough AI to say “Not tonight, dear, I have a headache” (or to be able to say “No” and mean it.)

That's part of what happens in the sci-fi classic short story "Helen O'Loy," in a sense; Helen was a housekeeping android whose owners uplifted the unit, improving upon the original until ze became a she. [1] Geminoids already demonstrate a doppelgänger human likeness that clears the hurdle over theUncanny Valley for at least some people.

(I penned a character, Jonny Cache, in my novel Burn, a sexbot android who is likewise uplifted into personhood by her techie owner and who goes on to help solve his murder.)

(Readers who are interested in further discussion of sexbots should consider checking out John Niman's article here on the IEET site.)
To me, the concerns of speciesism and substrate chauvinism are intertwined. By which I mean, one can separate them, but fundamentally, they each address a form of arbitrary discrimination against other beings, in quite a lot of cases very intelligent beings, simply because they are not us — that is, are not Homo sapiens (HSS)

My previous two articles in this series have dealt with the personhood of both biological beings — HSS and otherwise — and technological beings. I want to establish the case against speciesism as well as against substrate chauvinism. There's irony here, because in many ways I am a speciesist myself, and I doubt that any of us can actually be entirely otherwise. In fact, I doubt that it would be wise to be entirely non-speciesist.

Who and what we consider a person has been evolving for as long as humankind has recognized the concept. And that evolution of who/what qualifies continues even today. It is the subject of such contentious discussions and debates that I doubt that we can settle it here. But we must explore the issue, for to ignore one of such importance is to cling to the black-and-white thinking on personhood that fails us today. 

While the European Robotics Network has drafted a set of guidelines for interactions between human and nonhuman, technologically intelligent and/or differently sentient beings, and while other such efforts are under way, we have no widely embraced plan in place to protect or even allow for the rights of such beings, when and if they arrive.

What I've arrived at so far is a system of classifications for inclusion in the circle of personhood:

Human Beings.

Nonhuman Persons: The beings that we recognize as persons of another species. 

Varelse: A biological or technological being who is alien to us, and with whom no conversation is possible. We have not witnessed the qualities that would qualify them for personhood status. 

Djur: A biological or technological being who is an unreasoning threat, a monster, a murderer. 

Looks simple enough — right?

It isn't. 

One problem is the spotty record that our HSS society has with embracing the three basic protections of the Great Ape Project, which treats the other great apes as nonhuman persons; this is the law in Spain and New Zealand, and Brazil is considering the GAP's protections, but great apes (apart from us — we humans are great apes, as well) are legally considered mere things elsewhere.

Who's human?

Even the first category in my proposed classification system — Human beings — seems straightforward, until one considers that we haven't always considered all humans as persons (and arguably, even in the U.S. we still do not treat women or nonwhites or LGBTIQ people equally). At the moment, as far as we know, we Homo sapiens sapiens are the only surviving members of genus Homo on the planet. What would we do about other, earlier humans? Homo floresiensis, the so-called hobbits, are hominins who lived alongside us HSS until possibly as late as 12,000 years ago. 

Neanderthals, recently found to have been mariners who got around the Mediterranean more than we had previously thought, and used more complicated tools than we previously knew, lived alongside us HSS for a time. In fact, to quote the article, "[M]odern humans shared the world with other hominids, like Neanderthals and Homo heidelbergensis" 130,000 years ago, and with Neanderthals until just 28,000 years ago. 

While we may imagine ourselves people of great tolerance for difference among humankind, one cannot help but wonder how far that tolerance would extend if we actually shared the world today with these thick-browed, hairy, less-intelligent, and very probably stinky cousins. 

Natalie Wolchover tilts at this windmill, asking: "Would we break bread with our brainy cohabitants or be locked in battle?"

Would most of us include these other, earlier humans within the category of human beings? Or would we reserve that top tier for us HSS? 

Those are particularly interesting questions when we consider that "Roche's 454 Life Sciences and genetics firm Illumina are collecting bits of Neanderthal DNA to sequence the genome of a 30,000-year-old Neanderthal woman from Croatia," raising the possibility of cloning her. Would we HSS grant her personhood (as though it is ours to give or take away)?

Some of the comments from readers of the article are telling. One observes: 

"I see there's already a difficulty in that the hypothetical clone of a Neanderthal woman is referred to as either 'it' or 'he.'"

Another suggests cloning a peer group, then turning them loose on a preserve, to be observed like — well, like wild animals. 

Qualities we might consider: Intelligence

A being who might qualify for personhood would need to demonstrate certain characteristics. But where do we start? 
Intelligence, for example, while a component of personhood, is not enough for personhood status on its own; stock-trading software that advises its users on how to handle a trade, or which executes a stock trade when said stock hits a certain price is intelligent in some sense. 

Intelligence is one component of personhood, despite the fact that we Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the most intelligent species on the planet at the moment, do stupid things. Some of our people do dangerous Jackass stunts, or hold what conspiracy theorists on AM radio tell them in higher regard than they do science and the findings of scientists.

For personhood, a being must also demonstrate sentience.


Wikipedia defines sentience as "the ability to feelperceive or be conscious, or to have subjective experiences. Eighteenth century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think ('reason') from the ability to feel ('sentience')."

How can such a being demonstrate such qualities?


The Turing Test determines not necessarily the consciousness of a technological agent, but whether that agent does a good enough simulation of a human being's consciousness when communicating with a human being to fool that human being into believing that ze is communicating with another human being. 

A religious political movement is working to have fertilized human egg cells legally recognized as persons (they also use the term personhood; but, as such a cell is neither intelligent nor sentient, but merely has the potential for these qualities, I cannot in any way consider it a person. By this standard, also, such entities as corporations and ships, both legally persons in the U.S., would not qualify.

Likewise, as Linda MacDonald Glenn and other bioethicists point out, some human beings/HSS are not people in this sense. For example, a human being who is born anencephalic — that is, born "without a forebrain, the largest part of the brain consisting mainly of the cerebral hemispheres, including the neocortex, which is responsible for higher-level cognition, i.e. thinking" (Wikipedia) would not qualify as a person, because that human would have no intelligence or sentience, and could never attain them.

As I said, this is about breaking free of the black-and-white thinking of classifying beings as either persons or property, while acknowledging that at least some beings who are not human are nonetheless deserving of the status of persons. It is also an attempt to begin to prepare for the arrival of artificially intelligent, differently sentient, technological beings. 

I'll continue this discussion in my next article.


[1] The whole thing about English lacking a gender-neutral pronoun is that it makes referring to people and things that are not specifically male or female a laborious circumlocution. It encodes gender-binary thinking in a world where the binary gender dynamic simply is not up to the task of identifying the many variations on the theme in human sexuality reflected in terms such as transsexual, intersexual, and so on. Can't we speakers of English think our way outta this?

Human Rights Watch political Web actions ask participants to share whether they are Man, Woman, Woman/Transgender MTF, Man/Transgender FTM, Genderqueer, or Prefer not to say.

When I was an undergrad, I did a study for a course on gender & linguistics, concluding that singular they was already the naturally-adopted solution. I got an A, but I think I was being lazy - or at least not very adventurous. That, and many instructors will go to their graves refusing to accept singular they as a correct form.

Source: The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies 
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

மனித பிறவி எடுத்த மகான்களுடைய உள்ளத்திலும் கடவுள் இருக்கின்றாரா ?

தெள்ளத்தெளிந்தார்க்கு ஜீவன் சிவலிங்கம் !மனித பிறவி எடுத்த மகான்களுடைய உள்ளத்திலும் கடவுள் இருக்கின்றாரா என்ற கேள்வி நிற்சயமாக ஒரு முறையாவது உணரப்பட்டு இருக்கும். மகா பாரத குருவம்சத்தின் கடைசி அரசன் ஜனமேஜயன் இவன் அஸ்வ மேத யாகம் ,இராஜ சூய யாகம் ,சர்ப்ப யாகம் ,என பல யாகங்களை செய்தவன் .இவன் தந்தை பரீட்சித்து நாகம் தீண்டி இறந்ததால் அவரை காப்பாற்ற முடியாமல் போகவே முழு நாகங்களையும் அழிக்கும் முயற்சியில் இறங்கினான் கொடிய நாகங்கள் பலவற்றை அழித்தான் .வாசுகி என்ற நாகத்தின் பெரு முயற்சியால் ஆஸ்திகர் என்ற முனிவனின் உபதேசத்தால் ஜனமேஜெயன் இடம் இருந்து நாக இனம் காப்பாற்ற பட்டது. நாகங்கள் இட்ட சாபத்தினாலேயே இறுதியில் குரு வம்சமும் யது வம்சமும் நாகர்களால் முழுமையாக அழிக்க பட்டது என்று வரலாறு சொல்கின்றது .
அபிமன்யு உடைய பேரன் ஜனமேஜெயனுக்கு தன் தந்தையின் துர் மரணம் இறை நம்பிக்கையில் பல்வேறு சந்தேகங்களை ஏற்படுத்தியது .இவனே முதல் முதலில் கடவுள் என்றால் யார் அவர் எம்மை போல் இரத்தமும் சதையும் கொண்ட ஊன் உடம்பால் ஆனவரா அவருக்கும் பிறப்பு இறப்பு நன்மை தீமை என்பன எல்லாம் இருக்கின்றதா என வியாசருடைய சீடரான வைசம்பாயனர் முனிவரிடம் விளக்கம் கேட்டார் என் அறிவுக்கு எட்டியவகையில் இன்றைக்கு 5000 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னம் முதல் முதலாக கடவுள் பற்றிய சந்தேக விளக்கத்தை கேட்டவர் இவரே ஆனால் அன்றைய திறன் வாய்ந்த பார்பன முனிவர்கள் இவருக்கு தொழு நோய் போன்ற ஒரு நோயை வரவழைத்து அதற்க்கு இறைவனை வழிபட்டாலே பூரண சுகம் கிடைக்கும் என்று இவரை பயம் காட்டி இறை நம்பிக்கை வரவைத்து நோயை குணப்படுத்தி இவரது கேள்வியை தங்களுக்கு சாதகமாக உருவாக்கினார்கள் ,ஆனால் இவர் தனது சந்தேகங்களை அவர்களிடம் விளக்கமாக கேட்டதாலேயே வைசம்பாயனர் மகா பாரத கதையையும் பகவத் கீதையையும் இவருக்கு சொல்கின்றார் .
இவற்றை எல்லாம் கேட்ட ஜனமேஜெயன் திருப்தி அடியவில்லை தனக்கு இன்னும் சந்தேகங்கள் இருப்பதாக மேலும் கேள்விகளை கேட்டார் படைத்தல் காத்தல் அழித்தல்எனப்படும் முத்தொழிலுக்கும் ஆதாரமாக இருப்பவர்களும்,உலக இயக்கத்துக்கு ஆதாரம் என்று மனிதனால் நம்பப்படும் பிரம்மா, விஷ்ணு, உருத்திரன் ஆகிய மூவரும் தேவர்களில் சிறந்தவர்கள் என்றும் சச்சிதானந்த ஸ்வரூபிகள் என்றும் சொல்லக் கேட்டிருக்கிறேன். இவர்களுக்கும் மரணம், சுக-துக்கம் போன்றவை உண்டா?, நித்திரை போன்ற அவஸ்தைகள் உண்டா?, இவர்களுக்கு உதிரம் போன்ற சப்த தாதுக்களுடன் கூடிய தேகம் உண்டா?, அவர்களது குணங்கள் என்ன?. அவர்களது வசிப்பிடம் எப்படி இருக்கும், அவர்களது லீலாவினோதங்கள் போன்றவை பற்றி எல்லாம் கூறுங்கள்" என்று பணிவுடன் கேட்கிறான்.
இந்த கேள்விகளுக்கு முற்றும் அறிந்த முனிவர்கள் என்றும் எம்மால் கருதப்படும் முனிவர்களே சொல்வது அதாவது வைசம்பாயனர் சொல்வது அரசே உனக்கு எழுந்த இந்த கேள்வி என்னுள்ளும் ஒருகாலத்தில் இருந்தது நான் என் குருவான வியாசரிடம் அது பற்றி கேட்டேன் வியாசருக்கும் இந்த கேள்வி இருந்ததால் அவர் குருவழியில் அவருக்கு முற்காலத்தில் நாரதர் சொன்னதாக கூறப்பட்ட பதிலை நான் உங்களுக்கு சொல்கின்றேன் என்று வைசம்பாயனர் சொல்ல தொடங்கினார்
உலகில் மனித குலம் தோன்றிய பின்னர் ஏற்பட்ட பிரளய வெள்ளம் (அதாவது பூமி அதிர்வுடனான மிகப்பெரும் கடல்கோள் என்று நினைக்கின்றேன்) ஒன்றின் முடிவில் அதில் தப்பியவர்களில் ஒருவராக பிரம்மா தனித்து ஒரு இடத்தில் இருந்தார் .அவர் அந்த நிலையில் பலவழிகளில் சிந்திக்க தொடங்கினார் .தன்னை போல் வேறு யாராவது தப்பி இருக்கின்றார்களா என்று தேட தொடங்குகிறார் அந்த வேளையில் தான் வெள்ளத்தில் நாகப்பாம்பின் (ஆதிசேடன் )மேல் சயனித்த நிலையில் விஸ்ணு உறக்கம் போன்ற மயக்க நிலையில் மிதந்து வருவதை காண்கின்றார் .
அந்த வேளையில் பிரம்மா ஏதோ ஒரு சக்தி இயக்குகிறது என்றும் அந்த சக்தியே அவர்கள் மிதந்து வரும் கடலையும் தாங்குகிறது என்ற முடிவுக்கு வருகின்றார் . அப்போது வானத்தில் ஏதோ ஒரு பேரொளி மற்றும் சப்தம் தோன்றி மறைகிறது.(திடீர் என்று வானில் மின்னலுடன் பெரும் சத்தத்துடன் இடிமுழக்கம் ஏற்பட)விஸ்ணு திடீர் என்று மயக்கம் தெளிந்து எழும்புகின்றார் தம்மை இயக்கும் சக்தியே அந்த சப்தமாகவும், பேரொளியாகவும் வந்ததாக உணர்ந்து, அச்சக்தியை தரிசிக்க பிரம்மாவும் விஷ்ணுவும் எண்ணினர். பேரொளியுடன் வந்த சப்தத்தையே ஆதாரமாகக் கொண்டு அதை தியானித்து புலன்களை அடக்கி தியானம் செய்தனர்.
சில நிமிடங்களில் சிவன் உமை மற்றும் அவர்களோடு சிலரும் வந்து இவர்களுடன் சேர்கின்றார்கள் பிரம்மாவும் விஷ்ணுவும் நினைக்கின்றார்கள் இயற்கையால் ஏற்பட்ட மின்னலுக்கும் இடிக்கும் சிவன் தான் காரணம் என்று நினைத்து அவர்தான் உலகை இயக்குகின்றார் என்று பயந்து அவரிடம் பணிகின்றார்கள் ,.அன்றில் இருந்து சிவன் முக்கியத்துவம் பெறுகின்றார் ,,,,,,,என்னாட்டவர்க்கும் இறைவா போற்றி ,,,,,,,,
இது கதையா கற்பனையா உண்மையா என்பதை எந்த ஒரு புராண இதிகாசவாதிகளோ இலக்கிய பண்டிதர்களோ உசாத்துணை நூல்களை ஆதாரம் காட்டி நூல் எழுதும் வரலாற்று ஆசிரியர்களோ எளிதில் சொல்லிவிட முடியாது என்பது உண்மையான விடயம் ஆனால் பெளத்தறிவு ரீதியாக பகுப்பாய்வு செய்பவர்கள் சில விடயங்களை மட்டும் உணர்ந்து கொள்ள முடியும் ,,,,ஆனால் அந்த அர்ச்சுனன் கொள்ளு பேரனும் அபிமன்யுவின் பேரனும் பரீட்சித்திவின் மகனும் குருவம்சத்தின் கடைசி அரசனும் ஆகிய ஜெனமேஜெயன் மட்டும் இந்த வைசம்பாயனர் விளக்கத்தின் பின்னரும் என்னை போல தெளிவு பெறவே இல்லை ,,,,,,,,,,நன்றி ,,

சிவ மேனகை

Shiridi Sai baba Aarti_Prabhat Samayi_Preme ya_12

Why we can’t live forever: understanding the mechanisms of ageing

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There are a number of processes involved in ageing and unfortunately there's no way to stop them. However, we can slow them down slightly with diet and lifestyle, according to Merlin Thomas. 
Image: nocameraz/iStockphoto
Ageing is the sum of many processes acting in concert to produce the signs and symptoms we know as “getting old”. Of course, there’s no way to stop the ageing process, but a better understanding of the different mechanisms of ageing can help us slow it and enjoy better health as the years advance.
Perhaps one of the most easily recognisable features of ageing is that of loss – whether loss of memory or a full head of hair. When we look in the mirror, many of the features we identify as “old” are simply a threshold. Although the time it takes to reach any arbitrary threshold can be considered “ageing”, many other factors can shorten or extend this time.
Greying hair
Ageing hair greys when the cells that pigment the hair become damaged. By the age of 50, half of all hair follicles in half of all men have lost their pigment.
But ageing is not the only factor involved; smoking, sunlight exposure, inflammation, stress and other factors all act on the hair to shorten the time it takes for the grey to take over. This is how we can appear to get older faster, because it takes less ageing time to reach a point when all the dark hairs have gone.
More importantly, by preventing or reducing these modifiable lifestyle factors, we can appear to age more slowly, even if we never change our ageing speed. Consequently, slowing ageing does not mean stopping time, but stepping away from the edge so that time is no longer the enemy.
Injury and mileage
With ageing comes an accrual of injury. As Indiana Jones once quipped about his lack of stamina, “It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” The human body accumulates a lot of “natural shocks” over a lifetime, which ultimately threatens its integrity and underlies many of the phenomena we recognise as ageing.
A good example is damage to the genetic code, which is known as “mutations”. These errors become more common and more significant the more times a sequence has been copied and recopied, and eventually they can change the way cells function.
But while overuse may be an important factor, atrophy from lack of use is another contributor to ageing. All cells require stimulation for healthy growth and activity. Hearing or visual loss, for instance, seems to speed up when people are deprived of stimulation.
By contrast, those who continue to be active physically, mentally, socially and spiritually not only retain the greatest quality of life, but find the impacts of ageing seem to slow.
Reparing the body
Some parts of the body may be more susceptible to ageing because they have limited abilities for repair. Other parts defend stoutly, at least initially. But as we age, these repair mechanisms can become less effective, so that any stress potentially becomes more injurious.
As we get older there are a number of ways to compensate, to keep things ticking over normally. The appearance of ageing can be the physical manifestation of these compensations, like a walking stick or hearing aid. These compensations may also be evident in the ageing body.
The ageing heart, for instance, adapts – getting bigger and contracting longer to maintain function despite the extra demands of stiff vessels. The atria also work harder and faster to fill the heart. This augmented atrial contraction can sometimes be heard as a fourth heart sound (called a “gallop” rhythm) if you listen with a stethoscope in an elderly patient.
Can we live forever?
Our design is incompatible with indefinite survival. As is the case with a toaster, lifespan is limited. Given reliability of components, some toasters will survive longer than others, although they do roughly the same job. But eventually, one morning your toast will not pop.
Similarly in humans, some parts simply can’t be replaced. We have a complement of specialised (post-mitotic) cells that have very limited or no capacity to divide. These include the neurons of the brain, the beating muscle of the heart and the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. They cannot be replaced, which is why the effects of ageing may be more important and more obvious in these cells and the functions that they serve.
Is ageing a disease?
In most people’s minds, ageing is synonymous with having more disease. But it’s not the same thing.
Take, for example, our bones. From about 20 years of age, our bones get progressively thinner. At some point, bone loss becomes so significant that its integrity is compromised, leading to an increased risk of fractures. This point (or disease) is called osteoporosis.
While bone loss is not separate from ageing, it is not the same thing. A number of other factors (such as smoking and inactivity) can also contribute to bone loss and therefore osteoporosis (disease). Ageing just moves you closer to the edge in a way that makes it easier for other factors to push you over and initiate disease. Equally, preventing disease can slow the impacts of ageing.
Ageing is the sum of life
Ultimately, ageing is not one factor but the sum of many: some damaging, some protective. In youth, these forces are kept in balance. But with the passage of time there is an accrual of injury and the memories of its effects.
Although our design is incompatible with indefinite survival, it does not mean that we can’t shift the odds in our favour with smarter choices in our diet and lifestyle. Plan to take the long way home.
This is an edited version of an article that appears in the latest issue of Perspectives, an opinion-led journal published by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute.
Editor's Note: This article was originally published by The Conversationhere, and is licenced as Public Domain under Creative Commons. See Creative Commons - Attribution Licence.

Flaw may help quantum computers

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The new research showed that disturbance, or noise, that currently prevents quantum computers from operating could become the very thing that makes them work. 
Image: JuSun/iStockphoto
The main technical difficulty in building a quantum computer could soon be the thing that makes it possible to build one, according to new research from The Australian National University.
Dr André Carvalho, from the ARC Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology and the Research School of Physics and Engineering, part of the ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, worked with collaborators from Brazil and Spain to come up with a new proposal for quantum computers. 

In his research, Dr Carvalho showed that disturbance – or noise – that prevents a quantum computer from operating accurately could become the very thing that makes it work.
“Most people have experienced some kind of computer error in their life – a file that doesn’t open, a CD that can’t be read – but we have ways to correct them. We also know how to correct errors in a quantum computer but we need to keep the noise level really, really low to do that,” he said.
“That’s been a problem, because to build a quantum computer you have to go down to atomic scales and deal with microscopic systems, which are extremely sensitive to noise.”
Surprisingly, the researchers found that the solution was to add even more noise to the system. 
“We found that with the additional noise you can actually perform all the steps of the computation, provided that you measure the system, keep a close eye on it and intervene,” Dr Carvalho said.
“Because we have no control on the outcomes of the measurement – they are totally random – if we just passively wait it would take an infinite amount of time to extract even a very simple computation. 
“It’s like the idea that if you let a monkey type randomly on a typewriter, eventually a Shakespearean play could come out. In principle, that can happen, but it is so unlikely that you’d have to wait forever. 
“However, imagine that whenever the monkey types the right character in a particular position, you protect that position, so that any other typing there will not affect the desired character. This is sort of what we do in our scheme. By choosing smart ways to detect the random events, we can drive the system to implement any desired computation in the system in a finite time.”
Dr Carvalho said quantum information processing has the potential to revolutionise the way we perform computation tasks.
“If a quantum computer existed now, we could solve problems that are exceptionally difficult on current computers, such as cracking codes underlying Internet transactions.”
The research has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

New insight into brain cancer

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The tumour suppressor, known as parkin, could determine the survival outcome and disease progression of brain cancer patients. 
Image: Eraxion/iStockphoto
A joint study by researchers at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI), National University of Singapore (NUS), and Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), A*STAR, has uncovered the role of a new tumour suppressor – known as parkin – in brain cancer that promises to shed insights into why certain brain tumours are more aggressive than others.
This multi-institutional collaborative work, led by Associate Professor Lim Kah Leong at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Department of Physiology, and Dr Carol Tang, Research Scientist at NNI together with Associate Professor Ang Beng Ti, Consultant at the Department of Neurosurgery at NNI and Senior Principal Investigator at SICS, was published recently in the May 15 issue of Cancer Research, a leading international cancer journal.
Forming the majority of adult malignant brain tumours, gliomas affect a significant number of individuals globally, including here in Singapore.
The NNI sees about 50 new cases of malignant glioma each year and continues to manage its existing glioma caseload by means of a  multi-disciplinary neuro-oncology clinic. 

The prognosis for the majority of these tumours remains grim, particularly for patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive form of brain tumour. 

The late Senator Edward Kennedy was reportedly afflicted with this malignant form of glioma. Senator Kennedy died 15 months after his diagnosis. For reasons yet unclear, others readily succumbed to the disease within a much shorter time. 

Interestingly, the study showed that the level of parkin expression in glioma cells can determine the survival outcome and disease progression of patients, i.e. those who have high parkin expression in their cancer cells tend to survive longer with lower tumor grades than their parkin-deficient counterparts.
“With this understanding, instead of generalising malignant brain cancer patients, we can now differentiate their tumours based on their molecular characteristics” commented A/Prof Lim and Dr Tang. Agreeing, A/Prof Ang added, “This is significant as the stratification would allow us to formulate the most appropriate treatment for each patient.” 
Importantly, the investigators also found that the restoration of parkin expression in   parkin-deficient cells can slow down their proliferation rate and decrease their tumour size significantly. They are currently testing drugs that can mimic parkin’s protective function against the aggression of brain tumours.
The study is funded by research grants from the Khoo Teck Puat Foundation and Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, A*STAR.
Other key authors of the study are Mr Yeo Wee Sing, a graduate student at NUS Department of Physiology and Ms Felicia Ng, a bioinformatician previously at the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, A*STAR.
Editor's Note: Original news release can be found here.

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 Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgVisit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgYour belief is your Peace, 
Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgVisit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgYour peace is your Target, 
Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgVisit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgYour target is Heaven, 
Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgVisit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgHeaven is no fun without FRIENDS 
Visit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgVisit Us @ www.MumbaiHangOut.OrgIt's 'World Best Friends Week' share & send (Through Face book OR G+) this to all your good friends if u can. 

I appreciate all my online friends reading this now.
Do have the best of all week.
The Best of your story is yet to be told. The Best of your song is yet to be sung. The Best of your life lies ahead. God will take you beyond your dreams to an uncommon level this new month. Happy New Month.

"Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS. Its ‘World Best Friend Week’. Send this to your best friends to let them know you appreciate them. "

I am going to share this Friendship Award with all my friends listed in my blogroll. :)◦